Below Is An Example of A Table Called "Persons":: Structured Query Language (SQL)
Below Is An Example of A Table Called "Persons":: Structured Query Language (SQL)
Below Is An Example of A Table Called "Persons":: Structured Query Language (SQL)
RDBMS stands for Relational Database Management System.
RDBMS is the basis for SQL, and for all modern database systems like MS SQL Server, IBM DB2, Oracle, MySQL, and
Microsoft Access.
The data in RDBMS is stored in database objects called tables.
A table is a collection of related data entries and it consists of columns and rows.
Database Tables
A database most often contains one or more tables. Each table is identified by a name (e.g. "Customers" or "Orders").
Tables contain records (rows) with data.
Below is an example of a table called "Persons":
P_Id LastName FirstName Address City
1 Hansen Ola Timoteivn 10 Sandnes
2 Svendson Tove Borgvn 23 Sandnes
3 Pettersen Kari Storgt 20 Stavanger
The table above contains three records (one for each person) and five columns (P_Id, LastName, FirstName, Address,
and City).
SQL Statements
Most of the actions you need to perform on a database are done with SQL statements.
The following SQL statement will select all the records in the "Persons" table:
In this tutorial we will teach you all about the different SQL statements.
Keep in Mind That...
SQL is not case sensitive
The DDL part of SQL permits database tables to be created or deleted. It also define indexes (keys), specify links
between tables, and impose constraints between tables. The most important DDL statements in SQL are:
CREATE DATABASE - creates a new database
ALTER DATABASE - modifies a database
CREATE TABLE - creates a new table
ALTER TABLE - modifies a table
DROP TABLE - deletes a table
CREATE INDEX - creates an index (search key)
DROP INDEX - deletes an index
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The empty table can be filled with data with the INSERT INTO statement.
SELECT * Example
Now we want to select all the columns from the "Persons" table.
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OR Operator Example
Now we want to select only the persons with the first name equal to "Tove" OR the first name equal to "Ola":
We use the following SELECT statement:
WHERE FirstName='Tove'
OR FirstName='Ola'
The result-set will look like this:
P_Id LastName FirstName Address City
1 Hansen Ola Timoteivn 10 Sandnes
2 Svendson Tove Borgvn 23 Sandnes
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ORDER BY Example
Now we want to select all the persons from the table above, however, we want to sort the persons by their last name.
We use the following SELECT statement:
The result-set will look like this:
P_Id LastName FirstName Address City
1 Hansen Ola Timoteivn 10 Sandnes
4 Nilsen Tom Vingvn 23 Stavanger
3 Pettersen Kari Storgt 20 Stavanger
2 Svendson Tove Borgvn 23 Sandnes
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To delete a column in a table, use the following syntax (notice that some database systems don't allow deleting a
ALTER TABLE table_name
DROP COLUMN column_name
To change the data type of a column in a table, use the following syntax:
ALTER TABLE table_name
ALTER COLUMN column_name datatype
Look at the "Persons" table:
P_Id LastName FirstName Address City
1 Hansen Ola Timoteivn 10 Sandnes
2 Svendson Tove Borgvn 23 Sandnes
3 Pettersen Kari Storgt 20 Stavanger
Now we want to add a column named "DateOfBirth" in the "Persons" table.
ADD DateOfBirth date
Notice that the new column, "DateOfBirth", is of type date and is going to hold a date. The data type specifies what
type of data the column can hold. For a complete reference of all the data types available in MS Access, MySQL, and
SQL Server, go to our complete Data Types reference.
The "Persons" table will now like this:
P_Id LastName FirstName Address City DateOfBirth
1 Hansen Ola Timoteivn 10 Sandnes
2 Svendson Tove Borgvn 23 Sandnes
3 Pettersen Kari Storgt 20 Stavanger
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