Poultry Investment
Poultry Investment
Poultry Investment
0 Executive Summary
In the past, people were nonchalant about breeding birds or cultivating crops for
profits but with the recent global burst in population and worldwide demand for food,
people are now beginning to realize the potential of providing the most important
basic need of man. Poultry farming is usually recommended for individuals who are
passionate about livestock farming.
We carefully analysis the various poultry business niche:
Egg production (Layers Breeding)
Meat Production (Broilers Breeding)
Chicken Breeding (Hatchery)
Poultry Feed Production
Poultry Equipment Manufacturing
Egg and Meat Processing, Packaging and Marketing
Poultry Marketing and Consultancy etc
Another important factor we considered is the type of birds we will be focusing on or
wish to rear:
Domestic Fowl or Chicken (Broilers and Layers)
Guinea Fowl
This business plan summarizes our feasibility study and due diligence analysis of
poultry farming with major interest in egg production.
2.0 Factors That Makes Poultry Farming A Profitable Business
There are a lot of factors that make poultry farming business a profitable one but we
will be highlighting four major factors:
Food is one of the basic needs of man regardless of the economic situation;
human beings must feed which makes poultry farming feasible.
Nigeria has a population of over 170million and growing; that huge population
means a huge demand for food (egg and meat)
With the increased awareness on health implications of red meat; there’s an
increased demand for white meat and birds are source of white meat
The growing demonstrated commitment of the Federal Government at
encouraging youths to go into agriculture towards ensuring food sufficiency
Poultry farming (especially egg production) has longer payback period if the
growth and sustainability of the investment will not be hindered
It is labor intensive
Lack of access to investment funds
Pests such as rats, ants etc., other predators such as hawks, snakes etc. and
outbreak of diseases can cause massive loss
Non-availability and affordability of vaccines
Adulteration and high cost of poultry food
The compelling need to ensure clean, safe and disinfected environment- When
the environment is dirty, disease and infection is inevitable. Birds like chicken
are very sensitive to environmental changes. If the poultry environment is not
properly taken care of, the chickens will be exposed to diseases like bacteria
4.0 Poultry Location
A good location is vital to the success and profitability of any poultry farm. Our team
focused on sites with large availability of cheap land (not within residential area
because of the offensive odour it produces) and at the same time close to areas with
high population density while taking into consideration the security of the birds. After
much exhaustive search the best location that is favorable to us and would also be
favorable to our target market is Behind Papa’s Ground, Along Kubwa express
We are committed to maintaining high accounting standard and record keeping in
order to track our performance and productivity. We don’t necessarily need to have
personnel with accounting background or spend hours on record keeping or
accounting for our farm; we have decided to just purchase a farm management
software, install it on our computer and there we would be able to know how our
business is doing and whether we are growing or not.
Just like we humans need regular health check-up to stay in good shape, the birds
in our farm also need regular check-up. They need proper vaccines and
medications to prevent diseases and promote growth. We have engaged the service
of a consultant, a veterinary doctor who would be in charge of giving vaccinations
and providing proper health care for the birds. Chicks need more care especially
within their first 3 weeks so we have decided that every new batch of birds stay in
a brooding room that best meet their sensitive needs for at least one week before
been move to the usual place.
Another factor to give consideration to is the marketing aspect of our poultry
business. We have devised several avenues to reach our customers and this would
be done by employing the right marketing techniques. Since the Federal Capital
City, Abuja is still heavily dependent on supply of eggs from Nasarawa, Plateau,
Kaduna, Niger states and Abaji to meet its growing demands for eggs; this
obviously creates a vacuum our product can fill due to price competiveness.
Therefore, we have designed our marketing strategies which we would use to break
into the market.
The poultry farming business is capital intensive depending on the scale, location and
type of management technology. Below is our projected Start-up Capital and six (6)
month running cost:
1 Birds 1,000 260.00 260,000.00
Sub-Total 1 260,000.00
1 Marek 13,000.00
2 Lesota 1&2 3,000.00
3 Gunboro 1&2 4,000.00
4 Fowl Pox 8,500.00
5 Kamorrow 18,000.00
6 Fowl Typhoid 23,000.00
7 3inIEDS (ND+IB+EDS) 32,000.00
Sub-Total 2 101,500.00
1 Brooding – Multivitamin, 50,000.00
Antibiotics etc. Deworming &
2 Debeaking 5,000.00
Sub-Total 3 55,000.00
1 Chick Mash (Week 1-10) 25 4,200.00 105,000.00
2 Grower Mash (Week 11-22) 87 3,900.00 339,300.00
3 Layers Mash (Week 23-25) 40 4,300.00 172,000.00
4 Additives 3Kg 5,000.00 15,000.00
Sub-Total 4 631,300.00
1 Chick Tray 25pcs 250.00 6,250.00
2 Drinker 30pcs 250.00 7,500.00
3 Big Round Filter 40pcs 800.00 32,000.00
4 Drinking Bow & Net 40pcs 950.00 38,000.00
5 Charcoal Pot 2pcs 3,500.00 7,000.00
6 Lantern Big 4pcs 4,000.00 16,000.00
7 Bags of Charcoal 5bags 2,000.00 10,000.00
8 Bags of Sawdust 40bags 1,000.00 40,000.00
9 Newspaper bundle 3,000.00
10 Disinfectant and Sanitizer 15,000.00
Sub-Total 5 174,750.00
1 Annual Rent 1year 300,000.00 300,000.00
2 Site preparation 600,000.00
Sub-Total 6 900,000.00
1 Personnel Cost (6 Months) 450,000.00
2 Running Cost 200,000.00
3 Miscellaneous 150,000.00
Sub-Total 7 800,000.00
GRAND TOTAL 2,922,550.00
13 Financial Management
For effective and efficient management of our financial obligations, we have adopted
the following financial principles towards ensuring successful operations:
The business will not declare/withdraw any interest until the loan is fully paid
and the business break-even alongside our expansion plan
50% of our revenue will be devoted to project operation cost
25% of our revenue will be devoted to loan repayment
25% of our revenue will be devoted to our project expansion plan
Personnel Plan
For the first six (6) months of our operation, our personnel plan calls for
one Management staff (who will perform the combine roles of a
Manager, Admin Officer, Supervisor and Accountant) and an operation
staff that ensure proper care of the birds. Arrangement has however been
put in place to increase the number of operation staff to two (2) in the
seventh (7) month once the birds start laying eggs and three (3) in the
ninth (9) month when a fresh set of 1000 birds will be delivered. A
security personnel will also be responsible for the safety of the birds and
Personnel N 240,000 N 150,000 N 900,000
Staff N 120,000 N 120,000 N 900,000
Personnel N 90,000 N 45,000 N 300,000
Total Staff 3 Staff 4 Staff 5 Staff
Total Payroll N 450,000.00 N 315,000.00 N 2,100,000.00
Financial Plan
Our goal is to have a profitable business starting from the third quarter of the
business. In achieving this; several measures have been put in place to broaden
our market and business space for the business to break-even before twenty-
four (24) months of commencement.
The incubation period of the layers is six (6) months. The layers will start laying eggs
after six (6) which will actively be sustained over a projected period of 18months.
This business is projected to break-even alongside our expansion plan before twenty-
four (24) months of commencement. We therefore propose two loan repayment
options for our investors:
Option A: The investor is to be paid 100% of the loan facility and …% interest
within 24months starting from the 7months of business commencement
Option B: The investor is to be paid 100% of the loan facility (without
interest) within 24months of business commencement while the investor is
given ….% stake of the entire business