Chanda Khatri Diploma Assignment
Chanda Khatri Diploma Assignment
Chanda Khatri Diploma Assignment
Topic 2: Methodologies
1. What is the role of the teacher in CLT? (350 words)
It is clear that the mission of educating our children and young learners falls directly
on two essential pillars: family and school. Although in the field of the family the
essential figure that will carry out the educational and social work are the parents; in
the case of the school, the key subject of training is the teaching staff.
Nowadays the role of the teacher has changed from a transmitter of knowledge to a
facilitator and a socializing agent who has an impact on the learning lives of
“The teacher has two main roles: the first role is to facilitate the communication
process between all participants in the classroom, and between these participants
and the various activities and texts. The second role is to act as an independent
participant within the learning-teaching group. The latter role is closely related to
the objectives of the first role and arises from it.” (Breen and Candlin, 1980: 99)
In addition, other authors like Richards and Lackhart (1994) claimed that when it
comes to carrying out a class of CLT, the role of teachers may vary accordingly. The
flexibility of the teacher varies from manager, scheduler, driver, organizer,
facilitator, etc. to support the learning of their students. In addition, to meet the
need for language that learners have, it is necessary that the teacher implement
tasks based on text, or other methods that require the teacher to play a role of
adviser, analyst and process manager as well as a participant.
2. How is the role of a student in CLT different from that in the Audio-
lingual method? (300 words).
For a CLT student there is no text or grammar rules are presented, classroom
arrangement is non-standard, students are expected to interact primarily with each
other rather than with the teacher, and correction of errors may be infrequent. The
students are recommended to see that failed communication is a joint responsibility
and not the fault of the speaker or listener. Similarly, successful communication is an
accomplishment jointly achieved.
Thus, a CLT student is a communicator and negotiator, who is motivated to learn
from an interest in what is being communicated by the language. Whereas in Audio-
lingual method the student is just an imitator, who apart from imitation is expected
to respond accurately and rapidly; therefore, they are motivated from an interest in the
structure of the language.
Secondly, CLT is a great method as it does not stress on too much information about
the language but the language itself. The materials used in CLT emphasize on role
plays, discussion and so on enabling the teacher to get the students interested and
involved the process of learning. CLT also emphasizes on being able to communicate
rather than accuracy.
Another reason is that CLT allows the teacher to use any device which helps the
learner learn, thereby giving the teacher the freedom to customize the devices and
practices used to teach the language, while adhering to the objectives and syllabus.
This freedom allows the teacher to use devices such as games and topics in which
teens will be interested in to facilitate learning of the language.
Grade Level(s) ______________Subject(s)______________________Date _____________________
Directions: Consider your teaching practice and determine, for each component of the
framework for teaching, the level of performance that best reflects your own assessment.
Circle or highlight the appropriate words, and then transfer your judgments to the last page
of this form. This will provide you with a summary of your current level of practice.
Domain 1: Planning and Preparation
3e The teacher adheres The teacher attempts The teacher The teacher seizes an
Demonstrating to the instruction to modify the lesson promotes the opportunity to
Flexibility and plan, even when a when needed and to successful learning of enhance learning,
Responsiveness change would respond to student all students, making building on a
improve the lesson or questions, with adjustments as spontaneous event or
address students’ moderate success. needed to instruction student interests.
lack of interest. plans
4f The teacher has little The teacher is honest displays a high level teacher is proactive
Showing sense of ethics and and well intentioned of ethics and and assumes a
Professionalism professionalism. in serving students professionalism and leadership role
The teacher fails to The teacher complies complies fully and The teacher displays
comply with school minimally with school voluntarily with the highest standards
and district and district school and district of ethical conduct.
regulations and time regulations, doing just regulations.
lines. enough to get by.
Form 1
Domain 3: Instruction U NI P E
Action summary
2. What are the factors one must keep in mind before evaluating a text
book? (500 words)
Since the 1970’s there has been a movement to make learners the centre of
language instruction and it is probably best to view textbooks as resources in
achieving aims and objectives that have already been set in terms of learner needs.
Therefore, we must make every effort to establish and apply a wide variety of
relevant and contextually appropriate criteria for the evaluation of the textbooks
that we use in our language classrooms. We should also ensure “that careful
selection is made, and that the materials selected closely reflect the aims, methods,
and values of the teaching program.” (Cunningsworth, 1995).
We must look into assessment of the factors such as, “aims”, “design”,” language
content”, “skills”, and “methodology”, as well as “practical considerations such as
cost and obtainability.” This information will give a basic idea of the appropriateness of
the book.
I. General impression
The overall appearance is attractive and will be appealing to learners.
The book’s description of itself appears to match the contents.
II. Appropriacy
Who Will Use the Coursebook? In What Situation?
The materials, language focus and activities are adaptable to personal
learning and teaching styles or in general appropriate for your learners.
VIII. Phonology
How thoroughly and systematically are each of the following aspects of the
phonological system covered: individual sounds, word stress, sentence stress,
X. Other
Cost Effectiveness: This is particularly the case as many students with limited
incomes are required to purchase the books for language courses.
What materials or activities are missing from the book which should be
What helpful ways of learning are missing from the book which should be
Thus, evaluations based on these factors, enable us to select the most appropriate textbook
for use.
Finally, evaluation should be done: grade the papers and add comments; test
analysis is to be done after scoring and before returning papers; papers must be
returned in a timely manner; test items must be discussed with students.