Sub-Merchandising Management: Presented by
Sub-Merchandising Management: Presented by
Sub-Merchandising Management: Presented by
It means offering the right product at the right time at the right price
with the right appeal!
Product management
• Product differentiation
This can result from a combination of increased sales and increased price, and/or
reduced COGS (cost of goods sold), and/or reduced or more efficient marketing
investment. All of these enhancements may improve the profitability of a brand,
and thus, "Brand Managers" often carry line-management accountability for a
brand's P&L.
The annual list of the world’s most valuable brands, published by Inter- brand and
Business Week, indicates that the market value of companies often consists
largely of brand equity. Research by McKinsey & Company, a global consulting
firm, in 2000 suggested that strong, well-leveraged brands produce higher returns
to shareholders than weaker, narrower brands. Taken together, this means that
brands seriously impact shareholder value, which ultimately makes branding a
CEO responsibility.
Principles of brand management
Brands are people. People make friends with people when they have things in
common, want to spend time together, and find something special in the
Brands last forever, if managed correctly. The most exciting brands to have are
icon brands that represent a certain moment in history. Icon brands grow rapidly,
become outdated and decline, and can then bounce back on the next cycle of
Brands win when they create a powerful experience that is totally compelling to
the customer, and deliver it better than anyone else. The fewer the people you
target with your brand, the more compelling is likely to be your claim in a highly
competitive market. The more people you try to capture with your brand, the
weaker may be your claim on any given customer, with one exception. In an
environment where your customers do not have a relationship with any brands in
particular, they will probably be drawn to those they recognize the best.
As brands are people, they can be analyzed like people. There are two
psychological theories that are especially relevant to the analysis of brand-
Personal Construct Theory - this theory argues that individuals develop theories
(constructs) about how the world works, what values are to be espoused, and
how personal success is achieved. These constructs are specific to the individual
and bi-polar - they exist along a scale between two points defined by the
individual. While one person may contrast hard vs. soft, another may contrast
hard vs. squelchy, or hard vs. weak
Attribution theory - this theory argues that people ascribe characters to the
people they meet based on a very few clues around which they spin elaborate
stories. So from a gesture, or a turn of phrase, or an intonation of voice, they
quickly come to a conclusion as to the sort of person they are dealing with (often
within 20 seconds of meeting the person, in fact).
Types of brands
1) Premium brand - costs more than other products in the same category.
2) Economic brand - is a brand targeted to a high price elasticity market
3) Fighting brand- is a brand created specifically to counter a competitive
4) Employment brand- is created when a company wants to build awareness
with potential candidates. In many cases, such as Google, this brand is an
integrated extension of their customer.
5) Green brand- dealing with environmental friendly products only.
Sometimes these brands try to operate by renewable energy sources only,
ex- ITC.
6) Piggy back branding- is a strategy where a smaller business uses the
familiarity of a stronger brand to create an identity for itself.
7) Surrogate branding- A surrogate advertisement can be defined as an
advertisement that duplicates the brand image of one product to promote
another product of the same brand. Surrogate advertisements are used to
promote and advertise products of brands when the original product
cannot be advertised on mass media.
8) Sub-conscious brand- Brands with memorable names and positive, strong
brand associations have what’s known as brand equity. Economic evidence
has shown that this leads to additional sales and better margins.
9) Umbrella branding - (also known as family branding) is a marketing practice
involving the use of a single brand name for the sale of two or more related
products. Umbrella branding is mainly used by companies with
positive brand equity (value of a brand in a certain marketplace).
Merchandising Management
Steps in the Retail Merchandising Process -
1. Develop the merchandise mix and establish the merchandise budget.
2. Build the logistic system for procuring the merchandise mix.
3. Price the merchandise offering.
4. Organize the customer support service and manage the personal selling
5. Create the retailer’s advertising, sales incentive and publicity programs.
There are many applications that call for the determination of the points at
which a function changes values in a discontinuous fashion and that require
knowledge of the change in the function's value at such points. Concentration
factors take the Fourier coercions of a function and return a function that tends
to zero at points of continuity of the original function and that tends to the
height of the jumps at the location of the jumps.
• Financial stability.
• Total cost of dealing with the supplier (including material cost, communications
methods, inventory requirements and incoming verification required).
Selection of the best possible set of suppliers has a significant impact on the
overall profitability and success of any business. For this reason, it is usually
necessary to optimize all business processes and to make use of cost-effective
alternatives for additional savings.
This paper proposes a new efficient context-aware supplier selection model that
takes into account possible changes of the environment while significantly
reducing selection costs.
The focus of all negotiations is centered on the effects of the turnover of the
total category, not just the sales on the individual products therein.
Suppliers are expected, indeed in many cases, mandated to only suggest new
product introductions, a new Planogram or promotional activity if it is expected
to have a beneficial effect on the turnover or profit of the total category and be
beneficial to the shoppers of that category.
The concept was initiated, and is still most commonly found in Grocery (Mass
merchandising) retailing, but now also found in other retail sectors such as DIY,
Cash and Carry, Pharmacy/Drugstore and even Book retailing.
The industry standard model for Category Management is the 8-step process, or
8-step cycle developed by the Partnering Group. The eight steps are:
7. Implementation.
The 8-step process, whilst being very comprehensive and thorough has been
criticized for being rather too unwieldy and time-consuming in today's fast-
moving sales environment; in one survey only 9% of supplier companies stated
they used the full 8-step process. The current industry trend is for supplier
companies to use the standard process as a basis to develop their own more
streamlined processes, tailored to their own particular products.
Enterprise Resource Planning systems or the ERP systems refer to the software
packages that integrate all the data and the related processes of an organization
into a unified Information System (IS).
An ERP system uses a central database that holds all the data relating to the
various system modules. In order to achieve a seamless integration, an ERP
system uses multiple hardware and software components. ERP packages are
heavily used by larger retail chains.
ERP software uses a single database that allows the different departments to
communicate with each other through information sharing. ERP systems
comprise function-specific components that are designed to interact with the
other modules such as the Order Entry, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable,
Purchasing, Distribution etc.
In the current business environment, the retail industry faces two major
challenges that threaten its profitability and the long-term survival prospects.
The twin challenges are:
2. Limited scope – Most of the legacy systems were designed to take care of
specific problems tasks and as a result, lacked an enterprise wide approach to
the problem solving process. This makes such systems unsuitable for use in the
contemporary business environment that is highly competitive in nature.
Modern businesses require an enterprise wide approach to retail management
process and legacy systems fall short of such a requirement.
4. Integration and scalability problems – Legacy software does not allow addition
and integration of new applications. This prevents such systems from scaling up
or integrating with similar systems used by the associates or business partners.
Such integration and scalability problems tend to multiply as the size and scope of
retail operations increases.
Other limitations are-
1. Low flexibility – One of the main causes for the failure of ERP systems is that
they are often seen as too rigid and difficult to adapt to the specific workflow
and business process needs of the client companies. The workflow and business
process needs differ from one organization to the other. This calls for minute
customization by the user organization that may not be allowed by the ERP
3. Limited scope for customization – The ERP software packages allow only a
limited scope for customization. Some customization in the ERP package may
involve making changes to the ERP software structure that are not allowed under
the license agreement. This can make the situation of the ERP package user very
difficult indeed.
5. High restrictions – Some ERP systems are too restrictive and do not allow
much flexibility in terms of the implementation and usage of the software
package. These restrictions prove to be a bottleneck in efficient use of this
resource in streamlining the business process.
6. Weakest link problem – An ERP system can suffer from the “weakest link”
problem where inefficiency in one department or partner may affect the other
parties. An ERP package spans an entire organization while aiming to streamline
the business process as a whole and introducing efficiencies that ultimately lead
to an increase in the bottom line or
profits of the retail organizations. The integration of different components
produces more problems due to the weakest link effect.
7. High switching costs – Once a system is established, switching costs are quite
high for any one of the partners involved. This leads to reduction in flexibility and
strategic control at the corporate level. The high switching costs can be
attributed to the fact that installation of an ERP package involves considerable
investment of both time as well as the money.
10. Compatibility issues – There are frequent compatibility problems with the
various legacy systems of the business partners. A company may have installed
the latest ERP package but it has to be compatible with the legacy systems used
by its associates or business partners.
11. Overkill – An ERP system may be over-engineered relative to the actual needs
of the customer. Such a situation may be called overkill since an organization
may not require the functions or capabilities extended by an ERP system.
STRENGTHS - Provides an enterprise wide view of the workflow, allows
integration with systems of associates and business partners Helps in routine
decision making Allows streamlining of business processes