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Carbon Sequestration

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Comparison of carbon storage, carbon sequestration, and air pollution

removal by protected and maintained urban forests in Alabama, USA

Article  in  International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management · September 2012
DOI: 10.1080/21513732.2012.712550


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4 authors, including:

Arthur H. Chappelka
Auburn University


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International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem
Services & Management

ISSN: 2151-3732 (Print) 2151-3740 (Online) Journal homepage: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/tbsm21

Comparison of carbon storage, carbon

sequestration, and air pollution removal by
protected and maintained urban forests in
Alabama, USA

Nicholas A. Martin , Arthur H. Chappelka , Edward F. Loewenstein & Gary J.


To cite this article: Nicholas A. Martin , Arthur H. Chappelka , Edward F. Loewenstein & Gary
J. Keever (2012) Comparison of carbon storage, carbon sequestration, and air pollution removal
by protected and maintained urban forests in Alabama, USA, International Journal of Biodiversity
Science, Ecosystem Services & Management, 8:3, 265-272, DOI: 10.1080/21513732.2012.712550

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International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management
Vol. 8, No. 3, September 2012, 265–272

Comparison of carbon storage, carbon sequestration, and air pollution removal by protected
and maintained urban forests in Alabama, USA
Nicholas A. Martina*, Arthur H. Chappelkaa , Edward F. Loewensteina and Gary J. Keeverb
School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences, Auburn University, 602 Duncan Drive, Auburn, AL 36849, USA; b Department of Horticulture,
Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849, USA

The Auburn University campus in Auburn, Alabama, USA, was the location for a case study to compare carbon storage,
carbon sequestration, and air pollution (CO, O3 , NO2 , PM10, SO2 ) removal estimates between protected and maintained
urban forests. Results were from a complete tree inventory and i-Tree Eco analysis of the 237 ha maintained and 5.5 ha
protected areas of the campus. Trees in the maintained landscapes had an average diameter at breast height of 16.4 cm and
basal area of 2.24 m2 /ha when compared with 24.4 cm and 12.04 m2 /ha for the protected area. The maintained landscapes
were estimated to store 6652 kg of carbon per ha and sequester 291 kg/year/ha of carbon. The protected area was estimated
to store 41,975 kg of carbon per ha and sequester 1758 kg/year/ha of carbon. Trees in the maintained areas removed
2970 kg/year of air pollution (12.5 kg/year/ha) compared with 560 kg/year for the protected area (102 kg/year/ha), which
was 8 times the amount on a unit area basis compared with the maintained landscapes. The results demonstrate differences
between maintained and protected forests and how important protected areas are in urban environments in enhancing carbon
storage and sequestration and promoting air pollution removal.
Keywords: air quality; i-Tree Eco; UFORE model; Urban Forestry; carbon sequestration; urban ecosystem services

Introduction (Patterson and Coelho 2009). Most environmental prob-

The urban environment is a dynamic landscape, where lems found in cities are created locally, and one of the most
humans cause changes every day that may be beneficial, effective ways to deal with them is through local ecosystem
detrimental, short lived, or long lasting. The world’s human services. The services generated also help in increasing the
population continues to rise and the migration to cities and quality of life and public health (Bolund and Hunhammar
urban areas is increasing (MEA 2005b). In the twentieth 1999).
century, the urban population grew to 2.9 billion, and as of Besides determining what ecosystem services are being
2005, there were 388 cities worldwide with populations of provided, how to value them is also important. Extensive
1 million or more people (MEA 2005b). These trends of research has placed values on ecosystem services. Bolund
constant change and population migration are increasingly and Hunhammar (1999) conducted research on ecosys-
stressing our urban environments, forests, ecosystems, and tem services in urban areas and observed different urban
ecosystem services. ecosystems along with local direct services. They found
To better understand the changes occurring in our that locally generated benefits have a large impact on urban
urban areas, we first need to appreciate our environment areas and should be addressed in land-use planning. Chee
and what it provides humans. Moll and Petit (1994) defined (2004) investigated how ecosystem service valuation is
ecosystem as ‘a set of interacting species and their local, being developed and how it fits in with economic frame-
non-biological environment functioning together to sus- works and found that ecosystem service valuation has the
tain life’. Ecosystem services can therefore be defined as potential to affect policies but the techniques still have
‘the benefits human populations derive, directly or indi- shortcomings. Valuing ecosystem services from market,
rectly, from ecosystem functions’ (Costanza et al. 1997); price, and cost aspects was focused by Heal (2000), who
more concisely, ‘ecosystem services are the benefits people concluded that the role of economics is to help provide
obtain from ecosystems’ (MEA 2005a). incentives for conservation of natural systems.
Ecosystem services encompass numerous benefits that Research has also been conducted on the effects of
typically vary from region to region and from city to ecosystem services in urban settings. Nowak and Crane
city. Urban ecosystem services include air filtering, micro- (2002) used field data and model outputs to estimate the
climate regulation, noise reduction, rainwater drainage, amounts of carbon storage and sequestration that urban
sewage treatment, recreational and cultural values (Bolund trees in the United States provided and their role in reduc-
and Hunhammar 1999), carbon storage and sequestration, ing atmospheric carbon dioxide. Air pollution removal
energy savings (Nowak et al. 2008), and wildlife habitats estimates were determined by Nowak et al. (2006), who

*Corresponding author. Email: [email protected]

ISSN 2151-3732 print/ISSN 2151-3740 online

© 2012 Taylor & Francis
266 N.A. Martin et al.

concluded that urban trees in the United States remove to those where maintenance is passive and trees are pro-
large amounts of air pollution and, thus, affect air quality. tected, such as parks or arboretums (McDonnell and Pickett
Nowak et al. (2006) also estimated a value ($) for the 1990; Welch 1994). It is important to understand how
air pollution removal amounts using US median external- these intensity levels of maintenance affect ecosystem ser-
ity values for the pollutants. Pandit and Laband (2010) vices, so appropriate management strategies and resources
used a large sample of residences in part to evaluate and can be concentrated in areas where they provide the most
quantify the effects that shade has on residential energy benefit. The Auburn University (AU) campus, Auburn, AL,
consumption and provided energy usage savings according was an ideal location to evaluate these differences, having
to different shade amounts. large areas that are intensively maintained, as well as an
In addition, techniques and models have been devel- arboretum that is naturalized, protected, and more passively
oped to help quantify ecosystem services, such as i-Tree maintained. The information reported here is a part of a
Eco and i-Tree Streets (i-Tree 2010a). i-Tree Eco, orig- larger study evaluating the usefulness of i-Tree Eco pro-
inally called the Urban Forest Effects (UFORE) model, tocols for a 100% inventory and validating certain i-Tree
was developed by the US Department of Agriculture Forest Eco parameters for southern urban forests (Martin et al.
Service (USDA FS) (Nowak and Crane 1998). This model 2011). Our goal was to compare the ecosystem services of
uses field data and measurements to provide the basis a maintained and protected urban forest, while specifically
for ecosystem services’ estimates. Data are input into the evaluating carbon sequestration, storage, and air pollution
model that uses allometric equations based on species removal. Using this methodology, a monetary value for the
and local climatic data to provide ecosystem services’ amount of each pollutant removed was calculated using
estimates (Nowak and Crane 1998; Nowak et al. 2008). median externality values for the United States (i-Tree
Benefits of this model are it uses the individual tree mea- 2010c).
surements taken in the field as the basis for the resulting
ecosystem services that are directly estimated from trunk
and crown dimensions and also the fact that it uses locally
generated estimates of atmospheric and climatic conditions Study site
as input for the model. These techniques and models have The study site was the AU campus (32◦ 36 N, 85◦ 30 W)
been used in numerous cities in the United States and a few located in Auburn, Alabama (Figure 1). The core campus
in other countries (Nowak et al. 2008). encompasses ∼237 ha of maintained landscapes; defined
When managing urban forests’ levels of maintenance as those areas under the management of AU Landscape
(McDonnell and Pickett 1990; Welch 1994) can affect Services and range from highly visible planting areas to
the ecosystem services provided because maintenance can remote parking lots with the level of maintenance cor-
change the urban forest structure, which will in turn affect responding to visibility and use. The study site included
the services provided. These range from intensively main- 237 ha of the maintained campus and the 5.5 ha Davis
tained areas (e.g., street trees and trees near buildings) Arboretum.

Figure 1. Aerial photograph of the Auburn University campus and Davis Arboretum. Photograph taken in spring 2008.
International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management 267

The Donald E. Davis Arboretum (Figure 1) (∼2% of scale ranging from excellent (6) to dying/dead (1). A more
the size of the maintained campus), established in 1963, detailed description of the sampling methodology used can
is maintained by the College of Sciences and Mathematics be obtained by referring to Martin et al. (2011) and i-Tree
(Auburn University 2010). Its primary functions are edu- Eco (i-Tree 2010b). Tree locations were recorded with a
cation, conservation, and research on ecosystem preser- Global Positioning System (GPS) unit (either a Trimble
vation and diversity, which are conducted throughout the GeoXM GeoExplorer® 2005 series or a Trimble GeoXT
arboretum by letting native plants grow in special habitats GeoExplorer® 2008 series, with an external antenna on a
that exist in Alabama. The management philosophy of the tripod).
arboretum is to encourage native species and habitats and Data were downloaded (daily) from the GPS units to
over time the arboretum has evolved from a collection of a desktop computer using the Trimble GPS Pathfinder®
native trees to an arboretum that is expanding in the num- Office v.4.1 and 4.2 software. The ESRI ArcGIS®
ber of tree species and also native shrubs and herbaceous 9 ArcMapTM v.9.3 software was used for final presenta-
plants (Auburn University 2010). tion. Once collected, data were sent to the USDA FS-Urban
Forestry South in Athens, Georgia, for analysis. Using
this information, carbon storage, carbon sequestration, and
Field data air pollution removal for the AU urban forest and Davis
Field data were collected during a complete tree inven- Arboretum were compared.
tory of the AU campus from summer 2009 to spring
2010 during full leaf conditions (Martin et al. 2011)
following i-Tree Eco procedures (i-Tree 2010b, 2010c), i-Tree Eco analysis
which resulted in a complete population sample of both Estimates provided by i-Tree Eco included carbon stor-
the AU main campus and Davis Arboretum. There were age, carbon sequestration, and air pollution removal (i-Tree
16 attributes measured for each tree including tree species, 2010c). Carbon storage is the amount of carbon stored in
diameter at breast height (dbh) (1.37 m above the ground), the tree as biomass. Carbon sequestration is an estimated
tree height, average crown width, dieback, and a relative rate for a given tree of the amount of carbon removed
tree condition rating modified from Webster (1978) and from the air and stored in the tree annually. Carbon stor-
Council of Tree and Landscape Appraisers (2000). age and carbon sequestration occur when trees fix carbon
Total number of stems per tree was recorded and dbh during photosynthesis and then store the excess carbon
was measured using a logger’s diameter tape. Minimum as biomass, thus removing atmospheric carbon dioxide
tree dbh to be included in the inventory was 2.54 cm, (CO2 ), a dominant greenhouse gas (Nowak and Crane
and for multi-stem trees, up to the six largest stems were 2002). i-Tree Eco uses the field data collected for the
recorded. Any tree that could not be measured at dbh was trees in combination with a series of calculations and allo-
measured at 0.3 m from the ground-line following i-Tree metric equations to estimate the carbon storage. The Eco
Eco protocol (i-Tree 2010b, 2010c). Total tree and bole model then uses tree diameter in combination with tree
height were evaluated using either an MDL LaserAce® growth models and equations to estimate the annual carbon
hypsometer or a Laser Technology, Inc. TruPulseTM 360B sequestration rate for the trees (i-Tree 2010c).
rangefinder. Total tree height was determined by measur- i-Tree Eco provides removal estimates of certain air
ing from the alive or dead top of the tree down to the pollutants, specifically carbon monoxide (CO), ozone
ground-line. Bole height was recorded as the height from (O3 ), nitrogen dioxide (NO2 ), particulate matter <10 µm
the ground-line to the bottom of the foliage of the low- (PM10), and sulfur dioxide (SO2 ), which is why the term
est branch of significance. Crown width was the average ‘air pollution’ is used and not greenhouse gases (i-Tree
of two measurements taken from the crown edges at 90◦ 2010a, 2010c). For this case study, the air pollutants were
angles (i-Tree 2010b; Martin et al. 2011). not evaluated separately because total air pollution removal
Percent dieback and percent crown missing were also was the focus. The model uses a combination of field
determined for each tree. Dieback was evaluated by data, tree cover data, US Environmental Protection Agency
observing all sides of the tree and assigning an overall (EPA) pollution concentration monitoring data, and hourly
estimate of the percent dieback. Ranges of <1%, 1–10%, National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) weather data from
11–25%, 26–50%, 51–75%, 76–99%, and 100% dieback the local area as input. The model then uses the input
were used to assign tree conditions of excellent, good, fair, along with a series of equations to estimate the amount of
poor, critical, dying, and dead, respectively. Percent crown air pollution removed. The model then estimates a mone-
missing was estimated similarly to percent dieback, by tary value ($) using US median externality values for each
viewing all sides of a tree and estimating the overall per- pollutant (i-Tree 2010c).
cent missing in 5% increments. Directional pruning and
branch loss from damage (ice, wind, etc.) are examples
that could attribute to missing crowns. The relative condi- Carbon sequestration comparison
tion rating accounted for visible damage such as dieback, To compare carbon sequestration for the maintained land-
missing crown, presence of insects or disease, visible root scapes of the AU campus and protected Davis Arboretum,
damage, and proximity of infrastructure and used a rating gross carbon sequestration amounts, as estimated by i-Tree
268 N.A. Martin et al.

Eco, were divided by the total area to obtain a carbon Lagerstroemia spp. was the most common species in
sequestration value on a unit area basis. Regression equa- the maintained landscapes of the main campus, whereas
tions were developed for the campus and the arboretum, Pinus palustris, Liquidambar styraciflua, and Quercus
using carbon sequestration as the dependent variable and nigra were the most common in the arboretum (Table 2).
dbh as the independent variable. Intercepts and slopes were The five most abundant species comprised ∼49% of
compared (α = 0.05) to determine differences in carbon the total population for the maintained campus com-
sequestration for the two areas. pared with 18% for the Davis Arboretum, indicating
much more diversity in the arboretum, with 160 tree
species present compared with 139 for the maintained
Results campus.
Tree characteristics for the AU campus and Davis
Arboretum are described in Table 1. The average dbh for
the AU campus was 16.4 cm and for the arboretum was Carbon storage, carbon sequestration, and air pollution
24.4 cm (standard deviation: 19.6 and 19.4, respectively). removal
The AU campus and the arboretum differed drastically The carbon storage estimate for the arboretum was ∼15%
(16% and 62%, respectively) in canopy cover. The trees of the total for the main campus and carbon sequestration
in the arboretum exhibited larger mean total height, crown was ∼14% (Table 3). However, when estimated on a per ha
width, and basal area, whereas the AU campus contains basis, the arboretum stored and sequestered over 6 times
only about 12% of the total number of trees in the main- more carbon than the main campus. There were no large
tained landscapes (Table 1). differences in the estimated average amount of carbon
sequestration per tree by diameter class between the AU
Table 1. Overall tree characteristics for maintained areas of the campus and the arboretum (Table 4). Statistical analyses
Auburn University campus and the protected Davis Arboretum (data not shown) indicated that there was no significant
using i-Tree Eco inventory procedures. difference in slope (p-value = −0.0994) between the AU
Auburn campus and Davis Arboretum. There was a significant
University difference in intercept (p-value < 0.0001) between the
campus Davis Arboretum campus and arboretum with the campus having the larger
intercept coefficient, indicating that the smaller diameter
Area sampled (ha) 237 5.5
Number of trees 7345 891 trees on the campus were larger in diameter than those in
Number of species 139 160 the arboretum and were in better condition.
Average dbh (cm) 16.4 24.4 On average, the maintained landscapes on the campus
Average tree height (m) 8.5 12.7 were estimated to remove 12.5 kg/year/ha of air pollution
Average tree crown 6.7 7.6 ($67/ha). The Davis Arboretum was estimated to remove
width (m)
Basal area (m2 /ha)a 2.24 (0.001–1.9) 12.04 (0.001–1.13)
Estimated canopy 16 62 Table 3. Carbon storage and sequestration rates for the Auburn
cover (%)b University campus and Davis Arboretum as of 2009–2010.
Estimated 10,757,390 1,316,806
compensatory value Auburn University
($)c Campus Davis Arboretum
Notes:a representsthe range for all trees.
b Estimated canopy cover determined by dividing the total canopy-
Carbon storage (kg) 1,576,469.88 230,864.84
(6,652/ha) (41,975/ha)
projected ground area calculated by the model by the total area Gross carbon 69,063.88 9,670.94
c Estimated compensatory value calculated by i-Tree Eco is based on sequestration (291/ha/year) (1,758/ha/year)
the Council of Tree and Landscape Appraisers (CTLA) method (i-Tree (kg/year)

Table 2. The five most common species for the Auburn University campus and Davis Arboretum with total number of trees and the
percent of the total population (Pop.).

Auburn University Campus Davis Arboretum

Species # of trees % Pop. Species # of trees % Pop.

Lagerstroemia spp. 1639 22 Pinus palustris 37 4

Quercus phellos 596 8 Liquidambar styraciflua 34 4
Pinus taeda 565 8 Quercus nigra 33 4
Magnolia grandiflora 464 6 Quercus alba 27 3
Quercus lyrata 363 5 Quercus stellata 26 3
Total 3,627 49 157 18
International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management 269

Table 4. Average carbon sequestration per tree (kg/year) by other urban areas. Those results could then be used to
diameter class (cm) for the Auburn University campus and Davis aid in development and planning strategies to optimize
ecosystem services. However, when evaluating air pollu-
Average carbon sequestration per tree (kg/year) tion removal, it is important to remember that pollution
concentrations can vary site to site based on local envi-
Dbh (cm) Auburn University campus Davis Arboretum ronments and conditions and this should be taken into
1–15 3 3 consideration.
16–30 8 8 Comparing the results from this study site to other
31–45 15 16 study sites in the south-eastern United States is crucial for
46–60 22 25 evaluation. The area where this case study was done is
61–76 32 35
77+ 54 59
relatively small in comparison with other study sites that
have been established in the south-eastern United States.
It is important to remember that this case study was for a
relatively small area (compared with large cities, suburbs,
Table 5. Air pollution removal rates and removal values for etc.) and that within the case study itself, the arboretum
the Auburn University campus and Davis Arboretum as of
2009–2010. is small in comparison with the maintained campus. For
example, the City of Auburn was estimated to have an aver-
Removal amount age pollution removal value of $0.29/tree/year in 2008
(kg/year) Removal value ($) (Huyler et al. 2010) compared with the estimated aver-
Auburn University 2,969.1 (12.5/ha) 15,880.27 (67/ha) age removal value of $2.29/tree/year for the maintained
Campus landscapes of the AU campus and the Davis Arboretum
Davis Arboretum 560.2 (101.9/ha) 3,013.10 (548/ha) combined and $3.38/tree/year for the arboretum alone.
Ozone (O3 ) and PM10 were the air pollutants estimated
to have the highest removal amounts for both study sites
102 kg/year/ha of air pollution ($548/ha), or ∼8 times (Huyler et al. 2010). The City of Auburn was estimated
more on a per ha basis (Table 5). to store an average of 1.8 kg carbon/tree (Huyler et al.
2010), and the maintained landscapes of the AU campus
and Davis Arboretum combined were estimated to store
Tree condition an average of 219 kg carbon/tree and 259 kg carbon/tree
for the arboretum alone. The differences between the sites
Differences in tree condition between the AU maintained
could be attributed to 81.9% of the trees in Auburn having a
landscapes and the Davis Arboretum were evaluated. Over
dbh of <15.24 cm (Huyler et al. 2010), compared with only
60% of the trees on the maintained portion of the AU
43% for the AU campus and Davis Arboretum combined
campus were rated as being in excellent or good con-
and for the campus and arboretum alone. This indicates
dition and about 3% in very poor or dying/dead con-
that areas with larger trees will provide more ecosystem
dition (Figure 2(a)). Approximately 71% of the trees in
services (Escobedo et al. 2009a, 2009b).
the Davis Arboretum were rated as being in excellent or
good condition and about 1% in very poor or dying/dead
condition (Figure 2(b)). Across species, for trees with Carbon sequestration comparison
a dbh of ≥21 cm, approximately 28% and 17% of all
Results for carbon sequestration from the AU campus
trees in the arboretum and on the main campus, respec-
and Davis Arboretum inventory were compared to carbon
tively, were rated in good or excellent condition. For trees
sequestration results from Gainesville, Florida (Escobedo
with a dbh of ≥31 cm, approximately 18% and 10% of
et al. 2009a). Estimated average per tree sequestration
the respective populations fell into these categories. The
rates by diameter class (1–15 cm, 16–30 cm, 31–45 cm,
remaining trees were in fair, poor, very poor, or dying/dead
46–60 cm, 61–76 cm, and 77+ cm) for Gainesville were
2, 9, 17, 9, 33, and 111 kg/year, respectively. Using the
same diameter distribution classes, the estimated seques-
tration rates for the AU campus and arboretum combined
were 3, 8, 16, 23, 32, and 54 kg/year and 2, 8, 16, 25,
Carbon storage, carbon sequestration, and air pollution 36, and 62 kg/year for the arboretum alone. Major differ-
removal ences in carbon sequestration were in the 46–60 cm and
Estimating the carbon storage, carbon sequestration, and 77+ cm diameter classes, with the latter having the largest
air pollution removal provided by the maintained land- differences. These differences in the larger diameter classes
scapes on the AU campus and the Davis Arboretum was could be the product of several factors, such as the small
the main objective of this case study. To estimate the number of trees with large diameters on the campus and in
full value of the urban forest, which would include recre- the arboretum, and differences in species composition and
ation and other ecosystem services, the direct benefits that tree condition (Escobedo et al. 2009a, 2009c; Martin et al.
they provide must be quantified and also compared with 2011).
270 N.A. Martin et al.

1200 Fair
1000 Very poor

Number of trees





.9 .9 .9 .9 .9 .9 .9 .9 .9 .9 0+
5–7 12 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 99 10
2. 8– 13








Tree dbh (cm)

120 Poor
Number of trees

Very poor
100 Dying/dead

































Dbh (cm)

Figure 2. Tree condition by diameter class determined by the overall condition rating for the Auburn University campus (a) and Davis
Arboretum (b). Note that the Auburn campus has ∼8 times the number of trees as the Davis Arboretum.

Protected versus maintained urban forests of the maintained AU campus. McPherson et al. (1997)
Differences between protected and maintained urban reported that 60–70% more air pollution could be removed
forests are important in understanding how to maximize by large, healthy trees as opposed to small trees, indicat-
ecosystem services if it is the desired outcome. The most ing that these trees are vital in increasing air pollution
effective way to demonstrate differences in ecosystem ser- removal. When examining tree condition by diameter class,
vices provided by the main campus and arboretum was the arboretum, in general, appears to have higher tree con-
to express our findings on a unit area basis. Results from dition ratings, especially for larger diameter trees. Reasons
this case study indicated that the arboretum was esti- for this could be because these trees are in a protected
mated to remove more than 8 times the amount of total area with limited disturbances from construction or cam-
air pollution per ha as the campus, which resulted in a pus maintenance (roads, power lines, water lines, etc.).
removal value that is $481 more per ha/year than cam- Tree condition could also be a factor in why the inter-
pus. Air pollution removal is estimated to increase from cepts for the AU campus and Davis Arboretum differed.
2970 kg/year to 24,144 kg/year if the maintained land- The average condition of the trees planted on the AU
scapes of the AU campus had a forest structure similar to campus may be higher where larger, nursery-grown speci-
that of arboretum, with the removal value increasing from mens are planted, compared with the arboretum where the
$15,880 to $129,837. However, a forest structure similar smaller, younger trees are more likely regenerated naturally
that of the arboretum may not be practical for the campus and may be under competition. It is important to remem-
because of the infrastructure demands such as buildings, ber that the management goals and philosophies of the
roads, sidewalks, and utilities. campus and arboretum are not the same with the campus
Tree condition and size may play a role in the differ- focusing on maintained landscapes and the arboretum on
ences in ecosystem services. In general, trees in the Davis encouraging more native or natural settings. Naturally, the
Arboretum were larger and in better condition than those benefits provided by each would not be the same; however,
International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management 271

it is important to remember what can be provided by natu- roads, and buildings). Even if infrastructure could be built
ral settings and then try to guide our maintained landscapes in a natural setting without disturbing the area, disservices
and urban areas in that direction. such as maintenance and damage to the infrastructure
When evaluating canopy cover of urban and protected by the trees (heaving of sidewalks) would be greatly
areas, it is important to discuss the urban heat island effect. increased. Appropriate planning can address some of these
This phenomenon occurs when there are higher air and sur- issues. Because of development, not all natural areas can,
face temperatures because of large areas of heat-absorbing or should, be saved; however, the most beneficial areas can
surfaces in urban areas with higher amounts of energy be determined and then protected to help offset the loss of
usage (Bolund and Hunhammar 1999; Sokecki et al. 2005). ecosystem services when sites are cleared for construction.
This is important in estimating ecosystem services such as New construction sites are almost always landscaped when
carbon sequestration and air pollution removal values since finished and this helps to offset the loss of vegetation, but
factors such as temperature affect tree growth, productivity, the benefits provided by the new, almost always smaller
and uptake of pollutants. Natural areas with more vegeta- plantings, does not come close to the benefits being
tive cover can help mitigate this effect because they do not provided by well-established natural areas. The end result
have either as many or as much heat-absorbing surfaces of the urban setting needs to be determined first so that
as open urban areas, or because these areas shade the sur- infrastructure and green spaces can be balanced to provide
faces from the sun causing less heat to be absorbed. More the most benefits possible.
vegetative cover results in more evaporative cooling, which With urban environments come different levels of
in turn lowers air temperature (Bolund and Hunhammar maintenance, depending on where you are and what type
1999; Sokecki et al. 2005). If canopy cover were to be of urban vegetation is present, among other factors. Areas
increased on the AU campus, the urban heat island effect that are more protected, not maintained as intensively,
could be reduced, possibly leading to larger, healthier trees. and are allowed to grow in more of a natural state pro-
The potentially healthier trees could then possibly provide vide more ecosystem services at a lower cost, so more
more ecosystem services. work should be done to leave natural areas in our urban
Cost of tree maintenance and loss in tree value due environments because of their increased value in ecosys-
to construction damage can also differ for protected and tem services. These increased services can be attributed
maintained urban forests. The City of Gainesville, Florida, to the fact that protected areas contain larger trees that
spent $1,559,932 (∼$10.57/tree) on care for the public are typically in better condition. Urban designers should
urban forests in 2007 (Escobedo and Seitz 2009). Modesto, use the information and findings presented in this arti-
California, had expenditures of $2,686,516 ($29.46/tree) cle to become better informed and possibly re-think urban
for its urban forest from 1997 to 1998 (McPherson et al. designing in general so that the environment can be taken
1999). Natural areas, with less intensive management, into account, not only to help preserve it but also to incor-
have much lower costs of maintenance, making their net porate it into the designs so that more benefits can be
worth higher. Hauer et al. (1994) projected that the City provided. As more and more people become aware and pro-
of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, has a loss in street tree value tective of our environments and the benefits they provide,
of $792,100/year due to construction damage. Ecosystem more emphasis will be placed on designs where potential
disservices, or costs, also have to be considered (Escobedo ecosystem services are the main focus of the design. In the
et al. 2011; Pataki et al. 2011). Disservices (pollutants future, we need to focus on preserving areas of the urban
from power equipment such as vehicles, saws, and mow- forest that provide more ecosystem services, specifically
ers) include the cost of maintenance, increase in allergens, the protected areas where our mature trees are in better
and attraction of wildlife. When examining differences condition so that ecosystem services can be optimized.
between protected and maintained urban forests, ecosys- However, the entire urban forest needs to be considered
tem disservices have to be estimated along with ecosys- and evaluated during the developmental stages so that the
tem services to fully understand net benefits (McDonnell appropriate balance of developed areas and green spaces
and Pickett 1990; Escobedo et al. 2011; Pataki et al. can be sustained.
The trade-off between ecosystem services and
disservices is very important in development planning
(Escobedo and Seitz 2009; Escobedo et al. 2011).
The authors thank Dudley Hartel and Eric Kuehler of the USDA
An understanding of the interactions between built and Forest Service-Urban Forestry South office for their assistance
natural areas (urban–rural gradient) is also important and guidance during the project. They also thank Jonathon
(McDonnell and Pickett 1990). The urban environment Bartlett, Mark Caldwell, Andrew Parker, Elliot Glass, Ann
needs both infrastructure and green spaces; however, Huyler, and Efrem Robbins for their assistance with data col-
they have to be balanced to address the needs of the lection; James Ransom and Daniel Mullenix for their technical
assistance; Dr. Greg Somers for statistical guidance and Charlie
urban population. As stated earlier, if the entire urban Crawford, Superintendent of AU Landscape Services, for his
environment had a forest structure like that of a natural assistance throughout the project. This project was funded in part
area, there would be no room for the infrastructure that is by Auburn University and the USDA Forest Service Co-operation
necessary to sustain life in an urban setting (e.g., houses, Agreement FS-SRS-09-CA-11330150-053.
272 N.A. Martin et al.

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