Types of Repair
Types of Repair
Types of Repair
A superficial, non-structural filler is used to restore a surface to keep fluids out until a
more permanent repair is made. This type of repair will not regain any strength and is
used only where strength is unimportant. Due to high shrinkage, cosmetic repairs may
start to crack after a relatively short time in service.
Resin Injection
This type of repair can be effective in limited instances, where the delamination is
restricted to one ply. However, not much strength is regained, and the primary benefit is
that it is quick and cheap. At best, this type of repair can hope to slow the spread of
delamination and is generally considered a temporary measure.
Semi-structural Plug/Patch
This type of repair can regain some strength. The mechanically-fastened plug (i.e. core
plug) and patch repair can be especially effective where thick solid laminates are used,
since they take bolt loads well.
Full structural repairs using bolted doublers can be used in heavily loaded solid
laminates. This is often the only practical means of repairing such structures. However,
such repairs are not aerodynamically smooth, and may cause “signature” problems in
structures where low-observability by radar is required. They also leave the original
damage and simply attempt to transfer loads around the damage. Finally, they can
create stress concentrations at their corners and edges.
Bonded external doublers are often used to perform repairs to lightly loaded thin
laminate structures. This type of repair is especially common using wet lay-up materials.
They may be room-temp or high-temperature cured, depending on the matrix resin
system used. These repairs can regain a significant portion of the original strength of
the structure—or even full strength—although with a significant stiffness and weight
penalty in many cases. This type of repair is generally easy , relatively quick and does
not require the highly developed skills of flush structural repairs.
This repair restores full structural properties by forming a joint between the prepared
repair area and the repair patch. The repair patch is made by replacing each ply of the
composite laminate that has been removed from the damage area. The size of the
repair patch should fit exactly the area prepared for repair, except for a final cosmetic or
sanding layer, which is often slightly larger to allow for sanding down to achieve a
smooth and/or cosmetic surface.