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Diagnostic Tests of The ACC Radar System: Computer Applications in Electrical Engineering Vol. 14 2016

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Computer Applications in Electrical Engineering

Vol. 14 2016
DOI 10.21008/j.1508-4248.2016.0042

Diagnostic tests of the ACC radar system

Michał Filipiak, Jarosław Jajczyk
Poznań University of Technology
60–965 Poznań, ul. Piotrowo 3a,
e–mail: {Michal.Filipiak; Jaroslaw.Jajczyk}@put.poznan.pl

The paper provides the characteristics of the construction and principle of operation
of the adaptive cruise control system (ACC). The most important components of the
system were presented and its cooperation with other electronic systems of the vehicle
was discussed. An essential part of the paper focuses on diagnostic tests which were
conducted on a model ACC system. The article presents the diagnostic device used
during the tests and the characteristics of the tested system. During the diagnostic tests,
the correctness of the ACC system communication with other systems was verified. The
operation of the ACC manipulator push buttons was tested. Voltage and current values
important for the proper performance of the system were read. The last part of the tests
served the purpose of verification of the signals related to the current settings and
condition of the ACC system.

KEYWORDS: vehicle diagnostics, convenience systems, radar, ACC system

1. Introduction

Electronic computer systems have become an integral part of the

development of the automotive industry in the 21st century. Mechanical engine
control was replaced by electromechanical microprocessor controlled
controllers, which precisely select the fuel dose based on signals from many
sensors and executive components. This way, fuel is saved and more ecological
engines are obtained. At present, vehicles are provided with systems, whose
function is to improve safety and comfort of the driver of a vehicle. The active
safety systems such as ABS (Anti–Lock Braking System) or its subsequent
development into ESP (Electronic Stability Program) improve safety. While
preventing the wheels from being locked, the ABS ensures vehicle control
during the braking process. The ESP, owing to the fact that is provided with
special sensors, enables monitoring of the direction of driving and prevention of
dangerous oversteering or understeering phenomena. The system can also apply
the braking force to
a selected wheel without the driver’s interference. What determines its
effectiveness is the speed of operation [10, 11].

M. Filipiak, J. Jajczyk / Diagnostic tests of the ACC radar system

Development of convenience systems has also contributed to the

improvement of safety on roads. Such solutions as automatic windscreen
wipers, reversing sensors or cameras facilitate the observation of the vehicle’s
surroundings by the driver. Automatic gearboxes allow for correct holding of
the steering wheel and full concentration on driving. While travelling on long
distances, automatic vehicle speed maintenance systems turn out to be useful.
(cruise control). Systems of this type in their standard version control the engine
in order to maintain the pre–set speed. Extended versions, especially in trucks
(Scania Active Prediction), allow for prediction of the terrain slope by means of
the GPS data [12]. The system allows for fuel savings by predicting the road
topology. It increases the vehicle’s speed before elevations and decreases the
torque before the peak of the elevation, so as not to brake while driving down.
The cruise control systems have developed in recent times owing to the far–
range and short–range radars. The connection of the systems mentioned above
allowed the adaptive cruise control to be created.
The ACC system, owing to the possibility of interference into the algorithm
of control of the engine, the gear box and the safety systems may accelerate,
decelerate or even bring a vehicle to a halt. The decision is made taking into
consideration the position and speed of other object on the road. Such a solution
relieves the driver of pressing the gas pedal and supports him by monitoring of
the speed of the vehicle ahead. This function is particularly useful when the
driver is fatigued, and their reaction time is much longer.
Complicated systems, which constitute part of the equipment of modern
vehicles, require specialist tools for their operation and diagnostics. Also, the
skills in using these tools are not without significance. This paper discusses the
construction and principle of operation of the adaptive cruise control system and
presents the results of diagnostic tests performed by means of the computerized
diagnostics system.

2. Construction and operation of the ACC system

The function of the ACC system is the constant maintenance of the pre–set
vehicle speed including the possibility of adaptation of the speed to the vehicles
that move slower. The system relieves the driver of the constant speed change
and allows for safe driving at a constant distance from the vehicle moving
ahead. It is connected with the systems responsible for accelerating and braking
of the vehicle. The construction of the ACC system is presented in Figure 1.
Having been activated by the driver, the ACC system operates automatically
performing one of several functions. While switching on the system, the driver
can set the maximum driving speed and the distances from the vehicle ahead.
Other functions such as switching of the system from the traditional cruise
control to automatic speed adjustment, acceleration, deceleration and braking

M. Filipiak, J. Jajczyk / Diagnostic tests of the ACC radar system

are activated automatically. The cruise control function is supposed to maintain

the set speed in situations when there are no vehicles ahead, moving with a
lower speed.
The response of the ACC system is initiated when the radar detects another
vehicle moving with a lower speed. In such a case, a signal is transmitted to the
engine controller with a request to decrease the torque, and if a further decrease
in distance takes place, braking is activated by adjusting the control of the ESP
system. Braking is performed by a gradual increase in pressure in the braking
system until speed is adjusted to that of the vehicle moving ahead. The vehicle
ahead is followed maintaining the constant distance which is proportionate to
the speed. The distance established during the system initiation corresponds to
the time needed to move to the place at which the vehicle ahead is found at
a given moment.

Fig. 1. The construction of the adaptive cruise control system (ACC) [1]: 1 – radar unit
of the ACC system, 2 – engine controller, 3 – braking system with the ESP system,
4 – combined ACC system dashboard and operating elements, 5 – wheel speed sensors,
6 – automatic gearbox controller (option)

The operations of the system are illustrated in Figures 2–4. The vehicle
which is equipped with the ACC system moves with a constant pre–set speed
(Fig. 2) until it is identified by the vehicle ahead, moving with a lower speed
(Fig. 3). In this situation, the ACC system interferes with the engine operation
control and forces a reduction in the speed in order to avoid a collision (keep
a safe distance). Figure 4 illustrates the situation in which the vehicle provided

M. Filipiak, J. Jajczyk / Diagnostic tests of the ACC radar system

with the ACC system accelerates again to the pre–set speed (the vehicle ahead
which moves slower disappears from the area monitored by the radar).

Fig. 2. Operation of the ACC system – driving with a constant speed

without detecting any obstacle

Fig. 3. Operation of the ACC system – detection of the slower vehicle and deceleration

Fig. 4. Operation of the ACC system – no other vehicle within the range of the radar
and acceleration to the preset speed

The most important element of the ACC system responsible for

determination of the distance from another vehicle (object) is the long–range or
medium–range radar. An advantage of the radar system over e.g. the light
system is the more precise determination of the distance, especially during

M. Filipiak, J. Jajczyk / Diagnostic tests of the ACC radar system

difficult weather conditions such as rain, snow or fog. Deflection of light

depends on the surface on which the light falls. Dirty surfaces can significantly
decrease the luminous flux or disperse it completely. The radar is resistant to
such interferences. The electromagnetic wave beam transmitted from the radar
is deflected particularly well by all the electrically conductive materials,
therefore, they are perfectly fit for measurement of the distance from vehicles.
The distance can be measured by the direct or indirect measurement of the
time of travel of the electromagnetic wave beam.
In the case of the direct measurement, the following formula must be used
2d (1)
where:  – time [s], d – distance to the preceding vehicle [m], c – velocity of
electromagnetic wave propagation (300000 [km/s]).
The measurement is performed while driving the vehicle. In such a case, the
Doppler effect occurs. Therefore, the frequency of the signal deflected from
another vehicle will demonstrate a shift fD in relation to the signal transmitted
from the radar. The shift will depend on the difference between the vehicle
speeds and can be calculated from the following formula (2):
 2 f C vrel (2)
fD 
where: f C  carrier frequency of the radar signal, vrel  relative speed.
Precise determination of the frequency shift has a significant effect on the
accuracy of measurement of the distance between the objects.
The radar is mounted on the front part of the vehicle. The construction of the
ACC radar unit is presented in Figure 5.

Rys. 5. Construction of the ACC radar: 1 – printed circuit board, 2 – generator body,
3 – source of radiation, 4 – lens, 5 – lens heating contact,
6, 7 – printed circuit, 8 – radar transmission–reception module (RTC) [1]

M. Filipiak, J. Jajczyk / Diagnostic tests of the ACC radar system

The radar lens is made of a special material resistant to weather conditions

and mechanical damage. The radar is equipped with the heating system that
prevents icing, which would cause additional signal attenuation.
The correct operation of the radar unit depends on its proper fixing as well as
vertical and horizontal placement. The improper placement of the radar unit
may cause reception of wrong signals, e.g. from a different traffic lane, or cause
improper measurement of the distance or failure to detect a different vehicle. In
order to obtain the representative and unambiguous results of measurements, the
signal transmitted by the radar is about 9 wide and consists of three parallel
beams (Fig. 6).

Fig. 6. Beams of the electromagnetic wave from the ACC radar

Table 1 lists the exemplary parameters of the radar manufactured by Bosch,

used in the ACC system developed by this company.

Table 1. Parameters of an exemplary radar [1]

Name Value Unit

Range 2 – 120 m
Relative speed –50  +50 (m/s)
Average transmitter power 1 mW
0,85 m
(1,7) (m/s)
Frequency 76–77 GHz
Measuring unit 10 Hz
Bandwidth about 200 Hz

The generation of the high frequency radiation by the radar (76–77 GHz)
and its simultaneous emission in three wave beams, and then the reception and
analysis of the waves deflected from an object all require very fast and precise
electronic systems. These systems are provided with an expanded self–
diagnosis module.

3. Diagnostics of the ACC system

M. Filipiak, J. Jajczyk / Diagnostic tests of the ACC radar system

The paper describes the conducted diagnostic tests of the ACC system
installed in an estate passenger car – Volkswagen Passat 2.0 TDI. The vehicle
was equipped with the ACC system manufactured by TRW (3C0 907 567 M).
As a diagnostic device, a modern KTS 570 diagnostic tester manufactured by
Bosch was used. It enables, among other things, the reading and clearing of the
error codes, switching off service controls, measuring of operating parameters
in real time, viewing of signal runs in the oscilloscope mode. Owing to the
wireless connection with a PC or notebook by means of the Bluetooth standard,
mobility of tests is ensured to a certain extent. The diagnoscope fully operates
the OBD (On–Board Diagnostic) standard and owing to the extended database,
it enables the performance of tests of vehicles of different manufacturers [3, 5,
7, 8, and 9].
The tests allowed for checking of the operation of the ACC system. As the
reading of the fault codes gave a negative result, the measurements of real
parameters of the most important subassemblies of this system were carried out.
Figure 7 presents a screenshot of the diagnostic programme during the
verification of the cooperation of the system with the subassemblies which are
connected with the ACC system controller by means of the CAN (Controller Area
Network) [2, 4, and 6]. The systems with which the ACC module communicates
can include: the automatic gearbox controller, the multi–purpose indicator
controller, the steering angle measurement system, the switch controller in the
steering wheel column, the electric parking brake controller as well as the gate,
allowing for communication with other networks (e.g. CAN for diagnosis).
During the diagnosis, no other interferences in operation were observed (Fig. 7).

Fig. 7. Data bus states during the verification of the cooperation of the ACC system
with other modules

M. Filipiak, J. Jajczyk / Diagnostic tests of the ACC radar system

The next part of the diagnostic tests allowed the verification of push buttons
and switches necessary for activation, deactivation and introduction of setpoints
and controls of the ACC system. The push buttons can be found nearby the
steering wheel. The results read by means of the diagnoscope are presented in
Figure 8. In the view of the window of the diagnostic programme, it is possible
to notice that the first two values read in the same data set refer to the speeds of
the selected wheels and are equal to 0 km/h. This is caused by the fact that the
tests were performed when the vehicle was parked. During the diagnosis, the
respective push buttons were pressed and their functioning as well as
transmission of relevant messages to the ACC controller were all verified. No
irregularities were found.

Fig. 8. States of subassemblies while testing the functioning of the ACC manipulator push buttons

Further on during the tests, the electric signals related to the operation of the
ACC system were read. The selected measured values that were read are
presented in Figure 9.

M. Filipiak, J. Jajczyk / Diagnostic tests of the ACC radar system

The information about the levels of the respective voltages and values of
currents allow the correctness of the system power supply to be assessed. In this
case, no irregularities were noticed either.
In the last part of the tests, the parameters related to the current settings and
the state of the ACC system were read (Fig. 10).

Fig. 9. Values of the selected voltages and currents in the ACC system

M. Filipiak, J. Jajczyk / Diagnostic tests of the ACC radar system

Fig. 10. Values of the selected signals in the ACC system read during the diagnosis

The status of the ACC system (on/off), the correctness of saving of the pre–
set speed of movement of the vehicle and the distances behind the object
moving ahead (in the form of the time interval) were all checked. The
correctness of operation of the stabilisation system of the controller temperature
and radar lens was verified. On top of this, the diagnostic device enabled the
reading of such parameters as: vehicle acceleration, distances to the vehicle
moving ahead, angle of inclination and relative speed of the radar object,
steering angle and speed of vehicle skidding.

4. Summary

The adaptive cruise control system is, without any doubts, the system which
has a positive effect on safety and comfort of travelling with vehicles equipped
with it. Owing to the application of complex control systems that use
microprocessor systems and technologically advanced sensors (radar), the
system can respond in time to the appearing incentives and adapt the speed of
the vehicle to another vehicle ahead in such a manner as to maintain the pre–set
distance. Such sophisticated systems require the appropriate equipment for their
diagnostics. In principle, only the testing devices which cooperate with
computers are useful.
The paper presents a number of diagnostic tests of the selected ACC system.
The system operated correctly and no errors were observed. The non–zero
values of certain signals were reported, though, because of the lack of movement
of the vehicle during the tests, zero values were expected. Such results could be
caused by external disturbances as well as inaccuracy of measurements of the
diagnostic device. For instance, it was observed that in spite of performance of
tests on a vehicle brought to a halt, a non–zero signal from the vehicle skidding
speed sensor was present.
On the one hand, the conducted tests allowed for the presentation of the
capacity of the diagnostic device that was used, and on the other hand, they
allowed for the verification of the status of the ACC system and the analysis of
signals which can be read while testing the system.


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(Received: 21. 10. 2016, revised:8. 11. 2016 )


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