Ikatan Basa Nitrogen Dengan Magnesium Pada RNA Polimerase II
Ikatan Basa Nitrogen Dengan Magnesium Pada RNA Polimerase II
Ikatan Basa Nitrogen Dengan Magnesium Pada RNA Polimerase II
Charged tRNA
Figure © 2010 PJ Russell, iGenetics 3rd ed.; all text material © 2012 by Steven M.
4. M-rna dan ribosom
Interactions between the ribosome and mRNA in the P site. (A) Hydrogen bonds to
the phosphates of nucleotides +1 and +3 of mRNA shown from the perspective of the
30S head. The position of G1401 and a fully hydrated Mg2+ have been removed for
clarity. (B) Coordination of a fully hydrated Mg2+ to 16S rRNA and the backbone of
mRNA, shown from the perspective of the subunit body. (C) View of (F obs − F calc)
difference electron density in the electronegative pocket between the backbone of P-
site mRNA and helix-44 nucleotides 1494–1498 in 16S rRNA. The position of
A1493 is already adjusted to fit the electron density. (D) Nucleotides +4 through +6
of the mRNA, along with two Mg2+ ions, modeled into the electron density in C
followed by refinement.
Ribosome interactions with the P-site ASL. (A) Closing of the P-site cleft when
compared with the 30S ribosome structures (9). Changes in the distance between
C1400 and G966 and between G966 and ASL are indicated by arrows and distances.
The position of the very C terminus of protein S9 is indicated. The view is from the
aminoacyl-tRNA site in the small subunit. (B) Stereoview of the averaged (3F obs −
2F calc) difference electron density for the 30S contacts to the ASL shown in A.
Electron density for mRNA nucleotides +4 through +6 has been removed for clarity.
The density indicated by an asterisk is disconnected from that for protein S9 and
therefore has not been assigned. (C) Minor groove interactions among G1338,
A1339, and the P-site ASL. The view is from the right in A, i.e., from the perspective
of the 50S subunit.
Figure 12–13 How GTP hydrolysis by Ran in the cytosol provides directionality to
nuclear transport. Movement through the NPC of loaded nuclear transport receptors
occurs along the FG-repeats displayed by certain NPC
proteins. The differential localization of Ran-GTP in the nucleus and Ran-GDP in the
cytosol provides directionality (red arrows) to both nuclear import (A) and nuclear
export (B). Ran-GAP stimulates the hydrolysis of GTP to produce Ran-GDP on the
cytosolic side of the NPC (see Figure 12–12).