Tension Pneumothorax Vs Pneumothorax

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Tension pneumothorax

This occurs when there is a communication between the
lung and the pleural space, with a flap of tissue
acting as a valve, allowing air to enter the pleural space
during inspiration and preventing it from leaving
during expiration.

A tension pneumothorax results from air accumulating

under increasing pressure in the pleural space.

● Trauma.
● Mechanical ventilation at high pressure
Pneumothorax Tension pneumothorax

Primary spontaneous pneumothoraces: A medical emergency that requires immediate

Young people without known respiratory intervention to decompress the involved
illnesses hemithorax.

Secondary spontaneous pneumothoraces: Increasing trapped air increases tension

Patients with pre-existing pulmonary diseases pneumothorax.

May lead to increased intrathoracic pressure,

leading to reduced venous return and cardiac

Dyspnoea Rapid laboured respirations

Chest pain Cyanosis
Uneven chest pain Profuse diaphoresis

● Observation with supplemental oxygen

● Percutaneous aspiration of the air in the
pleural space
● Chest-tube thoracostomy
● Video-assisted thoracoscopy or
thoracostomy in some cases
Expansion: reduced or absent on affected side
Vocal resonance: absent
A collection of blood in the the pleural cavity.

Hemothorax results more commonly from injury to a major intercostal or internal thoracic vessel than from laceration of a lung

Injuries leading to massive hemothorax include:

● Aortic rupture
● Myocardial rupture
● Injuries to hilar structures, lung parenchyma, intercostal or mammary blood vessels

Hemothorax is treated with:

● Tube thoracostomy using a large (minimum 36 French) chest tube

○ Immediate bloody drainage of ≥20 mL/kg (approximately 1500 mL) is generally considered an indication for surgical

Shock and persistent, substantial bleeding (generally >3 mL/kg/hour) are additional indications.

Vital signs, fluid resuscitation requirements, and concomitant injuries are considered when determining the need for thoracotomy.

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