The Vermont Transportation Energy Report (2007)
The Vermont Transportation Energy Report (2007)
The Vermont Transportation Energy Report (2007)
Submitted by
Elaine Wang, Graduate Student Intern, UVM Transportation Center
Richard Watts, Ph.D, Senior Research Analyst, UVM Transportation Center
Karen Glitman, Clean Cities Coordinator, UVM Transportation Center
Table of contents:
1. Executive Summary
2. Status: Fuel consumption
a. Sales
b. Prices
3. Automobiles
a. Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT)
b. Emissions data
c. Vehicle numbers
5. Fuel Economy
a. Efficient vehicles
b. Transportation Demand Management
6. Activities
a. State Policies
b. Non-profit Sector
Executive Summary
The transportation sector is the largest user of petroleum in Vermont, consuming more
petroleum than any other primary end user.
In 2006, more than $1 billion was spent in Vermont purchasing gasoline and diesel. This
is an increase of more than $500 million dollars since 2002. In these five years, in-state
spending on transportation fuels has almost doubled while gasoline and diesel fuel use
has remained almost the same. Most of these dollars are exported out of state to purchase
the fuel. The reason for the increase in spending is the rapid increase in gasoline prices
over the last five years.
Gasoline sales in Vermont decreased between 2002 and 2006 while diesel sales increased
about 10 percent during the same time period.
Vehicle registrations and licenses both increased between 2004 and 2005. Registrations
increased more than licenses issued, which in turn increased more than the Vermont
population, suggesting that more vehicles were bought than new drivers were added to
the population.
Purchases of all of top-ranked fuel-efficient new vehicles available for sale in 2006 (i.e.
Model Year 2006 and 2007) comprised 6.6 percent of the total new vehicle sales in
Vermont in 2006.
In 2007, The University Transportation Center commissioned the Center for Rural
Studies to include survey questions related to transportation alternatives in their annual
“Vermonter Poll.” Five hundred sixty-five households were asked what actions,
circumstances, or transportation alternatives might encourage them to drive less. The
most number of people responded that they would drive less if public transportation were
This report provides policy makers with clear data on the status of fuel consumption,
vehicle purchases and public opinion that can be used as a basis for policy discussions
and initiatives. The Vermont Clean Cities Coalition will continue to provide this data on
an annual basis.
1. Fuel Consumption
Gasoline sales in Vermont decreased between 2002 and 2006. Diesel sales increased
about 10 percent during the same time period. Although biodiesel sales have increased
exponentially since 2004 they remain a small portion of overall transportation fuel sales.
Table 1. Gallons of Fuel Sold in Vermont by Calendar Year for the Transportation
Sector (in millions of gallons.)
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Gas 346 357 355 361 344
Diesel 66.7 68.4 68.3 68.0 72.2
Bio- NA 0.01 0.06 0.28 1.40
Diesel 1
Total 413 425 423 429 418
millions of gallons
200 diesel
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
calendar year
Figure 1. Gallons of Fuel Sold in Vermont by Calendar Year for the Transportation
Sector (in millions of gallons.)
Source: Joint Fiscal Office and Vermont Biofuels Association 2
1b. Transportation Fuel Prices
In 2006, more than $1 billion was spent in Vermont purchasing gasoline and diesel. This
is an increase of more than $500 million since 2002. In five years, in-state spending on
transportation fuels has almost doubled while gasoline and diesel fuel used has remained
almost the same. Most of these dollars are exported out of state to purchase the fuel. The
reason for the increase in spending is the rapid increase in gasoline prices over the last
five years.
millions of dollars spent
price per gallon
$1.50 $600
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
calendar year
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
gas diesel
calendar year
2. Automobiles
Table 4. Vehicle Registrations and Drivers Licenses in Vermont by Calendar Year
2004 2005 2006
Registrations* 606,807 614,552 n/a
Licenses 556,821 561,338 n/a
Vermont Population 620,795 622,387 623,908
*Registrations include state vehicles, municipal vehicles, trucks, and autos. Does not
include buses, agricultural vehicles dealers, handicap placards, motorcycles, or trailers.
Source: Vermont Department of Motor Vehicles, U.S. Census Bureau Annual Population
Nearly 36,000 vehicles were purchased in 2006 in Vermont. Of these, most were
gasoline-powered vehicles (94%). Only 2% were diesel. Of note is that over 900 vehicles
which can be run on either ethanol or gas (“flex fuel”) were purchased in the state,
although ethanol is not commercially available for fueling vehicles in Vermont.
Of vehicles purchased, over 25% were smaller vehicles, over 40% were medium-sized,
and over 30% were larger vehicles.
Table 6. Vehicle Purchases in 2006 by Size Class
# sold % of total
Size class (used & new) sold
Smallest 4,367 16%
Small 3,419 12%
Medium 11,143 41%
Large4 7,737 28%
Largest5 700 3%
Smallest” includes size classes basic economy and entry level.
“Small” includes size classes basic luxury, basic sporty, and compact pickup
“Medium” includes size classes heavy duty station wagon, lower middle, mid luxury,
mid sporty, midsize pickup, mini sport utility, minivan (cargo), and minivan (passenger)
Large” includes size classes full-size pickup, full-size van (cargo) prestige luxury,
prestige sporty, roadster, sport utility and traditional large.
Largest” includes size class’ utility.
Source: RL Polk report commissioned by Clean Cities Vermont
Spending on public transit has remained constant. Spending has decreased for pedestrian
and bicycle facilities and rail, and increased for park and ride facilities.
Table 10. Alternative Fuel Vehicles (AFV) in 2006
Fuel type Vehicle type # in the state
B100 (100% Biodiesel) Light-Duty 0
B20 (20% Biodiesel) Light-Duty 38
B20 (20% Biodiesel) Heavy-Duty 101
Electricity Light-Duty 4
LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) Light-Duty 13
NEV (Neighborhood Electric Vehicle) Light-Duty 9
LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) Heavy-Duty 107
CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) Light-Duty 8
CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) Heavy-Duty 6
Plug-in Hybrid Light-Duty 1
H2 (Hydrogen) Light-Duty 1
HEV (Hybrid Electric Vehicle) Light-Duty 2,389
Total 2,677
Source: Vermont Clean Cities Coalition: Annual Alternative Fuel Vehicle Fleet Survey
(conducted in January 2007), except for HEV data from Vermont DMV 5 .
In 2007, The University Transportation Center commissioned the Center for Rural
Studies to include survey questions related to transportation alternatives in their annual
Vermonter Poll. Five hundred sixty-five households were asked what actions,
circumstances, or transportation alternatives might encourage them to drive their car less.
The highest number of people responded that they would drive less if public
transportation were improved. Out of the available choices, the least number of people
indicated that increased gas prices would encourage them to drive less.
Table 11. Inducements to drive less
Option %
Improved Public
Alternative Forms of
4. Fuel Economy
4a. Most Efficient New Vehicles Available in 2007
Dealerships typically have available each Model Year (MY) from its release in the fall or
winter of the previous calendar year (CY) until the end of the MY. For example in 2006,
new MY 2006 vehicles were available most of the CY and MY 2007 vehicles became
available in the last quarter of the CY. Also, MY vehicles tend to sell out by the end of
their CY, such that there were probably no MY 2005 vehicles sold from dealerships in
CY 2006.
The top three most fuel efficient vehicles of MY 2006 were hybrids. The fourth most fuel
efficient vehicle was a diesel car, which cannot be purchased new in Vermont. Of the ten
most efficient, 7 were cars and 2 were hybrid SUVs.
The top four most fuel efficient vehicles of MY 2007 were hybrids, including a sports
utility vehicle (SUV). Of the ten most efficient, 8 were cars and 2 were hybrid SUVs.
Purchases of all of these top-ranked fuel-efficient new vehicles available for sale in 2006
(i.e. MY 2006 and 2007) comprised 6.6 percent of the total new vehicle sales in Vermont
in 2006 (source: RL Polk report commissioned by Vermont Clean Cities Coalition).
Table 12. Top Ten Most Efficient New Vehicles Available in 2006 (MY 2006 and
Rank Vehicle City/ Type Rank Vehicle City/Hw Type
2006 Hwy 2007 y MPG
1 Honda Insight 60/66 car 1 Toyota Prius 60/51 car
(hybrid) (hybrid)
2 Toyota Prius 60/51 car 2 Honda Civic 49/51 car
(hybrid) Hybrid
3 Honda Civic 49/51 car 3 Toyota Camry 40/38 car
Hybrid Hybrid
4 Volkswagen Golf/ 37/44 car 4 Ford Escape 36/31 SUV
New Beetle TDI* Hybrid
5 Volkswagen Jetta 36/41 car 5 Toyota Yaris 34/40 car
6 Ford Escape Hybrid 36/31 SUV 6 Honda Fit 33/38 car
7 Mercury Mariner 33/29 SUV 7 Toyota Corolla 32/41 car
8 Lexus RX 400h 33/28 SUV 8 Mini Cooper 32/40 car
8 Toyota Highlander 33/28 truck 9 Hyundai Accent 32/35 car
9 Toyota Corolla 32/41 car 9
Kia Rio 32/35 car
10 Scion xA 32/37 car 10
Mercury Mariner 32/29 SUV
*Both the Volkswagen Golf and New Beetle TDI are diesel vehicles.
Source: Mileage is given for base models and manual transmission where
5. Activities
Many activities were undertaken in 2006 that would reduce petroleum consumption from
transportation but do not collect petroleum data, or are geared to future reductions. Some
of these efforts are summarized below.
5a. State Policies
The Vermont State Government affected transportation energy in 2006 on a few fronts.
The Vermont legislature passed legislation in the spring 2007 session which has the
effect of reducing petroleum consumption from transportation. Act 48 prohibits the idling
of school bus engines on school property and encourages schools to enact policies to
reduce idling by other vehicles on school grounds as well.
State Planning Initiatives
There are a number of state planning initiatives related to petroleum consumption and