This document profiles 7 influential photographers: Ansel Adams, Dorothea Lange, Robert Capa, Annie Leibovitz, Steve McCurry, Margaret Bourke-White, and William Albert Allard. It provides basic biographical information for each photographer, including their name, nationality, notable works, and birth year/location. The photographers specialized in landscapes, documentary photography, war photography, portraits, and more. Together they helped advance different genres of photography and create iconic images over the 20th century.
This document profiles 7 influential photographers: Ansel Adams, Dorothea Lange, Robert Capa, Annie Leibovitz, Steve McCurry, Margaret Bourke-White, and William Albert Allard. It provides basic biographical information for each photographer, including their name, nationality, notable works, and birth year/location. The photographers specialized in landscapes, documentary photography, war photography, portraits, and more. Together they helped advance different genres of photography and create iconic images over the 20th century.
This document profiles 7 influential photographers: Ansel Adams, Dorothea Lange, Robert Capa, Annie Leibovitz, Steve McCurry, Margaret Bourke-White, and William Albert Allard. It provides basic biographical information for each photographer, including their name, nationality, notable works, and birth year/location. The photographers specialized in landscapes, documentary photography, war photography, portraits, and more. Together they helped advance different genres of photography and create iconic images over the 20th century.
This document profiles 7 influential photographers: Ansel Adams, Dorothea Lange, Robert Capa, Annie Leibovitz, Steve McCurry, Margaret Bourke-White, and William Albert Allard. It provides basic biographical information for each photographer, including their name, nationality, notable works, and birth year/location. The photographers specialized in landscapes, documentary photography, war photography, portraits, and more. Together they helped advance different genres of photography and create iconic images over the 20th century.
Dorothea Lange was an American Ansel Easton Adams was a land- documentary photographer and scape photographer and environ- photojournalist, best known for her mentalist known for his black and Depression-era work for the Farm white images of the American Security Administration. Lange’s West. He helped found Group photographs influenced the develop- f/64, an association of photogra- ment of documentary photography phers advocating “pure” photogra- and humanized the consequences of phy which favored sharp focus and the Great Depression. Born: May the use of the full tonal range of a 26, 1895, Hoboken, NJ photo
Robert Capa Annie Leibovitz
Robert Capa was a Hungari- Anna-Lou “Annie” Leibovitz is an an-born American war photogra- American portrait photographer. pher and photojournalist as well She is best known for her engaging as the companion and profession- portraits—particularly of celebri- al partner of photographer Gerda ties—which often feature subjects in Taro. He is considered by some intimate settings and poses. Born: to be the greatest combat and ad- October 2, 1949 (age 70 years), Wa- venture photographer in history. terbury, CT Born: October 22, 1913, Budapest, Steve Mccurry Margaaret Bourke -White Steve McCurry is an American Margaret Bourke-White was photographer, freelancer and an American photographer and photojournalist. His most fa- documentary photographer. She mous photo is of the “Afghan is best known as the first foreign Girl”, the girl with the piercing photographer permitted to take green eyes that periodically pictures of Soviet industry under appears on the cover of National the Soviet’s ... Born: June 14, Geographic. 1904, The Bronx, New York, NY Born: April 23, 1950 (age 69 years), Darby, PA
William Albert Allard
William Albert Allard is an American documentary photographer. Born: 1937 (age 82 years), Minneapo- lis, MN Ansel Adams Dorothea Lange
Robert Capa Annie Leibovitz Steve Mccurry Margaaret Bourke