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Accreditation and Outcome based

Dr. S. K. Das Mandal
Centre for Educational Technology
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
[email protected]
Outcome-based Curriculum Design

21st Century Program Structure
Academic Institute
Mission and Vision

Programme Educational Outcome (PEO) feedback

Programme Programme Specific

Outcome (PO) Outcome (PSO)

Courses Outcome Resources

Evaluation Learning Technology
Tools Shared by

Evaluation Result analysis

Course Structure

Vision and Mission Statements
Vision Statements

Vision is a futuristic statement that the institution / department

would like to achieve over a long period of time

Example: Vision: Create high-quality engineering professionals

for Industry.....
Mission Statements

Mission statements are essentially the means to achieve the


• Example 1: offer a well-balanced programme of instruction,

practical experience, and opportunities for overall personality
development to create professional for the industry like.........

• Example 2: To deliver quality academic programs based on

state-of-the-art R&D to produce high quality R&D professional
Program Educational Objectives/ Outcome
Program Educational Objectives
PEOs are broad statements that describe the career and
professional achievements that the program is preparing the
graduates to achieve within the first few years after graduation.

•Guidelines for the PEOs

 PEOs should be consistent with the mission of the Institution
 The number of PEOs should be manageable
 PEOs should be achievable by the program
 PEOs should be specific to the program and not too broad
PEOs should be based on the needs

Program Outcomes
Program Outcomes - POs
Program outcomes are narrower statements
that describe what students are expected to
be able to do by the time of graduation. POs
are expected to be aligned closely with
Graduate Attributes

Guidelines for the POs

 Program outcomes basically describe knowledge,
skills and behaviour of students as they progress
through the program as well as by the time of
graduation and must reflect all GAs.
Course Outcomes (Objectives)- COs
• The course learning outcomes identify the minimum achievement
required for success in the course.

• The sum of the course learning outcomes of constituent courses

should be map to the program learning outcomes.

• Typically 4-6 CO s are identified /Course.

• COs are major domain specific outcomes written using action verbs
which are specific, measurable and can be demonstrated by students
on completion of the course.

• Course Outcomes should aim to develop higher order skills in each

Domain of Learning. Evaluation, Synthesis, Analysis are typical
examples in Cognitive Domain.
Course Outcomes – cont.
• With 4-6 most major Outcomes identified per Course, on
average a typical CO is expected to take between 7-10 lessons
in a 40 lesson course.

• Outcomes which can be mastered in a significantly lower no. of

lessons are likely to be too trivial and more suitable for Unit or
Module Outcomes.

• Attainment of each CO should lead to attainment of one or more

PO s.
Course outcome
 Given the specification of an acoustic room (large room or small
room acoustic) determine the reverberation time, mean free path,
number of reflection per second, room modes and minimum volume
for large room acoustic .

 Given the specification for a auditorium or studio requirement list

the acoustical requirements and design the acoustic part of the
auditorium or studio.

 Determine the sound reflection, transmission, absorption,

coefficients for a given acoustic source and condition.
Design, create and use a mechanical device which can perform a
routine, specified function and that meets Australian and New
Zealand standards

Module outcome

The module outcome states the major skill/concepts students have to

achieve for that module. It should be - specific, measurable and
achievable after completion of the module.

Module name: Reverberation

 Derive the sound reverberation mathematic representation for a

given sound reverberation specification.

 For a given the acoustic specification of an room determine the

reverberation time, mean free path, number of reflection per

Lectures Outcome

Each module is further divided into a number of lectures

Each lecture consistent with lecture outcome, lecture
problems, link with outcome, and lecture summary.

 Define reverberation time
 For a given the room dimension and absorption
details calculate the reverberation time.

Relationship between COs and POs
• Selection of courses, their ordering, identification of COs of each
course in any given Program, along with effective teaching
learning methodology ensure
Attainment of desired Discipline Expertise
Attainment of all POs .
Considerable preparedness for the PEOs.
 While a particular course may target some POs and not others,
taken together all the courses in a program must meet ALL the POs
• Shows which courses outcome meet which POs to what extent.
Enter correlation levels
1=Slight (Low);
2=Moderate (Medium);
3= Substantial (High);
“-”= If there is no correlation
• It also shows what improvements are needed in the course
design, teaching-learning process

• Appropriate Assessment methods and Tools need to be used for

this purpose
Program Matrix
• Shows which courses meet which POs to what extent. A Program
may be considered to have met all POs if every outcome is met at
level 3 by a significant number of course
3=Fully Met; 2=Partially Met; 1= Poorly Met; 0 = Not Met
• It also shows what improvements are needed in the course
design, teaching-learning process

• Appropriate Assessment methods and Tools need to be used for

this purpose
Program Outcomes

PO1: Solving ability

Apply knowledge of mathematics, natural science, engineering
fundamentals and an engineering specialisation to the solution of
complex engineering problems
PO2: Analysis ability
Identify, formulate, research literature and analyze complex
engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using
first principles of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering
3. Design / development of solutions
Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design systems,
components or processes that meet specified needs with appropriate
consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal and
environmental considerations.
4. Investigation
Conduct investigations of complex problems including design of
experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of
information to provide valid conclusions.
5. Modern Tool Usage
Create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resource, and modern
engineering tools including prediction and modeling, to complex
engineering activities, with an understanding of the limitations.
6. Individual and Team work
Function effectively as an individual and as a member or leader in
diverse teams and in multi-disciplinary settings
7. Communication
Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the
engineering community and with society at large, such as being able to
comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation
make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
8. The Engineer and Society
Demonstrate understanding of the societal, health, safety, legal and
cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to
engineering practice.
9. Ethics
Understand and commit to professional ethics and
responsibilities and norms of engineering practice.
10. Environment and Sustainability
Understand the impact of engineering solutions in a societal
context and demonstrate knowledge of and need for sustainable
11. Project Management and Finance
Demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of management
and business practices, such as risk and change management,
and understand their limitations
12. Life Long Learning
Recognize the need for, and have the ability to engage in
independent and life-long learning
Course Matrix
Course Outcome (CO’s) Program Outcomes (PO’s)
Domain Specific (PSO) Domain Independent (PO)
Course No. C201 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
C201.1: Given the specification of an acoustic room 2 3 - - - 1 1 - 1 - - 1
(large room or small room acoustic) determine the
reverberation time, mean free path, number of
reflection per second, room modes and minimum
volume for large room acoustic .

C201.2: Given the specification for a auditorium or 1 2 3 - - 1 1 1 1 - - 1

studio requirement list the acoustical requirements
and design the acoustic part of the auditorium or

C201.3:Determine the sound reflection, transmission, 2 3 1 - - 1 1 - 1 - - 1

absorption, coefficients for a given acoustic source
and condition.

Average 5/9 8/9 4/9 - - 2/9 2/9 1/3 2/9 - - 3/9

Program Matrix
Course Numbers Program Outcomes (PO’s)
Domain Specific (PSO) Domain Independent (PO)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
C201 2 3 - - - 1 1 - - - - 1
C202 2 3 2 - - 1 1 1 1 1 0 1
Credit Transfer
Course Overview/ Course Test Item/
Course Motivation Outcome Assignment

Module Test Item/

Module Module Module
Overview Outcome Assignment

Lecture1 Lecture Objective Lecture Video

Lecture2 Lecture Objective Lecture Video

Lecture3 Lecture Objective Lecture Video

Evaluation /citification

Credit Transfer
Choice Based Credit System (CBCS))


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