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Pole Mounted Switch Disconnector NPS

630 A, up to 36 kV
Pole Mounted Switch Disconnectors
In operation everywhere in Medium Voltage Networks with or without
automation systems. With references around the world from the Artic Circle
to the most tropical of jungles.
ABB is a global market leader in power technology products. We offer efficiency,
quality and competitiveness.
We believe that flexible solutions and competent support are key elements
for your continued success. We also believe that your distribution system is
cost-effective when it matches the requirements of the customers operation and
process – no more and no less. That is why ABB develops and supplies solutions
perfectly tuned to user requirements and standards.
Through ABB’s worldwide presence, we can offer local support and service
globally. As your partner; we believe that these are key elements that enable
you to continuously improve the performance in your networks.
Our NPS Switch Disconnector has been carefully designed and developed in
co-operation with utilities providers to meet the most diverse of customer
requirements and to maintain maximum flexibility. Highly reliable, our
NPS can be the key element of your rural distribution applications.

3 Reliable air break technology
for your distribution network

4-5 NPS as a Line Switch Disconnector

6-7 NPS for Transformer Switch Disconnector/

NPF fuse holder

8-9 Components for substation switch disconnectors

10 Feeder Automation

11 Feeder Automation solutions for

air insulated switch disconnectors

12-13 DTU Operating Device for

pole mounted switch disconnectors
type NPS or other types

14 Breaking devices on NPS24B for max. Ith/Idyn 16/40 kA

15 Breaking devices on NPS24A for max. Ith/Idyn 20/50 kA

15 Breaking devices on NPS36A for max. Ith/Idyn 21/52 kA

16 Unique design

17 Manual operating mechanisms

19 Technical data

Reliable air break technology
for your distribution network

The NPS offers a complete range from off-load Flexible concept

disconnectors to switch disconnectors with different  From the simplest of manually operated units to
breaking devices, all designed according to IEC motorized and automated remotely controlled units
standard for limited purpose and general purpose  Wide range of accessories
switch disconnectors. The design is made for all  Upgradeable in switching performances
climate conditions in different installations and building
standards and can be either manually or remotely Enhanced performance and improved reliability
operated. The NPS also offer a modular construction  Only insulators with the best materials are used
which can easily be expanded or upgraded in the - cycloaliphatic epoxy with over 30 years of field
future. experience in more than 50 countries
- high quality silicone or porcelain insulators are
The extensive range of accessories makes the NPS also available
suitable for every customer, pole and building  Lightweight design with a limited number of
standard. parts guarantees a long lifetime and trouble-free
Easy and smart integrations
 Adaptable to all customer/
country building standards
 Modular concept
 Suitable for live working

ABB / Pole Mounted Switch Disconnector NPS 3

NPS as a Line Switch Disconnector

4 ABB / Pole Mounted Switch Disconnector NPS

Crossarm installation
One of the most common building standards where the line switch
disconnector is integrated on the same crossarm as the lines.

Wooden poles are most often used for this type of installation.

Installation below live line

Some building styles and standards require a separate crossarm
below the line crossarm.

Sufficient clearances to the pole and between phases can be

arranged by the flexible arrangement of phase elements.

Installation above live line

A typical installation example above the live line
on a steel structure pole.

Vertical installation
Used for branching lines down to cables.
The vertically installed switch disconnector is also used
as a transformer switch disconnector.

Two pole mounting

All above examples are also available for two-pole mounting.

Pole fitting accessories for various pole types are also available
- wooden poles
- concrete poles
- steel poles and structures

ABB / Pole Mounted Switch Disconnector NPS 5

NPS for Transformer Switch Disconnector/
NPF fuse holder

6 ABB / Pole Mounted Switch Disconnector NPS

The NPS switch disconnector can be equipped with several types of
fuse holders. The vertically mounted NPS can be used as transformer
switch disconnector. The breaking capacity of the whip (25/50 A) is
enough for disconnecting a fully loaded distribution transformer up to
800/1600 kVA.

and NPAC5

If the pole element is horizontally mounted the fuse holder for HRC fuses
(6.3, 16, 25 A) or (SMIA-KR_) melting fuses can be easily integrated
(up to 63 A) to the switch disconnector.

The fuses are replaced using isolated rods from ground level.
NPAC9-J2 and

NPS can be equipped with integrated earthing contact for open

and earthed position.

The separate fuse holder for HRC and SMIA-KR_ can also be equipped
with surge arresters for one-,two-, or three-phase installation.



NPS can be equipped with a separate fuse holder for DIN-type fuses
(CEF outdoor HRC fuses).


7.2 kV up to 160 A 15.5 kV 160 A
12.0 kV up to 100 A 25.8 kV 100 A
17.5 kV up to 100 A 38.0 kV 40 A
24.0 kV up to 100 A
NPF24E5 36.0 kV up to 40 A

ABB / Pole Mounted Switch Disconnector NPS 7

Components for substation switch disconnectors

8 ABB / Pole Mounted Switch Disconnector NPS

A wide range of accessories are available for different substation solutions.
The modular construction of NPS enables the most demanding customer
requirements to be fulfilled.

NPS24B1-J2 NPS24B1-J2, NPS24B1-J2


Flexible droppers and additional Third insulator with flexible bars. CT’s and Surge arresters.
insulators for lowering the cable

Basic disconnector module.


NPS24B1-J2 25 A 50 A



250 A

630 A

Automatic earthing Earthing on one or both sides.

in open position. NPS24B1-J2


Fuse base with support

for surge arrester.

ABB / Pole Mounted Switch Disconnector NPS 9

Feeder Automation

10 ABB / Pole Mounted Switch Disconnector NPS

Feeder Automation solutions for
air insulated switch disconnectors

Our disconnector terminal units [DTU’s] are designed for remote control
and local automation applications of NPS switch disconnectors and other
similar types with up/down operating movement.

Together with REC 501 or REC 523 monitoring and control units both simple
UEMC50 applications such as remote open/close operations and more sophisticated
auto sectionalizing schemes and measurements can be realized.

Standard communication protocols available for

 ANSI X3.28 HD only with REC 501
 RP570 only with REC 501
 IEC 60870-101, unbalanced
DTU115  DNP 3.0

Analog inputs available for standard CT’s and VT’s.


DTU’s can also be used without integrated motor mechanism.

These can be used in applications such as master terminal for monitoring
and controlling existing motor devices for indoor and outdoor switch
disconnectors and other motor operated apparatus.
It is also applicable for switching devices with an integrated


One terminal with REC 523 can control up to 4 slave units

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ABB / Pole Mounted Switch Disconnector NPS 11

DTU Operating Device for
pole mounted switch disconnectors
type NPS or other types

12 ABB / Pole Mounted Switch Disconnector NPS




 The product range includes master and slave units

 Can be equipped with third party electronics/IED
 Two different cabinet sizes
 Complete with batteries and chargers
 Up/down tube operation of disconnectors
 Stainless steel cabinet and mechanism
 Dust tight (IP55) to secure long lifetime of critical electrical components
 High torque, alternative 1.2 sec or 3 sec operating time
 Best possible materials used
 Over 30 years experience
 Operating voltages: 24, 48, 110, 220 VDC 110, 230 VAC

Terminals for installing different IED’s.

Cabinets available with different options for batteries, battery chargers etc.

ABB / Pole Mounted Switch Disconnector NPS 13

Breaking devices on NPS24B for max. Ith/Idyn 16/40 kA
Due to the flexible design of the basic phase element, the NPS can be equipped with a range of breaking devices.

NPS Basic pole element Data Usage

Disconnector No breaking capacity For disconnecting

(IEC) functions only.
Provides a safe
isolating distance.


NPS with 25 A breaking whip

Limited purpose Breaking 25 A/24 kV For disconnecting

switch 40 A/12 kV functions only.
disconnector Provides a safe
(IEC) isolating distance.


NPS with 50 A breaking whip

Limited purpose Breaking 50 A/24 kV With extended

switch 80 A/12 kV breaking capacity in
disconnector rural areas and
(IEC) transformer loads.


NPS with 250 A breaking chamber

Limited purpose Breaking 250 A/24 kV For main lines and

switch substations where
disconnector larger breaking
(IEC) capacity is needed.


NPS with K5 air making and breaking chamber

General purpose Maximum 630 A/24 kV For main lines and

switch - breaking substations where
disconnector - independent both breaking and
(IEC) spring assisted 8 kA/24 kV making capacity is
making capacity 12.5 kA/12 kV needed. This
solution is excellent
for remote and auto

NPS24B1-K5J2, NPS24B1-K5J3 and NPAC9-J3

14 ABB / Pole Mounted Switch Disconnector NPS

Breaking devices on NPS24A for max. Ith/Idyn 20/50 kA

For overhead networks with BIL up to 150 kV.

Silicone insulator J3

NPS24A2-J3 NPS24A2-K5J3 NPS24A2-K5J3


Breaking devices on NPS36A for max. Ith/Idyn 21/52 kA

For overhead networks with BIL, up to 200 kV NPS36 can be used.

Whip (16 A) or breaking chamber K3 (400 A) can be used as breaking elements.
Two alternative silicone insulators (J2 or J3)

NPS36A2-J2 NPS36A2-K3J2 NPS36A2-K3J2


ABB / Pole Mounted Switch Disconnector NPS 15

Unique design

The unique design on breaking whips and dry type breaking

chambers eliminates the risk of oil leakage.

Risk of oil eliminated

 Pollution risk for soil waters
 Safety risk in case of failed interruption
 No need to check oil level or compensate for possible leakages

Risk of conventional air breaking chambers eliminated by

protected breaking contacts
 Malfunctions due to dust, sand, ice and small animals
 Risk of terrain fires due to arcing

The exceptionally high number of making operations

[>50 times 8 kA] enables use to locate faulty line sections by
operating against the fault.

Manual operating mechanisms

Hook stick lever
Hook stick operation mechanism for NPS24B_ models.
Also available for mounting on lower level.

One hand grip operating mechanism
for low end disconnectors

Standard two hand grip operating
mechanism for all NPS_ models.

Standard two hand grip operating mechanism
for all NPS_ models with additional quick
adjustment rod.


With auxiliary contacts and heating Wire operation
element IP55.

ABB / Pole Mounted Switch Disconnector NPS 17

NPS Easy is factory assembled
for 80 x 80 or 100 x 100 mm

18 ABB / Pole Mounted Switch Disconnector NPS

Technical data

Type NPS24B1-J2 NPS24B1-J3 NPS24A2-J3 NPS36A2-J2 NPS36A2-J3

Insulator Epoxy Silicone Silicone Silicone Silicone
- creepage mm 740 715 760 1205 1365
- arcing distance (insulator) mm 272 300 305 450 465
- arcing distance (min to earth) mm 200 255 260 380 385
- cantilever strength kN 2 9 9 6.2 6.2
- salt fog test, IEC 507, (1 h) salt solution g/l 160 - - - -
Rated voltage, max. kV 24 24 24 36 36
Rated current A 630 630 630 630 630
Rated frequency Hz 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60
Rated lighting impulse withstand voltage
1) 1)
- across the isolating distance kV 145 145 165 220 220
1) 1)
- to earth and between phases kV 125 125 150 200 200
Rated power frequency withstand
voltage in wet conditions
1) 1)
- across the isolating distance kV 75 75 75 88 88
1) 1)
- to earth and between phases kV 55 55 55 80 80
Min. distance between phases mm 260 260 350 430 430
Min. isolating distance mm 200 200 230 350 350
1) 1)
Rated short-time withstand current 1 s kA 16 16 20 21 21
1) 1)
3 s kA 12.5 12.5 16 16 16
1) 1)
Rated peak withstand current kA 40 40 50 52 52
Rated short-circuit making current
3) 3) 3) 4) 4)
kA 5 5 5 7.5 7.5
Rated breaking current
- mainly active load with 100 closing
and opening operations 12 kVA 40 40 40 - -
15 kVA 32 32 32 - -
24 kVA 25 25 25 16 16
36 kVA - - - 16 16
- cable- and line-charging with 20
closing and opening operations A 15 15 15 10 10
Mechanical endurance Operat. 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
Permissible ice thickness mm -
Ambient temperature limits °C -50…+40 -40…+40 - -40…+40 -40…+40

1) Type NPS36A204 with earthing contact have lower ratings

- lightning impulse withstand voltage 170 kV
- power frequency wet withstand voltage 80 kV
- short-time withstand current 16 kA 1 s
- peak withstand current 40 kA
2) With breaking chambers
3) 7 closing operations, manual or motor
4) fast manual operation
5) When standard breaking whips are used special whips 24 kV 50 A available
6) With breaking chambers

ABB / Pole Mounted Switch Disconnector NPS 19

NPS5GB 06-04/07-03

MV Apparatus & Switchgear
P.O.Box 613, FI-65101 Vaasa, Finland
Tel: +358 10 22 11
Fax: +358 10 22 44661

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