ww w . fo r t un e fu e l s . com
Our Summary 3
Our Offer 4
Our Idea 5
Our Company 6
Our Feasibility 7
Our Clients 8
Our Group 9
Our Properties 10
Our Network 11
Our Solution 12
Our Services 13
Our Team 14
Our Contact 16
WHAT: Fuel wholesale, distribution, retail and bulk storage primarily for a new international
airport including several entire mixed use estates & selected mines. Old “white” site
filling stations “newly branded” country wide and bulk supply to neighbouring SADC
WHERE: Firstly starting in the Gauteng & Kwa-Zulu Natal provinces then expanding to all of the
Republic of South Africa, followed by Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia and Botswana
(with a possibility Zimbabwe too).
WHO: Wheels of Fortunes (Pty) Ltd is a proudly South African registered private company
trading as Fortune Fuels Ltd, which is owned 100% by Hao Ying Energy Co., Limited
in Hong Kong. Further particulars of the group can be viewed on the websites
www.FortuneFuels.co.za or .com.
WITH: Up to €20m initially in Private Equity funding for Preferent Shares, Debentures or
Promissiory Notes in Hao Ying Energy Ltd. These funds are to facilitate the purchase/
lease of two fully crewed Panamax oil tankers, 2-4 loads of fuel from Reliance in India,
12-20 road tankers, followed up with 30-50,000 MT of multiple fuel storage facilities
(Tank Farms) onshore including the offshore connection buoy.
WHY: Sole supply to an airport will provide IROR of well over 36% per annum to the business
and allow discount fuel cards to be issued to over 1,1m users in five Co-operative pools
of UnionPay linked debit cards.
For an information pack on this our Private Placement Program which constitutes our Pre-IPO offer
please write to the Chief Financial Officer of the group at [email protected]
Yours sincerely
Mr V David Bricknell
CFO – Fortune Fuels Limited
+27 72 766 9965
O u r o f f er – w i ll r e m ai n p r i vate to 5 0 or le ss ind ivid uals and/or
leg a l en ti t i e s t h at s u b s c r ib e to th e sub -m i nimum sum s th a t ar e
p erm i ssi bl e u n d e r H on g K o ng le g islati on.
N B : a ll secur i t i es a r e p r ef era b ly t o be
d e n o m i n a t e d i n Eu r os & s o t o b e
r ed eem ed f or sa i d Eur os.
In order for the company to raise €1-5m. Each entity or
individual may invest in debentures or notes ranging in maturity
intervals of 1, 2 or 3 years maximum. Certain Debentures may be
convertable to ordinary shares in the holding company which will
be listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange within 3-5 years.
Each of the Debentures will carry a set rate of return to the investor constituting a fixed
income security. Said returns will be as follows: Year one at 36% pa return. Year two at
24% pa return and year three at an 18% return. Said annual returns are not aggregated but
cumulative. They are also tax free and paid in any currency even if differing from Rands.
This Private Placement Memorandum (PPM) – is subject to certain provisions of the Companies Ordinace of Hong
Kong SAR, in specific regard to the issuing of Debentures under the said ordinance (as amended). As such no one
individual investor may place with the company any sum less than H$500,000 or US$60,000 equivalent. This will
ensure the placement appeals solely to “sophisticated investors” and does not constitute any type or form of a collective
investment scheme (CIS), what-so-ever.
4 of 16 Private & Confidential
Ou r c o n c e p t – s i m p ly s t a t ed – is to bring ne w “App ” software
t ec hn o l o g y t o t h e ol d val ue ch ain of fue l d i stri b ution w h i lst
s ti ll u n de r p i n n i n g t h e b u s i ne ss mod e l i n te rms of:
A) a unique credit mechanism that provides the very platform to deliver
real-time savings to consumers; and
We a re a va l u e - c h ai n fu e l w h ole sale d istri b ution ag e ncy who
are p a ssi on a t e ab ou t d e l ive ri ng value -ad d e d se rvi ce s i n real
ti m e to f u e l r e t ai l e r s i n t he SAD C re g ion. Som e of our ke y s t af f
ha v e b een i n t h i s fi e l d w i t h ove r 2 0 years of e xpe rtise to sh ar e.
Euro 10-20m Facility @ 1:15 ######## 3
FortuneFuels - Cashflows 2019 - 2021/2 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
So m e c l i en t s t h at t r u s t u s .
Establishing relationships are a key component of our
success story.
Farmers & Family Co-operative Ltd A seasoned professional within the financial
services sector specializing in fixed income
securities for the past 24 years, he has
Calanga Dune Forest Eco-estate Ltda
fostered relationships with key players in
the listing sector of the HKSE and focused
Zuikerbosch Equestrian Estate (Pty) Ltd
on bringing investor confidence to the East
African seaboard.
XiaXai Airport, Mozambique
The Mauritian Stock Exchange is now
Other licensed Wholesalers offering a unique growth potential for
African countries – operating out of a
N4 Industrial Park dynamic and well established offshore
fiscal jurisdiction, offering the first dual-
Donkerhoek Plaza listing opportunity in the island’s history.
Be l ow f i n d a n o rganogram
o f ou r a ss o c i a t ed fi rms.
Some firms have been in existence for over 30 years whilst others less
than 3. Each holds a key role to play in ensuring investors’ yield &
returns that exceed inflation whilst privately owned & eventually public.
As any entrepreneur is aware, location is a crucial
element of any business i.r.o markets, demand &
supply routes and the same applies to cashflows.
The global village is no different in that proposition.
A k ey - fa c t or t h a t u n d e r p i ns
o u r su cc es s i s t h e foot h ol d s
in o u r rev e n u e – p r op e r t i e s
We ha v e a c q u i r e d k e y p r ope rtie s to und e rp in our m arke t sh ar e
in the S A DC .
A key storage & distribution site on the West of A retail site to be re-branded and expanded has
Johannesburg has been earmarked for supply to all already been secured in a 96 Hectare industrial
the mines in the area. This site is large enough to estate 12 KM east of Pretoria. This site can and will
have other development potential and itself provides have unique storage solutions added to it and may
ample collateral security should a debt solution only in the near future connect to a underground pipeline
be available to the project in the initial phases of extension from the national Watloo site found only
growth. 17km away.
Saldanha was once the site of the worlds’ largest A new international airport is earmarked for this
fuel tanks. We will tender for supply through imports picturesque Province . We have been given preferred
and new storage tank farm facilities on land we bidder status and provided we can build, stock
already own in Joint Venture (JV). These may well and operate the very sizable storage facility that
include bunkering fuel from Angola and Natural Gas is required to maintain such an airport at peak, we
plants too. Our panamax tankers will move between will have secured a long term Aviation Fuel supply
Mauritius and this port and also East London. contract. A second such option in Swaziland exists.
W e b ri n g a n e w i n n ovat i v e way to fund our b usi ne ss mod e l.
Secondly the new cellular phone Many of these properties are The Hong Kong exchange is the
unique application development sufficiently large enough to be most fluid and despite an IPO
has been earmarked through developed as mixed use estate and being very expensive statistically
two Indian software firms both add a creative flare to an otherwise up to $120,000,000 can be raised
of whom have footprints in vanilla type business model. with which to payout all investors.
Southern Africa already. These
Our brand and logo will be
are to encode integrate payments
recognizable to all members of
though the “tap & pay” system
our co-operatives and attract new
popular on new cards issued
membership monthly to boost
today, whilst still monitoring how
sales and card users.
much stock is sold, at what rates
for each type depending on the
card holders own membership
status (i.e. Fully paid up).
Bu si n ess gr ow t h i s ac h i e v ed th rough se rvice e xce lle nce .
Extensive use of these platforms Technology has always changed Pivotal to any provision of fuel on
will be exploited in full to gain markets in radical ways and credit terms be it either 7, 14, 21
market share. As has been stated there is never to be any stopping or 28 days will be the vetting of
before our group seeks to obtain technology. Blockchain has said wholesalers and retailers in
and maintain up to 7% of the SADC underpinned crypto-currencies SADC. The appropriate credit risk
market share in fuels sales being and despite their teething hurdles insurances will be put in place for
estimated at about US $300m they will dominate the future. In small clients to the ultra-large. A
annually. This modest figure is set fuels sales theft is to be mitigated very experienced credit controller
to explode in Mozambique given by application built with such used to such clientele stands
its pending natural gas exports. blockchain software. ready to join the group.
Fuel will initially only be sold on a Several co-operatives will be The application and the
bulk wholesale basis until such time registered to cater for several cards (physical or virtual) will
as the new software that processes clusters of clients who fit the same continually be improved upon,
the retail sales works flawlessly profile. Each Co-operative will to prevent client disappointment
within a small pool of cards to be require an annual paid membership and any possibility of fraud in
issued. Once this process has been to entitle its members to the a world rife with identity theft,
vetted thoroughly a national roll- benefits of the card that is tailored cloning and cyber criminality.
out will be launched within a six for each cluster. This means the Service providers may come and
month period in each province of benefits will not be open to the go but the main concept will
South Africa. general public at large. always remain the same.
Meet key m e m b e r s of ou r p r ofe ssional team w h o all h ave h oned
indu stry sk i ll s p i v ot al t o e nsuri ng our busine ss mod e l th ri ve s.
Y et o ther fi n e m e m b e r s of o ur team
[email protected]
[email protected]