CPP 17 Detail
CPP 17 Detail
CPP 17 Detail
In Detail
From language fixes, constexpr_if, fold
expressions, std::any, filesystem… to parallel
algorithms and more.
© 2017 Bartlomiej Filipek, bfilipek.com
C++17 In Detail
It’s a good occasion to learn and understand what the new features are.
Table of Contents:
Documents & Links
New auto rules for direct-list-initialization
static_assert with no message
Different begin and end types in range-based for
Section Summary
Language Clarification
Stricter expression evaluation order
Guaranteed copy elision
Exception specifications part of the type system
Dynamic memory allocation for over-aligned data
Template argument deduction for class templates
Declaring non-type template parameters with auto
Fold expressions
constexpr if
Section summary
Before C++11
GCC specific attributes
MSVC specific attributes
Clang specific attributes
Section Summary
Structured Binding Declarations
Init-statement for if/switch
Inline variables
constexpr if
Other features
Section Summary
Parallel Algorithms
Current implementation
Execution policies
Algorithm update
New algorithms
Section Summary
Additional Resources
Filesystem Overview
Compiler/Library support
Working with the Path object
Traversing a path
More resources
Section Summary
The book is compiled from my recent blog post series about C++17 features:
First of all, if you want to dig into the standard on your own, you can read the latest draft here:
N4687, 2017-07-30, Working Draft, Standard for Programming Language C++ - from isocpp.org. It’s the last dra before
it got accepted, so it’s almost as the final spec. Also have a look here for more information about the papers and the status:
isocpp : Standard C++.
Also, you can grab my list of concise descriptions of all of the C++17 - It’s a one-page reference card, pdf language features:
grab it here.
C++ Templates: The Complete Guide (2nd Edition) by David Vandevoorde, Nicolai M. Josuttis, Douglas Gregor
The dra for the language contains now over 1586 pages! Due to compatibility requirements, the new features are added,
but not much is removed. Fortunately, there are some things that could go away.
Removed things
Removing trigraphs
Trigraphs are special character sequences that could be used when a system doesn’t support 7-bit ASCII - like in ISO 646
character set . For example ??= generated # , ??- produces ~ . BTW: All of C++’s basic source character set fits in 7-bit
ASCII. The sequences are rarely used and by removing them the translation phase of the code might be simpler.
If you want to know more: c++03 - Purpose of Trigraph sequences in C++? - Stack Overflow, or Digraphs and trigraphs
More details in: N4086. If you really need trigraphs with Visual Studio, take a look at /Zc:trigraphs switch. Also, other
compilers might leave the support in some way or the other. Other compiler status: done in GCC: 5.1 and Clang: 3.5.
The register keyword was deprecated in the 2011 C++ standard as it has no meaning. Now it’s being removed. This
keyword is reserved and might be repurposed in the future revisions (for example auto keyword was reused and now is
something powerful).
More details: P0001R1, MSVC 2017: 15.3, GCC: 7.0 and Clang: 3.8.
This operator is deprecated for a very long time! In C++98 is was decided that it’s better not to use it. But only in C++17, the
committee agreed to remove it from the language.
More details: P0002R1, MSVC 2017: 15.3, GCC: 7.0 and Clang: 3.8.
In C++17 exception specification will be part of the type system (see P0012R1). Still the standard contains old and
deprecated exception specification that appeared to be not practical and not used.
For example:
if (a == 0)
throw 1;
The above code is deprecated since C++11. The only practical exception declaration is throw() that mean - this code
won’t throw anything. But since C++11 it’s advised to use noexcept .
error: ISO C++1z does not allow dynamic exception specifications [-Wdynamic-exception-
note: use 'noexcept(false)' instead
More details: P0003R5, MSVC 2017: not yet. Done in GCC: 7.0 and Clang: 4.0.
Removing auto_ptr
In C++11 we got smart pointers: unique_ptr , shared_ptr and weak_ptr . Thanks to the move semantics the
language could finally support proper unique resource transfers. auto_ptr was old and buggy thing in the language
see the full reasons here - why is auto_ptr deprecated. It should be almost automatically converted to unique_ptr . For
some time auto_ptr was deprecated (since C++11). Many compilers would report this like:
Now it goes into a zombie state, and basically, your code won’t compile.
If you need help with the conversion from auto_ptr to unique_ptr you can check Clang Tidy, as it provides auto
conversion: Clang Tidy: modernize-replace-auto-ptr.
In the linked paper N4190: there are also other library items that were removed: unary_function / binary_function ,
ptr_fun() , and mem_fun() / mem_fun_ref() , bind1st() / bind2nd() and random_shuffle .
We can argue what is a fix in a language standard and what is not. Below I’ve picked three things that sound to me like a
fix for something that was missed in the previous standards.
auto x { 1 };
Is deduced as initializer_list . With the new standard, we can fix this, so it will deduce int (as most people would
initially guess).
To make this happen, we need to understand two ways of initialization: copy and direct.
For example:
More details in N3922 and also in Auto and braced-init-lists, by Ville Voutilainen.
Self-explanatory. It allows just to have the condition without passing the message, the version with the message will also
be available. It will be compatible with other asserts like BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT (that didn’t take any message from the
More details: N3928, supported in MSVC 2017, GCC: 6.0 and Clang: 2.5.
auto && __range = for-range-initializer;
for ( auto __begin = begin-expr,
__end = end-expr;
__begin != __end;
++__begin ) {
for-range-declaration = *__begin;
As you can see, __begin and __end have the same type. That might cause some troubles - for example when you have
something like a sentinel that is of a different type.
auto && __range = for-range-initializer;
auto __begin = begin-expr;
auto __end = end-expr;
for ( ; __begin != __end; ++__begin ) {
for-range-declaration = *__begin;
Types of __begin and __end might be different; only the comparison operator is required. This little change allows
Range TS users a better experience.
More details in P0184R0, supported in MSVC 2017, GCC: 6.0 and Clang: 3.6.
Section Summary
The language standard grows, but there’s some movement in the committee to remove and clean some of the features. For
compatibility reasons, we cannot delete all of the problems, but one by one we can get some improvements.
Next time we’ll address language clarifications: like guaranteed copy elision or expression evaluation order. So stay
Language Clarification
You all know this… C++ is a very complex language, and some (or most? :)) parts are quite confusing. One of the reasons
for the lack of clarity might be a free choice for the implementation/compiler - for example to allow for more aggressive
optimizations or be backward (or C) compatible. Sometimes, it’s simply a lack of time/effort/cooperation. C++17 reviews
some of most popular ‘holes’ and addressed them. In the end, we get a bit clearer way of how things might work.
Evaluation order
Copy elision (optional optimization that seems to be implemented across all of the popular compilers)
Memory allocations for (over)aligned data
This one is tough, so please correct me if I am wrong here, and let me know if you have more examples and better
explanations. I’ve tried to confirm some details on slack/Twitter, and hopefully I am not writing nonsenses here :)
Let’s try:
C++ doesn’t specify any evaluation order for function parameters. Dot.
For example, that’s why make_unique is not just a syntactic sugar, but actually it guarantees memory safety:
With make_unique :
foo(make_unique<T>(), otherFunction());
In the above code we know that new T is quaranteed to happen before unique_ptr construction, but that all. For
example, new T might happen first, then otherFunction() , and then unique_ptr constructor.
When otherFunction throws, then new T generates a leak (as the unique pointer is not yet created). When you use
make_unique , then it’s not possible to leak, even when the order of execution is random. More of such problems in GotW
#56: Exception-Safe Function Calls
in f(a, b, c) - the order of evaluation of a, b, c is still unspecified, but any parameter is fully evaluated before
the next one is started. Especially important for complex expressions.
if I’m correct that fixes a problem with make_unique vs unique_ptr<T>(new T()) . As function
argument must be fully evaluated before other arguments are.
chaining of functions already work from left to right, but the order of evaluation of inner expressions might be
different. look here: c++11 - Does this code from “The C++ Programming Language” 4th edition section 36.3.6 have
well-defined behavior? - Stack Overflow. To be correct “The expressions are indeterminately sequenced with respect
The initialization of a parameter, including every associated value computation and side effect, is indeterminately
sequenced with respect to that of any other parameter.
More details in: P0145R3 and P0400R0. Not yet supported in Visual Studio 2017, GCC 7.0, Clang 4.0
when a temporary object is used to initialize another object (including the object returned by a function, or the
exception object created by a throw-expression)
when a variable that is about to go out of scope is returned or thrown
when an exception is caught by value
But it’s up to the compiler/implementation to elide or not. In practice, all the constructors’ definitions are required.
Sometimes elision might happen only in release builds (optimized), while Debug builds (without any optimization) won’t
elide anything.
With C++17 we’ll get clear rules when elision happens, and thus constructors might be entirely omitted.
allow returning objects that are not movable/copyable - because we could now skip copy/move constructors.
Useful in factories.
improve code portability, support ‘return by value’ pattern rather than use ‘output params.’
// based on P0135R0
struct NonMoveable
// no copy or move constructor:
NonMoveable(const NonMoveable&) = delete;
NonMoveable(NonMoveable&&) = delete;
NonMoveable make()
return NonMoveable(42);
The above code wouldn’t compile under C++14 as it lacks copy and move constructors. But with C++17 the constructors
are not required - because the object largeNonMovableObj will be constructed in place.
Defining rules for copy elision is not easy, but the authors of the proposal suggested new, simplified types of value
glvalue - ‘A glvalue is an expression whose evaluation computes the location of an object, bit-field, or
function. ‘
prvalue - A prvalue is an expression whose evaluation initializes an object, bit-field, or operand of an operator,
as specified by the context in which it appears
Unfortunately, in C++17 we’ll get copy elision only for temporary objects, not for Named RVO (so it covers only the first
point, not for Named Return Value Optimization). Maybe C++20 will follow and add more rules here?
More details: P0135R0, MSVC 2017: not yet. GCC: 7.0, Clang: 4.0.
Previously exception specifications for a function didn’t belong to the type of the function, but now it will be part of it.
void (*p)();
void (**pp)() noexcept = &p; // error: cannot convert to
// pointer to noexcept function
One of the reasons for adding the feature is a possibility to allow for better optimization. That can happen when you have
a guarantee that a function is for example noexcept .
Also in C++17 Exception specification is cleaned up: Removing Deprecated Exception Specifications from C++17 - it’s so-
called ‘dynamic exception specifications’. Effectively, you can only use noexcept specifier for declaring that a function
might throw something or not.
More details: P0012R1, MSVC 2017: not yet, GCC 7.0, Clang 4.0.
When doing SIMD or when you have some other memory layout requirements, you might need to align objects specifically.
For example, in SSE you need a 16-byte alignment (for AVX 256 you need a 32-byte alignment). So you would define a
vector4 like:
In C++11/14 you have no guarantee how the memory will be aligned. So oen you have to use some special routines like
_aligned_malloc / _aligned_free to be sure the alignment is preserved. That’s not nice as it’s not working with C++
smart pointers and also make memory allocations/deletions visible in the code (we should stop using raw new and delete,
according to Core Guidelines).
C++17 fixes that hole by introducing additional memory allocation functions that use align parameter:
More details in P0035R4. MSVC 2017: not yet, GCC: 7.0, Clang: 4.0.
With C++17 we get a few nice improvements: some are small, but also there are notable features as well. I’m aware that for
C++17 everyone wanted to have concepts, and as you know, we didn’t get them. But does it mean C++17 doesn’t improve
templates/template meta-programming? Far from that! In my opinion, we get excellent features.
BTW: if you’re really brave you can still use concepts! They are merged into GCC so you can play with them even before
they are finally published.
Do you often use make<T> functions to construct a templated object (like std::make_pair )?
With C++17 you can forget about (most of) them and just use regular a constructor :)
That also means that a lot of your code - those make<T> functions can now be removed.
The reason?
C++17 filled a gap in the deduction rules for templates. Now the template deduction can happen for standard class
templates and not just for functions.
// call:
f(std::make_pair(42, 'z'));
// call:
f(std::pair(42, 'z'));
Looks the same, right? This was not OK because std::pair is a template class, and template classes could not apply
type deduction in their initialization.
But now we can do that so that the above code will compile under C++17 conformant compiler.
std::shared_lock<std::shared_timed_mutex>> lck(mut_, r1);
Note, that partial deduction cannot happen, you have to specify all the template parameters or none:
Also if you’re adventurous you can create your custom class template deduction guides: see here for more information:
recent post: Arne Mertz: Modern C++ Features - Class Template Argument Deduction.
BTW: why not all make functions can be removed? For example, consider make_unique or make_shared are they only
for ‘syntactic sugar’ ? I’ll leave this as an open question for now.
More details in
Simon Brand: Template argument deduction for class template constructors
Class template deduction(since C++17) - cppreference.
This is another part of the strategy to use auto everywhere. With C++11 and C++14 you can use it to automatically deduce
variables or even return types, plus there are also generic lambdas. Now you can also use it for deducing non-type
template parameters.
For example:
This is useful, as you don’t have to have a separate parameter for the type of non-type parameter. Like:
As one of the advanced uses a lot of papers/blogs/talks point to an example of Heterogeneous compile time list:
Before C++17 it was not possible to declare such list directly, some wrapper class would have to be provided first.
More details in
Fold expressions
With C++11 we got variadic templates which is a great feature, especially if you want to work with a variable number of
input parameters to a function. For example, previously (pre C++11) you had to write several different versions of a
function (like one for one parameter, another for two parameters, another for three params… ).
Still, variadic templates required some additional code when you wanted to implement ‘recursive’ functions like sum ,
all . You had to specify rules for the recursion:
For example:
auto SumCpp11(){
return 0;
return (args + ... + 0);
// or even:
Expression Expansion
Also by default we get the following values for empty parameter packs:
&& true
|| false
, void()
template<typename ...Args>
void FoldPrint(Args&&... args) {
(cout << ... << forward<Args>(args)) << '\n';
In general, fold expression allows writing cleaner, shorter and probably easier to read code.
constexpr if
The feature allows you to discard branches of an if statement at compile-time based on a constant expression condition.
if constexpr(cond)
statement1; // Discarded if cond is false
statement2; // Discarded if cond is true
For example:
This removes a lot of the necessity for tag dispatching and SFINAE and even for #ifdefs .
I’d like to return to this feature when we are discussing features of C++17 that simplify the language. I hope to come back
with more examples of constexpr if .
Simon Brand: Simplifying templates and #ifdefs with if constexpr
In C++17 there are also other language features related to templates. In this section, I wanted to focus on biggest
enhancements, so I’ll just mention the other briefly:
Allows you to use typename instead of class when declaring a template template parameter. Normal
type parameters can use them interchangeably, but template template parameters were restricted to
class .
Improves matching of template template arguments. Resolves Core issue CWG 150.
Remove syntactic restrictions for pointers, references, and pointers to members that appear as non-type
template parameters:
Section summary
We have really solid features like template deduction for class templates, template<auto> plus some detailed features
that fix some of the problems.
Still, for me, the most powerful features, that might have a significant impact on the code is constexpr if and folds.
They greatly clean up the code and make it more readable.
There were almost 40% votes like that in my recent Twitter survey. Maybe It would be good to introduce that little-known
There’s even a good occasion, as in C++17 we’ll get even more useful stuff connected with attributes.
Have you ever used __declspec , __attribute or #pragma directives in your code?
For example:
#define DLLEXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
#define DLLEXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
So what’s an attribute?
An attribute is additional information that can be used by the compiler to produce code. It might be utilized for
optimization or some specific code generation (like DLL stuff, OpenMP, etc.).
Contrary to other languages as C#, in C++ that meta information is fixed by the compiler, you cannot add user-defined
attributes. In C# you can just ‘derive’ from System.Attribute .
With the modern C++, we get more and more standardized attributes that will work with other compilers. So we’re moving
a bit from compiler specific annotation to standard forms.
Before C++11
The document lists also what syntax is supported, so a lot of those attributes can be already used in modern C++11 form.
C++11 did one step to minimize the need to use vendor specific syntax. As I see, the target is to move as much as compiler
specific into standardized forms.
With C++11 we got a nicer form of specifying annotations over our code.
You can use [[att]] over almost anything: types, functions, enums, etc., etc.
For example:
for example [[noreturn]] void terminate() noexcept;
mostly to help optimizing multi-threaded code and when using different memory models.
good answer: What does the carries_dependency attribute mean? - Stack Overflow
C++14 added:
Note: there no need to use attributes for alignment as there’s alignas separate keyword for that. Before C++11 in GCC
you would use __attribute__ ((aligned (N))) .
Have a look at also this article Modern C++ Features - Attributes - at Simplify C++.
You know a bit about the old approach, C++11/14… so what the deal about C++17?
C++17 additions
[[fallthrough]] attribute
Indicates that a fall-through in a switch statement is intentional and a warning should not be issued for it.
switch (c) {
case 'a':
f(); // Warning! fallthrough is perhaps a programmer error
case 'b':
[[fallthrough]]; // Warning suppressed, fallthrough is ok
case 'c':
[[nodiscard]] attribute
[[nodiscard]] is used to stress that the return value of a function is not to be discarded, on pain of a compiler warning.
This attribute can also be applied to types in order to mark all functions which return that type as [[nodiscard]] :
More details:
P0189R1 (Wording),
P0068R0 - reasoning.
nodiscard in Jason Turner’s C++ Weekly
[[maybe_unused]] attribute
Suppresses compiler warnings about unused entities when they are declared with [[maybe_unused]] .
void foo() {
int x = 42; // Compilers may warn about this
[[maybe_unused]] int y = 42; // Warning suppressed
More details:
P0068R0 - reasoning.
maybe_unused in Jason Turner’s C++ Weekly
For more examples of those C++17 attributes you can see Simon Brand’s recent article: C++17 attributes - maybe_unused,
fallthrough and nodiscard.
enum E {
foobar = 0,
foobat [[deprecated]] = foobar
N4196 (reasoning)
Before C++17 if you tried to use some compiler specific attribute, you might even get an error when compiling in another
compiler that doesn’t support it. Now, the compiler simply omits the attribute specification and won’t report anything (or
just a warning). This wasn’t mentioned in the standard, so needed a clarification.
warning: 'MyCompilerSpecificNamespace::do_special_thing'
scoped attribute directive ignored [-Wattributes]
void foo();
Other name for this feature was “Using non-standard attributes” in P0028R3 and PDF: P0028R2 (rationale, examples).
Simplifies the case where you want to use multiple attributes, like:
void f() {
[[rpr::kernel, rpr::target(cpu,gpu)]] // repetition
Proposed change:
void f() {
[[using rpr: kernel, target(cpu,gpu)]]
That simplification might help when building tools that automatically translate annotated such code into different
programming models.
Section Summary
Attributes available in C++17
I hope that aer reading you understood the need of attributes: what are they and when are they useful. Previously each
compiler could specify each own syntax and list of available attributes, but in modern C++ the committee tried to
standardize this: there are some extracted, common parts. Plus each compiler is not blocked to add it’s own extensions.
Maybe at some point, we’ll move away from __attribute or _declspec or `#pragma’?
There’s also quite important quote from Bjarne Stroustrup’s C++11 FAQ/Attributes:
There is a reasonable fear that attributes will be used to create language dialects. The recommendation is to use
attributes to only control things that do not affect the meaning of a program but might help detect errors (e.g.
[[noreturn]] ) or help optimizers (e.g. [[carries_dependency]] ).
Code Simplification
With each C++ standard, we aim for simpler, cleaner and more expressive code. C++17 offers several “big” language
features that should make our code nicer. Let’s have a look.
You might say that most of the new language features (not to mention The Standard Library improvements) are there to
write simpler and cleaner code. The “C++17 in details” series reviews most of the bigger things, still, I tried to pick a few
features that make your code more compact right off the bat.
If not, then you should probably start looking into it. Not only are tuples suggested for returning multiple values from a
function, but they’ve also got special language support - so that the code is even easier and cleaner.
std::set<S> mySet;
if (inserted)
std::cout << "Value was inserted\n";
Notice that you need to declare iter and inserted first. Then you can use std::tie to make the magic… Still, it’s a
bit of code.
With C++17:
std::set<S> mySet;
One line instead of three! It’s also easier to read and safer, isn’t it?
Also, you can now use const and write const auto [iter, inserted] and be const correct.
2. if the initializer supports std::tuple_size<> and provides get<N>() function (the most common case I think):
In other words, you can provide support for your classes, assuming you add get<N> interface implementation.
std::map myMap;
for (const auto & [k,v] : myMap)
// k - key
// v - value
For this feature, you might have seen another name “decomposition declaration” in use. As I see this, those two names
were considered, but now the standard (the draft) sticks with “Structured Bindings.”
Hasn’t C++ Become More Pythonic? - as was written in one blog post from Jeff Preshing? :)
auto val = GetValue();
if (condition(val))
// on success
// on false...
Look, that val has a separate scope, without that it ‘leaks’ to enclosing scope.
val is visible only inside the if and else statements, so it doesn’t ‘leak.’
condition might be any condition, not only if val is true/false.
const auto it = myString.find("Hello");
if (it != std::string::npos)
std::cout << it << " Hello\n"
const auto it = myString.find("World");
if (it != std::string::npos)
std::cout << it << " World\n"
The new if statement will make that additional scope in one line:
As mentioned before, the variable defined in the if statement is also visible in the else block. So you can write:
Plus, you can use it with structured bindings (following Herb Sutter code):
More details in
C++ Weekly - Ep 21 C++17’s if and switch Init Statements
Inline variables
With Non-Static Data Member Initialization (see my post about it here), we can now declare and initialize member
variables in one place. Still, with static variables (or const static ) you usually need to define it in some cpp file.
C++11 and constexpr keyword allow you to declare and define static variables in one place, but it’s limited to
constexpr’essions only. I’ve even asked the question: c++ - What’s the difference between static constexpr and static inline
variables in C++17? - Stack Overflow - to make it a bit clear.
Previously only methods/functions could be specified as inline , but now you can do the same with variables, inside a
header file.
A variable declared inline has the same semantics as a function declared inline: it can be defined, identically, in
multiple translation units, must be defined in every translation unit in which it is used, and the behavior of the
program is as if there was exactly one variable.
struct MyClass
static const int sValue;
Or even:
struct MyClass
inline static const int sValue = 777;
Also, note that constexpr variables are inline implicitly, so there’s no need to use constexpr inline myVar =
10; .
For example, a lot of header only libraries can limit the number of hacks (like using inline functions or templates) and just
use inline variables.
The advantage over constexpr is that your initialization expression doesn’t have to be constexpr .
SO: What is an inline variable and what is it useful for?
constexpr if
I’ve already introduced this feature in my previous post about templates: templates/constexpr-if. It was only a brief
description, so now we can think about examples that shed a bit more light on the feature.
Regarding code samples? Hmm… As you might recall constexpr if can be used to replace several tricks that were
already done:
SFINAE technique to remove not matching function overrides from the overload set
you might want to look at places with C++14’s std::enable_if - that should be easily replaced by constexpr
if .
Tag dispatch
So, in most of the cases, we can now just write a constexpr if statement and that will yield much cleaner code. This is
especially important for metaprogramming/template code that is, I think, complex by its nature.
template<int N>
constexpr int fibonacci() {return fibonacci<N-1>() + fibonacci<N-2>(); }
constexpr int fibonacci<1>() { return 1; }
constexpr int fibonacci<0>() { return 0; }
template<int N>
constexpr int fibonacci()
if constexpr (N>=2)
return fibonacci<N-1>() + fibonacci<N-2>();
return N;
In C++ Weekly episode 18 Jason Turner makes an example that shows that constexpr if won’t do any short circuit
logic, so the whole expression must compile:
For T that is std::string you’ll get a compile error because numeric_limits are not defined for strings.
In the C++Now 2017: Bryce Lelbach “C++17 Features”/16th minute there’s a nice example, where constexpr if can be
used to define get<N> function - that could work for structured bindings.
struct S
int n;
std::string s;
float d;
As you can see it’s questionable which is the simpler code here. Although in this case, we’ve used only a simple struct ,
with some real world examples the final code would be much more complex and thus constexpr if would be cleaner.
More details:
C++ Weekly Special Edition - Using C++17’s constexpr if - YouTube - real examples from Jason and his projects.
C++17: let’s have a look at the constexpr if – FJ - I’ve taken the idea of fibonacci example from there.
C++ 17 vs. C++ 14 — if-constexpr – LoopPerfect – Medium - a lot of interesting examples
Other features
We can argue that most of the new features of C++ simplify the language in one way or another. In this post, I focused on
the bigger parts, also without doing much repetition.
Still, just for recall you might want to consider the following features, which also make the code simpler:
Not to mention a lot of library features! But we’ll cover them later :)
Section Summary
In my opinion, C++17 makes real progress towards compact, expressive and easy to read code.
One of the best things is constexpr if that allows you to write template/metaprogramming code in a similar way to
standard code. For me, it’s a huge benefit (as I am always frightened of those scary template tricks).
The second feature: structured bindings (that works even in for loops) feels like code from dynamic languages (like
As you can see all of the mentioned features are already implemented in GCC and Clang. If you work with the recent
versions of those compilers you can immediately experiment with C++17. Soon, a lot of those features will be available in
VS: VS 2017.3
Parallel Algorithms
Writing multithreaded code is hard. You’d like to utilize all of the machine’s processing power, keeping code simple and
avoid data races at the same time.
With C++11/14 we’ve finally got threading into the standard library. You can now create std::thread and not just
depend on third party libraries or a system API. What’s more, there’s also async processing with futures.
For example, in 2014 I wrote about using async tasks in this article: Tasks with std::future and std::async .
Multithreading is a significant aspect of modern C++. In the committee, there’s a separate “SG1, Concurrency” group that
works on bringing more features to the standard.
Atomic Smart pointers,
Transactional Memory,
Tasks blocks.
Heterogeneous programming models support
maybe something more?
There’s a famous talk from Sean Parent about better concurrency. It was a keynote at CppNow 2012, here’s a recent
version from 2016 from code::dive 2016.
Do you know how much processing power of a typical desktop machine we can utilize using only the core version of
C++/Standard Library?
Sean in his talk explained that we can usually access only around 0,25% with single-threaded C++ code and maybe a few
percent when you add threading from C++11/14.
Of course, some third party APIs allow you to access GPU/vectorization: for example, we have CUDA, OpenCL, OpenGL,
vectorized libraries, etc. There’s even a chance that your compiler will try to auto-vectorize some of the code. Still, we’d
like to have such support directly from the Standard Library. That way common code can be used on many platforms.
With C++11/14 we got a lot of low-level features. But it’s still tough to use them effectively. What we need is an abstraction.
Ideally, code should be auto-threaded/parallelized, of course with some guidance from a programmer.
C++17 moves us a bit and allows to use more computing power: it unlocks the auto vectorization/auto parallelization
feature for algorithms in the Standard Library.
Plus of course, not everything can be made parallel/multi threaded as there’s Amdahl’s law. So always using 100% (110%
with CPU boost :)) of the machine power is only a theoretical case. Still, it’s better to strive for it rather than write
everything single-threaded.
I’ve already mentioned the reasoning why we want to have so many ‘tools’ for multithreading/computing in the Standard.
The TS paper describing what was merged into the Standard: P0024R2
The new feature looks surprisingly simple from a user point of view. You just have a new parameter that can be passed to
most of the std algorithms: this new parameter is the execution policy.
I’ll go into the detail later, but the general idea is that you call an algorithm and then you specify how it can be executed.
Can it be parallel, maybe vectorized, or just serial.
That hint is necessary because the compiler cannot deduce everything from the code (at least not yet :)). We, as authors of
the code, only know if there are any side effects, possible race conditions, dead locks, or if there’s no sense in running it
parallel (like if you have a small collection of items).
Current implementation
I hope this article will be soon updated, but for now, I have bad news.
Codeplay: http://github.com/KhronosGroup/SyclParallelSTL
HPX: http://stellar-group.github.io/hpx/docs/html/hpx/manual/parallel.html
You can have a look at Rainer’s article: C++17: New Parallel Algorithms where he used HPX for code samples.
Execution policies
The execution policy parameter will tell the algorithm how it should be executed. We have the following options:
sequenced_policy - is an execution policy type used as a unique type to disambiguate parallel algorithm
overloading and require that a parallel algorithm’s execution may not be parallelized.
parallel_policy - is an execution policy type used as a unique type to disambiguate parallel algorithm
overloading and indicate that a parallel algorithm’s execution may be parallelized.
the corresponding global object is std::execution::par
Note that those are unique types, with their corresponding global objects. It’s not just an enum.
Sequential execution seems obvious, but what’s the difference between par and par_unseq ?
// "Left" input sequence.
x.begin(), x.end(),
y.begin(), // "Right" input sequence.
z.begin(),// Output sequence.
The sequential operations that will be executed with the following instructions:
load x[i]
load y[i]
store into z[i]
With the par policy the whole mul() for the i-th element will be executed on one thread, the operations won’t be
interleaved. But different i can be on a different thread.
With par_unseq mul() each operation can be on a different thread, interleaved. In practice it can be vectorized like:
With par_unseq function invocations might be interleaved, so it’s not allowed to use vectorized unsafe code: like using
mutexes, memory allocation… More on that here: @cppreference.
Also, the current approach allows to provide nonstandard policies, so compiler/library vendors might be able to provide
their extensions.
Let’s now see what algorithms were updated to handle the new policy parameter.
Algorithm update
Most of the algorithms (that operates on containers/ranges) from the Standard Library can handle execution policy.
A simple example:
std::vector<int> v = genLargeVector();
New algorithms
A few existing algorithms weren’t ‘prepared’ for parallelism, but instead we have new, similar versions:
For example, we can use for_each (or new for_each_n ) with an execution policy, but assuming we don’t want to use
the return type of the original for_each .
Also, there’s an interesting case with reduce. This new algorithm provides a parallel version of accumulate. But it’s
important to know the difference.
Accumulate returns the sum of all the elements in a range (or a result of a binary operation that can be different than just a
The algorithm is sequential only; a parallel version will try to compute the final sum using a tree approach (sum sub-
ranges, then merge the results, divide and conquer). Such method can invoke the binary operation/sum in a
nondeterministic order. Thus if binary_op is not associative or not commutative, the behavior is also non-deterministic.
For example, we’ll get the same results for accumulate and reduce for a vector of integers (when doing a sum), but we
might get a slight difference for a vector of floats or doubles. That’s because floating point operations are not associative.
Section Summary
Multithreading/Concurrency/Parallelism are huge topics to discover and understand. I’ll hope to return with some more
examples (possibly with some working implementation in common compilers!). So for now, I’ve described only the tip of
an iceberg :)
From this post, I’d like you to remember that concurrency/parallelism is one of the key areas in the C++ standard and a lot
of work is being done to bring more features.
With C++17 we get a lot of algorithms that can be executed in a parallel/vectorized way. That’s amazing, as it’s a solid
abstraction layer. With this making, apps is much easier. A similar thing could be achieved possibly with C++11/14 or third-
party APIs, but now it’s all in the standard.
Below I’ve also gathered a few valuable resources/articles/talks so that you can learn more.
Additional Resources
Bryce Adelstein’s talk about parallel algorithms. Contains a lot of examples for map reduce
(transform reduce) algorithm: CppCon 2016: Bryce Adelstein Lelbach “The C++17 Parallel Algorithms Library and Beyond”
And the Sean Parent talk about better concurrency in C++: code::dive 2016 conference – Sean Parent – Better Code:
Concurrency - YouTube
Although C++ is an old programming language, its Standard Library misses a few basic things. Features that Java or .NET
had for years were/are not available in STL. With C++17 there’s a nice improvement: for example, we now have the
standard filesystem!
Although the Standard Library lacks some important features, you could always use Boost with its thousands of sub-
libraries and do the work. The C++ Committee and the Community decided that the Boost libraries are so important that
some of the systems were merged into the Standard. For example smart pointers (although improved with the move
semantics in C++11), regular expressions, and much more.
The similar story happened with the filesystem. Let’s try to understand what’s inside.
Filesystem Overview
I think the Committee made a right choice with this feature. The filesystem library is nothing new, as it’s modeled directly
over Boost filesystem, which is available since 2003 (with the version 1.30). There are only a little differences, plus some
wording changes. Not to mention, all of this is also based on POSIX.
Thanks to this approach it’s easy to port the code. Moreover, there’s a good chance a lot of developers are already familiar
with the library. (Hmmm… so why I am not that dev? :))
The final paper is P0218R0: Adopt the File System TS for C++17 but there are also others like P0317R1: Directory Entry
Caching, PDF: P0430R2–File system library on non-POSIX-like operating systems, P0492R2… All in all, you can find the
final spec in the C++17 draft: the “filesystem” section, 30.10.
Compiler/Library support
Depending on the version of your compiler you might need to use std::experimental::filesystem namespace.
GCC: You have to specify -lstdc++fs when you want filesystem. Implemented in
<experimental/filesystem> .
Visual Studio: In VS 2017 (2017.2) you still have to use std::experimental namespace, it uses TS
See the reference link and also C++17 Features In Visual Studio 2017 Version 15.3 Preview.
Hopefully by the end of the year VS 2017 will fully implement C++17 (and STL)
The core part of the library is the path object. Just pass it a string of the path, and then you have access to lots of useful
namespace fs = std::experimental::filesystem;
exists() = 1
root_name() = C:
root_path() = C:\
relative_path() = Windows\system.ini
parent_path() = C:\Windows
filename() = system.ini
stem() = system
extension() = .ini
For example, if you want to iterate over all the elements of the path just write:
int i = 0;
The output:
path part: 0 = C:
path part: 1 = \
path part: 2 = Windows
path part: 3 = system.ini
the path object is implicitly convertible to std::wstring or std::string . So you can just pass a path object
into any of the file stream functions.
you can initialize it from a string, const char*, etc. Also, there’s support for string_view , so if you have that
object around there’s no need to convert it to string before passing to path . PDF: WG21 P0392
path has begin() and end() (so it’s a kind of a collection!) that allows iterating over every part.
For example:
fs::path p1("C:\\temp");
p1 /= "user";
p1 /= "data";
cout << p1 << "\n";
fs::path p2("C:\\temp\\");
p2 += "user";
p2 += "data";
cout << p2 << "\n";
return static_cast<uintmax_t>(-1);
As an additional information, most of the functions that work on a path have two versions:
Let’s now take a bit more advanced example: how to traverse the directory tree and show its contents?
Traversing a path
recursive_directory_iterator - iterates recursively, but the order of the visited files/dirs is unspecified, each
directory entry is visited only once.
The above example uses not a recursive iterator but does the recursion on its own. This is because I’d like to present the
files in a nice, tree style order.
The code iterates over entries , each entry contains a path object plus some additional data used during the iteration.
Today I wanted to give you a general glimpse over the library. As you can see there are more potential topics for the future.
More resources
Chapter 7, “Working with Files and Streams” - of Modern C++ Programming Cookbook.
examples like: Working with filesystem paths, Creating, copying, and deleting files and directories, Removing
content from a file, Checking the properties of an existing file or directory, searching.
Section Summary
I think the filesystem library is an excellent part of the C++ Standard Library. A lot of time I had to use various API to do the
same tasks on different platforms. Now, I’ll be able to just use one API that will work for probably 99.9% cases.
The feature is based on Boost, so not only a lot of developers are familiar with the code/concepts, but also it’s proven to
work in many existing projects.
And look at my samples: isn’t traversing a directory and working with paths so simple now? I am happy to see that
everting can be achieved using std:: prefix and not some strange API :)
What I like about C++17 is that it finally brings a lot of features and patterns that are well known but come from other
libraries. For example, for years programmers have been using boost libraries. Now, many of boost sub -libraries are
merged into the standard. That merging process makes the transition to the modern C++ much easier, as most of the time
the code will just compile and work as expected. Not to mention is the fact that soon you won’t need any third party
Most of the utilities described today ( std::optional , std::any , std::string_view , searchers) comes from so
called “Library Fundamentals V1”. It was in Technical Specification for some time, and with the paper “P0220R1 - Adopt
Library Fundamentals V1 TS Components for C++17 (R1”) it got merged into the standard.
When I describe the features, I write “compiler” support, but when discussing library features, I should mention the library
implementation. For the sake of simplification, I’ll just stick to compiler name as each common compiler (GCC, Clang,
MSVC) have its separate libs.
The discriminated type may contain values of different types but does not attempt conversion between them, i.e. 5
is held strictly as an int and is not implicitly convertible either to “5” or to 5.0. This indifference to interpretation
but awareness of type effectively allows safe, generic containers of single values, with no scope for surprises from
ambiguous conversions.
auto a = std::any(12);
a = std::string("hello world");
a = 10.0f;
When you want to read a value you have to perform a proper cast:
auto a = std::any(12);
std::cout << std::any_cast<int>(a) << '\n';
std::cout << std::any_cast<std::string>(a) << '\n';
catch(const std::bad_any_cast& e)
std::cout << e.what() << '\n';
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <any>
#include <map>
int main()
auto a = std::any(12);
m["integer"] = 10;
m["string"] = std::string("Hello World");
m["float"] = 1.0f;
n4562: any
std::any - cppreference.com
Boost.Any - 1.61.0
c++ - What is the typical usage of boost any library? - Stack Overflow
With a regular union you can only use POD types, and it’s not safe - for instance, it won’t tell you which variant is
currently used. With std::variant it’s only possible to access types that are declared.
For example:
abc can only be initialized with int , float or string and nothing else. You’ll get a compile time error when you try
to assign something else.
A bigger playground:
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <variant>
struct SampleVisitor
void operator()(const int &i) const { std::cout << "int: " << i << "\n"; }
void operator()(const float& f) const { std::cout << "float: " << f << "\n"; }
int main()
std::variant<int, float> intOrFloat;
static_assert(std::variant_size_v<decltype(intOrFloat)> == 2);
// won't compile:
// error: no match for 'operator=' (operand types are 'std::variant<int, float>' and
// intOrFloat = std::string("hello");
// visit:
std::visit(SampleVisitor(), intOrFloat);
intOrFloat = 10;
std::visit(SampleVisitor(), intOrFloat);
More info:
P0088R3: Variant: a type-safe union for C++17 (v8). - note that Variant wasn’t in the Library Fundamentals, it was a
separate proposal.
Another and elegant way to return objects from functions that are allowed to be empty.
For example:
if (ostr)
Report("please enter a valid value");
In the simple sample above GetUserResponse returns optional with a possible string inside. If a user doesn’t enter a
valid value ostr will be empty. It’s much nicer and expressive than using exceptions, nulls, output params or other ways
of handling empty values.
A better example:
#include <optional>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
std::optional<int> GetInt(int r)
if (r % 2 == 0)
return r/2;
return { };
int main()
std::cout << sizeof(int) << ", " << sizeof(std::optional<int>) << "\n";
std::cout << sizeof(double) << ", " << sizeof(std::optional<double>) << "\n";
std::cout << sizeof(std::string) << ", " << sizeof(std::optional<std::string>) <<
auto oi = GetInt(10);
auto oi2 = GetInt(11);
Implementations are not permitted to use additional storage, such as dynamic memory, to allocate its contained
value. The contained value shall be allocated in a region of the optional storage suitably aligned for the type T.
More info:
n4562: optional
Boost Optional
Efficient optional values | Andrzej’s C++ blog
Recipe “Safely signalizing failure with std::optional” from C++17 STL Cookbook.
Although passing strings got much faster with move semantics from C++11, there’s still a lot of possibilities to end up with
many temporary copies.
A much better pattern to solve the problem is to use a string view. As the name suggests instead of using the original
string, you’ll only get a non-owning view of it. Most of the time it will be a pointer to the internal buffer and the length. You
can pass it around and use most of the common string functions to manipulate.
Views work well with string operations like sub string. In a typical case, each substring operation creates another, smaller
copy of some part of the string. With string view, substr will only map a different portion of the original buffer, without
additional memory usage, or dynamic allocation.
Another important reason for using views is the consistency: what if you use other implementations for strings? Not all
devs have the luxury to work only with the standard strings. With views, you can just write (or use) existing conversion
code, and then string view should handle other strings in the same way.
Still, it’s important to remember that it’s only a non-owning view, so if the original object is gone, the view becomes
If you need a real string, there’s a separate constructor for std::string that accepts a string_view . For instance, the
filesystem library was adapted to handle string view (as input when creating a path object).
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <string_view>
int main()
// the original string, one allocation:
std::string str {"Hello Amazing Programming World" };
More info:
n4562: string_view and also N3921, string_view: a non-owning reference to a string, revision 7
What is string_view? - Stack Overflow
C++17 string_view – Steve Lorimer
Modernescpp - string_view
foonathan::blog() - std::string_view accepting temporaries: good idea or horrible pitfall?
When you want to find one object in a string , you can just use find or some other alternative. But the task complicates
when there’s a need to search for a pattern (or a sub range) in a string.
The naive approach might be O(n*m) (where n is the length of the whole string, m is the length of the pattern).
But there are much better alternatives. For example Bayer-Moore with the complexity of O(n+m) .
you can now use execution policy to run the default version of the algorithm but in a parallel way.
you can provide a Searcher object that handles the search.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
// in gcc 7.1 still have to use experimental namespace/headers
#include <experimental/functional>
#include <experimental/algorithm>
#include <chrono>
int main()
std::string in;
std::string needle = "Hello Amazing Programming World";
RunAndMeasure([&]() {
const int maxIters = 20000000u;
for (int i = 0; i < maxIters; ++i)
in += "abcd ";
if (i % 7)
in += "xyz, uvw ";
if (i == maxIters - 100)
in += " $" + needle + "$ ";
RunAndMeasure([&]() {
auto it = std::experimental::search(in.begin(), in.end(),
needle.begin(), needle.end()));
if(it == in.end())
std::cout << "The string " << needle << " not found\n";
RunAndMeasure([&]() {
auto it = std::experimental::search(in.begin(), in.end(),
needle.begin(), needle.end()));
if(it == in.end())
std::cout << "The string " << needle << " not found\n";
RunAndMeasure([&]() {
auto it = std::experimental::search(in.begin(), in.end(),
needle.begin(), needle.end()));
if(it == in.end())
std::cout << "The string " << needle << " not found\n";
More info:
shared_ptr with array - P0414R2: Merging shared_ptr changes from Library Fundamentals to C++17. So far
unique_ptr was able to handle arrays. Now it’s also possible to use shared_ptr .
Splicing Maps and Sets - PDF P0083R2 - we can now move nodes from one tree based container (maps/sets) into
other ones, without additional memory overhead/allocation.
Mathematical special functions - PDF: P0226R1
Improving std::pair and std::tuple - N4387) - pair/tuple obey the same initialization rules as their
underlying element types.
Sampling - n4562: Sampling - new algorithm that selects n elements from the sequence
Elementary string conversions - P0067R5, new function to_chars that handles basic conversions, no need to use
stringstream, sscanf, itoa or other stuff.
There are many other changes in STL and the language that would fill many more pages. But let’s stop for now.
If you want to dig deeper try to read the spec/dra or look at the official paper with changes: P0636r0: Changes between
C++14 and C++17 DIS.
constexpr if - very powerful tool, allows you to write template/metaprogramming code in a similar way to
standard code.
Structured bindings - moves C++ closer to dynamic languages
Template argument deduction for class templates
And other template features
From STL:
Filesystem - a significant portion of the library, that will make code much easier and common across many
type safe helpers: std::any , std::optional , std::variant - we can now replace void* or C style unions.
The code should be safer.
string features: like string_view , string conversions, searchers.
parallelism - very powerful abstraction for threading.
Still, there’s a lot of stuff to learn/teach! I’ve just described the features, but the another part of the equation is to use them
effectively. And that needs experience.
I hope that my package about C++17 gave you enough information to start your experiments. Play with the features, learn
how they can be added to your projects. And also, don’t forget to have fun.