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Editorial Board: Chief Editor Co-Chief Editors Associate Editors Executive Editors
daciana nistor
BADIU GHEORGHE (Constanţa) PETROIU ANA (Timişoara)
OPREA TUDOR (New Mexico) ZĂGREAN LEON (Bucureşti)
1. Review - Noi abordari in adaptologie..............................................................................................................................................................4
Petru Derevenco
2. Mecanisme implicate in diferentierea celulelor stem mezenchimale spre linia epiteliala. Efectul unor inductori chimici....................................7
Gabriela Tanasie, Florina Bojin, C.A. Tatu, Oana Gavriliuc, Carmen Tatu, Daciana Nistor, Hortensia Ionita, Carmen Bunu, V. Paunescu
3. Modificari ontogenetice in compozitia osoasa minerala.................................................................................................................................13
Olga Tagadiuc, V. Gudumac, V. Reva
4. Activitatea glutation peroxidazei afecteaza prognosticul in sindromul coronarian acut fara supradenivelare de segment ST...........................16
Violeta Sapira, Elvira Craiu, Cecilia Adumitresi
5. Implicarea stresului oxidativ in patologia ulceroasa indusa de aspirina la sobolani.........................................................................................20
Simona Martura, Doina Daicoviciu, Soimita Suciu, Adriana Muresan, Doinita Crisan , Petru A. Mircea, Simona Valean
6. Variaţii ale unor markeri salivari ai stresului oxidativ la pacienţii purtători de aparate ortodontice.................................................................26
Olteanu C., Muresan A., Daicoviciu D., Tarmure V., Olteanu I.
7. Consumul de alimente calorigene în adolescenţă..........................................................................................................................................30
Oana Suciu , Brigitha Vlaicu
8. Alterari Moleculare In Leziunile Precanceroase Laringiene............................................................................................................................33
Raluca Horhat, Delia Horhat, Marioara Poenaru, Stan Cotulbea, Nicolae Balica, Valeria Mocanu
9. Efectul hipolipemiant al dozelor crescute de Atorvastatin la pacientii diabetici cu infarct miocardic acut.........................................................37
Adriana S. Potra, Virgil M. Luca, Constantin O. Luca
10. Evaluarea zgomotului urban in municipiul Timisoara...................................................................................................................................40
Ernest Putnoky
This topic has been widely explored from the adaptation by natural selection (Darwin) to the general adaptation syndrome (Selye). This paper is focused on
nowadays issues of the research on adaptation linked to stress. Allostasis is an oscillatory stabilization which allows the adjustment to various states. “Allostatic
load” is the cumulative cost ongoing to repeated cycles of adaptation by physiological responses to stress and to possible adverse effects. “Psychological resil-
ience”, a component of positive adaptation during stress, represents the capacity to take on a traumatic event leading to disturbances and the subject’s ability
to offer protection against future challenges. Has been proved the importance of “posttraumatic growth and of thriving” – after psycho traumas; it explains
way a large proportion of subjects submitted to adverse events recover fast. “Maladaptation” leads to PTSD and to other stress-syndromes which comprise
psychoneurological, immunological, occupational and endocrine mechanisms. In contrast to the chronic or severe stress, a light or moderate stress named
eustress has positive stimulating issues, related especially to the secretion of endorphins. Is in progress the foundation of adaptology which integrates the
structural, functional and biopsychosocial sides of adaptation. In Romania, adaptology is promoted by several publications. We mention two books: “Human
adaptation” (Badiu & Papari, 1999) and “Stressology, adaptology and mental health” (S. Riga & D. Riga, 2008).
Key words: allostasis, resilience, posttraumatic growth, stress-syndromes, eustress, adaptology
Received August 2009. Accepted September 2009. Address for correspondence: Prof. Petru Derevenco, Academy of Medical Sciences, Branch of Cluj, Romania
This psychological dimension represents the capacity to take on a traumatic MALADAPTATION AND STRESS-SYNDROMES
event which could lead to functional disturbances and even to psychiatric conditions Maladaptation leads to various stress-syndromes.
and to recover successfully. This topic has been developed in the last decades in several directions.
Resilience implies good outcomes regardless of high-risks status, constant Horowitz (13, 15) has explored systematically the clinical significance of
competition under stress, and efficient coping mechanisms. The negative effects traumatic reactions, designed an event scale and elaborated a theory of traumatic
of adverse life situations depend on the vulnerability of subjects which in stressful reactions based on a social-cognitive approach.
situations can be directed as well to pessimistic as to optimistic behaviors. A comprehensive book is devoted to the treatment of stress response syn-
This dynamic process has been firstly described by Emmy Werner (34) on dromes (14). Other Horowitz’s contributions are reported by Kallay (16).
Taiwanese children, which grew up in very bad conditions. The results showed The neuro-endocrine mechanisms of the stress-syndrome have been studied
that one third of these youngsters did not exhibit destructive behaviors; this fact is extensively by Chrousos (6, 7), the occupational outcomes by Theorell (33), and the
explained by Werner by their resilience. endocrine syndromes by Coculescu (3).
In 1980’s this research topic emerged from observations on children of The other directions of this topic deal with the cardiovascular stress-syndrome
schizophrenic mothers. (for instance Tako-Tsubo syndrome) and with stress-syndromes described in exercise
Later, the resilience concept has been developed by Bonnano (2) in the USA (overtraining, female athlete triad). The literature on the theories, models and
and Cyrulnik (9) in France. Further details can be found in Wikipedia (36). peculiarities of posttraumatic stress reactions is very wide. For details see Kallay
(16) and Derevenco (10-12).
The negative reactions to psycho traumas and extreme events (grief, torture, EUSTRESS
natural catastrophes, etc.) have been widely explored and categorized in DSM and In contrast to the familiar terms distress and strain, eustress is less used in
ICD (see also the following section). the stress topic.
The possible/potential responses to trauma are outlined in Figure 2. Eustress, aiming a light or moderate stress with positive stimulating issues, has
been introduced by Selye and mentioned in his later writings (26). His expression
“stress is the salt of life” belongs probably to eustress.
Eustress implies the secretion of endorphins and of other neuromediators
including likely serotonin. The exercise-dependence of some athletes is probably
related to the euphoric state produced by moderate exercise and social environ-
mental factors.
Eustress represents a basis of the stress-inoculation method with preventive
and curative effects.
At present is in progress the foundation and promotion of adaptology, a new,
distinct discipline which integrates the structural, functional and biopsychosocial
components of adaptology.
Fig. 2. Potential responses to trauma (O’Leary & Ickovics) (5)
This area of interest deserves to be explored in details elsewhere.
For the time being, we mention some contributions of the Romanian scientists.
An adverse event can induce four main consequences shown in Fig. 2. A pioneer of studies on adaptation is Schneider (25). He organized also a first
The thriving reaction has been studied especially in USA by Carver (5), Calhoun meeting devoted to adaptology – topic of the 15th national Conference of Physiol-
& Tedescky (4), Tedescky & Calhoun (29, 30), who proposed a model of posttrau- ogy, being author/coauthor of 16 works aiming adaptation. Recently, he has been
matic growth (PTG). Tedescky et al. (31) identified three main dimensions of PTG: published 2 comprehensive volumes.
a. Friendly and altruistic interpersonal relationships; The authors of the first book (“Human adaptation”) are Badiu & Papari (1). This
b. Self-perception with better acceptance of limitations of the self; book comprises four parts including 21 chapters. Part I, general adaptology, Part
Problematica adaptarii, de la teoria evolutionista (Darwin) la sindromul general de adaptare (Selye), a fost larg explorata. Lucrarea puncteaza unele directii
actuale vizand studiul adaptarii si relatiile acestuia cu stresul. Allostaza este stabilirea oscilatorie ce asigura adaptarea la variate stari ale organismului.
“Incarcarea alostatica” este costul cumulativ de a parcurge cicluri repetate de adaptare prin reactii la stres, cu posibile efecte adverse. Rezilienta psihologica,
componenta a adaptarii pozitive la stres, consta in a lua act de un eveniment traumatizant care provoaca disfunctii fiziologice si abilitatea de a oferi protectie
provocarilor viitoare. Intre raspunsurile la evenimente adverse, s-a dovedit importanta cresterii posttraumatice si a reusitei (thriving) care explica de ce o
proportie insemnata de subiecti supusi psihotraumelor se reechilibreaza rapid. Maladaptarea se traduce prin sindromul dereglarilor posttraumatice de stres
si prin alte sindroame care comporta mecanisme pe plan psihoneurologic, im unologic, ocupational, endocrin. Spre deosebre de stresul cronic sau prelungit
(distres), eustresul, deci stresul usor/moderat, are valori pozitive, stimulatoare, legate in special de secretia endorfinelor. In prezent se contureaza adaptologia,
disciplina de integrare a aspectelor structurale, functionale, biopsihosociale ale adaptarii. Adaptologia este promovata in Romania prin mai multe publicatii.
Semnalam cartile “Adaptologia umana” (Badiu, Papari, 1999) si “Stresologie, adaptologie si sanatate mintala” (S. Riga, D. Riga, 2008).
Cuvinte cheie: adaptare, alostaza, rezilienta, crestere posttraumatica, sindroame de stres, eustres, adaptologie
Adult mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are extremely attractive in order to study the regeneration and reparation features in vari-
ous type of tissues. For maintaining the differentiation potential of MSCs there are used several strategies: the in vitro culture of
mesenchymal cells in media supplemented with specific growth factors, the transfection of MSCs with the genes which are specific
to the differentiated cells, co-culture of MSCs with differentiated cells from the target tissue. In this study we verify the effect of
some chemical inductors to differentiate adult MSCs into epithelial-like cells. We used various cytokines and growth factors, added
in the culture media alone or in combination. The results were analyzed using immunocytokemistry and molecular biology (PCR)
methods. The experiments revealed that MSCs differentiation toward the cells expressing epithelial markers is relatively easily to
obtain using a certain combination of inductors, without genetic manipulation of the cells
Key words: mesenchymal stem cells, epithelial differentiation, epithelial-like cells, chemical induction
Received July 2009. Accepted September 2009. Address for correspondence: Dr. Gabriela Tanasie, MD, PhD, Physiology Department, University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Victor Babes”
Timisoara, 2A Eftimie Murgu Square, 300041, Romania, e-mail: [email protected]
Isolation and culture of mesenchymal stem cells
re of mesenchymal From all thestem cells
bone marrow samples were obtained primary cultures of adher-
bone marrow samplescellswere
ent, spindle-shape (Figure obtained
2). The cells had aprimary cultures
good proliferation capacity andof adherent, spindle-shape cells
lls had a good
are able proliferation
to survive in our lab for 5capacity
to 6 passages. Theand are onable
cell viability to survive in our lab for 5 to 6
each passage
was around 90-95%.
iability on each passage was around 90-95%.
MSCsin adipocytic
adipocytic media.
MSCs in adipocytic media.IHC FAB4.
IHC for FAB4. 10x ob. 10x
ob. 10x
fferentiation potential
Confirmation characteristic for mesenchymal
of differentiation potential characteristic for mes-stem cells
Fig.5. MSCsin in osteogenic media.media. IHC forosteocalcin
osteocalcin ob. 20x
ntiation studies stem cells in MSCs at passage 2. The cellsFig.5.
enchymal wereMSCs able toosteogenic
Fig.5. MSCs in media.
inIHC for osteocalcin ob. 20x
IHC for ob. 20x
(adipocytic, Theosteogenic
differentiation studies occurred in MSCs at passage 2. The cells were able to
and chondrogenic) which are characteristic for
differentiate in all three lines (adipocytic, osteogenic and chondrogenic) which are expression was also very weak (Figure 7).
mal progenitors. Thefor characteristic
characteristic markers
stromal/mesenchymal progenitors. for those
The characteristic markersthree
for lineages were expressed at
Regarding the second set of experiments, in all studied groups some modifica-
were evidenced by RT-PCR reaction (Figure 3). The
those three lineages were expressed at the gene level and were evidenced by RT-PCR presence of some markers
tions of cell morphology were noticed.at
proliferation rate seems to be slower, cells
evel could be evidenced
reaction also, ofusing
(Figure 3). The presence immunocytochemistry
some markers at the protein expression level staining (Figures
became polygonal 4,for5,the6).
and, mainly cells from group 3 was noticed a tendency of
could be evidenced also, using immunocytochemistry staining (Figures 4, 5, 6). multilayered culture (figure 8). A specific marker for MSCs, vimentin, had a weaker
expression in the epithelial inducing media in comparison with undifferentiated
Fig.11. RT-PCR
Fig.11. for Citokeratin
RT-PCR for Citokeratin19and
19and E-cadherin
E-cadherin ininexperimental
experimental groups
Fig.6. MSCs in chondrogenic media. IHC for aggrecan ob. 20x
Fig.11. RT-PCR for
for Citokeratin 19and
19and E-cadherin
is involved a fusion process with the differentiated cells likes epithelial, Purkinje or REFERENCES
muscular cells. The bone marrow derived stromal cells can differentiate in renal 1. Zipori D. The Stem State: Plasticity Is Essential, Whereas Self-Re-
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female kidney is transplanted into the male and in the transplanted kidney could 105: 1663-1668.
be identified the epithelial cells positive for Y chromosome (15). There are many 3. Muraglia A, Cancedda R, Quarto R. Clonal mesenchymal progeni-
experiments in animals which demonstrate that the cells from bone marrow can tors from human bone marrow differentiate in vitro according to
form bronchiolar epithelium and type 2 pneumocytes. Kotton et al. demonstrate a hierarchical model. J. Cell Sci 2000, 113:1161-1166.
4. Kopen GC, Prockop DJ, Phinney DG. Marrow stromal cells migrate
in an experiment in which the MSCs were injected in mice with bleomycin induced throughout forebrain and cerebellum, and they differentiate into
pulmonary lesions that the injected cells differentiate in type 1 pneumocytes (16) astrocytes after injection into neonatal mouse brains. Proc. Natl.
MSCs can differentiate in vivo in gastrointestinal epithelial cells like esophageal and Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 1999; 96:10711-16.
5. Jiang Y, Jahagirdar BN, Reinhard RL, Schwartz RE, Keenek CD,
gut epithelium (17); it was noticed that the administration of the bone marrow Ortiz-Gonzalezk XR, Reyes M, Lenvik T, Lund T, Blackstad M, Du
derived mesenchymal progenitors leads to the differentiation in the crypt cells J, Aldrich S, Lisberg A, Lowk WC, Largaespada DA, Verfaillie CM.
which represent the proliferative compartment from the tissue. Regarding the Pluripotency of mesenchymal stem cells derived from adult mar-
row, Nature 2002;418:41-49.
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soluble molecules and their receptors (TGFbeta), molecules of the extracellular 9. Eslaminejad MB, Yazdi PE. Mesenchymal Stem Cells: In Vitro
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surface characteristics and the integrin system. J.Cell.Mol.Med.
AKNOWLEDGEMENTS: The work within this paper was financial
supported by a national PNCD-II grant, IDEI 198/2007 (financing agency CNCSIS)
Celulele stem mezenchimale adulte (CSM) sunt extreme de attractive pentru studiul proceselor de reparatie si regenerare in diferite tipuri de tesuturi. Pentru
mentinerea potentialului de diferentiere al CSM au fost utilizate o serie de strategii: cultivarea celulelor in vitro in mediu suplimentat cu factori de crestere
specifici, transfectia MSC cu genele specifice celuelor differentiate, cu-cultivarea MSC cu cellule differentiate din tesutul tinta. In experimental nostrum am
utilizat diferiti factori de crestere si cytokine adaugati in mediul de cultura singuri sau in combinatii. Rezultatele au fost evaluate prin imunocitochimie si
metode de biologie moleculara (PCR). Studiul a demonstrat ca diferentierea CSM la celule ce exprima markeri de tip epitelial este relativ usor de realizat
utilizand anumite combinatii de agenti inductori, fara a fi necesara manipularea genelor celulare.
Cuvinte cheie: celule stem mezenchimale, diferentiere epiteliala, celule epitelial-like, inductie chimica
The goal of the study was to assess the dynamic of the bone mineral content at different ontogenetic stages. In the study were involved 80 rats that were divided
in 4 groups by age – young, adult, old and senile. The dynamics of the calcium and phosphate quantities in the bone were similar – the maximal amounts
were revealed in adult rats and their concentrations decreased gradually in old and senile animals. The highest mean concentrations of magnesium, chloride,
potassium and copper were revealed in young animals (1.46 ± 0.21, 3.53 ± 0.28, 0.02 and 0129 ± 2.97 ± 0.18 mM/g tissue). The amounts of copper and
sodium changed from one age group to another – moderate decreased in the adult compared with young (by 33% and 51%, p < 0.0001), increased in the
old compared with those adults (by 13% and 62%, p < 0.05) and subsequently decreased again in the bone of senile rats (by 18% and 73%, p < 0.005). The
amount of zinc was virtually identical in the bone of young, adult and old rats and varied between 0.017 and 0.0183 mM/g bone tissue while the sulphates
concentration increased significantly in adult animals versus the young (14 times) and decreased gradually with age in the subsequent groups.
Our results revealed divers and significant quantitative changes of the mineral compound's content in the bone at different ontogenetic stages, their knowledge
being important in the evaluation of bone status in different physiological and pathological conditions.
Keywords: bone, mineral composition, ontogenetic changes
mM/g bone
young (12%, p <0005) and decreases gradually thereafter, the differences being 1,5
statistical conclusive between the concentrations detected in the adult animals and 1
in the senile one (8%, p <0.05). The content of phosphates in the bone of adult 0,5
rats is higher than in the young by 6% (p <0.05), in the old – by 8% (p <0.01) 0
and the senile rats – by 5%. Thus, the total amount of phosphates in bone tissue of Group I Group II Group III Group IV
rats is changing less pronounced than that of calcium, the contents of these mineral Sodium Copper
elements are correlated between them. Strong positive correlation were revealed in
content of sodium
depending dynamicsand copper
of sodium andiscooper
contentsasin mM/g bone
bone tissue tissue;
of rats
young (r = 0.79, p <0.0001) and old rats (r = 0.91, p <0.0001). b) figure includes M ± m.
(mM/g bone tissue)
Note: a) the content of sodium and cooper is expressed as mM/g bone tissue;
Table I. The concentrations of calcium and phosphate in bone tissue of rats of different ages b) figure includes M±m.
Table I. The concentrations of calcium and phosphate in bone tissue of rats of different ages
Group Calcium Phosphate
The amount of zinc was virtually identical in the bone of young, adult and old
4 I
rats and varied between 0.017 and 0.0183 mM/g bone tissue (Figure 2). Only in
5.45 ± II
II 3.64 ± 0.08*I III
senile animals was detected a significantly higher amount of zinc in bone tissue –
III 5.41 ± 0.40 3.35 ± 0.42
5.02 ±
Ca Pi
0.0287 mM/g bone tissue (p < 0.0001). The average content of sulphates in the
IV 3.51 ± 0.17
Note a) table includes M ± m; b) the concentrations of calcium and phosphate are expressed as mM/g bone tissue; c) the
bone tissue of young rats was 21 times less (p <0.0001) compared to adult and
reliability of differences caused by age: * - p < 0.05, ** - p < 0.01, *** - p < 0.005, **** - p < 0.001; the number indicates the
Note a) table includes M±m; b) the concentrations of calcium and phosphate are expressed as
group that the comparisont was carried out with.
old animals. In senile rats were detected in comparisone with adult and old animals
mM/g bone tissue; c) the reliability of differences caused by age: *-p<0.05, **-p<0.01, ***-p<0.005, moderate decreased concentrations of sulfates (24%, p < 0.05 in both cases).
****-p<0.001; the number indicates the group that the comparisont was carried out with
a) b)
The highest average concentrations of magnesium, chlorine, potassium and
copper in the bone tissue were attested in young animals, respectively, – 1.46 ±
0,03 2,5
0.21, 3.53 ± 0.28, 0.02 and 0129 ± 2.97 ± 0.18 mM/g tissue (Table II). In adult
0,03 0,0183±0,001 0,0181±0,001 0,017±0,003
rats decreases the amount of magnesium compared with young animals (69%, p 2
< 0001) and no significant changes were established in the following age groups. 1,5
mM/g bone
Same dynamic was characteristic for the potassium level – the highest concentration 1
was detected in young animals, and then it decreased by about 50% (p < 0005)
and remains virtually at the same level in the bone of adult, old and decrepit rats 0,01
(0.068 – 0.080 mM/g tissue). The level of chlorine in bone was moderate decreased 0,00
Group I Group II Group III Group IV
in the adult rats compartiv with young (27%, p < 0.0005) and more marked in
old animals compared with adult (with 93%, p < 0.0001) and young one (95%,
a) In group IV (senile rats) the chlorine content significantly increased
p < 0.0001). b)Fig.2. Age depending dynamics of the zinc (a) and sulphates (b) con
ontogenetic stages
comparative to the levels found in old animals (by
Zink 255%, p <0.0001), but not to
Note. a) the concentrations of zinc and sulphates are expressed in mM
Sulfates (mM/g bone)
Note. a) the table includes the M ± m; b) the contents of magnesium, chloride and potassium are Obiectivul cercetării a fost evaluarea compoziĠiei minerale osoase
indicates the group that the comparison was carried out with
0,00 0
expressed as mM/g bone tissue; c)Group
the Ireliability ofGroup
differences caused by IIIage: * - p <Group
0.05,IV** - p <
II Group
0.01, *** - p < 0.005; **** - p < 0.001; the number indicates the group that the comparison was
ExperienĠele au fostGroup I efectuate Group II pe 80 úobolani
Group III GroupdivizaĠi
IV în 4 loturi – tiner
carried out with S-au depistatt modificări de acelaúi sens ale cantităĠilor de calciu úi f
Fig.2. Age depending dynamics of the zinc (a) and sulphates (b) contents in the bone(a) andtissue
sulphatesof rats atin thedifferent
adulte úiFig.în2.următoarele
ontogenetic stages
Age depending dynamics
of the zinc
de vîrstă diminuează
(b) contents
treptat. ConcentraĠ
bone tissue of
rats at different ontogenetic stages
The amount of copper changed from one age group to another-moderate úi cupru în Ġesutul osos se atestă la animalele tinere (respectiv, 1.46
Note. a) the concentrations of zinc and sulphates are expressed Note. a) the in mM/gofbone
concentrations zinc and tissue;
sulphates are expressed in mM/g bone tissue;
decreased in the adult compared with young (33%, p<0.0001), increased in the 0.18 mM/g b) Ġesut).
figure includes M ±ConcentraĠiile
m. de cupru úi sodiu alternează de la
b) figure includes M ± m.
comparativ cu cei tineri (cu 33% úi 51%, p < 0,0001), creúte la cei băt
14 p < 0,05) úi ulterior Fiziologia iarăúi descreúte - Physiology la úobolanii
2009.19.3(63) senili comparativ
ConĠinutul de zinc este practic identic la úobolanii tineri, adulĠi úi bătrî
osos, pe cînd concentraĠia sulfaĠilor în os creúte semnificativ la anim
ori), odată cu înaintarea în vîrstă înregistrîndu-se descreúterea treptată
REZUMAT Studiul efectuat denotă modificări semnificative cantitative úi variat
Obiectivul cercetării a fost evaluarea compoziĠiei minerale osoase la diferite etape ontogenetice de dezvoltare.
Table III. Correlations between the contents of the mineral compounds REFERENCES
of the bone tissue of rats of different ages
Table III. Correlations between the contents of the mineral compounds of the bone tissue of rats of different ages. 1. Bailey DA, McKay HA, Mirwald RL et. al. A six-year longitudinal
Young Adult Old Senile study of the relationship of physical activity to bone mineral ac-
Ca Mg Na Pi Cl Ca Mg Na Pi Cl Ca Mg Na Pi Cl crual in growing children: the university of Saskatchewan bone
Ca 0.79 0.57 0.8 0.54 0.61
Mg 0,79 0.75 0.68 0.52 1.0 0.8 0.68
mineral accrual study. J Bone Miner Res 1999; 14: 1672-1679.
Na 0,57 0.75 0.72 0.65 -051 053 1.0 0.8 0.68 2. Cremers S, Bilezikian JP, Garnero P, Bone markers – new aspects.
Pi 0,8 0.68 0.72 0.6 0.52 -0.51 -0.58 0.88 0.8 0.8 0.77 Clin Lab 2008; 54 (11–12): 461-471.
Cl 0,54 0.61 0.65 0.6 0.6 0.53 -0.58 0.68 0.68 0.77 3. Garnero P, Biomarkers for osteoporosis management: utility in
Note a) table includes the values of correlation coefficient r; diagnosis, fracture risk prediction and therapy monitoring. Mol
b) in all cases p < 0.05.
Note a) table includes the values of correlation coefficient r, Diagn Ther 2008; 12(3): 157-170.
b) in all cases p<0.05. 1. 4. Honig St, Treatment Strategies for Patients with Low Bone Mass
(The Younger Postmenopausal Female). Bulletin of the NYU Hos-
pital for Joint Diseases 2008; 66(3): 240-243.
Many correlations between the quantities of mineral compounds in bone tissue 5. Saggese G, Barancelli GI, Bertelloni S, Osteoporosis in children
were found. These correlations vary in number, power and related substances in and adolescents: diagnosis, risk factors and prevention. J Pediatr
animalsof different age (Table III). Endocrinol Metab 2001; 14: 833-859.
6. Singer FR, Eyre DR, Using biochemical markers of bone turnover
The greatest number of singifcant positive correlations of medium and strong in clinical practice. Cleve Clin J Med 2008; 75(10): 739 -750
intensity with r between 0.54 – 0.80 (p < 0.05) were attested in young and senile
rats. In adult rats a moderate number of medium intensity correlations both positive
and negative were found. The strongest positive (r between 0.71 and 0.89, p <0.05)
correlations were established in old animals.
Research data attested statistically significant changes, but at moderate scale
of the calcium and phosphate content – cardinal constituent elements of bone
mineral phase, in animals of different age.
2. Quantities of magnesium, chlorine, copper, sodium, potassium, zinc and
sulphates undergo significant age-dependent changes in the bone tissue of rats.
3. Correlations between the quantities of the mineral elements of the bone
tissue of rats vary in number, intensity and type of the related substances in animals
of different age.
Obiectivul cercetării a fost evaluarea compoziţiei minerale osoase la diferite etape ontogenetice de dezvoltare. Experienţele au fost efectuate pe 80 şobolani
divizaţi în 4 loturi – tineri, adulţi, bătrîni şi senili.
S-au depistatt modificări de acelaşi sens ale cantităţilor de calciu şi fosfaţi, care ating valori maxime la animalele adulte şi în următoarele grupe de vîrstă
diminuează treptat. Concentraţiile medii maxime de magneziu, clor, potasiu şi cupru în ţesutul osos se atestă la animalele tinere (respectiv, 1.46 ± 0.21, 3.53
± 0.28, 0.02 and 0129 ± 2.97 ± 0.18 mM/g ţesut). Concentraţiile de cupru şi sodiu alternează de la o grupă de vîrstă la alta – scade la cei adulţi comparativ
cu cei tineri (cu 33% şi 51%, p < 0,0001), creşte la cei bătrîni comparativ cu cei adulţi (cu 13% şi 62%, p < 0,05) şi ulterior iarăşi descreşte la şobolanii senili
comparativ cu cei bătrîni (cu 18% şi 73%, p < 0,005). Conţinutul de zinc este practic identic la şobolanii tineri, adulţi şi bătrîni şi variază între 0,017 şi 0,0183
mM/g ţesut osos, pe cînd concentraţia sulfaţilor în os creşte semnificativ la animalele adulte comparativ cu cele tinere (de 14 ori), odată cu înaintarea în vîrstă
înregistrîndu-se descreşterea treptată a cantităţii lor.
Studiul efectuat denotă modificări semnificative cantitative şi variate ca direcţie ale concentraţiilor substanţelor minerale în ţesutul osos al şobolanilor la
diferite etape ontogenetice de dezvoltare, cunoaşterea căreea este necesară pentru evaluarea stării ţesutului osos în diverse condiţii fiziologice şi patologii
Cuvinte cheie: ţesut osos, compoziţie minerală, modificări ontogenetice
Introduction: Cellular antioxidant enzymes such as glutathione peroxidase play a central role in the control of reactive oxygen species. In vitro, data and
studies on animal models suggest that these enzymes may protect against atherosclerosis, but few are known for their relevance to human disease.
Aim: We have examined the association between redox status and the prognosis of non ST elevated acute coronary syndrome.
Methods: We have evaluated 55 patients, age under 75, consequently hospitalized in the Cardiology Clinic of Emergency Clinic Hospital of Constanta,
during May 2008 – May 2009, diagnosed with non ST elevated acute coronary syndrome and 19 healthy volunteers (without cardiovascular affections,
hypercholesterolemia, diabetes and non-smoking). The patients were divided in two groups: the first group - patients with unstable angina (37 patients, out
of which 10 were readmission in the following 6 months) and the second group – patients with non-Q wave myocardial infarction (18 patients, out of which
6 were readmission in the first 6 months after the heart attack). Glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activity was measured over a fixed time: T1 – the first 24 hours
after hospital admission, T2 – at 48 hours and T3 – at discharge. After discharge, the patients were monitored and the following data was recorded: months
of follow-up, death due cardiovascular cause and onset of major cardiovascular events.
Results: This prospective study of patients admitted with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome (unstable angina and non-Q wave myocardial
infection) showed a direct association between baseline GPx and the onset of major acute coronary events in the group with unstable angina and inversely
associated with future fatal and non-fatal cardiovascular events in the group with non-Q wave myocardial infarction.
Conclusion: In the case of the patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome, the antioxidative enzyme GPx seems to protect against
adverse oxidative effects. The analysis of GPx activity provides superior information on cardiovascular risk assessment compared with the measurement of
traditional risk factors alone.
Key words: acute coronary syndrome, biological markers/blood, glutathione peroxidase, oxidation-reduction, oxidative stress
INTRODUCTION Glutathione peroxidase 1, the ubiquitous intracellular form and key antioxidant
Controversial data existing concerning the relation between the activities of enzyme within most of the cells, including those of endothelium, uses glutathione
scavenger antioxidant enzymes and coronary heart disease (CHD) risk. to reduce hydrogen peroxide to water and lipid peroxides to their respective alcohols
Oxidative stress may be defined as an imbalance between the production and (6,9), and it also acts as a peroxynitrite reductase (17).
degradation of reactive oxygen species such as super oxide anion, hydrogen peroxide, On the basis of the experimental evidence, we addressed the hypothesis that
lipid peroxides and peroxynitrite. Aerobic organisms possess antioxidant defense enhanced activity of cellular glutathione peroxidase 1 would be protective against
systems that deal with reactive oxygen species (ROS) produced as consequence of cardiovascular events in patients with coronary artery disease.
aerobic respiration and substrate oxidation. Low levels of ROS are indispensable
in many biochemical processes, including intracellular signaling, defense against
microorganisms and cell function. In contrast, high dose and/or inadequate removal
of ROS, results in “oxidative stress”, which has been implicated in the pathogenesis We have evaluated 55 patients, age under 75, consequently hospitalized in the
of many cardiovascular diseases, including hypercholesterolemia, atherosclerosis, Cardiology Clinic of Emergency Clinic Hospital of Constanta, during May 2008 – May
hypertension, diabetes, and heart failure. Enzymatic inactivation of reactive oxygen 2009, diagnosed with non ST elevated acute coronary syndrome and 19 healthy
species is achieved mainly by glutathione peroxidase, superoxide dismutase, and volunteers (without cardiovascular affections, hypercholesterolemia, diabetes and
catalase (7, 8). In mammalian cells, glutathione and the glutathione peroxidases non-smoking) – control group.
are the principal antioxidant defense system (13, 20). The patients were informed about the study protocol and a written consent
There are at least four different glutathione peroxidases, all of them containing was obtained from each patient. All the patients were evaluated within the same
selenocysteine at their active sites (2). clinical and paraclinical protocol: medical history, physical examination, 12-lead
electrocardiography, biochemical analysis.
Received June 2009. Accepted July 2009. Address for correspondence: Dr. Violeta Sapira, Neurology Department, University of Medicine Constanta, Romania, e-mail:
[email protected]
95 percent confidence intervals are reported. The p-value is two-sides; a p-value Pacients with
unstable angina
age u/l u/gHb u/l u/gHb u/l u/gHb
of less was considered to indicate statistical significances. Control group average 198.444 1.491
std.dev. 16.964 0.303
UA with
event average 63.70 256.900 1.956 272.500 1.969 207.100 1.550
The study’s results are presented as tables and graphs. pT (T1 vs T2 and T3)
pT (T2 vs T3)
0.512 0.026
Table I offers the base-line characteristics of the 55 study participants. It can UA without
event average 59.81 178.741 1.354 274.296 1.980 197.222 1.465
be noticed that there are no important differences between the two study groups Group I B std.dev. 10.83 45.191 0.399 80.513 0.653 52.491 0.368
pT (grup IB vs control
as far as it concerns the clinic characteristics of the patients. Also, there are no sig- group) 0.047 < 0.001 0.911
pT (T1 vs T2 and T3) < 0.001 0.172
nificant variations of the incidence of cardiovascular risk factors (diabetes, obesity, pT (T2 vs T3) 0.000
pT (IA vs IB) 0.001 0.935 0.505
dyslipidemia). The age of the patients hospitalized with non-Q wave infarction is
significantly bigger than the age of the patients with unstable angina (65+/-9.57 At the patients with myocardial infarction (MI) non-Q that were re-hospitalized
GPx (U/L)
in the first 6 months after the discharge it is noticeable o quick, significant grow
the fibrinogen (535±163.22 vs 646±193.23, pT=0.043), total creatine kinase of GPx toward the witness lot but also toward the patients with IM non-Q with
(128±76.21 vs 639±680.34, pT=0.0055), troponin I (0.409±0.39 vs 35.2±40.84, good evolution after 6 months (317.667 vs 198.44 vs 142.917, pT<0.05) (Table
pT=0.0219), and of the leucocytes number (7.96±2.16 vs 9.71±2.31, pT=0.0119) III). Afterwards, the GPx values are significantly decreasing and remain decreased
at the patients with non-Q wave myocardial infarction. until the discharge, unlike the patients with good evolution, the significance of the
UA with cardiovascular event UA without cardiovascular event
control group 198.44 198.44
T1 256.90 178.74
272.50 274.29
Fig. 1 The average variations of GPx at the patients with unstable angina (UA)
variations being statistical (T<0.05) (Fig.2) The enzymes in the GPx family scavenge ROS in the vascular and protect
the bioavailability of NO, thereby maintaining normal endothelial function and
antithrombotic vascular milieu. The cellular isoform of GPx (GPx-1) has impaired
endothelium-dependent vasodilatator function (7), and decreased levels of GPx-1
GPx (U/L)
in humans have been recently associated with coronary heart disease in a dose-
dependent manner (11).
250 This prospective study of patients admitted with non-ST-segment elevation
acute coronary syndrome (unstable angina and non-Q wave myocardial infarction)
showed a direct association between baseline GPx and the onset of MACEs in the
group with unstable angina and inversely associated with future fatal and non-fatal
cardiovascular events in the group with non-Q wave myocardial infarction.
100 Although the association between oxidative stress and the development of
both endothelial dysfunction and coronary arteriosclerosis has been studied before
(18,21,22,23), the prognostic role of markers of oxidative damage had comparatively
received less attention and the results so far are not clear. Indeed, in the particular
UA with cardiovascular event UA without cardiovascular event
control group 198.44 198.44 case of GPx, only 3 reports (4,10,15) have examined its association with the onset
274.29 cardiovascular events and the results (an inverse association between higher GPx
T3 207.10 197.22
and the rate of adverse event during follow-up) were partly in disagreement with
those of our study. Admittedly, those study populations comprised mostly persons
Fig. 1 The average variations of GPx at the patients with unstable angina (UA) with stable ischemic heart disease, whereas in our study all patients were admitted
with on-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome. Another factor that must
be taken into consideration is that the method by which we have determined the
GPx was different from the one used in the earlier studies, which might also yield
GPx (U/L)
in the event of unstable angina, higher GPx probably reflects greater antioxidant
150 300
response due to greater oxidative status, and that this response, at least during the
100 200
acute phase, is not associated with a better prognosis but with a worse one. In
150 opposition, at the patients with non-Q wave myocardial infarction, the decreased
level of GPx at externalization is associated with the growth of the risk of future
At the patients with myocardial infarction (MI) non-Q that were re-hospitalized in the first 6
months after the discharge it is noticeable o quick, significant grow of GPx toward the witness lot but also CONCLUSIONS
toward Fig. 2 The with
the patients average
IM variations
non-Q withof GPx
the patients with6 months
after non-Q wave myocardial
(317.667 infarction
vs 198.44 vs 142.917,
pT<0.05) (Table III). Afterwards, the GPx values are significantly decreasing and remain decreased until • The coronary acute syndromes are associated with the alternation of the
the discharge, unlike the patients with good evolution, the significance of the variations being statistical
(T<0.05) (Fig.2) Table III. The variations of glutathione peroxidase at the patients balance between the oxidant and anti-oxidant systems.
with non-Q wave myocardial infarction
Table III. The variations of glutathione peroxidase at the patients with non-Q wave myocardial infarction • GPx is an essential component of the enzymatic system of anti-oxidant
48 defense of the body.
Pacients with Admission hours Discharge
MI nonQ (T1) (T2) (T3) • At the patients with non-Q wave myocardial infarction who have been
age u/l u/gHb u/l u/gHb u/l u/gHb
Control group average 198.444 1.491 readmission, the GPx values have precocious increased (at 24 hours from hospital-
std.dev. 16.964 0.303
MI nonQ with ization). Afterwards, the values have decreased, remaining under the values of the
event average 67.00 317.667 2.398 179.667 1.539 180.167 1.430 control group also at externalization.
Group II A std.dev. 7.18 89.415 0.595 11.776 0.438 35.114 0.449
pT (grup IIA vs
control group) 0.023 0.062 0.322
• At the patients with unstable angina with unfavorable evolution, after 24
pT (T1 vs T2 and
T3) 0.009 0.006
hours from hospitalization, the GPx values were bigger that at the patients with
MI nonQ
pT (T2 vs T3) 0.937 unstable angina with good evolution.
• Taking into consideration the anti-oxidant mechanism’s dynamic related
event average 64.00 142.917 1.066 207.167 1.484 210.583 1.571
Group II B std.dev. 10.73 37.049 0.296 33.701 0.233 26.294 0.347
to the evolution of the patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary
pT (grup IIB vs
control group) 0.000 0.736 0.666 syndrome, the anti-oxidant therapy could be a good method to improve the
pT (T1 vs T2 and
T3) 0.003 0.030 prognostic (25)
pT (T2 vs T3) 0.824
pT (IIA vs IIB) 0.004 0.023 0.049
The enzymes in the GPx family scavenge ROS in the vascular and protect the bioavailability of
NO, thereby maintaining normal endothelial function and antithrombotic vascular milieu. The cellular
isoform of GPx (GPx-1) has impaired endothelium-dependent vasodilatator function (7), and decreased
18 Fiziologia - Physiology 2009.19.3(63)
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Enzimele celulare antioxidante, ca glutation peroxidaza detin un rol central in controlul speciilor reactive de oxigen. In vitro, datele si studiile efectuate pe animale
sugereaza ca aceste enzime au rol protector impotriva aterosclerozei, dar sunt putine date relevante la om. Scopul studiului a fost determinarea asocierii dintre
statusul redox si prognosticul pacientilor cu sindrom coronarian acut fara supradenivelare de segment ST (angina instabila si infarct miocardic fara unda Q). Metoda:
Au fost evaluati 55 de pacienti, cu varsta sub 75 ani internati consecutiv in Clinica de Cardiologie a Spitalului Clinic de Urgenta Constanta in perioada mai 2008 – mai
2009 cu diagnosticul de sindrom coronarian acut fara supradenivelare de segment ST si 19 persoane voluntare (fara afectiuni cardiovasculare, hipercolesterolemie,
diabet zaharat si nefumatoare). Pacientii au fost impartiti in doua grupuri: grup I – pacientii cu angina instabila (37 pacienti, din care 10 au necesitat reinternare in
urmatoarele 6 luni) si grup II – pacientii cu infarct miocardic acut fara unda Q (18 pacienti, din care 6 pacienti au suferit reinternare in primele 6 luni post-infract).
Activitatea glutation peroxidazei (GPx) a fost determinata la perioade fixe: T1 – primele 24 de ore de la internare, T2 – la 48 ore de la internare si T3 – la externare.
Dupa externare pacientii au fost monitorizati si s-au notat urmatoarele date: perioada de urmarire, decesul de cauza cardiovasculara si incidenta evenimentelor
cardiovasculare majore. Rezultate: Studiul demonstreaza o asociere directa intre nivelul GPx si incidenta evenimentelor coronariene majore in grupul cu angina
instabila si o asociere inversa cu evenimentele cardiovasculare fatale sau non-fatale in grupul pacientilor diagnosticati cu infarct miocardic fara unda Q. Concluzii:
La pacientii cu sindrom coronarian acut fara supradenivelare de segment ST enzima antioxidanta GPx pare a avea un rol protector impotriva efectelor oxidative
adverse. Analiza activitatii GPx poate oferi informatii superioare in evaluarea riscului cardiovascular comparativ cu masurarea doar a factorilor de risc traditionali.
Cuvinte cheie: sindrom coronarian acut, markeri biologici/sange, glutation peroxidaza, oxidare-reducere, stress oxidativ
Various studies show that reactive oxygen species (ROS) are involved in ulcerous disease. This has multiple etiopathogenetic factors, among which the ad-
ministration of NSAIDs plays an important role. The digestive lesions may be prevented by the association of proton pump inhibitors (PPI), and there are also
data that indicate the advantages of the therapeutic supplementation of potentially antioxidant potions.The aim of the study was to evidence the growth
of the oxidative stress level due to the administration of aspirin, and its decrease following the association of the antiulcerous protection, the antioxidant.
There are considerable variations of the oxidant-antioxidant balance among the study groups. The aspirin treatment alters considerably the serum oxidative
stress parameters and the gastric tissue in favor of prooxidants. The preventive administration of PPI considerably improves the status of serum antioxidants.
PPI therapy decreases the level of tissue antioxidants (probably due to excessive consumption), but pathomorphologically improves the gastric mucous
membrane. The association with antioxidants decreases the level of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and improves the anatomo-pathological aspect of the
gastric mucous membrane.
Key words: oxidative stress, NSAIDs, peptic ulcer
INTRODUCTION oxidative lesions which probably play an important role in the pathophysiology of
Peptic ulcer and gastritis have multiple etiopathogenetic factors, and one of digestive ulcerations induced by NSAIDs (5,10). NSAIDs inhibit the cyclooxigenase
the major factors of aggression is the formation of a reactive oxygen species (ROS). isoforms and decrease the level of prostaglandin E2 in the gastric mucous membrane,
The involvement of free radicals derived from oxygen, such as the superoxide anion, causing ulceration, and it delays the cure of ulcer by the reduction of the level of
hydrogen peroxide and hydroxyl radical, is demonstrated in the pathogenesis of the prostaglandins and the prevention of angiogenesis mediated by these. In addi-
ischemic lesions of the gastro-intestinal mucous membrane, as well as in other tion to this, NSAIDs decrease the gastric production of mucus, which may lead to
types of its lesions that are induced by NSAIDs, ethanol, food diet and Helicobacter hemorrhagic ulcer. So, the drugs that prevent the progression of ulcer by antioxidant
pylori (23). The reactive oxygen species generated by the metabolism of arachidonic action and also promote the secretion of PGE2, gastric mucus and increase factors,
acid, blood platelets, macrophages and cells of smooth brawn may contribute may accelerate the cure of gastric ulcer (4). The proton pump inhibitors (PPI) are
to the formation of gastric mucous membrane lesions. Therefore, through the currently used in the treatment and prevention of gastroduodenal lesions induced
scavenger action against free radicals, the reactive oxygen metabolites may be by NSAIDs, their efficiency being related to the inhibition of gastric acid secretion.
useful by protecting the gastric mucous membrane from oxidative lesions or by The gastric protection provided by pantoprazol is also given by its ability to interfere
the acceleration of the healing of gastric ulcers (19).Gastric ulcerations associated with NSAIDs secondary oxidative and inflammatory lesions. Pantoprazol acts with
with NSAIDs appear in 30% of the patients which require to be hospitalized and are the help of direct and indirect antioxidant mechanisms, protects the gastric mucous
associated with a high mortality rate (13). NSAIDs are frequently prescribed due to membrane against the oxidative injuries caused by focal ischemia and the activation
their efficiency in fighting pain, inflammation and fever. Their use is associated with of neutrophils induced by NSAIDs (10). Vitamin C is a hydrosoluble antioxidant that
the appearance of some digestive side effects, such as erosions of the gastric mucous eliminates the reactive oxygen species (ROS), among which: superoxide radical,
membrane, ulcerations, bleeding, perforation, as well as the high risk of hemorrhage hydroxyl radical, hydrogen peroxide, singlet oxygen and hypochlorous acid; it plays
from the preexisting peptic ulcers. The pathogenesis of gastrointestinal lesions the role of antioxidant of vitamin E, by reducing the radical of vitamin E at the level of
induced by NSAIDs may depend on the independent processes of prostaglandins, liquid / water. It prevents the burn of neutrophils in the endothelium by its scavenger
such as oxidative phosphorylation, the decrease of the proliferation of the mucous action on the derived ROS at the level of the activated neutrophils. Vitamin E is a
membrane cells and the activation of the neutrophils, followed by the increase of liposoluble antioxidant and plays the role of destroying the bonds in the peroxidation
endothelial adhesion. Finally, they produce the decrease of microvascularization process of the cell membrane lipids. At the same time, it is a scavanger of ROS, such
and the hyperproduction of reactive oxygen metabolites, able to induce tissue as superoxide radical, hydroxyl radical and singlet oxygen. Vitamin E exerts an anti-
Received March 2009. Accepted June 2009. Address for correspondence: Dr. Simona Martura, Medical Clinic I, University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Iuliu Hatieganu" Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Evolution of the oxidative stress markers
Serum MDA had the following variations: an insignificant increase of the values
in group II compared to the control group; an insignificant decrease in group II Fig. 3. Variation of serum hydrogen donor capacity
compared to the first two groups; a significant decrease of the values of group IV
compared to those of the control group and group II, with an insignificant variation
compared to group III (Fig. 1).No significant variations in serum CP values were
detected (Fig. 2).Serum HD presented the following alterations: they decreased
significantly in group II compared to the control group; they increased significantly
in group III compared to group II; otherwise, the variations of the values between
the groups were insignificant (Fig. 3). For the serum thiol groups, the following were
noticed: they decreased significantly in group IV compared to group II; they increased
significantly compared to group III; they did not vary significantly compared to the
control group (Fig. 4). Malondialdehyde at gastric tissue level presented: a significant
decrease in group II compared to the control group; a significant decrease in group
IV compared to the first two groups, with insignificant variations compared to the
control group (Fig.5). The levels of carbonylated proteins (CP) in the gastric tissue Fig. 4. Variation of serum sulfhydryl groups
did not undergo significant alterations between the rat groups under observation
(Fig. 6). The level of hydrogen donors (HD) in the gastric tissue presented differences
between the groups: they decreased significantly in group II compared to the control
and in group IV compared to group II, the rest of the variations between the groups
were insignificant (Fig. 7).Except one insignificant difference between groups II and
III, the thiol groups (SH) varied as follows: they decreased significantly in the last
three groups compared to the control group, meaning that they were situated at a
lower level in group IV compared to the rest of the groups (Fig.8).
No significant changes were identified in the general state or in the evolution
of individual weight. Mortality was less than 5%, and was most probably caused
Fig. 2.Variation of serum carbonylated proteins by individual sensitivity.
orrhagic foci, an inflammatory neutrophilic infiltrate more abundant in the areas of II-III II-IV
0.030 0.040
0.009 0.004
0.004 0.001
discontinuity of the mucous membrane, deep chorion and submucosa (close to the II-IV III-IV
0.030 0.960 0.002 0.0004 0.724
0.920 0.870
0.340 0.004 0.950 0.001 0.0040.040 0.010
Table III. Distribution and categorization of the gastric lesions observed by macroscopic examination
muscularis of the mucous membrane). Group III presented an undamaged surface Table III.
Score Distribution
Group I
Group II
categorization of the gastric
Group III
lesions observed by
Group IV
macroscopic examination
III-IV 0.9600 0.0004 100% 0.724 - 0.870 Group 60%0.004
Table III. Distribution and categorization of the gastric lesions observed
0.001 0.040 0.057
epithelium; the chorion contained a mixed inflammatory lymphoplasmacytic and neu- Score 1
Score 20
- I
40% II
Group- IV
100% -
trophilic infiltrate. The inflammatory cells were more abundant in the deep region of the Score 31
Score by macroscopic examination
-- 40%- 40%- --
Table III. Distribution
Score 42
Score and categorization
-- of- the gastric lesions
60% -- observed by- -macroscopic examination
Score 3 Group-I Group- II -
Group III - Group IV
mucous membrane and at the level of the muscularis of the mucous membrane.Group Score 0 Score 4
100% - 60%
- 60% -
100% -
IV also presented an undamaged surface epithelium, with no erosions or ulcerations, DISCUSSIONS Score 1 - 40% 40% -
ThereScorewere2 significant differences
- in the- oxidant-antioxidant
- balance between - the study
but it had a reduced inflammatory lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate, located at the level groups.The
Scorewere3 ofsignificant
the researches- over the
differences in past years suggest -that free
the- oxidant-antioxidant oxygen
balance radicals
- the are
between co-
responsible, in
groups.The Score addition to the etiologic
results4 of the researches factor, for
- over the past the lesions of the
60%years suggest thatmucous
- membrane of
- the digestive
of the deep chorion. Some lymphocytes in the muscularis of the mucous membrane tract and for the initiation of the inflammatory process. The
free oxygen radicals
inflammation, which is a defense
responsible, in addition to the etiologic factor, for the lesions of the mucous membrane of the digestive
are co-
tract the
and body,
for theisinitiation
at the same time a cause of process.
tissue damage. During the which
respiratory explosion of the
could be observed, but with absent polymorphonuclear neutrophils (Fig.9). phagocytes of the
from the body,
of the
is atinflammatory
the same timecells, almost
a cause
The inflammation,
3.2 million
of tissue damage.superoxide
During theanion
is a defense
and also
explosion 3.6
of the
phagocytes of the inflammatory cells, almost 3.2 million superoxide anion radicals, and also 3.6
There were significant differences in the oxidant-antioxidant balance between the study
groups.The results of the researches over the past years suggest that free oxygen radicals are co-
responsible, in addition to the etiologic factor, for the lesions of the mucous membrane of the digestive
tract and for the initiation of the inflammatory process. The inflammation, which is a defense reaction
from the body, is at the same time a cause of tissue damage. During the respiratory explosion of the
phagocytes of the inflammatory cells, almost 3.2 million superoxide anion radicals, and also 3.6
Numeroase studii arata faptul ca speciile reactive ale oxigenului (SRO) sunt implicate in boala ulceroasa. Aceasta recunoaste factori etiopatogenetici multipli,
intre care un loc important il ocupa administrarea de AINS. Leziunile digestive pot fi prevenite prin asocierea inhibitorilor pompei de protoni (IPP), existand si
date care indica avantajele suplimentarii terapeutice aditionale cu preparate cu potential antioxidant. Scopul studiului a fost de a demonstra cresterea nivelului
stresului oxidativ consecutiv administrarii de aspirina si, respectiv, scaderea acestuia secundar asocierii terapiei de protectie antiulceroasa, respectiv antioxi-
danta. Am constatat ca intre loturile din studiu exista variatii semnificative ale balantei oxidanti-antioxidanti. Tratamentul cu aspirina modifica semnificativ
parametrii de stres oxidativ serici si din tesutul gastric in favoarea prooxidantilor. Administrarea preventiva de IPP imbunatateste semnificativ statusul seric
antioxidant. Terapia cu IPP scade nivelul de antioxidanti tisulari (probabil datorita consumului in exces), insa imbunatateste morfopatologic tesutul gastric.
Asocierea de antioxidanti scade nivelul speciilor reactive ale oxigenului (ROS) si amelioreaza aspectul anatomo-patologic al mucoasei gastrice.
Cuvinte cheie: stres oxidativ, AINS, ulcer peptic.
The use of orthodontic appliances in the treatment of the various dento-maxillar anomalies most frequently presume the application of high intensity forces,
non-physiological, which always will produce an inflammatory response localised around the tooth or the teeth subjected to displacement. The presence of
an inflammatory process at this level will produce an increased synthesis of free radicals, secondary followed by the oxidative stress.
In order to asses the level of the oxidative stress, a series of its markers are used, including the reactive species of oxygen and nitrogen, and the oxidation
products in particular, such as lipid peroxides and oxidized proteins respectively.
Thus, the objective of the present study is to determine and compare the levels of some oxidative stress markers (malondialdehyde, ceruloplasmine, hydrogen
donors) in saliva of patients with orthodontic appliances, before and after the initiation of the treatment.
The patients included in this study were 7 girls and 4 boys, with the average age of 9.9 years, in which orthodontic biomechanical appliances were applied,
in the purpose of treatment of some dento-maxillar anomalies. Saliva has been collected before the initiation of the orthodontic treatment, at 1 hour, at 24
hours, and at 7 days from from the orthodontic appliance application.
The variations in the concentrations of the saliva markers of the oxidative stress reached a maximum at 24 hours from the debut of the treatment for cerulo-
plasmine and malondialdehyde, and at one hour for the hydrogen donors respectively, while at 7 days from the device application the concentrations were
close to the initial values.
The health condition at the level of the oral cavity in the patients taken into study did not change during the research. These results demonstrate that the
utilization of an orthodontic appliance changes the levels of the saliva markers of oxidative stress, but these variations, even statistically significant, do not
determine the appearance of certain pathological processes at the level of the oral cavity.
Key words: ceruloplasmine, malondialdehyde, hydrogen donors, saliva, orthodontic appliances
INTRODUCTION cellular components, such as DNA, proteins, lipids and fatty acids. These reactions
Free radicals, such as the reactive species of oxygen, result in a high diversity are finally followed by damages in the DNA molecules, mitochondrial malfunctions,
of biochemical reactions produced during the progress of the cellular functions alteration of plasma membrane and eventually the cell death.
(e.g. the mitochondrial metabolism). The formation of these free radicals (pro- A high variety of biological processes, such as the anti-microbial defence,
oxidants) in physiological conditions is balanced through their consumption by inflammation, carcinogenesis, and the aging as well imply the involvement of the
the antioxidants. free radicals (3, 4), leading thus to oxidative stress. The DNA alteration, the cellular
The oxidative stress is produced as a consequence of an unbalance between the malfunctions, and other pathological processes mediated by these free radicals
synthesis and the neutralization of the pro-oxidants. A high number of pathological represented in time sources of interest for biochemists and physicians.
processes in the human organism can affect this balance by the increasing of the The main free radicals are represented by the reactive species of oxygen (ROS)
free radicals production related to the existing antioxidants. and nitrogen (RNS).
Formation of pro-oxidants and their effect upon the cellular functions (which The settlement of a certain causative relation between the oxidative stress and
can finally lead to apoptosis) have the name of oxidative stress. Sies H., in his paper: the physiological or pathological processes in which is involved, is achieved by the
„Oxidative stress: from basic research to clinical application”, published in 1991 (1), assessment of the oxidative stress markers in different fluids of the human body.
stated the first definition of the oxidative stress – „an unbalance in the balance The biomarkers are defined as characteristics which can be objective measured,
pro-oxidants / antioxidants behalf pro-oxidants, with possible repercussions on and evaluated as indicators of the normal biological processes, of the pathological
the organism”. processes, or of the pharmacological responses after a therapeutic intervention
The oxidative stress involves the adverse effects of oxygen and of other free (5).
radicals on the living tissues (2). The free radicals are unstable molecules, with A series of markers of the oxidative stress are used, including the reactive species
increased reactivity, because they have a free electron, which combines with various of oxygen and nitrogen, but most of them have a limited value because of a reduced
Received July 2009. Accepted August 2009. Address for correspondence: Dr. Cristian Olteanu, Department of Orthodontics, „Iuliu Hatieganu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca,
e-mail: [email protected]
Fig. 3. Changes of the hydrogen donor ability in saliva during the study (inh.%)
• The application of an orthodontic appliance modifies the saliva markers of
DISCUSSIONS the oxidative stress, but these variations, even statistically significant, do not change
At the moment 0, before the application of the orthodontic appliance, the the health status at the level of the oral cavity.
saliva levels of ceruloplasmine and malondialdehyde were ranging in normal limits • Even if the application of an orthodontic appliance is followed by the ap-
(average: 2.27 mg% for ceruloplasmine, and 0.26 nmols/ml for malondialdehyde pearance of an inflammatory process localized around the tooth which needs to
respectively). be displaced (otherwise strictly necessary to achieve the dental displacements),
At 1 hour from the beginning of the force action, the saliva concentrations and consecutively the appearance of the oxidative stress at this level, this does not
of ceruloplasmine and malondialdehyde display a slight increasing, statistically manifest generally at the level of whole oral cavity.
significant (p<0.01), but without implications on the pathology of the oral cavity • This is due to the fact that the inflammatory process is a localized one, and
(3.62 mg%, and 0.30 nmols/ml respectively). the markers of the oxidative stress are diluting in the oral cavity, thus their variations,
At 24 hour from the device application, the levels of ceruloplasmine and malon- even statistically significant in the saliva of the patient carrying an orthodontic ap-
dialdehyde in saliva have a maximum of 4.88 mg%, and 0.54 nmols/ml respectively, pliance, do not produce the appearance of pathological changes at this level.
values which are statistically significant increased (p<0.01), but again without the • The application of an orthodontic appliance does not produce pathological
appearance of certain pathological changes at the level of the oral cavity. changes in the oral cavity of the patient to be treated, in the conditions in which the
At 7 days from the beginning of force action, the saliva levels of the two forces which act on the tooth to be displaced are close to the physiological forces.
markers decrease, coming close to the values recorded before the application of
the orthodontic appliance.
Before the beginning of the orthodontic treatment, the ability of hydrogen
donor in saliva has the mean value of 20.13 inhibition %. At 1 hour from the force
application, the minimum of level is reached, respectively a mean value of 14.58 1. Sies H. Oxidative stress: from basic research to clinical ap-
plication. Am J Med. 1991 Sep 30; 91(3C): 31S-38S
inhib.% decrease which is statistically significant (p<0.01). At 24 hours from the
2. Pugliese PT. The skin, free radicals, and oxidative stress.
force application, the value increases at an average of 16.11 inhib. %, while at 7 Dermatol Nurs 1995 Dec; 7(6): 361-9
days from the debut of the orthodontic treatment, the level returns to values close 3. Sies H. Biochemistry of oxidative stress. Angew Chem Int Ed
to those evaluated at the moment 0, respectively an average of 19.48 inhib.%. All Engl 1986; 25: 1058-71
these variations in the ability of hydrogen donor are statistically significant, but 4. Halliwell B, Gutteridge JMC. Free radicals in biology and
without implications on the oral pathology. medicine. 2nd ed Oxford UK: Clarendon Press, 1989
A series of studies have proven increases of the plasma concentrations of 5. Dalle-Donne I, Rossi R, Colombo R, Giustarini D, Milzani a.
malondialdehyde and ceruloplasmine in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (6,7), as Biomarkers of oxidative damage in human disease. Clin Chem
well as of the saliva level of these markers of the oxidative stress in the same disease 2006 Feb 16; 52: 601-23
6. Kiziltunc A, Cogalgil S, Cerrahoglu L. Carnitine and anti-
(8), in which one of the articulations of interest is the temporo-mandibular joint.
oxidant levels in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Scand J
Because the use of the orthodontic appliances for the treatment of the various Rheumatol 1998; 27: 441–5.
dental anomalies will produce an inflammatory response, localized around the tooth 7. Ozturk HS, Cimen MY, Cimen OB, Kacmaz M, Durak I. Oxidant/
or the teeth to be displaced, the results of this study are in correspondence with the antioxidant status of plasma samples from patients with rheu-
data reported in the literature. matoid arthritis. Rheumatol Int 1999; 19: 35–7.
Taking into account there is not known literature data to mention the variation 8. Nagler RM, Salameh F, Reznick AZ, Livshits V, Nahir AM.
of the hydrogen donors in the context of our study, a possible explanation for the Salivary gland involvement in rheumatoid arthritis and its rela-
reach of their minimal level at 1 hour from the beginning of the treatment could tionship to induced oxidative stress. Rheumatology (Oxford).
be the direct mechanism of annihilation of the oxygen free radicals by hydrogen, 2003 Oct; 42(10): 1234-41.
with water formation.
Utilizarea aparatelor ortodontice pentru tratarea diverselor anomalii dento-maxilare presupune cel mai frecvent aplicarea unor forţe de intensitate crescută,
nefiziologice care întotdeauna vor determina apariţia unui răspuns inflamator localizat în jurul dintelui sau dinţilor care urmează a fi deplasaţi. Prezenţa unui
proces inflamator la acest nivel va produce o sinteză crescută de radicali liberi, cu apariţia secundară a stresului oxidativ.
Pentru determinarea nivelului stresului oxidativ, sunt utilizaţi o serie de markeri ai acestuia, incluzând aici speciile reactive ale oxigenului şi azotului, dar mai
ales produşii care sunt oxidaţi, respectiv peroxizii lipidici şi proteinele oxidate.
Astfel, obiectivul lucrării îl constituie determinarea nivelului unor markeri ai stresului oxidativ (malondialdehida, ceruloplasmina, donorii de hidrogen) în
saliva pacienţilor purtători de aparate ortodontice, înainte şi după debutul tratamentului.
Pacienţii cuprinşi în studiu au fost 7 fete şi 4 băieţi, cu vârsta medie 9,9 ani, la care s-au aplicat aparate ortodontice mobilizabile, în scopul tratării unor anomalii
dento-maxilare. Saliva a fost recoltată înainte de debutul tratamentului, la 1 oră, 24 ore şi 7 zile de la aplicarea aparatului ortodontic.
Variaţiile concentraţiilor markerilor salivari ai stresului oxidativ prezintă un maxim la 24 ore de la debutul tratamentului pentru ceruloplasmină şi
malondialdehidă, respectiv la o oră pentru donorii de hidrogen, la 7 zile de la aplicarea aparatului, concentraţiile apropiindu-se de valorile iniţiale.
Pe tot parcursul desfăşurării cercetării, starea de sănătate de la nivelul cavităţii orale a pacienţilor luaţi în studiu nu s-a modificat. Aceste rezultate demonstrează
că aplicarea unui aparat ortodontic modifică markerii salivari ai stresului oxidativ, dar aceste variaţii deşi sunt semnificative statistic, nu determină apariţia
unor procese patologice la nivelul cavităţii orale.
Cuvinte cheie: ceruloplasmina, malondialdehida, donori de hidrogen, saliva, aparate ortodontice
Daily consumption of cereals and derivates contributes to covering ¾ of the glucide requirements, ½ of the energetic needs and up to ½ of the protein
necessities of the organism. Fast-food products are rich in fats, sugar and salt, and they are included into the lifestyle of adolescents and they often replace
traditional nutrient sources. The working method was a transversal populational study, by use of the CORT 2004 questionnaire for the investigation of some
health risk behaviours in young subjects, on a representative population of adolescents in Timiș County, including 2908 pupils. We found that 96.4% of the
adolescents consume bread daily, ¾ of the girls eat 2-7 slices of bread a day, while ½ of the boys consume at least 8 slices daily. The consumption of pasta,
rice, cereals is present daily in 10.5% of the young subjects, with a 1.3/1 ratio between boys and girls. Chips and snacks were consumed by 20.5% of the
adolescents, hamburgers and pizza by 10.2% and fried potatoes by 15.5%. The results may corelate mainly with an energetic intake replacing basic foods
and with a deficit of high biological value proteins.
Key words: adolescents, alimentation, fast-food
Cereals represent an important source of vegetal proteins, with a content The study was performed on a representative population of adolescents in high-
of 7-16 g%, represented in proportion of 430-40% by gliadin and gluteins, and schools, postgraduate and apprentice schools in Timiș county, in urban areas, and it
by low quantities of albumins, nucleoalbumins and globulins (1). Regarding the included a total of 2908 pupils aged between 14 and 25 years (99% for the group of
biological value, they do not signify a qualitative fulfilment of the food portion adolescents aged between 15-19 years), 51.5% girls and 48.5% boys (9).
The work method was a transversal populational study, by use of the group and
because proteins in cereals and in dry vegetables contain all essential aminoacids
anonimous CORT 2004 questionnaire for investigating some health risk behaviours
but not in optimal proportions for the organism (2). in young subjects, designed by a CNCSIS accredited research team, by adaptation of
Among glucids, starch has the highest proportion, at an average of 80-90% in some international questionnaires (ESPAD, YRBSS) to the reality of Romanian life,
cereals and 50-55% in dry vegetables, and this cathegory of foods is an important in the period 2003-2005 (10).
source of B group vitamins, vitamin E and minerals, especially phosphorus (200-
400 mg%), potasium (100-350 mg%) and magnezium (50-150 mg%) and they
The requirement of cereals and cereal derivates in adolescence: 300-450 g bread/ 1. Bread consumption (Figure 1)
day (6-11 slices of 40 g); 60 g cereal derivates/zi (1 porion of 60 g). Reported to the The cereal intake in the daily portion of most young people, 96.4%, was covered
caloric value of the portion, these foods will cover, on average, 50% of the needs, by consumption of bread, and only 3.6% of the adolescents did not consume this ali-
meaning 70-80% of the necessary glucides and 45-50% of the protein needs (4). ment. Among the young bread consumers, 36.0% reported a 2-4 slices a day intake
In the great fast-food era, good home-learned practices are replaced by some (around 80-160 g), 27.8% of them consumed 5-7 slices daily (around 200-280 g),
not very advisable feeding trends. There is a tendency to rapidly eating spicy foods, and 32.6% of them ate more than 8 slices of bread a day (over 320 g).
sandwiches, conserved food, steaks, pasta, avoiding vegetables, fruits, bread (5).
% 60
Consumption of fast-food products causes the dramatical increase in the 50.5
children. The code is meant as a strategy against obesity and diseases occuring as 0
More than 10
8-10 slices
2-4 slices
5-7 slices
Did not
slices daily
177 million children are threatened by obesity. The code addresses the marketing
system for foods with high caloric value, rich in fats, sugar and salt.
Fig.1. Percentual distribution of boys and girls according to the frequency
of bread consumption during one week
Fig.1. Percentual distribution of boys and girls according to the frequency of bread consumption during one week
Received March 2009. Accepted June 2009. Address for correspondence: Dr. Oana Suciu, „Victor Babes” University
70 of Medicine and Pharmacy Timisoara, 2A Eftimie Murgu Square, 300041,
63.7 69.8
Timisoara, Romania, phone/fax: 0256220479 %
30 40
Fiziologia - Physiology 2009.19.3(63)
30 Girls
20 13.5 10.9
8.0 7.4 10.5 10.4
10 4.0
Between the frequencies of bread consumption depending on gender, there are differences between genders are not statistically significant. Thus, 48.0% of boys
50 48.0 46.2
statistically significant differences, with a χ2 value of 459.7 and a probability cutoff and 45
% 46.2% of girls, consumed 1-3 times a week, and 19.3% of boys and 21.7% of
% 60 differences in favour of boys who recorded a daily bread consumption
p<0.001, girls,40had a daily intake of chips and snaks. Only 16.9% of boys and 16.6% of girls
of over5010 slices (around 400g or more). Half of the girls, 50.5%, and 20.7% of the did not
35 consume these foods.
boys consumed between 2-4 slices of bread a day, and the percent of those who do 30 Boys
not eat40bread is double for girls, 5.1% as compared to only 2.1% in boys. 25
3.2. Consumption of hamburgers15.7 and pizza
16.9(Figure 4) Girls
28.4 28.2 Boys 20 15.5 16.6
30 An important percent
of the sample,
12.2 57.5%, reported hamburger consump-
Girls 7.7 9.5 11.6
2. Consumption of pasta, rice,
20.7 21.7 cereals (Figure 2) tion10
with a frequency of 1-3 times a week, which represents a higher proportion
20sample, most young subjects, 66.9%, consumed cereal derivates, others
Per as compared
5 to chips and snaks consumers, 10.2% consuming at least once a day,
than bread, with a frequency of 1-3 times a week. The 4-69.6 6.4
times a week consumption 0
and 24.8% of the young subjects never consuming these foods.
2 or more
4-6 times
1-3 times
Once daily
per week
per week
times per
Did not
was recorded2.1in 12.0% of the adolescents, 10.5% of them reporting an intake of at As for hamburgers and pizza consumption, there is a statistically significant
0 a day, and 10.6% did not eat food from this cathegory.
least once difference between consumption frequencies in boys and girls, with χ2 of 39.6 and
More than 10
8-10 slices
2-4 slices
5-7 slices
Did not
Differences between percentual distribution in girls and boys, depending on a probability cutoff p<0.001. An increased proportion persists in boys, 59.2% and
slices daily
the frequency of cereal derivates consumption are statistically significant, with a girls, 55.8%, who consumed hamburgers and pizza 1-3 times a week, and 12.3%
χ2 value of 19.5 and a probability cutoff p=0.001, and they are in favourFig.3.ofPercentual
boys. of boys and
distribution 8.2%and
of boys of girls
to thefoods at leastofonce
frequency a day.
chips and snaks consumption during one
Thus, 12.0% of boys and 9.3% of girls consumed this type of food at least once a
day. The percent of boys, 13.5%, who had an intake of cereal derivates 4-6 times a 60 59.2 55.8
Fig.1. Percentualweek is higher of
distribution than
boysin girls, 10.5%.
and girls according to the frequency of bread consumption during one 50 week
70 40
63.7 69.8 Boys
% 29.2
60 30 Girls
50 20
7.7 8.3 6.7
40 Boys
10 4.6 5.6
Girls 2.6
2 or more
4-6 times
1-3 times
Once daily
per week
per week
times per
Did not
13.5 10.9
4-6 times
1-3 times
Once daily
per week
per week
times per
Did not
Fig.2. Percentual distribution of boys and girls according to the frequency 3.3. Fried potatoes consumption (Figure 5)
.2. Percentual distribution of boys andofgirls
rice, cereals consumption during oneofweek
to the frequency In theone
pasta, rice, cereals consumption during caseweek
of fried potatoes, 56.4% of the adolescents consumed them at least
3. Consumption of fast-food 1-3 times a week, and to these subjects a 21.1% is added represented by young
3.1. Consumption of chips and snacks (Figure 3) subjects who consumed this food 4-6 times a week, and only 7.0% of them did
Regarding the consumption of chips and snacks, most young subjects, 47.0%, not eat this aliment.
reported consumption 1-3 times a week, and the proportion of adolescents who Like in the case of chips, snaks, hamburgers and pizza, fried potatoes were
consumed these ”unhealthy” foods, at least once a day, is rather important, 20.5%. also more frequently eaten by boys. Gender differences, regarding fried potatoes
Among the two genders, the hierarchy of consumption frequency of chips and
snaks is identical and similar to consumption frequencies for the entire sample, and 60 55.1 57.6
50 48.0 46.2 50
% 45
40 40
35 Boys
30 Boys
19.1 Girls
25 20
15.7 16.9 Girls
20 12.2 15.5 16.6 10.2 9.2
6.8 8.7
15 9.5 11.6 10 5.4
7.7 4.1
5 0
times per day
Did not
2 or more
2 or more
4-6 times
1-3 times
Once daily
per week
per week
times per
Did not
Fig.3. Percentual distribution of boys and girls according to the frequency Fig.5. Percentual distribution of boys and girls according to the frequency
of chips and snaks consumption during one week of fried potatoes consumption during one week
g.3. Percentual distribution of boys and girls according to the frequency of chips and Fig.5.
snaks Percentual distribution
consumption during oneof week
boys and girls according to the frequency of fried potatoes consumption during one w
30 Girls
consumption, is statistically significant, with χ2 of 31.20 and a probability cutoff olds and 10.7% in 19 year old subjects.
p<0.001 and it is in favour of boys. Thus, 78.3% of the boys and 76.7% of the girls High/excessive consumption of fast-food type aliments increases the risk of
consumed this type of food 1-6 times a week, and 17.0% of the boys and 14.1% obesity, diabetes, depressive moods (7).
of the girls consumed fried potatoes at least once a day. Only 4.7% of the boys and
a double percent, 9.2% of the girls did not consume it. REFERENCES
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1.3/1. The most frequent consumption is 1-3 times/week throughout the entire fast foods and television viewing contributing? American Journal
sample and in all age groups. of Public Health, 1998, 88:277—280
The obtained results may corelate with an energetic intake replacing deficien- 6. Negrişanu G, Treaty nutrition, Brumar Publishing, Timişoara,
2005, 259-277
cies found in meat, milk and eggs intake, but also with a deficit in high biological 7. Sjoberg A, Hallberg L, Hoglund D, et al., Meal pattern, food
value proteins obtained from animal foods. choice, nutrient intake and lifestyle factors in The Goteborg Ado-
lescence Study. Eur J Clin Nutr., 2003, 57(12):1569-78
Fast food aliments are rich in fats, sugar and salt and are included into the 8. Strain GW, Nutrition, brain function and behavior. Journal Article,
lifestyle of adolescents. They often replace traditional nutritional sources, such as Research Support, U.S. Gov't, P.H.S., Psychiatric Clinics of North
cereal derivates, dry and fresh vegetables, fruits (11). America, 2001, 4(2):253-68
9. Yamamoto J.A., Yamamoto J.B., Yamamoto B.E., et al., Adolescent
Daily consumption of chips and snaks has been reported by 20.5% of the fast food and restaurant ordering behavior with and without
adolescents, and the boys/girls consumer ratio was 1/1.2. Reported to age groups, calorie and fat content menu information. Journal of Adolescent
Health, 2005, 37(5):397-402
the daily consumption was 25.3% in 15 year olds and 12.7% in 19 year olds. 10. ***, United States Department of Agriculture, Dietary Guide-
Daily consumption of hamburgers and pizza is declared by 10.2% of the lines for Americans. U.S. Department of Health and Human Ser-
adolescents, and with a boys/girls consumer ratio of 1.5/1. In 15 year old subjects vices, 2005, www.healthierus.gov/dietaryguidelines
11. ***, Grant A CNCSIS code 1167, 2003-2005, Assessing the size
the consumer percent was 11.7% and in 19 year olds it was 9.3%. of risk behaviors in high school and young people in secondary
Daily consumption of fried potatoes was reported by 15.5% of the adolescents, education, post, professional and academic Timis County, 2004.
with a boys/girls consumer ratio of 1.1/1 and with 15.8% consumption in 15 year
Consumul zilnic de cereale şi derivate de cereale contribuie la acoperirea a 3/4 din necesarul de glucide, 1/2 din necesarul energetic şi până la 1/2 din necesarul
de proteine. Alimentele de tip fast-food sunt bogate în grăsimi, zahăr şi sare, sunt incluse în stilul de viaţă al adolescenţilor şi înlocuiesc frecvent sursele
tradiţionale de nutrienţi. Metoda de lucru a fost studiul populaţional transversal, prin aplicarea chestionarului CORT 2004 de investigare a unor comporta-
mente cu risc pentru sănătate la tineri, pe o populaţie reprezentativă de adolescenţi din judeţul Timiş, totalizând 2908 elevi. S-a constatat că, 96,4% dintre
adolescenţi consumă zilnic pâine, respectiv, 3/4 dintre fete consumă 2-7 felii de pâine/zi, în timp ce 1/2 dintre băieţi consumă cel puţin 8 felii/zi. Consumul
de paste făinoase, orez, cereale, este prezent zilnic la 10,5% dintre tineri, cu un raport al consumatorilor băieţi/fete de 1,3/1. Chips-urile şi snacks-urile au fost
consumate de 20,5% dintre adolescenţi, hamburgerii şi pizza de 10,2% dintre ei, iar cartofii prăjiţi de 15,5% dintre tineri. Rezultatele obţinute se pot corela,
în principal, cu un aport energetic care înlocuieşte alimentele de bază şi cu un deficit de proteine de valoare biologică superioară.
Cuvinte cheie: adolescenţi, alimentaţie, fast-food
Precancerous lesions of the larynx are imtermediary states between the hpysiological mucosa and cancer.
Recent molecular pathology studies in head and neck cancer support a carcinogenesis model in which the development of a field with genetically altered
cells plays a central role. Information from the genetic analysis of laryngeal cancer has grown enormously in the last 20 years.
There are two classes of genes implicated in the progress of malignancy: the oncogenes and the tumor supressor genes.
The molecular biology techniques have identified mutations at the level of chromosomes 9p, 3p, 17p, 11q and also the accumulation of nuclear proteins as
Ki-67 and PCNA. These genetic alterations are represented by the inactivation of tumor suppressor genes- p16, p53, FHIT- and by the activation of oncogenes-
cyclin D1.
Advances in the understanding of the molecular basis of the laryngeal carcinogenesis will help in the identification of new molecular markers that could be
used for a more accurate diagnosis and assessment of prognosis and may open the way for novel approaches to treatment and prevention.
Keywords: benign scuamous hyperplasia, dysplasia, carcinoma in situ, oncogenes, tumor supressor genes, nuclear proteins
INTRODUCTION The aim of this article is to review and highlight some of the recent advances
The same year Watson and Crick published their article on the tridimensional in the molecular biology of the laryngeal carcinogenesis with particular clinical
structure of the DNA 50 years ago, Slaughter et all, described for the first time the relevance for the diagnosis, management and prognosis of the precancerous lesions
phenomenon of “field cancerization”, hypothesizing that there are alterations at the of the larynx and laryngeal carcinoma.
level of the entire mucosa determined by carcinogens in patients with cancer of the
upper aero-digestive tract. The authors examined pathology slides from 783 patients
with head and neck cancers in an effort to identify alterations of the epithelium
that surrounds tumors and to explain its clinical behaviour. 11% of the patients CARCINOGENESIS
presented histologic alterations independent of the tumor area. At the time there The transition from the normal epithelium to the scuamocellular carcinoma of
was no molecular basis for their observations, but the term has been used to describe the larynx is a long, complex and multistage process, with the accumulation of
three phenomena: (1) wide field of aero-digestive mucosa tends to be affected by genetic alterations- between 6 and 10- that translate initially by the presence of
the premalignant disease; (2) frequent occurrence of multiple primary tumors in precancerous conditions (benign squamous hyperplasia, dysplasia, carcinoma in
the epithelial areas affected by widespread premalignant disease and (3) possible situ) and which can suffer malignant transformation (Braakhuis B et al., 2004)(2).
distant related primary tumors in the upper aero-digestive tract. The number of genetic alterations grows with the malignity level established by
In 1990, Fearon and Vogelstein proposed the first model for the molecular the histologic examination (see Figure 1)(Califano et al., 1996)(5).
progression of the colorectal cancer stipulating that tumors progress by the activation
of the oncogenes and the inactivation of the tumor suppressor genes, each producing
growth advantage for a clonal population of cell. Generally there are specific genetic
events in a distinct order, but the order in which they are produced isn’t necessarily
the same for a certain type of tumor. Genetic events summation determines the
progression of the tumor (Ha and Califano, 2003)(13). Fig. 1. Genetic model for the laryngeal carcinogenesis (Califano et al., 1996)(5)
Laryngeal carcinogenesis is a multistage process, initiated by various carcino-
gens (tobacco, alcohol, gastro-esophageal reflux, the human papillomavirus, etc.) There are two classes of genes involved in the progress of malignancy: the on-
which induce genetic alterations and if they remain undetected by the DNA repairing cogenes and the tumor supressor genes. The activation of the oncogenes induces the
mechanisms, they confer growing advantage with increased cellular proliferation initiation and progression of the tumor while the inactvation of the tumor suppressor
(Monier R et al., 2008)(20). genes contributes to the progression of cancer (Crissman J et al., 2004)(7).
Received March 2009. Accepted June 2009. Address for correspondence: Dr. Raluca Horhat, ENT Clinic, ”Victor Babes” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timisoara, 2A Eftimie Murgu Square,
300041, Timisoara, Romania, phone/fax: 0256220479
In cardiovascular patients, the presence of diabetes mellitus is a major cardiovascular risk, according to all the clinical evidences in the present. However,
there is a lack of information on the acute coronary patients with diabetes mellitus witch arrived late at specific medical cardiovascular assistance, because
of the distance.
This trial evaluates the long term hypolipemiant effect of the early therapy with high doses Atorvastatin 80 mg in diabetic coronary patients hospitalized in
The Cardiology Department of The Cardiology Institute in Timisoara.
We studied 352 acute coronary patients, only 81 being with diabetes mellitus type 2. The period from the first symptomatic evidence to the hospitalisation
was late, 8-12 hours. The present observational study is undertaken in accordance with all valid ethical principles, all the patients included benefited from
pharmaceutical therapy conformable with the current therapeutic guides. Written informed conscience was obtained from all patients. We had two groups
of patients: the control group (A) and the group of patients who received the early therapy with high doses of Atorvastatin 80 mg (B).
At the baseline, the level of seric lipids was similar for both lots of patients with an average level of the LDL cholesterol of 124 mg/dl, triglycerides 184 mg/dl
and HDL 46 mg/dl. At 6 months the reduction of the level of total cholesterol, of the LDL and of the triglycerides was complete in the lot of patients with high
dose of Atorvastatin; this fact maintained at 12 months and at 24 months. By the end of the study, after 24 months treatment, the diabetic coronary patients
treated with 80 mg Atorvastatin had mean reduction of LDL cholesterol of 61%, approximately 90% of the maximum reduction in plasma LDL cholesterol
levels was achieved by the end of the first 2 weeks.
Patients treated with 80 mg Atorvastatin had reductions in total cholesterol of 46% and reductions of Apo B of 50%, respectively. Atorvastatin 80 mg reduced
plasma triglycerides concentrations in 24 months with 25%. There was no consistent pattern in the percent changes from baseline for HDL cholesterol, apo
A-I and LP (a).
The present observational study is undertaken in accordance with all valid ethical principles, all the patients included benefited from pharmaceutical therapy
conformable with the current therapeutic guides. Written informed consent was obtained from all patients.
The results of our trial confirm and sustain all the present medical evidences, that the early therapy with high doses of statin has a lot of benefits in short and
long term evolution of coronary patients.
Key words: acute myocardial infarction, Atorvastatin, hypolipemiant, triglycerides, cardiovascular risk
INTRODUCTION coronary by pass undertaken in the last 3 months, PTCA in the last 6 months, severe
Diabetes has been shown to increase the cardiovascular risk in all populations anaemia (HGB < 8mg%), dialysis patients (IRC stadium IV), insulin-dependent
studied. However, there is a lack of information on the acute coronary patients with diabetes, pregnancy and nursing.
diabetes mellitus witch arrived late at specific medical cardiovascular assistance, The present observational study is undertaken in accordance with all valid
because of the distance. The objective of this analysis was to evaluate the long ethical principles, all the patients included benefited from pharmaceutical therapy
term evolution of these type of patients with high doses of Atorvastatin therapy conformable with the current therapeutic guides. Written informed consent was
80 mg. obtained from all patients. The hospitalized patients, with acute myocardial infarct
(with or without pre-hospital thrombolysis) and severe unstable angina, were
treated and monitored adequately during the hospitalization period and received
MATERIAL AND METHOD high doses of Atorvastatin (80mg/day) after which they were attentively monitored
The present observational study is undertaken on acute coronary patients with both clinically and biologically at 6 months, 12 months and 24 months. All the
diabetes mellitus non insulin-dependents, adults (above 18 years), that hospitalized patients received recommendations for hygiene-dietetic regime, conformable with
relatively tardy, 8-12 hours after the onset of the myocardial infarct, regardless of the current therapeutic guides.
the presence or absence of dyslipidemia. After 24-96 hours of hospitalization, the acute coronary patients received
We excluded the coronary patients that were scheduled for revascularization Atorvastatin in maximum dose of 80mg/day; the clinical and paraclincal monitoring
interventions, the myocardial infarct patients with Q wave in the last 4 weeks, of the patients has been duly undertaken, both during the hospitalization period
Received March 2009. Accepted June 2009. Address for correspondence: Dr. Adriana Potra, Institute of Cardiovascular Disease, ”Victor Babes” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timisoara, 2A
Eftimie Murgu Square, 300041, Timisoara, Romania, phone/fax: 0256220479
Diabetul zaharat este un factor de risc major suplimentar la patientii cardiaci, cu atat mai mult la pacientii coronarieni acuti, conform tuturos evidentelor clinice
actuale. Totusi, exista o lipsa de evidente clinice effectuate la pacienti diabetici coronarieni acuti care sunt spitalizati tardiv pentru asistenta medicala de specia-
litate, datorita distantei. Prezentul studiu evalueaza efectul hipolipemiant al terapiei precoce cu atorvastatin in doza maxima, la pacientii diabetici coronarieni
acuti, spitalizati tardiv pentru acordarea asistentei medicale de specialitate in Clinica de Cardiologie a Institutului de Boli Cardiovasculare Timisoara.
Din totalul de 352 pacienti coronarieni acuti monitorizati, 81 pacienti au fost diabetici. La 8-12 ore de la debutul bolii. Terapia administrata a fost conform
ghidurilor terapeutice in vigoare, in lotul A (lot control), iar in lotul B (lotul cu atorvastatin) s-a administrat tuturor pacientilor, imediat de la internare (pre-
coce) doza maxima de atorvastatin 80 mg/zi, cu monitorizare la 6, 1 si 24 luni. La debut, valorile serice lipidice au fost similare in cele doua loturi de pacienti:
LDL_colesterol 124 mg/dl, triglyceride 184 mg/dl, HDL 46 mg/dl. Dupa 24 luni de tratament, s-au inregistrat diferente semnificative din punct de vedere
statistic intre cele doua loturi: LDL-colesterol a scazut cu 61%, colesterolul total a inregistrat o scadere cu 45,7%, cresterea HDL-colesterolului cu 3,5%, iar
Apo B a inregistrat o scadere cu 50,3%, comparative cu lotul control, in care s-a inregistrat o crestere cu 7,6% a LDL-colestrol, cu 4,8% a valorilor colesterolului
total, scaderea HDL-colesterol cu 2,5% si cresterea Apo B cu 5,8%. De mentionat ca complianta pacientilor la trtament a fost similara in cele doua loturi,
inclusive aparitia efectelor adverse secundare.
Rezultatele acestui studiu, confirma si sutin evidentele clinice effectuate pana in present, terapia precoce cu doze maxime de statine aducand numeroase
beneficii pe termen mediu si lung in evolutia pacientilor coronarieni.
Cuvinte cheie: infarct miocardic acut, Atorvastatin, hipolipemiant, triglyceride, risc cardiovascular
Noise is a modern plague of the urban society. In an effort made to asses the noise level of the urban area of Timisoara, a number of 103 noise level mea-
surements, each 8 hours long were performed in the daytime. The measurements show that the urban noise in generated mainly by road traffic, affecting
significantly residential, recreational and medical treatment areas.
Keywords: urban noise, daytime noise measurements, road traffic
INTRODUCTION Traffic area measurements were made at the edge of the pathway (25m from
Noise consists of all unwanted sound - sound that is loud, unpleasant or the axis in the railways case), industrial and medical treatment area measurements
unexpected. It has been increasing in urban areas to the point where it has become were made along the specific perimeter, recreational area measurements were made
a matter of public concern. inside the area, as central as possible and in the residential area measurement were
The effects of noise can vary from one individual to another. However, a WHO conducted at a distance of 3m form the façade of the buildings, facing the noise
report entitled "Community Noise - Environmental Health Criteria", published in sources, according to Romanian measurement standards (6).
1996, and highlights such effects as disturbance of sleep, auditory or physiological The measuring instrument chosen was a Bruel&Kjaer 2238 Mediator (Class
effects (basically cardio-vascular) and interference with communication. 1 Integrating Sound Level Meter with logging software) fitted with an outdoor
Initially, action to reduce noise was not considered an environmental priority kit (free-field microphone with windscreen, cable preamplifier extension and
- unlike action to reduce air pollution, for example. The effects of noise are unspec- tripod)
tacular, and the decline in quality of life was accepted by the general public as being The microphone was set at a height of 1.3 m form the ground level, according
an inevitable consequence of technological progress and urbanization (1). to Romanian noise measurement standards (6).
However it has been estimated that around 20 percent of the European Union's A 100 ms sampling rate was selected in order to maximize the amount of
population or close to 80 million people suffer from noise levels that scientists and recorded data (288,000 samples/measurement) for statistical purposes and for
health experts consider to be unacceptable, where most people become annoyed, further analysis.
where sleep is disturbed and where adverse health effects are to be feared. An Before each measurement the SLM was recalibrated using a class 1 acoustic
additional 170 million citizens are living in so-called 'grey areas' where the noise calibrator.
levels are such to cause serious annoyance during the daytime (2). Measurement data included LAeq (A-weighted equivalent noise level) L90
(background noise) and L10 (maximum noise). Lowest sound pressure levels and
MATERIALS AND METHODS peak levels were also recorded. The measurement unit was the dBA (A-weighted
In 2008, a number of 103 8h-daytime measurements were conducted in decibel) (5).
randomly selected measurement points in the urban area of Timisoara. The measure-
ment points were later classified by the function of the selected urban area:
• Traffic area (roads, public transportation paths & railways) Road traffic measurement conducted on the main roads at the city limits
• Industrial area area indicated higher noise levels due to higher vehicle speed and increased traffic
• Residential area density. It is known that at speeds above 50 km/h tire noise becomes significant in
• Recreational area (playgrounds & parks) the overall noise emission of a vehicle. The equivalent noise level was in all cases
• Medical treatment & care area above 60 dBA, although the background noise was in some 3rd category roads under
45 dBA indicating that the flux of vehicles was not constant (7). However, in 2nd
category roads, the background noise was permanently over 55 dBA (Table I).
Received March 2009. Accepted April 2009. Address for correspondence: Ernest Putnoky, Ministry of Environment – IB Timisoara, Romania
e industrial 2009.19.3(63)
area, LAeq ranging between
Fiziologia 50 dBA and 67 dBA, was mainly generated by
- Physiology 41
c motors, compressors, ventilators, chillers, sawing mills, dryers and other stationary
ting an almost constant noise. These areas were characterized by a high background
BA, and occasionally with high peak levels during loading/unloading, maintenance and
Residential Area (dB
1 Barbu Iscovescu 55.9
2 Aleea Ripensia 26 60.3
3 Piata Mărăúti 71.0
4 investigated none
Calea Martirilor – Lidiainvestigated none
66.5was measured
was measured with
with aa daytime
daytime outdoor outdoor LAeq LAeq smallersmaller thanthan 55
55 dBA
dBA ww
5 Calea Martirilor 37 dBA dBA more more than
than the
the maximum limit
67.7maximum limit set
set for
for medical
medical areas areas (Table
(Table VII VII andand VIII).
6 CodruluiTable V. Residential Area Measurements 47.1 Table VII. Recreational Area – Playgrounds Measurements
7 Table V. Residential
Aurelianus Area Measurements 56.6 Table VII.
Table VII. Recreational
Recreational Area Area –– Playgrounds
8 Mihai Viteazul LA
68.5eq LAeqeq
Recrational Area
Recrational Area -- Playgrounds
Residential Area (dB (dBA)
9 Calea Martirilor – Siemens 66.6
A) 11 PiaĠa
PiaĠa Eforie
Eforie 53.5
1 Brediceanu 14
Barbu Iscovescu 70.7
55.9 2 Calea Aradului – MoĠul 67.1
2 Calea Aradului – MoĠul 67.1
2 EroilorRipensia 26
Aleea 60.4
60.3 33 Calea Aradului – Sever
Calea Aradului – Sever Bocu Bocu 65.6
3 Nicolae
Piata Titulescu - Dragalina
Mărăúti 68.6
71.0 44 Bucovinei
Bucovinei 49.4
4 PiaĠa Traian
Calea Martirilor – Lidia 55.2
66.5 55 PiaĠa Dacia
PiaĠa Dacia 1 1 53.6
5 PiaĠa Romanilor
Calea Martirilor 37 58.2
67.7 66 PiaĠa Dacia
PiaĠa Dacia 2 2 57.6
15 Codrului
Calea Aradului 18 47.1
72.8 77 Eroilor
Eroilor –– Parcul
Parcul Constructorilor
Constructorilor 58.8
16 Aurelianus
Take Ionescu 56.6
69.0 Table VIII. Medical Treatment and Care Area Measurements
8 Mihai Viteazul 68.5 Table VIII.
Table VIII. Medical
Medical Treatment
Treatment and and Care
17 Mures 33 67.2
9 Calea Martirilor – Siemens 66.6 LAeqeq
18 Piata Unirii 58.6 Medical Treatment
Medical Treatment & & Care
CareArea Area
10 Brediceanu 14 70.7 (dBA)
19 Piata Concordia 70.5 11 Maternitatea Bega
Maternitatea Bega -- VictorVictor Babeú
Babeú12 12 67.9
11 Eroilor 60.4
20 Piata Dr Russel 5 72.4 22 Clinicile Noi
Clinicile Noi -- PiaĠa Mărăúti
PiaĠa Mărăúti 71.8
12 Nicolae Titulescu - Dragalina 68.6
13 Tudor Vladimirescu
PiaĠa Traian – Mangalia 65.6
55.2 33 Spitalul Militar
Spitalul Militar -- Gheorghe
Gheorghe Dima Dima 69.1
22 CaleaRomanilor
Sagului 37 69.7 44 Clinica
Clinica Oftalmologie
Oftalmologie -- 1
1 Mai
Mai 33 70.4
14 PiaĠa 58.2
23 VictorAradului
Babes - Cluj 77.0 55 Spitalul
Spitalul Copii
Copii 3
3 Hematologie
Hematologie --
15 Calea 18 72.8 Republicii 68.0
Republicii 68.0
16 Iepurelui –
Take IonescuPiata Varful cu Dor 71.1
69.0 66 Spitalul Copii
Spitalul Copii 33 Ortopedie
Ortopedie -- Iosif Iosif
17 Simion33
Mures Barnutiu 4 63.0
67.2 Nemoianu
Nemoianu 65.8
18 MuresUnirii
Piata 33 69.6
58.6 77 Spitalul 5 Maternitate - 16
Spitalul 5 Maternitate - 16 Decembrie Decembrie
27 Piata
Vacarescu 8 70.5
59.5 24
24 71.5
28 Piata Dr
Lidia 100Russel 5 72.4
64.2 88 Spitalul
Spitalul Psihiatrie
Psihiatrie -- Iancu
Iancu Văcărescu
21 Tudor Vladimirescu 23
23 55.9
29 Brancoveanu 52A – Mangalia 65.6
22 Calea Sagului 37 69.7 99 Spitalul CFR
Spitalul CFR -- Tudor
Tudor Vladimirescu
Vladimirescu 62.7
30 Piata Aurel Vlaicu – str. Anton Pann 63.7 10 Spitalul
10 Spitalul Clinic
Clinic 11 JudeĠean
JudeĠean –– Dr. Dr.
23 Victor Babes - Cluj 77.0
31 Liviu Rebreanu 70.5 Stanca
Stanca 59.7
24 Iepurelui – Piata Varful cu Dor 71.1
25 Splaiul Galati
Simion Barnutiu 46 67.8
11 Spitalul
11 Spitalul 11 Ortopedie
Ortopedie -- Aleea Aleea SănătăĠii
SănătăĠii 55.2
33 Roma 33 54.5 12 Clinica
12 Clinica 11 Pediatrie
Pediatrie -- Păltiniú
Păltiniú 61.1
26 Mures 69.6
13 Clinica de
Clinica de Cardiologie
Cardiologie -- Spitalul
Spitalul Nou
27 Iancu Vacarescu 8 59.5 13
13 70.1
els in the recreational areas (parks and playgrounds) are relatively
28 Lidia 100 64.2 14 Casa
14 highAustria
Casa due ––toIosif
Austria IosiftheBulbuca
Bulbuca 69.2
29 Brancoveanu 52A 69.2
y’s main roads. Especially for playgrounds that were built beside busy roads, for easy
30 Piata Aurel Vlaicu – str. Anton Pann 63.7
ioning leads 31 to anLiviu
Rebreanuof children to high levels 70.5 of noiseCONCLUSIONS and air pollutants.
e are still parks32relatively
Splaiul Galati
calm6during daytime like the 67.8Roses Park withByatheLAeq
Observer’sof pointonlyof view, the crushing majority of the urban noise
By the Observer’s point
sources of
in view,
Timisoara the
during crushing
daytime majority
are represented of
by the road the
the Inurban
oftraffic. 96% of noise
urban noise source
ackground noise 33 ofRoma
43.3 dBA (Table VI). 54.5
during daytime are represented by the by the
cases, the road
noise road traffic.
was traffic. In
generated by the In 96%96% of
traffic of cars, of the
vans,the cases,
cases, noise
trams, noise was
motorcycles and was generate
Table VI. Recreational Area –of
Parkcars, vans, trams, motorcycles
Measurements lorries. Thisand
motorcycles type oflorries.
and noise affectsThis
lorries. This type
all studiedtypeareasofin anoise
of noise affects
significant affects all
degree, leadingalltostudied
studied areas
els in the recreational areas (parks
Table VI. Recreational Areaand – Park
leading to the areproposal
relatively that high a newdue
aa new sort to
of the should
the proposal
that that new sort
sortof noise noise source
of source should
be introduced
source should be
be introduced
introduced in
in the regulations, in the
y’s main roads. Especially for playgrounds be that were
considered LA
as built
eq beside
separate busy
to category
be considered roads,
as a
from separatefor
fixed easy
category andfrom
category from fixed and mobile sources: the traffic noisefixed
mobileand mobile sources:
sources: the traffic
the traffic noise
Recreational Area - Parks
ioning leads to an exposure of children to high (dBA)
phenomenon. levels of noise noise as and airphenomenon.
a collective pollutants.
e are still parks1 relatively calm during daytime
Parc Pârvan like the
60.6 Roses Park with
Road noise increasesRoadproportionally
proportionallya LAeq
increases of only
with speed
with speed for all categories of vehicles.
speed for for all
all categories
categories of vehicles.
material, pavement design, road maintenance and timing of the traffic lights of vehicles.
ackground noise 2 of Parc
dBA (Table CoposuVI). pavement design, 56.6road maintenance and timing of the traffic lights
contribute as well and to thetiming
noise levelof the traffic
generated traffic. contribute as
by the roadlights contribute as well
well to to
3 Parcul UniversităĠii generated by the54.7 road traffic. Although high values of noise were measured, railway noise in Timisoara is
Table Parc Doina
VI. Recreational Although62.4
Area – Park Measurements high valueslimitedof tonoise
a narrowwere
noise path andmeasured,
were measured, railway
affects a small percentage noise
of the in
population.in Timisoara
Timisoara isis limi lim
5 Parcul Rozelor
Recreational Area - Parks path and affects 49.7
LAa small
eq percentage Stationaryof the
percentage of the population.
noise population.
sources in the industrial area represent only 4% of the total
6 Parc Padurice Stationary(dBA)
48.6noise sources in
cases. With inthethe
the industrialof the cityarea
enlargement represent
limits, represent areas tendonlyto move4%
only outsideof
4% of the
the total
total c
17 Parc Pârvan
Parcul Copiilor - Beethoven 60.6
enlargement of the city limits, industrial
the industrial areas
town, therefore the areas tend
pressure tend to
on the to move
move outside
residential and outside the
protected area the town,
town, therefore
diminishes therefore
28 Parc Corneliu
Parcul Coposu – Eroilor
Constructorilor 56.6
59.0protected significantly
the residential and area
area diminishes
with the passage
diminishes significantly
of time.
significantly with
with the
the passage
passage of
of time.
3 Parcul UniversităĠii 54.7 Noise levels in(recreational
protected areas (recreational and medicaltreatment)
treatment) is high
9 Parcul Zona Soarelui Noise levels58.6 in protected
protected areas
areas (recreational and
and medical
medical treatment) isis high
high in
in the
4 Parc Doina 62.4 in the daytime, in the majority of cases being generated by the road traffic due to
5 Parcul Rozelor
majority of cases49.7
being generated
generated by
by the
the road
road traffic
traffic due
due to
to the
the fact
fact that
that Timisoara’s
Timisoara’s mm
tely a large number
6 of medical
Parc Padurice treatment areas and
units medical
and facilities
48.6 are
facilities located
located built near
near nearvery
very majorbusy
busy roads.
42 Fiziologia - Physiology 2009.19.3(63)
e having a significant
7 impact
Parcul Copiilorupon this kind of area.53.2
- Beethoven From 14 hospitals and other units
8 Parcul Constructorilor – Eroilor 59.0
9 Parcul Zona Soarelui 58.6
tely a large number of medical treatment units and care facilities are built near major
the fact that Timisoara’s main recreational areas and medical facilities are located pean Centre For Environment And Health: Noise Guidelines For
near very busy roads. Europe, 1999
4. Drăgănescu G: Vibraţii şi zgomote, Ed. Politehnica, Timişoara,
REFERENCES 5. STAS 10009-88: Acustica urbană. Limite admisibile ale nivelului
1.The European Commission: The Green Paper on Future Noise de zgomot urban.
Policy (COM(96) 540), Bruxelles 1996 6. STAS 6161/3-82: Acustica urbană. Metode de determinare a
2. The European Parliament and Council: Directive 2002/49/EC - nivelului de zgomot în localităţile urbane.
Assessment and Management of Environmental Noise, Bruxelles 7. STAS 10144/3-91: Elemente geometrice ale străzilor. Prescripţii
2002 de proiectare.
3. World Health Organization, Regional Office For Europe Euro-
Zgomotul este o problema a societatii urbane moderne. Intr-o incercare de a evalua nivelul de zgomot urban in municipiul Timisoara, au fost efectuate 103
masuratori ale nivelului de zgomot, pe timp de zi, cu o durata de 8 ore pentru fiecare masuratoare. Masuratorile au indicat faptul ca zgomotul urban este
generat in mare masura de catre traficul rutier si afecteaza semnificativ zonele rezidentiale, recreationale si de tratament medical din oras.
Cuvinte cheie: zgomot urban, masuratori pe timp de zi ale nivelului de zgomot, trafic rutier