Obtlp Understanding The Self
Obtlp Understanding The Self
Obtlp Understanding The Self
ervice-driven – taking the initiative to provide for the needs of the MISSION
The Department of Psychology commits itself in (a) providing excellent
otivated – having the enthusiasm to give one's best.
psychology education and training through advance, scientific, and up-to-date
chievement oriented – committing one's self to excellence. instruction; (b) conducting valid, reliable, and socially and culturally sensitive
researches with strict observance of the ethical standards of the profession;
esponsive – highly conscious of needs and (c) promoting relevant psychological services that caters the needs of the
ransformed Team player – a dynamic member of the global society university and the community.
Actualizing One Vision... One Mission... To realize the vision and mission of the Department of Psychology of the
and One Identity... as One UCU. Urdaneta City University. The APA Guidelines for the Undergraduate Psychology
Major Version 2.0 was adopted. The adoption and adherence to the guidelines
OBJECTIVE ensures the deliverance of quality psychology education and training in honing
globally competent psychology professionals. Likewise, some of the provisions of
Goal: Knowledge Base High and be Amazing!
Psychology the Commission of Higher Education (CHED) CMO No. 38 s. 2010 on the Policies
and Standards for undergraduate program in Psychology were included.
# 1 San Vicente West, Urdaneta City, 2428 Pangasinan
UNDERSTANDING THE SELF 1st Semester, S.Y. 2019 – 2020
Tel. No. (075) 568-2475; 568-7612
2.2.d. Evaluate psychology information based on the reliability, validity and generalizability of sources.
2.2.e interpret complex statistical findings and graphs in the context of their level of statistical significance, including the influence of effect
size, and explain these findings using common language.
2.3 Engage in innovative and integrative 2.3.a. Select and apply the optimal problem-solving strategy from multiple alternatives.
thinking and problem solving 2.3.b. Evaluate the effectiveness of selected problem-solving strategies.
2.4. Interpret, design, and conduct basic 2.4.a. Evaluate the effectiveness of quantitative and qualitative research methods in addressing a research question.
psychological research 2.4.b. Limit cause-effect claims to research strategies that appropriately rule out alternative explanations.
2.4.c. Accurately identify key research concepts in existing and proposed research projects.
2.4.d. Design and conduct complex studies to confirm a hypothesis based on operational definitions.
2.4.e. Design and adopt high-quality measurement strategies that enhance reliability and validity.
2.4.f. Use quantitative and /or qualitative analyses to argue for or against a particular hypothesis.
2.4.g. Apply knowledge of research skills necessary to be an informed consumer of research or critic regarding unsupported claims about
2.5 Incorporate sociocultural factors in 2.5.a. Recognize the systemic influences of sociocultural, theoretical, and personal biases for the research enterprise and evaluate the
scientific inquiry effectiveness with which researchers address those influences in psychological research.
2.5.b. Design studies that effectively address the effects of sociocultural factors,
2.5.c. Evaluate and design research with respect to controls for variations in behavior related to individual and sociocultural differences that
can influence research outcomes.
2.5.d. Evaluate the generalizability of specific finding based on parameters of the research design, including caution in extending western
constructs inappropriately.
Goal 4: Communication
5.1.e. Adapt information literacy skills obtained in the psychology major to investigating solutions to a variety of problems.
5.1.f Apply ethical principles of psychology to non-psychology professional settings.
5.2 Exhibit self-efficacy and self- 5.2.a. Design deliberate efforts to produce desired self-management outcomes.
regulation 5.2.b. Accurately assess performance quality by melding external standards and expectations with their own performance criteria.
5.2.c. Pursue and respond appropriately to feedback from educators, mentors, supervisors, and experts to improve performance.
5.2.d. Attend to and monitor the quality of their own thinking.
5.3 Refine project-management skills 5.3.a Develop and execute strategies for exceeding project criteria or, in the absence of such criteria, to meet their own project performance
5.3.b. Effectively challenge constraints and expand resources to improve project completion.
5.4.c. Generate, apply, and evaluate potential solutions to problems that develop when working with teams.
5.4.d. Assess the basic strengths and weaknesses of team performance on a complex project.
5.4.e. Demonstrate leadership skills by effectively organizing personnel and other resources to complete a challenging project.
5.4.f. Work effectively with diverse populations.
5.5 Develop meaningful professional 5.5.a. Formulate career plan contingencies based on accurate self-assessment of abilities, achievement, motivation, and work habits.
direction for life after graduation 5.5.b. Develop evidence of attaining skills sets desired by psychology-related employers.
5.5.c. Evaluate the characteristics of potential work settings or graduate school programs to optimize career direction and satisfaction.
5.5.d. Actively seek and collaborate with a mentor.
5.5.e. Create and continuously update a curriculum vitae or resume.
5.5.f. Develop strategies to enhance resilience and maintain skills in response to rapid social change and related changes in job market.
E. Course Description:
The course deals with the nature of identity, as well as the factors and forces that affect the development and maintenance of personal identity. The directive to Know Oneself
has inspired countless and varied ways to comply. Among the questions that everyone has had to grapple with at one time or other is “Who am I?”.
# 1 San Vicente West, Urdaneta City, 2428 Pangasinan
UNDERSTANDING THE SELF 1st Semester, S.Y. 2019 – 2020
Tel. No. (075) 568-2475; 568-7612
At no other period is that question asked more urgently than in adolescence – traditionally believed to be a time of vulnerability and great possibilities. Issues of self and identity
are among the most critical for the young.
This course is intended to facilitate the exploration of the issues and concerns regarding self and identity to arrive at a better understanding of one’s self. It strives to meet this
goal by stressing the integration of the personal with the academic – contextualizing matters discussed in the classroom and in the everyday experiences of students – making for better
learning, to manage and improve their selves to attain a better quality of life.
The course is divided into three major parts: the first part seeks to understand the construct of the self from the various disciplinal perspectives: philosophy, sociology,
anthropology, and psychology – as well as the more traditional division between the East and West – each seeking to provide answers to the difficult but essential question of “What is the
self?”. And raising, among others, the question: Is there even such a construct as the self?”
The second part explores some of the various aspects that make up the self, such as the biological and material up to and including the more recent Digital Self. The third and
final part identifies three areas of concern for young students, learning, goal setting and managing stress. It also provides for the more practical application of the concepts discussed in this
course and enables them the hands-on experience of developing self-help plans for self-regulated learning, goal setting and self-care.
This course includes the mandatory topics on Family Planning and Population Education.
F. Learning Outcomes
Specific Learning
Hours Learning Content Learning Activities Course Resources Assessment Tasks
Identify, describe and VMGO
1 explain, internalize and SMART Class Discussion Student Handbook
hour demonstrate the mission of Disaster Preparedness
the university. Class Activity: Getting to know me and
Discussion of the mechanics of
1 Discuss the course outline Introduction to Course the course Syllabus
hour and explain the policies in Introducing the requirements
class. and integrative final paper
Class Discussion: Raising
fundamental questions
regarding the self
Surfacing students’ beliefs and
concerns regarding the self
15 a. Discuss the different 1. THE SELF FROM VARIOUS PERSPECTIVES
Brawner, Dalisay G.,
hours representations and a. Philosophy Arcega, Analiza,
Group write-up of
conceptualizations of the Socrates, Plato and Augustine to Lecture Understanding the Self, Copyright quickie survey
2018, C & E Publishing results
self from various disciplinal Descartes, Locke, Hume, Kant, Freud,
# 1 San Vicente West, Urdaneta City, 2428 Pangasinan
UNDERSTANDING THE SELF 1st Semester, S.Y. 2019 – 2020
Tel. No. (075) 568-2475; 568-7612
a. Explore the different aspects 2. UNPACKING THE SELF
17 Brawner, Dalisay G., Arcega,
hours of self and identity Analiza,
Understanding the Self, Copyright Individual
a. The Physical Self: The self as impacted by 2018, C & E Publishing
construction of the
the body
Lecture personal self
b. Demonstrate critical, The impact of culture on body image and Villafuerte, Salvacion, Quillope, Al
F., Tunac, Rudjane, Borja, Estela,
reflective thought in Self Esteem: The importance of beauty Understanding the Self, An Outcomes
integrating the various Based and new GEC Compliant
aspects of self and identity b. Sexual Self Worktext, Phillipine Copyright 2018,
Nieme Publishing House Co. Ltd.
Development of secondary sex Group Discussion and
characteristics and the human Presentation: Who is beautiful? Belk (2013)
Illustrating how the
Cultural conceptions and Extended Self in Digital World.Journal
reproductive system of Consumer Research 40.3. 477-500 different aspects are
c. Identity the different forces Discussing the Erogenous Zones standard of beauty of face and
body (If time permits, this may Demello, M. (2014) situated relative to
and institutions that impact Understanding the Human Sexual Beautiful Bodies.Pp 173-188. And Fat
also given as a quickie class one another and the
the development of various response and Thin Bodies. 189-205. In Body
survey) Studies: An Introduction Routledge importance of each
aspects of self and identity The basic biology of sexual behavior
Understanding the Chemistry of lust, relative to the other
d. Examine one’s self against
Stein & Stein (2011)
the different aspects of self love and attachment Ritual: in the Anthropology of Religion,
discussed in class The Psychological aspect: Magic and Witchcraft.Printice Hall. 77-
Class may bring pictures of who 102
What turns people on: the phases of is beautiful to begin discussion
sexual response
The diversity of sexual behavior, solitary,
heterosexual, homosexual and bisexual, Paper on my most
prized possession:
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STIs) Psychological Tests what would I save
Methods of Contraception (natural and Self-esteem scale
artificial) first in any
Body esteem scale emergency and
c. The Material / Economic Self why?
I shop, therefore I am: I have, therefore I
# 1 San Vicente West, Urdaneta City, 2428 Pangasinan
UNDERSTANDING THE SELF 1st Semester, S.Y. 2019 – 2020
Tel. No. (075) 568-2475; 568-7612
a. Understand the theoretical 3. MANAGING AND CARING FOR THE SELF
17 Guided lecture and how-to Brawner, Dalisay G., Arcega,
hours underpinnings for how to demonstration: Examination of Analiza,
Understanding the Self, Copyright Feedback report on
manage and care for a. Learning to be a better student own study strategies and 2018, C & E Publishing
different aspects of the What happens during learning? Brain and development of more effective
behavior changes study plans and strategies (self implementation:
self Villafuerte, Salvacion, Quillope, Al
Metacognition and study strategies regulated learning program) F., Tunac, Rudjane, Borja, Estela, what happened,
b. Acquire and hone new Understanding the Self, An Outcomes
Managing your own learning: Self problems
skills and leanings for Based and new GEC Compliant
regulated learning Worktext, Phillipine Copyright 2018, encountered, etc.
better managing of one’s Answering the Metacognition Nieme Publishing House Co. Ltd.
self and behaviors Awareness Inventory
b. Setting goals for Success Belk (2013)
c. Apply these new skills to The importance of goals Extended Self in Digital World.Journal
one’s self and functioning The Power of Habit at of Consumer Research 40.3. 477-500
Bandura’s Self efficacy, Dweck’s Mindset Working of my bad
for a better quality of life (growth vs fixed) Demello, M. (2014)
=4HotTwtPLfo Beautiful Bodies.Pp 173-188. And Fat habits (paper)
d. the different aspects of Locke’s goal setting theory and Thin Bodies. 189-205. In Body
Studies: An Introduction Routledge
self discussed in class Guided lecture and how-to
c. Taking charge of one’s health Feedback report on
demonstration: Examination of
Stressors and responses initial implementation
goals (short and long term) as
Sources of coping and strength well as plans for accomplishing of goals
Stress and Filipinos: The social and these
cultural dimensions of stress
Taking care of the self: The need for self
Clarifying goals and setting up a
care and compassion
plan for the short term (for the
Feedback on
Answering the Test your Mindset
Instrument at
# 1 San Vicente West, Urdaneta City, 2428 Pangasinan
UNDERSTANDING THE SELF 1st Semester, S.Y. 2019 – 2020
Tel. No. (075) 568-2475; 568-7612
H. Course Requirements
J. Course Policies
1. Aside from academic deficiency, other grounds for a failing grade are:
2. Cheating during quiz/exam.
3. Grave misconduct other than cheating as defined in the Student Manual
4. Exceeding 20% Allowable absences
5. Other rules and regulations in the UCU Student Manual and College Orientation
# 1 San Vicente West, Urdaneta City, 2428 Pangasinan
UNDERSTANDING THE SELF 1st Semester, S.Y. 2019 – 2020
Tel. No. (075) 568-2475; 568-7612
Instructor Program Head, Department of Psychology VP for Academic Affairs