LP 1 HotelCasanova PDF
LP 1 HotelCasanova PDF
LP 1 HotelCasanova PDF
Hotel Casanova
Aims 7 Ask students to read Extracts 1±5. They are all from
. To introduce students to the key elements of stories Level 1 stories. Which two are from romances? How do
in the romance genre. they know?
. To focus students on the main characters. Answers: Extracts 2 and 5 are romances. Extract 2 is
. To stimulate students to read the book. from Next Door to Love by Margaret Johnson, and
Extract 5 is from Hotel Casanova.
1 Write `Hotel Casanova' on the board or overhead and tell
the students it's the title of the book they're going to read. Words which help: boyfriend, new men, good-looking,
Do they know where it might be set? Elicit or tell them marry
it's Venice. Extracts 1, 3 and 4 are all thrillers: John Doe (Antoinette
2 Ask students to look at a picture or pictures of Venice Moses), Parallel (Colin Campbell) and Just like a Movie
depicting typical scenes. (If you can't ®nd suitable ones, (Sue Leather).
use the picture on the front of the book.) In pairs or 8 Focus students on Hotel Casanova again. Ask them to
small groups give students a few minutes to think of four look at the list of people in the story on the handout
or ®ve things they know about Venice. This will help you opposite. From the list of people in the story, focus on
to pre-teach some of the vocabulary in the book. Dino. What do we know from the blurb about him? Ask
3 Take feedback. students to read Extracts 6±8 and to say whether the
following statements are true or false.
Suggestions: in Europe, in northern Italy, has canals,
gondolas, St Mark's square True or False?
a Dino worked in the reception of a hotel.
4 Ask students what kind of story it might be, ®rst of all
b He hated his job.
just from the context ± Venice ± and then from the Blurb
c He made a lot of money.
(see handout opposite). Establish that it's a romance. Ask
d He sometimes offered the guests a drink of wine.
students if they think that it's a good setting for romance.
e He had a room in the hotel.
Why? Why not?
f Dino's birthday was on 21 April.
5 Ask students if they like romances. Why? Why not? Is it g Dino's plan was to marry when he was twenty-six years
just girls who like romance? Or do boys like it too? Ask old.
them to talk about their favourite romantic books and
9 Pair students up to check answers.
®lms. What makes a really good romantic story? If you
know it well, use Romeo and Juliet as an example, or 10 Take class feedback.
another romance that you know. Put their ideas on the Answers
board. a True
6 Discuss with students what kind of thing they would b False
expect to read about in a romance. Possible things to c False
elicit are: boy meets girl, girl meets boy, love triangle, d True
something getting in the way of love. e True
Optional extras f False (20th)
a Ask the students to look at the People in the Story list g True
on the handout opposite. Can they predict what might 11 Focus the students on the last line of Extract 8: `The
happen from the list of people? woman with the long dark hair came and stayed at Hotel
b If the class is very good at creating stories, ask them to Grand, and everything changed.' Ask them what they
work in small groups and make up a short story from think changed?
the character list. Ask them to tell their stories to the 12 If you have the books, hand them out and start reading to
whole class. ®nd out.
Note: These are both activities that are intended to whet
the students' appetite for reading the book. The keys are
to keep them fairly short, and don't tell them what really
happens in the story at this stage!