A Survey of Android Exploits in The Wild

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The paper surveys 63 publicly available Android exploits and analyzes their similarities, differences, strengths and weaknesses to construct a taxonomy of Android exploitation.

The paper conducts a survey of 63 publicly available exploits for Android devices. It analyzes the exploits to construct a taxonomy of Android exploitation and evaluates selected exploits on test devices.

Based on the analysis of collected real-world exploits, the paper constructs a taxonomy on Android exploitation.

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A survey of Android exploits in the wild

Article  in  Computers & Security · July 2018

DOI: 10.1016/j.cose.2018.02.019

9 3,829

5 authors, including:

Huasong Meng Li Zhang

Institute for Infocomm Research Institute for Infocomm Research


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A Survey of Android Exploits in the Wild

Huasong Meng, Vrizlynn L. L. Thing, Yao Cheng,
Zhongmin Dai, and Li Zhang

Abstract—The Android operating system has been dominating Vulnerability exploitation is a common way to achieve
the mobile device market in recent years. Although Android higher privilege on Android systems. Exploiting Android
has actively strengthened its security mechanisms and fixed devices has been a popular topic since Android was firstly
a great number of vulnerabilities as its version evolves, new
vulnerabilities still keep emerging. Vulnerability exploitation is a introduced in 2008. There are numerous exploits being imple-
common way to achieve privilege escalation on Android systems. mented in the Android history. From the user’s perspective,
In order to provide a holistic and comprehensive understanding an exploit program can help them to bypass the security
of the exploits, we conduct a survey of publicly available 63 mechanism of their Android devices to achieve better control
exploits for Android devices in this paper. Based on the analysis of their devices by obtaining a higher privilege, e.g., rooting
of the collected real-world exploits, we construct a taxonomy on
Android exploitation and present the similarities/differences and their devices. On the other hand, the exploitation could also be
strength/weakness of different types of exploits. On the other misused to gain the control of victims’ devices where the at-
hand, we conduct an evaluation on a group of selected exploits tacker can obtain financial profit from user’s Internet financing
on our test devices. Based on both the theoretical analysis and or selling acquired user privacy (e.g., account information). We
the experimental results of the evaluation, we present our insight intend to provide a holistic and comprehensive understanding
into the Android exploitation. The growth of exploit categories
along the timeline reflects three trends: (1) the individual exploits of the exploits that can be used to attain higher privileges in
are more device specific and operating system version specific; (2) Android system. It would be helpful in terms of understanding
exploits targeting vendors’ customization grow steadily where the how individual exploits work and how the trend of the exploits
increase of other types of exploits slows down; and (3) memory on Android would be.
corruption gradually becomes the primary approach to initiate In this paper, we are going to present a survey on all
the publicly available Android exploits gathered on the In-
Index Terms—Android, mobile security, privilege escalation, ternet. We provide a taxonomy of the Android exploits and
exploit. analyze the similarities/differences and strengths/weaknesses.
We demonstrate the trend of Android exploits by analyzing
I. I NTRODUCTION the development of each exploit category. Furthermore, we
MART mobile devices are indispensable in people’s life evaluate a group of exploits on our test devices. In summary,
S nowadays. Along with the development of mobile tech-
nology and the prevalence of Internet services, smart mobile
our contribution could be summarized into three points:
1) To the best of our knowledge, this is the first complete
devices become the principal digital assistant that people use and exhaustive survey on publicly available Android exploits.
for information acquiring, instant messaging, online social- By analyzing each exploit, we filter out those exploits with
ization, Internet financing and other Internet services. The the same way of working but different nicknames and finally
market share of devices with Android operating system keeps distill 63 different exploits. By referring to our survey, an
growing since its release in 2008 and has been dominating reader can easily find out the affected device models and
the mobile system market for a long time. According to the Android versions of a publicly released exploit as well as the
latest market statistics done by IDC, Android managed to vulnerabilities behind it.
capture 85.0% of the worldwide smartphone market share 2) This paper conducts a comparative and in-depth analysis
by the 1st quarter of 2017 [1]. In the meantime, the global of existing real-world Android exploits for the first time. We
shipment of new Android devices are experiencing average propose a taxonomy and accordingly initiate a classification of
10% growth each year since 2015 [2]. Due to people’s heavy these exploits. We also carry out a comparison among different
reliance on mobile devices and the popularity of Android types of the exploits. By analyzing similarities/differences and
mobile systems, the privacy concern and security issues on strengths/weaknesses of each type of exploits, we point out the
Android systems catch great attention from mobile users, evolution of exploitation throughout the history of Android
industry players and academic researchers. At the same time, and forecast the future trends of the exploitation on Android
it also makes Android the prominent target of attackers. devices.
Unfortunately, Android vulnerabilities keep emerging and have 3) With a large volume of information of these exploits
successfully been turned into their exploitation even though being collected, we select a group of exploits by matching their
Android has strengthened its security mechanisms and fixed a targeting devices and Android versions to our test devices.
great number of vulnerabilities as its version evolves. Then we conduct an experiment to validate those selected
exploits. By observing the experimental results, we present our
The authors are with the Institute for Infocomm Research, Agency for evaluation result and discuss our findings correspondingly.
Science, Technology and Research, Singapore 138632. (email: [email protected]
star.edu.sg; [email protected]; cheng [email protected]; [email protected] In the following section, we will first introduce the back-
star.edu.sg; zhang [email protected]) ground of Android security mechanism and typical Android

privilege escalation. We then propose a taxonomy on Android in Android application framework layer. The other one is
exploitation considering various perspectives in Section III. Linux user-based privilege mechanism which is enforced in the
In Section IV, we present the list of exploits gathered from kernel layer. An app must be granted with the corresponding
multiple online sources, followed by analysis based on our permissions by the operating system prior to its access to the
classification results. As an important part of this survey, we resources from the other parties [9].
also use a number of devices to evaluate applicable exploits. The permission-based security mechanism is implemented
Section V shows the evaluation outcome and presents the at the Inter-Component Communication (ICC) level. As An-
discussion based on our findings. After that, the paper is droid plays the role of reference monitor to mediate all ICC
concluded in Section VI. establishment, it regulates all ICC by assigning each applica-
tion or component a pre-defined permission label. In this way,
II. BACKGROUND Android operating system will deny any ICC operation which
A. The Architecture of Android asks for the permission beyond the pre-defined permission
scope. Android introduces four permission levels for its access
Android is a mobile operating system built upon a Linux
control mechanism. The lowest permission level is called
kernel. Figure 1 shows the layered architecture of Android.
normal. The permissions at this level can be granted as long
The concise architecture of Android can be depicted into 4
as the developer declared them in the manifest file of an app,
layers, kernel layer, middleware layer, framework layer, and
such as Internet access, vibration, and NFC usage. A higher
application layer. The Linux kernel is the bottom layer of the
permission level is named dangerous and the permissions at
Android platform which provides the basic functionalities of
this level can only be granted after obtaining user’s consent
operating systems such as kernel drivers, power management
during the execution, for example accessing user’s photos. The
and file system. The layer above the kernel is called Android
other two levels are signature and signature and system, which
middleware layer, which contains essential elements of An-
are designed for risky permissions. The former is only granted
droid as a mobile platform [3]. There are two parts in Android
to those apps signed by a trusted party and the latter is granted
middleware layer, i.e., the native components and the Android
by apps signed by Google and phone vendors [10].
runtime system. Within the native components, the Hardware
Regarding the user-based security mechanism, each appli-
Abstraction Layer (HAL) defines a standard interface to bridge
cation on Android runs with a unique user identity, so that
the gap between hardware and software. Compared with the
the underlying Linux system could provide the system-level
drivers located in the kernel layer, Android HAL holds most
isolation to refrain from damage caused by programming
of the hardware vendor specific implementation, for example,
flaws [11]. However, there are some exceptions to system-
the APIs of audio device and camera [4], [5]. The other
defined privileged users, for example root, system and radio
two key component in the native components part are the
[12]. A privileged user can initiate more than one process
native libraries and daemons which are written in C/C++.
on Android system without the need to switch identity, and
The native daemons handle all interaction with the system
all of those processes are granted exact same privilege as the
in native level. The native libraries, like SQLite, Webkit, SSL,
privileged user, which constitutes a potential security loophole
and OpenGL, could greatly enrich the functionality and com-
in the Android system. Starting from Android system version
patibility of Android platform for the development purpose.
4.3, a Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux) model has been
The Android runtime system contains the core libraries and
enforced to upgrade the Discretionary Access Control (DAC)
runtime environment. A Java process virtual machine named
to the latest Mandatory Access Control (MAC). The access
Dalvik was used as the only runtime environment until the
capability on Android has ceased to be solely determined by
Android version 4.4. Thereafter, Android introduced a new
the file system ownership. Under the governance of SELinux,
runtime scheme called Android Runtime (ART) to replace
every process has to run at the minimum privilege level
the Dalvik virtual machine in later versions [6]. Compared
which is strictly regulated by a number of SELinux security
with the Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation used by Dalvik virtual
policies [12], [13].
machine, the Ahead-Of-Time (AOT) compilation provided by
ART has been proven to have significant improvement in
performance as well as energy consumption [7], [8]. On top C. Privilege Escalation
of the Android runtime system is the application framework
Privileged access gives users the freedom to maximize the
which is used most often by app developers as it handles
utilization of their Android devices. In Android, besides the
many elementary functionalities of Android applications. For
“system” user, there is another pre-defined user called “root”
instance, the view system provides a rich and extensible
which follows the “superuser” concept of Linux operating
collection of UI components; content providers enables an
systems. The root user is provided with a full control of the
app to access or share data with other apps. All previously
system and furthermore, could access to the user’s data without
mentioned components build the foundation for application
any restriction [11], [14]. In consideration of user privacy and
execution on Android platform.
system reliability, Google has neither produced any Android
versions enabled with root permission nor encouraged people
B. Security Mechanism of Android to root their device since Android has been publicly released
There are two main security mechanisms on Android. One is [15]. Users will have to find a way to escalate their privileges if
the Android permission-based mechanism which is performed they want to achieve any functionality or customization which

Layer Core Applications Third Party Applications

Layer Content Providers View System Managers


Core Libraries Dalvik VM / ART


Native Libraries Native Daemons Hardware Abstraction Layer


Layer Drivers File System Power Management

Fig. 1: A Layered Architecture of Android Operating System

is not essentially granted by the Android system. Once users privilege obtained from rooting could not only provide users
obtain root user privilege, they are able to backup apps and with more permission to use their devices or assist the gov-
data in their preferred ways, recover files which are deleted by ernment in the forensic investigation but also possibly expose
mistake, disable the advertisement or uninstall apps preloaded all user’s privacy and confidential information to the attacker
into the system image [16]. According to a survey in 2014, [18]. Hence rooting could be a big threat to users’ privacy and
over 27.44% of Android users rooted their device to uninstall information security if it is conducted for the evil purpose.
useless and redundant built-in apps [17]. From many users’
point of view, rooting is a good resolution to their pain points D. Vulnerabilities Exploitation
during the use of the device. That may explain the reason why
rooting has extremely high demands and is a popular topic in The history of vulnerability exploitation on Android device
Android’s world. could be traced back to 2009, the second year when Android
system was released. In that year, Christopher Lais imple-
The process of rooting an Android device varies with mented a utility called Volez to generate a crafted system
versions of the operating system and hardware configuration. recovery package. By making use of the code defect in
Rooting could be classified into two types depending on over-the-air (OTA) recovery package verification on Android
whether flashing the device is required or not [18]. The system, the Volez can add anything into the official package in
traditional rooting, which is so-called “hard root”, attains the promise of validity. That exploit has been proved feasible
root privilege by directly flashing superuser binary into the on Motorola Droid when the first OTA update was published
device. Hard root process comes with 3 steps: (1) unlocking [21], [22].
the bootloader; (2) flashing a customized recovery image In 2010, Lucas Davi et al. presented an in-depth explanation
with superuser binary embedded; (3) installing a superuser of the exploitation with a component-based attack model [23].
permission management tool such as SuperSU [19], [20]. The Suppose there is a non-privileged application (A1 ) and a priv-
hard root method is simple but may lead to erasing all the ileged application (A3 ) running on a device simultaneously.
data on the internal storage. The other type of rooting is The A1 does not have the permission to access component of
called “soft root” or “indirect root”. Soft root mostly refers A3 . However, by making use of the conceptual weakness of
to the scenario that the root privilege is obtained by running permission mechanism of Android system, a non-privileged
a software or process to exploit Android vulnerabilities. The caller in A1 could still have chance to access to A3 if there
soft root usually comes with a temporary privilege escalation is an application in-the-middle (A2 ), who allows the access
on an active process. Nonetheless, it is also possible to make from the unprivileged application A1 and meanwhile has been
the rooting status permanent by making use of the current granted the access to the privileged application A3 . Therefore
privileged process to copy the superuser binary to the system the unprivileged application A1 might always be possible to
directory. Compared with hard root, soft root has a wider attain higher permission from another privileged application
support on different Android devices as it doesn’t require a if the medium A2 failed to implement necessary permission
flash image for a specific device model and Android version. checks. In a real-world application, any privileged software
More importantly, soft root can root a device without any data or service running on Android system can hold the role of
loss. A2 in the model depicted by Lucas Davi et al. If there is a
Android rooting is a double-edged sword, the superior vulnerability being found in this privileged software or service,

Sandbox Sandbox Sandbox practical perspective, and technical perspective. From the soci-
etal aspect, we discuss who the potential attacker is, what is his
Application A1 Application A2 Application A3
or her motive in conducting the exploitation, and the possible
Granted permission: -- Granted permission: P3 Granted permission: --
consequence (risk) if such exploitation has been exercised.
From the practical perspective, we discuss the pre-requisite
for the exploitation, the steps to conduct exploitation, and the
A2 can be accessed by A1 A3 grant permission (P3) expected outcome (output) with the execution of the exploit.
without permissions to A2 to allow its access
Finally, from the technical perspective, we discuss all the key
elements of an exploit in an attack analysis model, including
Without permissions granted, A1 is not allowed to access A3 directly
attack surfaces, attack vectors, and vulnerable targets.
Android Middleware

Fig. 2: Component-based Permission Attack Model A. Societal Perspectives

(S1) Attacker & (S2) Motive
We use the term attacker to present the role of the entity
an exploit software, which plays the role of A1 , can be utilized
who initiates the exploitation regardless he or she is the owner
by the adversary to corrupt the normal execution of A2 and
of the device or has malicious intention. In consideration of
thereby obtain the superior privilege.
moral and legal qualms, most of the exploits are introduced to
In 2011, Höbarth and Mayrhofer discussed more possi-
the public as a tool to enable devices’ owners to gain superior
bilities to achieve privilege escalation by executing exploit
privilege in their daily usage. However, it does not guarantee
program [24]. They focused on the Android exploits that
the exploit will never be used by people with malicious intent.
are evolved from system level vulnerabilities and initiated
Hacktivists and cyber-spies could profit from making use
through native executable programs, and they categorized
of exploit programs to gain control of the victim’s device
Android exploits into 4 typical attack methods, such as missing
stealthily without users’ consent or awareness. Thieves could
input sanitization, remapping shared memory, restriction of
continue using the stolen devices by obtaining superior priv-
Anonymous Shared Memory (ashmem) access and overflow
ilege even if those devices have been locked by their owner.
of process number.
Terrorists can use exploits to control and interrupt the normal
Vulnerabilities may not only come from the privileged soft-
operation of people’s smartphones. Moreover, exploit may also
ware made by Google but also possibly caused by defects from
be used by the law enforcement agencies or investigators to
Linux Kernel, System On Chip (SoC) design, manufacturer’s
obtain evidence for forensic purpose.
Read-Only Memory (ROM), carrier addition and privileged
third party applications. Once any vulnerability is found on (S3) Possible Consequence
the target device, it may give us an opportunity to exploit and
Many exploits gain privilege with some side effects such
thereby gain root permission [25]–[27].
as process crash or memory tampering, which may turn
The concern of exploitation based on the vulnerabilities
target device into an unstable status or even worse like being
has already been raised up in early years of Android history
bricked and results in loss of warranty. However, the risk of
[28]. Starting from 2011, researchers started actively looking
exploitation with malicious intention is much greater than the
for security vulnerabilities on Android platform [29]–[31].
personal usage by the device owner. Attackers may inject
Almost at the same time, various classification and survey of
virus or ransomware into the exploit program and install
Android Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) were
them in the target device once the exploit program acquired
also conducted by researchers [18], [22], [32]. However, not
the superior privilege. The virus and ransomware could then
all of the vulnerabilities can be exploited to escalate privilege
reproduce themselves to harm other target devices. By stealing
and not all Android vulnerabilities come with exploits that are
the sensitive information stored on the target device, the
ready-to-use. It costs plenty of time and effort to understand
victim may possibly suffer from financial loss and leakage
vulnerability and come up with an exploit algorithm. As
of commercial secret. The society may get into chaos and
Android has greatly strengthened the security mechanism in
panics if the exploit has been utilized by terrorist to spread
recent years, the number of newly found exploitable vulner-
horrors and sabotage the communication functions on users’
abilities significantly reduced. However, new vulnerabilities
mobile devices. On the other hands, using exploits legitimately
keep emerging and are evolved to exploits successfully, such
can bring greater possibility to the law enforcement agencies
as use-after-free issue in Linux Kernel, Android keystore stack
or investigators to find the key evidence from the devices of
buffer issue and security weakness in Android Trustzone [33]–
people involved.

B. Practical Perspectives
(P1) Execution Channel & (P2) Condition
We propose a taxonomy for this survey to facilitate a holistic
and comprehensive understanding of the Android exploits. Execution channel describes the approach that an attacker
With this taxonomy depicted in Figure 3, we describe an takes to the exploit program to conduct exploitation. Condition
exploit from 3 different perspectives – societal perspective, defines the pre-requisite that must be satisfied before the

Physical Attack Surface USB Connection

Poor Stability

Owner Superior Privilege Bricking Device
Remote (Client-side) Attack
Web-Powered App
Law Enforcement Agencies Information / Surface
/ Forensic Investigators Lost of Warranty
Evidence Collection
Information Loss /
Hacktivists Deception
File System
Thieves Extortion Virus Infection
Chaos of Spam, Spyware
Criminals / Terrorists Intimidation
and Ransomware System Calls
Local Attack Surface
Cyber Spies Commercial Profit Financial Loss Standard Drivers

Android Specified Drivers

Possible Attack Surface
Attacker Motive Consequence
(S1) (S2) (T1) Vendor Drivers

Daemon Abusing
(A) Societal Perspective
File Permission and
Symbolic Link Attack
EXPLOITATION (C) Technical Perspective
Shared Memory Remapping

(B) Practical Perspective

Attack Vector
Memory Corruption

Privilege Remote Shell Control

Execution Channel Condition Obtained
(P1) (P2) (P3) Others

Trusted USB Connection Root

Physical Remote
Access Access File System
Under Same Domain of
Network System
System Component
Installation USB Debugging Enabled Shell Vulnerable
Linux Kernel
Shell App Remote Unknown Source (T3)
Others Others
Execution Execution Execution Installation Allowed Vendor Drivers

Others Trusted Execution Environment

Fig. 3: Android Exploit Attack Taxonomy

attack is exercised. An exploit may request more than one zero chance to be published in Google Play market due to the
conditions to ensure a successful execution. The condition pre-publish security check, the attacker must make sure the
set of an exploit usually varies with the execution channel. target device has enabled the “unknown source installation”
With the knowledge of execution channel and all the necessary option to allow the APK installation, and followed by the
conditions of an exploit, we can construct a scenario to present execution on the target device. Moreover, if the attacker wants
the exploitation process on a real device. Here we define 4 to manually transfer the APK file to the target device through
different execution channels and we will discuss the conditions USB connection, the attacker also need to ensure that the
for each execution channel in following paragraphs. target device has enabled USB debugging and trusted the USB
connection with the computer where the attack originates.
App Execution: App execution describes the scenario that
an attacker embeds the exploit code together with super-user
Shell Execution: Running executable scripts or binaries on
binary files into an APK file and installs it on the target
the target device could be regarded as the most direct and
device to exercise the exploitation. The app containing exploit
effective way to conduct exploitation. To exploit, the attacker
payload could be installed through on-device download or
needs to connect the target device with the PC through
USB connection. Once the APK file has been installed on
USB connection, upload the script or executable binary along
the target device, the privilege escalation can be triggered
with all relevant files to a temporary directory on the target
by any user’s interaction within the app’s interface, or even
device by calling Android Debug Bridge (ADB for short)
automatically while the app is running in the background.
“push” command, and then execute the scripts or binaries
If the malicious code has been successfully executed, the
in an ADB shell. Compared with the app execution, shell
privilege of the running process will be temporarily escalated,
execution comes with a lower implementation cost and higher
and then a persistent root could be obtained if the process with
flexibility to apply to different operating system versions or
superior privilege copied the super-user binaries to the system
device models. In addition, a successful shell execution usually
executable directory within the Android system [36].
results in a shell window with superior privilege, which brings
As the crafted APK containing exploit payload has almost convenience and freedom to the attacker to manipulate the

target device. where we mentioned above, we classify it and any similar

Despite the strength that shell execution exploits have, future exploits as “others”.
there are still some restrictions that we should not ignore (P3) Expected Privilege
while conducting binary exploitation. Before the exploitation
taking place, what the attacker needs includes (1) a PC with Root privilege is the ultimate goal of privilege escalation on
drivers for both the target device and ADB installed; (2) the Android platform, however, sometimes it does not need to be
physical ownership of the target device to connect the device mandatory as some functions like camera and screenshot do
to the PC through USB at the moment of exploitation; (3) not require root privilege to invoke. Gaining code execution
the password to unlock the screen of the target device, if any, in Android System Server or Media Server could also be
to grant authorization and enable USB debugging and trusted considered as a successful exploitation under certain circum-
connection. stance [23]. Many exploits can help attacker gain root privilege
directly. Nevertheless, there are some exploits targeting high
Remote Execution: Remote execution is another optional
privileges other than root, for example, the system user priv-
execution channel to conduct exploitation on Android devices.
ilege, the shell privilege, privileges within sub-systems of the
It does not require the physical connection or APK installation.
target device like baseband or trusted executable environment
Instead, remote execution usually targets some native compo-
(TEE), and etc.
nents of Android system, such as Webkit or media playback
library, to attain the privilege escalation in distance [37], [38].
In practice, the attack source may be a piece of malicious C. Technical Perspectives
code pre-loaded into a web page or a crafted media file. The (T1) Attack Surface
exploitation will be triggered at the moment when the target
Attack surface represents a set of interactions and compo-
device user starts viewing or previewing the crafted web page
nents where an exploit takes advantage and initiates the attack
or media file. During the execution, the attack source code
routine. By observing various exploits, we summarize attack
could achieve privilege escalation and then initiate a remote
surfaces used by these exploits, furthermore we categorize
connection between the target device and attacker’s machine,
those attack surfaces into 3 groups – they are remote attack
and in the end, pass the full control of the target device to the
surfaces, local attack surfaces, and physical attack surfaces.
The remote attack surfaces and local attack surfaces represent
Remote execution stands out from the other exploitation different approaches that the attacker uses to interact with the
channels that require a physical connection, and it is one target device. On the other hand, the local attack surfaces
of the trends of future exploitation on Android devices owe contain the components within the Android operating system
to many advantages it has [39]. Firstly, the remote execu- where the exploit takes advantage to escalate privilege. It is
tion has excellent camouflage and anonymity because it is worth mentioning that an exploit may have multiple attack
possible to attain high privilege on Android devices without surfaces from different categories to constitute a successful
a physical connection and victim’s awareness. Moreover, as attack.
the attack originates from the network rather than local files
or applications, it will be difficult for security mechanism (T1.1) Physical Attack Surface: Establishing USB connec-
in Android system or third-party anti-virus applications to tion between the attack machine and the target device is the
detect the exploitation by local scanning or static analysis. first step for many exploitations. USB is the primary wired
Nevertheless, remote exploits still have some restriction when interface for Android devices to interact with other devices.
applying the exploitation in the wild rather than the laboratory. In an active Android operating system, there is a service
Even though such exploitation is physical connection free, the named ADB daemon (adbd) standing by all the time to fa-
attacker still needs to ensure his or her attacking device is cilitate the command operation and data transmission through
connected to the same network with the target device and ADB channel. Once a trusted ADB connection has been set
the IP address of the attacking device must be filled in the up, the attacker can deploy an exploit by either executing
malicious payload code prior to the exploitation. corresponding commands to install a crafted application, or
starting a shell session to run an executive file with attack
Others: Besides those 3 types of common execution chan- payload. For that reason, USB is treated as the most ubiquitous
nels, there is an exception in the history of Android exploita- physical attack surface exposing to diverse exploits on Android
tion called Volez. Volez is the first ever publicly released exploit platform. In addition to the USB, there are some other physical
that takes advantage of one or more vulnerabilities of the target connection methods applicable for some Android devices and
device to obtain root privilege. The Volez program can modify theoretically feasible to be the attack surface of exploitation,
the factory OTA recovery image and insert su binary into the for example, the SD Card and the HDMI connection. However,
image. After that, the attacker copies the crafted image to the until the date of this paper being drafted, there is no publicly
device storage and triggers the device recovery. The device released exploit found to use any physical connection method
operating system will be reset to factory status but has su other than USB.
binary located in system executable directory, which means the
user of the device could easily gain root privilege by installing (T1.2) Remote (Client-side) Attack Surface: The remote at-
a superuser management app or calling “su” command in the tack is always a very popular and attractive topic because
ADB shell. As the Volez does not follow any attack channel it gets rid of physical restriction. Rather than a physical

connection, the attacker could execute the exploit program user and shell group, the user can reboot the device and then
over a computer network. set the ro.kernel.qemu value to 1 in local.prop file.
The web browser application is one of the major attack As the result, the user of device obtains the root privilege. We
surfaces in remote attacks. One possible attack could be will discuss the real application of the exploitation targeting
exercised by Document Object Model (DOM) manipulation Android file system in next technical perspective T3.
through JavaScript. The malicious script injected by the at- (T1.3.2) Daemons: ADB and Zygote are two daemons most
tacker could dynamically modify the structure and content of prevalently exploited by attackers. When we initiate an ADB
current web page once loaded by the browser. In fact, due to session on Android devices, the ADB daemon (adbd process)
the rich functionality of the browser application, there is a lot starts running as the root user and then drops its privilege to
of opportunities for the attacker to explore the local attack the shell user before it gets ready to be used. However, in
surfaces from it. Among the existing Android exploits we old versions of Android up to 2.2, the ADB daemon does
surveyed, WebKit Use-After-Free is a typical browser attack not implement an adequate check to the return value of the
which inserts a script into the space just been freed, and hereby setuid call at the moment of dropping privilege from root
achieves privilege escalation. Then it creates a remote shell to the shell user. Similarly, the Zygote daemon also gives
window to allow the attacker to remotely control the target root user privilege to all the processes forked from it, and
device. then drops privilege once the user who forks process from it
Besides the browser, the great amount of web-powered has been confirmed. Since both daemons are originated from
applications on Android platform also have very high possibil- root user, they become popular attack surfaces to exercise an
ities to be chosen as the attack surface during remote attacks. exploitation for root access. We will explain more about this
Most of the applications that work based on Internet service process later in daemon abusing attack vector.
are implemented by making use of standardized web service
APIs and libraries, for example, the SSL/TLS authentication (T1.3.3) System Calls: System calls constitute an important
and the embedded browser engine called WebViews. The type of attack surface in the Android system. An attack can
components using standard WebViews libraries and APIs will exercise by making use of the vulnerabilities in the Linux
very possibly reveal the potential attack surfaces. For example, kernel of the Android system, invoking system calls with
in 2015, an exploit called StageFright has been found to malicious data or arguments and then tampering the system
take advantage of media previewing library on some Android kernel to attain higher privilege. For example, TowelRoot
devices. It can gain control of the victim’s device through a / futex exploit is one of the best-known exploits in early
reverse shell by sending a crafted media file which contains versions of the Android operating system. It takes advantage
malicious payload and then being previewed within victim’s of code defects in relock and requeue functions defined
device. A web-powered mobile application is selected to be in futex.c in the Linux kernel source code. When attackers
the attack surface during the demonstration of StageFright running the exploit program, those vulnerable functions will
exploitation. be called with malicious arguments and in an inappropriate
Electronic mail (E-mail) client application is another po- manner. As a result, the addr_limit value of the current
tential attack surface for the remote attack. As the most of thread has been modified and the user privilege of the current
the mainstream E-mail service providers allow users to attach thread has been escalated correspondingly. Another exploit
any type of file in their messages, the attacker could insert libperf_event targets on the perf_swevent_init
malicious script into a document or media file and send to function in the Linux kernel. It passes a negative integer as
the victim through an E-mail message, then deliver an attack an argument of perf_swevent_init function to crash the
to the browser or other vulnerable applications to the victim’s current thread and then achieves arbitrary code execution to
device. attain privilege for the attacker.
(T1.3.4) Drivers: In the Android platform, drivers usually
(T1.3) Local Attack Surface: Local attack surfaces represent represent a bundle of libraries or modules that bridge the gap
the attack point initiated by a program or script which is between user applications and a hardware or native system
already executing on the victim’s device. For most of the service. In fact, there are lots of drivers existing in the
exploits programs, the local attack surface is the first step operating system of an actual Android device. We group these
and a necessity of actual vulnerability exploitation. Here we drivers into 3 types on the basis of their functionalities.
summarize 6 different common attack surfaces in this category. The first type of driver is called standard drivers (more of
(T1.3.1) File System: Due to the Unix lineage of the An- Linux side), which are ported from the Linux kernel. This type
droid system, the file system is one of the most frequently of drivers usually serves as enablers of the basic hardware,
mentioned attack surfaces to conduct the local attack. The such as Bluetooth and audio. The attacker can migrate a
file system defines ownership and permission for each file driver vulnerability or issue residing in the Linux system to
entry. Attackers will have a chance to exercise exploitation the Android platform. For example, there is an exploit called
if there is no sufficient restriction being enforced for the file dirtyCow which is essentially found on Linux platform but
permission assignment. One typical file system attack is taking later proved that works on the Android operating system,
advantage of inadequate security implementation in init.rc too. It makes use of race conditioning vulnerability in tty
file to exercise a symbolic link attack [22]. By changing (controlling terminal) driver, turns the read-only mapping of a
/data/local folder permission to make it writeable by the file to writable status and finally gains privilege.

Another type of driver is Android specified drivers, which the Zygote by default gives the newly generated process
are implemented to support the exclusive functionalities of with root privilege and then drops its privilege if the new
the Android system on the basis of the Linux kernel. Many process is initiated by the local user. Some exploits, such as
features of the Android system such as the Anonymous Shared Zimperlich / zygote jailbreak and Zysploit, make use of the
Memory (ashmem), binder, logger, and power management, similar defects in Zygote that the privilege lowering stage can
are all enabled by Android specific drivers. Drivers belonging be bypassed once the number of processes under one specific
to this category can be treated as attack surface to conduct application user ID (UID) has reached its maximum value. As
exploitation. For instance, a famous exploit during the early the result, the upcoming processes forked by Zygote under
stage of the Android history called KillingInTheNameOf and same application UID will run as root user.
its variant psneuter exploit are all using ashmem driver as the (T2.2) File Permission and Symbolic Link Attack: File per-
local attack surface. mission and symbolic link (symlink) attacks have been used
Last but not least, the vendor drivers also play a key role in many exploits in Android version up to 4.1. During the
in the local attack surface family. Due to the uneven quality Android booting up, an init function will be called to execute
of the drivers’ implementation by diverse hardware vendors, the commands listed in init.rc script. The initialization
the APIs offered by vendor drivers often bring defects and commands contain a couple of folder creation (mkdir) ac-
therefore are used by attackers to conduct exploitation. Based tions, changing permission (chmod) actions and changing
on our findings, the first exploit that uses vendor driver as the owner (chown) actions. Attackers usually look for security
attack surface is named levitator and released in 2011 [22]. issues from this initialization procedure, and then create a
It takes advantage of the defect in APIs offered by PowerVR symlink within the space where they are going to set with
SGX chipset driver to corrupt the kernel memory and gain higher privilege. By doing this, attackers are able to make
privilege. From then on, the exploits using vendor drivers as protected directories user-writable and then they can overwrite
the primary local attack surface emerged quickly and reserved the local.prop file and set ADB user to root.
a significant proportion among all exploits since 2013.
As most of these exploits make use of security issues in
(T2) Attack Vector the third-party customized system image rather than stock
Android, the file permission and symlink attack exploits are
Attack vector represents the concrete attack method used by
overall brand specific or device model specific, for example,
an exploit program to gain privilege. The pair of attack vector
the TacoRoot for HTC models, TwerkMyMoto for Motorola
and attack surface depicts an attack model of exploitation.
models and NachoRoot for Asus models. This type of attack
For some complex exploits, there may be more than one
vectors has been mitigated since Android version 4.2 as
attack vectors existing during different phases of an attack. We
Android added extra security semantics in the execution of
summarize the attack vectors for different exploits according
init script to prevent the permission and file system from
to the taxonomy of attack surface we made.
being exploited.
(T2.1) Daemon Abusing: As we mentioned previously, the
ADB daemon (adbd) in Android system is designed to drop (T2.3) Shared Memory Remapping: As mentioned earlier,
its privilege from the root to shell before itself being presented Android has its own shared memory subsystem called
for user interaction. But unfortunately, the ADB daemon does ashmem. Android offers a number of richer and simpler
not properly check the return value of setuid function in APIs to programmers for performance improvement by en-
Android versions prior to 2.3, which leaves a chance of gaining abling developers to utilize shared memory wisely. Android
root privilege by interrupting the privilege dropping process to system allows any user to create and map a region in shared
attackers. In 2010, Sebastian Kraphmer found there is a thresh- memory, and then execute read and write actions in a very
old value specifying the maximum number of co-existing ADB efficient manner. Unfortunately, the ashmem might also be
processes that the Android system could normally accomplish used by the attacker to map and tamper the protected contents.
the privilege dropping action. Once the threshold value being Taking the exploit KillingInTheNameOf as example, due to
reached, the newly initiated ADB processes are presented to the system does not properly restrict local user to access to
the user with root privilege. This kind of attack was later used the system properties space in early versions of the Android
in Sebastian’s exploit named RageAgainstTheCage. Thereafter, operating system like 2.x, the attacker could re-map the
abusing ADB has been mentioned again in 2012 in Z2 exploit. space where local.prop is located, and thereby change
By making use of security issues in ADB backup function the ro.secure property to make the ADB process bypass
on some Sony Xperia devices, the exploit program creates a the privilege dropping operation in future booting.
race condition and injects a privileged symbolic link into the (T2.4) Memory Corruption: Memory corruption is the at-
system – by doing so the read-only system properties could tack vector that commonly adopted for exploiting kernel and
be tampered and eventually the ADB will run as root user. driver vulnerabilities. It occupies larger and larger proportion
Abusing Zygote process is another example of daemon among all available attack vectors for exploitation on the
abusing on Android device. Zygote serves as the father process Android platform, especially after Google carrying a large
in the Android system, where all Android applications are scale of bug fixing and greatly strengthening Android security
started by being forked from the Zygote process. However, mechanism since past few years ago. Memory corruption is a
this forking procedure has similar privilege assigning routine broad concept that describes all the approaches to alter the nor-
with ADB daemon. When a new process is forked by Zygote, mal execution of the target device by memory manipulation.

Many typical memory corruption methods like stack overflow, target correspondingly. In this paper, we present 5 different
integer overflow, dereference of the null pointer and format types of vulnerable targets to cover the existing cases of
error, could be found in available Android exploits. Android exploitation.
To conduct an attack, the attacker usually chooses a priv- (T3.1) File System: The file system as a type of vulnerable
ileged process as the target and then carries out memory target, is the most common focus of the file permission
attack by all means to crash the target process. Once the and symbolic link attack (refer to Section III-C, technical
memory manipulation has been successfully achieved, the perspective T2-2). All Android exploits targeting file system
attacker may have a chance to execute arbitrary code on behalf are achieved by conducting file permission and symbolic link
of the privileged process and thereby gain soft root on the attack. The ultimate goal of an exploit targeting Android file
target device. For example, the Use-After-Free Remote Code system is to change the ownership of file for either content
Execution on Webkit uses null point dereference as attack tampering or illegal execution. For example, changing the
vector to exploit; GingerBreak crashes the vold daemon by value of ro.kernel.qemu to 1 in the local.prop file.
feeding a negative integer to it to cause an integer overflow; Most of the vulnerabilities relating to this type of Android
and zergRush invokes a libsysutils.so function with the exploit are caused by the vendors’ customization in Android,
wrong number of arguments passing in, leading to a Return therefore the exploit attacking Android file system usually
Oriented Programming (ROP) chain to obtain soft root. varies with devices’ manufacturer and hardware configuration.
As the memory corruption is possible to occur at the The file system exploits used to be a common type of exploits
moment of every function invocation during the execution of on Android platform until the Android version 4.2 when the
Android native program, there is no lack of memory corruption O_NOFOLLOW semantics has been introduced to prevent the
in our exploit survey results. It is hard to prevent memory symbolic link attack [40]. Since version 4.3, Android enforces
corruption completely when compared with other types of the SELinux model to regulate all permission involved activ-
attack vectors ities within Android system.
(T2.5) Remote Shell Control: All the attack vectors we list (T3.2) System Component: We group all the Google-
in previous paragraphs are corresponding to local attack. In implemented components located in middleware layer, frame-
addition to local attack, the attacker also has to own an extra work layer and application layer of Android architecture (refer
pair of attack vector and surface to conduct a remote attack. to Figure 1) as “system components”. We use the term “system
Setting up a remote shell control is the most commonly used exploits” to represent exploits targeting vulnerabilities from
attack vector to conduct a remote attack. A remote shell system components. The Android components which provide
control is not initiated by the attacker but triggered by the either interface to native level development or user space ac-
user of the target device – usually in an unaware manner. To cess are often exploited by attackers. For example, the system
prepare a remote attack, the attacker needs to implement the services, native libraries, daemons, and Android shared mem-
payload code which is able to start an ADB shell through the ory (ashmem). The first ever publicly released exploit program
reverse TCP or HTTP connection to the attacker’s machine, on Android platform is a system exploit called “Volez”, which
and then embed the code into the exploit program. Thereafter manipulates the system recovery service to place superuser
the attacker just needs to wait until the payload being triggered, binary into the system executable directory on victim’s device.
followed by a reverse shell launched by the target device. There are some other milestone exploits are categorized as
Gaining remote shell control does not bring the attacker system exploits, such as the KillingInTheNameOf that takes
with a root superior privilege. However, it links a remote advantage of ashmem access issue to gain root access, the
circumstance up with local attack methods and thereby makes RageAgainstTheCage that targets vulnerabilities in Android
exploitation without physical connection possible. In our sur- adbd daemon to achieve privilege escalation; and the Stage-
vey, we can find the presence of remote shell control in all Fright that can exploit the library with the same name in
remote exploits, for example, the Use-After-Free Remote Code Android system to obtain high privilege in silence.
Execution on Webkit and StageFright. Compared with other 4 groups of vulnerable targets, the
(T2.6) Others: Among the exploits we found during this sur- system components’ vulnerabilities are relatively easier to be
vey, there are some outdated, unrepresentative or undisclosed fixed by Android. The mitigation of system exploits usually
attack vectors. For example, an exploit named StumpRoot comes with a timely Android security patch or an operating
doesn’t provide any disclosure of technical details or source system update.
code to the public. The attack vector used by exploit Volez (T3.3) Linux Kernel: We use Linux kernel to represent those
is outdated and unrepresentative when compared with other vulnerable targets located in kernel layer components other
ones. In this paper, we classify those uncommon and unknown than the file system, which includes Linux kernel drivers,
attack vectors as “others”. process manager, and network controller. Unlike the Android
system vulnerabilities, Linux kernel vulnerabilities are mostly
(T3) Vulnerable Target
found from the source code of the Linux kernel rather
Vulnerable target describes the source of vulnerability where than Google’s implementation in Android. Therefore, many
the attacker targets. An exploit could only be designed and vulnerable targets that exploit other operating systems in
implemented once the vulnerable target is confirmed. The Linux family can also be migrated to Android platform. The
mitigations of Android exploits are tailored to the vulnerable exploitation targeting Linux kernel on Android platform has
TABLE I: Survey Result of Android Exploits

Channel 1


Vector 2

Target 3


Year Exploit Author Vulnablitiy (CVE) Vulnablity Type (CWE)

2009 1 volez Christopher Lais (Zinx) O O SYS N.A. N.A. Motorola Droid 2.0 and 2.0.1 –
2010 2 exploid Sebastian Krahmer S M KRN CVE-2009-1185 Input Validation (CWE-20) All Up to 2.3.4
3 RageAgainstTheCage Sebastian Krahmer S D SYS N.A. N.A. All Up to 2.2
4 Use-After-Free Remote Code Itzhak Avraham R R,M SYS CVE-2010-1807 Input Validation (CWE-20) Unspecified 4 2.0 to 2.1 –
Execution on Webkit
5 Zimperlich / Sebastian Krahmer S D SYS N.A. N.A. All Up to 2.2
zygote jailbreak
2011 6 KillingInTheNameOf Sebastian Krahmer S A SYS CVE-2011-1149 Permissions, Privileges and All 2.1 to 2.2.2
Access Control (CWE-264)
7 psneuter ashmem exploit Scott Walker (scotty2) S A SYS CVE-2011-1149 Permissions, Privileges and All Unspecified
Access Control (CWE-264)
8 levitator Jon Larimer and Jon S M VND CVE-2011-1350 Information Leak / Devices with the 1.0 to 2.3.5 –
Oberheide CVE-2011-1352 Disclosure (CWE-200) PowerVR SGX chipset
Buffer Errors (CWE-119)
9 WebKit use-after-free MJ Keith R R,M SYS CVE-2010-1119 Resource Management Unspecified 2.0 to 2.1.1 –
Errors (CWE-399)
10 Zysploit Joshua Wise (jwise) S D SYS N.A. N.A. All Up to 2.2
11 GingerBreak Sebastian Krahmer A M SYS CVE-2011-1823 Numeric Errors (CWE-189) All 2.1 to 2.3.3, 3.0 –
12 sock sendpage local root / Christopher Lais (Zinx) S M KRN CVE-2009-2692 Buffer Errors (CWE-119) All Up to 3.2.6 –
asroot / Wunderbar
13 zergRush Revolutionary S M SYS CVE-2011-3874 Buffer Errors (CWE-119) All 2.2.x till 2.2.2, 2.3.x –
till 2.3.6
14 TacoRoot Justin Case (jcase) S P FLS N.A. N.A. EVO 4G and some 2.x –
other HTC models
2012 15 NachoRoot Justin Case (jcase) S P FLS N.A. Permissions, Privileges and ASUS Transformer 4.0 to 4.0.4 –
Access Control (CWE-264) Prime
16 TPSparkyRoot sparkym3 S P FLS N.A. Permissions, Privileges and ASUS Transformer 4.0 to 4.0.4 –
Access Control (CWE-264) Prime
17 mempodroid / mempodipper / Jay Freeman (saurik) S P KRN CVE-2012-0056 Permissions, Privileges and Acer A200 Tablet, 4.0.1 to 4.0.3 –
mem exploit Access Control (CWE-264) Galaxy Nexus,
Motorola RAZR,
Nexus S, Asus
Transformer Prime
18 Z2 Root Exploit Sacha (xsacha), S D SYS N.A. N.A. Many Sony Xperia Unspecified –
cubundcube and models, 3.x and 4.x
Andreas Makris before 4.1.1
Continued on next page

TABLE I – continued from previous page






Year Exploit Author Vulnablitiy (CVE) Vulnablity Type (CWE)

19 LG lit giantpune A M VND CVE-2012-4220 N.A. LG (with LM3530 Unspecified –

backlight driver)
20 Exynos Abuse / Sam (exynos- alephzain S M VND CVE-2012-6422 Permissions, Privileges and Samsung (Exynos 4 Unspecified
mem) Exploit Access Control (CWE-264) based)
21 diaggetroot goroh kun A M VND CVE-2012-4220 HTC J Butterfly Unspecified –
2013 22 Qualcomm Gandalf camera alephzain S M VND CVE-2013-2595 Permissions, Privileges and Many models made by Unspecified
driver exploit Access Control (CWE-264) Asus, Huawei, LG etc.
23 Motochopper / Dan Rosenberg S M KRN CVE-2013-2596 Numeric Errors (CWE-189) Motorola (Atrix HD, Up to 4.2
fb mem exploit (djrbliss) Razr HD, Razr M) and
other devices with
Snapdragon S4 series
24 libperf event Hiroyuki Ikezoe S M KRN CVE-2013-2094 Numeric Errors (CWE-189) Nexus 4 and Some 4.0 to 4.3.1 (Linux
Japanese models made Kernel version before
by HTC, Fujitsu, 3.8.9)
Sharp, Sony and LG
25 LG Sprite software backup / Justin Case (jcase) A P FLS CVE-2013-3685 (R) 5 Race conditions 43 LG Optimus models Unspecified –
LGPwn exploit
26 libfj hdcp fi01 S M VND N.A. N.A. F05D, ISW11F and Unspecified –
some other Docomo
Fujitsu models
27 Defy republic init runit Justin Case (jcase) S M VND CVE-2013-4777 Configuration (CWE-16) Motorola Defy XT 2.3.7 –
CVE-2013-5933 Buffer Errors (CWE-119)
28 libdiag Exploit Hiroyuki Ikezoe S M VND N.A. Input Validation (CWE-20) Many models made by Unspecified –
Numeric Errors (CWE-189) NEC, Fujitsu, etc
29 Boromir (camera-isp) alephzain A M VND N.A. N.A. Many models (MTK Unspecified –
exploit* based)
30 Gemli (dev/DspBridge) alephzain A M VND N.A. N.A. Many models (TI Unspecified –
exploit* OMAP 36XX based)
31 Frodo (exynos-mem) exploit* alephzain A M VND N.A. N.A. Many models (Exynos Unspecified –
32 Legolas (graphics/fb) exploit* alephzain A M VND N.A. N.A. Many models (Exynos Unspecified –
33 Aragorn (video1) exploit* alephzain A M VND N.A. N.A. Many models (Exynos Unspecified
34 Merry (s5p-smem) exploit* alephzain A M VND N.A. N.A. Many models (Exynos Unspecified –
35 Android put user / get user fi01, cubeundcube and R R,M KRN CVE-2013-6282 Input Validation (CWE-20) Unspecified Linux kernel before
exploit (Metasploit module) timwr 3.5.5 on the v6k and
v7 ARM platforms,
fixed in Jul 2013
Continued on next page

TABLE I – continued from previous page






Year Exploit Author Vulnablitiy (CVE) Vulnablity Type (CWE)

36 TwerkMyMoto Justin Case (jcase) S P FLS N.A. N.A. Motorola Razr I 4.1.2 –
37 Pippin (memalloc) exploit* alephzain A M VND N.A. N.A. Many K3V2 based Unspecified –
models made by
38 Gollum (amjpegdec) exploit* alephzain A M VND N.A. N.A. Unspecified (AMLogic Unspecified –
39 Faramir (camera-sysr) alephzain A M VND N.A. N.A. Many models (MTK Unspecified –
exploit* based)
2014 40 Barahir (Vcodec) exploit* alephzain A M VND N.A. N.A. Many models (MTK Unspecified –
41 WeakSauce Justin Case (jcase) and A P FLS CVE-2014-3847 (R) N.A. HTC One m7, m7 on 4.1 to 4.4.4 –
Sean Beaupre (beaups) Verizon, m8 and Droid
42 Qualcomm buffer overflow in fi01 S M VND CVE-2013-2597 Buffer Errors (CWE-119) Unspecified Linux kernel 2.6.x - –
acdb audio driver 3.x before Jun 2013
(msm acdb exploit)
43 Pie / vold asec Justin Case (jcase) S P SYS N.A. N.A. Moto X on locked 2.2.1 to 4.4.2 –
44 TowelRoot / futex exploit George Hotz (geohot) A M KRN CVE-2014-3153 Permissions, Privileges and All Up to 4.4 ROMs
Access Control (CWE-264) built before Jun 2014
45 StumpRoot IOMonster, Justin Case A O VND N.A. N.A. Many models made by Unspecified –
(jcase), autoprime and LG
46 Android Browser exploit Hacking Team R R,M SYS CVE-2011-1202 Input Validation (CWE-20) Unspecified 4.0 to 4.3 –
(ht webkit Android4) CVE-2012-2825
2015 47 ObjectInputStream local root Di Shen (retme7) A M VND CVE-2014-4322 N.A. Nexus 5 4.4.4
48 libmsm memory corruption in Hiroyuki Ikezoe S M VND CVE-2014-4321 (R) Input Validation (CWE-20) Unspecified Unspecified –
camera driver CVE-2014-4324 (R)
(libmsm vfe read exploit) CVE-2014-0975 (R)
CVE-2014-0976 (R)
CVE-2014-9409 (R)
49 PingPongRoot Keen Team A M KRN CVE-2015-3636 Other (NVD-CWE-Other) Samsung Galaxy S6, 5.0 to 5.1.0 –
Uninitialized data structure Samsung Galaxy S6
Edge, HTC One (M9)
50 Mate7 TrustZone Exploit Di Shen (retme7) S M TEE CVE-2015-4421 (R) N.A. Huawei Mate7 Unspecified –
CVE-2015-4422 (R)
51 Mtkfb Exploit nforest@KeenTeam S M VND N.A. N.A. Unspecified (MTK Unspecified –
MT658X and MT6592
Continued on next page

TABLE I – continued from previous page






Year Exploit Author Vulnablitiy (CVE) Vulnablity Type (CWE)

52 Full TrustZone exploit for laginimaineb S M TEE N.A. N.A. Nexus 5 A crafted ROM built –
MSM8974 based on 4.4.4
53 QSEECOM driver memory laginimaineb S M TEE CVE-2014-4322 Buffer Errors (CWE-119) Unspecified Unspecified –
54 Stagefright Remote Code Joshua Drake (jduck) R R,M SYS CVE-2015-1538 Buffer Errors (CWE-119) Nexus 5, Nexus 6, 5.0 to 5.1.1
Execution and NorthBit CVE-2015-1539 Numeric Errors (CWE-189) Nexus 7 and Samsung
(Metasploit module) CVE-2015-3824 Galaxy S5
CVE-2015-3826 (SM-G900V)
2016 55 mediaserver code-exec laginimaineb S M SYS CVE-2014-7920 (R) Permissions, Privileges and Unspecified 4.3 to 5.1 –
CVE-2014-7921 (R) Access Control (CWE-264)
56 sensord local root s0m3b0dy S M VND N.A. N.A. LG L7 and other Unspecified –
devices have sensord
57 Metaphor Hanan Beer@NorthBit R R,M SYS CVE-2015-3864 Numeric Errors (CWE-189) Nexus 5 5.0 to 5.1.1 –
58 iovyroot / pipe inatomic idl3r S M KRN CVE-2015-1805 Code (CWE-17) LG G Flex 2, many 4.4.3 to 6.0
models made by Sony,
Huawei and other
59 Use-After-Free camera betalphafai (Edward S M VND CVE-2015-0568 Use After Free (CWE-416) Unspecified Unspecified (Linux –
driver exploit Hung) (Qualcomm MSM kernel 3.0.x)
60 QSEE TrustZone laginimaineb S M TEE CVE-2015-6639 Permissions, Privileges and Nexus 6 Unspecified –
Access Control (CWE-264)
61 prctl vma exploit betalphafai (Edward S M KRN CVE-2015-6640 Permissions, Privileges and Unspecified 5.1.1 and 6.0
Hung) Access Control (CWE-264)
62 Qualcomm TrustZone laginimaineb S M TEE CVE-2016-2431 Permissions, Privileges and Unspecified Unspecified –
Access Control (CWE-264)
63 Dirty Cow (dirtyc0w) timwr S M KRN CVE-2016-5195 Race Condition (CWE-362) Unspecified Up to 7.0 –

Legend for execution channels: (A) App Execution Channel; (S) Shell Execution Channel; (R) Remote Execution Channel and (O) notates Other Channels.
Legend for attack vectors: (A) Shared Memory (ashmem) Remapping; (D) Daemon Abusing; (P) File Permission & Symbolic Link Attack; (M) for Memory Corruption; (R) Remote
Shell Control and (O) Others.
Legend for vulnerable targets: (FLS) File System; (KRN) Linux Kernel; (SYS) System, (TEE) Trusted Execution Environment and (VND) Vendor Drivers.
The term “Unspecific” means the information has neither been disclosed by the author nor mentioned by any trusted source from Internet.
The annotation “(R)” after a CVE identifier represents as “RESERVED”, which has been reserved for use by a CVE Numbering Authority (CNA) or researcher without all details being
publicly disclosed.
Discrete exploits integrated in framaroot root application. Those exploits could be initiated by either running a shell command or app execution.
End of table


been firstly introduced in an exploit program named “exploid” IV. S URVEY & C LASSIFICATION
in 2010. The exploid selects init daemon in Linux kernel We conduct a survey of publicly released Android exploits
as the target, exploits a vulnerability by initiating memory from multiple sources and we find 63 exploits covering all
corruption and gains root privilege from the daemon. Android versions up to 7.0. By reading their descriptions,
Because of the root user is designed as a part of privilege searching for available source codes and studying correspond-
architecture in the Linux kernel, it is difficult for the com- ing vulnerabilities, we collect rich details of these 63 exploits.
ponents running on the Android platform to prevent privilege In this paper, we summarize all the key details that are
escalation initiated from the kernel exploits. Furthermore, due useful for upcoming analysis, and we organize them into a
to the fact that the evolution of Linux kernel is usually slower table. Table I shows the complete collection of all 63 exploits
than the evolution of Android, it makes Android harder to including their names, authors, release years, attack details,
identify and fix kernel vulnerabilities within a short period. details of corresponding recorded vulnerabilities, affected de-
As a consequence, the Linux Kernel exploit usually works on vices & Android versions and our evaluation outcome. In order
multiple continuous version of Android systems. to distinguish an exploit from the others and facilitate our
analysis, we focus on practical and technical perspectives of
(T3.4) Vendor Driver: The exploits in this category target Android exploitation and we select 3 classification criteria
hardware abstraction layer (HAL) implementation. The his- from the taxonomy we proposed in the previous section.
tory of vendor driver exploits could be dated back to 2010. In the remaining contents of this section, we present our
levitator is the first Android exploit that conducts an attack classification based on these 3 selected criteria and then we
on devices with specific hardware configuration containing discuss our observation on each of them1 . The classification
PowerVR SGX chipset. As the Android experienced a rapid is also included in Table I.
growth in next few years, the great flexibility and diversity
in hardware configuration on Android platform makes vendor A. Execution Channel
driver exploits one of the major type of the exploitation. We find all three kinds of execution channels from the 62
Vendor driver exploits exclusively have 2 advantages. exploits except Volez. For convenience, we call those exploits
Firstly, compared with TEE exploits, vendor driver exploits using app execution channel as “app exploits”, those exploits
can escalate privilege to “system” or “root” level and return triggered by shell scripts through the physical connection as
to the user control directly; Meanwhile, unlike the kernel “shell exploits”, and those exploits executed by embedded
exploits or system exploits, vendor driver exploits make use payload code via remote environment will be notated as
of vulnerabilities caused by the add-ons from various vendors “remote exploits”. Figure 4 demonstrates the distribution of
rather than Android implementation, which means Android exploits according to execution channels.
cannot exhaustively and effectively fix all the issues via its App Exploit. There are 19 exploits coming with a stan-
version update and hence may not be able to prevent from dalone APK file, reserving 30.6% among all exploits in
any induced exploitation in short time. Therefore, for the our collection. All those exploits, except GingerBreak and
foreseeable future, we believe that the vendor driver exploits TowelRoot, could only work on devices in a specific hardware
will still be the majority of new exploits. configuration or in some exact models. The GingerBreak takes
advantage of vulnerabilities in vold daemon and has been
(T3.5) Trusted Execution Environment: Attacking trusted fixed in updates of Android version 2.3.4 and 3.0 in 2011,
execution environment (TEE) is a novel attempt at privilege which are considered as a pretty early stage of Android history.
escalation. In 2015, a researcher called “laginimaineb” pub- Another exploit named TowelRoot used to be popular due to
lished a series of blog articles and the proof-of-concept source its long list of supporting device; however, its functionality to
code to explain his idea to gain TEE level privilege from successfully gain root privilege stops at Android version 4.4.4,
Qualcomm TrustZone, which marks the first time that the TEE which is another outdated system from nowadays aspect [42].
being exploited [41]. Therefore, we can optimistically conclude that the most of the
Android devices in the market are safe against existing APK
Compared with exploits targeting other types of vulnerable exploits.
targets, the TEE exploits have a very strict requirement but Shell Exploit. Shell exploits take the majority of our
low practicability. Sometimes TEE exploits require a device collection according to Figure 4. We totally collect 37 shell
flashed with customized ROM or having Address Space Lay- exploits in this survey, which comprise over 59% of the entire
out Randomization (ASLR) disabled. However, the outcome collection. Among these 37 shell exploits, three exploits (Defy
of a successful exploitation is just the privilege within TEEOS republic init runit, TwerkMyMoto and Pie / vold asec) come
module rather than the root user. The attacker may not be able with Java source codes that the attacker has to compile and
to attain full control of the victim device, instead, the attacker compress them into an executable JAR file to conduct the
could gain access to the credential data like fingerprint or iris exploitation; three exploits targeting the file system (TacoRoot,
image, which is very sensitive as well. Currently TEE exploits
1 As we mentioned in our taxonomy, we define those exploits with outdated,
are still in the theoretical stage, however, it is an inspiration
unrepresentative or undisclosed attack vectors as others. We do not consider
to the future exploitation when security mechanism of the exploits from this category in upcoming discussion due to their uncommon-
Android system become too strong to obtain root directly. ness.

of all future generated ADB sessions; the other two exploits

App Exploits
– Zimperlich / zygote jailbreak and Zysploit imposes similar
routine to the Zygote daemon as the Zygote daemon also has
30.6% privilege lowering mechanism while generating new process.
The issues of these two daemons have been progressively fixed
59.7% since the Android system version 2.3 being released at the end
of 2010. According to our observation, the growth of this kind
Shell Exploits 9.7% of attack has not appeared anymore in 2012 and afterward.
File Permission & Symbolic Link Exploit. File permission
Remote Exploits
and symbolic link attacks are also known as permission attack
or symlink attack elsewhere. There are 8 exploits gaining root
Fig. 4: Type Distribution of Exploits by Execution Channel privilege by initiating a permission attack. Except for the mem-
podroid / mempodipper exploit that makes use of a loophole
from the Android file permission to directly modify process
NachoRoot and TPSparklyRoot) are provided with an ADB memory file, all the remaining 6 exploits take advantage of
shell script rather than executable binaries; and the 31 exploits poor security mechanism in critical directories or files, create
left are all C codes which the attacker needs to configure a symbolic link to either local.prop or uevent_helper
the project with specified hardware architecture (e.g. arm64 and then tamper the privilege assignment of the ADB shell
or x86) [43] and build with Android Native Development service. As a result, a successful exploit will return user an
Kit (NDK) to generate executable binaries. According to the ADB session running as root user. The permission mechanism
information listed in Table I, those 37 exploits cover all on Android file system is mature, safe and well organized.
Android system versions up to 6.0 and most of the mainstream However, the attacker could still find a flaw to exercise attack
device models. Therefore in the case of all three pre-requisites due to the negligence or defect within the implementation
(refer to Section III-B, practical perspective P2) of shell of Android device manufacturer. Owing to the improvement
execution have been compromised to the attacker, an Android of Android security mechanism and enhancement in security
device will has a great probability to be successfully exploited awareness from the device vendors, it is rare to see new file
if those shell exploits have been put into a proper combination permission and symbolic link attack in recent years.
and executed. Shared Memory Exploit. Similar to daemons’ abusing,
Remote Exploit. Other than local USB connection, ADB shared memory remapping is another common approach to
also provides developers with access to an unprivileged inter- gain privilege in early versions of the Android system. We
action through a remote shell. In our collection, 9.7% of ex- find two exploits that gain privilege by attacking the An-
ploits are classified as remote exploits. There are two exploits droid shared memory (ashmem) – KillingInTheNameOf and
targeting the Android Stagefright library vulnerabilities, three psneuter ashmem exploit. Both of them achieve privilege
exploits targeting the Android Webkit library vulnerabilities, escalation by remapping the shared memory region and tam-
and one exploit attaining root privilege by taking advantage pering the value of user ID assigned to ADB console. The
of a Linux kernel vulnerability. Taking StageFright Remote ashmem vulnerability could be fixed by adding a number of
Code Execution (hereafter refer to StageFright for short) as authentication checks at the moment that the shared memory
an example, it is a typical remote exploit that the attacker can being accessed by any app or process from user space. In fact,
gain root privilege of the target device by hosting a crafted web the relevant ashmem vulnerability has been fixed in very short
page containing media payload source code. The exploit will time. As Figure 5 depicts, the number of shared memory attack
be triggered automatically and executed once the user starts cease to grow since 2011.
browsing the crafted web page, and in the end, the exploit will Memory Corruption Exploit. Memory corruption is the
initiate a remote shell process to the attack machine to pass major attack vector throughout the history of the Android
the control of the target device to the attacker. exploitation. Memory corruption exploits reserve over the half
of all available exploits since the very beginning phase of the
Android exploitation. Moreover, the memory corruption even
B. Attack Vector becomes the only feasible local attack vector to gain privilege
Classification by attack vector provides an intuitive percep- in 2015 and 2016. It is also worth noting that besides the
tion to the methodology of Android exploitation. Based on the quantitative growth, the diversity of memory corruption meth-
taxonomy proposed in the Section III, we summarize attack ods has been greatly enriched as well. During the early years,
vectors into 6 different categories. We demonstrate the growth the memory corruption technique only covered format error
of exploits in different attack modes throughout the history of (e.g. exploid) and null pointer dereference (e.g. Use-After-Free
Android system in Figure 5. Webkit). But now, the memory corruption exploitation on the
Daemon Abusing Exploit. In this survey, we find four Android platform almost covers all the memory manipulation
exploits that gain privilege by abusing daemons running on the on conventional platforms, such as return-oriented program-
Android system. Among the four daemon abusing exploits, the ming. As it is impossible to completely prevent memory
RageAgainstTheCage and Z2 Root exploit exhaust the ADB corruption in native level development for Android platform,
daemon (adbd) to interrupt the privilege dropping procedure we believe that memory corruption exploits will continue to


(M) Memory Corruption; (P) File Permission & Symbolic Link Attack; (R) Remote Shell Control (A) Shared Memory (ashmem) Remapping;
Legend: (D) Daemon Abusing and (O) Others.

Fig. 5: Growth of Android Exploits with Different Categories of Attack Vectors from 2009 to 2016

play the primary role within Android exploit family in future. device. The classification result is also in Table I and we depict
Remote Shell Control Exploit. Compared with other attack the quantitative trends of exploits with different vulnerable
modes, remote shell control usually requires the user of the targets in Figure 6.
target device, on purpose or unknowingly, to trigger the File System Exploit. We find six cases of file system
attack process. Conducting remote shell control attack could exploitation among 63 Android exploits, and all six file system
indirectly create an interface for the attacker and convert a exploits use file permission & symbolic link attack to gain
remote attack to a local attack for further privilege escalation. privilege. By analyzing each of those 6 exploits, we notice
For that reason, the remote shell control is usually executed that the device manufacturers’ implementation is the root
together with a certain local attack vector to complete the cause of the exploitation. We find all of them are applicable
privilege escalation operation for the attacker in distance. to a small range of device models under the same brand,
Remote shell control attack has a great advantage in cam- and the places where exploitation takes place are either the
ouflage and anonymity, which are two important features initialization scripts or the privileged factory software (e.g.
of a good exploitation. In this survey, we find 6 exploits backup & restore app). The history of file system exploits
that make use of this attack vector to achieve remote attack starts in 2011 when an exploit for some specific HTC models
throughout the history of Android exploits. As mentioned named “TacoRoot” has been released. In early 2012, the author
earlier in Section III-B (practical perspective P2), a successful of TacoRoot, Justin Case, released a variant called NachoRoot,
remote shell control exploits requires the attacker to be under which uses similar attack but is designed for a different set
the same network with the victim’s device and moreover of device models. Shortly after that, another similar exploit
know IP address of the victim’s device prior to generating TPSparkyRoot also has been published within the same forum,
exploitation payload. Due to those reasons, even the growth of targeting same devices as NachoRoot. The other three exploits,
remote shell control exploits has never ceased since its firstly LG Sprite software backup / LGPwn exploit, TwerkMyMoto
introduced in 2010, the complicated execution procedure and and WeakSauce, has subsequently been released between 2013
strict conditions make the remote shell control still not yet and 2014 by Justin Case. At the same time, both Google
a mainstream attack vector when compared with memory and device manufacturers have greatly improved the security
corruption. mechanism of Android devices. As the result, new file system
exploits have ceased to appear since 2015.
C. Vulnerable Target System Component Exploit. System implementation is
Classification by vulnerable target could tell us where the the second largest exploit target. There are a total of 16
exploitation originates. Moreover, we can gain an insight system exploits released in the Android history, reserving
of the Android exploits in defense perspective by grouping over 25% among all surveyed Android exploits. Except for
the exploits by their vulnerable targets and analyzing the Volez which targets system recovery service and is counted
quantitative trend throughout the history of the Android sys- as a special case for the early Android versions, all the
tem. According to the taxonomy in the previous section, we remaining 15 system exploits are targeting native libraries,
differentiate the vulnerable targets of all exploits into five daemons or ashmem. Two exploits, KillingInTheNameOf and
groups of components within software part of the Android psneuert, take advantage of ashmem access issue and was





Legend: (SYS) System; (KRN) Linux Kernel; (VND) Vendor Drivers; (FLS) File System and (TEE) Trusted Execution Environment.

Fig. 6: Growth of Android Exploits with Different Categories of Vulnerable Targets from 2009 to 2016

published in 2011. Six exploits use daemons as their targets. to different devices are kernel exploits. For example, the
The daemons which have been abused for exploitation include TowelRoot declares to be able to root all devices installed with
vold, zygote and adbd. Furthermore, there are seven Android version up to 4.4; and PingPongRoot could easily
exploits conducting attacks by invoking system calls to specific root over 100 models of latest device models at that time like
libraries. The targeted vulnerable libraries include Webkit, Samsung S6 / S6 Edge and HTC One.
libsysutils, StageFright and media server libraries. Vendor Driver Exploit. There are 25 vendor driver exploits
It is noticeable to mention that the ashmem exploits only being included in our survey. We find all vendor driver exploits
appear in the new exploit list of 2011 due to the quick fix. are achieved by memory corruption except for the StumpRoot
Considering the limited number of daemons that are accessible exploit (2013) which does not have enough details disclosed.
by user space processes, the growth of exploits caused by In addition, we also find vendor driver exploits usually come in
daemon abusing suspended by 2014. Starting from 2015, a group to achieve the maximum effort and compatibility. For
all newly released system exploits are achieved by memory example, in 2012, an exploit making use of Samsung driver has
corruption against native libraries. There are a large number been published by “alephzain”. It is essentially named Exynos
of libraries in the Android system implementation and each of Abuse but later changed to Sam exploit when it is merged with
them provides unique functionality and interface. Compared some other vendor driver exploits written by the same author
with ashmem exploits and daemon exploits which target only in 2013. The new bundle of various vendor driver exploits
one or a few number of vulnerabilities, protecting the libraries has been published as a one-click app on XDA forum with
from memory corruption attack is a more challenging work for the name “framaroot”. According to author’s statement, the
Android. framaroot has integrated 12 different vendor driver exploits by
2014, covering over 450 device models from multiple brands
Linux Kernel Exploit. Starting from the first Linux kernel [44].
exploit “exploid” which is released in 2010, the number of Trusted Execution Environment Exploit. We find five
Linux kernel exploits (hereafter refer to kernel exploits for TEE exploits during this survey. There are four of “lagini-
short) keeps growing every year. In this survey, we collect 11 maineb” Qualcomm TrustZone exploits and 1 Huawei TEE
kernel exploits with their release date spanning from 2010 to exploit named Mate7 TrustZone exploit in our survey collec-
2016. From the static analysis made on those 11 exploits, we tion. By reading the authors’ instructions of those exploits
find there is only one kernel exploit called prctl vma exploit and analyzing their source code, we find all of them can
(2016) that is exclusive to the Android platform. All the other only achieve limited code execution with specific TEE level
10 kernel exploits are created as variants and share same privilege, rather than flashing superuser binary or returning a
vulnerabilities and attack routines with corresponding exploits root shell to the attacker. Therefore, in the current stage, TEE
for Linux operating system. Moreover, our analysis shows exploits still have obvious disadvantage in practicability and
kernel libraries and driver interfaces are the most frequently convenience when compared with others.
chosen vulnerable targets by Linux kernel exploits. Attackers
often make use of flaws in input validation to create memory V. E VALUATION & D ISCUSSION
corruption while invoking kernel services. We also find that We perform an evaluation to observe the execution of
many Android exploits with long life cycle and wide support exploits and validate their functionalities on Android devices.

The testing has been conducted based on 18 different Android TABLE II: List of Devices
devices we have. These 18 devices cover a wide range of Device Model & Code Name SoC Model OS
manufacturers and system versions, including not only early 1 HTC Magic (HMA) Qualcomm MSM7200A 1.6
and classical models in the Android history like HTC Hero, but 2 HTC Hero (HHE) Qualcomm MSM7200A 1.6
also those later devices which are sold in smartphone market 3 HTC One X Nvidia Tegra 3 (AP33) 4.0.3
such as Samsung Galaxy S7. We filter out those exploits which PJ46100 (H1X)
are not compatible with our testing devices. Furthermore, we 4 HTC One E9+ MediaTek Helio 5.0.2
also remove an old exploit called sock sendpage that we 0PJX100 (HE9) X10 M (MT6795M)
cannot manage to compile. As the result, there are 17 exploits 5 HTC 10 Qualcomm Snapdragon 6.0.1
being selected and formally tested in our evaluation. Those 17 2PS6200 (H10) 820 (MSM8996)
6a LG Nexus 4 Qualcomm Snapdragon 4.2.2
exploits can be found in Table I where the check-marks are LG-E960 (NX4-4) S4 Pro (APQ8064)
inserted within the column titled “verified”. 6b – – (NX4-5) – 5.1.1
7a LG Nexus 5 Qualcomm Snapdragon 4.4.4
A. Preparation LG-D821 (NX5-4) 800 (8974-AA)
Before conducting the evaluation, we make sure every test 7b – – (NX5-5) – 5.0.1
device has Internet access as well as both “USB debugging” 8 LG Nexus 7 (2013) Qualcomm Snapdragon 4.3
LG-K008 (ME571K) (NX7) S4 Pro (APQ8064)
and “unknown sources” options are enabled. Moreover, for
9 Samsung Nexus 10 Exynos 5 Dual 5250 4.2.2
the purpose of authenticity and accuracy, we also verify both GT-P8110 (NX10)
root status and bootloader status of the target device to be 10 Samsung Galaxy S2 Exynos 4 Dual 4210 4.0.3
negative before testing each exploit. We depict the 18 Android GT-I9100 (GS2)
devices including their device models, hardware architectures 11 Samsung Galaxy Note Exynos 4 Dual 4210 4.0.4
and system versions in Table II. GT-N7000 (GN1)
12 Samsung Galaxy S4 Qualcomm Snapdragon 4.2.2
GT-I9505 (GS4) 600 (APQ8064AB)
B. Methodology & Criteria
13 Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Qualcomm Snapdragon 4.4.2
There are two ways to gain root privilege among the 17 SM-N9005 (GN3) 800 (8974-AA)
exploits chosen; the exploitation through physical access, and 14 Samsung Galaxy S5 Qualcomm Snapdragon 5.0
the exploitation through remote access. In this subsection, SM-G900F (GS5) 801 (8974-AC)
we describe the procedure of the exploitation imposed to our 15 Samsung Galaxy S6 Exynos 7 Octa 7420 5.1.1
testing devices with respect to the two methods we mentioned. SM-G920I (GS6)
1) Exploitation through Physical Access: According to 16 Samsung Galaxy Note 5 Exynos 7 Octa 7420 5.1.1
SM-N920I (GN5)
the classification of exploits introduced in section IV, both
17 Samsung Galaxy A8 Duos Exynos 5 Octa 5430 6.0.1
APK exploits and shell exploits are executed through USB SM-A800F (GA8)
connection between the attacker PC and the target device. All 18 Samsung Galaxy S7 Exynos 8 Octa 8890 6.0.1
selected exploits except StageFright and put user / get user SM-G930FD (GS7)
are imposed to the target device through the ADB channel.
TowelRoot is a typical APK exploits. In our evaluation, we
install the APK by running “install” command through ADB corresponding to the target device’s hardware configuration,
and manually approve the installation on the target device. As such as ARMv7 and ARMv8; then we push the executable
TowelRoot is known as “one-click root solution”, it is supposed binary to a temporary location in the target device system di-
to root any compatible device by just clicking the “root” rectory (generally /data/local/tmp) through ADB, open
button shown by the exploit app on screen. Besides TowelRoot, an ADB shell service, change the user mode of recently
there is another APK called Framaroot, which is released by uploaded executable binary to make it executable by the shell
“alephzain”, integrating a number of his exploits into one app. user, and finally execute that exploit binary. In most cases, a
The installation of Framaroot is the same as TowelRoot. The successful shell exploitation will invoke the setuid call to
only difference between TowelRoot and Framaroot is the latter escalate the current user to the “root” and in the end return to
one offers a list of check-boxes to allow users to select which the same ADB terminal.
standalone exploit to execute. As the APK exploitation could
2) Exploitation through Remote Access: Compared with the
not directly pass the gained privilege to the attacker, it usually
prior solution, the remote exploitation could gain privilege of
copies a pre-loaded “su” binary to the system executable
the target device in more casual and easier manner. There are
directory while the app has successfully obtained the privilege.
two remote exploits being tested in our evaluation, StageFright
To validate the outcome of exploitation, we can install super
and put user / get user. The evaluation of both exploits
user management apps such as Root Checker2 or SuperSU 3 to
is conducted through Metasploit4 which is a well-known
check if the target device has been rooted or not.
penetration testing software. By making use of a designated
For those shell exploits, we build the source code and
Metasploit module, an app containing payload is generated,
export the executable binary in platform specified version that
then the attacker, by all means, installs the app on the target
2 Root Checker is identified as com.joeykrim.rootcheck.
3 SuperSU is identified as eu.chainfire.supersu. 4 Metasploit is available on https://www.metasploit.com/

TABLE III: Evaluation Outcome our devices with system version below 4.4. By observing the
Exploit ID & Name Result Explanatory Note runtime logs, we find that besides the “succeed” and “fail”, all
(2) exploid Devices: HHE devices which are not compatible with TowelRoot will print
(3) RageAginstTheCage Devices: HMA “try default” and followed by exit without any output regarding
(6) KillingInTheNameOf Devices: HHE the exploitation outcome.
(7) psneuter ashmem exploit Devices: HHE Finally, we note down the device models successfully ex-
(10) Zysploit 5 No observation ploited by the selected exploits as shown in Table III.
(20) Exynos Abuse / Sam Devices: GS2, GN1 After testing all 17 exploits on their designated devices, we
(22) Qualcomm Gandalf camera Devices: NX4-4 have reproduced 15 out of 17 exploits on the actual devices.
(23) Motochopper / fb mem Devices: NX4-4 For the evaluation of the other 2 exploits, namely Zysploit and
(24) libperf event Devices: NX4-4, NX7 prctl vma exploit – we have not observed any positive result
(33) Aragorn Devices: GS2, GN1 from executing them on all our devices that are supposed to
(35) Android put user / Devices: NX4-4, NX7, be compatible. According to the result of the evaluation, there
get user NX10 are 12 devices being successfully exploited for at least once
(44) TowelRoot / futex exploit Devices: NX4-4, NX7, GS4 in our experiment. The LG Nexus 4 (4.2.2) compromises to 5
(47) ObjectInputStream root Devices: NX5-4 exploits, which marks the highest number among 18 devices.
(54) Stagefright Devices: NX5-5 The runner-up in the ranking of successful exploitation is LG
(58) iovyroot / pipe inatomic Devices: NX5-5 Nexus 5 (5.0.1), which has been exploited for 3 times. In
(61) prctl vma exploit 5 No observation contrast, some latest device models including Samsung Galaxy
(63) DirtyCow Devices: HE9, H10, NX5-5 A8 Duos, S7 and Note 5, are found to be immune from all the
tested exploits.

device. After that, the attacker only needs to open the receiving D. Discussion
port on the attack PC and keep listening in the Metasploit
By doing this evaluation, we find that most of the exploits
terminal. Once the app is launched on the target device, the
are able to gain privilege effectively on actual devices if all
payload code will automatically execute and initiate a reverse
the requirements have been satisfied. At the same time, we
connection to the attacker. As a result, a shell process with
also perceive that the real-world Android exploitation is not
superior privilege could be observed through a reverse TCP
as simple and easy as what media describes in their articles.
channel opened in the Metasploit interface on the attacker PC.
Firstly, it is almost impossible to implement a new exploit
that universally applies to all Android devices. The Android
C. Measurement & Result system has greatly improved its security mechanism during the
The target devices presented in Table I are the theoretical past few years. Meanwhile, Google also actively upgrading the
prediction made based on the author’s instruction, exploits’ Linux kernel along with the evolution of the Android system.
source code, and runtime behavior. And then we conduct the As a result, those universal exploits like RageAgainstTheRage
evaluation in accordance with the target devices summarized (up to Android version 2.2) and KillingInTheNameOf (up to
by us. Android version 2.2.2) have become history and we could
Taking RageAgainstTheCage as an example, we can find seldom see new universal exploits being released nowadays.
from the author’s instruction that the exploit takes advantage Secondly, the high degree of hardware and software frag-
of the vulnerability of Android system with version up to mentation in the Android ecosystem makes exploitation a
2.3.4 and it does not vary with manufacture or any third party challenging task. As more and more exploits using memory
configuration. Therefore we assume all Android device loaded corruption technique to achieve privilege escalation, any slight
with systems with versions below 2.3.4 will be vulnerable difference in either Android version or hardware configuration
to that exploit, and then we select devices that satisfy such may lead to variation of the address of a specific library in
requirement for evaluation. memory space, and thereby restricts the effect of exploitation.
However, there is another scenario that the author does not Not to mention the diversity in different manufacturers, the
provide the detailed list of target devices of his/her exploit, diversity in one device model family (e.g. Samsung Galaxy S6)
like libperf hdcp and TowelRoot. In that case, we do the already makes exploit difficult. Taking Ping Pong Root as an
static analysis on source code first, followed by a runtime example, it is known as a powerful root solution for Samsung
analysis if the static analysis does not reveal any clue of target Galaxy S6 family that are claimed to support hundreds of
devices. In the source code of libperf hdcp, we find a list different ROMs. However, we do not manage to find any
of 25 constant strings looking like device model names. By ROM version compatible to the Galaxy S6 model in our lab.
searching each of them on the Internet, we finally confirm the In the evaluation, we find that any incompatibility caused
list of target devices which includes LG Nexus 4 and a number by inconsistence of Android versions and device models is
of Japanese brand devices. Sometimes we encounter difficulty very likely to make an exploit not work as it claims – this
to conduct static analysis, for example, the TowelRoot as its may explain the two negative results occurred during our
source code is not provided. Based on the knowledge that the evaluation.
vulnerability used in that exploit only exists in Android system Lastly, periodic security update mechanism, which has been
prior to version 4.4, we conduct an exhaustive testing on all adopted by more and more manufacturers, is transforming

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