Grade 11 Exam
Grade 11 Exam
Grade 11 Exam
I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Directions: Choose the letter that corresponds to the best answer. Write only the
letter on the space provided before each number. (1pt.each)
II. TRUE OR FALSE: Directions: Write T if the statement is TRUE, write F if otherwise. (1pt.each)
_______11. Techopedia defines “platform” in computing as the operating system and computer hardware.
_______12. The first website on the World Wide Web was created by Tim Berners- Lee.
_______13. A web page design should communicate with the users clearly and in an engaging manner.
_______14. When a visitor enters the website, he or she must be able to access each bit of information in the
easiest manner.
_______15. According to Cleverism, “web design is a concept of planning, creating, and maintaining websites.”
_______17. Typefaces must be readable to all and it's not too fancy for some to access or understand.
_______18. Websites constantly need upgrades and updates to maintain the visitor customers’ interests and
_______20. The term “group dynamics” describes the way in which people in a group interact with one another.
III. FILL IN THE BLANKS: Directions: Write the correct answer (tags) in the blank. (10pts.)
IV. WORD POOL: Directions: Choose the letter that corresponds to the correct answer to be found in the word pool
below. Write your answer on the line provided. (1pt.each)
_________________26. It offers users their own ‘unified workspaces’ where teams can manage projects and share files
and calendars.
_________________27. It is a collaboration tool that helps you communicate, set objectives and assign tasks.
_________________28. Allows users to assign tasks to other members, add followers to projects and monitor deadlines.
_________________29. It is an online video conferencing software that allows users to schedule meetings and share
_________________30. Its platform allows users to plan and collaborate through many functions from video
conferencing to creating Gantt charts.
_________________31. It offers a free ‘software forge’ that encourages visibility and collective code building.
_________________32. Is a popular and well-crafted platform offering instant messaging, file transfers and powerful
message search.
_________________34. It is a work management tool that offers a comprehensive suite of collaboration and project
management functions.
_________________35. It provides personalized video meeting rooms where users can to host and join meetings.
39. whiteboard
41. Links
42. Forms
“Seeking help is not a sign of ignorance. Its an intellectual act that allows people to admit that
some situations are not meant to be handled alone.”