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BendingStressInBeam GATE

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Chapter-6 Bending Stress in Beam S K Mondal’s


Previous 20-Years GATE Questions

Bending equation
GATE-1. A cantilever beam has the
square cross section 10mm ×
10 mm. It carries a transverse
load of 10 N. Considering only
the bottom fibres of the beam,
the correct representation of
the longitudinal variation of
the bending stress is:

M V My 10 u x u 0.005
GATE-1. Ans. (a) Mx P.x or V 4
60.(x) MPa
I y I 0.01
At x 0; V 0
At x 1m; V 60MPa
And it is linear as V f x

GATE-2. Two beams, one having square cross section and another circular cross-section,
are subjected to the same amount of bending moment. If the cross sectional
area as well as the material of both the beams are the same then [GATE-2003]
(a) Maximum bending stress developed in both the beams is the same
(b) The circular beam experiences more bending stress than the square one
(c) The square beam experiences more bending stress than the circular one
(d) As the material is same both the beams will experience same deformation
M E V My
GATE-2. Ans. (b) ; or V ;
I U y I
§a· §d·
M¨ ¸ M¨ ¸
©2¹ 6M ©2¹ 32M 4S S M 22.27M ª S d2 º
V sq ; V cir « a2 »
1 a3 S d4 S d3 a3 a3 ¬ 4 ¼
12 64
? V sq  V cir

Section Modulus
GATE-3. Match the items in Columns I and II. [GATE-2006]
Column-I Column-II
P. Addendum 1. Cam
Page 239 of 429 2. Beam
Q. Instantaneous centre of velocity
Chapter-6 Bending Stress in Beam S K Mondal’s
R. Section modulus 3. Linkage
S. Prime circle 4. Gear
(a) P – 4, Q – 2, R – 3, S – l (b) P – 4, Q – 3, R – 2, S – 1
(c) P – 3, Q – 2, R – 1, S – 4 (d) P – 3, Q – 4, R – 1, S – 2
GATE-3. Ans. (b)

Combined direct and bending stress

GATE-4. For the component loaded with a force F as shown in the figure, the axial
stress at the corner point P is: [GATE-2008]

F (3L  b) F (3L  b) F (3L  4b) F (3L  2b)

(a) (b) (c) (d)
4b3 4b3 4b3 4b3
GATE-4. Ans. (d) Total Stress = Direct stress + Stress due to Moment
P My F F (L  b ) q b
=  2
A I 4b 2b q ( b )3

Previous 20-Years IES Questions

Bending equation
IES-1. Beam A is simply supported at its ends and carries udl of intensity w over its
entire length. It is made of steel having Young's modulus E. Beam B is
cantilever and carries a udl of intensity w/4 over its entire length. It is made of
brass having Young's modulus E/2. The two beams are of same length and have
same cross-sectional area. If ǔA and ǔB denote the maximum bending stresses
developed in beams A and B, respectively, then which one of the following is
correct? [IES-2005]
(a) ǔA/ǔB (b) ǔA/ǔB < 1.0
(c) ǔA/ǔB > 1.0 (d) ǔA/ǔB depends on the shape of cross-section
IES-1. Ans. (d) Bending stress V , y and I both depends on the
Shape of cross  sec tion so depends on the shape of cross  sec tion

IES-2. If the area of cross-section of a circular section beam is made four times,
keeping the loads, length, support conditions and material of the beam
unchanged, then the qualities (List-I) will change through different factors
(List-II). Match the List-I with the List-II and select the correct answer using
the code given below the Lists: [IES-2005]
List-I Page 240 of 429
A. Maximum BM 1. 8
Chapter-6 Bending Stress in Beam S K Mondal’s
B. Deflection 2. 1
C. Bending Stress 3. 1/8
D. Section Modulus 4. 1/16
Codes: A B C D A B C D
(a) 3 1 2 4 (b) 2 4 3 1
(c) 3 4 2 1 (d) 2 1 3 4
IES-2. Ans. (b) Diameter will be double, D = 2d.
A. Maximum BM will be unaffected
EI1 §d· 1
B. deflection ratio ¨4¸
EI2 © ¹ 16
My M d / 2 V2 §d·
C. Bending stress V or Bending stress ratio ¨D¸
I S d4 V1 © ¹ 8
Z2 I2 y1 §D·
D. Selection Modulus ratio u ¨d¸ 8
Z1 y1 I1 © ¹

IES-3. Consider the following statements in case of beams: [IES-2002]

1. Rate of change of shear force is equal to the rate of loading at a particular
2. Rate of change of bending moment is equal to the shear force at a
particular suction.
3. Maximum shear force in a beam occurs at a point where bending moment
is either zero or bending moment changes sign
Which of the above statements are correct?
(a) 1 alone (b) 2 alone (c) 1 and 2 (d) 1, 2 and 3
IES-3. Ans. (c)

IES-4. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the code given
below the Lists: [IES-2006]
List-I (State of Stress) List-II (Kind of Loading)

1. Combined bending and torsion of circular


2. Torsion of circular shaft

3. Thin cylinder subjected to internal


4. Tie bar subjected to tensile force

Codes: A B C D A B C D
(a) 2 1 3 4 (b) 3 4 2 1
(c) 2 4 3 1 (d) 3 1 2 4
IES-4. Ans. (c)

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Chapter-6 Bending Stress in Beam S K Mondal’s
Section Modulus
IES-5. Two beams of equal cross-sectional area are subjected to equal bending
moment. If one beam has square cross-section and the other has circular
section, then [IES-1999]
(a) Both beams will be equally strong
(b) Circular section beam will be stronger
(c) Square section beam will be stronger
(d) The strength of the beam will depend on the nature of loading
S 4
IES-5. Ans. (b) If D is diameter of circle and 'a' the side of square section, d2 a 2 or d a
4 S
Sd2 a3 a3
Z for circular section = ; and Z for square section =
32 4 S 6

IES-6. A beam cross-section is used in

two different orientations as
shown in the given figure:
Bending moments applied to the
beam in both cases are same. The
maximum bending stresses
induced in cases (A) and (B) are
related as:
(a) V A 4V B (b) V A 2V B
(c) VA (d) VA
2 4 [IES-1997]
§b· b 2
b¨ ¸ 3 ub
©2¹ b 2 b3
IES-6. Ans. (b) Z for rectangular section is , ZA , ZB
6 6 24 6 12
b3 b3
M Z A .V A Z B .V B or V A VB, or V A 2V B
24 12

IES-7. A horizontal beam with square cross-section is simply supported with sides of
the square horizontal and vertical and carries a distributed loading that
produces maximum bending stress a in the beam. When the beam is placed
with one of the diagonals horizontal the maximum bending stress will be:
(a) V (b) V (c) 2V (d) 2V
IES-7. Ans. (c) Bending stress =
For rectangular beam with sides horizontal and vertical, Z =
For same section with diagonal horizontal, Z =
6 2
? Ratio of two stresses = 2
IES-8. Which one of the following combinations of angles will carry the maximum
load as a column? [IES-1994]

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Chapter-6 Bending Stress in Beam S K Mondal’s

IES-8. Ans. (a)

IES-9. Assertion (A): For structures steel I-beams preferred to other shapes. [IES-1992]
Reason (R): In I-beams a large portion of their cross-section is located far from
the neutral axis.
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
IES-9. Ans. (a)

Combined direct and bending stress

IES-10. Assertion (A): A column subjected to eccentric load will have its stress at
centroid independent of the eccentricity. [IES-1994]
Reason (R): Eccentric loads in columns produce torsion.
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
IES-10. Ans. (c) A is true and R is false.
IES-11. For the configuration of loading shown in the given figure, the stress in fibre
AB is given by: [IES-1995]
§ P P.e.5 ·
(a) P/A (tensile) (b) ¨  ¸ (Compressive)
© A I xx ¹
§ P P.e.5 ·
(c) ¨  ¸ (Compressive) (d) P/A (Compressive)
© A I xx ¹

P My Pky
IES-11. Ans. (b) Vd (compressive), V x (tensile)
A Ix Ix

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Chapter-6 Bending Stress in Beam S K Mondal’s
IES-12. A column of square section 40 mm × 40
mm, fixed to the ground carries an
eccentric load P of 1600 N as shown in
the figure.
If the stress developed along the edge
CD is –1.2 N/mm2, the stress along the
edge AB will be:

(a) –1.2 N/mm2

(b) +1 N/mm2
(c) +0.8 N/mm2
(d) –0.8 N/mm2

P § 6e · 1600 § 6e ·
IES-12. Ans. (d) Compressive stress at CD = 1.2 N/mm2 = ¨1  ¸ ¨1  ¸
A© b ¹ 1600 © 20 ¹
6e 1600
or 0.2. Sostress at AB  1  0.2 0.8 N/mm2 (com)
20 1600

IES-13. A short column of symmetric cross-

section made of a brittle material is
subjected to an eccentric vertical load P
at an eccentricity e. To avoid tensile
stress in the short column, the
eccentricity e should be less than or equal
(a) h/12 (b) h/6
(c) h/3 (d) h/2

IES-13. Ans. (b)

IES-14. A short column of external diameter D and internal diameter d carries an

eccentric load W. Toe greatest eccentricity which the load can have without
producing tension on the cross-section of the column would be: [IES-1999]
Dd D2  d 2 D2  d 2 D2  d 2
(a) (b) (c) (d)
8 8d 8D 8
IES-14. Ans. (c)

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Chapter-6 Bending Stress in Beam S K Mondal’s

Previous 20-Years IAS Questions

Bending equation
IAS-1. Consider the cantilever loaded as shown below: [IAS-2004]

What is the ratio of the maximum compressive to the maximum tensile stress?
(a) 1.0 (b) 2.0 (c) 2.5 (d) 3.0
My M § 2h ·
IAS-1. Ans. (b) ǔ= V compressive, Max u ¨ ¸ at lower end of A.
I I © 3 ¹
M §h·
ǔ tensile, max = u ¨ ¸ at upper end of B
I ©3¹

IAS-2. A 0.2 mm thick tape goes over a frictionless pulley of 25 mm diameter. If E of

the material is 100 GPa, then the maximum stress induced in the tape is:
[IAS 1994]
(a) 100 MPa (b) 200 MPa (c) 400 MPa (d) 800 MPa

V E 0.2 25
IAS-2. Ans. (d) Here y = 0.1 mm = 0.1 x 10-3 m, R = mm = 12.5 x 10-3 m
y R 2 2
100 u 103 u 0.1 u 10 3
or V MPa = 800MPa
12.5 u 10 3

Section Modulus
IAS-3. A pipe of external diameter 3 cm and internal diameter 2 cm and of length 4 m
is supported at its ends. It carries a point load of 65 N at its centre. The
sectional modulus of the pipe Page
be:of 429 [IAS-2002]
Chapter-6 Bending Stress in Beam S K Mondal’s
65S 65S 65S 65S
(a) cm3 (b) cm3 (c) cm3 (d) cm3
64 32 96 128
S 4 4
I 64
3 2 65S
IAS-3. Ans. (c) Section modulus (z) cm3 cm3
y 3 96

IAS-4. A Cantilever beam of rectangular cross-section is 1m deep and 0.6 m thick. If

the beam were to be 0.6 m deep and 1m thick, then the beam would. [IAS-1999]
(a) Be weakened 0.5 times
(b) Be weakened 0.6 times
(c) Be strengthened 0.6 times
(d) Have the same strength as the original beam because the cross-sectional area
remains the same
I 0.6 u 13
IAS-4. Ans. (b) z1 1.2m3
y 0.5
I 1u 0.63
and z2 0.72m3
y 0.3
z2 0.72
? 0.6 times
z1 1.2

IAS-5. A T-beam shown in the given figure is

subjected to a bending moment such that
plastic hinge forms. The distance of the
neutral axis from D is (all dimensions are
in mm)
(a) Zero
(b) 109 mm
(c) 125 mm
(d) 170 mm

IAS-5. Ans. (b)

IAS-6. Assertion (A): I, T and channel sections are preferred for beams. [IAS-2000]
Reason(R): A beam cross-section should be such that the greatest possible
amount of area is as far away from the neutral axis as possible.
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
Page 246
IAS-6. Ans. (a) Because it will increase area moment ofofinertia,
429 i.e. strength of the beam.
Chapter-6 Bending Stress in Beam S K Mondal’s

IAS-7. If the T-beam cross-section

shown in the given figure has
bending stress of 30 MPa in the
top fiber, then the stress in the
bottom fiber would be (G is
(a) Zero
(b) 30 MPa
(c) –80 MPa
(d) 50 Mpa

M V1 V2 V1 30
IAS-7. Ans. (c) or V 2 y2 u 110  30 u 80 MPa
I y1 y2 y1 30
As top fibre in tension so bottom fibre will be in compression.
IAS-8. Assertion (A): A square section is more economical in bending than the circular
section of same area of cross-section. [IAS-1999]
Reason (R): The modulus of the square section is less than of circular section of
same area of cross-section.
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
IAS-8. ans. (c)

Bimetallic Strip
IAS-9. A straight bimetallic strip of copper and steel is heated. It is free at ends. The
strip, will: [IAS-2002]
(a) Expand and remain straight (b) Will not expand but will bend
(c) Will expand and bend also (d) Twist only
IAS-9. Ans. (c) As expansion of copper will be more than steel.

Combined direct and bending stress

IAS-10. A short vertical column having a
square cross-section is subjected to
an axial compressive force, centre
of pressure of which passes
through point R as shown in the
above figure. Maximum
compressive stress occurs at point
(a) S
(b) Q
(c) R
(d) P
IAS-10. Ans. (a) As direct and bending both the stress is compressive here.

IAS-11. A strut's cross-sectional area A is subjected to load P a point S (h, k) as shown

in the given figure. The stress at the point Q (x, y) is: [IAS-2000]

Page 247 of 429

Chapter-6 Bending Stress in Beam S K Mondal’s
P Phy Pkx
A Ix Iy
P Phx Pky
A Iy Ix
P Phy Pkx
A Iy Ix
P Phx Pky
A Iy Ix
IAS-11. Ans. (b) All stress are compressive, direct stress,
P My Pky
Vd (compressive), V x (compressive)
A Ix Ix
Mx Phx
and V y (compressive)
Iy Iy

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Chapter-6 Bending Stress in Beam S K Mondal’s

Previous Conventional Questions with Answers

Conventional Question IES-2008
Question: A Simply supported beam AB of span length 4 m supports a uniformly
distributed load of intensity q = 4 kN/m spread over the entire span and a
concentrated load P = 2 kN placed at a distance of 1.5 m from left end A. The
beam is constructed of a rectangular cross-section with width b = 10 cm and
depth d = 20 cm. Determine the maximum tensile and compressive stresses
developed in the beam to bending.
2KN 4kN/M



X C/s

R A + RB = 2 + 4×4.........(i)

-R A ×4 + 2×(4-1.5) + (4×4)×2=0.......(ii)

or R A = 9.25 kN, RB =18-R A = 8.75 kN

if 0 b x b 2.5 m

Mx =RB ×x - 4x. x 2
=8.75x - 2x 2 - 2x + 5 = 6.75x - 2x 2 + 5 ...(ii)
From (i) & (ii) we find out that bending movment at x = 2.1875 m in(i)
gives maximum bending movement
[Just find for both the casses]
Mmax  8.25 q 2.1875  2 q18752  9.57K 7kNm
bh3 0.1q 0.23

Area movement of Inertia (I) =  6.6667 q105 m 4
12 12
Maximum distance from NA is y = 10 cm = 0.1m
My (9.57 q103 )q 0.1 N
Tmax    14.355MPa
I 6.6667 q105 m2
Therefore maximum tensile stress in the lowest point in the beam is 14.355 MPa and
maximum compressive stress in the topmost fiber of the beam is -14.355 MPa.

Conventional Question IES-2007

Question: A simply supported beam made of rolled steel joist (I-section: 450mm ×
200mm) has a span of 5 m and it carriers a central concentrated load W. The
flanges are strengthened by two 300mm × 20mm plates, one riveted to each
flange over the entire length of the flanges. The second moment of area of the
Page 249
joist about the principal bending of 429
axis is 35060 cm4. Calculate
Chapter-6 Bending Stress in Beam S K Mondal’s
(i) The greatest central load the beam will carry if the bending stress in the
300mm/20mm plates is not to exceed 125 MPa.
(ii) The minimum length of the 300 mm plates required to restrict the
maximum bending stress is the flanges of the joist to 125 MPa.

Moment of Inertia of the total section about X-X

(I) = moment of inertia of I –section + moment of inertia of the plates about X-X axis.
  30 q 23  45 2 ¬­ ¯°
 35060 2 ¡ ž
30 q 2 qž ­­ °  101370 cm 4
12 žŸ 2 2 ® °±
(i) Greatest central point load(W):
For a simply supported beam a concentrated load at centre.
WL W q 5
M=   1.25W
4 4
ı.I 125 q10
q 101370 q10

6 8

M   517194Nm
y 0.245
= 1.25W = 517194 or W = 413.76 kN
(ii) Suppose the cover plates are absent for a distance of x-meters from each support.
Then at these points the bending moment must not exceed moment of resistance of
‘I’ section alone i.e
ı.I 35060 q108

 125 q10
y 0.245
= Bending moment at x metres from each support

Page 250 of 429

Chapter-6 Bending Stress in Beam S K Mondal’s
= q x  178878
or , q x  178878
or x  0.86464 m
Hence leaving 0.86464 m from each support, for the
middle 5 - 2×0.86464 = 3.27 m the cover plate should be

Conventional Question IES-2002

Question: A beam of rectangular cross-section 50 mm wide and 100 mm deep is simply
supported over a span of 1500 mm. It carries a concentrated load of 50 kN, 500
mm from the left support.
Calculate: (i) The maximum tensile stress in the beam and indicate where it occurs:
(ii) The vertical deflection of the beam at a point 500 mm from the right
support. E for the material of the beam = 2 × 105 MPa.
Answer: Taking moment about L
RR q1500  50 q 500
or , RR  16.667 kN
or , RL RR  50
= RL  50  16.667=33.333 kN
Take a section from right R,
x-x at a distance x.
Bending moment (Mx )  RR .x

Therefore maximum bending moment will occur at 'c' Mmax=16.667×1 KNm

(i) Moment of Inertia of beam cross-section

bh3 0.050q (0.100)3 4

(I )   m = 4.1667×106 m 4
12 12
Applying bending equation
 0.001¬­
M ı E My
qžžžŸ2 ®­
  or, ı max   N / m 2  200MPa
I y S I 4.1667 q106
It will occure where M is maximum at point 'C'
(ii) Macaulay's method for determing the deflection
of the beam will be convenient as there is point load.
M x  EI  33.333q x  50q ( x  0.5)
dx 2

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Chapter-6 Bending Stress in Beam S K Mondal’s
Integrate both side we get
d2 y x 2 50
EI 2
 33.333q  ( x  0.5)2 c1 x c2
dx 2 2
at x=0, y=0 gives c2  0
at x=1.5, y=0 gives
0=5.556×(1.5)3  8.333q13 c1 q1.5
or , c1  6.945

= EIy  5.556q x 3 8.333( x  0.5)3  6.945q1  2.43

or , y  m = -2.9167 mm[downward so -ive]
(2×10 q10 )q (4.1667q106 )
5 6

Conventional Question AMIE-1997

Question: If the beam cross-section is rectangular having a width of 75 mm, determine
the required depth such that maximum bending stress induced in the beam
does not exceed 40 MN/m2
Answer: Given: b =75 mm =0·075 m, V max =40 MN/m2
Depth of the beam, d: Figure below shows a rectangular section of width b = 0·075 m
and depth d metres. The bending is considered to take place about the horizontal
neutral axis N.A. shown in the figure. The maximum bending stress occurs at the outer
fibres of the rectangular section at a distance above or below the neutral axis. Any
fibre at a distance y from N.A. is subjected to a bending stress, V , where I
denotes the second moment of area of the rectangular section about the N.A. i.e. .
At the outer fibres, y = , the maximum bending stress there becomes

Mu ¨ ¸
©2¹ M
V max     i
bd3 bd2
12 6
or M V max .    (ii)
For the condition of maximum strength i.e. maximum moment M, the product bd2 must
be a maximum, since V max is constant for a given material. To maximize the quantity
bd2 we realise that it must be expressed in terms of one independent variable, say, b,
and we may do this from the right angle triangle relationship.
Page 252 of 429
Chapter-6 Bending Stress in Beam S K Mondal’s
2 2 2
b d D
or d D2  b 2
Multiplying both sides by b, we get bd2 bD2  b3
To maximize bd2 we take the first derivative of expression with respect to b and set it
equal to zero, as follows:
d d

bd2 db

bD2  b3 D2  3b2 b2  d2  3b2 d2  2b2 0

Solving, we have, depth d 2 b ...(iii)

This is the desired radio in order that the beam will carry a maximum moment M.
It is to be noted that the expression appearing in the denominator of the right side of
eqn. (i) i. e. is the section modulus (Z) of a rectangular bar. Thus, it follows; the
section modulus is actually the quantity to be maximized for greatest strength of the
Using the relation (iii), we have
d= 2 x 0·075 = 0·0106 m
Now, M = V max x Z = V max x
Substituting the values, we get
0.075 u 0.106
M = 40 × = 0.005618 MNm
M 0.005618
V max 40MN / m2
Z 0.075 u 0.106 2 / 6
Hence, the required depth d = 0·106 m = 106 mm

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