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School COMPREHENSIVE HIGH Grade Level 11

11 to 12/Daily Learning EARTH AND LIFE
Lesson Log Area SCIENCE
JULY 11, 2019
Dates & Quarter Mid-Term (1st Semester)

A. Content Standards The learners understand the three main categories of rocks.
The learners conduct laboratory activity in identifying common rock-forming minerals using their
B. Performance Standards
physical and chemical properties.
Identify common rock-forming minerals using their physical and chemical properties
(S11/12ES -Ia-9)
C. Learning
Competencies/Objectives Specific Objectives:
(Write the LC Code for each)
At the end of the lesson, 80% of 46 students from the sections Princess Urduja will be able to:
a. identify the physical properties of rock-forming minerals,
Integration: AP8 b. classify the rocks according to its physical properties and,
c. tell the importance of rocks to human existence
Panahong Paleolitiko- Nasusuri ang yugto ng pag-unlad ng kultura sa panahong pre-
historiko. (AP8HSK-If-6)
II. CONTENT Minerals and Rocks
Laboratory Activity Materials

 Hand Lens, at least 10x magnification

A. Learning Resources /
 Rock Samples Box, 24 compartments
Instructional Materials
 Nails
 Flashlight

B. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages No Teacher’s Guide available
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages
Video clip about “Dawn of Stone Age-Out of the Cradle”
4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resource
Video clip about “Can rocks change shape?”
(LR) portal
Let the assigned group do the daily class preliminaries. Students will do the prayer and the
checking of attendance by reporting to the teacher the absentees in their groups. (They do it)

Greet the students and let them seat comfortably.

A. Reviewing of the Previous Review the learnings of the students in the previous discussion. The teacher will ask the students
lesson about the following:

a. What is rock?
b. What is mineral?
c. How rocks differ from minerals?

Process the answers of the students.

(We do it)
Tell the students that before you introduce the new lesson, they are going to watch the video “Dawn
of Stone Age-Out of the Cradle.” Tell them to watch attentively so that they could get the details of
each scene. Questions will be asked orally at the end of the video.

Play the three minute video clip.

B. Establishing a purpose for
the lesson After they have watched the video clip, ask the students of the following:

1. Who are the characters in the video?

2. Where did it takes place?
3. What is the estimated year did it happen?
4. What happened in the video?
5. Why did the Homo habilis get wounded?
6. What properties of rocks did the Homo habilis discover?

Process the answer of the students.

(We do it)
Rock my World!

The teacher will present different pictures of rocks and let the students describe them.

C. Presenting
examples/instances of the
new lesson

Process the answer of the students.

The teacher will then post the following questions to students:

1. Have you experienced seeing those rocks personally?

2. Are you curious why rocks have different colors?
3. Have you wondered why rocks have different sizes?

The teacher will say: All those questions that we raised will be answered in this lesson. We will
also identify the different properties of rocks, classify them according to physical properties, and its
importance to human being.
(We do it)
The teacher will give a short discussion about the following topics:
a. Physical properties of rock-forming minerals
b. Rocks according to its physical properties
D. Discussing new concepts c. Importance of rocks to human existence (The students will perform an activity within
and practicing new skills #1 their group, they have to think of a rock and identify it uses during Paleolithic Era and
today’s generation.)
The group will be given only 3 minutes and let them share it in the class.
(I do it)
Tell the class that before they perform another activity, they will answer the following questions:
(The question will be flash in the television screen and students will answer it orally)
E. Discussing new concepts
1. How rocks differ from one another?
and practicing new skills #2
2. How are you going to classify rock?
(They do it)
The pre-assigned group will perform Rock Identification Activity using the following materials
(Hand Lens, at least 10x magnification, Rock Samples, nails, and flashlight) The Students will
answer the Activity sheet provided by the teacher before doing particular task. (They do it)

Aim of the Activity: Identify the 3 rock samples given to you according to its physical properties
by performing the following:

F. Developing mastery Group 1- Sing It!

(Leads to Formative Group 2- Dance It!
Group 3- Act It!
Assessment 3)
Group 4- Draw It!
Group 5- Speak It! (Spoken Poetry)
 Note: The teacher will choose 3 best performances and will give a reward.
 Note: See Attached Activity Sheet and Rubrics

After the presentation the teacher will process the activity by asking the following questions:

1. How are you able to come up with those answers?

2. What have you observed on the rocks presented by each group?
(They do it)

We Need Answers
1. If you were born during the era of Homo habilis, are you going to use rocks as tool for
G. Finding practical application survival?
of concepts and skills in
2. What properties of rocks will you consider to use these rocks as your tool for survival?
daily living
3. Can you give concrete examples how rocks are useful today?
(They do it)
Call some students to make a generalization of their learnings about the topic presented. Make
H. Making generalizations and
some abstraction on the things that have transpired during the discussion.
abstractions about the lesson
(We do it)
Answer the following questions:

1. What are the different physical properties of rocks?

2. Classify the following rocks
Rock Samples Physical Properties Type of Rocks

I. Evaluating learning


3. What will happen if rocks don’t exist?

(They do it)
J. Additional activities for Please have an advance reading on the Chemical properties of rocks.
application or remediation (They do it)


A. No. of learners who earned 80% in

the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

Prepared by:


Earth and Life Teacher



SHS Science Coordinator



Master Teacher II

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