BA 182 Regression MC Samplex With Answer
BA 182 Regression MC Samplex With Answer
BA 182 Regression MC Samplex With Answer
A) are generally used to control for outliers in D. There are slopes in dummy regression
your sample. models.
B) can take on more than two values. 7. A paired data set has
C) exclude certain individuals from your sample. n=5
D) can take on only two values Σ x = 15; slope = 1.9
2. The reason why estimators have a sampling Σ y = 27
distribution is that Σ xy = 100
A) economics is not a precise science. Σ x^ 2 = 55.
B) individuals respond differently to incentives. What is the intercept of the regression line?
C) in real life you typically get to sample many A. -0.3
times. B. 27
D) the values of the explanatory variable and the C. 0.3
error term differ across samples D. 20
3. Which of the following is false? 8. A set of paired data has n = 30, b = 1.45,
A. The error term incorporates all the factors
responsible for the difference between the “i” th
district’s average test score and the value and . A 95% confidence
predicted by the regression line. interval for the slope of the least squares’
B. The error term contains all the other factors regression line for all pairs in the population is
besides X that determine the value of Y, for a constructed. The degree of freedom is (linear
specific observation, “i” regression with single independent var)
C. β1 and βo are the parameters of the linear A. 30
regression line. B. 28
D. The SSR express the total variation of Y. C. 27
4. The sample average of the OLS residuals is D. 29
A) some positive number since OLS uses
B) zero. 9. Which of the following is true?
C) unobservable since the population regression I. The best regression line will be defined as the
function is unknown. one with the minimum sum of squared errors or
D) dependent on whether the explanatory SSR.
variable is mostly positive or negative II. TSS= SSR + ESS
5. The slope estimator, β1, has a smaller standard III. If R or linear correlation is 0.69, it means that
error, other things equal, if the variability of Y can be explained by the
A) there is more variation in the explanatory regression equation based on X.
variable, X.
B) there is a large variance of the error term, u. A. I only C. I and II only
C) the sample size is smaller. B. II and III only D. I, II and III
D) the intercept, βo, is small
6. Which of the following is false? 10. Which of the following is not an assumption of
A. A joint hypothesis is a hypothesis that the error in the regression model
imposes two or more restrictions on the (homoskedasticity)?
regression coefficients. A. Independent
B. Using t-stat for testing the joint Ho can be B. Normally Distributed
unreliable. C. Mean of at least 0
C. In the Dummy Regression Model, β1 is the D. Have a constant variance regardless of the
difference in population means for the value of X
population Di = 1 relative to the population Di =
11. Which of the following is true about constant.
Multicollinearity in Regression Models? C. Under, homoskedasticity, the variance of u
A. It happens when independent variables are does not depend on the regressor.
correlated with combination of other D. Heteroskedasticity is a special case of
independent variables, may create duplication Homoscedasticity.
of info. 16. The normal approximation to the sampling
B. The overall F test is still valid. distribution of ˆβ is powerful because___
C. The hypothesis testing related to individual A) many explanatory variables in real life are
coefficients is not valid. normally distributed.
D. All of the above B) it allows econometricians to develop methods
for statistical inference.
12. SER is the _______ C) many other distributions are not symmetric.
A. Estimator of the standard deviation of the D) is implies that OLS is the BLUE estimator for
error term, u. β1.
B. One that measures the spread of the 17. Which of the following statements are true
observations around the regression line. I. The larger the population, the lesser the
C. A and B variance of the OLS estimator
D. None of the above II. If the 3 least square assumptions hold and if
the error is homoscedastic, the OLS is has the
13. Which of the following is not part of the least smallest variance, conditional on X.--- Basically
squares assumption? BLUE (Best Linear Conditionally Unbiased
A. The explanatory variable in regression model is Estimator)
normally distributed. III. OLS estimator has normal sampling
B. The error term has a conditional mean of 0, distribution when the sample size is large.
given X A. I only C. I and III only
C. (Xi, Yi), i=1, …., n are Independently and B. I and II only D. I, II, III
identically distributed. 18. Given the following, solve the expected salary
D. Large outliers are unlikely. difference between an academic and a
14. Given a regression line when X is a binary Y= βo+ β1Di
variable, D= 1 if professional, 0 if academic
R^2= 0.037 A. The professional has β1 more expected salary
SER= 18.70 than the academic
se of Bo = 1.3 B. The professional has βo less expected salary
se of B1= 1.8 than the academic
Equation: Y= 650+ 7.4D C. The academic has βo less expected salary
n =420 than the professional
What is the result of your hypothesis testing at D. The academic has β1 more expected salary
95% confidence level? than the professional
A. Reject Ho
B. Accept Ho.
C. Do not Reject Ho
D. None of the Above