Proposal To Halliburton

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1.1 Background
According to the very fast development of science and technology along with free-trade
era,Indonesia should have the high quality and integrated human resource to carry out the natural
resources especially in oil and gas industry.
PT. Hallibuton as one of the world's largest providers of products and services to the energy
industry. With over 55,000 employees, representing 140 nationalities in more than 80 countries.
On job training as the process of student to develop their skill and face the real work field is one
of the terms to get graduate. In accordance with that, We are the students of Sekolah Tinggi
Teknologi Minyak dan Gas Bumi (STT MIGAS) Balikpapan would like to propose the on job
training program on PT. Halliburton Balikpapan
The industrial sector is part of backbone for economy and development in Indonesia. Therefore,
to create a stable economy is needed in the development of solid industrial sector and sustainable. To
achieve such a case it is necessary to an understanding of developments in technology and the
sciences on going in areas of existing application.
Judging from the condition of the nation as the actualization of human communal life, the
development of science and technology has an important role in the progress of the nation as well
affect the success of the independent development community. The development of science and
technology serves as a means of improving human resources, expansion of employment
opportunities, increased dignity of the nation at the same time improving people's welfare, steering
renewal process, as well as increased productivity.
The concept of the development of science and technology is built by two inter-related parties, ie
practitioners in industry and academia in the education community. Development in the field of
education carried out in line with the development of science and technology, by applying a national
education system in order to increase the capacity building of human resources ( HR ) nation wide in
a variety of fields. Higher education as part of a national education nurtured and developed to prepare
students to be academically capable human resources and professional at the same time responsive to
the needs of development and the development of science and technology so that it can be used as a
community service provision. Human resource development at the college implemented through
learning activities, research, and community services.
To achieve optimal results in the development of science and technology, cooperation and good
communication channels between university, industry,government agencies and private is needed.
Petroleum Engineering Department of STT MIGAS Balikpapan in achieving its goal to have a vision
and mission. Practice students to carry out a complete theory learned in college.
On job Training is one of the courses in the Department of Petroleum Engineering at load 3
Semester Credit Units ( SCU ) held by students outside the scope of the college by performing an
internship at particular institution such as industry, government agencies, state enterprises,research
institutes, laboratories, and educational institutions in accordance with the Department of Petroleum
Engineering curriculum Balikapapan STT Migas, namely the practical work (3 credits), we choose
PT.Halliburton located in Manggar, Balikpapan because it is a company engaged in mining of

2.1 On Job Training Purpose

On job training is one the terms to pass the study and get the graduate. This is the process of
student to develop their skill and face the real work field. This is the way to complete our knowledge
about theory and the work field applicating to get the good skills in petroleum engineering. With
accordance in that, we are students of Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Minyak dan Gas Bumi (STT
MIGAS) Balikpapan would like to propose the internship program in PT. Halliburton.

2.2 On Job Training Goals

Beside the purpose of on job training We have some goals as the path to pursue the main
purpose, there are :
a. As Petroleum Engineering degree, candidate try to have their capabilities in applying
knowledge has studied in college on the condition of being actual.
b. Trains and get experience to prospective Petroleum Engineering degree candidate that
have capability in problem solving.
c. Understand Drilling and Wire Line operations of oil and Gas wells in field.
d. Train Petroleum Engineering degree candidate that has the ability to work
individually and team work in problem solving associated with the world of oil
e. Understand field data Processing and analysis from development.

2.3 On Job Training Advantages

There are some advantages for the on job training program:
a. The Advantages for Student
Student get the real description in petroleum industry work field and get the experience to be a
part in industry activities directly.
Student have a chance to develop all of their ability to analyze some problems base on theory.
b. The Advantages for Company
The result of analyzing process and the experiment by student while on job training could be
decided by the company to use it for future.
The company and students could cooperate with petroleum engineering of STT Migas

c. The Advantages for University

Get more references about the development of petroleum industry in Indonesia and latest
petroleum technology which used.
Get the reference for some evaluations to upgrade the curriculum quality.

3.1 Type of Activities

Involved in Field Operation Activities and Data Processing in Office.

3.2 Date of Activities

Hopefully we have chance to learn on the on job training for a month , approximately on 25th of
February 2019 - 25th of March 2019 (Tentative) and we hope the management of PT.Halliburton
would like to approve this proposal.

3.3 Means
In Realization of this field experience, we hope PT. Halliburton, would provide facility in the
form accommodation and transportation.

3.4 Plan for the Experience

1. General Observation : Company Profile
2. Special Observation : Wire line
3. Guidance of Student Thesis.
4. Guidance of reporting.
5. Presentation
3.5 Participates
Participants of field experience:
Name : Achmad Zuelhari Malik
NIM : 1501174
Address : Perumahan Taman Bukit Sari VIP Blok A/16 Balikpapan
Mobile Phone : +6289678089060
Email : [email protected]
Name : Febrian Alvin Renaldy
NIM : 1501347
Address : Jl Ksatrian KM 8,5 Balikpapan
Mobile Phone : +6285389371995
Email : [email protected]

Name : Gilang Trias Mahendra

NIM : 1501483
Address : Jl Ksatrian KM 8,5 Balikpapan
Email : [email protected]

Accordingly, this proposal is structured practical work for consideration in carrying out
practical work at PT. Halliburton located in Balikpapan, so that there is unity of insight and
understanding from all parties as well as to realize a communicative atmosphere in order to
support the smooth running of this practical work. It is our hope that the proposal is acceptable
practical work and realized according to plan. If there are things that are not in accordance with
what is becoming the basis of the company, can be discussed at the beginning of the practice runs
before work.
May the Almighty God always bestow mercy and His instructions to us all that
everything is running as it should be, and working with this practice for many parties. The
assistance, cooperation, and thank you for your attention.

Attachments :
a) Transcript
b) Active Student Letter
c) Student card
d) Insurance
Picture 1. Transcript of Achmad Zuelhari M
Picture 2. Surat Aktif Kuliah of Achmad Zuelhari M
Picture 3. Student Card of Achmad Zuelhari M
Picture 4. Insurance of Achmad Zuelhari M
Picture 5. Transcript of Gilang Trias Mahendra
Picture 6. Student Card of Gilang Trias Mahendra
Picture 7. Insurance of Gilang Trias Mahendra
Picture 8. Suratr Aktif Kuliah of Febrian Alvin Renaldy
Picture 9. Insurance of Febrian Alvin Renaldy
Picture 10. Student Card of Febrian Alvin Renaldy
Picture 11. Transcript of Febrian Alvin Renaldy

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