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Translate Article Mbak Tama
Translate Article Mbak Tama
According to Darmadi (2009) the basic skills of teachers’ teaching consist of academic and
non-academic abilities. Those which included the academic abilities are having a certification
of teaching, appropriateness of the discipline of science which is owned by the teachers, and
having enough experiences in teaching. Whereas those included in the ability of non-academic
are able to control the education paradigm, not blind with technology, and having emotional
maturity. Therefore, the researcher then categorized teachers based on the age, level of
Based on the age grouping of grade III teachers, the age range of teachers is 40 - 52 years old.
SDN Srondol Wetan 05 grade III A teachers with the aged of 48 years old having experiences
in teaching for about 8 years, grade III B teachers with the aged of 40 years old having
experiences in teaching for about 13 years. While in SDI Pangeran Diponegoro grade III
teachers who are teaching Javanese language with the aged of 52 years old having experiences
in teaching for about 16 years. The grouping age did by the researcher because longer
experiences of working, more experiences are gained by the teachers as well. It is believed that
For teachers in the Pringgodani Cluster based the researcher’s observations, the mastery of IT
(Internet Technology) is already good. For example, in learning process teachers often use
internet to find and complete the learning materials, or to find some videos of learning materials
and look for the ice breaking models implemented in the class. However, the teachers only
used their mobile phones, for the school's facilities such as LCD was not adequate and the
innovative, environment based, creative, effective and interesting) showed that learning
Javanese language has not using the strategy of PAILKEM yet. This is because the learning
process has not revealed the implementation of PAILKEM comprehensively. But for the ability
and teaching skills of teachers were good. Marked that before teaching, teachers had already
made the lesson plan or RPP. The implementation of learning also been good in accordance
with the RPP (Lesson Plan) with opening activities, main activities to the end activities.
The results of the study can be described in various indicators of PAILKEM. For active
indicators in the learning process, all teachers have fulfilled and displayed active indicators.
Marked by the use of students centered learning, the interaction among teachers and students
occured in multi direction, as well as teachers gave feedback to students. In accordance with
the opinion from Rusman (2016: 324) active learning is an approach of learning that is much
discussed and examined in the process of learning in the classroom, so that they get a variety
In innovative learning, teachers do not only rely on books, but also can implement new things
that according to the teachers which are very suitable and relevant to the issues that are being
studied by the students. Also with the students through the activity of learning, students can
find the way by themselves to deepen the things that are being studied. Based on the
observations conducted by the researcher, the indicators of teachers’ innovativeness had not
commited or appeared in all innovative indicators, only 2 to 3 points that emerged from 6 points
in the innovative indicators. Marked with not yet emergence of using technology in the learning
process, the use of media, and the use of models of learning had not varied yet. Teachers still
Indicators which are based on environmental provides more opportunities which are very large
to the students to improve the results of their study. However, all grade III teachers had not
shown all the points in the environment based indicators. All teachers only incorporated the
outcomes of learning, students also require the presence of an attachment to the complex among
students with the teacher so that the atmosphere and the process of learning becomes more fun
(Uno, 2017: 157) stated that teachers need to be creative to reduce boredom. Boredom in the
PBM is caused by two factors, namely the factor that comes from teachers and factors are
derived from the students. Based on the observations that researcher did, teachers had not done
the creative indicators in learning yet. Marked with no learning media that was used to teach.
With the result that the students already felt bored and the class atmosphere became noisy.
The process of learning conducted by the teacher in accordance with the time that has
been specified. The teacher had been carried out the activities of learning in
accordance with the lesson plan including introduction activities, main activities and, the
closing activities. For handling and mastering the classroom, teachers had been done well.
In explaining the material, the teacher explained to the students well including the use
of language that was easy to be understood by the students with a loud and clear
personality, intellectual ability which were different. Because every child has a different
variety, so teachers must be able to increase students’ interest and motivate them. In accordance
with the results of the research, elementary school teachers grade III in Pringgodani Cluster
showed that teachers had already done an interesting learning. However, not all teachers did it
Teachers involved in decorating the class so that the class looked interesting and not boring.
Teachers conveyed the materials with speaking tone cheerful and enthusiastic, teachers used
ice breaking by telling funny story, diverting the attention of students with models of counting
and also the teachers gave a funny guessing. And the interaction occured among teachers and
students were casual and relaxed, students were very close to the teacher. For teachers who
were not implemented the interesting learning yet, the weakness because in private school or
in SDI Pangeran Diponegoro the decorating activities only held in an orientation time. After
that the decoration in the class will be removed in accordance with the rules of the school. The
teachers also did not implement the use of ice breaking to reduce the boredom of the students.
So, the condition of the class became bored and many students were sleepy. In short, the