3D Guided Implant Surgery: A Case Report: August 2018

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3D Guided Implant Surgery: A Case Report

Article · August 2018

DOI: 10.3126/jnprossoc.v1i2.23863


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2 authors:

Shyam Kaji Maharjan Mathema Srb

People's Dental College and Hospital, Kathmandu, Nepal People's dental college hospital. Kathmandu. Nepal


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Clinical Case Vol. 1/No. 2/July-December, 2018

3D Guided Implant Surgery: A Case Report

Maharjan SK1*, Mathema SRB2, Shrestha SM3
Assistant Professor, 2Professor, Department of Prosthodontics and Maxillofacial Prosthetics
Professor, Department of Periodontics and Oral Implantology
People’s Dental College and Hospital, Shorakhutte, Kathmandu, Nepal.

Dental implant has been established as one of the most predictable and conservative approaches for
the rehabilitation of missing teeth. With the evolution of newer material and advancement in digital
technology, specially in computed tomography, implant planning software and guided implant surgery,
the outcome and success in implant dentistry has become more predictable. Computer aided design
(CAD) technique is being integrated into treatment planning, and computer-assisted manufacturing
(CAM) is becoming more popular for rehabilitation procedures. This case report illustrate the diagnosis,
planning and application of 3D guided technology in dental implant surgery

Key words: Dental implant, 3D CBCT, Guided implant, Flapless surgery, Stereolithography

Introduction then transferred to fabricate computer guided

W ith the rapid development in computer stereolithographic surgical template. This

technology in the last few years, the template makes it possible to place implants in
developments of computer aided design/ a pre-planned position without raising a flap.3, 4
computer assisted manufacturing (CAD/CAM) The advantages of 3D Guided surgical protocol
technologies have brought great revolution are its minimally invasive nature, accuracy of
in clinical dentistry, more specifically in oral implant placement, predictability and less post
implantology1, 2. One of the recent approaches surgical discomfort. It also reduced time required
with this revolution is 3D Guided Surgery. This for definitive rehabilitation in compare with
treatment concept has been developed with conventional implant placement procedures.
the aid of three-dimensional (3D) computed The available bone can be evaluated and used
tomography (CT) scan images and computer optimally by avoiding bone graft, or at least
aided design/ computer aided manufacturing planned beforehand to achieve the best clinical
(CAD/CAM) technology. Special software result.5
allows clinicians to plan implants in the virtual
This case report explain the use of computer-
3D image that is constructed from CT data.
assisted diagnostics by 3D CBCT, perform
This enables clinicians to make a treatment plan
virtual implant planning, fabricate the
with anatomical and prosthetic consideration.
stereolithographic surgical template and
The planned data of implant placement are
placement of the dental implant in pre planned
site with the help of surgical guide.
*Corresponding Author
Case Report
Dr. Shyam K. Maharjan, Assistant Professor
Department of Prosthodontics and Maxillofacial A 30 year-old female patient reported in
Prosthetics, People’s Dental College and Hospital
Shorakhuttee, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Department of Prosthodontics and Maxillofacial
E-mail:[email protected] Prosthetics, People’s Dental College and

90 Journal of Nepalese Prosthodontic Society (JNPS)

3D Guided Implant Surgery: A Case Report

Hospital, Kathmandu with a chief complaint machine to expose in 5”x5” section. CBCT was
of missing lower right back tooth. Intraoral then evaluated with a Sirona Galileos implant
examination revealed missing 46, with software ver.1.9, dedicate software for the
history of extraction four months back due to possibility of rehabilitation with an implant
endodontic failure (Fig 1). After discussing supported prosthesis. Soft copy images of
various modalities for replacement of her virtual prosthesis planned cast and 3D images of
missing tooth, patient had optioned for implant- CBCT images were then merged together with
supported crown with guided surgery the help of certain common reference points for
definite planning of fixture length, diameter and
The case was then planned and executed
angulations. (Fig 3)
according to guided surgery protocol as
purposed by Straumann® Guided Surgery. Step 4 – Software-based planning and
fabrication of the surgical template (open
Step 1 – Treatment plan
system approach)
Maxillary and mandibular diagnostic
After the evaluation of edentulous site in CBCT
impressions were made with irreversible
with virtual prosthesis, Straumann bone level
hydrocolloid impression material, poured in
tapered Roxolid SLA implant of 4.8 mm in
Type III dental stone and diagnostic mounting
diameter and 10 mm length was planned (Fig 4).
was done. Intraoral periapical radiograph (IOPA)
and Orthopantomograph (OPG) were made to For planning the surgical guide, sleeve system
evaluate bony foundation over the implant site, of Sirona – CEREC Guide drill keys was
proximity of vital structures and overall status selected. In this case drill key L was selected
of remaining dentition. Intraoral evaluation of with position D2 in 19mm. After conformation
hard and soft tissues was performed. Presence of implant and surgical guide, the soft copy of
of adequate keratinized tissue and bone width case plan was sent to the Proficient Dental Lab
of 4.5 mm support our plan for guided flapless Pvt. Ltd. for fabrication of the surgical template.
surgery with stereolithographic surgical Formlabs Form 2 Stereolithographic 3D Printer
template for the implant placement. was used to print the surgical guide in resin.
(Fig 5)
Step 2 – Scan prosthesis fabrication
The cast was then scan using Sirona InLab Step 5 – Surgery with Straumann® guided
InEos X5 laboratory scanner and virtual model instruments & guided implant insertion
was achieved. (Fig 2). The scan prosthesis was After assuring the fit of the surgical template
a radiopaque duplicate of the current clinical intraorally, the implant surgery was performed
situation with the provisional teeth set-up. as per protocol with the guided instruments sets
Prosthetic restoration was planned on this in the Straumann® Guided Surgery Cassette.
virtual model. Once satisfactory alignment and (Fig 6) The surgical protocol, provided along
design of prosthesis was achieved, this soft copy with the surgical template recommended the
file was saved for the treatment planning using a sequence of instruments required to prepare
dedicated 3D CBCT software each implant site.

Step 3 – CBCT scanning Under Local Anesthesia, the surgery was

initiated with the mucosa punch (diameter 4.7
CBCT of mandibular right quadrant was
mm) with 15 rpm through the sleeves with
made with Orthophos XG 3D Dentsply Sirona
surgical template. (Fig 7). Mucosa punch

Journal of Nepalese Prosthodontic Society (JNPS) 91

Maharjan SK et al.

allowed blade free incision with minimum Roxolid SLA implant (4.8 mm diameter and 10
trauma. Next step was the use of milling cutter mm length) was placed with 15 revolution per
to achieve sufficient flat bone surface for the minute using surgical wrench. (Fig 10). Closure
purpose of easy drilling in the following stage. cap was then placed, which eliminate the need
Implant bed was then pre drilled with the Pilot of suturing the overlying soft tissues on implant
Drill (diameter 2.2 mm). Basic implant bed site. (Fig 11) Post surgical radiograph was made
preparation was continued using the diameter to ascertain the implant placement as per plan.
2.8 mm, 3.5 mm and finally with 4.2mm The patient was recalled next day for follow up.
Twist Drill PRO using the corresponding drill It was observed that there was no pain, swelling
handles. The correct cylinder of the drill handle or post surgical problems.
and the respective drill length as indicated in the
surgical protocol recommended by the software Step 6 – Prosthetic procedures
was taken into consideration. This surgical The definite prosthetic procedure for this
guide assures correct osteotomy site preparation case will be performed later after clinical and
as pre-planned earlier radiographic evidence of osseointregation..
Cement retained crown with the Solid Abutment
After the completion of flapless implant bed
System was planned for this case.
preparation (Fig 9) Straumann bone level tapered

Figure 1: Intraoral condition with missing right Figure 2: Fabrication of Scan Prosthesis in virtual
mandibular first molar cast

Figure 3: Merging of Virtual cast and CBCT images Figure 4: Planning of Dental Implant and Surgical
Template using Sirona Galileos Implant software

92 Journal of Nepalese Prosthodontic Society (JNPS)

3D Guided Implant Surgery: A Case Report

Figure 5: Printing of surgical template by using Figure 6: Checking the fit of Surgical template in
Formlabs Form 2 Stereolithographic 3D Printer patient mouth

Figure 7: Mucosa Punch through surgical template Figure 8: Implant Bed preperation with Twist Drill
PRO for Guided Surgery.

Figure 9: Minimal invasive Flapless implant site Figure 10: Straumann bone level tapered Roxolid
preparation SLA implant placement of 4.8mm in diameter and

the final position of the implants prior to the
Guided implant surgery using 3D CBCT surgery and the prosthetic work. However, as
and Stereolithographic surgical template is a this is a fairly new concept, it is important to
relatively recent concept intended to facilitate understand more about the technique and the
the placement of dental implants by planning final positioning of implants placed by the aid

Journal of Nepalese Prosthodontic Society (JNPS) 93

Maharjan SK et al.

Figure 11: Radiographic evaluation after the Figure 12: placement of gingival formor
placement of dental implant by 3D Guided Surgical

of a surgical template.6 Even if the duration are described in the literature but no obvious
of the surgical intervention may be shorter differences between conventional and guided
with flapless guided surgery compared to implant treatments regarding implant survival
conventional techniques, it seems that much rate.4 Susanne et al in 2011showedm precise
more time has to be invested in the preoperative transfer of implant replica position by means
planning.4 of simulated guided implant placement into a
preoperative cast.8
Clinicians need to learn about possible variations
that could occur when placing implants with The use of a computer program for planning
a CAD/CAM surgical template, to avoid prosthetically driven implant is highly efficient
anatomical risks, as well as for the final prosthetic and safe. The three-dimensional view in this
reconstruction. When comparing clinical results dedicated program allows the determination of
from implants placed with CAD/CAM surgical the best implant position, the optimization of
templates with conventional approach, many the implant axis, and the definition of the best
studies showed similar or better results. Higher surgical and prosthetic solution for the patient.
accuracy of surgical template is achieved from Thus, a protocol that combines a computer-
virtually designed and printed template after guided technique with conventional surgical
superimposing a surface scan with CBCT in procedures becomes a promising option.9
order to transform the virtual plan into reality. If
The flapless guided implant placement
intraoral scans are additionally used instead of
techniques allow the surgeon to place the
surface scans of a cast model after impression
implants with minimal surgical trauma to the
making, the accuracy may even improve as
bone and associated soft tissues. In the study by
the intraoral scan may reduce the sources
Barter et al in 2010, patients were treated with
of inaccuracies associated with cast model
flapless guided surgery to avoid a secondary
preparation.5 Sebastian et al in 2015 stated that
exposure of earlier grafted sites. The implant
a high accuracy can be achieved using printed
survival rate was 98% and all prostheses were
templates for guided implant surgery7
in use after 4 years.4 The flapless approach
Several systems allow computer- guided provide certain advantages such as maintaining
implant placement with and without an open better blood supply to site, reduced likelihood of
flap, or with and without immediate loading resorption, maintains the soft tissue architecture
94 Journal of Nepalese Prosthodontic Society (JNPS)
3D Guided Implant Surgery: A Case Report

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