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Social Organization UCSP 11

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Social Organization

Understanding Culture, Society And Politics

Is a term that most Filipino in their youth use to refer to a group who share the same social inclinations.
The fondest memory of one’s youth would often be of the experience they share with their barkada.
Consist of individuals who are united by their similar characteristics, and these characteristics serve as
bases of their constant interaction. But, not all individuals who share similar characteristics interact with one
This phenomenon is observed in social categories.
Your barkada may be classified as a social group; students attending your high school are within the
context of a social category, as you do not interact with them.
Your relationship with your fellow high school students will turn to a social group once you recognize
your ties with one another as belonging to one group and you interact with one another. Social activities
organized by your school can promote the transformation of your relations from being distant members of a
social category to interactive members of a social group.
Another classification of human grouping is a social aggregate. Individuals gather un the same place but
are neither interacting nor sharing similar characteristics. People gathered in a shopping mall may be
characterized in this.
Consists of individuals who have dyadic relationships that are interacting with other relationships within
a structure. Social network is a social structure consisting of people who have varying degrees of relations and
A visual representation of the social networks present in one group or more. This was developed by
Jacob Moreno, a psychotherapist, in 1951 to understand the dynamics of the intersections of social groups
within the structure.
Arrangements in the Sociogram
Clique- an exclusive group that is separated from the entire group.
One-way choice- an individual who relates to another individual who does not reciprocate the affiliation.
Isolate- an individual who has chosen no one and is not chosen by anyone in the structure.
In Groups,
Out Groups
And Reference Groups
When individuals congregate in groups, they create rules, boundaries, and loyalties that delineate them
from others. This delineation is a crucial contributor to the formation of unity and cohesion among the
members. There are three types of human social groupings: in-group, out-group, and reference groups.
The social group in which an individual directly affiliates and expresses loyalty to. It has three primary
characteristics reinforce the boundary that it creates between its members and those coming from other
Primary characteristics of an in-group
Members use titles, external symbols, and dress to distinguish themselves from the outgroup (Shandra, 2007)
One of the most recent subcultural categories formed in our country is that of the Jejemons.
Other examples of in-groups are military groups.
This group is popular for their distinguishable dress code and language. Males would always wear
rainbow- colored caps, loose shirt and pants. In terms of language, their alteration of the spelling of words has
given them a form of exclusivity form those who are no part of their culture.
Members apply positive stereotypes to their in-group and negative stereotypes to the out-group (Shandra,
Generally, the in-group consists of the majority who defines what is normal and acceptable. Those who do not
conform to the prescribed norms are considered part of the out group.
Just as deviance is often punished by ostracism and discrimination, individuals who fail to meet the
standards set by the in- group are bound to experience being socially marginalized.
In-group favoritism- the phenomenon of individuals preferring members and behaviors practiced within
in a group as opposed to those from the out-group. This is crucial in reinforcing self-esteem within the group by
creating biases that make the in-group superior over the out-group.
Members tend to clash or compete with the members of the out-group. This competition with the other group
can also strengthen the unity within each group (Shandra, 2007)
e.g. Rivalries among schools which are highlighted during competition in sports, quiz bees and rankings.
Intergroup aggression takes place as members of the in-group harm individuals from out- group due to
their undesirable traits that clash with the in-group’s prescribing norms.

e.g. bullying- members inflict harm on an individual they consider as an outsider.

Stereotypes and prejudice are often created by members of the in-group against those from the out-
group. This is due to the ethnocentric orientation of the members in an in-group.

This is the group that an individual is not part of. Negative attributes are usually associated with
individuals who are not part of the group. Individuals from an out-group are usually considered malevolent
even if they are not.
Members of the in-group perceive themselves as diverse and complex, members of the out-group are
described as a group without any differentiation. These individuals are prone to being stereotyped and, worse,
dehumanized, as members of the in-group refer to them solely on the bases of their projected characteristics.
One of the effects of intensive “othering” by members of an in-group against those from the out-group.
e.g. genocide, wherein individuals who are not considered part of a socio-cultural group are killed.
Reference group
The behavior of an individual can be shaped by a set of beliefs of a group that such an individual considers as
ideal. this is used by an individual as a standard to his or her actions. The existence of reference groups can have
two effects on an individual’s self evaluation.
When an individual receives a positive self-evaluation, he or she experiences the normative effect that being a
member of the reference group has.
On the contrary, a negative self-evaluation often results from the comparison effect that a reference group has
on individuals who try to appraise their behavior based on its prescribed norms. In this case, an individual may
attempt to alter this or her behavior to conform to the standards of the reference groups.

Primary And Secondary Groups

Group membership has been a key element in fostering the development of the social nature and ideals
of an individual. There are two types. The primary group and the secondary group.
Primary Groups
They are the direct sources of an individual’s social skills and knowledge. The bonds that an individual
forms with members of these groups extend over long period of time.
An individual’s primary groups usually consist of family, friends, peers, classmates and church.
Secondary Groups
They are more non-formal in context as the relationships and interactions in them are limited to a
particular role that an individual plays within the group.
This may consist relationships that are temporary and practical such as that of a client and an agent, a
researcher and an informant, and a tenant and a landlord to name a few.
Small Groups
This type of interaction forms an exclusivity, as experience and ideas are strictly shared within the context of a
small group.
Primary relations are created in a small group, whereas secondary relationships are experienced in a large
e.g. family
The most cohesive is the dyad which only made up of two individuals.
A small group of three individuals is called a triad.
social loafing- a phenomenon of free riding. It is experienced in larger groups as others depend on other’s

Leadership And Conformity

Conformity is the behavior of an individual that relates to following the prescribed norms of his norms
due to pressure or influence.
Some group, the smaller ones, practice the group-think which is the acceptance and practice of idea that
is believed as a form of group loyalty.
Leaders are the ones who have the authority over his members.
There are two types:
The expressive and the instrumental. The difference between the two can be lies in the motivation for
Expressive Leader
This type is motivated by the relationship that he has with the members of the group. This employs a
cooperative style of management wherein the opinion of all members are accounted for.
Instrumental Leaders
This type implement a directive style of management wherein members of the group are directed to
perform tasks that lead to the achievement of group goal. They are achievement motivated.
Social Organizations
Organizations are created by individuals who foster a more direct relationship in secondary group setting. When
a group is directed by its goals, its called a formal organization. Within these are informal organizations that are
characterized by informal relations between members.
Organizations use rational planning that implies identification of tasks, roles, implementation programs
and general policies. This give them a businesslike nature
Organizational Models
Bureaucratic Organization Model- lifted by Max Weber’s concept of modern western society. Western societies
are required to create a formal organizations that are bureaucratic in nature.
These operate within a frame of written rules and regulations that allow for more efficient organizational
Collective Organization Model
This model responded to the issues that confronted the bureaucratic model.
Based on Karl Marx’s theory on the evolution of society, this model predicts the demise of bureaucratic
organizations within a shift from a class-based to a classless society.
Equality is a common theme in this model.

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