Piping Basic
Piping Basic
Piping Basic
Piping Fundamentals
It is a Tubular item made of metal, plastic, glass etc.
meant for conveying Liquid, Gas or any thing that
It is a very important component for any industrial
plant. And it’s engineering plays a major part in overall
engineering of a Plant.
We need some
But if we want to control the flow from Tank-1 to
other tanks.
• Socket Weld (SW):The socket weld flanges are welded only on one side and
are not recommended for severe services. These are used for small-bore lines
In the process of Analysis we apply various postulated loading on the pipe and
find out the stress resulted from these loading.
Then we check with governing codes if those stresses generated are
acceptable or not.
We check support load & movement for various loading condition.
We also check out the terminal point loading generated from pipe to the
equipment connected to the pipe. This loading are to be within acceptable
limits of the equipment suggested by the vendors.
We also find out the pipe growth due to change in temperature and need to
keep the movement of pipe within acceptable limits.
Pipe Stress Analysis is an Interactive and Iterative process. Each step is
If a check fails we have to go back, modify the layout and restart the analysis.
Inputs Tools we use
Geometric layout of Pipe PIPSYS - is an integrated pipe stress
analysis module of PLADES 2000