Quantum Anomaly
Quantum Anomaly
Quantum Anomaly
122 (ISMP)
Department of Physics, University of Tokyo
Department of Mathematical Sciences, Ibaraki University
The main purpose of this book is to provide an introduction to the path in-
tegral formulation of quantum field theory and its applications to the analyses
of symmetry breaking by the quantization procedure. This symmetry breaking
is commonly called the "quantum anomaly" or simply the "anomaly". and this
naming shows that the effect first appeared as an exceptional phenomenon in
field theory. However, as is explained in this book, this effect has turned out
to be very fundamental in modern field theory. In the path integral formula-
tion, it has been recognized that this effect arises from a non-trivial Jacobian in
the change of path integral variables. Namely, the path integral measure breaks
certain symmetries.
The study of the quantum anomaly is one of the attempts to understand the
basis of quantum theory better and, consequently, it is a basic notion which could
influence the entire quantum theory beyond field theory. The quantum anomaly
is located at the border of divergence and convergence, though the quantum
anomaly itself is perfectly finite, and thus closely related to the presence of an
infinite number of degrees of freedom. As such an example, we discuss the phase
operator of the photon which involves an infinite number of degrees of freedom
related to Bose statistics. The notion of the quantum anomaly has been mainly
developed in the applications of field theory to elementary particle physics. We
however believe that the notion of the anomaly and the machinery developed to
understand this subtle phenomenon will have important implications on other
fields such as condensed matter physics. To illustrate these points, we analyze
field theory in two-dimensional space-time in some detail. It is shown that the
phenomenon called bosonization characteristic to two-dimensions, namely, the
description of fermion theory in terms of bosons, is simply understood as a
result of the change of path integral variables. Also, the basic notions such as
the central charges of Kac-Moody and Virasoro algebras in conformal field theory
are nothing but the manifestation of the anomalies. We show explicitly how to
derive the central charges from the anomalies in the path integral method.
Another important aspect of quantum anomalies is that they are closely re-
lated to topological properties. For example, the chiral anomaly when combined
with instanton solutions in Yang-Mills theory is a quantum manifestation of
the Atiyah-Singer index theorem in mathematics. Similarly, the ghost number
anomaly which appears in the first quantization of string theory is a field the-
oretical manifestation of the Ricmann-Roch theorem in the theory of Riemann
As for the history of quantum anomalies, which will be explained in Chap-
ter 1, the original indication of the anomaly appeared immediately after the
modern formulation of field theory, namely, renormalization theory. It was, how-
ever, only in 1969 when the true significance of the quantum anomaly was clearly
recognized. On the other hand, Feynman introduced the path integrals in his for-
mulation of renormalization theory.
We now briefly describe the contents of this book. Chapter 2 covers the basics
of quantum theory. We explain the basic ideas of the Feynman path integral
and Sclrwinger's action principle which are required to understand modern field
theory and the present book, without assuming knowledge of more than standard
undergraduate quantum mechanics.
In Chapter 3 an elementary aspect of the quantum theory of the photon
initiated by Dirac is explained. The basic idea of the path integral formulation
of gauge theory is explained and the notion of the BRST symmetry is introduced.
At the same time, the basic property of the photon phase operator is explained by
using the notion of index. The notion of index reappears in the later discussions
of quantum anomalies. The essence of quantum electrodynamics is summarized
in Appendix A to further supplement the basic path integral formulation of gauge
theory. This appendix will help understand what is going on in this book better.
The phenomenon called the vacuum polarization is explained in Chapter 4.
The evaluation of this apparently simple diagram in a sense has been the most
difficult calculation in the entire renormalization program of quantum electro-
dynamics. By using the gauge invariant regularization introduced to control the
vacuum polarization diagram, we explain the simplest example of the quantum
anomaly, the chiral anomaly, by performing the calculation corresponding to
triangle diagrams but actually without relying on Feynman diagrams.
Chapter 5 is the main chapter in this book. We explain that the symmetry
breaking by quantization (the chiral anomaly) is understood as a non-trivial
Jacobian associated with a change of path integral variables. We present several
supporting arguments for the use of the gauge invariant mode cut-off to evaluate
the Jacobians throughout the present, book. The instanton solution is briefly
summarized, and the relation of the chiral anomaly with the Atiyah-Singer index
theorem is explained. In this connection, we note a problematic aspect of the
unitary transformation to the interaction picture and that the Nambu-Goldstone
theorem does not hold in general in the presence of the quantum anomaly in the
relevant symmetry.
The developments and various applications of quantum anomalies are de-
scribed in Chapter 6 and subsequent chapters. The descriptions are somewhat
condensed in these chapters. Readers may choose appropriate topical subjects in
these chapters. The description of each chapter is arranged so that readers can
read each chapter without referring to other chapters as much as possible. In
Chapter 6, the applications of quantum anomalies to modern gauge theory such
as the Standard Model of elementary particles are summarized. Almost all the
detailed calculations are explicitly performed.
The Weyl transformation is the symmetry which keeps the local angle in-
variant but the length of space-time is changed. An explanation of the Weyl
anomaly is given in Chapter 7. The trace of the energy-momentum tensor is
August 2003
Kazuo Fujikawa and Hiroshi Suzuki
1.1 Introduction
The central dogma in modern physics is the principle of quantum theory. All
dynamics, cither classical or relativistic dynamics, or all the forces such as elec-
tromagnetic and nuclear forces need to be formulated to conform to the principle
of quantum theory when applied to microscopic systems. The general theory of
relativity is not exceptional, and quantum gravity needs to be formulated in mi-
croscopic domains. Even classical dynamics is realized as a vanishing limit of the
Planck constant H in quantum theory.
The basic equation of quantum theory is given by the Schrodingcr equation
and the wave function y> has a meaning as the probability amplitude. The wave
function is an element of infinite-dimensional Hilbert space, as is expected from
the fact that the wave function of a hydrogen atom has an infinite number of
components. To emphasize this aspect, the wave function is written as the state
vector \ip). From the definition of probability, the square of the state vector needs
to be non-negative, namely, we postulate that the norm of the wave function be
positive definite
By definition, the unitary transformation does not change the magnitude (total
probability) of the wave function. What changes is, for example, that the first
component is transformed to the second component of an infinite-dimensional
state vector.
To apply quantum theory to general phenomena including photons, it is nec-
essary to quantize the field variable itself and thus formulate field theory. Intu-
itively, one distributes oscillators at each point of four-dimensional space-time in
field theory, and quantizes all these oscillators. The excitation or de-excitation
of those oscillators are interpreted as the creation or annihilation of associated
particles. There arc an infinite number of points and thus one needs to handle
an infinite number of oscillators, or if one formulates the problem suitably, one
If this difficulty should persist, it suggested that we may not be able to handle
the experiment all y established vanishing photon mass and the gauge principle,
which ensures the vanishing photon mass, in interaction picture perturbation
In retrospect, this problem of how to ensure the vanishing photon mass or
the gauge symmetry in field theory was the starting point of the study of the
quantum anomaly, the main subject of the present book. It is not obvious that
one can maintain gauge symmetry or justify the unitary transformation to the
interaction picture in field theory which deals with an infinite number of de-
grees of freedom. These are the essential aspects of symmetry breaking by the
quantization procedure we are going to discuss.
In terms of the more intuitive Feynman diagram, this perturbation formula cor-
responds to a calculation of the Feynman diagram in Fig. 1.1. The photon, which
is virtually converted to a pair of an electron and a positron, recornbines after a
certain time, and the quantum correction to the photon self-energy arises in this
process. This diagram diverges (to be precise, a quadratic divergence), and the
photon mass which should be zero may become indeterminate if the renormal-
ization prescription should not be unique. As is explained later, the photon mass
is in fact kept to be zero up to any finite order in perturbation in the modern
formulation of quantum electrodynamics.
In 1949, however, this problem of the photon self-energy was the fundamen-
tal issue of renormalization theory, and the two members of Tomonaga's group,
FIG. 1.2. (a) Two-photon decay of the neutral TT meson; (b) two-photon decay
of a neutral axial-vector meson
H. Fukuda and Y. Miyamoto, analyzed the next simplest Feyiiman diagrams in
Fig. 1.2. (a) and (b) for the two-photon decay of the neutral TV meson, which
is commonly denoted by TT°, namely 7r° —> 77. In terms of modern language,
they compared two processes: In one of them the neutral spinless TT meson vir-
tually splits into a quark q and anti-quark q pair in the vacuum, and those
two quarks emit two photons before pair annihilation. In the other process, the
spin 1 (axial-)vector meson Ati dissociates into a quark q and anti-quark q pair
and the pair of quarks emit two photons before pair annihilation. The predic-
tion of renormalization theory is that there exists a simple relation (a symmetry
called "Dyson's symmetry" at that time) between two processes. However, an
explicit calculation indicated that the gauge invariance in the second graph is
spoiled and that the relation between the two graphs docs not hold. The latter
graph diverges (to be precise a linear divergence) and thus a careful calculation
is required. But the linear divergence already appeared in the self-energy of the
electron in renormalization theory, and it is known that renormalization works
without any difficulty for the electron self-energy. Consequently, the calculation
of the triangle diagrams should also work.
The appearance of those discrepancies from the predictions of renormaliza-
tion theory was a very serious issue for the renormalization program itself. In
fact, Tomonaga, together with his collaborators, analyzed the triangle diagrams
by using the Pauli Villars regulator, of which a preprint was sent to Tomonaga
from Pauli. They concluded that the issue of gauge invariance can be success-
fully handled by the Pauli-Villars regulator but the relation between the two
graphs was not uniquely resolved. They stated that we have to wait for future
experimental results to resolve the issue.
A similar arid detailed analysis was performed by J. Steinberger at Princeton,
who learned of the calculation of Fukuda arid Miyamoto through Yukawa staying
at Princeton at that time.1 He also used the Pauli-Villars regulator and arrived
at a conclusion similar to that of Tomonaga.
The issues related to the gauge invariance of the photon self-energy and
the triangle diagrams were analyzed in greater detail by J. Schwinger in 1951.
He handled the photon self-energy by showing that the gauge invariance can be
consistently imposed but concluded anomalous behavior of the triangle diagrams.
The distinction between the ambiguity related to divergences and the quantum
breaking of symmetry was not clear at that time, and as a result a fundamental
understanding of this strange behavior was not achieved.
This problem of the triangle diagrams for the pion (i.e., n meson) decay came
up as a major issue again in the late 1960s. At that time, the understanding of
the pion as a Nambu- Goldstoiie particle associated with spontaneous breaking of
chiral symmetry (or PCAC) was established. If one combines this interpretation
of the pion with the (naive) calculation of the triangle diagrams, it was concluded
that the neutral pion cannot decay into two photons in the ideal limit of the
Nambu Goldstone particle. This contradicted the experimental fact that the
neutral pion predominantly decays into two photons.
This difficulty was analyzed in great detail by J. Bell and R. Jackiw at CERN.
Bell and Jackiw noticed the inevitable deviation from PCAC if one applies
the conventional Pauli-Villars regularization to the a model which incorporates
PCAC. They then showed that one can preserve both PCAC and gauge invari-
ance if one uses a modification of Gupta's implementation of the Pauli-Villars
regularization, but this spoils renormalizability. On the other hand, S. Adler at
Princeton performed a general analysis of the triangle diagrams in spinor electro-
dynamics and discussed the issue of the neutral pion decay in the appendix of his
paper. The final conclusion was that a proper understanding of the anomalous
behavior discussed by Fukuda, Miyamoto, Steinberger and Tomonaga resolves
the discrepancy between theory and experiment. At the same time, it was con-
cluded that the anomalous behavior of the triangle diagrams is unavoidable in
relativistic local field theory with gauge symmetry. Namely, it was established
that the Feynman diagrams can exhibit behavior different from a naive manip-
ulation of canonical field theory and that the anomalous behavior is consistent
with the basic postulate of local field theory and explains the experimental results
well. In effect, these analyses in 1969 marked the discovery of the breaking of cer-
tain symmetries by the quantization procedure, namely, the quantum anomalies.
Footnote 11 in J. Steinberger, Phys. Rev. 76 (1949) 1180, reads "Fukuda and Miyamoto.
Prog. Theor. Phys. (in press), were the first to notice that the old results were not gauge
invariant. Their work formed the starting point of this research. I wish to thank H. Yukawa for
making their results available to me before publication". Incidentally, Steinberger later turned
to experimental physics and received the Nobel Prize for the discovery of two neutrinos.
These papers influenced the entire subsequent developments of the subject. For
example, motivated by these papers T. Kimura evaluated the triangle anomaly
in the presence of the background gravitational field in the same year of 1969.
It is known that there are two main classes of symmetries which are broken
by the quantization procedure. The first is the chiral symmetry associated with
Dirac's 75 and it is related to the triangle diagrams we have discussed so far,
and it is called the chiral anomaly. The other is the Weyl transformation, which
changes the length scale of space-time, keeping the local angle invariant; this is
called the Weyl anomaly or conformed anomaly.
On the other hand, in the formulation of renormalization theory Feynman
invented the path integral methods of quantum mechanics arid quantum field
theory. The path integral and the canonical operator formulation of quantum
theory arc formally equivalent, but the path integral later found many appli-
cations in practical calculations. Combined with an intuitive understanding of
quantum processes, the path integral is becoming increasingly important in the
modern formulation of quantum theory and, in particular, quantum field theory.
It has been recognized that the quantum anomalies are understood as arising
from non-trivial Jacobians associated with the change of integration variables
in the path integral formulation. The path integral measure breaks those sym-
metries. This path integral method provides a conceptually more satisfactory
derivation of anomalous identities with the anomaly terms present from the
beginning instead of discovering the anomalies after the evaluation of current
divergences. The purpose of this book is to provide an introduction to the path
integral method of quantization and its applications to the analyses of quantum
anomalies. We show that quantum anomalies are phenomena basic to the entire
field theory, in particular, to gauge theory in general on the basis of the path
integral formulation. We thus start with an introductory account of the path
integral formulation of quantum field theory in the next chapter.
where m is the mass arid uj is the frequency. The quantization is defined by the
Hciscnberg commutation relation
with a non-negative integer n. The eigenfunction un(q) for the nth eigenstate is
written in terms of a Hermite polynomial.
The description of the same problem in terms of creation and annihilation
operators is important not only in the present context but also for second quan-
tization discussed later. In this approach, we define
We also have
the absence of negative energy states requires the lowest energy state |0) to
From the view point of quantum theory, this condition has a more fundamental
meaning as the absence of negative norm states
Starting with the ground state |0), we can generate the general state n) by
repeatedly multiplying the operator «t
is written as
The right-hand side represents a sum over all the paths in phase space starting
from (ft at t = ii and ending at q/ at I — £/. In the left-hand side, the operators q
we divide the time interval into N segments with e = (tf — tj)/7V. We then obtain
We thus obtain
The crucial property to be noted here is that one takes a sum over connected
paths in the path integral. Even in quantum theory, the path of a particle does
not become discontinuous.
The above derivation of the path integral formula shows that the path integral
representation is valid for a more general class of Hamiltonians of the form
We can also perform the integral over the momentum variables explicitly for
general V(q).
To be more concrete, we first note (the integral here is known as the Fresnel
and then the Feynman path integral formula becomes in the limit
We here defined go = Qi, Q.N = Qf, and the path integral measure including the
normalization factor by
The last expression in equ (2.26) can be readily generalized to particle motion
in three-dimensional space whose coordinates are given by q, and it is written as
This expression shows that the time development in quantum mechanics is given
by a sum over all the paths in four-dimensional space-time starting from <fj at
t ~ ti and ending at g*/ at i = t/ with a phase factor given by an exponential
of i/h times the classical action 5 (i.e.. a time integral of the Lagrangian). In
symbolic notation
This formula gives the most fundamental picture of the path integral. The clas-
sical paths appearing here do not have to satisfy the equations of motion. The
path integral of the harmonic oscillator was first evaluated by Feynman. In fact,
Feynman performed many of the calculations in quantum electrodynamics by
the path integral of the harmonic oscillator and its generalizations, and in this
way he demonstrated the usefulness of the path integral.
This equation is derived by applying the variational principle to the action inte-
gral S = f d4x C, written in terms of the Lagrangian density
namely, we take a sum over indices which appear twice, and the metric of four-
dimensional space-time is given by g^ = (1, —1, —1, -1) = g^v
The Harniltonian density is thus given by
with ui(k) — c\lkz + (mc/H)2, namely, it, is written as a sum of an infinite number
of harmonic oscillators with frequency w(fe). When one defines annihilation and
creation operators by
This state vector represents a state with n-\ particles with momentum tiki, n^
particles with momentum Kk-2 - n^ particles with momentum hk%, and so on.
We used the real basis set in eqn (2.35) to make the later transformation to the path
integral in terms of the field variable <j>(l, x) easier. To define the cigenstates of the momentum,
one needs to make a unitary transformation
and this state is not interpreted as the nth excitation of the harmonic oscillator
as in the quantum mechanics of the harmonic oscillator.
The path integral representation of the evolution operator is given as a gen-
eralization of a single harmonic oscillator as
One can convert this path integral into one in terms of the field variable
as follows: First one remembers
arid thus transforms the variables q%(t) into the field variable <f>(t, x) in the sense
of Dirac as
One also recalls that the specification of all the variables {ql}
at t = ti is equiv-
alent to the specification of \(f>i(x}} at all the space points at t = ti. We thus
which preserves the form of the Hamillonian 77 = J^g ^'(^(clcg + 1/2) and the canonical
quantization condition
denote the state vector by |0j,*j}. The path integral is thus written in a rela-
tivistic invariant form
with a suitable normalization factor N, which includes the Jacobian for the above
change of variables. Namely, if one performs the path integral with the measure
with a weight factor which is given by an action integral multiplied by i/h, the
matrix element of the quantum mechanical evolution operator is given by
So far we discussed a free scalar field without any interaction but. for example,
the interaction Lagrangian density, which describes the interaction among four
scalar fields when they come together at a coincident point in four-dimensional
space-time, is given by
where the coupling constant g determines the strength of the interaction. The
interaction Hamiltonian is then given by the last term in
In this case, if one repeats a similar analysis as above the path integral is given
by a Lorentz invariant form as
This last expression is again given by a sum over all the possible field configura-
tions in four-dimensional space-time with the exponential weight factor, which
is given by the classical action multiplied by i/h, and the final expression is
manifestly Lorentz covariant.
As a classical field, the two scalar fields commute with each other at all the
space-time points, [4>(t, of), <p(t' ,x')] = 0. This property is converted to the Heisen-
berg commutation relation [(l/c2)d>(t, x),</>(t, f )] = (H/i)8^(x~-x') in quantum
theory, and it represents Bose particles. The path integral formula (2.53) gives
a basis of the path integral of all the Lorentz invariant Bose fields.
arid then extend the formulation to field theory later. Here Fiu stands for the
energy carried by the fcrmion and a^ and a stand for creation and annihilation
operators with anti-commutation relations
The commutation relations with the Hamiltonian are the same as in the case of
The physical states are limited to the vacuum state |0) and the one-particle state
|1), and these states are specified by using a^ arid the Hamiltonian H as
Because of a^ a t |Q) = Q, one gees that there are no states such as |2) which contain
more than one particle. Namely, the Pauli exclusion principle is satisfied.
The fact that the fermion is quantized by the anti-commutation relation
suggests that the fermionic particle at the classical level is described by the
Grassmami numbers which always anti-commute. The Grassmann numbers, for
example, £ and 77, satisfy the anti-commutation relations
The integral over the Grassmann numbers, namely, the linear projection from
the Grassmann numbers to complex numbers, is defined by the left derivative.
To be specific, a general function of £ and f* is written as
by noting that the complex number and the Grassmann number commute with
each other by definition. The definition of the left derivative means that we move
the relevant variable to the left-most position before integration, such as in
The integral thus defined satisfies the crucial property that the integration mea-
sure is invariant under "translation" of the integration variable. Namely, if one
defines £,'=£ + n with e another Grassmann number, one can confirm
The first equality in this relation comes from the fact that the naming of the inte-
gration variable is arbitrary (in the conventional integral. f dx f ( x ) = j dy f ( y ) ) ,
and the second equality can be confirmed by an explicit calculation. A similar
property is also satisfied by dt;*. and we have the fundamental relations
From the viewpoint of the path integral, the existence of the "translation invari-
ant measure" implies the existence of the path integral measure which ensures
the equation of motion, and thus it is the most basic property of the path integral
We here use the so-called coherent states which are convenient to avoid the
complications related to the change of orders of various fermionic operators and
Grassmann numbers. The coherent state for the fermion is defined by
by expanding into powers of a and o,t by noting a|0) = 0. We used the anti-
commuting properties among the Grassmann numbers and the fcrmionic opera-
By noting
one can confirm that the coherent states thus defined satisfy
One can also confirm the completeness relations for the coherent states by using
the integral for Grassmann numbers
In the path integral we deal with the matrix elements of the evolution oper-
where the state na) stands for the eigenstate of the particle number. Physically,
the number representation (Fock representation) is important, but one can rep-
resent the number states \na) by using the completeness relation of coherent
states as
and thus we first consider the evolution operator between coherent states
the above evolution operator is written by using the completeness of the coherent
states as
The matrix element for an infinitesimal time interval is written by using the
explicit form of the Hamiltonian H = fojjcfia and the properties of the coherent
states as
to the accuracy of linear order in e. See eqn (2.68). Namely, we neglect all the
terms of order O(e 2 ) or higher. Those terms of the order O(e 2 ) or higher are
shown to be neglected in the limit N —> oo. To the same linear accuracy in e, we
can write, by using eqn (2.68),
where we defined £j ~ (£j+i ™ £j)/ e - Irl the limit N —> oc by noting eN = tb — ta,
we obtain the path integral formula
by the replacement a —> £, aJ —i £* and integrating over the variables £ and £*.
The action integral is defined such that the variational principle gives rise to the
equation of motion.
where F stands for the operator counting the number of fermions in the state
vector, .F|l) = |1) and FjO) = 0. This path integral plays an important role in
the analysis of theories with supersyrnmetry.
by thefollowing4 x 4 matrices
In 7°, 1 stands for a 2 x 2 unit matrix. The hcrmitian 75 matrix which describes
the fundamental chiral property in Dirac theory is defined by
We then obtain
derived from the equation motion '<<%?/;(£, x) = hw(t, x) for if) agrees with Heisen-
berg's equation of motion
and the system becomes equivalent to an infinite set of fermionic oscillators. Here
we use the result of the spin-statistics theorem, namely, Dirac particles follow
Fermi statistics.
In the present treatment, the "energy eigenvalue" hc\n can assume both
positive and negative values. This problem of negative energy is resolved by the
ie prescription of Feynman and anti-particle interpretation (or in the canonical
quantization, one replaces an —>• b^n, aln —¥ bn for the negative energy modes). In
the path integral, one can use a naive formulation with Feynman's it prescription
m —> m — ze. 3
This ie prescription is regarded as imposing a positive energy condition, which is basic in
the proof of the spin-statistics theorem in the path integral framework, cf. K. Fujikawa, Int.
J. Mod. Phys. A 16 (2001) 4025.
On the other hand, one may expand the classical Grassmann variable ib(t,x)
in terms of the Grassmann coefficients an (t) as
In the present derivation, we have the action which is symmetrized with re-
spect to the time derivative in the exponential. In the actual application of the
path integral explained in the next section, we define general Green's functions
by choosing tf —^ oo. t, —*• —oo and we add Schwinger's source terms, which
are localized in space-time. The S-matrix element is then defined as a suitable
limit of Green's functions. In such a formulation, one can choose a symmetric
ip(tf —» oo,of) = ip(ti —$• —oo,x) boundary condition (or anti-symmetric bound-
ary condition) with respect to the time variable. We may then perform a partial
integral with respect to time, and the path integral is written as
in the above limit. In this way, one can define a general path integral which
starts with a ground state in the infinite past and ends with a ground state
in the infinite future. Here, F stands for the operator counting the number of
fermions in the state \n). See eqn (2.83).
In field theory, the ground state is a result of very complicated interactions,
and thus this definition of path integral simultaneously defines the physical
ground state. In this formulation, one recovers the path integral with the or-
dinary action integral with Feynman's ie prescription if one applies the inverse
Wick rotation T —>• — it to the Minkowski theory after performing the path inte-
In the following discussion we use the Lagrangian (2.51) for the scalar field
A(x) for definitcness. By noting the relation
derived from the Heisenberg equation in the operator formalism, one can derive
by remembering the results in Section 2.3. When one divides the time interval
into infinitesimal time intervals, the time t is assigned to the field <pi(x) and
thus (j>i(x) —^ 0(*,zO in the integrand. This relation means that a time evolution
specified by the path integral takes place from the initial state at tj to a state at
t, where the path integral includes the factor 4>(t,x), and then the time evolution
continues to the final state at i f . From this relation, one can establish
where the time ordering operation of bosonic fields is defined by using a step
function as5
To be precise, the T* product in the path integral avoids the coincident point t\ = i g j
and one needs to consider the ordinary T product in the canonical formalism to treat the case
ti = fe- The T product is obtained from the T* product by the Bjorkeii-Johnson-Low (BJL)
prescription, which is discussed later when we need the T product.
The step function Q(ti —12) is defined to be 1 for ti > t-2 and 0 for *2 > *i- This
time ordering is generalized for a product of n fields, and the fields are arranged
in ascending order of time starting from the right-most field. The time ordering
specified by T* in the operator formalism is realized in the path integral if one
performs the path integral with c-number fields arranged in an arbitrary order.
This is because the path integral is performed starting with a past state to a
future state following the time evolution, and the time ordering is automatically
In the case of fcrmionic fields, the time ordering is defined by
where the index J on the left-hand side indicates that the time evolution is
described by the Lagrangian C j .
Schwiriger's action principle states that the change of the transition amplitude
is given by
when one changes the Lagrangian slightly, which describes the time development,
by keeping the initial and final states fixed. It is possible to show that this action
principle is equivalent to the Schrodinger equation, though we do not discuss the
equivalence here.
If one applies this action principle to the case where the source term J(x) in
the Lagrangian C, is slightly changed at the space-time point x, one obtains
property is common to the path integral, and the precise relation between the
two is clarified later.
The field equation in the operator formalism is obtained by a variation of the
action with respect to (f> as
The matrix element of this operator equation should vanish, arid when combined
with the action principle described above gives rise to
and insert this expression to the above equation (2.120). One then obtains
where Sj = / d4x jCj. If one sets F[<p} = cxp[(i/7i) J d^xjC] in this equation, one
The first equality in this relation is a generalization of the fact that the defi-
nite integral is independent of the naming of integration variables, f dx f ( x ) =
If one chooses the arbitrary function e(x) to have ^-functional peaks at the point
x, one finally recovers the relation (2.123) required by the action principle.
Prom the above consideration, one understands that the translation invari-
ance of the path integral measure in functional space is the most fundamental
property of the path integral. In the case of bosonic fields, the path integral
is a definite integral over the conventional numbers, and the basic translation
invariance, namely, a generalization of f d(x + t) f(x + e) = f dx f(x + e) or
j dx (d/dx)f(x) = 0 holds. In the case of a fermionic path integral which is
based on Grassmann numbers, the translation invariance of the path integral
measure is shown as we discussed in Section 2.4. The path integral is thus de-
fined just as for the case of bosonic variables. (Incidentally, if one can define a
translation invariant measure for a number system other than the conventional
complex numbers or Grassmann numbers, one can define a quantum mechanical
path integral for particles satisfying the new statistics.)
If one performs a Wick rotation t —» —IT to Euclidean theory with an imag-
inary time in the path integral formula, one obtains
If one takes the limit r/ — T; —>• oo in this formula, only the lowe>st energy
state, namely, the ground state contributes and the vacuum to vacuum transition
is obtained. Even in Minkowski theory with a real time, the same relation is
expected to hold since the amplitude rapidly oscillates for the states other than
the ground state. We thus have
and the stability at t/ — <; —> oo is ensured. The divergent probability amplitude
for an unphysical process, where the vacuum decays during time evolution into
negative energy states indefinitely, does not appear. One can also increase e up to
c = 7T/2 and Wick rotate to Euclidean theory without spoiling the stability if one
notes (l—ie)(tf — ti) = e~1"e(tf — ti). In terms of the language of momentum space,
one can rotate the time component as po —>• ipp;, or if one starts with Euclidean
theory and rotates back to Mirikowski theory by PE —* —ipo, the Feynman
it prescription is automatically incorporated. Incidentally, the convention of the
Wick rotation is that one rotates the time components of both the coordinate and
momentum into pure imaginary numbers in such a way that the inner product
p^x11 remains invariant
The convention is x° —> —«x' 4 and po —>• ip4 and the metric g/^, = (I, — 1, —1, —1)
is transformed to g^ = (—1, —1, — 1, —1). In Euclidean theory, the integral be-
comes a Gaussian integral instead of a Fresncl integral and the path integral of
the time evolution operator is defined in a more reliable way. If one associates the
operator formalism with the path integral by means of Schwinger's action prin-
ciple, the it prescription is automatically incorporated as a result of the operator
formalism. However, it is important to understand that the if. prescription arises
from the physical postulate that the negative energy states do not propagate in
the forward time direction.
In the applications of field theory, the vacuum to vacuum transition amplitude
with Schwinger's source function J(x), which has a value only in the localized
region of space-time, is fundamental. Since the source function has a value only
in the localized region of space-time, the asymptotic vacua in eqn (2.134) co-
incide with the vacua in eqn (2.131). As a physical picture, one deals with the
probability amplitude (or general Green's functions) for the process where the
vacuum state at t = — oo evolves into states with many particles generated by
the source function J(x) in intermediate time and then those particles are re-
absorbed into the source function J ( x ) and finally ending at the vacuum state
at t = oc. The Green's function is denned by
The transition amplitude from a general state (different from the vacuum) to
another general state is constructed from the Green's function by the so-called
LSZ prescription. In this prescription, one sets the time coordinates of some of
the field variables appearing in the Green's function either at — oo or oo and
those field variables are associated with either initial or final states, respectively.
For the details of this prescription, readers are referred to standard textbooks
listed at the end of this book. We however note that the LSZ construction of
the physical scattering amplitude starting with Green's functions, which incor-
porate all the effects of interactions, gives rise to a more natural picture of the
physical process compared to the specification of asymptotic states by imposing
a priori boundary conditions on field variables. From a technical view point, the
rcnormalization prescription, for example, is more naturally formulated in terms
of Green's functions.
We have not specified a precise normalization condition of the path integral in
field theory. Here we would like to give a normalization which is useful in practical
applications. Without a precise specification of the path integral measure, the
left- and right-hand sides of eqn (2.131) approach for t; — ti —> oo
with a constant factor N. A simple way to take care of this normalization factor
N is to define
where Z is given by
This normalization is also consistent with the normalization of the Green's func-
tion in the operator formalism. The Green's function in the Heisenberg picture is
given by (Q\T*$(xi)4>(xi) • • • 6(xn)\0}. By noting the relation H\0} = E0\0) = 0,
one can write
Our normalization of the path integral (2.137) and the definition of Green's
functions in eqn (2.135) are consistent with this operator expression in the limit
I/ —> oo, ti —> —oo.
In practical applications of the path integral, it is convenient to tentatively
include the factor Z into the path integral measure in the process of calculations
and fix the normalization factor as above only when it is required.
In this section, we first present the essence of the quantization of the electro-
magnetic field and its path integral representation. The electromagnetic field is
the simplest example of a gauge field and its quantization nicely illustrates the
technical problems associated with the quantization of gauge fields in general.
We next discuss the problem associated with the phase operator of the photon,
which appears as a result of quantizing the electromagnetic field. This problem
is analyzed on the basis of the notion of index and the postulate of positive defi-
nite Hilbert space. We explain that this problem of the phase operator is closely
related, in technical terms, to the chiral anomaly to be discussed later.
We adopt in this book the convention that we take a sum over indices which
appear twice in the same equation. Our metric convention of space-time is g^v =
(1,-1.-1, —1). The electromagnetic tensor F!JjV = d^Av - dvA^. — —Fvti is
related to the electric field E and magnetic field B in the following way
The electromagnetic tensor F^v does not change under the gauge transformation
(i.e., change of variables)
namely. F'^v = F^v: the tensor is invariant under the gauge transformation. Here
<jj(x) = u(t,x) is an arbitrary function of space-time, and the freedom related
to 'jj(x) is called the gauge freedom. This gauge iiivariance shows that one of
Afl(x) can be chosen to be an arbitrary function by suitably choosing w(x). This
reduction of freedom by restricting A^ (x) is called gauge fixing. This restriction
on Ay (x) itself is called the gauge condition, and the choice of the gauge condition
is rather arbitrary. The gauge condition on the spatial components of A^x).
which is called the Coulomb gauge,
is fundamental. The gauge condition called the Landau (or Lorentz) gauge, which
preserves Lorentz invariance,
is also commonly used. The gauge condition which is sometimes called the Weyl
The equation of motion in the vacuum for the time component AQ becomes
where A = Y?k-i (^k)'2 is called the Laplacian. From this equation, we conclude
AQ(X) = 0 by imposing the boundary condition AQ(X) = 0 at spatial infinity.
Consequently, by remembering the space-time metric convention g^ =
(1, — 1, — 1, — 1), the Lagrangian density is reduced to
when the momentum is in the positive direction of the z axis. The polarization
for a general momentum k is defined as a suitable rotation of this expression.
The canonically conjugate momentum is then given by
with the notation ui(k) = c\k\ and tentatively assuming that the momentum is
discrete, as in a box normalization.
This Hamiltonian shows that the wave motion of light is equivalent to an
assembly of an infinite number of harmonic oscillators. Because of the condition
fce^A) (fc) = 0 the light is a transverse wave polarized in the two perpendicular
directions A = 1, 2 with respect to the motion. The quantization condition is
thus given by
by neglecting the zero point energy. The Heisenberg equation of motion gives
and it represents the state which contains n\ photons with momentum arid po-
larization (Ari.Ai), 112 photons with momentum and polarization (fe,^), and
so on. This means that the photons associated with the electromagnetic wave
are Bose particles. The probability amplitude, which corresponds to the familiar
Schrodiriger amplitude in quantum mechanics, for a single free photon is given
where the field variables are actually constrained by the Coulomb gauge condition
dkAk(x) = 0, and thus we have only two integral variables.
The Coulomb gauge condition is generally understood as a decomposition of
the three spatial components of the potential Ak(x) into two transverse compo-
nents dkA^'(x) —O.i — 1, 2, and the gauge freedom dkw(x) as
In this notation, the "length in functional space" when one varies A/t(x) infinites-
imallv is written as
If one recalls that the invariant volume element in general relativity is given
by dV ~ i/dett^,, d4x when the length is given by d 2 s = <?„„ dx^dx", one can
generalize this procedure to the present functional space and the volume element
is given by6
The right-hand side of eqn (3.30) defines the correct path integral measure in
terms of the physical transverse components, and thus the path integral (3.26)
is written precisely as
We now rewrite this path integral in a Lorentz invariant manner. For a general
(hermitian) differential operator O ( x , y ) we can establish the relation
and expand
If one denotes the Jacobian for the change of variables from B(x) to {&„} by ,1,
we have 'DB = dct((x n}) [X,, dbn = JJln dbn- ^e tnus nave
The present way of deriving the path integral measure is useful in the analysis of the path
integral measure in the presence of the iuslanton solution in non-Abeliari gauge theory, for
example. The final result of the path integral measure in eqn (3.31) is also derived starting
with the phase space path integral by using the Hamiltonian denned by the Coulomb gauge.
by following the transformation of the Lagrangian density for the Coulomb gauge
in cqns (3.7)-(3.9) in a reversed manner. This is the basic formula of the path
We now re-examine the path integral formula (3.36) from a more general
view point. We first recall the fact that the general gauge field variable Atl can
be written as a result of a gauge transformation parametrized by the gauge
parameter w(x) starting with the field A/j, satisfying the condition dkAk = 0 as
and that
This equality in eqn (3.40) means that those three expressions of the path integral
measure give the same result when one integrates over any functional of A£ with
respect to these measures. Namely, the integration with the measure d/j.'Dw is
equivalent to the integration with the measure without any constraint f| 'DA^.
The general path integral measure is thus symbolically written as
and the measure d/i is defined by the unconstrained measure for the entire func-
tional space Ylfj, "DA p divided by the measure Vui which represents the gauge
This formal expression (3.41) shows that the path integral measure for gauge
theory is generally defined without referring to any specific gauge condition.
Consequently, the path integral measure for the Landau gauge, for example, is
defined by
The path integral measure for gauge theory (3.39) or (3.42) is written in a
more manageable form by using two real fields, which are called the Faddeev-
Popov ghost c,(x), c(x)t = c(x). and the anti-ghost c(x), c(x}^ = c(x). The
variables c(x) and c(x) stand for fermionic particles without spin and thus do riot
satisfy the spin-statistics relation. Those particles are unphysical particles with
negative or indefinite metric for the inner product in Fock space. In Chapter 2, we
explained that fermionic particles are described by ariti-commuting Grassmann
numbers in the path integral formulation. For a general hermitian differential
operator O(x. y), we have
where N stands for a suitable normalization factor. This relation is proved by fol-
lowing the same procedure as for the bosonic variable we have already explained
We then obtain
with a suitable normalization factor TV. Here we used the fact that the inte-
gral with respect to the Grassmann numbers {c7l,cn} is defined by the (left)
When one applies the above formula (3.43) to the operator O(x.y) = —A x
<j(4' (x — y ) , the path integral for the electromagnetic field with the Coulomb
gauge is given by
where 'DA^ stands for the measure for the entire functional space of the gauge
potentials AQ ~ A^,. We also used the relation
which is a generalization of
The above formula (3.47) or (3.48) for the path integral measure is called
the Faddeev-Popov formula, and it is valid not only for general non-Abelian
gauge fields (Yang-Mills fields) but also for the quantization of general relativity
and string theories. As an important property of this formulation, the effective
Lagrangian density with the Landau gauge in eqn (3.48). for example.
It is shown that this £-gauge leads to the same physical results as other gauge
fixing schemes, though we do not give a proof here.
central role in the analysis of quantum anomalies in field theory do not appear.
But this problem is regarded as a quantum anomaly in a broader sense due to
the fact that the postulate of the absence of negative norm in quantum theory
and the notion of index lead to the results, which contradict the expectations on
the basis of naive classical-quantum correspondence. In any case, this problem
is useful to learn the important notion of index by an analysis of the quantum
theory of harmonic oscillators.
We have shown in Section 3.1 that the quantization of the electromagnetic
field in the vacuum is reduced to a study of an infinite number of harmonic
oscillators. Consequently, we concentrate on a single harmonic oscillator with
frequency u; = 1 (we also set h — 1 for simplicity)
The general eigenstates of the photon number operator N = a^a are given by
which projects one state to another in Hilbcrt space. The creation operator of
is then given b}--
The spatial components A(t. x) of the electromagnetic field are real quantities
satisfying A^ = A and thus .the notion of phase is not defined for A itself.
Consequently, the notion of phase of the light (or photon) is defined in connection
with the complex state vector in Hilbert space. Historically, Dirac in his first
paper in 1927 on the quantum theory of light, introduced the phase (f>, which
becomes the phase operator after quantization, by
If one transforms from (a, at) to the variables (p, q) of a harmonic oscillator, one
is expected.
As a physical picture for the notion of the photon, namely, the quantization
of light, Dirac explained the quantization of the conjugate variable A* to be an
integer as a consequence of the 2?r periodicity of the angular variable (p. Also, the
above commutation relation between N and cp leads to the famous uncertainty
following Dirac (here we distinguish the general phase operator tp from the vari-
able 6, which was supposed to be hermitian), we have
This second expression (N + 1) 1//2 a shows that, as long as we stay in the re-
stricted space where the eigenvalue of N is constrained to be non-negative, the
for the above phase operator etlf (3.65). Namely, the variable (p (p is not defined
as a hermitian operator. If the operator tp<p should be hermitian, the relation
e z ^(e* v )t = (e**')te1^ = 1 should hold.
Notwithstanding the above analysis, many people looked for a "more nat-
hermitian phase operator (j>.
ural" licrmitian <$>. Among these attempts, the operator due to
D.T. Pegg and S.M. Barnett is best known. The basic idea of their approach is
to consider a subspace of Fock space where the photon number is truncated at ,s.
Namely, one considers the (s + l)-dimensional space of photon number
and later one lets s become arbitrarily large. In this case one may define the
phase operator <p
which shows that e^ indeed defines a unitary operator. In this construction, the
annihilation operator in the (s + l)-dimensional Fock space is defined by
If one can show that the effects of the state |.s) disappear in the limit of
sufficiently large s, one can successfully define a herinitian phase operator for
the photon.
where dim ker stands for the dimension of the kernel of the operator a. Namely,
dim ker a stands for the number of normalizable states un which satisfy
and thus the dimensions of the kernels become 1 and 0, respectively, and the
above index relation is satisfied. The index relation is also written as
The equivalence of cqn (3.76), which uses a^a, to eqn (3.73) is concluded by
noting that au = 0 implies a'au = 0 and conversely, alau = 0 implies (a^au, u) =
(au,au) = 0 by considering the inner product, and the positive definite inner-
product implies au = 0. The equivalence to the representation which uses the
trace is shown by noting that a'a and aa1 include precisely the same number of
non-vanishing eigenvalues. Namely, if An ^ 0 in
The notion of index has an important property that the index being an integer
does not jump to another integer under a superposition of smooth infinitesimal
which contradicts the above index relation. We thus conclude that the unitary
U((j)) (or cquivalently, hermitian (!)} docs not exist.
On the other hand, if one assumes that as is an arbitrary (s + l)-dimensional
square matrix, the relation
which is obtained by first moving the second term in eqn (3.84) to the right-hand
side and then subtracting the same quantity Tr(,,)(e~ asa -<) from both sides. Here
Ti(a) stands for the trace over the first s-dimensional subspace in the (s + 1)-
dimensional space. The right-hand side of this relation is thus the contribution
of the state s), and the index 1 appears by noting a s aj|s) = 0, which follows
from the definition of as. It is confirmed that the limit of large s of this relation
is smoothly defined, and in the limit s —> oo the index relation
is derived. The state s) does not play a special role on the left-hand side in
this limit. For example, one may start with Tr( s / +1 -|(e~ 0 '» a *) — Tr(y)(e^ aaa *) for
any s' < s, and the limit s' —> oo gives the same result as the left-hand side of
eqn (3.86). The existence assumption of a smooth limit of the hermitian phase
operator (3.68) for s —>• oe thus contradicts the notion of index. The unitary
phase operator is excluded in the limit s —>• oc.
The vanishing index in a truncated space, as in the above example, and the
recovery of non-zero index in the infinite limit of the truncation parameter (for
example, the inverse lattice spacing I/a in lattice gauge theory) is one of the
characteristic properties of the quantum anomaly in field theory to be described
in this book. In fact, the evaluation of the index in terms of the trace (3.80),
if the trace is understood in a general context, is closely related to the evalua-
tion of the Atiyah-Singer index to be explained later, which is a mathematical
representation of the chiral anomaly.
Prom these considerations, one may expect that the anomalous behavior of
the phase operator is regarded as an example of quantum anomalies. From this
viewpoint, the anomalous behavior of the phase operator is an unavoidable phe-
nomenon in quantum theory. As physical evidence of the unavoidable presence of
the anomalous behavior, one may examine the issue if the minimum uncertainty
relation is consistently described by a modified phase operator. In fact, one can
show that the hermitian operator <f> in eqn (3.68), which appears to avoid the
anomalous behavior, cannot determine if the measurement saturates the quan-
tum limit, namely, if the measurement saturates the uncertainty relation or not
in the cases where small photon numbers are involved. (The basic reason for
this phenomenon is that the state \s) appears in the intermediate states of the
product of two operators and its effect does not vanish for whatever large but
finite s.) In the cases with small photon numbers, the artificial deviation from
the minimum, uncertain relation becomes significant if one uses the hermitian
operator 0 to analyze the experimental data, even if the actual experiment sat-
urates the quantum limit. The correct quantum limit is described by using the
number operator N and the hermitian operator C(<p) = (l/2)[e* v + (e^)^], for
where t\lv = dfj,Av—dvA^. The terms with a derivative of F^v in this Lagrangian
density are introduced to implement a rcgularization, which is called higher-
derivative regularization, namely a method to reduce the degree of divergence in
the theory. The parameter M with the dimension of mass provides a truncation of
the momentum integral. If one lets M —> oo before any calculation, one recovers
the unrcgularized Lagrangian density of QED. The last two terms in £eff stand
for the gauge fixing term and the Faddeev Popov ghost term.
To simplify the notation, we use the natural units
In these units, the dimensions of all the quantities are represented by the mass
dimension [M]
For example, length has the same dimensionality as the Compton wavelength
h/(mc) — 1/m, and the charge e2/(hc) ~ 1/137 becomes dimensionless. The
requirement that the factor \' d4x C,ef[, appearing in the exponential in the path
integral formula, should be dimensionless determines the mass dimensionality of
various field variables as given above.
The mass for the photon field
does not appear in the Lagrangian density (4.1) of QED. This is because such a
mass term changes its form (i.e., is not invariant) under the gauge transformation
of the electromagnetic field
Experimentally, it is known that the mass of the photon is 0, and thus such a mass
term not only does not appear in the starting Lagrangiari but also should not be
induced by higher-order corrections. In gauge theories such as quantum electro-
dynamics, it is of fundamental importance to perform calculations by preserving
gauge invariancc in any finite order of perturbation theory. The important rela-
tions which express the gauge invariance of the starting Lagrangian in terms of
Green's functions are called Ward-Takahashi (WT) identities.
We write the path integral with source terms added as
The WT identity resulting from the gauge invariance of the starting action
is derived by considering the following change of integration variables (gauge
This derivation is based on the fact that the value of a definite integral does not
depend on the naming of integration variables. This relation when combined with
the invariance of the path integral measure under the above change of variables
(which is established in Chapter 5)
for a general operator O(x). This notation is often used in this book.
If one chooses a(x) in the identity (4.12) to be a function with a d-functional
peak at x, one obtains
The Fourier transformation of this last relation means that the probability am-
plitude for electron-positron pair creation from the current j^ = w-j^tl; and
then pair annihilation into a photon vanishes when multiplied by the momen-
tum. This process in the lowest order in perturbation is represented by the dia-
gram in Fig. 4.1. In common language, this corresponds to current conservation
and its form does not change from the Minkowski one. The conjugate ib of the
Dirae spinor w is treated as an independent variable in the path integral, and
in Euclidean theory it is understood as transforming like i^ under a Lorentz
transformation (i.e.. SO(4) transformation) of Euclidean theory. Consequently,
the operator ]/) becomes a hcrmitian operator defined by the inner product
in Euclidean theory.
and the propagator of the free photon is derived by considering all the terms
quadratic in _4M in eqn (4.1). By recalling eqii (A. 20) in Appendix A. with £ = 0,
the momentum representation of the propagator when converted to the present
Euclidean metric is given by
The second propagator stands for the propagator for the auxiliary field, and it is
not used in the present discussion. The counting of the degree of divergence on the
basis of the propagators given here and the ordinary fcrmionic propagator (A. 20)
in Appendix A shows that all the diagrams except for the fermionic one-loop
diagram are either convergent or logarithmically divergent, which are made finite
when combined with gauge in variance. In fact, it is known that all the Fcynman
diagrams except for one-loop diagrams arc made finite if one uses the higher-
derivative regularization in gauge theory. Consequently, one can evaluate all the
quantum corrections without encountering divergences if one can make the one-
loop diagrams finite.
In the actual applications of gauge theory, the dimensional regularization. in
which one avoids divergences by performing calculations in space-time dimen-
sions less than four, is commonly used. However, this regularization spoils the
algebraic consistency of the chiral symmetry which is defined in terms of Dirac's
7,5 ; no consistent definition of 75 in dimensions slightly away from four is known.
In the analysis of quantum anomalies, this property of the dimensional regu-
larization is inconvenient since one cannot decide if the anomalous behavior is
coining from this insufficient definition of 7-5 or from a more fundamental origin.
In the analysis of quantum anomalies, the gauge invariance (or covariancc) of
current operators is essential. It is thus important to find a regularization. which
docs not destroy the gauge invariance of currents when one incorporates the
quantum effects corresponding to one-loop Feynman diagrams. The covariant
regularization to be discussed below gives a regularization of general one-loop
Feynman diagrams associated with current operators without spoiling gauge in-
variance. By this regularization, one can readily judge if a relevant symmetry
other than the gauge symmetry is broken by the quantum effects or not. One
might then wonder what happens if the quantum anomaly appears in gauge
symmetry itself; even in such a case, as is explained later, one can judge if the
quantum anomaly exists in gauge symmetry or not by combining a consideration
of Bose symmetry.
We first note that the electric current (or in general simply called the current)
to which the photon Afl couples in the Lagrangian density is given by
where 1J) = 7 M (9 M — ieA^) and the trace stands for the sum over Dirac indices.
In writing this relation, we used the anti-commuting property of ijj(x) and th
propagator for the fcrmion field inside the background c-number electromagnetic
field Atl.(x) in Euclidean theory, which is given by
The derivation of this propagator proceeds in the path integral with a proper
normalization factor (2.137) as
where we performed partial integration with respect to ift in the last line. We
then obtain the desired relation (4.24) by multiplying by (i$> - m)^ 1 on both
We next expand the denominator in eqri (4.23) in powers of the electromag-
netic field eAp as
If one uses this expansion in the formula for the current (4.23) and retains only
the terms linear in Av(x) (the zeroth order term in Av vanishes in eqii (4.23)),
one obtains
In this expression, the derivative 9M acts on all the x-variables appearing to the
right of it. If one functionally differentiates the last expression in eqn (4.27) with
respect to eAv (z) . one finally obtains
and the notation $ = j^k^. The quantity Il^^g) (4.28) obtained here contains
two fermion propagators in eqn (A.20) and it is shown that it coincides with
the one-loop photon self-energy given by Fig. 4.2 on the basis of the conven-
tional Feynman rules. Uliv(q) gives a basic quantity which is called the vacuum
polarization tensor.
The correlation functions of more than one-current tj^ip operators, which
are usually calculated by expanding in powers of eA^ in perturbation theory,
are obtained by differentiating eqn (4.23) with respect to eAp suitably many
times. Those correlation functions correspond to Feynman amplitudes with one
fermion loop. The important point to be noted here is that we take the limit
y = x before we perform the momentum integration in eqn (4.28). Consequently,
If one takes the limit A —>• oo before performing any calculation, one recovers
the original expression (4.23) by noting /(O) = 1. The parameter A provides the
momentum space cut-off, as will be seen later. We also used the operator
Just as in the case of unregularized current, one may expand eqn (4.34) in
powers of eA^ and retain the terms linear in eA^*
Those who are not familiar with the calculations of Feynman amplitudes may tentatively
proceed directly to eqn (4.39) and may examine the calculations later.
which is derived by using the properties of 7'' matrices {7^,7"} = 2<7A*!/ and
the definition of the electromagnetic field [D M ,jD y ] = —ieF^ in terms of the
covariaut derivative Dfl = dIJt — ieA^. Here F^ = d^Av — dvA^. In the above
expression, the differential operator <9M acts only on the field immediately after it
in (d^A11) and Fltv. but otherwise <9M acts on all the x variables appearing on the
right-hand side of it. By considering the functional derivative of this expression
with respect to eAv(z), one obtains the regularized vacuum polarization tensor
If one uses the Fourier representation of the ^-function in eqn (4.29). the final
momentum representation of the vacuum polarization tensor is obtained:
In this final formula (4.38), the first term stands for the regularization in
terms of a naive form factor [A 2 /(—/c 2 + A 2 )] 2 , which by itself breaks gauge invari-
ancc as is known from the early days of renormalization theory. The remaining
two terms in the present regularization recover this lost gauge irivariance.
After performing the trace over the Dirac matrices and the momentum in-
tegral over kIJ' by using Feynman's parametric representation,9 the result of the
lowest-order perturbation theory is obtained in the following gauge invariant
in the limit of large A. This final result is proportional to q^q" — g^q'2 and
satisfies the gauge irivariance condition q^q^q" — g^q'2) = 0 in Fig. 4.1 and
equ (4.15). The mass of the photon thus remains 0. If IP"(g) contains an extra
term proportional to #'''", the condition (4.15) is not satisfied. In such a case, the
Fourier transformation of II'"'(g) back to the coordinate representation would
contain a term corresponding to the photon mass (4.4) as a result of quantum
The present covariant regularization gives rise to a gauge invariant result
without introducing any divergence in the intermediate stages of calculation.
This clearly shows that the gauge invariance in quantum electrodynamics is not
spoiled by quantum effects. It is important to notice that we worked in strictly
d = 4-dimensional space-time at all stages of the calculation, and this property
becomes crucial in the later discussions of quantum anomalies.
It is shown that the coefficient of the term containing In A 2 in eqn (4.39)
is related to the /3-function in the renormalization group, which is explained in
Chapter 7, and it is independent of the choice of the regulator /(&). For example,
one can confirm that the choice
9For example,
gives the identical coefficient of In A 2 . This result is also understood from the
fact that the coefficient of the term In A2 is related to the quantum anomaly
(Wcyl anomaly) to be discussed in Chapter 7 and that the Weyl anomaly is
independent of the choice of the regulator f(x). In contrast, the constant ter
— 1/3 depends on the choice of the regulating function. However, this does not
lead to any difficulty, since this constant term together with In A2 is absorbed
by the wave function renormalization factor and the final value is uniquely fixed
by the renormalization convention.
The present covariant regularization is easily extended to the one-loop calcu-
lations of multi-point functions, and it is also applied to calculations in the chiral
theory such as the Weinberg-Salam theory, which breaks parity. The covariant
regularization is easily extended to the cases with Higgs couplings, which mix
left and right components of fermions.
in the path integral measure. Namely, the measure [PA^] includes all the terms
related to gauge fixing. We consider the following change of path integral vari-
namely, we have the statement that the definite integral does not depend on
the naming of path integral variables, which is a generalization of the ordinary
integral j ' d x f ( x ) = f dy f(y). We look at parts which depend on fermionic
variables in this identity. Firstly, the variation of the action in the exponential
factor is given for an infinitesimal
if one notes 75 7M + 7^75 = 0. If one further assumes that the path integral
measure does not change under the above change of variables, one has
when one retains only the terms linear in a(x) by expanding the action in the ex-
ponential factor in powers of a(x). If one considers a(x) which has a (^-functional
peak in the neighborhood of x, one obtains after partial integration the "naive"
chiral identity
The current tp(x)^IJ-^i!}(x) which contains 75 is called the axial- vector current.
In the case of the vanishing fermion mass m = 0, the axial-vector current is
conserved and such a theory is called chiral invariant.
The puzzling property, which Fukuda and Miyamoto encountered in 1949 and
which was analyzed in greater detail by Bell and Jackiw and by Adler in 1969, was
the fact that the naive chiral identity (4.49) does not hold in Lorcntz invariant
perturbation theory. The actual perturbative calculation is very complicated
and one has to deal with subtle momentum integrals which include a linear
FIG. 4.3. Feynman diagrams which give rise to the triangle anomaly
in powers of eA^. In the present case, the term linear in eA^ vanishes due to
charge conjugation properties and the quadratic term in eA^ gives the lowest-
order term. In terms of the language of Feynman diagrams, one evaluates the
triangular diagrams in Fig. 4.3 where the current appearing on the left-hand
side of eqn (4.49) is denoted by j£. For this reason, the chiral anomaly is also
called the triangle anomaly. The degree of divergence d of this triangle diagram
is d = 1 and the diagram diverges linearly.
If one applies the covariant regularization to this calculation, one deals with
with a regulator function f(x) and the trace is taken over the freedom of Dira
matrices. A direct evaluation of this quantity is possible, but what we want to
know is the deviation from eqn (4.49) and thus it is sufficient to evaluate the
derivative of this regularized current
This final expression shows that the gauge covariant regularization gave rise
to an extra last term which can break chiral symmetry, in contrast to the naive
chiral identity (4.49). The chiral identity is modified from a naive form by quan-
tum effects if the above extra term does not vanish.
This last term is evaluated as follows: We first assume that the operator
/(^* 2 /A 2 ) is sufficiently convergent, and rewrite the sum over the four-component
functions ipn(x) to an integral over a complete set of plane waves
where the trace is over the Dirac indices which take four values. This calculation
is performed as
by noting {7^,7"} = 2<? A " / . We then moved the factor etkx through the operator
/(.£9 2 /A 2 ) and performed a scaling of the variable k^ -> Afc M . We next expand
the contents of the function f ( x ) around the value x = —k^k^ = \k2\ (note that
x > 0 in our Euclidean metric convention)
and use the fact that only the terms of order I/A 4 or larger survive in the
limit A —l oo in cqn (4.58). We also note that the trace with the factor 75 is
non-vanishing only when the trace contains four or more 7-matrices, The terms
satisfying these non-vanishing conditions are the third term in eqri (4.60) which
In this wav we have
by noting d4k = Tr'2d\k'2\ \k'2\ = -K^dxx. The basic property of the regulator
function (4.30) including lim^^o x f ' ( x ) = 0 and lim^-^co xf (x) = 0 was used.
We shall come back to this calculation when we analyze the Jacobian in the next
We thus derived the chiral identity with the anomalous term (the last term)
without relying on perturbation theory. The last extra term does not rely on the
details of the regulator f ( x ) . We recognize that the anomalous term, which breaks
the naive WT identity (4.49) associated with chiral 75 symmetry, is finite, and
thus the divergence and the quantum breaking of symmetry (quantum anomaly)
are basically independent notions.
A more detailed expression of the identity which includes the effects of the
source terms for il>(x), i/)(x) is given by
by taking into account the variation of the source terms under the chiral change
of fermionic variables in eqn (4.20). The identity for general Green's functions10
is obtained by functionally differentiating this form of identity with respect to
source functions suitably many times and then setting all the source terms to
in cqn (4.1) after the ordinary renorrnalization operation. This fact is known as
the Adler-Bardccn theorem.
The Adler-Bardeeri theorem is fundamental, but for technical reasons we do
riot discuss the details of the renormalization procedure in this book. We thus
explain the essence of this theorem only briefly.11 We first notice that the opera-
tor 2im'tjj(x)-j5ib(x) is the only gauge invariant pseudo-scalar operator with mass
dimension 3 in the present theory. The operator when inserted into a Green's
function thus induces only divergences proportional to itself but it becomes fi-
nite after wave-function and mass renorrnalization in the present renormalizable
where N[^>(x)"/^(x)] is called the normal product and it gives rise to a finite
result when inserted into any Green's function. Similarly, i/j(x}^'y5i/}(x') is th
only gauge invariant (to be precise, BRST invariant) axial-vector quantity with
mass dimension 3 in the present theory, and thus it induces only divergences
proportional to itself: To be precise, the divergences arising from the diagrams
which do not include the triangle diagrams in Fig. 4.3 are absorbed into the
wave-function renormalization factor of \l>. We thus write
Those who are not familiar with the details of renormalization theory may skip this section.
The main purpose of this book is to formulate the quantum anomaly in a non-perturbative
manner as much as possible.
which implies the equality between the divergent coefficients Z = Z' and those
divergent terms cancel on both sides of the identity. We thus obtain the exact
operator identity for renormalized operators
and the anomaly term does not receive higher-order corrections except for the
• 5
by using the electromagnetic potential A^, and the action Suax stands for the
Maxwell action SMSX = — (1/4) vA^) . /d4z
We include
a suitable
- d
gauge fixing term into the path integral measure of gauge fields [DA^].
To derive an exact relation such as a WT identity, the basis set which diagonalizes
the action is essential. The path integral measure for fermions is then written as
by noting that ip, $, an and an are all Grassmann numbers which aiiti-commute
with each other and that the integral over Grassmann numbers is defined by the
(left) derivative. This gives a manageable definition of the path integral measure
and the path integral (5.1) itself in. our applications.
To work in the above definition of the path integral measure, we expand the field
variables into the complete set
When one multiplies this expression by yj, (x) on the left and integrates over the
space-time coordinates, one obtains
From these expansions, the transformation rules of the path integral measure arc
given by
where TV is taken to be infinity later. Here we used the fact that the integration
variables an and &„ are both Grassmann numbers and the integral is defined
valid for an infinitesimal a(x), which is derived by using the relation det M =
exp tr In M valid for a general matrix M and the relation
FlG. 5.1. A smooth regulator function f(x) which approximates the mode
cut-off depicted by the broken line
heat kernel or ("-function regularization. The present regularization is sometimes
called the gauge invariant mode cut-off regularization.
Since the operator j$ f (ft'2 / M2) is well regularized, we perform a unitary
transformation of basis vectors from {tpn(x}} to plane waves {elkx}, and by
doing so we can extract the gauge field dependence of the Jacobian explicitly.
This transformation to plane waves is related to the unitary transformation from
the Hcisenberg picture to the interaction picture in the operator formalism. The
Jacobian is thus given by
where tr on the left-hand side stands for the trace except for the space-time
integral which is included in IV. The remaining trace in the last expression
stands for the trace over Dirac indices. We used the relation
We used the fact, that different 7M matrices anti-commute with each other to-
gether with (T^1)2 = -1 and the cyclic property of the trace tr 7 1 7 2 = tr-y 2 ^/ 1 .
By using these properties and noting that the terms with powers 1/M5 or
higher vanish in the expansion in powers of 1/M in eqn (5.22), we obtain
where x = —k^k^ > 0 in our metric convention. The final result of the Jacobian
docs not depend on the regulating function f ( z ) , which was introduced to make
the intermediate stages of the calculation more reliable, as long as it satisfies
The Jacobian thus evaluated agrees with the chiral anomaly discussed in Sec-
tion 3 of Chapter 4, as will be shown in the next section. The fact that the
Jacobian does not depend on the detailed properties of the regulator f ( x ) is
consistent with the perturbative analysis of Adler, who showed that the chiral
anomaly for the triangle diagrams is uniquely determined independently of the
divergences if one imposes gauge in variance. The regulator function f ( x ) we used
here is the same as the function used to regularize the Nother current (and the
fermion propagator) in Chapter 4.
One may pause here and ask why the quantum anomaly can be evaluated
as the Jacobian? Some reasons one can think of at this stage are: The quantum
anomaly is finite and independent of regularization as long as gauge irivariance
is preserved, and in this sense it is universal. Note that the use of the basis set
{<£„}. which diagonalizes the action, and our replacement of the mode cut-off
by the eigenvalue cut-off in eqn (5.21) uniquely fixes the regulator f($>2/M'2),
which is the essence of the gauge invariant mode cut-off regulari/ation. Also,
the quantum anomaly does not depend on the detailed properties of Feynmaii
diagrams in perturbation theory, namely, the Feynman diagrams contain more
information than the quantum anomaly itself. We can thus evaluate the anomaly
without knowing Fcynman diagrams. A further supporting argument for the
present prescription to evaluate the Jacobian will be given later by using the
notion of index.
where 5jyax stands for the Maxwell action and the source terms are given by
This identity is a statement that the definite integral does not depend on the
naming of integration variables, namely, it is a generalization of f d x f ( x ) =
j dy /(?/). In this identity, the Jacobian is given by, as was shown in the previou
If one combines these relations in the above identity (5.33) and keeps terms linear
in a(x), one obtains the WT identity
If one chooses the parameter a (a;) such that it has a ^-functional peak around
the space-time point x, one obtains the more familiar form of identity
which agrees with eqn (4.65) in the previous chapter. We have thus shown that
the Jacobian associated with the change of variables represents the quantum
breaking of chiral symmetry (namely, the chiral anomaly). This derivation of the
chiral identity does not depend on perturbation theory, arid in this sense it gives
a non-perturbative definition of the identity.
A major difference between the present derivation of eqn (5.37) and the
derivation of the identity (4.65) in Chapter 4 is a conceptual one: In the derivation
of eqn (5.37), we have the anomaly coming from the Jacobian from the begin-
ning and thus "anticipate" the appearance of the anomaly when one performs
a careful evaluation of the divergence of the axial- vector current. In contrast, in
the derivation of eqn (4.65) one "discovers" the anomaly only when one performs
a careful evaluation of the divergence of the axial- vector current.
We have identified the origin of the quantum anomaly and its reliable eval-
uation, and now we apply the technique to analyze the issues related to gauge
invariance in quantum electrodynamics, which were once studied by Tomonaga
and Schwingcr. For this analysis we consider the following change of path integral
The Jacobian is then evaluated in the same way as for chiral transformations as
which gives a trivial Jacobian independently of the choice of basis vectors ipn (x).
On the other hand, the change of the action is given by
We thus obtain the WT identity for gauge transformations following the same
procedure as for the chiral identity as (by suppressing source terms)
This identity shows that the gauge symmetry (current conservation) is not bro-
ken by the quantum anomaly, and thus it suggests that there exists a calcula-
tional scheme which ensures the vanishing photon mass even to non-pcrturbative
accuracy. This conclusion is consistent with the analysis in Chapter 4.
Dirac's 7-matrix convention is the same as for QED and 7'' is anti-hermitian
by using the generator Ta of a rion- Abelian gauge group. The non- Abelian gauge
field carries the same number of components as the generators of the group.
Hereafter, we use the convention that we take a summation over the indices
which appear twice in the same expression, except when stated otherwise. We
often use the notation AjJL = A^Ta as in the last expression above. The field
strength tensor F£v of the gauge field, which is a generalization of the electric
and magnetic fields E and £>, is defined by
is an action for the non-Abelian gauge field, which is called the Yang-Mills
where tabc stands for a completely anti-symmetric symbol with respect to the
three indices with e12r! = f. The generators of the group SU(3) are written in
terms of eight 3 x 3 matrices {A0}, a = 1 ~ 8, which arc called Gell-Mann
matrices, as
and it contains two ordinary four-component Dirac fields ib\ (x) and ip% (x). Con-
sequently. Dirac matrices should also be written as 8 x 8 matrices by arranging
two conventional 4 x 4 7 matrices as diagonal components. It is however com
mon to use the simplified notation as above in eqn (5.43), since this does not
induce any confusion. The actual QCD, which describes the strong interaction,
is based on the gauge group SU(3), and thus we deal with a three-component
field consisting of three conventional Dirac fields.
In the case of the gauge group SU(2), for example, an arbitrary function
which belongs to SU(2) is written as
by using three real functions ua(x) and the generators Ta of SU(2), which are
given in terms of the Pauli matrices. The non-Abelian (local) gauge transforma-
tion is then defined by the replacement of variables
is transformed in the same manner as the field variable \i>(x] itself. For this
reason, D^ is called the covariant derivative. The field strength tensor of the
gauge field, which is expressed in terms of the covariant derivative, is transformed
If one recalls g(x)g^(x) — 1, the action appearing in the above path integral
formula (5.43) remains invariant
under the gauge transformation, namely, the action is gauge invariant. In the
above expression, we used the convention irTaTb = (l/2)Sab. The function g(x)
itself is also often called a gauge transformation.
We examine the localized (space-time dependent) infinitesimal chiral trans-
for the non-Abelian gauge theory. To analyze the Jacobian for the chiral trans-
formations, we expand the fermioiiic variables
where the parameter a(x) and the associated integral over the space-time coordi-
nates arc omitted. The remaining trace here stands for the trace over the indices
of Dirac's 7 matrices and the indices of the matrices of gauge group generators.
We also used
and performed the scale transformation of integration variables kp —> Mk^ after
moving eikx through /(^> 2 /M 2 ).
If one expands eqn (5.68) in powers of 1/M. one obtains
This integral is also independent of the function /(:/;), which was introduced to
avoid ambiguity in the intermediate stages of the calculation, as long as it satisfies
where the remaining trace is over the indices of matrix generators of the Yang
Mills field. Consequently, the chiral identity for the general case with source
functions rj(x), fj(x) discussed in Section 5.2 is generalized to
5.4 Instantons
The Euclidean non-Abelian gauge theory, unlike Abelian theory, accommodates
a classical solution which is called an instanton. This instanton is fundamental
since it describes tunneling from one vacuum in field theory to another. This
classical solution when combined with the chiral anomaly leads to an index
theorem, which relates the number of zero modes of the Euclidean Dirac operator
with the instanton number (or Pontryagin number).
We first briefly describe the instanton solution. In Euclidean theory, not only
the coordinates but also the field variables are replaced by
and the resulting A4 and x4 are regarded as real quantities. Consequently, the
metric of Euclidean space-time becomes g^v = —5^v and, for example,
To obtain the result in the Minkowski metric, one may remove the imaginary factor i in
front of the anomaly factor with the convention
Tho convention in d = 'In dimensions is
by using four real functions (a(x), b(x)) and three Pauli matrices f. If we require
that the Euclidean action SE for the gauge field is finite, the field strength
tensor is required to satisfy F^v(x) —>• 0 at space-time infinity \x —>• oo. If
one remembers that the action SE is invariant under the gauge transformation,
the gauge field A^x) itself should approach the configuration which is gauge
equivalent to the vacuum
The instanton solution which actually satisfies this condition is explicitly given
In this book we actually use only the fact that there exists a solution which satisfies
cqn (5.90).
and the leading first term has a magnitude of the order 1/r. namely, in the
present notation O(l/r).
Because of the condition a(x)'2 + [b(x)]2 = 1, one can regard the element g(x)
of the gauge group SU(2) as describing a unit hypersurface (which is written
as S?>) in a four-dimensional space whose coordinates are given by (a, b). On the
other hand, the function g(x) = x4- + ixf which is used to construct the instan-
ton solution shows that a point on the unit hypersurface in four-dimensional
Euclidean space-time described by (x4,x), which is also an 53, and a point on
the hypersurface described by g(x) of the gauge group SU(2), are in 1 : 1 cor
respondence. Namely, when the coordinates (x4,x) of space-time cover S3 once,
the element g(x) covers the hypersurface S3 in the gauge space once. The quan-
tity which describes this topological property is called the winding number. The
winding number v for the specific g(x) above is given by
which shows that the integrand at any point of the hypersurface is given by
the surface clement for a unit hypersurface divided by 2?r 2 . If one recalls that
the surface area of the unit hypersurface (which is a volume in the conventional
sense) is given by 2?r2, the above integral over the entire hypersurface in fact
gives the winding number v = 1.
If one uses
instead of g ( x ) in the formula defining the winding number //, it is shown that
the winding number // = n is obtained. Also, the anti-instantoii with v = — 1 is
obtained by setting n = —1 in this formula, or equivalently by
The integrand here is written as a total divergence, and the integral is written
as a surface integral at space-time infinity by using the Gauss law10
where we used the behavior of the instanton solution at infinity in the last
expression. Namely, this expression agrees with the definition of the winding-
number (5.85).
Finally, we would like to show that the instanton discussed so far in fact
satisfies the Yang-Mills equation. We define FIJtv = (l/2)e /i)ya ^F a 0 and use the
following Schwarz inequality
If one uses the formula for the winding number on the right-hand side of this
relation, we have
where ± corresponds to the signature of the winding number v. If one uses the
+ signature in this relation (5.93) and uses we have
which gives the stationary point of the action is a solution of the field equation
derived from the action, and thus the instanton is in fact the solution of the
Euclidean Yang-Mills field equation.
The instanton solution
though we here forgo the details of this derivation. In this path integral, the
sum over v runs over all the integers, and the term v — 1 corresponds to the
contribution from the instanton solution we have discussed so far. The general
v corresponds to multi-instanton solutions. The real parameter 0 in this formula
is an arbitrary constant, arid the vacuum state \9, ±oc) is called the 9 vacuum.
The gauge field configuration in the path integral measure
v is described df
Afj,(x) = A, L(x}(v) + a^(x) by using the instanton solution A^(x)^ with instan-
ton number (i.e., the winding number) v and the fluctuation a M (x) around the
solution.16 In analogy with the Bloch wave, the exponential factor exp(i0f) has
the following meaning: v corresponds to the (difference) of the positions of the
electron and the real parameter B corresponds to the Bloch momentum.
The instanton solution with v = 1 contains eight deformation parameters corresponding to
four parameters describing the position of the center and one parameter p describing the size of
the instanton and three other gauge parameters. In the path integral, one needs to perform the
integral over these parameters also. For general simple groups, it is known that the instanton
solution is constructed for each SU(2) sub-group, and no other solutions.
These properties show that the 0 parameter can be freely changed in the theory
with a massless fermion, and the parameter 0 has no physical meaning in such a
theory. (In the presence of the source terms / dx (fjiji + iprj), one needs to perform
the simultaneous re-definition of sources t] —>• /7exp(—id/2) and 77 —S> cxp(—i6/2)r
to completely eliminate the 9 dependence from the generating functional.) The
9 term is written as
If one combines this relation with the relations valid for the eigenfunctions
and the right-hand side of eqri (5.106) shows the instanton number (or Pon-
tryagin number). For $><f>n(x) = 0, one can show Jf)^(fn(x) = 0 and thus
Jf>\(\ ± 7o)/2](^n(^) = 0. One can thus choose the eigenfunctions of y><pn(x) = 0
to be the simultaneous eigenstates of 75.
The above relation n + — n _ = v. which holds among the number of eigenstates
of the Dirac operator with the vanishing eigenvalue and the topological property
of the non-Abelian gauge field, is known as the Atiyah-Singer index theorem in
mathematics.17 In mathematics; however, this theorem is proved for the Dirac
operator defined on a compact four-dimensional hypersurface S"1 where all the
eigenvalues are discrete. Consequently, it is not obvious that this theorem holds in
our analysis of Euclidean theory defined on R4, but a detailed explicit analysis of
the eigenfunctions of the Dirac operator in the presence of the instanton solution
shows that the relation implied by the theorem holds in Euclidean field theory.
In contrast, the local anomaly relation before integrating over four-dimensional
space-time holds in a more general situation, for example, in Minkowski theory
This index theorem is also rewritten by defining
This index theorem was formulated in the late 1960s, about the same time as the modern
recognition of the quantum anomaly in physics.
and noting
which arises from the relation 75^+^75 = 0. We further note that (1 ± 7s)/2 is
the projection operator satisfying [(1 ± 7s)/2] 2 = (1 ± 7s)/2. The index theorem
is then written as
for M H> large. The Atiyah-Singer index theorem written in this form has the
same form as the index theorem (3.80) we discussed in Chapter 3 in connection
with the photon phase operator.
This index theorem provides another motivation and justification for identi-
fying the Jacobian with the chiral anomaly. The Jacobian for the global chiral
transformation with a constant a is given by
independently of the large N behavior, and the expression for the Pontryagin
index v = n+ — n_ in eqn (5.88) shows that the Jacobian in fact carries the
proper information about the chiral anomaly.
We have thus provided three major supporting arguments for the identifica-
tion of the Jacobian with the quantum anomalies and for the gauge invariant
mode cut-off regularization of the Jacobian: The first is the gauge invariant regu-
larization of the current operators in Section 4.3: the second is the diagonalizatior
of the basic action in the path integral; and the third is the Atiyah-Singer index
theorem. In subsequent chapters, we shall show that the gauge invariant mode
cut-off of the Jacobian gives rise to all the known local anomalies.
which carries the information about the gauge field for a = constant in eqn
On the other hand, one could in principle expand the fermionic variables as
which carries no information about the gauge field for a = constant unlike
eqn (5.115), and thus we cannot assign a physical significance to this expression.
If one uses the index theorem
one learns that a smooth unitary transformation from non-zero integer to 0 does
not exist.18 The naive unitary transformation from the exact basis set {<pn(x)}
to the basis set {£«(#)} for the interaction picture docs not hold in general.
This analysis shows that one needs to use a complete set of basis vectors
which diagonalizK the Dime action precisely to define exact identities. In our
formulation of the quantum anomaly, we used the unitary transformation to the
free field basis only for the well-regularized operator (5.68)
which is also the basic procedure in the proof of the index theorem in math-
ematics by using the heat kernel. In the expression with the free field basis
in eqn (5.122), the effect of the index is recovered from high-frequency sectors,
which explains why the quantum anomaly was closely related to the treatment of
ultraviolet divergences in perturbation theory. WTe emphasize that the quantum
breaking of s}'mmetry (namely, the quantum anomaly) itself is perfectly finite
and independent of divergences.
and iiistantons. We discuss this problem by using the Lagrangian of QCD. The
path integral of QCD is given by
and the gauge group involved is SU(3). We use the 9 vacuum \0) which incorpo-
rates the instanton effects. In the actual QCD we need to think of at least three
quarks u, d, s, but the essence of the U(l) problem (or the rf problem) related to
the competition between the index and the spontaneous symmetry breakdown
is analyzed by a theory with a single flavor of quark, and thus we discuss this
problem on the basis of the simplified model.
If one considers the special case with the vanishing quark mass m = 0,
the action is invariant under the global chiral transformation with a constant
parameter a
we then have the changes of the action and the path integral measure
If one collects the terms linear in a(x) and functionally differentiates the resulting
expression with respect to a(x), one obtains the identity (we here simplify the
notation \d,-oo) and (#,+oo by \9) and (9\, respectively)
We also used
The chiral invariance of the vacuum implies that the left-hand side and the first
term on the right-hand side are equal, as is confirmed by introducing a formal
unitary transformation, ijj' = U(a)-ij}U*< (a), ib' = V"(a}^!}^(a), and U^(a)\6) —
\0). Consequently, the second term on the right-hand side vanishes. On the other
hand, the spontaneous breakdown of chiral symmetry implies the rion-invariance
of the vacuum and thus
where we used the translational invaria,nce of the vacuum. The spontaneous sym-
metry breakdown corresponds to a second-order phase transition in condensed
matter theory, and it is generally characterized by an order parameter. The order
parameter of the spontaneous symmetry breakdown of chiral symmetry is thus
given by (<?|'0(0)</HO)|#}.
Without the presence of the quantum anomaly, we have a naive local identity
should hold even for p^ —i 0. We thus conclude that the amplitude on the left-
hand side of eqn (5.133) contains a pole 1/p2, which fact is expressed in symbolic
notation by
with a constant fv. The axial-vector current •07A'75^) thus contains a massless
(pseudo-)scalar particle represented by the pole 1/p2- This particle is called a
Nambu Goldstone particle (the Nambu Goldstone theorem). The Nambu Goldstone
particle arises from the mismatch between the global symmetry and the global
limit of the localized WT identity. The localized identity holds regardless of the
presence or absence of the spontaneous symmetry breakdown.
On the other hand, if one integrates both sides of the actual chiral identity
with the chiral anomaly (5.128) by multiplying by clp^""y^ and takes the limit
pu —> 0, one obtains
it appears that the Nambu-Goldstone theorem for the current JA' formally holds.
However this current J^ is not gauge invariant since the Chem-Sirrioiis form K1''
is not invariant under the SU(3) gauge transformation of QCD and thus a gauge
invariant physical particle for JM is not defined.
One thus concludes that the Nambu—Goldstone theorem does not hold in
general when the global chiral symmetry is broken by the effects of the chiral
anomaly and instantons. This is regarded as a reason why we do not observe a
light pseudo-scalar meson rf in actual QCD.
In this chapter we discuss the quantum anomalies which appear in gauge symme-
try itself. This class of anomalies generally appear in gauge theory where both of
the vector and axial-vector couplings of gauge fields co-exist. As a special case,
the chiral gauge theory where parity is broken is important in physical applica-
tions. The quantum breaking of gauge symmetry implies that the conservation of
probability (unitarity) fails and one cannot calculate higher-order quantum cor-
rections in a consistent manner. The absence of the quantum anomaly in gauge
symmetry is the basic requirement of consistent gauge theory, and the require-
ment imposes a stringent condition on the allowed lepton and quark multiplets
in the Weiiiberg-Salarri theory. This class of anomalies also has important appli-
cations to the study of. for example, non-linear a models. In this connection, an
interesting constraint called the integrability (or the Wess--Zumi.no consistency)
condition appears. The actual evaluation of the covariant form of anomalies,
which do not satisfy the integrability condition but have a gauge covariant form,
is much easier. Consequently, a conversion prescription of the covariant form of
anomalies to the integrable form of anomalies becomes important. In the context
of the current algebra, it is explained that the quantum anomalies generally lead
to anomalous commutation relations.
where the Dirac matrix convention is the same as in QED and QCD, and 7^ is
chosen to be anti-hermitian
The non-Abelian gauge field has the same number of components as the gen-
erators of the gauge group. To simplify the notation, we include the coupling
constant into the gauge fields, for example, gV£ —>• V®. We adopt the convention
to sum over the indices which appear twice in the same expression. We also often
write Vf, = V£Ta and .4M = A°Ta as in eqn (6.4) above.
In this chapter, the vector-like gauge field, which has been discussed so far
in this book, is denoted by V£ and the axial-vector gauge field, which appears
together with Dirac's 75 matrix, is denoted by A"^. The field strength tensors
V£v and A.^v, which are generalizations of the electric and magnetic fields E and
B, are defined by
where we defined
We have the gauge parameter with the 75 matrix in addition to the conventional
gauge transformation in these equations, arid thus a generalization of gauge
When one considers the Dirac operator in Euclidean theory, the operator
with both of the vector and axial-vector fields V'M and A^
does not define a hermitian operator with respect to the following inner product
since the signature of the axial-vector field AIL changes. If one rotates the axial-
vector field AH to an imaginary field as
the operator
becomes hermitian
However, as a price for making the axial-vector field A^ pure imaginary, the axial
part of the gauge transformation is spoiled. We define a complete set of basis
by using the hermitian operator ]j) (6.13), and expand the fermionic fields as
which can be exactly (though formally) integrated. The Jacobiaii for the gauge
transformations (6.7)
is then given by
and the regularized Jacobian (namely, the quantum anomaly) is given by the
master formula
This formula of the Jacobian shows that the quantum anomaly associated
with the conventional gauge transformations parametrized by a(x) vanishes in
Che present method of calculation, and the gauge symmetry for the axial-vector
gauge field parametrized by /3(x)"/s is spoiled by the quantum anomaly. The
explicit evaluation of the Jacobian (6.20) proceeds by using the complete set
of plane waves just as in the case of the previous chapter. The result after a
somewhat lengthy calculation is given by (with the convention e 1234 = I)19
by rotating back to the original field A^ —» —iA^ after performing the calcula-
In the actual calculation of the Jacobian, one encounters the term
the variation of the local counter-term under eqn (6.7) cancels the part of the
Jacobian (6.22). In the analysis of the quantum anomaly, those terms in the Ja-
cobiaii which, can be cancelled by suitable local counter-terms in the Lagrangian
are generally regarded not to be a genuine anomaly. This definition of the quan-
tum anomaly is important in the analysis of quantum anomalies associated with
gauge symmetry.20
One may use a simple regulator function f(x) — e x. Unfortunately, this calculation is not
systematic and is very complicated compared to the calculations in Chapter 5. We shall later
present a simpler calculational method which gives rise to the covariant form of anomalies.
We shall then give a method to convert the covariant form of anomalies into the anomalies
equivalent to eqn (6.21).
To be precise, one says that the theory is anomaly-free if the main part of the anomaly
factor in cqn (6.21) is absent. In the presence of the main part of the anomaly, it is more general
to retain the extra term (6.22) in the Jacobian (6.21) with an arbitrary finite coefficient as
part of the anomaly by adjusting M2 suitably.
where the mass M of the regulator field </>(x), which was introduced to make
the calculation well defined, is set to infinity after the calculation. The field <fi(x)
is a Bose-like (namely, defined by an ordinary complex number instead of the
Grassrriaiiu number and thus unphysical) spinor field. Consequently, under the
gauge transformations
the same Jacobian factors appear in the denominator and numerator correspond-
ing, respectively, to the field variables ib(x) and (f>(x), and thus the Jacobians
completely cancel each other. We here recall that the Jacobian appears in the
denominator for the Grassmann number for which the integral is defined by the
(left) derivative. The regularized path integral thus does not produce the quan-
tum anomaly manifested as a Jacobian. However, the action for the Pauli-Villars
regulator field
contains a mass term M, and the large limit of this mass term defines a phys-
ical theory. In the present gauge theory, the mass term of the regulator field
M<j>(x)(p(x) is not invariant under the axial gauge transformation cxp[i/?a (x)Ta^\
and thus the gauge symmetry is explicitly broken. This gauge symmetry break-
ing in the limit M —?> oc induces a strong breaking of gauge symmetry, which is
a definition of the quantum anomaly in the context of the Pauli-Villars regular-
From the viewpoint of Ward-Takahashi identities, the change of variables in
the path integral with a = 0 in the gauge transformations (6.25) gives rise to
the identity (which is a generalization of the fact that the definite integral does
not depend on the naming of integration variables f dx f(x) = f dy f(y))
In the last line we used the fact that no Jacobian appears in the path integral
measure. The action in the last expression is explicitly written for an infinitesimal
When one uses this expression in the above identity (6.27) arid collects only the
terms linear in j3(x), the identity is written as
for the general composite operator O(x). The left-hand side of the identity (6.29)
defines a regularized axial-vector current, and it is confirmed that the mass term
on the right-hand side gives the quantum anomaly in the limit M —> oo (with
the convention e1234 = I) 21
and an identity based on the transformation of only the path integral variables
When one adds these two identities, one obtains the result of the Pauli-Villars
regularization (6.29), which avoids ambiguities in the intermediate stages of per-
turbative calculations associated with the axial-vector current. Here we wrote
the anomaly which arises from the Jacobian in a symbolic notation In J. The
change of the signature of In J between the two equations above is a result of
the fact that the Jacobian appears in the denominator and the numerator for
the Grassmann number and the ordinary number, respectively. Note that both
sides of eqn (6.34) approach zero in the limit M —>• oo.
The path integral method discussed in Section 6.1 used a regularization which
cuts off the eigenvalues of the operator Tjb (6.13), and as we explained there this
regularization generally spoils axial gauge symmetry though it preserves vector
gauge symmetry. This property is shared with the Pauli-Villars regularization.
Since we have
and thus (1 ± 7s)/2 are projection operators, one can treat the left and right
components of the gauge field as independent components.
In this separation, the theory with only the left components, for example,
is called a chiral gauge theory, and the action is invariant under the gauge trans-
The path integral measure is not invariant under these transformations. A way
to understand this non-invariance is to introduce a dummy fermionic component
ij)H into the path integral (6.38), which does not interact with the gauge field,
and one recognizes that this theory is derived from the V-A-type theory we
discussed already by setting V^ = —A^ — L^/2 in eqn (6.4). Consequently, the
quantum anomalies are also derived by the same replacement in eqn (6.21). If
one considers the gauge transformation of the fermionic variables with gauge
field kept fixed, one obtains the anomalous identity
where we defined
The theory where the gauge field couples only to the right-handed fermion
tpn is treated in a similar way by setting Vlt = A^ — R^/2 in the V-A-typc
theory in eqn (6.21), and one obtains
The indices k which run over 1 ~ 3 stand for the spatial components.
The action with the condition Lg (x) = 0 still contains a gauge freedom which
does not depend on time
and the Gauss law operator is a generator (Nothcr current) of such a gauge trans-
formation. This fact is understood by considering a time-dependent parameter
u } a ( t , x ) instead of the time-independent gauge parameter uja in eqn (6.49) in the
which shows that Ga(x) is the Neither current for the time-independent gauge
When one considers the above time-dependent gauge transformation uja(t, x)
in the path integral (by using the fact that the path integral measure for the
gauge field is gauge invariant)
one obtains an identity by including the quantum anomaly (6.41) arising from
the Jacobian
for the theory with the gauge anomaly. Namely, the Gauss operator Ga(x) no
longer commutes with the Hamiltonian H due to the effects of the quantum
anomaly, and the Hamiltonian H is no longer gauge invariant.
This fact shows that the basic two equations in the Schrodinger functional
representation of quantum field theory
are no longer compatible with each other since [H,Ga(x]] ^ 0. Even if one
starts with a physical state which satisfies G°* = 0 at t — 0, the physical
condition Ga^> = 0 does not hold after a time development to t / 0. The Gauss
law operator Ga, which generates the time-independent gauge transformation,
eliminates the unphysical longitudinal component of the gauge field Lak(x) when
applied as a constraint on the wave functional G°*(i;L^(x),^i(x)) = 0. The
failure of the Gauss constraint by the quantum anomaly means that a consistent
unitary theory with only the transverse physical components for the quantized
gauge field is not constructed.
When one adopts a general Lorentz covariaut gauge condition, the constraint
on the state vector (in the Fock representation)
becomes fundamental. For example, a general covariant gauge fixing of eqri (6.44)
Here ca(x) and ca(x) stand for the non-Abelian generalization of the Faddeev-
Popov ghost fields, which were briefly explained in Section 3.2, and A is a con-
stant Grassmann number; i\ca(x) replaces the non-Abelian gauge parameter.
The BRST current is derived by a localized transformation with \(x) and the
variation of the action 5 J d^x £eff = / d^x 9/i A(a;) jgRST (x). The BRST charge is
then delined by QBRST = / d3x JBRST^^)- ^n a theory with the quantum anomaly
in gauge symmetry, it is shown by considering a localized BR.ST transformation
that we have
and thus the BRST charge QBRST ceases to be a conserved quantity, and the
constraint on the state vector QBR.ST|X!'} = 0 becomes incompatible with the
time development.
We thus conclude that the quantum anomalies in gauge symmetry need to be
cancelled among fermionic variables appearing in the theory to define a consistent
theory of quantized chiral gauge theory. This gives a stringent constraint on the
allowed fermionic contents, such as the number of fields or the representations of
the gauge group, in the Weinberg-Salam theory which breaks parity symmetry.
The cancellation of the quantum anomaly in the actual Standard Model, which
incorporates the Weinberg Salam theory, is explained later.
We first note that the Dirac operator Jfii = ^(d,,, - «£ M )(1 - 7o)/2 appearing
in the Euclidean path integral is not hermitian
Similarly, one can define a complete system by using the hermitian ]/)L^L
by choosing Xn > 0 for \n / 0. This shows that the two operators $>L$>L and
J/>r,J/>L share exactly the same number of non-vanishing eigenvalues.
By using the basis sets {ipn(x)} and {ipn(x)} thus defined, one may expand
the fermionic variables as22
A more detailed account of the appearance of this Jacobian is given soon. This
Jacobian is evaluated by replacing the mode cut-off by the cut-off in terms of
the eigenvalues as
The explicit evaluation of the Jacobian (6.71) is the same as the calculations
in Chapter 5, and one finally obtains
This result when combined with the Nother current for eqn (6.69) gives
which shows that the fermion number operator contains a quantum anomaly.
This was first shown by G. 't Hooft.
To understand the meaning of this anomaly, we write the path integral mea-
sure more explicitly as2s
Here we consider the general case where $>L^L and $\$L, respectively, have n0
and mo vanishing eigenvalues. This property is generally expressed as
where dimker^i, for example, expresses the number (dimension) of the normal-
izable 0 eigcnmodes (kernel) of the operator J/>i. and the above difference of zero
modes defines an important notion of index.
The index relation here has the same form as the index relation we discussed
in connection with the photon phase operator in Chapter 3, if one identifies the
creation operator of the photon with a^ = Jfii.
We discuss the meaning of the index by noting 75$) + ^75 = 0. In general
(we analyze the eigenvalues of J/) = 7M[c^ — igL^(x}])
and thus the 0 eigenmodes of ]}) can be chosen as the simultaneous eigenstates
of 75, [(l±7 B )/2]^ n (.T). Also
and the index (6.76) is expressed by using the basis set $>'il>n(x) = Xn^->n(x) as
If one denotes 4>n(x) — {x[<t>n), V^C1) = (<Pn\x}; ^ie inverse of the phase factor
det(x\<f>n)det(ipn\x) = J({4>n}, {f-n})^1 appears as the Jacobian. This phase factor is crucial
to understand the quantum anomaly in gauge symmetry from the viewpoint of the variation of
the path integral under a gauge transformation of the ga.uge field, since \n is gauge invariant.
This phase factor can be ignored when one expands ijj and •f in terms of the same basis set as
in the case of vector-like theory such as QKD or QCD, or V-A-type theory with hermitian f>.
where we have a difference of zero modes, since {<fn} and {</>«} appear in 1 : 1
correspondence for the non-vanishing eigenvalues. In chiral gauge theory the
fermion number is not conserved due to the quantum anomaly in the presence
of the non-vanishing Pontryagiii index of the gauge field (i.e., instantoiis). In a
theory such as the Weinberg Salam theory, where the quarks and leptons couple
to the same Yang-Mills field (which is called the TV-boson), it is shown that
the conservation of (mark number B/3 and lepton number L is simultaneously
broken by the effects of the quantum anomaly, and only the difference B — L is
In terms of Green's functions for the theory (6.59), we have
which shows that np number of tyi and rno number of 'tpi are absorbed into the
vacuum in the presence of the general iustanton solution. Since the integral over
the Grassmanri numbers is defined by the (left) derivative and the Grassmann
coefficients of the expression in eqn (6.67) corresponding to the zero modes do
not appear in the action of the path integral, we need to insert at least the
above number of ipL and 'I/JL into the integrand to obtain the non-vanishing
path integral. If one inserts more I/JL and -I/JL, one obtains a generalization of
conventional Green's functions.
with a(x) = aa(x)Ta, and the Jacobian is evaluated just as in eqn (6.71)
This quantum anomaly for the gauge transformation is called the covariant
anomaly because of its gauge covariant appearance.
We show that this covariant anomaly is associated with a specific regulariza-
tion of the source current of the gauge field. A regularized current which gives
rise to this covariant anomaly is defined by using the complete set
which agrees with eqn (6.85). In fact this identity is derived by considering the
transformations (6.83) in the path integral of the chiral gauge theory (6.59) and
by using the Jacobian (6.85). This shows that the calculational method of the
Jacobian for the covariant anomaly is understood as a covariant regularization
of the current.
This result (6.90) shows that gauge symmetry is broken by the quantum
effects. Conversely, if all the quantum anomalies (6.85) thus evaluated are can-
celled, the chiral gauge theory is consistent even in the quantum level. If one
recalls that the quantum anomaly (6.85) is symmetric under the replacement of
F^vTb and F^T0, a formulation of quantized chiral theory is consistent if the
following relation holds24
It is known that the orthogonal gauge group SO(ri) with n > 2 and n ^ 6,
for example, leads to anomaly-free gauge theory. As an explicit example, if one
chooses the group SO(3) or locally equivalent SU(2), it is confirmed that all
From the viewpoint of Feynman diagrams, Ihc covariant anomaly corresponds to a calcu-
lational scheme where one collects all the effects of the anomaly to a specific current vertex
while imposing the ga,uge invariance on all the remaining vertices coupled to the gauge field. I
is thus clear thai chiral gauge theory is consistent if the covariant form of anomalies all cancel.
In the case of the gauge group SU(2), one needa to include the analysis of the globa.1 anomaly,
which is briefly mentioned in Chapter 11.
the anomalies cancel by using the properties of the Pauli matrices which satisfy
eqn (6.91). A simple way to understand the absence of anomalies in the realistic
Weinberg Salain theory may be to use the fact that all the quarks and leptons
are precisely accommodated in a representation of the anomaly-free gauge group
SO (10) in a grand unified model.
In the general case where the gauge field couples to the left-handed fermion
field with a representation T£ and the right-handed fermion field with a repre-
sentation Tft, the above anomaly cancellation condition is written as
For example, the vector-like theory, where the gauge field couples to the left-
handed and right-handed fermion fields with an identical representation, defines
a consistent theory since the quantum anomaly is automatically cancelled. The
quantum electrodynamics and QCD belong to vector-like theory.
If one recalls that Ta = (l/2)r a is written in terms of Pauli matrices, the gener-
ator of U(l) is written as
by remembering that the electric charges of quarks (u,d) are (2/3, —1/3).
Consequently, the formula (6.90) for the quantum anomalies gives the anom-
aly for SU(2) gauge transformations (by using the notation W^ = W^Ta)
We multiplied all the expressions by the factor 3 since three quarks appear for
each case due to the color degrees of freedom.
Similarly, for the doublet of leptons
(by writing the right-handed component of the neutrino explicitly, though it does
not couple to gauge fields), the U(l) charge is given by
by recalling the electric charge (0. —1) of leptons (v,e). The Lagrangian for the
leptons is written as
Consequently, the leptons induce the quantum anomalies for the SU(2) gauge
The gauge field belonging to SU(2) docs not contribute to the anomaly for
the SU(2) gauge transformations, since SU(2) is an anomaly-free group, arid the
properties trT" — 0 and 3F/ + Y'L — 0. which are confirmed by using the explicit
expressions in eqn (6.96) and eqn (6.100), ensure the absence of the anomaly for
all the SU(2) gauge transformations. The remaining anomaly for the U(l) gauge
transformations cancels if one uses
where 4>(x] stands for the Higgs field (or in general, a scalar field). Note that
the operator 0r, = 7''(<9;j ~ i/^i), for example, docs not contain the projection
operator (1 — 7s)/2. By noting that the left- and right-handed fermions are
coupled to each other mediated by the Higgs field, we use the following general
In Euclidean theory we expand the field ?/; in terms of the complete set of eigen-
functions of 'D~'D and the field '</.> in terms of the complete set of 'D'D~ in the
calculational scheme of covariant anomalies.
The quantum anomaly for the gauge transformations of left-handed compo-
nents, for example.
show that the differential operator acts on the Higgs field only and does not act
on fields coming to the right of it. As a result, in the expression with the plane
wave basis of the master formula
the terms with the Higgs field is always expanded in powers of 1/M2, when
one moves c.'lkx through the differential operators in, for example, TjD\ and then
rescales as k^ —> Mk^ and expands all the terms in the exponential in powers of
Also, the terms linear in the Higgs field convert the right-handed components
to left-handed ones and vice versa, and thus only the even powers in these terms
contribute to the master formula.2''1 For this reason, the identical form of terms
appear in both of the anomaly factors coming from ip and ip in eqn (6.108), and
consequently we take the trace over these terms together with 75. For example,
in d = 4 space-time, we have
One can confirm that those terms with the Higgs field in eqn (6.113), which do
not contain Dime's 7 matrices, do not contribute to the anomaly if one performs
the same calculation as in the previous section.
The first term on the left-hand side is given by the Jacobian evaluated for the pa-
rameter /? by using the gauge field, which is a result of the gauge transformation
parametrized by —a, and the second term is given by the Jacobian obtained by a
reversed order of calculation. For the above covariant anomaly (6.116), however,
because of the gauge covariance of F^ we obtain twice
If one replaces the gauge field as A^ —> sA^ by introducing the parameter s
in cqn (6.114), the quantity defined by W(sAp,) = lnZ(sA/t) satisfies
We thus define the regularized path integral by means of the covariantly regu-
larized current J°''(x-) (6.115) by27
The current Jap'(x} is a finite quantity and thus W(Ali} is also finite.
If one regards the finite W(A^) as a functional of Ap and expands it in powers
of AH, the expansion naturally satisfies the Bose symmetry. Consequently, the
current jav(x] defined by
The comparison to eqn (6.121) shows that W thus defined docs not, depend on
the class of currents we use to define it.
To be more explicit, the current ja"(x) is given by adopting the notation
Ja»(x.s) = Ja>l(x,sA
which combined with the fact that the current Jal*(x,s) depends on s only
through the combination sA
finally gives
The last term in this expression is a manifestation of the fact that the current
J afi (x) does not satisfy the integrability condition (if it is written in a form
['he imaginary part, of eqn (6.121) contains interesting information about the quantity
called the '/-/-invariant.
Ja^(x) = 5W/6A^(x), the last term vanishes) arid at the same time it directly
depends on the quantum anomaly, since in the absence of the anomaly, these
two currents should coincide.28
In the following, we would like to explain the evaluation of the last term in
eqn (6.126) above,29 by using the regulator function f ( x ) = e~x in eqn (6.115)
as an example. We first consider the case s = 1. If one defines
by identifying the subscripts as 1 —> (a,fj,,x) and 2 —> (b,v,y). In deriving the
above expression, we used the identity
and the cyclic property of the trace Tr, it can be confirmed that all the non-local
terms in eqn (6.128) which contain 1/0 cancel each other after integration by-
parts with respect to a. Thus we have
In the absence of gauge anomalies, one can impose the gauge invariance on all the vertices
in the one-loop Feynman diagram without spoiling the Rose symmetry. In fact, this is the only
sensible calculation and thus these two currents coincide.
Rcadcrs who are interested in the final formula may proceed directly to eqn (6.135).
where we have noted that the terms which do not contain 75 vanish under the
anti-symmetrization of 1 4-» 2. From this expression, we have (by recalling that
by noting eqn (6.129). It can be shown that this relation holds for a general
regulator function /(x). 31
If one uses SJbv(y)/5A°(x) - 5Ja»(x)l5Abv(y) thus obtained in eqn (6.126)
(the index s indicating that sA™ is used) one obtains
where Str indicates that we take a trace of the expression which is arranged to
be symmetric with respect to the generators of the gauge group. The quantum
anomaly is then given by the covariant divergence of this expression'32
Powers in 1/M do not change but the number of 7 matrices is reduced by two in these
To show this, we introduce the Laplace transformation
and the result for a general regulator function f(x) is obtained by multiplying
liniM->oo f£° dpg(p) by the above evaluation in eqn (6.132) with the scaled regulator
mass M2 —5- M 2 /p. The terms which survive in the large M limit are independent of M and p,
and we obtain the result identical to the case f(x) = e x, because f£° dp g(p) = /(O) = 1'.
Quantities inside brackets { and } are treated as a block, namely, they are not subject to
svmnietrization under Str.
which gives a formula to derive the integrable anomaly (6.41) starting with
the covariant anomaly (6.116). In this derivation we used the Jacob! identity
^vafi\^^^Aa,Ao^ = 0 and it is important to recognize that the symmetrized
trace Str is used.
As a special example, we obtain
for Abclian gauge theory, and the factor 1/3 is the Bose symmetrization factor
of the triangle Feynman diagram.
It is clear that these formulas are generalized to arbitrary even d = 2n di-
mensional space-time, and by using the covariant, anomaly, which is derived in a
manner identical to the U(l)-type anomaly (5.75) in Chapter 5,
We define the path integral measure in eqri (6.141) by the V-A prescription in
Section 6.1. In the defining path integral of I\yz, one may perform a change of
and then the U(x) dependence is completely removed if the Jacobian is ignored.
Consequently, I\vz contains only the effects of the anomaly. The path integral
can also be written as
if one performs the vector-like transformation ib —>• U^ip. which does not contain
the anomaly as was shown in Section 6.1.
To evaluate FWZ explicitly, we introduce a real parameter s and consider the
gauge field which, after a certain amount of gauge transformation, becomes
Starting with this configuration, one performs a further infinitesimal chiral trans-
When one adds this FWZ (6.148) evaluated for the group SU(3) to the non-
linear <T model, which describes the dynamics of Nambu-Goldstone bosons -Ka(x)
as a low-energy effective theory of QCD with three flavors of quarks ( u , d , s ) ,
one can incorporate all the effects of the quantum anomalies arising from the
interactions with external fields. To take into account the color degrees of freedom
in QCD correctly, F'wz needs to be multiplied by the color factor Nc = 3.
We now discuss two applications of FWZ • Firstly, the two-photon decay 7r° ->•
77 of the neutral TT meson is described by choosing the group SU(2) and setting
An = 0. When one retains only the terms linear in TT(X) and sets
one obtains the effective interaction among the neutral pion and electromagnetic
fields after multiplying by the color factor Nc = 3 as
Here v^ stands for the electromagnetic field and FIW = 9Miv - dvv^.
To obtain the same result from a more fundamental consideration, one may
consider two flavors of quarks (u,d) with the electric charges (2e/3, —e/3). re-
spectively, and the Lagrangian
is shown to contain the following chiral anomaly (by including the color degrees
of freedom Nc = 3 which is not written explicitly in the above Lagrangian)
When one combines the anomaly relation eqn (6.155) with this theorem (at
p2 ~ 0), one has
which agrees with the effective Lagrangian given by the Wess-Zumino term
(6.152). This analysis of eqii (6.157) was performed by Bell and Jackiw, and
Adler in 1969, and it is known that the result describes well the experimental
As the second application, we consider the case where all the external gauge
fields vanish (L M (x) = R/j.(x) = 0) and the case of group SU(3)
with U(x,s) = exp{2i[7r(x)// ff ](l - s)}. When one uses <9 M t/t = -U^(d^U)U^
which arises from U(x, s)U^(x, s) = 1 and defines a five-dimensional completely
anti-symmetric tensor by e12305 = 1 by regarding the variable s formally as the
fifth coordinate of space-time, one can write FWZ(^) in a symmetric way as
The integration domain D (which means a disc) shows 0 < s < 1. When one
expands this Tw7,(U) in powers of TT(.T), one can describe the new interactions
among the eight Nambu-Goldstone bosons induced by the quantum anomaly.
which was explained in eqn (4.39) of Chapter 4.35 In the analysis of canonical
commutation relations, one implicitly assumes a theory which is defined by a
cut-off in momentum space (instead of renormalized quantities) and thus we
write the bare correlation function with an explicit cut-off parameter A.
We now apply the BJL (Bjorken-Johnson-Low) prescription which states the
rule: If the right-hand side of the above Fourier transformation approaches 0 for
go —>• oo, one can replace the Lorentz covariant T* product by the canonical
T product. If the Fourier transformation does not approach 0, one defines the
T product after subtracting the non-vanishing quantity, which is expressed by
a polynomial of q0, from both sides. A physical reason for this prescription is
that in the canonical formulation which is based on the equal-time commutation
relations the correlation functions of general currents should be well defined and
smooth in x^ — j/M around x° = y°- The limit </o —^ oo of the Fourier transfor-
mation should thus vanish (one may recall the Riemann—Lebesgue lemma).
In the present example both of (T*j°(x)j°(y)) and the correlation function
with the spatial components of the current (T*j°(x)jk(y)) in eqn (6.161) satisfy
the above condition, and thus one can replace the T* product by the T product.
For the T product one generally has
To be precise, the result in eqn (4.39) is written for the case A 2 ;§> |<?2 ; while the present
formula is valid for the case A 2 -C \q2\ also. A direct way to derive eqn (6.161) is to use
the Pauli—Villars regulator in Section 6.2 and set the regulator mass at A. Explicitly, one can
obtain the result (6.161) as n""(g,m 2 . A 2 ) - W(q, M2, A 2 ), by using W'1'(q,m2^\'2) given
in eqn (4.39) and then by redefining M —} A.
since one obtains the S function when the derivative acts on the T product and
the term with derivative operation inside the T product vanishes in the limit
(?o —> oo by the definition of the T product.36 One then concludes by using
eqn (6.162) for the correlation functions in eqii (6.161)
This effectively gives a prescription to separate the equal-time commutator from the cor-
relation function.
In this chapter we discuss the quantum anomaly associated with the scale trans-
formation of space-time coordinates or the transformation generally called the
Weyl transformation. In flat space-time, this anomaly is related to the renormal-
ization group and the calculation of the ft function in the renormalization group
equation is related to the calculation of the Weyl anomaly. In other words, the
renormalization group equation is regarded as an expression of the Weyl anomaly
in terms of Green's functions. We illustrate the calculation of the one-loop ft func-
tions in QED and QCD by means of the Jacobians for the Weyl symmetry. The
Weyl anomalies in curved space-time arc briefly explained. We also mention an
improved finite energy-momentum tensor in renormalizable theory on the basis
of an analysis of the Weyl anomaly.
If one writes the action in terms of the variable x', one has
If one uses the above scale transformation laws and the relations such as & =
exp(a)9jj. d4x' = d 4 xexp(—4a), one obtains
which shows that the action is invariant except for the mass term, which spoils
the scale transformation. In this sense, the field theory for massless particles
is generally scale invariant. The characteristic constants appearing in the scale
transformation such as 3/2 for i/j and 1 for AM are called the canonical mass
dimensions. As is well known in renormalization theory, the above naive scale
symmetry is broken since a new mass parameter is introduced in the renorrnal-
ization procedure even into a massless theory.
The purpose of the present chapter is to study these properties of field the-
ory from the viewpoint of quantum anomalies. It is known that QED is free
of anomalies associated with general coordinate transformations. Consequently,
it would be strange if one has an anomaly for the coordinate transformation
x1-1 —> exp(—a)x^. It is also shown that the Jacobian for the scale transforma-
tion with naive canonical dimensions does not give rise to the correct anomalies.
Those apparently paradoxical properties are all resolved if one analyzes the above
scale transformation as a combination of coordinate and Weyl transformations
in a slightly curved space-time. In fact all the anomalies of the scale transforma-
tions arise from the Weyl transformations when one defines a general coordinate
invariant measure, and the coordinate transformation docs not give rise to the
anomalies in QED in agreement with the general expectation.
. 37In Euclidean theory, one needs to rotate the auxiliary field B(x) —> iB(x) (and thus c >. ic)
when performing the path integral,
where F^v = d^A^—d^A^ and we used the Landau gauge explained in Chapter 3.
As is explained in Appendix B. this theory is invariant under the local Wcyl
except for the mass term. It is important to notice that ordinary gauge fields
(including Yang-Mills fields) are not transformed under the Weyl transformation,
which arc sometimes called the Weyl scalars, and thus the ghost field c(x), which
appears in gauge fixing and is associated with the gauge field, is not transformed
under the Wcyl transformation.
We now consider the path integral
where the path integral measure is given by the general coordinate invariant
measure in eqn (B.4f)
It should be noted that the naive Weyl transformation laws in eqn (7.6) and
the Weyl transformation laws of those variables in eqn (7.9) which define the
coordinate invariant measure arc quite different. In particular, the anti-ghost and
the auxiliary field B are no longer transformed under the Weyl transformation.
Incidentally, we have the relation 'DBtt = VBVc.
To write the identity related to the Weyl transformation in the present Eu-
clidean path integral in a compact manner, we define a generic variable for QED
The path integral (7.7) and the Weyl transformation laws (7.9) with an in-
finitesimal a(x) give the following identity
where the variables with primes represent the variables after the Weyl transfor-
mation, in particular, e'^'(x) = exp[a(z)]e^(x). The first equality in this relation
shows the fact that the path integral itself is independent of the naming of path
integral variables. The transition from the first expression to the last expression
is based on the fact that the action is invariant under the Weyl transformation
except for the mass term together with the evaluation of the Jacobian J(a) for
the transformation of variables.
The last two expressions in eqri (7.13) show that the change of the action
for an infinitesimal Weyl transformation of the vierbeins gives the same effects
as the Jacobian and the explicit Weyl symmetry breaking by the mass term
together with the transformation of variables in the integrand. The variation of
the action with respect to the vierbeins defines the energy-momentum tensor,
and in particular, the variation of the vierbein by the Weyl transformation defines
the trace of the energy-momentum tensor. We use the definition
We thus obtain the following identity (in the flat space-time limit)
where wn stands for the weight factors in eqn (7.9) for the Weyl transformation,
and to be explicit, wn = -1/2 for the fermion and wn = -1 for the gauge field. If
one integrates this identity over the coordinates x (or equivalently setting a = 1
in eqn (7.13)). one obtains the identity for the global Weyl transformation
In this equation Nf stands for the number of fermion fields appearing in the
Green's function and NA stands for the number of gauge fields. If one can eval-
uate the Jacobian exactly in this expression (7.16), one obtains the exact Weyl
identity. In practice, no exact non-perturbative evaluation of the Jacobian for
the Weyl transformation is known, and in this sense this identity is a formal one.
However, we can still extract some interesting physical results from eqns (7.15)
and (7.16), as is illustrated in the following sections.
The general coordinate invariant measure is then given by cqn (7.11), and a
general Green's function is defined by eqri (7.12). The general coordinate trans-
formation law for the vierbeins is given by
This transformation law of $(x) is determined by the weight factors in eqn (7.9).
Note that we do not integrate over the vierbeins e^k (x) .
One can understand that the measure (7.11) is free of anomalies under the
general coordinate transformation (7.19) by expanding the variable Aa(x) as
irrespective of the choice of the basis sets {4>an(x}}- For the complex fermioiis ij)
and -il>, one expands
and the Jacobians for these two variables added together vanish
irrespective of the choice of the basis sets {ipn(x)}. (In a chiral theory which
could contain a genuine gravitational anomaly, this simple argument fails since
one generally expands ip and ?/) in terms of different complete sets in such a
theory if one follows the calculational scheme of the covariant anomalies.)
The identity for the above general coordinate transformation (7.19) is given
The first equality in this expression shows that the value of the integral is in-
dependent of the naming of integration variables, and the transition from the
first line to the last line expresses the fact that the path integral measure is
anomaly-free and the action is invariant under the coordinate transformation.
We first note the relation
by using the metric condition in eqn (B.I7) and by noting that the tensor T^v
is not symmetric in general. When one combines this relation with $'(:/;) =
$(:/;) + £"c^$(a;) + (l/2)(d^)$(a;) in the last two lines of the identity (7.24),
one obtains the identity
We here collected only the terms linear in the infinitesimal parameter £"(x)
and then differentiated those terms with respect to £"(x). If one takes the
flat space-time limit in the identity (7.26) and uses the renormalized fields
$(#) —>• \/~Z$ r(x) with the wave function renormalization factor Z in the case
of renormalizablc theory, one obtains an identity for the renormali/ed Green's
where we used the fact that the spin connection A%® (x) vanishes in the flat space-
time limit. Since the right-hand side of this relation is finite in renormalizable
theory, we learn that the energy-momentum tensor we defined gives a finite
operator. A concrete expression of this finite T^ will be given later in cqn (7.35).
When one multiplies by xv on both sides of the above renormalized iden-
tity (7.27) and integrates over x. one obtains
which shows that the trace of the energy-momentum tensor generates a scale
transformation of space-time coordinates. The renormalized Green's function
where n stands for a new mass parameter specifying the renormalization point.
m stands for the renorrrialized fermion mass, and N/ and NA, respectively, show
the numbers of fermion fields and gauge fields appearing in the Green's function
with N = Nf + NA- One thus concludes
The identity (7.28) for the renormalized Green's function is then written as
By using the relations (7.33), the identity (7.31) is also written in the form
The function I3(g) which appears inside DN in eqn (7.33) is a fundamental quan-
tity in field theory and it is called the /? function. We emphasize that eqri (7.34)
is an exact relation valid up to any finite order in perturbation theory.
where J(a) is the Jacobian for the change of the variable, and the difference of
two tensors is thus basically the difference of (Weyl) anomalies. A characteristic
feature of this improved tensor in eqn (7.35) is that, the mass term does not
appear explicitly.
If one recalls the local Lorentz transformation of the vierbeins parametrized
by an infinitesimal anti-symmetric parameter ujmn(x)
and uses the definition of the energy-momentum tensor in eqn (7.14) (see also
Appendix B), one can see that the anti-symmetric part of the energy-momentum
tensor generates the Lorentz rotation.38 Consequently, if one separates the sym-
metric and anti-symmetric components as
which explicitly separates the Lorentz rotation of $(xn) generated by S1'1 „(«,)
from the identity (7.27).
where the symbol N[ip^](x) defines a quantity called the normal product, which
gives a finite result when inserted in any Green's function without inducing any
divergence. The relation moil}ip(x) = mN[ipii>](x) is known to be valid in QED
and QCD-type theories. The index c in [J(l) + J d'ixmoipip(x)]c indicates a
connected component, namely, one retains only those components connected by
the propagator to other variables when inserted in any Green's function.
To express the right-hand side of the equation (7.41) in terms of operators,
we write the action in terms of renormalized variables (by including the coupling
If one transforms the variables <S>(x) as *'(xj) = e.xp[^Smn(l)ujmn(x}l^(xi) simultaneously
as eqn (7.37), one obtains the identity
where TA^^X) stands for the anti-symmetric part of the energy-momentum tensor. We used
the fact that the localized Lorentz transformation is anomaly-free in the present model; the
Lorentz anomaly for a chiral theory will be explained in a later chapter. This Lorentz identity
combined with eqn (7.27) leads to eqn (7.40).
constant into field variables as g0A^(x) -*• A/_l(x) and rewriting the gauge fixing
term anew in terms of A(x)
where we omitted the subscript "r" to field variables. By using Schwinger's action
principle (in a renormalized form) we can operate the derivatives with respect
to g and m in the identity (7.41), which was derived by using T^, directly on
the action in the path integral arid we obtain
This relation, which was derived here in a heuristic manner, is known to be jus-
tified up to any finite order in perturbation theory by a more detailed analysis in
the framework known as the normal product algorithm.39 Accepting the result of
this analysis, we can identify the Weyl anomaly in eqn (7.41) with the operators
containing field variables as
We derived this relation for the QED action in eqn (7.42), but the same analysis
is known to be valid for QCD-type theories also. The relation (7.44) shows that
the part of the Wcyl Jacobian J(l) a that depends on the gauge field gives rise to a
term containing the j3 function, and the part of the Jacobian that depends on the
ferinioiiic field gives the term with the mass renormalization factor S(g), although
we cannot evaluate Weyl anomalies exactly. In the following we illustrate the one-
loop level evaluation of the 0 function by calculating the Wreyl anomaly in QED
and QCD-type theories.
See S.L. Adlcr, J.C. Collins and A. Duncan, Phys. Rev. D 15 (1977) 1712; N.K. Nielsen,
Nucl. Phys. B 120 (1977) 212.
with the notation goA^(x) —>• Atl(x), and we define the path integral measure by
The Jacobian for the Weyl transformation in the flat space-time limit 41
for an infinitesimal a(x) is given by the gauge invariant mode cut-off regular-
ization (the variables tb and tb give the same Jacobian, and an extra minus sign
arises from the fact that these variables are Grassmann numbers)
The evaluation of the Jacobian with the c-number fermionic parts requires an evaluation of
the "supertrace." Such a calculation can be performed systematically in the superfield technique
in the theory with supersymmetry. We are here content with the calculation only with the gauge
field background, which is sufficient to give rise to the one-loop /? function in QED and QCD.
The identity associated with the Weyl transformation of the fermionic variables can be writ-
ten in a form similar to the chiral identity as | (1/117'*D^ 1/1 — (Df,.ip)i"t^ip) — (l/247T2)-FA,l,
where Ihe right-hand side stands for the Weyl anomaly to be evaluated below.
A more detailed account of this calculation is given later in cqn (7.54) again.
Consequently, the connected components which contain the field variables are
given by (using the result of eqn (7.56) below)
where we denoted the bare coupling constant go explicitly by a suffix 0. The gauge
fixing procedure is important in the present application and it is explained later.
The calculation of fermion contributions to the lowest-order 13 function in QCD
type theory is evaluated in the presence of the background gauge field, and the
actual calculation is almost identical to the calculation in QED except for the
appearance of the trace over the color freedom in the Jacobian.
We here examine the calculation of the Jacobian for the Weyl transforma-
tion of fermionic variables (7.48) in more detail in the actual case of QCD-type
theories, so that we can apply the calculational technique to the calculation of
gauge field contributions later. We start with the formula
where we rcscalcd /% ->• Mk^ in the last expression after passing the factor
e%kx through the regulator arid tr here stands for the trace over the Dirac 7^
matrices and color indices. Only the terms of order 1/M4 or larger survive in
the expansion in terms of 1/M. If one defines
with the generators Ta of the gauge group SU(n) normalized by tiTaTb — \8ab
(in actual QCD we have SU(3)), one obtains
where we used the fact that terms odd in fcM vanish and that only F contains the
Dirac matrices and tr F = 0. The notation f^(x) stands for the n-th derivative
We next note that we can replace
when one performs a symmetric integration for the terms with k^. Also, by noting
k2 < 0 in the present metric convention we have
We thus have
and the connected component, which is finite, is finally given by using [D/^, Da] =
-iFlllr as
The important property in this calculation is that the finite connected component
does not depend on the details of the regulator function f ( x ) except for the fact
that f ( x ) approaches 0 rapidly for large x and /(O) = 1 together with (see
Fig. 5.1)
to apply the background field method. Here jE?° stands for the background field,
and a™ for the quantum fluctuation around it. The field strength tensor is then
given by
since the terms linear in a^ disappear. To simplify the notation and also the
evaluation of the Jacobian later, we write the covariant derivative as
and regard the gauge field a M (x) as a vector with n 2 — 1 components for the group
SU(n). The operation of the covariant derivative in eqn (7.63) is then written in
the simple form
As for the gauge fixing term and the compensating Faddeev-Popov term, we
employ the background Feynman gauge with £ = 1 (the BRST transformation
of the gauge field atl(x) is determined by eqn (7.64) by the replacement <jja(x) ->•
where we used vector notation for the ghost variables c and c just as for a M , and
eliminated the auxiliary field B by integrating over it in the path integral.
The Lagrangian for the quadratic parts in the dynamical variables related to
the Yang-Mills field and ghost variables is obtained from cqns (7.65) and (7.68)
by using eqn (7.66). We now evaluate the Weyl anomaly by using this quadratic
Lagraiigian. The Weyl transformation laws of integration variables are fixed as
was explained in eqn (7.9)
where we used the notation (F)^ — —1iF^v(B) and replaced $92 —>• -DT>;, + F
inside the regulator, which formally has the same form as in eqn (7.52). In the
third line in this calculation we evaluated the trace with respect to the Minkowski
indices of a^ and then evaluated the trace over the adjoint representation of the
gauge group by using
Similarly, the Weyl anomaly for the ghost variables is evaluated as (by re-
placing f)2 -t D^DH inside the regulator in eqn (7.58))
where we used the fact that the ghosts are described by Grassmann variables
and thus there is an extra minus sign in the Jacobian.
One may replace the background field B^ (x) by the full variable A/( (x) in the
Jacobians evaluated so far to the accuracy of the present one-loop approximation.
If one adds those results of the Wcyl anomalies in eqns (7.58). (7.72) and (7.74),
the /3 function for a QCD-type theory with / fermions is given by using eqn (7.44)
where 62 (G) = n for the gauge group SU(n). Note that J3(g) < 0 and thus the
theory is asymptotically free for / < 33/2 for SU(3).
We first analyze the Weyl anomaly generated by quantized fermion fields whose
Weyl transformation rules are given by
and the Jacobian for the Weyl transformation is given by (by writing a sum of
'(/.' and -0 contributions, which are Grassmann numbers)
where we used the gauge invariant mode cut-off regularization, and the final
expression uses the common notation in the heat kernel regularization. This
calculation is performed by using a formula which appears in the intermediate
stage of the C function regularization. and the Weyl anomaly is obtained as42
the quadratically divergent term ^/gRM2 disappears in the final result of the C
function regularization.
We next note that the action for the gauge field and Faddeev-Popov ghosts
in eqn (7.77) is written as
where Aa(x) — e^(x)AIJi(x) and the covariant derivative acting on the gauge field
is defined by
as explained in Appendix B.
The Weyl transformation rules of the variables which define the general co-
ordinate invariant measure are given by (see eqn (7.9))
where tr stands for the trace over the vector indices of the gauge field, and
the Jacobian for the ghosts is (by recalling the fact that the ghost fields are
Grassmann numbers)
These results are based on the formulas which appear in the intermediate stage
of the £ function regularization. We omitted the cosmological term ^/TjM4. which
could be subtracted by a suitable counter-term, and the term ^/gRM2 which is
eliminated in the final result of the £ function regularization.
The final contributions of the gauge field and the ghost fields to the Jacobian
are thus given by
It is known that, the Wcyl anomalies (7.81) and (7.89) agree with the results of
other calculational methods.
We define the Euclidean metric by a Wick rotation from the Lorentz metric as
Gmn = (-!,-!) = ??M,,.
In this gauge the action for the scalar field X(x) is written as
and the action for the Dirac field is written as (by using the definition of the
spin connection A^/, in Appendix B)
These expressions of the action show that the scalar theory is invariant under
the Weyl transformation
These classical symmetries are broken by the quantum anomaly if one uses
the path integral measure which preserves general coordinate invariance. If one
defines the path integral measure, which is invariant under the general coordinate
transformation, by using the weight 1/2 variables X(x) = (g)l^X(x) = ^fpX(x)
and il! (x) = (g)1^4"4>(x) = \fp'4!(x] the path integrals are respectively written as
The complete orthonormal sets which define the path integral measure in the
gauge invariant mode cut-off are then respectively given by
where the symbol tr stands for the trace over the (two-component) spinor free-
Since one can write #0/2) = (If p * - / * ) f i ( l / p l / z ) $ ( l / p 1 / * ) in eqn (7.96), the
Jacobians for the scalar and Dirac fields are evaluated bv
where the overall factor 2 arises from the trace over the spinor freedom which
should be omitted for the scalar field.
The actual calculation of the Jacobian proceeds as follows: We define
and we expand
and uses the relations (by noting k2 < 0 in our metric convention)
together with the fact that terms odd in k^ vanish, one obtains the final re-
sult (7.101).
We thus obtain the Weyl anomalies for massless fields in two-dimensional
space-time from eqns (7.98). (7.99) and (7.101) as
where we used ^fg = p and ^/gR = —d^d^lnp with R standing for the scalar
curvature. The term ^/gM'2 could be subtracted (or made finite) if one adds a
suitable cosmological constant to the starting action as a counter-term.
theorem and its generalization). As a result one can evaluate quantum correc-
tions up to all orders in perturbation theory in some special cases. It is known
that the present calculational method is generalized to supcrsymmetric theories
defined in terms of superfields. which ensures manifest supersyrnmetry, and in-
teresting results have been obtained. For details of these calculations, readers
are referred to the references at the end of the present book.
where we regard Vtl(x) and A^x) as the background c-number fields for the
moment. We adopt natural units by setting H = c — 1. Our Minkowski metric
conventions are
where ak stands for the Pauli matrices arid r]IJ/v = rf" — (1,— 1). We adopt
the convention of summing over the indices which appear twice in the same
The actual path integral is performed in the Euclidean metric convention
with imaginary time. The Euclidean theory is defined by the Wick rotation
and x2 is treated as a real number. The Euclidean inner product is then defined
and the metric tensor is now given by 'r\^v ~ r^iv = (—1, —1). The 7-matrices are
defined in Euclidean theory by the replacement 7° —>• —/'7 2 .
and they are aiiti-hermitian (7''')^ = ~7 // but 7? = 75. We also defined the Wick
rotation of the gauge fields
and rotate them back to the original field A^ —?> —iA^ after the calculation. The
operator after the rotation of A/L
becomes hermitian ffi = $ in the Euclidean sense, and one can define a complete
orthonormal set and the expansion of fermionic variables
where {an} and {&„} are the Grassmann numbers. The path integral measure is
then written as
This path integral is performed exactly though in a formal sense. The integration
with respect to Grassmann numbers is defined by the left derivative.
We now examine the Jacobian under gauge transformations. Under an in-
finitesimal vector-like transformation
for an infinitesimal a(x) by remembering that the integral over the Grassmann
numbers is defined by the left derivative and thus the inverse of the ordinary
Jacobian appears. Similarly, one has
which vanishes identically, and thus we have no anomaly for the vector-like trans-
formation in the present formulation.
On the other hand, for the infinitesimal chiral transformation43 generated by
where in the last line we transformed {(pn(x)} to the plane wave basis for the
well-defined operator 75 exp(—$> 2 /M 2 ) to extract the gauge field dependence,
and the trace is taken over the freedom of Dirac indices.
In accord with eqn (8.8) one may also set a(x) —} io(x) in the chiral transformation, but
we forgo this refinement.
Actually, we preserve only the vector-like gauge symmetry for the present case.
one finds that the last two terms in eqn (8.21) do not contain the 7 matrices and
thus do not contribute to the Jacobian (8.20) in d = 2 dimensions. Consequently,
one can use
by applying the scale transformation k^ -» Mfe,( after passing e*fc:£ through the
regulator as in four-dimensional theory and then retaining the terms to order
1/M2 in the expansion of the exponential factor in powers of 1/M. We also used
for the theory (8.1) defined in the Minkowski metric. We here also used <fx —>
i d2x in rotation to the Minkowski metric.
In the case of 11011-Abelian theory defined by
where tr stands for the trace over the generators T° of the group SU(n), for
example. The generators are defined by
We also defined
in eqn (8.29). The calculation of eqn (8.29) is essentially the same as eqn (8.27),
and the expression (8.23) in Abelian theory is replaced by
In fact we have
where the second equality states that the path integral is independent of the
naming of path integral variables, arid we set tj)'(x) = exp[ia(x)75]'i/>(2;) and
tp'(x) = i,b(x) exp[ia(a;)75] for an infinitesimal a(x). The Jacobian for this trans-
formation is given by our result in eqn (8.27) and thus the first term in the
Jacobian is in fact cancelled by the local counter-term.
It is customary not to assign a physical significance to these terms cancelled
by a local counter-term in the ordinary treatment of the anomaly. However, those
terms do not diverge in two-dimensional theory and they play a basic role by
giving the kinetic terms for boson fields in the path integral bosonization to be
discussed below. In fact, we shall later show that those terms are not cancelled
by a local counter-term in the context of the path integral bosonization. The
usual argument of the local counter-term thus needs to be carefully examined
depending on the physical context one is studying.
Another important issue in the path integral bosonizatiori is the symmetry
relation with the anti-symmetric symbol e1*", eM" — —(v>i and e10 = 1,
for the sake of consistency. This relation is generally satisfied if one regularizes
the currents in terms of the regularized correlation function (T*i^(x)ip(y))ieg in
d = 2 dimensions.
The representative regularization schemes of the Jacobian in the path in-
tegral, namely, the V-A-type regularization presented in Section 8.1 and the
covariant regularization discussed in Section 6.4, both satisfy the above condi-
tion (8.36). As for the covariant current associated with the covariant form of
anomalies, we already explained that it is defined in terms of the regularized
correlation functions in Section 4.3 and also in eqn (6.87).
As for the V-A-type regularization in eqns (8.17) and (8.20), it is related to
the regularized currents in the Euclidean metric defined by
and similarly
where we used the fact that 7^ is anti-herniitian (7^)^ = —7 M and 7^75 + 757'* =
0 and that tf)ipn = Xn<fn. Similarly, one can show
We can thus correctly generate the anomalies identical to the Jacobians from
the regularized currents. For the regularized currents defined in eqn (8.37) and
eqn (8.38), the relation (8.36) or
where the path integral measure is specified by the regularization in Section 8.1.
We next define a generating functional of connected Green's functions W(v^) by
where Vp, = d^rj and AIL = d^. Using these Jacobians, the r\ and £, dependences
in the action arc extracted as
where F(w |U ) stands for the integrated Jacobian (or anomaly), and it has the form
in the Minkowski metric
The derivation of this integrated Jacobian proceeds as follows: One first elimi-
nates the component r)(x) by a vector-like transformation, which is anomaly-free
and thus without any Jacobian. One then performs an infinitesimal transforma-
tion parametrized by dn£(x) in the intermediate result where the axial-vector
component d^(x] is partially extracted and given by AIL = (1 - s)9 /t ^(x) arid
Vp — 0 in the general formula of the Jacobian (8.47). One then obtains the above
formula r(i^) by integrating over the parameter s of infinitesimal transforma-
tions from 0 to 1.
We can also rewrite eqn (8.48), where the fermionic path integral gives a
numerical constant, as
since the absolute normalization of the path integral does not matter in the defi-
nition of W(v^. We next shift the variable <p -*• ip+£, and note the "translational
invariance" of the path integral measure 'D((p + £) = T>ip. We then have
and in the last line we rescaled if -> ^/TT^ so that the kinetic term of <p(x) has
the canonical normalization.
The expressions (8.43) and (8.51) show that the theory of a free Dirac fermion
if) and the theory of a free real Bose field tp define the identical generating func-
tional Wivn) of Green's functions. The correspondence in the normalized nota-
tion in eqn (8.51) is
which is not local. It is thus not allowed to add this term as a counter-term to the
definition of the original partition function (8.43). This term, if added, modifies
the physical contents of the original fermionic theory even in the conventional
understanding of local counter-terms.
where the first representation is obtained from the second one when one elimi-
nates the auxiliary field B^ by using the equation of motion. The path integral
formula is given by
which do not give a non-trivial Jacobian. We next perform the change of variables
corresponding to a chiral gauge transformation
which eliminates the coupling between the fcrmion and <j>, but we obtain a non-
trivial Jacobiaii
The evaluation of this Jacobian proceeds just as the calculation (8.49) in the
preceding subsection. In this way, the path integral is written as
which shows that the interacting theory of the i'ermion *& is rewritten as a sum
of the theories of a free Dirac fermion tjj and two real scalar particles p and d>.
But the variable rp corresponds to a theory with negative metric.
By using the above result we can, for example, write the propagator (or
correlation function) for the original variable in eqn (8.56)
The calculation for the field <j> by adding a source function J(x)
where z is a cut-off dependent constant arising from the propagator at the co-
incident point. Similarly we obtain (by a replacement 1 + g2 fir ->• -1 in the
exponential factor for the case of 6(x) in eqn (8.71))
after absorbing the cut-off dependent factor (zz1)2 into the left-hand side. Note
that the ju-deperidence on the right-hand side of eqn (8.73) carries information
about the anomalous dimension of ^S'. More general 2n-point functions are simi-
larly evaluated exactly.
where we added the source term v/^ (x). We now use the decomposition
where we used eqn (8.35). The path integral (8.76) is then written in the form
of eqn (8.57) as
which eliminates the couplings of p(x) and r/(x) to the fermion without generating
a non-trivial Jacobiari. We next perform a chiral transformation
which eliminates the couplings of 4>(x) and £(x) to the fermion in the kinetic
term but generates a Jacobian
We next define
by noting that T>[<f —-((I) — £)] = T>(p and the absolute normalization of the path
integral does not matter in the definition of W(v^).
with I!JR,L = [(1 ± 7s)/2]V ; > an(l expand the path integral (8.87) in powers in
the mass term.46 Since the massless fermion is chiral invariant and also the
Lagrangian for the massless 0 is invariant under the translation in <•/>, only the
following terms survive in the expansion
where the numerical coefficient l/(fc!) 2 appears from the binomial coefficient
where A stands for the ultraviolet cut-off to define the propagator for the scalar
field 0 at the coincident point. The generating functional is thus written by
following the reverse steps to the above and by noting that the free field part of
(f is invariant under the translation ip —> <p + constant as
where we added an arbitrary constant 70- If one defines the variable (p with the
standard normalization by
and ao/fi2 = Am 0 /7r. By comparing eqn (8.94) to eqn (8.76). we have the iden-
We thus recover the well-known bosonization rules. Note that the coupling con-
stant g in some of the literature corresponds to our g2.
We now briefly explain the transformation of eqn (8.89) to eqn (8.91). The
correlation function of the scalar field <j> is given by
for generic points \Xi} and {yj}- The constant A stands for the ultraviolet cut-off
in the propagator for the coincident point. This result is obtained by a generaliza-
tion of the calculation (8.70) with suitable adjustments of numerical coefficients.
The free fernaion propagator is evaluated by the same procedure as in the path
integral in Appendix A (A.22) (by using the correct normalization Z(0, 0) = 1)
We then evaluate
where the determinant is defined for the k x k matrix specified by the indices i
and j. We next apply the identity (Cauchy's lemma)47
where we have used the relation x+X- = x2 and introduced an arbitrary mass
parameter //. By combining eqn (8.97) and cqn (8.105) in eqii (8.89), we finally
establish the desired form of cqn (8.91).
This identity may be proved by examining the residues of poles of both sides and invoking
the Liouville theorem. See. for example, M. Stone, Bosonization. World Scientific, Singapore
where our convention is e10 = 1. The following relations hold in these coordinates
and similarly
where the fermions belong to a representation of the group SU(n) and the source
field v_(x) is Lie-algebra valued, v~(x) = vaL(x)Ta. In two-dimensional space-
time, the two independent components of WM can be written as
Formally, this path integral can be regarded as a non-Abelian chiral gauge theory
in which vector and axial gauge fields are given by
and integrate the resulting Jacobian by using eqn (8.29) with respect to the
parameter s. In the intermediate steps, the gauge fields are given by
This operation then extracts the v- (x) dependence from the action of the path
integral. The result is
By using
where only the value at a = 0 contributes. The second term in eqn (8.119) is
written as
for eqn (8.115) and by using a totally anti-symmetric symbol eM"A with the
normalization e102 = 1 as
It can be verified that Fwzw(£0 defined above satisfies the composition law
and we obtain
The difference of zT(u_, f/(£)) from the previously evaluated iT(U(h)) (8.117) is
that besides the replacement U(h) —> U(£) we ha,vc
where the second term is independent of v- . The first term in this expression is
written as
which gives the desired result (8.127) when written in terms of FWZW-
We have shown in eqn (8.116) and eqn (8.125) that
since the absolute normalization of the path integral does not matter in the
definition of W(v-). We can rewrite this relation by multiplying by the constant
J 'DU exp[jTwzw(£0] on the right side as
We then change the integration variable as U —> U(h)U. By using the gauge
invariance of the integration measure, T>(U(h)U) = DU, and the composition
law in eqn (8.127), we recover the non-Abelian bosonization formula
Comparing eqn (8.139) to eqn (8.109) we obtain the bosonization rule of the
free Dirac fermion theory
and the free fermion theory is translated into a non-linear a model with a Wess-
Zumino term. This bosonization of a fermion theory plays a fundamental role in
conformal field theory in d = 2 dimensions.
The first term of r\yzw(^ r (7 1 )) in eqn (8.126) comes from the first term in
the anomaly in eqn (8.29). which could be subtracted by a local counter-term
in the context of gauge theory. The would-be counter-term (in the context of
gauge theory) is not local in the context of the present bosonization. In fact, by
noting the relation, which arises from the fact that U(h)^d^U(h) is a pure gauge
and thus FIJ/V = 0,
which is non-local with regard to V-(x). The kinetic term in I\vzw(k r ) cannot
be subtracted by a local counter-term.
where the first equality is the statement that the path integral itself is indepen-
dent of the naming of the path integral variables, and in the last line we evaluate
the Jacobian and the variation of the action. By noting tiTaTb = (l/2)<5a{,, we
then obtain
where we used the result of the anomaly (8.29) with AM = 0 (written in Euclidean
space-time). Similarly, the vector-like transformation
which is free of anomaly as was explained in Section 8.1, gives rise to the identity
where jbv(y) appeared from the action in the exponential of the path integral.
Note the definition
Similarly, one obtains from the identity with vector currents (8.150)
holds for arbitrary operators A(x) and B(y) (by taking into account the trans-
latiorial invariance), one can replace it by
The derivation of the second relation in eqn (8.159), for example, proceeds as
follows: We have a time derivative of the (J-function on the right-hand side of
but such a term does not appear in the time derivative of the left-hand side
if it is defined in terms of the T product, as can be confirmed by considering
the Fourier transform of both sides. Such a term on the right-hand side is thus
eliminated when one converts the left-hand side to the T product. In contrast,
the spatial derivative of a <5-function on the right-hand side does not contradict
the T product on the left-hand side and thus it remains on the right-hand side
of the first relation of eqn (8.159). The relation with the term dtl(Tja>1(x)jbl(y)}
is in general inflicted with the Goto-Imamura- Schwinger term we mentioned in
Chapter 6 and thus its analysis is involved, but a careful analysis shows that, it
gives a relation equivalent to the first relation in eqn (8.159). Namely, the chiral
anomaly and the Goto-Imamura-Scrrwinger term gives the same effect in the
current algebra in d = 2 dimensions.
The identities (8.159) are summarized in terms of operator language as48
by noting
When we define
If one understands that these relations arc written for a theory defined on the
surface of a cylinder
which is called the Kac Moody algebra. The last c-rmrnber term which arises
from the chiral anomaly gives a central extension of the algebra.
in Euclidean theory. We also understand that, the above coordinates are in fact
obtained from the coordinates (£1, C 2 ) on the cylinder, —TT < C1 < if and —oo <
C2 < oo, by the projection
on the entire two-dimensional plane. Sec Fig. 8.1. The point £2 = — oo is then
mapped to the origin and the point £2 = oo is mapped to z = oo, and the time
development is described by the clock which proceeds along the radial direction
starting from the origin (denoted by T in Fig. 8.1). The spatial freedom is then
described by a circle with center at the origin (denoted by x in Fig. 8.1). This
is called radial quantization. As a result, the field variable i/j(x), for example, is
obtained from the variable on the cylinder by a projection, and thus its definition
in general differs from the variable naively defined in two-dimensional theory.
where i/>i, 02 are respectively the first and second components of the spinor ip(x).
See also eqn (8.163). In conformal theory ip and ^ are treated as independent
variables unlike the covariaiit formulation with the variables tp and ip so far in
this chapter. As a special property of two-dimensional theory, the axial-vector
and vector currents are directly related to each other by (see eqn (8.152))
In terms of the present notation, the identities (8.153) and (8.155) for j^
and jatt are written as (by using tzz = —*/2)
When one applies the BJL prescription to the present problem, the identi-
ties (8.175) are written as
In the first identity we regard z as the time variable, and we directly obtained
the T product since there are no terms which diverge when the momentum
conjugate to the coordinate z becomes large. In the second identity we regard z
as the time variable, and the time derivative of the 5-function on the right-hand
side is absorbed by the left-hand side when defining the T product.
To relate those identities (8.176) in conventional field theory to the operator
product expansion (OPE) in conformal field theory, we use the relation
which is explained in eqn (8.183) later and we write the first relation in eqn
(8.176) as
where we used the fact that d=jcz(x) = dzjcz(x) — 0 holds for free fermions, as
is seen in eqn (8.181) below. In general the relation dsF(z,z) = 0 implies that
F(z.z) does not depend on z and F(z,z) has no poles in z. Consequently, we
have the relation from eqn (8.178) which shows that both sides have the same
pole structure
and similarly
The equations of motion then imply dzipi = 0 and Q^i = 0. If one uses the
complex coordinates z = (xl + ix2)/2, w — (yl + % 2 )/2 in the definition of the
Green's function in Euclidean theory
One can convert this integral to a difference of two contour integrals along the
circles \z = w ± f. around the origin z = 0 if one recalls that the correlation
function has a singularity only at z = w. Since the Grassmann variables anti-
commute, one thus obtains in the limit c —¥ 0
which gives (a part of) the canonical quantization condition of the fermion.
This relation (8.186) is generalized for two arbitrary operators A(x) and B(y)
recover all the information about equal-time commutation relations once one
knows the pole structure of the operator product expansion of two operators.
We now come back to the current algebra for the current
By using (T^2(z)ipl(w)} = i/[4ir(z — w)] and counting all the possible combina-
tions (or contractions) of tp and ip^, one obtains the operator product expansion
which agrees with the identity (8.179) in conventional field theory including the
c-rmmber term. The symbol ~ implies that the pole structures of both sides are
equal. A contour integral after multiplying the test function f ( z ) gives
if one defines
after multiplying eqri (8.190) by wm and contour integrating around the origin.
8.4.3 Virasoro algebra
We show that the central extension of the Virasoro algebra is a manifestation
of the quantum anomaly. The analysis is somewhat lengthy and involved, but
our main purpose is to show that the central extension of the Virasoro alge-
bra arises from the general coordinate anomaly when one defines a traceless
energy-momentum tensor. We consider an action for a scalar field X(x) in two-
dimensional Euclidean curved space-time
Since X(x) is invariant under the Weyl transformation, the Weyl invariant path
integral measure is denned in terms of X (x) and the path integral is given by
and expand
The first equality shows the fact that the path integral is independent of the
naming of integration variables, and the last expression is obtained from the first
expression by noting the invailance of the action and evaluating the Jacobian.
The identity is thus obtained by comparing the last two expressions
and the actual calculation of the Jacobian becomes identical to that of the Weyl
anomaly for the scalar field in Section 7.6. For the general case with d scalar
fields Xa(x), the anomaly is multiplied by d.
In this way the identity is written as
where the covariant derivative is given by using the affine connection F^ given
in Appendix B
We next derive the correlation functions of !),„. For this purpose we define
an infinitesimal e^"(x) by
where ^"(x) is assumed to be symmetric and satisfies r/ MJ /e MZ/ (a;) = 0. (In the
present discussion of the Virasoro algebra, we use e^v(x) to denote the infinites-
imal deviation of the metric ffv from the flat metric. Elsewhere in this book e'i!/
From this equation we obtain (by writing T^J on the right-hand side simply by
Tpv for notational simplicity after setting e^i,(x) = 0)
In the following equations, all TMl, stand for quantities zcroth order in efH/(.7;).
By using the definitions of the Ricmanri-Christoffcl curvature tensor and the
quantities Rpv = Rapal, and R = g^R^v in terms of the affine connection F$
(see Appendix B), we have
We next functionally differentiate both sides of the identity (8.207) with re-
spect to eai3(y} and use the fact that another Tctfj(y) appears from the functional
differentiation of the action on the exponent in the path integral. By considering
the flat space-time limit e^v (x) = 0 after the functional differentiation we have
We here recall that the second-rank tensors are generally written in complex
coordinates z = (xl + ix2')/2, z = (xl - ix2)/2 as
and the non-vanishing components are given by Tzz = 8ZXOZX and Tzz —
dzXdsX, which satisfy in flat space-time
The above identity (8.215) which contains the correlation functions of Tp,v is
written in complex coordinates by setting v = z,a = j3 = was
In this expression, if one notes dzTzz = ~(1/2)8ZTZZ and interprets z as time and
z as space coordinates, the time derivative does not appear on the right-hand
side and the correct T product is defined. If one uses
in the identity (8.219) and writes the expression after one removes the operator
d, from both sides, one obtains
which expresses the fact that the pole structure of both sides is identical. In this
last expression we give a result valid for a theory with d scalar fields Xa(x).
This relation has been derived from the identity with the anomaly, and it gives
a relation corresponding to the operator product expansion in conformal field
theory. It is important to recognize that the last c-number term arises from the
anomaly associated with general coordinate transformations when one imposes
the Wcyl invariance.
On the other hand, the path integral in conformal field theory is defined by
and one obtains the correlation function by taking cqn (8.183) into account
and thus
which is also valid for a T product. The traceless energy-momentum tensor TzZ =
0 is given by (see eqn (8.217))
This relation including the last c-numbcr term agrees with the identity (8.221)
with d = I derived in conventional field theory.
If one defines
where the last term stands for the central extension. Note that the central ex-
tension in eqn (8.221) arises from the general coordinate anomaly.
The essential point in the present consideration is that the central exten-
sions of the Kac-Moody and Virasoro algebras give the algebraic manifestation
of chiral and general coordinate anomalies. In this connection, the conserved
energy-momentum tensor T^. which is defined by a variational principle with
the variable X = (g^^X kept fixed (see Appendix B), is related to the traceless
tensor TIW by
We present a precise definition of this path integral below. Formally, this path
integral is equivalent to a theory of d scalar fields Xa(x) defined in a curved
two-dimensional space. A characteristic property of string theory is that the
two-dimensional space takes various topological shapes. A two-dimensional space
with a cylindrical shape describes the free motion of a closed string, and a two-
dimensional space with a doughnut in the middle describes the motion of a string
with higher-order (one-loop) quantum corrections. To perform the path integral
on the space with holes (or handles) is an important but in practice very difficult
problem in string theory.
Here we discuss the quantum effects (namely, quantum anomalies) instead of
those topological issues. The BRST invariant path integral measure with respect
to general coordinate transformations in curved two-dimensional space is given
Sec cqn (B.41) in Appendix B. The actual calculation is performed in the con-
formal coordinate defined by
where 77^ is the flat metric. In this coordinate the variables with weight factors
When one uses the equations of motion for BI and B%. one obtains the gauge
conditions (8.236) written in terms of variables with weight factors in eqn (8.235).
When one defines the new anti-ghost variables
and similarly iBzz = BI +iB^ and —iBzS = BI —iB^, the BRST invariant gauge
fixing Lagrangian which contains the Faddeev-Popov ghost fields is given by
In deriving £g, we used the supcrfield notation derived from eqn (B.34) in Ap-
pendix B
If one sets /j• — v = z in this expression, for example, the first term gives gzz
in the gauge fixing term, and the term proportional to 0 gives the last term in
eqn (8.239) proportional to bzz. After the integration over the auxiliary fields Bzz
and Bzz in Cg, we have gzz = g^z = 0 and gzz — -2^/p. If one uses these relations
in the Faddeev-Popov ghost parts, the gauge fixing Lagrangian is simplified as
In this way the path integral for a bosonic string is given after the integrations
over Bzz, Bsz and then over gzz, g^ by
An important property of this path integral formula is that the Weyl freedom
p(x) explicitly appears in the action as a result of the choice of the BRST in-
variant path integral measure (8.233) with respect to general coordinate trans-
When one makes the change of variables (the Weyl transformation)
the Weyl freedom p(x) is extracted from other variables in the action in eqn
(8.242). To evaluate the Jacobian for this transformation, we fix the hermitiaii
operators, which define the basis vectors to expand the integration variables, by
(using the calculational method of covariant anomalies)
The operators for the variables bzz(x) and cz(x) are given by replacing z by z in
HI, arid HC, respectively, and it is shown that the Weyl anomaly does not change
under this replacement.
All these operators in eqn (8.245) are obtained from the general operator
where we defined
and used a generalization or the gauge invariant mode cut-off. This calculation
agrees with the one already performed in eqn (7.101), and its result is given by
where R is the scalar curvature and we used ^/g = p and ^/gR = —d^d^ \np =
dzdzlnp. From the viewpoint of the Weyl anomaly, the term ^/gM2 could be
removed by adding a suitable local-counter term (the cosrnological term) to the
starting Lagrangian.
The integrated Jacobian by extracting the freedom p from the action is eval-
uated as follows: We start with the intermediate stage after some Weyl trans-
formation where p = cxp[(l — s)a], and we apply a further infinitesimal Weyl
transformation ds a and integrate the resulting anomaly factor (by taking into
account the weight factors in cqn (8.243) and also the fact that b and c arc
Grassmann numbers) as
In the last term of SL, which corresponds to the cosmological term, we give
the result after adjusting the coefficient to be a finite constant \i? by adding a
suitable counter-term to the original string Lagrangian. From eqn (8.250) one
might think that the main part of the Liouville action is subtracted by a local
counter-term. If one uses the gauge condition other than the conformal gauge,
the main part of the Liouville action is written as
which is not local, and thus it is not subtracted away by a local counter-term.
A specific quantum bosonic string at d = 26, which is defined without con-
sidering the Liouville freedom p ( x ) , is called a critical string and d = 26 is
called the critical dimension. (When one considers the superstring, which con-
tains the same number of bosonic and fermionic freedoms, the critical dimension
is given by d = 10.) On the other hand, the string theory for d < 26 is called
a non-critical string and a BRST invariant quantum string theory is defined
only when one includes the Liouville freedom p ( x ) . In the quantum theory of
strings, it is convenient to consider the motion of string coordinates Xa(x) on
a two-dimensional parameter space, which is called the world sheet, and this
parameter space is treated as a Riemaim surface. One can naturally treat the
topological notion (genus) if one introduces a background c-numbcr metric for
this Ricmann surface. In the calculations so far we used the specific metric spec-
ified by the conformal gauge g^ix) = p(x)r]ll,v^ but it is more natural to treat a
more general situation
where p'(x) carries the dynamical freedom and the background gfu, (x) carries the
topological information. The variables Xa(x), bzz(x), cz(x) are thus influenced
by the presence of the background g^' (x). Even for the critical string for d = 26
where the dynamical freedom p'(x) is discarded, the topological effects of the
background metric remain. For the non-critical string for d < 26. the freedom
p' (x) behaves like an extra scalar freedom in the path integral. It is thus expected
that one unit of Liouville action is induced by p ' ( x ) , and as a result, the coefficient
in front of the Liouville action (8.252) is modified to (25 - d)/(487r). It is in fact
known that this modified coefficient leads to a more natural quantum theory of
Liouville theory and thus to a quantum theory of non-critical strings.
The associated Jacobian, which is obtained from the above calculation of the
Weyl anomaly, leads to an identity (by recalling that bzz and cz are Grassmann
and similarly
and the sum of the right-hand sides of these two relations (3/^Tr)^/gR gives the
ghost number anomaly.
When one integrates the sum of these two identities over a closed two-
dimensional surface and uses the Gauss-Bonnet theorem, one obtains
where x = 2(1 — g) is the Euler number with g standing for the genus; g = 0 for
a sphere and g = I for a torus, for example. We thus obtain a two-dimensional
ghost number identity whose integral has a form analogous to the chiral anomaly
in the presence of the iristanton in four-dimensional non-Abelian gauge theory.
The index theorem related to the ghost number anomaly is written by denning
HcLpn = \^<pn, Hi,(j)n = X^ipn f°r the operators in eqn (8.245) and also for those
operators with the replacement z «->• z as
where we used the relation in eqri (8.247) with a = constant and the 1 : 1
correspondence of (pn and </>* for non-vanishing An for the operators Hc and H£
defined in eqri (8.245), and similarly for H* and HI,. If one defines the operators
which has the same form as in eqn (3.77) if one introduces the two sets of
This index relation is known to correspond to the Riemann-Roch theorem in
the theory of Riemann surfaces. The Riemann-Roch theorem is thus understood
as the ghost number anomaly in string theory. The contents of this index relation
and the Riemann-Roch theorem are understood from.eqn (8.241) as follows. If
one uses the zero modes for the ghosts (f or cz in the BRST symmetry, the
conformal gauge conditions
are not modified. Thus the ghost zero modes correspond to the conformal Killing
vectors. On the other hand, the zero modes of the anti-ghosts bzz or bzz are or-
thogonal to the variations of gzz or gzz induced by coordinate transformations.
The zero modes of the anti-ghosts bzz or bzz thus generate the variations of
the metric which are not generated by coordinate transformations. This freedom
of the metric variations other than the coordinate transformations is called the
modulus. The number of zero modes of bzz and bzz thus corresponds to the num-
ber of the moduli parameters of the Riemann surface. The index relation (8.259)
then expresses the Riemann-Roch theorem.
Recently there has been important progress in the treatment of Dirac fields in
lattice gauge theory and we can now discuss the chiral anomaly on the lattice in
a manner similar to that in continuum theory. In particular, we can discuss the
index theorem on the lattice. The analysis of the index theorem on the discrete
lattice itself has certain subtle aspects, but lattice theory deals with completely
regularized quantities and thus some of the subtle aspects in continuum theory
are now given a more rigorous basis. We explain that all the results of chiral
anomalies in continuum theory are reproduced in a suitable continuum limit of
lattice gauge theory, and thus we can give a uniform and consistent treatment
of both continuum and lattice theories.
and it takes a value in a gauge group, for example, SU(n) in our treatment. Here
fl stands for a unit vector in the fj, direction, jj, = 1 ~ 4. and Tb stands for a
generator of SU(n)
with the normalization tiTaTb = (l/2)<5 at , and g is the gauge coupling constant.
We also define
where U(u}(n)) takes a value in the group SU(n). In Fig. 9.1 we show the smallest
plaquette P^ lying on the plane specified by // and v. The Wilson action of the
lattice gauge theory is defined by
where tr stands for the trace with respect to the gauge freedom. We consider
a product of gauge fields defined on each link of a plaquette P^v in Fig. 9.1
by taking into account the direction of the link, and we define the action by
summing over all the possible P/j,v. It is confirmed that the action thus defined
is invariant under the gauge transformation (9.4) on the lattice.
In the limit of small lattice spacing a, we have
Consequently, the above lattice action in the naive, continuum limit a —>• 0 be-
and the Yang-Mills action in the continuum is realized. Namely, the lattice gauge
theory defines a regularization by approximating the action of continuum Yang-
Mills theory, which has an infinite number of degrees of freedom, by a theory with
a finite number of degrees of freedom on the link. This regularization clearly pre-
serves the gauge symmetry, but the rotational symmetry of the four-dimensional
Euclidean space-time is spoiled for a finite a. The hypercubic symmetry defined
by a 90-degree rotation is preserved, and it is believed that the hypercubic sym-
metry is sufficient to recover the Lorentz symmetry in the continuum limit.
where the integration is performed for all the link variables U/j,, and the path
integral measure is denned by a Haar invariant measure specified by the followin
The vanishing of the first integral is understood by noting that the value of the
integral does not change when one applies independent gauge transformations,
which belong to the representations 3 and 3* of SU(3), to the indices i, j of
(Up)ij, respectively. One can understand the second integral intuitively by setting
j = k and summing over
9.2 Lattice Dirac fields and species doubling
The Dirac field is defined to be located on each lattice point and the action is
defined by
where the sum over x runs over all the lattice points. Also a1' = aft and the sum
is taken from fj, = 1 to /j, = 4. The last term in the action with the coefficient r
is called the Wilson term, and its meaning will be explained later. The metric
convention is chosen as
and the above Dirac action in the naive continuum limit a —> 0 becomes
In the naive continuum limit a —S> 0, the Wilson term with the coefficient r
vanishes. To understand the meaning of the Wilson term, we go back to the
action (9.12) with a finite a and consider the free Dirac field obtained by setting
r = 0 and II^ = 1. By performing the Fourier transformation
The propagator for the Dirac particle is given by the inverse of the factor between
•0(fe) and V-'(fc) in the momentum representation of the Lagrangian
As is well known in condensed matter theory which deals with the matters of
lattice structure, the momentum in lattice theory is defined in the fundamental
Brillouin zone
for each component specified by /K with yti = 1 ~ 4. When one considers the limit
a —> 0 in the above propagator (9.20) of the Dirac particle with all the momen-
tum components k/j, kept fixed within —n/(2a) < kfl < 7r/(2a). one obtains the
ordinary propagator in continuum theory with a mass mo
Since the components of the momentum run between — oo and oo in the con-
tinuum limit, this second propagator (9.23) also describes the propagation of a
conventional Dirac particle with massTOO. Namely, the lattice Dirac action which
was introduced to describe one Dirac particle in fact describes two physical Dirac
particles in each momentum direction when rotated back to the Minkowski met-
ric. In four-dimensional space-time there appear 24 = 16 Dirac particles alto-
gether. This phenomenon is called species doubling.
On the other hand if one keeps the Wilson term with r ^ 0 the Dirac prop-
agator in lattice theory is given by
and this propagator describes the ordinary Dirac propagator with mass m0 only
when one takes the limit a —>• 0 with all the momentum components fc,, kept
fixed within — ?r/(2o) < kp, < 7r/(2a). The propagators for other momentum
domains such as cqn (9.23) describe particles with mass of the order m<) + r/a
and thus with an infinite mass in the continuum limit. The extra particles are
thus eliminated from the physical Hilbert space in the continuum limit and the
problem associated with the species doubling is resolved.
if one sets m,Q = 0. The above action (9.25) is also confirmed to be invariant
under the transformations of the Dirac field (even with mo 7^ 0)
We define T^ for by
This algebraic property is the same as that of the four ordinary Dirac matrices
17^, and thus we can construct the above 16 independent operators from TM. For
the anti-hermitian 7^ in the present Euclidean theory, we have
which is called the physical domain, if one applies the operation (9.27) by using
where D(x,y) generally contains the gauge field and the sum runs over all the
lattice points x. The Dirac operator D(x,y) is not ultra-local in general, namely,
the operator has a non-vanishing value even at points far apart on the lattice but
we assume that the operator D(x, y) decreases exponential!}' for a large value of
where ga with a constant Q is the localization range of the Dirac operator. For a
hennltiaii 75, we assume the following hermiticity property
when we regard D(x,y) as a matrix specified by the raw indices x arid column
indices y. In lattice theory the operator D contains both kinetic and (generalized)
mass terms, and the operator can be hermitian only after being multiplied by
75; this property is shared with the continuum Euclidean Dirac theory with a
mass term.
The recent progress in the treatment of the lattice Dirac operator is based
on the operator which satisfies the algebraic relation
for a massless Dirac field. An explicit construction of the lattice Dirac operator
which satisfies this algebraic relation will be discussed later.
Here we discuss the general characteristic properties of the operator D, which
are implied by the algebraic relation (9.38). We analyze all the possible finite-
dimensional representations of the algebraic relation (9.38) by considering a her-
mitian operator
The relation corresponding to k — 0 is commonly called the Ginsparg-Wilson relation. We
can discuss the algebraic properties and chiral anomaly for all these operators in a uniform
with the summation running over all the lattice points. If Xn = 0. these relations
imply that H(j)n = 0 and thus H(j56n) = 0. namely, one has
Since the eigenvalue An of the hermitian operator H is real, the state <j>n satis-
fies the "highest state" condition familiar in the representation of the angular
only if 1 — (a\n)2 = 0. Here we used the fact that the inner product in Euclidean
theory is positive definite. We thus understand that the states tf>n with \n = ±l/o
do not give rise to paired states by the operation T^(j>n in general. We also see
from eqn (9.49) that these states are the simultaneous eigenstates
of 7,5. By using the relation valid for the states with
Finally, the states with 0 < |An < I/a always appear pairwise as
and satisfy the relation
where <£>_-„ stands for the state with eigenvalue —Xn, and we note the relation
FsCFsaC) = [1 - (aXn)2(2k+ind).T, oc <£„. Since 0 < |aAJ < 1, these states
cannot be the eigenstates of
On the other hand, the relation tr~/5 = 0 generally holds on a finite lattice,
and it implies
where in the last line we used the fact that all the states with Xn ^ 0 except for
those with \n = ±l/a appear pairwise with positive and negative eigenvalues
±|A n | and thus cancel in the summation. Here N± respectively stands for the
number of states §n with eigenvalues \n = ±l/a and 75<pn = ±<pn- in this way
we conclude the chirality sum rule
This relation shows that the chiral asymmetry n+ — n_ in the eigcnstates with
zero eigenvalue is always balanced by the chiral asymmetry N+ — N- in the
states with the largest eigenvalues |A n | = I/a for the operator satisfying the
Ginsparg-Wilson relation.
The analysis in this section is valid both for Abelian as well as for non-Abeliau
theories. As for the boundary condition, we assumed the periodic condition for
simplicity, but the analysis is valid for more general boundary conditions when-
ever there appear non-trivial zero eigenstates. The analysis of the index (i.e.,
the difference n+ — ri_ of eigenstates with vanishing eigenvalue) in this section
is formal, since it is shown that the index or the chiral anomaly is not uniquely
specified by the Ginsparg-Wilsoii relation alone. We shall show this property
later in the present chapter.
To summarize the analysis of this section, the normalized eigcnstates of
7oD = H/a on a finite lattice arc classified into the following three categories:
(i) ri± states;
(iii) The remaining states 0 < |A n | < I/a (paired states):
where the operator D satisfies the Ginsparg Wilson relation (9.38) and the gauge
field is treated as the c-number background field. The action in the exponent
is invariant under the generalized chiral transformation with an infinitesimal
constant parameter
by omitting the sum (or integral) over the coordinates in the formula for the
index. The trace tr here stands for the sum over the Dirac and Yang-Mills
indices. Since the local version of the index is insensitive to the precise boundary
condition, we consider the infinite lattice limit L — Na —> oo in the following
analysis of the index. (The limit N —> oo is in any case required in the continuum
We now consider the continuum limit a —> 0 in eqn (9.65), which corresponds
to a "naive" continuum limit in lattice gauge theory. We first note that
where the operator is well-regularized by f ( x ) , and thus one can use the plane
waves for the Dirac fields to evaluate this trace and in this way one can extract
the gauge field dependence of a local version of the index.
The basic momentum domain for the hypercubic lattice is defined by the
Brillouin zone (9.21)
We also assume that the operator D blows up as ~ I/a for small a in the
momentum domain of species doublets, namely, the operator D is free of species
doublcrs. See eqn (9.20) for species doublets. (An explicit construction of D of
this property is given later.) Consequently, in the limit a —5- 0 with, for example,
where we first considered the limit a —>• 0 with the momentum variables k^ fixed
in — L < ku < L, and then took the limit L —t oo. This procedure is justified
if the integral is well convergent.51 In this calculation we also assumed that the
(difference) operator D in the limit a -> 0 satisfies
for an arbitrary fixed momentum fc;,,, —vr/(2a) < ktl < ?r/(2a), and for an arbi-
trary smooth function h(x). The function h(x) in the present calculation corre-
sponds to the gauge potential. The gauge potential is thus assumed to be smooth
and vary very little over the distances of the basic lattice spacing a. We shall
show that the explicit example of D given by Neuberger (and its generalizations)
in fact satisfies all these conditions in eqri (9.114) later.
In this way we arrive at the same formula as in Chapter 5. The formula (9.64)
combined with eqn (9.72) and eqn (5.104) gives
in the limit M —> oo. The index theorem in the presence of topologically non-
trivial gauge fields and the chiral anomaly in the continuum are thus recovered. It
is important to recognize that we used only the general properties of the operator
D, namely, the existence of a hcrmitiaii 75!) which satisfies the Ginsparg-Wilson
relation with a smooth continuum limit a —>• 0 without producing the species
doublers. This analysis shows that the chiral Jacobian (9.62) in lattice gauge
theory contains the correct chiral anomaly. (We however implicitly assumed that
the index defined in lattice theory does not change in the process of taking the
continuum limit.) A direct evaluation of the Jacobian for the Neuberger operator
will be given later.
We would like to add a comment on the present analysis of the index. The
relation Tr7s = 0 contains important information about the Hilbert space in
lattice gauge theory. In the perturbative calculation of the chiral anomaly in
To be precise, we are dealing wi
f~^ /(2 dx fa(x) where fa(x) depends on the parameter a. (The generalization to four-
dimensional integrals is straightforward.) Consequently, we need to show that both
lim a _Kj/£/ a dx fa(x) and lim a _j,o J_^/(2 a ) ^x f&(x) cari ^e made arbitrarily small for
large L. The integral we encounter in lattice gauge theory generally has a .structure
\ii^^of"ff$a-)dxe~3in2aX/(a2M''i) = ^mr^oo/^^e-^^ 2 and the convergence con-
dition is satisfied for the choice f(x) = e~x. Note that J^/(2a) dxtTsin2 ax/(a2M2) <•
J^ a dxe~c x IM for a sufficiently small constant c, and the right-hand side goes to
zero for a ->• 0 and then L -> oo. Incidentally, we have Iim0.^0 f^/ffi dx e"1/1"2^1'2'1 =
7r 0; e 1 l <1 M
a_>o( / ) ^ '' - •* = 0 for the momentum domain of the would-be species doublers be-
cause of our assumption about the property of the operator D, which was used in eqn (9.70).
lattice gauge theory one usually assumes the relation Tr7g = 0. In this case, the
in the physical Hilbert space with the species doublers excluded, which agrees
with the continuum analysis.
9.5 The operator D satisfying the Ginsparg—Wilson relation
An explicit form of the operator D, which satisfies the Ginsparg-Wilson rela-
tion (9.38) with k = 0, has been given by Neuberger and it has the form
but the mass term is chosen as mo —* rn^/a and the signature of the Wilson
term is reversed. Namely,
It has been proven that the operator D thus constructed satisfies the locality
condition in the sense of eqn (9.36) for sufficiently smooth gauge field configura-
tions, though we do not give the proof here. One way to specify the smoothness
of gauge fields is to impose the so-called admissibility condition
on lattice gauge fields, where \\O\\ is the operator norm and e is a certain small
fixed number. This condition divides the space of lattice gauge fields into topo-
logical sectors; the index (9.63) takes a well-defined value for each topological
sector. The necessity of such a restriction on gauge field configurations is thus
suggested by the consideration of the index theorem (9.63) also.
The chiral Jacobian (9.62) in the preceding section is given for this operator
The conventional calculation of this Jacobian and the chiral anomaly in lattice
gauge theory proceeds as
where we used the relation Tr75 = 0 valid on a finite lattice. The local version
of the index (i.e., the chiral anomaly) is given by
where the trace runs over the Dirac and Yang-Mills indices. The factor D\y x
rD I D — is a phase factor, and its behavior in the continuum limit is somewhat
V w W
subtle. But this calculation illustrates an interesting aspect of the lattice calcu-
lation, and we present its details below.
9.5.1 Explicit lattice evaluation of the chiral Jacobian
We first note
We then move the plane wave Klkx/a through the operator to the left-hand side
of the operator. For the Wilson operator, we have the identity
where f(x) is a smooth function, and the operators QM and R are defined by
and thus
Secondly, the trace over Dirac indices requires at least four gamma matrices; see
eqn (5.24). Also it is sufficient to retain terms to the magnitude O(ai) in the
After some rearrangements, we have
where the equality holds in the limit a —i 0. The coefficient J(mo,r) is given by
the integral
By comparison with our previous result (9.74), one expects that I(mo,r) = 1 if
the Dirac operator D is free from species doubling, namely, for 0 < mo/r < 1
as will be explained in the next subsection. We now confirm this expectation by
evaluating /(mo,r) explicitly.
We first change the integration variables from fcM to
and split the Brillouin zone (9.85) into -vr/2 < k,L < K/2 and vr/2 <kll< 3?r/2
in each direction. We thus split B into 24 = 16 domains. Then we have
The four quantities e^ which assume the values cfl = ±1 specify the 16 domains
in the Brillouin zone and we sum the contributions from those 16 domains.
One can see that the integrand becomes singular near s2p ~ 0 only when a = 0,
2. 4, 6 and 8. Therefore, by fixing a avoiding these values, we may consider the
r —> 0 limit as a convenient limit of parameters. It is shown that the r —> 0 limit
of eqn (9.99) is given by first taking the r —> 0 limit in the integrand and then
taking the r —>• 0 limit of the integration domain.52 Therefore, we have
To show this, we first divide the integration domain [— 1/r, 1/r] into a four-dimensional
cylinder of size L with L < 1/r, C(L) = Ss x [-L, L], and the remaining part R(L).
The radius of S'3 is L and the direction of the cylinder is taken along the /^-direction
of the numerator of eqn (9.99). If the r —f 0 limit of the integral over R(L) vanishes
for L —j- oo, lim^-joo lim,—>o I(cvr,r)\R(L<f — 0, our assertion that lim,,_s.o I(ar, r) =
limi.-j.oo linv—x) '(o"v)lc(Z,) holds. Now, one can see tha,t \l(oir,r)\R^L) is bounded by a
linear combination of
kept fixed, and then consider the continuum limit by letting 2r/a, m 0 /a -> oo.
This two-step procedure is known to simplify perturbative calculations in the
lattice theory defined by the Wilson operator.
and fL ' /T dp f_L dz with the same integrand. After performing the integration over p, these
integrals are bounded by
and applying the operators Tn, n = 0 ~ 15, defined in eqns (9.28) and (9.29).
We first observe that the relation for Dw in cqn (9.79)
holds in the continuum limit a —> 0 for any fixed k/j in the domain
kp. < 7r/(2a) and fixed MO = —mo/a and for a sufficiently smooth h(x). We next
where we used the fact that @ = 7^CM in eqn (9.79) and Tn commute. The
second term on the right-hand side of (Dw)n gives the mass term generated by
the Wilson term for a -> 0 with &M kept fixed in — 7r/(2a) < &M < 7r/(2a). If one
recalls the momentum representation of DW with the vanishing gauge field
for n = 1 ~ 15. We indicate inside the brackets of eqri (9.109) the (multiplicity,
chiral charge) of the would-be species doublers for each mass parameter. For
example, Mn = 2r/a — mo/a appears four times with the chiral charge —1.
These multiplicities and chiral charges appear as the coefficients in cqn (9.103).
Consequently, the value of (Dw)n (9.107) in the continuum limit a -» 0 is
given by
namely 0 < mo < 2r, one can show that eqn (9.112) gives rise to
for any k^ fixed in —7r/(2a) < /% < 7r/(2a) in the limit a—>• 0 now with IT and
mo kept fixed. In the last expression we chose the parameters as 0 < 2mo =
1 < 4r. The property (9.114) provides sufficient information to prove the index
theorem (9.74) in the preceding section.
These considerations, namely, the explicit evaluation of the Jacobian and the
present analysis of the continuum limit show that the Ginsparg-Wilson relation
by itself does not fix the coefficient of the chiral anomaly uniquely, since the
Ginsparg- Wilson relation (9.38) with k = 0 is satisfied independently of the
details of the hermitian operator H\y in eqn (9.77), whereas the chiral anomaly
depends on the details of HW- For example, if one chooses mo < 0 then MO > 0
and thus 70~1D'7o ~ I/a, and the chiral anomaly vanishes. See eqn (9.103).
When one imposes the condition 0 < mo < 2r which ensures only the physical
species in D and the absence of species doublers. the chiral anomaly is uniquely
In passing, we would like to briefly explain the construction of the solution
for eqn (9.38) with general k. We first note that the condition (9.38) is equivalent
to the two relations
which has the same form as eqn (9.38) with the simplest choice k = 0. One can
thus construct the solution following eqn (9.77) as
where we denned
by using eqri (9.79). One may thus define the Dirac operator H by
in the representation where H(2k+i) is diagonal. If one chooses 0 < m 0 < 2r and
one obtains a lattice Dirac operator which is free of species doublers and gives
the correct Dirac operator iSfi in the (naive) continuum limit. The general Dirac
operator thus constructed gives the correct index theorem and chiral anomaly
as was shown in Section 9.4. But the locality condition (9.36) for k / 0 has not
been proved though we expect the locality of D for a sufficiently smooth weak
background gauge field, since the locality for the vanishing gauge field is proved
by an explicit analysis of D in the momentum representation.
where AT± in eqn (9.56) stands for the number of states with eigenvalues
with 756n = ±<pn- Also we explained the index relation
for the trace Tr constrained to the physical Hilbert space, and that this index
relation has a smooth continuum limit a. —>• 0 as was discussed in eqn (9.72).
This phenomenon is the same as the behavior of the index discussed for the
phase operator of the photon in Section 3.5. Namely, the index vanishes Tr 75 =
in the truncated Hilbert space, but a non-trivial index generally appears after
the elimination of the cut-off.
The Dirac field exists only on the lattice point in a discretized theory such as
the lattice theory, and thus it is not obvious if the notion of index in the Atiyah-
Singer index theorem is rigorously defined. The Atiyah-Singer index theorem is
valid for a continuum Dirac equation with non-Abelian gauge fields defined on,
for example, the smooth compact four-dimensional space such as the 4-sphere S4.
The analysis of the index in this chapter shows that one can formulate the index
theorem in the continuum limit of the lattice Dirac operator for sufficiently
smooth gauge fields, and that the result is confirmed by detailed perturbative
and non-perturbativc calculations. In this sense, the notion of the index theorem
is valid on the lattice also.
The notion of the index is somewhat subtle on the lattice, but the treatment of
the Jacobian in the lattice path integral is based on well-defined finite quantities
only. One can thus analyze the chiral Jacobian and the anomaly on the basis of
mathematically well-defined quantities.
by using D which satisfies the Ginsparg-Wilson relation (9.38), one can confirm
•yj? = 1 by using eqn (9.115). One can thus define the projection operators
One can also confirm that the operator satisfying the Ginsparg-Wilson rela-
tion (9.38) is decomposed into left- and right-handed components as
where Xa, a = 1 ~ 9, standing for the Gell-Mann matrices of flavor SU(3) and
the unit matrix, which express the flavor freedom of three light quarks. In this
construction, the states N± in eqn (9.56) are automatically eliminated by the
presence of the operator r 5 .
The chiral theory which breaks parity such as the Wcinberg-Salam theory is
defined by the Lagrangian03
However this eigenvalue equation is gauge covariant as are all the quantities
in the gauge invariant lattice regularization. To accommodate the gauge non-
covariant quantities such as a consistent form of anomaly, one defines the path
integral in a specific topological sector specified by M by
are suitable linear combinations of {(/)„,} and {4>\,}-, respectively; wn oc P-6n and
wn K-<j>llP+. See also eqn (9.52). The measure factor 7?^ stands for the Jacobian
for the transformation from the ideal bases {vn} and {vn}, which automatically
ensure the Wess- Zumino intcgrability condition, to the bases specified by // and
thus <&M crucially depends on the ideal bases.54 In practice, the ideal bases are
Note that the basic lattice operator D ( x , y ) is always vector-like and we do not define the
generators T° (1 — 75)/2 for SU(2)]J, for example. We define the chiral theory by the projection
operators P_ and P+.
°4The measure factor is thus chosen to be a constant for the ideal bases.
not given explicitly and one determines the measure factor by imposing several
physical conditions.
The lattice path integral (9.131) corresponds to the formulation of the covari-
ant anomaly in continuum theory in eqn (6.75). When one considers the change
of fermionic variables which corresponds to the gaug_e transformations (including
the U(l) phase transformation), -0 -» 1/1' and t/5 ->• '<//, the expansion coefficients
with the fixed basis vectors are transformed as {an} —>• {a'n} and {an} —» {a'n}-
Since the naming of path integral variables does riot matter, one obtains the
In this form of identity, the Jacobian of the path integral measure gives a lat-
tice version of the covariant anomaly and the variation of the action gives the
divergence of the covariant current.
As an important application of this derivation of the anomaly, one can calcu-
late the gauge invariant ferrnion number anomaly in chiral gauge theory. When
one considers the fermion number transformation with a constant a
the Jacobian is given by (by noting that both of (1 — 7s)/2 and (1 + 7s)/2 are
projection operators)
which shows that there appears an asymmetry between the number of freedoms
Tr(l — 7s)/2 describing the particle ibi, and the number of freedoms Tr(l + 7s)/2
describing the anti-particle 4'L- We also used the index in eqn (9.63). There
thus appears an asymmetry between fermions and anti-fermions proportional
to the index when one defines chiral fermions on the lattice. As was discussed
in Chapter 6, the fermion number is not conserved in chiral gauge theory in
the presence of the instantori background. The proton can thus decay in the
Weinberg Salam theory. The fermion number anomaly is naturally built-in in
the present lattice formulation of chiral gauge theory.
If one performs the simultaneous gauge transformation of the link variables U
in the above path integral ZM(U) (9.134), the action becomes invariant but one
needs to take into account the variation of the measure factor MM induced by the
gauge transformation of U. This variation S'&M converts the covariant anomaly
given by the Jacobian to a lattice form of consistent anomaly, which is one of the
requirements on the measure factor. In the theory with an anomaly-free gauge
group, the measure factor should completely cancel the non-vanishing Jacobian
arising from the lattice artifacts. Unlike the continuum theory, the Jacobian in
lattice theory does not vanish completely even for an anomaly-free gauge group
for a finite lattice spacing a. The current associated to ST^M should be local
and satisfy several other requirements: The existence proof of such a measure
factor $M amounts to a definition of lattice chiral gauge theory.
The construction of the path integral measure with the desired measure factor
for chiral non-Abelian gauge theory has not been given yet, and interested readers
are referred to the references at the end of this book.
This action except for the last mass term is invariant under a global chiral
and we define 7^ = e%ik, and Gab = (—1, —1, • • • , -1). In this case, the most
general Dirac operator (see eqn (B.3))
When this operator acts on the Dirac field itself which carries no Minkowski
indices, the generator of general coordinate transformation U® is set to 0.
We define a complete orthoiiormal set
to define the path integral measure, and expand the field variables as
If one defines the path integral measure by using weight 1/2 variables such as
•tp — (gY^tp-, we have
The first equality in this identity expresses the fact that the path integral itself is
independent of the naming of integration variables, and the transition from the
first line to the last line expresses the result of expanding the action in powers of
the infinitesimal parameter a(x) combined with the evaluation of the Jacobian.
We also defined
When one uses the notation J(a) = cxp[-2i J dZnx v/ga(x)^45(x)], the chiral
identity is written as
We thus need to evaluate A&(x). We obtain the master formula for the quan-
tum anomaly by using the gauge invariant mode cut-off with the simple regulator
just as the case in flat space-time. The trace here runs over the spinor and
Yang -Mills indices. We next notice the following formula55
Here -ft""lMJ, stands for the Riemann-Christoffel curvature tensor. By using the
symmetry properties of the curvature tensor, one can further rewrite
7" commutes with Dp. if one uses the metric condition (B.17).
We then set
and treat y]Jl as coordinate variables. The actual calculation is performed for an
infinitesimal r/ M and y^ is set y^ —>• 0 after the calculation. If one defines
a,nd the desired result is obtained by setting j/M to 0 after the calculation. We here
replaced 5(x, x') in the neighborhood of XQ by the ^-function in a flat space-time,
which is justified in the present calculation of the chiral anomaly. It is possible
to perform the calculation (10.24) directly, but to derive the result for arbitrary
space-time dimensions in a simple way we set
and take the large M limit simultaneously as setting y11 to 0. When one expands
various variables in powers in y^/M one obtains
where to simplify the calculations we used the fact that the relations such as
9a9ii.v(%o) = 0 and A™n(x0) = 0 hold in the present choice of coordinates and
that the final result depends on quantities anti-symmetric with respect to the
indices fj, and v (the symmetric components are eliminated by using the gauge
freedom). We thus have
If one rescales fc^ —> Mk^ in the master formula (10.24), the chiral anomaly
is written as
where we used the fact that only the terms with n-th powers in aab /M2 survive at
the end since only those terms which are larger than or equal to (l/M) 2n with at
least In 7-matrices survive at the end. In the derivation of this formula, we elim-
inated various terms at intermediate stages, for example, the terms (1/4M2)J?
and (IjM)A^(x^ + y»/M')Ta in eqn (10.27) were omitted in eqn (10.28). These
terms do not carry a sufficient number of 7-matrices relative to the powers in
1/M. It is confirmed that these eliminated terms do not modify the final result
of the chiral anomaly to be given later.
When one defines
in the above final formula for the anomaly (10.28), RVfl/M'2 can be treated
as quantities commuting with each other; the commutator of two Rvff/M'2's
increases the powers in 1/M but it does riot increase the number of 7 matrices.
Similarly, RV^/M2 and F/M2 are treated as quantities that commute with each
other. Consequently, the master formula is also written as
with y^ as a variable conjugate to p^, and we define the time evolution operator
as in Chapter 2. After a Legendre transformation, we define a path integral of
the first quantization for a unit time interval
The path integral measure is then expressed in terms of the expansion coef-
where we defined
If one performs the path integral over 6^ and then a%, one obtains
and the determinant in eqn (10.37) is defined with respect to these indices. We
also used the orthogonal property56
Em=i A(n,m)A(l,m) = 4 £)^_ 0 / 0 drcfrr' sin 2mrr cos m?rT sin 2!7rr'cos mirr' = Sn.i
where we extend the sum over odd integers m to the sum over all the integers m by using
JQ dr sin 2ri7TT cos 2m7rr = 0.
siiih x =
where n±, respectively, stand for the number of normalizable solutions with
the vanishing eigenvalue flipfl(x) — 0 and jzn+i'-Pn = ±¥>n- We here used
f d2nx ^fg(p\(x)^n+\(pi(x) = 0 for A; / 0. This relation (10.43) gives a gen-
eralization of the Atiyah Singer index theorem.
If one recalls the following definitions in the formula (10.42)
the term with the rt-th power in aab /M2 combined with tr 72,^1 gives the final
explicit result of the chiral anomaly in 2n-dimcnsional space-time.
From the expansion of sinhx/x one recogni/es that the chiral U(l) anomaly
with the gravitational field appears only in d = 4fc (k = 1, 2, • • • ) dimensional
space-time. In contrast the chiral anomaly with the gauge field F appears in
arbitrary even-dimensional space-time. For example, in four-dimensional space-
time, the contribution of the gravitational field to the identity (10.14) in QED-
type theory is written as
where the remaining trace is over the Yang-Mills indices. When one extracts
2n-forms from this formula by noting
The Einstein equation for the quantized Dirac field is written as (see Ap-
pendix B)
where (T^v(x)} stands for the energy-momentum tensor generated by the quan-
tized Dirac field. This (Tllv(x)} with a correct normalization is given by
We now analyze the symmetry properties of the quantized (TnV(x)}. Since the
action S = f d4x ^/g.C is invariant under the local Lorentz and general coordinate
transformations (see Appendix B), we have
where the first equality expresses the fact that the path integral itself is inde-
pendent of the naming of integration variables, and the transition from the first
expression to the last one depends on the evaluation of the Jacobian and the
invariance of the action. When one writes an infinitesimal transformation of the
vicrbein as eJA = eA + JeA and retains the lowest-order term in <5e A . one obtains
the identitv
If the Jacobian (i.e., the quantum anomaly) for the local Lorentz transformation
does not vanish, the symmetric property of the left-hand side of the Einstein
equation (10.51) and the anti-symmetric components of the energy-momentum
tensor generated by the chiral Dirac field on the right-hand side are not compat-
ible with each other.
An infinitesimal form of general coordinate transformations is given by
but to deal with the energy-momentum tensor, which is not symmetric in general,
in a natural manner we consider a more general coordinate transformation
where Dv is the covariant derivative and thus satisfies the metric condition
D,,e% = 0. See Appendix B. Namely, we consider a combination of the general
coordinate transformation and the local Loreritz transformation which contains
the spin connection as a parameter
one concludes
since ^(x) is arbitrary. If one combines this identity with the fact that the
anti-symmetric parts of Tvp,(x) satisfy the identity for the Lorentz transforma-
tion (10.58), the symmetric components T,swi(x) satisfy
We then expand
where we ignored the phase factor which appears as the Jacobian for the change
of variables from ip and il> to their expansion coefficients. This phase factor,
which does not appear in vector-like theory, is important in the present chiral
theory when one analyzes the consistent form of anomalies. Since we evaluate
the covariant form of anomalies, we can ignore this phase factor in the present
The Jacobian for the local Lorentz transformation
is given by
where we sum over all the eigenvalues (negative as well as positive and 0 eigen-
values) in the last expression of cqn (10.72).
Similarly, the Jacobian for the general coordinate transformation (by denning
is given by
where we sum over all the eigenvalues in the last expression. An important prop-
erty of this last expression is that a spurious gravitational anomaly which does
not contain 72n+i is automatically eliminated as a result of the use of integration
variables •</> = (g)l/4ip with the weight factor (fl) 1//4 . (See Appendix B.)
In this way, the quantum anomalies for the local Lorentz and general coor-
dinate transformations are respectively given by
where we choose the simple regulator function e x. These two anomalies are
related to each other in the following manner (by omitting to write the explicit
regulator e~x^/M and by noting
This relation shows that the anomaly for general coordinate transformations for
the Dirac field is automatically obtained once one can evaluate the local Lorentz
It is known that the anomaly for local Lorentz transformations exists only
in d = (4tk + 2)-dimcnsional space-time. An intuitive way to understand this
fact is to decompose the d = (4k + 2)-dimensional space-time as a product of
d = 2-dimensional and d = 4/fc-dimensional space-times
the local Lorentz anomaly A12 is decomposed into a product of the two-dimen-
sional Weyl anomaly (generated by 1) and the 2(n — l)-dimcnsional gravitational
chiral U(l) anomaly. As was explained in Section 7.6, the Weyl anomaly appears
in two-dimensional space-time and the gravitational U(l) anomaly exists only in
d = 4&-dimensional space-time as was explained in Section 10.3. Consequently,
one can at least intuitively understand that the local Lorentz anomaly exists
only in d = (4k + 2)-dimensional space-time.
and this expression agrees with (—z/4)e m ™ times the Weyl anomaly in two-
dimensional space-time discussed in Chapter 7. By using the result of the Weyl
anomaly in Section 7.6 (the gauge field does not contribute to the Weyl anomaly
in two dimensions) and the relation between the Lorentz anomaly and general
coordinate anomalies (10.76), we obtain
where we used
In the space-time of general dimensions, one can use for example the heat
kernel method to obtain the explicit results of gravitational anomalies by a gen-
eralization of eqn (10.19) but the actual calculations are very involved. As for the
anomaly of general coordinate transformations, a calculational scheme for general
space-time dimensions is known. This method is based on the formula (10.74) in
the preceding section which is written as
and the following rules based on this expression: The Dirac matrix 72^+1 m this
formula is denned in d = 2n = (4.k + 2)-dimensional space-time, but one may
formally regard it as 72n+3 multiplied by <r"m
and we retain only the terms linear in £^ and multiply the. result by 2-iri. In
this way one finally obtains the gravitational anomaly ^A^x) in cqn (10.81).
From this rule, one can understand that the anomaly for the general coordinate
transformations appear only in d = (4k + 2)-dimensional space-time. (This rule
also shows that the mixed anomaly of gravitational and gauge fields appears in
more general 2n-dimeiisional space-time.)
An intuitive understanding of the rule (10.84) is obtained if one recalls the
evaluation of the gravitational chiral U(l) anomaly in eqns (10.19) and (10.30).
If one indicates the two extra dimensions by a tilde, one can write the covariant
derivative as
where we assumed that there is no spin connection with mixed indices such as
Apmn- We also assume that the spinor field and the spin connection depend
only on the first 2n — (4fc + 2)-dimensional coordinates. If one considers that
Aiann(x) = £/j,mn(%) as an infinitesimal quantity, and expands the formula (10.19)
in powers of Al2.7jlfl(x) and retains the term linear in AllT-nn(x), one obtains the
formula (10.81) if one takes into account the numerical constant factor properly.
This gives an intuitive understanding of the above rule (10.84).
The rule (10.84) in fact reproduces the gravitational anomaly in d=4k+2=
2 dimensions, which was obtained in eqn (10.80) by using a different method.
For this case, one starts with the gravitational chiral U(l) anomaly in d = 4,
and according to eqns (10.83) and (10.45). when
In this book we have discussed the basic ideas of quantum anomalies and their
applications in the path integral formulation of quantum field theory. The first
quantum anomaly was discovered in the detailed analysis of triangle Feynman
diagrams. In this sense, the triangle diagram has a special meaning in four-
dimensional space-time (in d = 2n dimensional space-time, the (n + l)-gon di-
agrams have a special meaning). We have explained that all the known (local)
quantum anomalies are formulated as the non-trivial Jacobians associated with
the symmetry transformations of integration variables in the path integral for-
mulation of field theory. Namely, the path integral measure (or the quantization
procedure itself) breaks some classical symmetries. In this sense we have given
an answer to the question of what is the quantum anomaly. In particular, the re-
cent demonstration that the chiral anomaly in lattice gauge theory is formulated
as the Jacobian for chiral transformations has given additional support for this
view of quantum anomalies. At the same time we have also explained that the
quantum anomalies are characterized by anomalous commutation relations (or
central extensions in commutation relations) in the operator formalism. In either
case,. one has to go beyond the naive canonical formulation (or its straightfor-
ward path integral transcription) to accommodate quantum anomalies in local
field theory.
We have thus learned that various characterizations of quantum anomalies arc
possible. One might still ask if a more intuitive and elementary characterization
of quantum anomalies is possible. In the following, we briefly describe such an
elementary characterization.
We first recall the fact that quantum anomalies are closely related to diver-
gences but a careful analysis shows that they arc perfectly finite and independent
of divergences. In this sense the presence of an infinite number of degrees of free-
dom is essential for the anomaly.
For example, in the representation which diagonalizes 75 we have
and the chiral anomaly in a naive interaction picture corresponds to the evalua-
tion of oscillating infinite series
The value of this infinite series generally depends on how to sum the series. In
the evaluation of chiral anomaly in the present book we evaluated this series as
by using the complete basis set {ipn(x)} for a Dirac operator lf>. The basis set
plays a fundamental role to give a definite value to the oscillating scries. We thus
understand that the quantum anomaly is located in the border of divergence
and convergence. In the case of a finite or absolutely convergent series the sum
is uniquely given, and thus there is no freedom to control the sum of the series
by a choice of the basis set. This shows that the quantum anomaly is closely
related to the presence of infinite degrees of freedom.58 In connection with the
phase operator of the photon discussed in Chapter 3, we also explained that the
infinite-dimensional space spanned by the creation operator of a bosonic particle
gives rise to the notion of index and provides important information.
As another characteristic feature of quantum anomalies, we observe the com-
petition of gauge symmetry and chiral symmetry in the chiral anomaly, for ex-
ample, and we observe the competition of gauge symmetry (including general
coordinate transformations) and Weyl symmetry in the Weyl anomaly. This is
reminiscent of a certain kind of "uncertainty relation." For example, the fact
that we cannot diagonalize 75 and Tf> simultaneously is closely related to the ap-
pearance of the chiral anomaly. To diagonalize lf> implies that we impose gauge
invariance, and in this case the relation
°8The presence of tke-notion of index on-the finite lattice does not contradict this view. We
have Tr75 = N+ + n+ — N— — n_ = 0 on the finite lattice. We find a non-vanishing index
TrFo = n+ — n _ only when we use a modified operator FS which projects out the freedom N±.
See Chapter 9.
which gives both of the explicit breaking of chiral symmetry by the mass term and
the quantum breaking of chiral symmetry by the anomaly. In the last step of the
calculation, however, we need to specify how to sum the series in increasing order
of the magnitudes of eigenvalues Xn (as a rather weak form of regularization).
Similarly, when one defines the generator of the Weyl transformation formally
by w, one has
and thus for the Dirac operator $> = 7ae^(a;)[3^ - (i / 2) Af aat> - igA^} defined
in a slightly curved space-time, one has
by noting [w,A^] = 0. namely, the gauge fields are Weyl scalars. The average of
the right-hand side of this commutation relation in the flat space-time limit as
in eqii (11-5) gives
where the last result is obtained as in eqn (7.48) by applying a suitable cut-off
in terms of the eigenvalues of ]/) and retaining only the connected components as
the operator. We thus correctly evaluate both of the explicit breaking of Weyl
symmetry by the mass term arid the quantum breaking of Weyl symmetry by
the anomaly.
These examples illustrate that we can understand (certain aspects of) the
quantum anomalies as a kind of uncertainty relation originating from the fact
that two basic operators are not simultaneously diagonalized.
We now briefly comment on several other topics related to quantum anoma-
lies which we did not discuss in the body of the book. We have so far concentrated
on the explicit evaluation of Jacobians in the path integral. There are elegant
We start with the, relation (see also the Chern character in Chapter 10)
We note that
by recalling the definition of ^/(U, A, F) and the gauge invariance of tr Fn+l. For
an infinitesimal a (a;), we have
where Aa(A. F) gives the gauge anomaly in eqn (6.140) (or eqn (6.136) in the
case d = 4) written in form notation. The Wess-Zumino term is then written as
where L^ = La^(x)Ta stands for the gauge field belonging to SU(2). We impose
the boundary condition on the allowed set of gauge transformations U(\x =
oo) = 1. The Euclidean space-time is then regarded as the compact S4. The
chiral SU(2) gauge theory is anomaly-free for a gauge transformation which
is smoothly connected to the identity, as we already explained. However, it is
known that the homotopy from the space-time S4 to the group manifold of SU(2)
is given by
and thus there are two kinds of "large" gauge transformations: one is smoothly
connected to the identity and the other is a non-trivial one which is not smoothly
connected to the identity. The non-trivial one applied twice is reduced to the
trivial one which is smoothly connected to the identity. Because of 7r/i(SU(3)) = 0,
the non-trivial gauge transformation in SU(2) when embedded in SU(3) is now
smoothty connected to the identity.
We thus formally extend the SU(2) gauge theory to an SU(3) theory by
enlarging the SU(2) doublet ib to the SU(3) triplet ip, but the gauge field L0^ still
couples to only the generators of SU(2). The non-trivial gauge transformation
in SU(2), which we denote by g, is embedded in SU(3) in the form
where g is a 2 x 2 matrix. When one varies the gauge transformation from the
identity to g, the gauge transformation assumes values in SU(3) in the intermedi-
ate stages. In the definition of the Wess Zumino term, the gauge transformation
assumes the specific value g at the boundary of the disc D. We then consider
the gauge transformation
The path integral over all the possible gauge field configurations thus gives
rise to the result
where we adopt the path integral prescription to take a sum over the (large)
gauge freedom associated with Zi. Note that the path integral is invariant un-
der an ordinary SU(2) gauge transformation which is smoothly connected to the
identity, and thus the ordinary gauge transformation is gauge fixed in a conven-
tional manner when one performs the path integral over the gauge field with
the Yang-Mills action added. The path integral of a single chiral SU(2) dou-
blet thus has no physical meaning, which was first pointed out by Witten. In the
Wcinberg-Salam theory we have an even number (= 4) of SU(2) doublets in each
generation by counting lepton and quark multiplets, and thus the above phase
factor (11.21) becomes unity and the difficulty associated with the global SU(2)
anomaly does not appear. A detailed analysis of the global SU(2) anomaly re-
quires some mathematical background, and we give references and a monograph
on this subject at the end of the present book.
The anomaly cancellation in superstriiig theory is another important subject
which we did not discuss in this book. This issue was analyzed by Green and
Schwarz to show the existence of quantum mechanically consistent superstriiig
theory. The basic idea and the machinery to analyze this problem are explained
in the present book, but a concrete analysis of this problem requires further
detailed knowledge of gravitational anomalies. It is also interesting to evaluate
the quantum anomalies directly in superstring theory, and interested readers are
referred to references given at the end of the present book.
We did not discuss supersymmetry and associated quantum anomalies, which
are subjects of great interest among particle physicists recently. When one con-
siders supersymmetric theory in terms of its component fields, all the evaluations
of quantum anomalies are performed by the methods given in the present book.
However, some of quantum anomalies which appear to be independent of each
other are often related to each other in the framework of supersymmetric the-
ory. To understand such a relation it is necessary to generalize the calculational
schemes in this book to evaluate the quantum anomalies in the superfield for-
mulation. It is in fact known that the anomalies can be evaluated as non-trivial
Jacobians in the path integral formulation in superspacc. Interested readers are
referred to the references at the end of the present book.
quantum effects) of the theory thus constructed. This is the reason why the gauge
principle (and gauge theory) is so powerful and useful.
In the present example the gauge transformation is composed as
namely, following the rules of addition. The gauge group thus forms an Abelian
U(l) group, and for this reason the electromagnetic field A^ is called an Abelian
gauge field.
In general, one can introduce the gauge field consistently for an arbitrary
compact group and the gauge field associated with a non-Abelian group is called
the Yang-Mills field.
The name of the covariant derivative comes from the fact that D^(x) is
in the same manner as the original field ijj(x) under the gauge transformation.
The electromagnetic field strength tensor is generally defined as the "curvature"
by using the covariant derivative. From this definition one can understand that
the electromagnetic field strength is gauge invariant
We employ the £ gauge condition (3.52) and also write the Faddeev Popov fields
explicitly, though they are not essential in the present Abelian theory. The inte-
gral over the Dirac field is defined by the left derivative in terms of Grassmaim
numbers. Following Schwinger we introduce the ordinary c-number source Jli(x)
for the gauge field A^ and the Grassmann number sources fj(x) and 77(0;) for
Dirac fields. When one writes the action appearing in the exponential of the
path integral as Sj, the equations of motion in quantized theory arc given by
considering the variational derivative of 5j with respect to, for example, A,L and
ip as
both for bosons and fermions, namely, the fact that the definite integrals of
derivatives vanish. The quantum operator equations are thus ensured in the path
integral. The path integral formula thus defines the correct quantum theory for
interacting gauge and Dirac fields.
where £j stands for the free part consisting of only the terms quadratic in field
variables and
stands for the interaction part. The perturbative calculations are then reduced
to the evaluation of
In the last two expressions the interaction is specified by the derivatives with
respect to source terms, but when one brings the exponential terms with deriva-
tives inside the path integral the functional derivatives act on the source func-
tions contained in Cj' and produces the corresponding field variables. We thus
reproduce the starting formula. The important property of the last formula in
eqn (A.18) is that the path integral is performed only for the free fields. This
corresponds to the interaction representation in the operator formalism. In the
interaction representation all the field variables satisfy the equations of motion
of free fields. In fact, if one applies the Schwinger action principle to the path
integral denned in terms of Cj the Dirac field ^>, for example, satisfies the free
field equation
The above perturbation formula (A.18) thus corresponds to the Dyson formula
for the S-matrix. It is interesting that the operation related to the Wick theorem
where the derivative <9A acts on the coordinate x. By using those functions we
make the following change of variables in the path integral
If one uses the fact that the path integral measure is invariant under the above
change of variables, for example, T>ip = 'Dt/j', the path integral for free fields is
given by
When one uses the normalization of the path integral in the interaction picture
(0. +oo|0, — oo}j_i0 = 1, the path integral for the free fields is given by
When one applies the Schwinger action principle to the above path integral
of free fields (A.23) one obtains
where we give the result of the simplest Feynman gauge with £ = 1 in the last
expression. This result is also known to agree with the operator formulation
for the Feynman gauge £ = 1, though we do not demonstrate it here. The ie
prescription specifies that the negative-energy solutions of the Maxwell equation
propagate only in the negative time direction and, as a result, they describe
the anti-particle (in the present case of a real field A^, the anti-particle and
particle are not distinguished) with positive-energy propagating in the positive
time direction.
where K = 8?rG with the Newton constant G. The Greek indices which describe
the Minkowski coordinates of the curved space and the Roman indices which
describe the Lorentz coordinates of the flat space attached to each point of the
curved space are related to each other by the vierbein e^(x). The metric of the
flat Lorentz frame is denoted as Gmn. The vierbein is connected to the metric
The raising and lowering of the Minkowski indices p is realized by the metric
9tj,v(x) and the raising and lowering of the flat Lorentz indices m is realized
by Gmn. The basic symmetry of Einstein's theory, namely, the general coordi-
nate transformation, does not admit a double-valued representation such as the
rotation group for spin 1/2 in flat space, and thus we represent the Dirac field
as a double-valued representation of the Lorentz group of the flat space attached
to each point of the curved space-time.
The covariant derivative in the curved space is generally given by
and contains the generators Smn of the Lorentz group and the generators U& of
the general coordinate transformation GL(4, R) in addition to the generators Ta
of the ordinary gauge group. These generators are defined by
To be more explicit, the generators for spin 1/2 and 1 are, respectively, given by
The gauge field A™n appearing in the covariarit derivative is called the spin
connection and the gauge field Fjg is called the affine connection, respectively,
and these are expressed in terms of e^ and g^ as
The fields A™n and Pg in the present formulation, in which the torsion free-
dom is ignored, arc also called respectively the Ricci rotation coefficient and the
Christoffel symbol.
By recalling the basic relation of Riemann which states that the geometrical
length is independent of the choice of coordinate systems
The transformation law of the metric tensor is derived from the transformation
law of the vierbein as
and the transformation law of the affirie connection is derived from its definition
by using the generators of the Lorentz group, just as the ordinary gauge trans-
formations. The transformation law of the spin connection in the last expression
is obtained from the transformation of the covariant derivative
is automatically satisfied. This metric condition implies that the inner product
of two vectors parallel transported from a point x to the point x + dx is defined
by the metric g^, (x + dx) .
As an application of this metric condition, we can show that the vierbein e%
at an arbitrary point, for example, at the origin, is chosen to be
This choice of the vierbein is used in the body of the present book to evaluate
quantum anomalies. The proof of this choice of the vierbein proceeds as follows:
such that F^(0) = 0 without changing e'£(Q)- Finally, we apply a local Lorentz
transformation parametrized by 'jjmn(x) - -A"m(Q)x^' so that A'™n(Q) = 0
without changing e^*(0). When one uses the two relations 1^(0) = 0 and
A'™n(Q) = 0 in the metric condition (B.I7), we obtain the desired result.
The metric condition shows that we can freely commute the covariant deriva-
tive with e% and g^v. For example, when one applies the commutator of covariarit
derivatives to an arbitrary covariant vector Ap = e™An, one obtains
agrees with the curvature tensor Rmn^ evaluated in terms of the spin connec-
tion A™n.
As an important local symmetry of the matter and gauge fields in gauge
theory, we have the Weyl symmetry defined by
where the transformation law of the spin connection A™n is derived from the
transformation law of the vierbein e£, since A™n is expressed in terms of e£. The
Weyl transformation changes the length as
but the local angle is preserved, and for this reason it is also called a conformal
transformation. When one defines g = det.g/u,, it is confirmed that the matter
part of the action / d4x ^f^gC- in terms of the Lagrangian (B.I) is invariant un-
der the Weyl transformation if one sets the fermion mass m = 0. The action for
a massless scalar theory is also rendered invariant under the Weyl transforma-
tion if one chooses £ = ^g^d/^dup + \R<t>1. However, the action of Einstein's
gravitational theory itself is not Weyl invariant.
The scalar curvature R in the Einstein action, which is also called the Einstein-
Hilbert action, and also the Ricci tensor R^v are defined in terms of the curvature
tensor by
When one considers the variation with respect to the vierbein e%(x) in the
Einstein-Hilbert action (B.I), the Einstein equation
wtu,re we symmetrized the expression with respect to the replacement of ?/> and ijj.
We also normalized the completely anti-symmetric symbol e1230 = 1 and used
the property of the Dirac matrix {^k,Smn} = ekmnljij5.
To study the symmetry requirement on the energy-momentum tensor, we re-
call the basic property of the Einstein Hilbert action. We first note the following
valid for an arbitrary variation 5gp'v(x) of the metric tensor. As a specific vari-
ation of the metric, we consider the variation induced by a coordinate transfor-
ln deriving this expression, it is convenient to note the relation SA™n —
(l/2)cmXen>>(8CXpl, - <5CpV - <5C, iAp ), where 5CXpl, -= e*(DpSek^ - Dp,5ekp). This relation
follows from the fact that the difference of two spin connections behaves as a tensor.
When one recalls that the Einstcin-Hilbert action is invariant under the coordi-
nate transformation and that the covariant derivative commutes with the metric,
the above relation (B.29) valid for an arbitrary variation implies
When one combines this relation with the Einstein equation (B.27). one con-
cludes the requirements on the classical energy-momentum tensor
whore we used the transformation law of tf>, 5tp(x) = ip'(x) — ib(x) = £.pdp'ip(x),
and wrote the anti-ghost field c-n(x) together with its variation, the auxiliary
field B^ (x).
which defines both the gauge fixing and compensating terms simultaneously.
In passing we note that the transformation law of the ghost (B.34) does not
appear as a transformation law of a contravariant vector quantity, but if one
considers the differential of the superfield itself one obtains
which corresponds to the replacement. £p (a;) —> i9cp (x) in the general coordi-
nate transformation of the contravariant vector dcIJ-(x). This property plays a
fundamental role when we discuss the BEST invariant path integral measure.
We now discuss the path integral measure which is invariant under the BEST
symmetry associated with general coordinate transformations. We start with the
simplest fields which do not carry the Minkowski indices such as the fermions
?/>(x) and $(x). We define the weight 1/2 fields60
and examine the path integral of the mass term of the fermion
In this relation, the action on the left-hand side is invariant under the general
coordinate (or associated BRST) transformation and the right-hand side is a
The weight 1/2 fields are defined as the field variables (without the Minkowski indices)
multiplied by the weight factor (—g) 1 / 4 . and these variables transform under general coordinate
transformations as in eqn (7.19).
constant independent of the metric variable. We thus conclude that the path
integral measure on the left-hand side is invariant under the general coordinate
(or BRST) transformation. One can in fact confirm that the Jacobian for the
BRST transformation becomes trivial, i.e., 1, independently of the choice of basis
sets, and thus free of general coordinate anomalies. See eqn (7.21).
We now generalize this analysis to the cases such as the vector field Aa(x)
and the second-rank tensor field Aap(x). We first convert these fields into fields
without the Minkowski indices Aa(x) = e^Aa(x) and Aab(x) = e%e%Aa/3(x) by-
using the vierbein. We then consider the weight 1/2 field prescription as above
which define the general coordinate (or associated BRST) invariant path integral
measure. When we give two definitions of the measure in eqn (B.40), the latter
definition is obtained from the first one by first extracting the vierbein as the
Jacobian and then distributing the Jacobian to all the degrees of freedom equally.
This second definition may not be said to be precise, but we cannot convert
the metric g^v into a quantity without the Minkowski indices by multiplying
the vierbein. The second definition of the measure works for the case of the
metric tensor also. We also give the definitions for the vector and tensor fields
in arbitrary d = n dimensional space-time in eqn (B.40) for the convenience of
applications in the present book.
In this way the path integral measure invariant under the BRST symmetry
associated with the general coordinate transformation is given by
The above proof proceeds as follows: The measure for the metric is invariant
for a fixed <?'' arid thus one can set 9 = 0 in ga'B(x,0) in the third line. We
next fix the metric, and then the Jacobian, det{[—g(x,0)]'L^el^(x,d)}~1, is the
one which renders a general (fcrmionic) corltravariant vector invariant and thus
when combined with T>c^(x, 0) we can set 0 = 0. It is important to keep in mind
that one needs to consider the metric and the ghost variables always together in
the analysis of the gravitational path integral measure.
We first give some references which are directly related to the descriptions of the
present book with brief comments. We then present some references to further
advanced research in path integrals and quantum anomalies. We also briefly
comment on the subjects or applications of quantum anomalies which were not
covered in the present book.
45. S.A. Frolov and A.A. Slavnov, Phys. Lett. B 309 (1993) 344.
46. R. Narayanan and H. Neuberger, Phys. Lett. B 302 (1993) 62.
47. S. Aoki and Y. Kikukawa, Mod. Phys. Lett. A 8 (1993) 3517.
In ordinary perturbative calculations, the dimensional regularization in:
48. G. 't Hooft and M. Veltman, Nud. Phys. B 44 (1972) 189.
49. C.G. Bollini and J.J. Giambiagi, Nuovo Cim. B 12 (1972) 20
is often used, but this regularization is not convenient for the analyses of quantum
The analyses of triangle Fcynman diagrams in Chapter 1 are explained in
detail in [9] [10]. The Adler-Bardeen theorem is given in:
50. S. Adler and W.A. Bardccn, Phys. Rev. 182 (1969) 1517.
51. A. Zee, Phys. Rev. Lett. 29 (1972) 1198.
52. K. Higashijima, K. Nishijima and M. Okawa, Prog. Theor. Phys. 67 (1982)
84. A.A. Andrianov and L. Bonora, Nud. Phys. B 233 (1984) 232; 233 (1984)
Reference [84] discussed the rotation of the gauge field to a pure imaginary value.
The Pauli-Villars regulari/ation in the path integral was discussed in [54].
For the anomaly cancellation in gauge theory (in particular, in Weinberg-
Salam theory), see:
85. C. Bouchiat, J. Iliopoulos and P. Meyer, Phys. Lett. B 38 (1972) 519.
86. D.J. Gross and R. Jackiw, Phys. Rev. D 6 (1972) 477.
The analysis of anomalous gauge theory in the present book follows:
87. K. Fujikawa, Phys. Lett. B 171 (1986) 424.
The algebraic analyses of the Gauss operators in anomalous theory are found in,
for example:
88. L.D. Faddeev, Phys. Lett. B 145 (1984) 81.
89. S.G. Jo, Nud. Phys. B 259 (1985) 616.
90. M. Kobayashi, K. Sco and A. Sugamoto, Nud. Phys. B 273 (1986) 607.
There are attempts to give a consistent physical meaning to anomalous gauge
theories. See, for example:
91. L.D. Faddccv and S.L. Shatashvili, Phys. Lett. B 167 (1986) 225.
92. R. Jackiw and R. Rajaraman, Phys. Rev. Lett. 54 (1985) 1219; 2026(E).
93. E. D'Hoker and E. Farhi, Nud. Phys. B 248 (1984) 59.
94. K. Harada and I. Tsutsui, Phys. Lett. B 183 (1987) 311.
95. 0. Babelon, F.A. Schaposnik and C.M. Viallet, Phys. Lett. B 177 (1986)
A calculational method of covariant anomalies is found in [54] arid
96. K. Fujikawa, Phys. Rev. D 29 (1984) 285.
The fermion number non-conservation in chiral gauge theory, which is naturally
evaluated in the covariant regularization, was pointed out in:
97. G. 't Hooft, Phys. Rev. Lett. 37 (1976) 8.
The connection between the covariant and integrable anomalies is discussed
in detail in:
98. J. Wess and B. Zumino, Phys. Lett. B 37 (1971) 95.
99. W.A. Bardccn and B. Zumino, Nud. Phys. B 244 (1984) 421.
Reference [98] introduced the notion of the Wess—Zumino iiitegrability condition
and the Wess- Zumino term. The method to convert the covariant anomaly to
an integrable form of anomaly in the present book follows the analyses in:
100. H. Bancrjcc. R. Banerjee and P. Mitra, Z. Phys. C 32 (1986) 445.
101. H. Leutwyler, Phys. Lett. B 152 (1985) 78.
153. M. Bando, T. Kugo and K. Yamawaki, Phys. Rept. 164 (1988) 217.
154. R. Alkofer, H. Reinhardt and H. Weigel, Phys. Rept. 265 (1996) 139.
155. J. Bijnens, Phys. Rept. 265 (1996) 369.
As for chiral perturbation theory, see:
156. J. Gasser and H. Leutwylcr, Annals Phys. 158 (1984) 142; Nud. Phys. B
250 (1985) 465.
The evaluations of the Weyl anomaly in curved space-time are found in:
173. S. Dcser, M.J. Duff and C.J. fsham, Nud. Phys. B 111 (1976) 45.
174. L.S. Brown and J.P. Cassidy, Phys. Rev. D 15 (1977) 2810.
175. S.W. Hawking, Commun. Math. Fhys. 55 (1977) 133.
176. R. Endo, Prog. Theor. Phys. 71 (1984) 1366.
The last reference gives a readable account of the heat kernel method. Further
analyses of the Weyl anomaly are found in:
177. L. Bonora, P. Pasti and M. Bregola, Class. Quant. Grav. 3 (1986) 635.
178. N.K. Nielsen and P. van Nieuwenhuizcn, Phys. Rev. D 38 (1988) 31.83.
179. F. Bastianelli, Nud. Phys. B 376 (1992) 113.
180. F. Bastianelli and P. van Nieuwenhuizen, Nud. Phys. B 389 (1993) 53.
181. M.J. Duff, Class. Quant. Grav. 11 (1994) 1387.
182. S. Ichinose, Phys. Rev. D 57 (1998) 6224.
Applications of the energy-momentum tensor and scaling properties are found
183. A. Cappelli and A. Coste, Nud. Phys. B 314 (1989) 707.
184. T. Jacobson, Phys. Rev. D 44 (1991) 1731; 48 (1993) 728.
185. J.F. Donoghue and H. Leutwylcr, Z. Phys. C 52 (1991) 343.
186. V. Moretti, Phys. Rev. D 56 (1997) 7797.
187. M. Yoshimura, Phys. Rev. D 30 (1984) 344.
188. S. Ichinose and S.D. Odiiitsov, Nud. Phys. B 539 (1999) 643.
189. S. Arnone, C. Fusi and K. Yoshida, JHEP 9902 (1999) 022.
Induced gravity and related topics arc discussed in:
190. S.L. Adler, Rev. Mod. Phys. 54 (1982) 729; 55 (1983) 837(E).
191. A. Zee, Annals Phys. 151 (1983) 431.
192. E.T. Tomboulis, Nud. Phys. B 329 (1990) 410.
193. K. Hamada, Prog. Theor. Phys. 105 (2001) 673.
As for the Konishi anomaly in supersymmetric gauge theory, which is related
to the Weyl (and also chiral) anomaly, see:
194. I.E. Clark, O. Piguet and K. Sibold, Nud. Phys. B 159 (1979) 1.
195. K. Konishi, Phys. Lett. B 135 (1984) 439.
196. K. Konishi and K. Shizuya, Nuovo Cim. A 90 (1985) 111.
197. K. Shizuya, Phys. Rev. D 35 (1987) 1848; 35 (1987) 2550.
The last two references give the path integral formulation in superspacc. As for
more recent analyses, see for example:
198. N. Arkani-Hamed and H. Murayama, JHEP 0006 (2000) 030.
221. C.M. Naon, M.C. von Reichenbach and M.L, Trobo, Nucl. Phys. B 435
(1995) 567.
222. J.V. Steele, A. Subramanian and I. Zahed, Nucl. Phys. B 452 (1995) 545.
223. D.J. Gross, I.R. Klebanov, A.V. Matytsin and A.V. Srnilga, Nucl. Phys. B
461 (1996) 109.
224. S.D. Joglekar and G. Saini, Phys. Rev. D 43 (1991) 1355.
225. M. Faber and A.N. Ivanov, Eur. Phys. J. C 20 (2001) 723.
For reviews, sec:
226. E. Abdalla, M.C.B. Abdalla and K.D. Rothe, Non-perturbative methods in
two-dimensional quantum field theory. World Scientific (1991).
227. E. Abdalla and M.C.B. Abdalla, Phys. Kept. 265 (1996) 253.
There are a vast number of references to conforriial field theory, and see, for
example, the following review:
228. P. Ginsparg, Applied conformal field theory, in Proc. of Les Houches Sum-
mer School (1988).
The analysis of anomalies and central extensions of infinite-dimensional algebra
in this book is close to that in [114].
As for the applications of conformal theory to condensed matter theory, sec
[41] and
229. N. Kawakami and S.K. Yang, Conformal field theory and one-dimensional
quantum systems. Iwariaiiii Publishing House (1997).
The B.TL prescription has been given in:
230. J.D. Bjorken. Phys. Rev. 148 (1966) 1467.
231. K. Johnson and F.E. Low, Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl. 37-38 (1966) 74.
Very early references to the first quantization of string theory by the path
integral method are:
232. A.M. Polyakov; Phys. Lett. B 103 (1981) 207.
233. K. Fujikawa, Phys. Rev. D 25 (1982) 2584.
234. O. Alvarez, Nucl. Phys. B 216 (1983) 125.
235. D. Friedan, E.J. Martinec and S.H. Shenker, Nucl. Phys. B 271 (1986) 93.
The treatment of the present book is based on [233], where the BRST formula-
tion was first introduced into string theory and the ghost number anomaly was
discovered. The connection of this ghost number anomaly to the Riemann-Roch
theorem was recognized in [235].
Some of the early quantum analyses of the Liouville action which suggested
the replacement d — 26 —¥ d — 25 are:
236. A.M. Polyakov, Mod. Phys. Lett. A 2 (1987) 893.
237. K. Fujikawa, T. Inagaki and H. Suzuki, Phys. Lett. B 213 (1988) 279.
238. F. David, Mod. Phys. Lett. A 3 (1988) 1651.
239. J. Distler and H. Kawai, Nucl. Phys. B 321 (1989) 509.
260. D.N. Petcher and J.W. van Molten, Phys. Lett. B 194 (1987) 221.
261. C. Batlle. J. Gomis and J. Roca, Phys. Rev. D 40 (1989) 1950.
262. J. Govacrts, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 4 (1989) 173.
263. U. Ellwanger and J. Fuchs, Nud. Phys. B 312 (1989) 95.
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265. T. Fujiwara, Y. Igarashi and J. Kubo. Nud. Phys. B 341 (1990) 695.
266. M. Henrieaux, Phys. Lett. B 238 (1990) 299.
267. K. Fujikawa and H. Suzuki, Nud. Phys. B 361 (1991) 539.
268. J. Gomis and H. Suzuki, Phys. Lett. B 278 (1992) 266.
269. E.S. Fradkin and V.Ya. Linetsky, Phys. Lett. B 261 (1991) 26.
270. J. Gomis and ,7. Paris, Nud. Phys. B 395 (1993) 288.
271. T. Fujiwara, Y. Igarashi, J. Kubo and K. Maeda, Nud. Phys. B 391 (1993)
272. F. De Jonghe. J. Paris and W. Troost, Nud. Phys. B 476 (1996) 559.
and reviews in:
273. C.B. Thorn, Phys. Kept. 175 (1989) 1.
274. W. Siegel, Fields, hep-th/9912205.
Some aspects of the path integral measure for quantum gravity are discussed
275. M. Ebner, R. Held and J. Lopes, Z. Phys. C 37 (1987) 85.
276. D. Anselmi, Phys. Rev. D 45 (1992) 4473.
277. A.O. Barvinsky. Phys. Re.pt. 230 (1993) 237.
278. K. Hamada, Prog. Theor. Phys. 103 (2000) 1237.
The proof of the locality of the fermion operator, when a suitable admissibility
condition is imposed, exists at this moment only for the simplest operator given
in [297]:
311. P. Hernandez, K. Jansen and M. Luscher, Nucl. Phys. B 552 (1999) 363.
312. H. Neubergcr, Phys. Rev. D 61 (2000) 085015.
The analysis of the locality for the general case is incomplete in
313. K. Fujikawa and M. Ishibashi, Nucl. Phys. B 605 (2001) 365.
314. T-W. Chiu, Nucl. Phys. (Proc. Suppl.) 94 (2001) 733
but sufficient to analyze the chiral anomaly:
315. K. Fujikawa and M. Ishibashi, Nucl. Phys. B 587 (2000) 419.
The meaning of the heavy topological excitations N± appearing in the Ginsparg-
Wilson operators was clarified in:
316. T-W. Chiu, Phys. Rev. D 58 (1998) 074511.
317. K. Fujikawa, Phys. Rev. D 60 (1999) 074505.
Abelian chiral gauge theories were formulated on the basis of the Ginsparg-
Wilson relation in:
318. M. Luscher, Nucl. Phys. B 549 (1999) 295.
For non-Abelian theories, however, the formulation is still in the process of con-
struction. See, for example:
319. H. Neuberger, Phys. Rev. D 59 (1999) 085006.
320. H. Suzuki, Prog. Theor. Phys. 101 (1999) 1147.
321. M. Luscher, Nucl. Phys. B 568 (2000) 162; JEEP 0006 (2000) 028.
322. H. Suzuki, Nucl. Phys. B 585 (2000) 471; JHEP 0010 (2000) 039.
323. Y. Kikukawa and Y. Nakayama, Nucl. Phys. B 597 (2001) 519.
324. Y. Kikukawa, Phys. Rev. D 65 (2002) 074504.
A non-commutative technique in lattice theory is noted in:
325. T. Fujiwara, H. Suzuki and K. Wu, Nucl. Phys. B 569 (2000) 643.
For some interesting applications of the Ginsparg-Wilson fermions, see:
326. H. So and N. Ukita, Phys. Lett. B 457 (1999) 314.
327. O. Bar and I. Campos, Nucl. Phys. B 581 (2000) 499.
328. W. Bietenholz and J. Nishimura, JHEP 0107 (2001) 015.
329. L. Giusti, G.C. Rossi, M. Testa and G. Veneziano, Nucl. Phys. B 628
(2002) 234.
332. T. Eguchi and P.G.O. Freund, Phys. Rev. Lett. 37 (1976) 1251.
The appendix in reference [330] gives a concise account of the basic properties
of curved space-time.
The generalization to spin 3/2 particles is given in:
333. N.K. Nielsen, M.T. Grisaru, H. Romer and P. van Nicuwenhuizen, Nud.
Phys. B 140 (1978) 477.
334. R. Endo and T. Kimura, Prog. Theor. Phys. 63 (1980) 683.
335. R. Erido and M. Takao, Phys. Lett. B 161 (1985) 155.
For the analysis of the Atiyah Singer index theorem by using supersymrnetric
quantum mechanics, see:
336. L. Alvarez-Gaume, J. Phys. A 16 (1983) 4177.
A detailed review of topological aspects of anomalies is found in:
337. T. Eguchi, P.B. Gilkey and A.J. Hanson, Phys. Rep. 66 (1980) 213.
The calculation of chiral anomalies in arbitrary dimensions in the present book
is based on:
338. K. Fujikawa, S. Ojima and S. Yajima, Phys. Rev. D 34 (1986) 3223
which is a simplified version of the calculation in [336] without using supersym-
The quantum breaking of general coordinate and local Lorentz transforma-
tions has been found and analyzed in detail in:
339. L. Alvarez-Gaume and E. Witten, Nud. Phys. B 234 (1984) 269.
As for related early analyses, see:
340. L. Alvarez-Gaume and P. Ginsparg, Ann. Phys. 161 (1985) 423.
341. L.N. Chang and N.T. Nich, Phys. Rev. Lett. 53 (1984) 21.
342. S. Yajima and T. Kimura, Phys. Lett. B 173 (1986) 154.
and references [99] [335]. The simple relation between the general coordinate and
local Lorentz anomalies was noted in:
343. K. Fujikawa, M. Tomita arid 0. Yasuda, Z. Phys. C 28 (1986) 289.
Further general aspects of gravitational path integrals are analyzed in:
344. H.T. Nieh, Phys. Rev. Lett. 53 (1984) 2219.
345. R. Erido. Prog. Theor. Phys. 80 (1988) 311.
346. M. Hatsuda, P. van Nieuwenhuizen. W. Troost and A. Van Proeyeri, Nud.
Phys. B 335 (1990) 166.
347. Z. Bern, E. Mottola, S.K. Blau, Phys. Rev. D 43 (1991) 1212.
348. 0. Chandia and J. Zarielli, Phys. Rev. D 58 (1998) 045014.
Various path integral evaluations of higher-dimensional anomalies have been
discussed in:
349. T. Matsuki, Phys. Rev. D 28 (1983) 2107.
350. R. Delbourgo and T. Matsuki, J. Math. Phys. 26 (1985) 1334.
372. T.E. Clark, O. Piguct and K. Sibold, Nucl. Phys. B 143 (1978) 445.
373. N.K. Nielsen, Nucl. Phys. B 244 (1984) 499.
374. M.T. Grisaru and P.C. West, Nucl. Phys. B 254 (1985) 249.
375. E. Guadagnini, K. Konishi, M. Miiitchev, Phys. Lett. B 157 (1985) 37.
376. V.A. Novikov, M.A. Shifman, A.I. Vainshtein and V.I. Zakharov, Phys.
Lett. B 157 (1985) 169.
377. H. Itoyama, V.P. Nair and H.-C. Ren, Nucl. Phys. B 262 (1985) 317.
378. K. Harada and K. Shizuya. Phys. Lett. B 162 (1985) 322.
379. H. Suzuki, Phys. Rev. Lett. 56 (1986) 1534.
380. F. Cooper, A. Khare arid U. Sukhatme, Phys. Kept. 251 (1995) 267.
For recent analysis and related references, see for example:
381. Y. Ohshima, K. Okuyama, H. Suzuki and H. Yasuta, Phys. Lett. B 457
(1999) 291.
The standard textbooks on supcrsymmetry are:
382. J. Wess and J. Bagger, Supersymmetry and super gravity. Princeton Uni-
versity Press (1983).
383. S. Wcinberg, The quantum theory of fields, III. Cambridge University Press
Supergravity is reviewed in:
384. P. van Nieuwenhuizen, Phys. Rept. 68 (1981) 189.
The anomalies in fuzzy physics have also been discussed in path integrals:
385. A.P. Balachandran and S. Vaidya, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 16 (2001) 17.
386. J.M. Gracia-Boridia and C.P. Martin, Phys. Lett. B 479 (2000) 321.
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390. C.P. Martin, Nucl. Phys. B 623 (2002) 150.
391. H. Aoki, S. Iso and K. Nagao, Phys. Rev. D 67 (2003) 065018.
For other applications, the anomaly matching condition by 't Hooft and its
implications on the rnassless composite particles are discussed in:
392. G. 't Hooft, in: Recent developments in gauge theories. G.'t Hooft et al.
(eds.), Plenum (1980) p. 135.
393. Y. Frishman, A. Schwimmer, T. Banks and S. Yankielowicz. Nucl. Phys.
B 177 (1981) 157.
394. S.R. Coleman and B. Grossman, Nucl. Phys. B 203 (1982) 205.
The anomaly in stochastic quantization has been studied in:
395. J.D. Breit, S. Gupta and A. Zaks, Nucl. Phys. B 233 (1984) 61.
396. M. Namiki. I. Ohba, S. Tanaka and D.M. Yanga, Phys. Lett. B 194 (1987)