MR9270S V1.0
MR9270S V1.0
MR9270S V1.0
User Manual
Smart -Signal generator
User Guide
Dear User, thank you for choosing calibrator,
Mr.Signal Smart, which is designed by Shanghai
Lanyi Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Quick master the operation of Smart you need to
learn the next four point.
1. Read “Instrument Brief Introduction” and “Technical
Parameters” to know the main functions and signal types
of the Smart.
1.Instrument Brief Introduction---------- 1
2.Technical Parameters-------------------- 3
3.Basic Operation------------------------ 4
4.Signal Operation------------------------ 11
5.Programmable Output------------------- 24
6. Presetting for Quick Output ------------- 28
7.Signal conversion----------------------- 29
8.Real-time curve------------------------ 29
9.Systematic Setup----------------------- 31
10.Modbus RTU Slave--------------------- 32
11.Modbus Master ------------------------ 34
12.Daily Maintenance---------------------- 38
Smart -Signal generator
1.Instrument Brief Introduction
1.1Smart has powerful performance for it has a high-speed ARM CPU
and is easy to get start for it has friendly UI. The following is the
structure chart of Smart.
Mr.Signal-Smart Core
USB Virtual
serial port
download FL ASH
14500 lithium
battery(900m*2) Rs485
Smart -Signal generator
1.2 Introduction of Software functions
Programmed Output:
You can make Mr. Signal Smart to do auto increased/decreased
output. There has two modes.
Mode One:
Set a period and start/end value of output. The output will be
automatically linear increased from start value to end value and
linear decreased from end value to start value in a period. The
auto increased/decrease output will be repeated as many times
as you want.
Mode Two:
Advanced setting, the changing of output is determined by more
Type One:
After setting the starting point, ending and cycles the equipment
can start working.
Preset Values:
You may need only several fixed value of output in your daily
work. The product allow you to customize 9 presetting value for
you to quick output.
Converting Signal: Input can be converted into another kind of
output. For example, Input Hz signal, then convert them into
current output.
Real-time Curve:
The input/output changing can be displayed as curves. You can
set the capture period and zoom in the curves according to the
max and min.
Display as Range/Actual Value:
Input and output value can be displayed as actual value or range
according to your wish. Actual value corresponds to range
linearly. For example, 4-20mA corresponds to 0-100, then 4mA
corresponds to 0, 12mA corresponds to 50, 20mA corresponds
to 100. You can vary correspondence between actual value and
Smart -Signal generator
Modbus RTU Remote Control:
Mr. Signal Smart will be able to communicate with PLC or
configuration software via RS485 to online change output and
monitor input.
Modbus RTU Master Station:
To do communication test on, change parameters of, copy
parameters of and monitor Slave devices with RS485 Modbus
Extend Function:
We may provide more function, such as PID controller, recorder
etc. For further information, visit our company website.
USB Firmware Update:
The device can get bug fixed and new function through firmware
update via usb. You can download DFU package from our
USB to Rs485:
The device can be use as a USB virtual RS485 serial port. A
driver will be needed in os before Win10.
Smart -Signal generator
2.Technical Parameters
Output signal
型 号
Type 范围
Range 精度
Precision 分辩率
Resolution 温飘系数
Coefficient 内Impedance
电 流( m A)
Current(mA) 0~24mA 0.05% 0.01mA
0.001mA +25PPM 100Ω
电 压( V ) ) 0~12V
voltage(V 0.05% 0.01V
0.001V +25PPM 500k
无 源( XMT )
current(XMT) 0~24mA 0.1% 0.01mA
0.001mA +25PPM 100Ω
24V L o op 0~24mA 0.1% 0.01mA +25PPM 100Ω
frequency(Hz) 0~9999Hz 0.03% 5 bit +10PPM 1Mk
毫 伏( m V)
millivolt( mV) -10~110mV 0.05% 0.1mV
0.01mV +25PPM 2K
热电T偶(C -S
T C-S ) 0-1760℃ 0.2% 1℃ +25PPM 2K
热电T偶(C -B
T C-B ) 0-1810℃ 0.5% 1℃ +25PPM 2K
热电T偶(C -E
T C-E ) 0-990℃ 0.2% 1℃ +25PPM 2K
热电T偶( C -K) 0-1320℃
C -K 0.2% 1℃ +25PPM 2K
热电T偶( T C-R ) 0-1760℃
C -R 0.3% 1℃ +25PPM 2K
C -J
T C-J ) 0-1190℃ 0.3% 1℃ +25PPM 2K
C -T T C-T ) 0-390℃ 0.2% 1℃ +25PPM 2K
C -N T C-N ) 0-1290℃ 0.2% 1℃ +25PPM 2K
Pt 1 00
Pt100 -200~650℃ 0.5% 1℃ +100PPM
+50PPM ---
Cu 5 0 -20~150℃ 0.5% 1℃ +100PPM
+50PPM ---
Input signal
Type 范围
Range 精度
Precision 分辩率
Resolution Coefficient 内部阻抗
温飘系数 Impedance
Current(mA) 0~24mA 0.1% 0.01mA +25PPM 100Ω
voltage(V ) 0~12V 0.1% 0.001V +25PPM 500k
frequency(Hz) 0~9999Hz 0.1% 5 bit +10PPM 1Mk
millivolt( mV) -10~110mV 0.1% 0.01mV +25PPM 2Mk
T C -S 0-1760℃ 0.2% 1℃ +25PPM 2Mk
T C -B 0-1810℃ 0.5% 1℃ +25PPM 2Mk
T C -E 0-990℃ 0.2% 1℃ +25PPM 2Mk
T C -K 0-1320℃ 0.2% 1℃ +25PPM 2Mk
T C -R
热电偶(TC-R) 0-1760℃ 0.3%
0.2% 1℃ +25PPM
+50PPM 2Mk
T C -J 0-1190℃ 0.2% 1℃ +25PPM 2Mk
Smart -Signal generator
T C -T 0-390℃ 0.2% 1℃ +25PPM 2Mk
T C -N 0-1290℃ 0.2% 1℃ +50PPM
+25PPM 2K
Pt100 -200~650℃ 0.1%
0.5% 1℃
0.1℃ +100PPM
+50PPM -2.5k
C u50 -20~150℃ 0.5%
0.1% 1℃
0.1℃ +100PPM
+50PPM -2.5k
Resistor 0-400Ω 0.1% 0.01Ω +50PPM 2.5k
3.Basic Operation
3.1 Appearance
OUT+ IN-/(24V)
mA 1 V 2 XMT 3 OK
Hz 4 mV 5 24V 6 +
Smart -Signal generator
3.2 Keyboard
Press OUT to pop up output signal type Press IN to pop up input signal type choose
choose menu, press the corresponding menu, press the corresponding number key to
number key to choose a signal type. choose a signal type.
Smart -Signal generator
3.5.Start Output:
3.6.Enter Settings:
3.6.1Press and hold OUT for 2 seconds to pop up 3.6.2 Press and hold for 2 seconds to
output settings widgets. The following graphic pop up input settings widgets. The following
is the settings when output type is current. graphic is the settings when input type
is current.
Smart -Signal generator
3.7.Settings Widgets Operation:
Press to choose an item, Press I-TY to modify an confirm, press EXIT to quit
or return.
3.7.1 Var y numerical value:
Choose an item, press I-TY , then the item can be modified. Then press direction key
to var y the number. Finally press I-TY to save.
Smart -Signal generator
3.9The use of digital keyboard window
Press EXIT to pup up numeric keyboard widget, the 12 keys in the widget
correspond to the 12 hardware key on the device. The widget is for var ying output
value quickly. There may have a second function If Press and hold a key. For example
, press and hold Digit ‘1’ input minus sign.
number pad
4.Signal operation
4.1 Current output
4.1.1Switch display mode:Press O-TY to change mode
Smart -Signal generator
Mode: choose display mode.
Loop-vol: Change the voltage on the
circuit. Default option is 16.5v for
longer battery life. Some device need a
24V drive capability.
Range: Learn more from section 1.2
Display as Range/Actual Value.
Signal: Select an option to restrict
output to a range. When you choose
“User” option, you need to set a
customized range according what you
determine in “Range” widget.
4.1.4 Current output wiring diagram.
- Meter or
4.2.2 Voltage Output Settings: Press and hold OUT for 2 second to
open settings widgets.
Smart -Signal generator
Mode: choose display mode.
Range: Learn more from section 1.2
Display as Range/Actual Value.
Protect: If there is a short in output
circuit for 2 seconds, output will be
turned off automatically.
Signal: Select an option to restrict
output to a range. When you choose
“User” option, you need to set a
customized range according what you
determine in “Range” widget.
4.2.3 Voltage output wiring diagram.
- Meter or
Smart -Signal generator
Mode: choose display mode.
Range: Learn more from section 1.2
Display as Range/Actual Value
Signal: Select an option to restrict
output to a range. When you choose
“User” option, you need to set a
customized range according what you
determine in “Range” widget
Meter or PLC
Smart -Signal generator
4.4.5 Pulse output-Speed mode.
The best method to Calculate
rotating speed of motor or gear is by
pulse. For example, a motor
generate a pulse for every rotation, if
speed is 3000 rotations per minute,
then 50 pulse will be generated for
every second.
Frequency=RPS(rotations per
second)* the number of pulse
generated every rotation.
RPM(per minute)=RPS*60
RP teeth
RPH(per hour)=RPS*3600
RP teeth In a practical application,
the gear of moter may have some
missing teeth. For example, a gear of a motor must have 60 teeth
but deliberately have one loss. The rotating speed is calculated
by the missing tooth.
4.4.6 Frequency output- Qualitative pulse mode
This function is to simulate flow sensor. For example, a liter of
water flood over a turbine, sensor generated 100 pulses. The
device generate pulses as a flow sensor will be.
The period of pulse.
The unit is
min is 0.1ms.
The rest period for Percentage of the Time of the rest pulses
the next pulse rest pulses 99:99:99
Smart -Signal generator
Quantitative instructions:
Quantitative models and working
Stop: the generation is stopped. The
number of qualitative pulse can be
Pause: the generation is suspended.
Run: the pulses are generating.
- Meter or
Open collector output OUT
Meter or PLC
Smart -Signal generator
4.5 Millivolt/thermocouple Output
4.5.1 Switch mode Press O-TY to change mode
- Meter or
Smart -Signal generator
4.6 Resistance Output
4.6.1Switch mode Press O-TY to change mode
- Meter or
Use attention:
RTD is a special signal, which is not a electronic signal. So the device has
some requirement to generate resistance output. Instrumentation supply a
voltage for RTD to vary current and voltage as the temperature changed.
The Voltage of instrument should be lower than 10V or the device will be
fail to simulate a RTD. You can make device generate RTD signal and
measure by itself to check if the RTD output is work.
Usually the voltage of instrumentation is lower than 5V, current is lower
than 1mA, or the lifetime of RTD will be reduced.
Smart -Signal generator
4.7 24V loop detection (transmitter power supply and
detection of current and output ports)
4.7.1 Switch mode Press O-TY to change mode
Smart -Signal generator
4.8 Independent 24V
4.8.1Recognition of independent 24V
Input (-) can be switched to an independent 24V function, which is a
single output 24V. 24V terminals and input (+) with the use of the
transmitter can be tested. Its main purpose is to test the pneumatic
control valve or two wire transmitter.
OUT- OUT+ IN- IN+ Tip: 24V loop detection and independent 24V
difference is, 24V loop detection using output
signal port power supply and measurement
24V feedback current, independent 24V port and
USE the output (-) port composition 24V power
supply, also can be input and (+) composed of
transmitter power supply and measuring
transducer feedback current.
4.8.2 USE 24V
Enter the function menu select "24V USE", the status bar will appear
24V prompt and flashing
USE 24V:Enable independent 24V start output.
Used to keep:Enable the 24V status after each
boot to keep the state in the last boot. Conversely,
each boot 24V need to manually open.
Smart -Signal generator
4.9 Current input
4.9.1 Switch display mode Press I-TY to change mode.
+ Sensor
Signal <=24mA/<30V
Smart -Signal generator
4.10 Voltage input
4.10.1 Switch display mode PressI-TY to change mode.
+ Sensor
Signal =-4V~30V
Smart -Signal generator
4.11 Pluse input
4.11.1 Switch display mode Press I-TY to change mode
Smart -Signal generator
4.11.3 wiring diagram
NPN Sensor
Smart -Signal generator
4.12. 2 Millivolt intput Settings: Press and hold IN for 2
second to open settings widgets.
Mode: choose display mode.
Range: Learn more from section 1.2
Display as Range/Actual Value.
Type: Choose the type of
Colt-T: The temperature of cold
Temp Unit: set unit to be Celsius
- Thermocouple
+ sensor
4.13 Resistance/Pt100/Cu50
4.13.1 Switch display mode Press I-TY to change mode
Smart -Signal generator
4.12. 2 Resistance intput Settings: Press and hold IN for 2
second to open settings widgets.
5. Programmable Output
According to the parameters you set, the output will be
automatically increased and decreased as many times as you
want. It is use for the aging test of valve, PLC debugging, etc.
5.1. Set Four Parameters For Quick Programmable Output
2 0mA
Smart -Signal generator
5.2 Start programming output
Press FN , enter the function menu to select the “EN-Program”.
Status icon
Hz 4 mV 5 24V 6 +
Ω 7 1 11 9
RTD 8 TC 1
V2 .. .. V4
V2 V3
T1 T3 T4
Tip: the use of custom mode and set the 6 parameters, return to
the programming output window, the increase or decrease of the
cycle will be displayed with the custom to re calculate the cycle.
Smart -Signal generator
5.4.Set Parameters To Output Other Waveforms
0 T
0 T
Pulse waveform
0 T
Smart -Signal generator
6.1 Press FN enter the function menu to select the “EN-Pre-set”.
mA 1 V 2 XMT 3 OK
Smart -Signal generator
7.Signal conversion
Users in the test process, if you need to use the signal
conversion, such as the frequency of 0 - 100Hz converted to 4 -
20mA, then you can use the signal conversion function.
Press FN enter the function menu to select the “EN-Convert”.
Smart -Signal generator
Auxiliary timer
Signal value
Time scale
Smart -Signal generator
8.3 Enter the real-time curve setting window: press the FN to
display the function menu to select the real time curve.
Output Graph: open the output
signal to follow the curve (yellow
Auto Zoom: automatic adjustment of
the output signal scale range, the
maximum value of the minimum curve
to automatically adjust the Y axis
scale range.
Cu-Acp-T: the refresh interval time of
the output curve.
Auto Zoom: the scale of the
input signal is automatically changed.
Cu-Acp-T: the time of the refresh interval of the input signal.
9.System setting
9.1Enter system setup window
Press FN enter the function menu to select the “System"
Smart -Signal generator
Sig SW: the way of signal selection
Screen: select the working interface.
Backlight: adjusting backlight brightness.
Save Value: save the output value before the shutdown.
Save State: the output signal of the switch state to maintain, (if
the signal is open every time the signal can be set
up, usually with the signal conversion work).
Beep: Beep switch.
Fast ADC: to improve the speed of signal input and refresh.
USB &ON: plug in the USB power supply, the instrument
automatically enter the working state, no check, the
instrument on the electric reserve at the charging
interface. If the instrument is inserted in the USB PC
port, and the driver is normal, the instrument will
automatically boot.
Theme: change the color scheme of the instrument.
Fn function: hold down the FN key for 2 seconds, can quickly
start the program function。
Calibration: the fine tuning window into the signal.
10. Modbus RTU Slave
Using the standard RTU Modbus protocol, can use the
configuration software or PLC for remote control and monitoring.
10.1 Press FN enter the function menu to select the
“Port setting".
Smart -Signal generator
10.2 Instrument register address and description
Name Addr Data type R/W Explain
ID 40001 ushort R Instrument type
Key 40002 ushort R/W The instrument pressed key
40009 long R Large font display signal value
Smart -Signal generator
Frequency signal in PWM mode, the value of
40021 uhosrt R/W Output signal switch
Smart -Signal generator
40029 long R E| f r qyhuwlqj wkh r xwsxwvlj qdoudqj h
40031 float R/W Floating point representation
40033 float R Floating point representation
40035 float R Floating point representation
Smart -Signal generator
11.1 Modbus master has 5 configurations for users to test
different devices.
Register label instruction
Device address Value
Register data type
Corresponding to the
keyboard.The first
row of keys
Smart -Signal generator
11.3 Modbus master parameter settings
Press FN to enter the main station parameter setting。
There are two modes operation:
Auto: the user triggers the running button,
the program starts polling from the station
equipment variable, the real-time refresh
variable, and the on-line modification
Manual: read operations and write
operations are performed manually,
according to a write button, the program on
a polling station equipment. To modify the
parameters to modify a unified, according to
the write button, the program will
automatically change the variable in order
to write.
Smart -Signal generator
ushort : 16bit unsigned integer
short: 16bit integer
Byte-1: 8 bits in the first byte integer (Modbus the underlying
protocol variables are 16 bits of data, if the user wants to
take 8 integers, then the bytes are selected by the user)
Byte-2: Second 8bit byte integer
ulong: 32bit unsigned integer
long: 32bit integer
Float: 32 bit single precision floating point number
Commonly used labels and Tags: Comments on the role of.
Data Order: MODBUS master read variables, the
rearrangement. Such as: a floating point number is
composed of four words, since MODBUS differs
from the station equipment by the CPU, there may
caused a four byte floating point in different rows, a
32-bit integer is similarly, so that read back data
anomalies, can modify this setting.
Setup is completed, you can press the OUT key to confirm the
addition, you can also select the OK key.
11.5 Register operation:
In the Modbus master interface according to the I-TY to
display the register window.
Smart -Signal generator
Value edit:Pop up digital keyboard to modify.
Propedit:Edit select register.
HEX DEC:Decimal display and sixteen decimal display.
Union addr:Set the device address of the other register to the
same as the selected variable address.
Delete:Delete a register.
Delete all:Delete all register.
Fast modify register value: in the MODBUS main interface,
press O-TY to pop up the digital keyboard.
Bit change: O-TY key on the main interface of the MODBUS
12. Attentions
12-1.Extend Battery Life
If you
are going to leave the instrument unused for a long time. Do
not keep it with an empty battery. Please fully charge the battery
before keep it. Discharge and charge at least one time in every 3
month to keep the battery active.
12-2.The battery replacement
If the battery has bad need to change, be sure to use the battery
manufacturer established parameters, or purchased from the
manufacturer. Battery for: 14500 rechargeable lithium battery,
voltage of 3.6 V, charging termination voltage of 4.2 V, normal
manufacturer of battery capacity Is in commonly 800 ~ 900 ma,
the weight of the battery in about 20 g, please normal
manufacturer of battery, It is forbidden to use AAA batteries,
battery types are different.
If you suspect that the instrument does not work. As the
instrument allows input and output at the same time, you can do a
self-Check this way. Output a signal, and connect the output to the
input terminal. The instrument can meter the signal generated by