WBCS Main GEOGRAPHY Optional Syllabus New

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Syllabus for Geography Optional Paper


GEOGRAPHY : Paper – I :



Geomorphology - Nature and composition of earth's crust; Structure of

earth's interior; Origin, distribution and permanency of Continents and Ocean
Basins; Theories of isostasy, continental drift, and plate tectonics; Earth
movements - types and effects; Fundamental concepts in geomorphology;
Gradational processes - weathering and masswasting; Landforms due to
fluvial. glacial. aeolian, coastal and karst processes; Evolution of landscape -
cyclic and non-cyclic models; Global hydrological cycle.

Climatology - Atmosphere - nature, composition and structure; Elements and

factors of weather and climate; Insolation and Heat-budget; General
circulation of winds, Jet Streams and Monsoons; Condensation and
Precipitation; Airmass and fronts; Tropical and Extra tropical cyclones;
Thunderstorm and tornado; Climatic classification - principles and application
(Koppen, Thorntwaite, Trewartha); Global climatic changes.

Oceanography - Origin of continents and ocean basins; Bottom topography of

ocean basins: Indian, Pacific & Atlantic Oceans; Nature, origin and
characteristics of continental shelves and slopes, submarine canyons and
coral reefs and atolls; Ocean currents: Indian, Pacific and Atlanticoceans;
Physical and Chemical properties of ocean water: temperature, salinity
anddensity; TS Diagram and Watermass; Ocean Deposits; Marine Resources.
Syllabus for Geography Optional Paper

Environmental Geography - Nature and composition of Biosphere; Concepts

relating to Ecosystem - production and decomposition, homoeostasis, energy
environment, productivity, food chain, food web, trophic structure, ecological
niche, ecological pyramids, and ecological crisis; Ecosystem -principles and
components; Components, Bio-energy Cycles and Biogeochemical cycles;
Major Ecosystems of the world; Environmental degradation and conservation;
Environmental pollution - land, water, air and noise; Natural hazards and
natural disaster characteristics, mitigation and global efforts.

Cartography -The Earth as a Cartographic Problem - size and shape; co-

ordinate system; scale and map projection; Principles and properties of Polar
Zenithal. Conical. Cylindrical and Conventional projections (all normal case);
Thematic mapping - types and techniques; Principles of Surveying and
Levelling with Chain, Plane Table, Dumpy level and GPS; Remote Sensing
nature and principles; Geographical Information System - evolution,
components, and functionality.


Economic Geography - Concepts and theories of resources; Locational

analysis of agriculture (intensive subsistence in monsoon lands, extensive
commercial farming in temperate lands, plantation farming in the tropics and
dairy farming in the temperate grass lands), lumbering, fishing, mining (coal,
petroleum and iron ore), power production (hydel and nuclear) and
manufacturing (iron & steel, aluminium, and cotton textile); Economic models
Syllabus for Geography Optional Paper
- landuse (Von Thunen), industry (Weber, Hoover, Pred). Economic systems
and economic landscape - characteristics and evolution (Rostow, Myrdal, and
Isard). Global economic blocks - patterns and functions.

Population Geography - Factors and measures of population growth;

Malthus, Neo-Malthusianism, Optimum, Social and economic, Biological and
natural and Demographic transition theories of population growth; Pattern of
World population growth; Migration - nature, theories and consequences on
society; Population distribution - density and global pattern; Global patterns
and trends of population composition (age-sex structure and occupational

Social & Political Geography - Concept of space: absolute & relative; Social
structure: stratification and differentiation; Social Processes; segregation,
adaptation, assimilation and integration; Heart land and Rimland theories;
Principles of boundaries and frontiers

Settlement Geography - Origin and Growth of Settlements; Function,

morphology, types and patterns of Rural settlements; Urban growth and
urbanization; Classification, functions, and morphology of towns and cities;
Models of urban growth - Burgess, Hoyt, Harris and Ullman, Mann. Urban
gradients and densities; Residential areas - patterns and processes; The
Central Business District - characteristics, delimitation and changes; The
Central Place Theory and the Rank size rule, The Urban field and inter-urban

Regional Development and Planning - Regions - concepts, types and

methods of regionalization; Regional diversity and disparities in development;
Syllabus for Geography Optional Paper
Regional development - role of resource base, technology and information
system, agriculture and industry, transport and communication, trade and
commerce; Regional development theory - Perroux and Isard; Regional
planning - basic principles and types; Environmental issues in regional
planning and planning for sustainable development; Planning regions -
concepts and delineation; State as aplanning unit and micro-level planning
with special reference to India.

Paper – II :



Physical Geography - Location and space relationship with neighboring

countries; structure and Relief; Climate and Drainage; Soil and Natural

Resource Base - Distribution, utilization and Conservation of Land (soil),

Water (freshwater), Water Disputes interstate and neighboring countries,
Mineral (iron ore, manganese, bauxite, mica), Energy (coal, oil, natural gas,
and Non - Conventional sources like wind, tidal and solar power) and Biotic
Syllabus for Geography Optional Paper

Economy - Indian agriculture - nature and characteristics; Development of

Agriculture during the Plan periods; Green Revolution; Distribution and
characteristics of cultivation of rice, wheat, jute cotton, tea, and coffee;
Agricultural Regions, Industrial development and industrial policy during the
Plan Period; Locational Dynamics, Growth and Development of the Iron &
Steel, Aluminum, Engineering, Oil Refining, Cotton Textile, Jute, Sugar, Paper,
cement and automobile industries; Growth and Development of Transport
and Communication System (Road, Rail, Water, and Air); Nature and
Development of Trade - national and foreign specially with the SARC and
ASEAN countries; Trade Balance.

Population - Population as a Resource; Relation between Population and

Socio-economic Development; Population Growth - spatial and temporal
variations; Population Distribution and population - resource relationships;
Population Composition and social implications age, sex, literacy, religion, and
caste; Urban Growth and Urbanization - characteristics and patterns, factors
and processes; Population Problems and Population Policy during the Plan


Physical Geography - Location with Geographical Personality; Physiographic

Divisions - structure and relief; Climate - seasonal weather conditions; Agro-
climatic regions; Drainage systems and problems; Soil - types and fertility,
erosion and conservation; Natural Vegetation - types and distribution,
deforestation and afforestation.
Syllabus for Geography Optional Paper
Resource Base - Distribution, utilization and Conservation of Land, Water,
Mineral, Energy (both Conventional and Non - Conventional) and Biotic

Economy - Landuse - characteristics and correlates; Irrigation and

Agriculture - development during the Plan periods; Rice, jute, and tea -
cultivation, crop ecology, production and problems; Crop Combination
Regions; Impact of Green Revolution; Industrial Regions - growth,
development and problems; Trade and Transport - nature and status of
development; issues of development

Population - Population as a Resource; Relation between Population and

Socio-economic Development;Growth and Distribution (absolute, and density
- crude, physiological and habitational); Population Composition - age, sex,
literacy, occupation, religion, and caste; Urban Growth and Urbanisation -
characteristics, patterns and factors; Population Problems and Population
Policy during the Plan periods

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