The Rhodium: Structure

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The Structure of Rhodium

By E. S. Bale, A.I.M.

This note, a communication from the Johnson Matthey Research Labora-

tories, records an investigation into the crystal structure of high-purity
rhodium carried out in an attempt to understand why this metal should
present such dificulties i n working

It is well known that rhodium, although intermediate anneals to sheet 0.060 inch in
having a face-centred cubic crystal structure, thickness, from which a tensile specimen was
is much more difficult to work than most other prepared.
metals of similar structure such as copper, This specimen was annealed in high vacuum
silver, gold, platinum or palladium. It has and tested using an extensometer capable of
been suggested that this difficulty might be measuring to O.OOOOI inch. The applied load
due to the presence of impurities, while was increased and no elastic region was
another suggestion which has been put for- observed, the stress-strain diagram being a
ward is that a transformation takes place to smooth curve from the origin. The mech-
some other crystal form (I, 2 ) . anical properties obtained from this test are
The present investigation was therefore shown in the table.
undertaken into the behaviour of pure
rhodium towards external stresses and into Mechanical Properties of Pure
the possibility of a transformation taking Rhodium
To obviate any anomalous behaviour due Proof stress (0.01:h), tons per sq.
to the presence of foreign elements a specially inch .. .. .. .. 3.8
prepared batch of chloropentammine rhodium Proof stress (0.1 yo),tons per sq. inch 4.6
dichloride was taken and after several recrystal- Ultimate tensile strength, tons
lisations a sample of rhodium oxide was per sq. inch . . . . .. 30.6
obtained which gave the spectrographic Elongation, per cent, on 2 in. , . 6.5
analysis shown below. Modulus of elasticity, pounds per
Element Per cent sq. inch .. .. .. .. 4 1 . 2 ~loB
cu 0.0002 Vickers hardness .. .. I10
Fe 0.0001
M g 0.0001
Si 0.oOoI
Ca 0.0002 Another sample of the pure rhodium was
K 0.OooI used to obtain a work hardening curve, which
Na 0.0002
showed that the hardness increased to over
The following elements were not detected: 300 VPN with about 15 per cent reduction by
Ag, Al, As, Au, Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Ir, Li, Mn,
Mo, Os, Pb, Pd, Pt, Rb, Ru, Sb, Sn, Sr, Te, rolling. It was apparent from these tests that
Ti, V, W, Zn, Zr. pure annealed rhodium is initially very soft,
By reduction of this oxide, rhodium con- but that its rate of work-hardening is very
taining less than 10 parts per million of rapid at room temperature.
metallic impurities was produced. As mentioned earlier, there seemed no
A sample of this metal was pressed, sintered reason why pure rhodium should behave in
in oxygen-free hydrogen and cold rolled with this manner as it has a face-centred cubic

Platinum Metals Rev., 1958, 2 , (21, 61-63 61

3 900

0 4
I 3 000

3 060
2 3840

3 820
Fig. 1 Bffert of temnpera-
ture o n the lattice para-
3 aoo meter of rhodium
500 1000 1500

structure, but its behaviour towards mechani- high temperature electrical conductivity
cal working seemed like that of a material measurements were made during heating to
with a more complex structure. 1450°C and cooling to room temperature.
In order to investigate the possibility that Fig. 2 shows the curve obtained from these
an allotropic transformation occurred with measurements and it can be seen that no
increasing temperature, an apparatus was significant change of shape or hysteresis
constructed by which high temperature occurs. These two experiments provided sub-
X-ray diffraction photographs could be stantial evidence that the crystal structure of
obtained and examples of the crystal structure rhodium is face-centred cubic between room
of rhodium were determined at temperatures temperature and say 15ooOC.
up to 1600°C. Fig. I shows the relationship It follows, therefore, that either rhodium is
between the diffraction spacing and tempera- susceptible to the presence of impurity atoms
ture, and as this relationship is a straight line of an order unknown in any other face-centred
it can be concluded that rhodium has a face- cubic metal, or that the mechanism of its
centred cubic crystal structure over the range plastic behaviour is unlike that of metals with
from room temperature to 1600'C. a similar crystal structure.
To confirm this result and to ensure that It appears most likely, therefore, from the
the atomic packing was consistently perfect, present work that pure rhodium has an intrin-

Fig. 2 Effect of tempera-

ture on the electrical re-
sistivity of rhodium

Platinum Metals Rev., 1958, 2 , (21, 62

sically high rate of work-hardening and that based on a study of slip line formation com-
this is due to a different mechanism of slip bined with a suitable X-ray diffraction tech-
processes than occur in other face-centred nique would be necessary to define the opera-
cubic metals. Further experimental work tive slip system.

I F. M. Jaeger and J. E. Zanstra . . Proc. K . Akad. Wet. Amsterdam, 1931, 34, 15
2 A. A. Rudnitsky, R. S. Polyakova and Izvest. Sekt. Platiny (Akad. Nauk SSSR), 1955, 29,
I. L. Tyurin . . .. .. . . 185-189; 190-196

Vacuum Casting Uranium Reactor Fuel Elements

Among the final operations at the Spring- group of high-frequency vacuum furnaces.
fields Works of the United Kingdom Atomic These are of the stationary-crucible, bottom-
Energy Authority is the vacuum casting of pouring type, the base of the crucible being
high-purity uranium into rods for use as pierced by a pouring hole, closed during
reactor fuel elements. melting by a graphite or alumina bung.
The Springfields Works undertakes the For successful casting the pouring tempera-
preparation of almost all the uranium refined ture is critical, and is controlled by means of
in Britain, starting from the ore. After a platinum : rhodium-platinum thermocouples
series of chemical treatments, uranium tetra- led in through the top of each furnace.
fluoride is reduced with metallic calcium by When correct pouring temperature has been
firing in a reduction mould. attained, the bung is removed by means of a
T o produce the reactor fuel elements in graphite rod and a system of bell cranks, push
the required shape and size, and also to rods and levers, and the molten uranium runs
remove metallic and non-metallic impurities, through a launder into the moulds stationed
the uranium is then melted and cast in a in the lower part of the furnace.

A battery of three high-

frequency vacuum cast-
ing furnaces for the
production of uranium
reuctor fuel elements at
the Springjelds F’orks
of the Atomic Energy
;4uthority. Tempera-
ture control during melt-
ing and casting the
uranium is effected by
means of platinum:
rhodium-pl utinum

Platinum Metals Rev., 1958, 2 , (21, 63-63 63

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