Post-Graduate Research Centre For Industrial Design: B.E. Semester IV: Design Engineering - 1B
Post-Graduate Research Centre For Industrial Design: B.E. Semester IV: Design Engineering - 1B
Post-Graduate Research Centre For Industrial Design: B.E. Semester IV: Design Engineering - 1B
In Design Engineering, in every branch, students are required to take up problems of design in a
small group (4-5 students) and to solve them by following a systematic process.
During the 3rd semester, the students have used the following:
1. “The Help Manual” for 3rd semester Design Thinking for Engineering, which was made
available at the web-site of GTU Innovation Council. It is being made available along
with the Guidelines again.
Note: In the 3rd semester, the students may have worked upon general topic/domain. In the 4th
semester the students need to work on branch-specific design projects. They are required to
relate all stages/phases of Design Engineering with the knowledge, they are obtaining by
studying the subjects in their branch. But every student is supposed to study and use every
thing, required to solve the design project, which they have selected.
During the 4th semester, the students are to follow the work flow, shown below:
NOTE: AEIOU is a frequently used framework for guiding and structuring observational research. The
framework creates a taxonomy of observations under the themes of
Objects and
It is commonly used for coding observational data. Organisational frameworks help researchers and
designers to capture key details in observation, and AEIOU is a very easy mnemonic device to remember
what to look for and write down. The structure is also a helpful framework for using observational
material in design and innovation workshops. You may refer to:
For the problem of design, that a student takes up, he/ she would prepare the PD Canvas. They
should strengthen the observation component by using the AEIOU Framework and maintaining
the Observation Record Pages (Format as given in Appendices 1 to 5 at the end of this
document) through field work. This process will ensure that for their proposed
product/system/process/application, they would develop clearer concepts and insights. A round
of brainstorming among students and Faculty Guide shall enhance the quality of their work. The
result of Observation Record Pages may include notes, photographs, video, sketches etc. The
results of observations shall be clubbed with other thoughts, developed with the PD Canvas to
bring out all the real factors in the concept. At this stage, one may find that one has to modify the
Canvases, prepared earlier in 3rd semester on the basis of Observation.
After carrying out the observation exercise, students are required to verify the important aspects,
using the context of five principles, namely:
i. Technological,
ii. Aesthetic,
iii. Ergonomics,
iv. Environment, and
v. Cost.
For the design problem, each of their components, functions and features of the proposed
solution will be checked using the above five principles. This verification may lead to
modification and sharpening of their concept.
With understanding of the basic subjects or topics, related to their branch/ project , ( after having
discussions with and the guidance of their Faculty Guide) they will be able to identify tools/ use
of software/ applicable standards/ material / design specifications/ theories/ principles/ methods/
experiments needed by their design project.
After identifying the specific learning, that will be required to develop their idea/ product/
concept, the students may distribute learning requirements among the members of the group and
each member may have to learn a minimum of one component of LNM, in consultation with the
Faculty Guide. Then they should discuss, whatever each member of the group has learnt, so that
the whole of the group is prepared to jointly work on the project properly. The Group needs to
make LNM and include it in their report. It should include:
1. Theories/ Methods/ Application Process Involved/ Mathematical Requirement
2. Applicable Standards and Design Specifications/ Principles & Experiments
3. Software/ Tools/ Simulation Methods/ Skills required
4. Components Materials’ & strengths criteria (Exploration- varieties/testing requirements)
It should also include briefly what has been learnt by each member of the Group, in the words of
that member and all the references used by the member.
Upon preparation of the fast-prototype/ schematic plan on the product/ concept they wish to
develop, it needs to be verified by involving some actual users. The students may take their idea/
product plan/ proto-type to the user and discuss their own conceptual thoughts and verify
whether the user’s expectations are along the anticipated lines. This inter-action may require the
inclusion of any missing or overlooked function and/or feature. Based on such discussions,
students will further perform refinement in their design of the product..