Brozoski2012 Article BilateralDorsalCochlearNucleus

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JARO 13: 55–66 (2012 )

DOI: 10.1007/s10162-011-0290-3
D 2011 The Author(s). This article is published with open access at

Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology

Bilateral Dorsal Cochlear Nucleus Lesions Prevent

Acoustic-Trauma Induced Tinnitus in an Animal Model
Division of Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery, Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Springfield, IL 62794, USA
Received: 18 October 2010; Accepted: 26 August 2011; Online publication: 4 October 2011

ABSTRACT increased drive could produce persistent pathological

changes in the rostral areas, such as high-frequency
Animal experiments suggest that chronic tinnitus bursting and decreased interspike variance, that com-
(“ringing in the ears”) may result from processes that prise the chronic tinnitus signal.
overcompensate for lost afferent input. Abnormally
elevated spontaneous neural activity has been found Keywords: auditory brainstem, hearing disorder,
in the dorsal cochlear nucleus (DCN) of animals with trigger zone, prevention
psychophysical evidence of tinnitus. However, it has
also been reported that DCN ablation fails to reduce
established tinnitus. Since other auditory areas have
been implicated in tinnitus, the role of the DCN is
unresolved. The apparently conflicting electrophysio- INTRODUCTION
logical and lesion data can be reconciled if the DCN
serves as a necessary trigger zone rather than a Animal models have contributed to the emergent
chronic generator of tinnitus. The present experi- neuroscience of tinnitus (Bauer and Brozoski 2001;
ment used lesion procedures identical to those that Brozoski and Bauer 2008; Guitton et al. 2003; Heffner
failed to decrease pre-existing tinnitus. The exception and Harrington 2002; Jastreboff et al. 1988; Kaltenbach
was that lesions were done prior to tinnitus induction. and Heffner 1999; Lobarinas et al. 2004; Ruttiger et al.
Young adult rats were trained and tested using a 2003). A working hypothesis is that hearing loss, which
psychophysical procedure shown to detect tinnitus. often may be subclinical, leads to a downregulation of
Tinnitus was induced by a single unilateral high-level inhibition and to reorganization of the central auditory
noise exposure. Consistent with the trigger hypoth- system (Brozoski et al. 2007b; Eggermont and Roberts
esis, bilateral dorsal DCN lesions made before high- 2004). Downregulation of inhibition may be a homeo-
level noise exposure prevented the development of static compensation for decreased input. Overcompen-
tinnitus. A protective effect stemming from disruption of sation may produce the sensation of sound without
the afferent pathway could not explain the outcome stimulation, i.e., tinnitus.
because unilateral lesions ipsilateral to the noise expo- The dorsal cochlear nucleus (DCN) has been
sure did not prevent tinnitus and unilateral lesions identified as a contributor to tinnitus pathology
contralateral to the noise exposure actually exacerbated (Kaltenbach 2006). Chronically elevated neural activ-
the tinnitus. The DCN trigger mechanism may involve ity has been found in the DCN days (Kaltenbach and
plastic circuits that, through loss of inhibition, or Afman 2000) to months after high-level sound expo-
upregulation of excitation, increase spontaneous neural sure (Brozoski et al. 2002). Several features of the
output to rostral areas such as the inferior colliculus. The DCN may contribute to its role in tinnitus. Sound
localization and signal processing in poor acoustic
environments (Nelken and Young 1996; Oertel and
Correspondence to: Thomas Jeffrey Brozoski & Division of Otolaryngol- Young 2004; Reiss et al. 2007) involve adaptive signal
ogy—Head and Neck Surgery & Southern Illinois University School of
Medicine & Springfield, IL 62794, USA. Telephone: +1-217-545-6583; processing. Plastic mechanisms in the DCN necessary
fax: +1-217-545-6583; email: [email protected] for adaptive signal processing may provide a substrate
56 BROZOSKI ET AL.: DCN Lesions Prevent Tinnitus

for overcompensation after peripheral trauma. The tained at 25°C with a 12/12-h reversed light/dark
cerebellar-like circuitry of the DCN suggests that schedule. Two rats were eliminated for health reasons
inhibition is an important component of that process- early in the experiment.
ing. Cerebellar circuits are characterized by their
interconnected inhibitory control loops (Ito 1984). Behavior: initial training
Direct application of GABA agonists and antagonists
to the DCN dramatically influences the response Prior to surgical intervention, the rats were placed on
characteristics of single units (Backoff et al. 1999; restricted food intake and trained to lever press for
Caspary et al. 1987). Pathological upregulation of food pellets (45 mg, MLab Rodent, TestDiet, Rich-
somatosensory input to the DCN following trauma mond, IN, USA). Diet restriction was individually
also has been hypothesized to contribute to tinnitus tailored to each subject, sufficient to produce a
(Dehmel et al. 2008; Shore et al. 2008). Down- minimum of 200 lever presses per session when fully
regulation of inhibition, potentially in concert with trained, with less than 10% within-session variation
upregulation of somatosensory input, could explain (session average lever presses for all rats—1,009, ±346
DCN hyperactivity and tinnitus. SD). Supplemental food was given at the conclusion
If the DCN is a tinnitus signal source, ablating of each session sufficient to maintain body weight at or
the DCN in animals with tinnitus should decrease above 80% of normative age–weight values. Five 60-min
their tinnitus. Using an established animal model, sessions were run per week. Training and testing
rats with psychophysical evidence of tinnitus had occurred in individual commercial operant condi-
focal lesions made in the dorsal DCN several tioning chambers (Lafayette Instruments, Mod.
months after tinnitus induction (Brozoski and 80001, Lafayette, IN, USA). Training required
Bauer 2005). The lesions interrupted rostral DCN approximately 4 weeks to achieve criterion-level per-
output, but they did not decrease the established formance on a 20-s variable-interval reinforcement
tinnitus (Brozoski and Bauer 2005). Failure of schedule (on average, a food pellet was available 20 s
DCN lesions to decrease tinnitus suggests that the after the previous pellet). Broadband noise (BBN) was
DCN is not a necessary source of the chronic presented to each operant chamber via a speaker
signal. Alternatively, the DCN may serve as a (Optimus, 40–1219, Tandy), center mounted in each
trigger zone. Hyperactivity in the DCN following chamber lid (calibration procedure described below).
acoustic insult has been reported to occur within In training, BBN was constantly present at 60 dB sound
days of high-level sound exposure (Kaltenbach et pressure level (SPL). Experimental control and data
al. 2000). acquisition were accomplished using desktop com-
In the present study, the DCN was lesioned prior to puters running in-house programs and custom inter-
traumatic sound exposure. This was done to test the faces (Keithley/MetraByte, Cleveland, OH, USA). At
hypothesis that the DCN serves as a necessary trigger the conclusion of initial training, the animals were given
zone for the pathological cascade leading to tinnitus. DCN dorsal lesions.
Surgical, psychophysical, and histological methods
were identical to those used in the previous study Lesions
showing no reduction in tinnitus following post-
exposure ablation (Brozoski and Bauer 2005). If the DCN lesions were done prior to traumatic sound
DCN is an obligatory trigger zone for tinnitus exposure. Group composition as confirmed by histo-
pathology, pre-exposure ablation of the DCN should logical analysis (described below) is summarized in
reduce or eliminate the acoustic induction of tinnitus. Table 1. Subjects were deeply anesthetized with a
ketamine HCl (50 mg/kg) and xylazine (9 mg/kg)
mixture and placed in a stereotaxic head frame. The
METHOD stereotaxic frame was equipped with blunt ear bars
that protected the tympanic membrane. The scalp was
The methods used in the present experiment were reflected using a midline incision, and two 2-mm
identical to those reported in Brozoski and Bauer diameter craniotomies were made 3 mm posterior to
(2005). The exception was that DCN lesioning was lambda and ±3 mm lateral of midline. A temperature
done before the induction of tinnitus. sensing radio-frequency electrode (Radionics, Mod.
TC, Burlington, MA, USA; 0.3 mm tip diameter) was
Subjects lowered along a 4° laterally angled track to reach the
dorsal aspect of the DCN, 6.1 mm below the surface of
Forty-eight adult male Long–Evans rats (Harlan, the dura mater (Fig. 1). Radio-frequency current
Indianapolis, IN, USA), 3 months old at the start of (Radionics, RF4G, Burlington, MA, USA) was applied
the experiment, were individually housed and main- for 80 s to the electrode, with current level adjusted to
BROZOSKI ET AL.: DCN Lesions Prevent Tinnitus 57


Group composition and subject number

Acoustic exposure Bilateral Ipsilateral Contralateral Bilateral inaccurate and sham-lesioned

Exposed 8 4 3 8
Unexposed 6 3 4 10
Acoustic exposure refers to the tinnitus induction procedure. DCN lesion designations, bilateral, ipsilateral, contralateral, and inaccurate, were based on
histological criteria. Subjects with bilaterally inaccurate lesions were combined with subjects in the sham-lesion group. Data were combined because psychophysical
performance was equivalent in the two groups

maintain a 70°C tip temperature. These parameters during randomly presented test sounds. Lever press-
were sufficient to produce a 1–2-mm diameter lesion. ing was quantified using a relative rate measure, the
After lesioning, the electrode was withdrawn and suppression ratio (R). R was determined as a running
Gelfoam placed in the craniotomy. A contralateral measure for successive 1-min segments of each session
lesion was made using the same procedure. Every using the formula R ¼ B=ðA þ B Þ, where A was the
animal in the ablated group was bilaterally targeted number of lever presses in the preceding 1-min
for DCN lesions. At the conclusion of surgery, the segment and B the number of lever presses in the
scalp was closed with wound clips and the animal current 1-min segment. R can vary between 0 and 1. A
given a 5% ibuprofen solution to drink for 3 days. A value of 0 is attained when lever pressing in the
minimum of 10 days elapsed before behavioral train- current minute is 0, a value of 0.5 when lever pressing
ing resumed. At the conclusion of psychophysical in the current minute is equal to that of the previous
testing, lesion size and accuracy were assessed in minute, and a value of 1 when lever pressing in the
histological sections, described below. On the basis previous minute is 0. R provided a running index of
of histological analysis, the animals were later classi- behavior, in 1-min segments, and enabled a quantita-
fied as having bilateral lesions, unilateral (ipsilateral tive comparison between subjects as well as unbiased
or contralateral to acoustic exposure) lesions, or compilation of group data. R is a useful index of
control (insufficient or inaccurately placed) lesions, perceptual performance in that it is very sensitive to
and their data analyzed accordingly. Final group short-term behavioral effects, such as those produced
composition is summarized in Table 1. The procedure by sensory events, but it is very insensitive to gradual
for sham-surgery animals was identical, except that behavioral effects, such as those produced by changes
electrodes were not lowered into the brain. in motivational status, for example, satiation.

Behavior: the suppression ratio, a running relative measure Behavior: acclimation to acoustic variation

Behavioral training resumed after recovery from Following initial training, and after recovery from
surgery. The behavior of interest was lever pressing lesion surgery, acoustic test stimuli were introduced
using a procedure designed to acclimate subjects to
the presentation of stimuli other than BBN. During
stimulus introduction, which occurred over six 1-h
sessions, all behavioral contingencies remained the
same as in training. Ten acoustic stimuli were
digitally synthesized (Stanford Research Systems,
DS-345, Palo Alto, CA, USA) and individually
presented for 60 s over the lid-mounted speakers
during the test session. Stimulus presentations could
not occur within 2 min of one another, or within
2 min of the beginning or end of the session. Two
of the ten presentations were always speaker-off
periods. The remaining eight presentations were
either BBN, or 10, 16, or 20-kHz tones presented at
FIG. 1. Dorsal cochlear nucleus (DCN) ablation target area and four different intensity levels, randomly ordered,
electrode approach. Bilateral radio-frequency lesions 1–2 mm in with the sound levels extending across the subject’s
diameter were targeted at the dorsal aspect of the DCN (circled),
sensitivity range. Each test stimulus level was
thereby interrupting its major rostral output. MRI transverse image
from a rat of the same age and strain as used in the present repeated once within the session. Test stimulus
experiment. Section plane was approximately 3 mm posterior to type, i.e., BBN, 10 kHz, etc., varied randomly
lambda. between sessions, but remained constant within a
58 BROZOSKI ET AL.: DCN Lesions Prevent Tinnitus

session. Background sound (BBN, 60 dB, SPL) was approximating the volume of a rat was placed in the
off during the test stimulus presentations and test chamber along with the microphone to distort the
otherwise on. sound field as it would be by a rat.

Acoustic exposure and sound calibration methods Behavior: suppression training

At the conclusion of acclimation, lesioned and sham- Suppression training followed stimulus acclimation. In
lesioned subjects, as specified in Table 1, were suppression training, the subjects received a 1-s, 0.5-mA
exposed once to high-level sound. These subjects will foot shock through the grid floor of the test chamber if
be referred to as “exposed.” Treated identically, but they lever-pressed above a criterion level in speaker-off
unexposed, were a comparable number of lesioned periods. When scheduled, only one foot shock was
and sham-lesioned subjects (see Table 1). These given at the conclusion of the speaker-off period. The
subjects will be referred to as “unexposed.” All purpose of suppression training was twofold: It
subjects, exposed and unexposed, were anesthetized trained the subjects to listen carefully to their acoustic
to an areflexive state with an isoflurane/O2 mixture environment throughout the session because foot
(Aerrane, Baxter Healthcare Corp., Deerfield, IL, shocks could only be avoided if the unpredictable
USA) placed in a masked head holder, and had their speaker-off periods were detected. Secondly, it trained
hearing thresholds determined using auditory brain- subjects to discriminate between the speaker-on and
stem-evoked potentials (ABR, described below). The speaker-off periods. A single foot shock was given at
exposed subjects were then exposed once unilaterally the end of a speaker-off period if R≥0.1. When
for 60 min to band-limited noise (similar to Bauer and subjects decreased their lever pressing during speaker-
Brozoski 2001; Brozoski et al. 2007a, b). The exposure off periods, so that RG0.1, foot shock was avoided.
stimulus was produced using a noise generator Whenever the speaker was on, irrespective of the
(Grayson-Stadler 1724, Eden Prairie, MN 55344, acoustic signal, lever presses never led to foot shock.
USA), bandpass filter (KrohnHite 3384, 8 pole Butter- The foot shock contingency during speaker-off peri-
worth filter, Brockton, MA, USA), and audio amplifier ods remained in place throughout the experiment,
(55ES, Sony, New York, NY, USA), delivered monaur- including the acoustic test sessions described below.
ally using a speaker driver (FT17H, Fostex, Tokyo, As such, once suppression training was implemented,
Japan) in a custom enclosure funneling the sound to it remained a constant feature of the experimental
a flexible tube that fit into the auditory canal. Peak procedure. On average, subjects received less than
stimulus intensity, centered at 16 kHz, was 116 dB one foot shock per month for the remainder of the
(SPL), with an approximately linear decay to ambient study. The tandem constant parameters of food
levels at 6 and 24 kHz. Acoustic values were calibrated reinforcement for lever pressing, and foot shock for
using a Brüel & Kjaer (Norcross, GA, USA) Pulse speaker-off lever pressing, maintained discrimination
sound measurement system (Pulse 13 software), behavior in a steady state.
equipped with a 3560C high-frequency module, and
a 4138 pressure-field microphone (Brüel & Kjaer) Behavior: post-exposure tinnitus testing
coupled to the transducer using rubber tubing with
the internal dimensions of an adult rat external Four different test stimuli were used to determine
auditory canal. The sound measurement system post-exposure tinnitus: BBN and 10-, 16-, and 20-kHz
permitted linear sound intensity measurements tones. One of the four stimuli was randomly selected
between 0 and 140 dB (re 20 μPa) and spectral and presented eight times within a session, using four
analysis between 6.5 Hz and 100 kHz. Calibrations different levels. Each level was repeated, for a total of
were carried out as unweighted linear SPLs. All sound eight (4×2) presentations per session. Every test series
levels reported in the present experiments are included two additional, randomly inserted, speaker-
unweighted measures. off periods. As in acclimation, test presentations and
Sound levels were calibrated in the operant test speaker-off periods were 60 s in duration, separated
chambers using the Brüel & Kjaer Pulse system from one another, and the session start and end, by a
described above, equipped with a Brüel & Kjaer minimum of 2 min of background sound. The
4191-L free-field microphone. This system permitted acoustic stimuli were presented in pseudorandomly
linear sound level measurements to be made between scheduled, 60-s test periods. Sound presentations were
0 and 140 dB (re 20 μPa) with spectral resolution synchronized and identical in all chambers. All
between 3.15 Hz and 40 kHz. The microphone was subjects were tested daily.
positioned in each test chamber at a location 10 cm Exposed and unexposed subjects were treated iden-
below the lid-mounted speaker, in the approximate tically and tested in parallel. Individual subject and
location of a rat’s head during testing. A cloth bundle group discrimination functions were derived from test-
BROZOSKI ET AL.: DCN Lesions Prevent Tinnitus 59

stimulus suppression-ratio data from the final 16 and graphic depictions were done using Excel (Profes-
sessions where performance stability was maximal (4 sional Edition, 2007, Microsoft, Redmond, WA, USA).
sessions each for BBN, 10, 16, and 20 kHz). Treatment groups were constituted on the basis of
Evidence of tinnitus was determined by the diver- traumatic sound exposure, i.e., exposed vs. unexposed,
gence of group discrimination functions. For subjects and on the basis of surgical treatment as ultimately
with tinnitus, test stimuli that resembled their tinnitus defined by histological analysis (procedure described
served as a signal for response (lever press) suppres- below). There was no difference in psychometric
sion. In contrast, for control subjects without tinnitus, performance between the inaccurate lesion and sham-
the signal for suppression was silence. Test stimuli lesioned subjects, so their data were combined into a
with sensory features resembling tinnitus should single group for analysis, hereafter referred to as “sham-
therefore produce greater suppression (i.e., fewer lesioned.” Two-factor mixed ANOVAs were used to
lever presses) in subjects with tinnitus. Previous compare performance between the eight treatment
research (Bauer and Brozoski 2001) has shown that groups (Table 1) within each stimulus condition (BBN,
Long–Evans adult rats unilaterally exposed to high- 10 kHz, etc.), with stimulus level as the repeated
level band-limited noise show evidence of tinnitus in a measure. The experimental protocol was approved by
range between 10 and 30 kHz. the Laboratory Animal Care and Use Committee of
Southern Illinois University School of Medicine.
Hearing thresholds
ABR thresholds were obtained before and immedi-
ately after high-level sound exposure (if exposed), At the conclusion of psychophysical testing, and after
and at the conclusion of behavioral testing. ABR final ABR assessment, subjects were given a lethal
measurements were obtained using either a Tucker intraperitoneal dose of a commercial euthanasia agent
Davis Technologies System 3 Real Time Signal Pro- (Sleepaway®, Fort Dodge Animal Health, Fort Dodge,
cessing System running BioSig32 and SigGen (Tucker IA, USA) and perfused transcardially with 0.9% normal
Davis Technologies, Alachua, FL, USA), or an IHS saline followed by 4% paraformaldehyde in 0.1-M
Smart EP System, running IHS High Frequency phosphate buffer. The brain was extracted and stored
Software (v. 2.33) and using IHS high-frequency in 4% paraformaldehyde at 2°C. Prior to cryostat
transducers (HFT9911-20-0035, Intelligent Hearing sectioning, the brains were immersed in 20% sucrose
Systems, Miami, FL, USA). Evoked responses were for 24 h. Coronal sections, 40 μm thick, encompassing
differentially recorded from a subcutaneous vertex the DCN, were obtained. Sections were mounted on
needle electrode referenced to an electrode at the glass slides, stained with fast H&E (Hematoxylin 7211,
occiput. Evoked responses for 10-ms epochs following Eosin-Y711, Richard-Allan Scientific, Kalamazoo, MI,
stimulus onset were amplified 100,000×, bandpass- USA), and digitally photographed using light micro-
filtered (100–3,000 Hz), and averaged for 512 repeti- scopy. Lesions were graded independently by three
tions of each frequency–intensity level combination. experimenters for accuracy and sufficiency. Visual
Digitized records of the evoked responses (40-μs inspection and scoring took into account lesion place-
resolution) were exported to Excel (Microsoft, Red- ment and volume. Scoring was done without knowledge
mond, WA, USA) for analysis and threshold determi- of the subject’s treatment history (i.e., exposure,
nation. Hearing thresholds for each ear were defined psychophysical performance, etc.). Lesions centered
by the lowest stimulus level that produced statistically on the dorsal DCN and encompassing at least 50% of
distinct and visually distinct evoked waveforms, the medial-to-dorsal DCN were graded as sufficient
defined as the maximum peak-to-peak deflection (Fig. 2). Lesions encompassing less than 50% of the
within the 10-ms window following stimulus onset. DCN, including lesions in nonauditory structures, were
Statistical routines were custom applications written graded as insufficient. The histological outcome was
for Excel. used to reconstitute group membership before final
statistical analysis.
Data analysis

All data were entered into spreadsheets. For inclusion in RESULTS

final statistical analysis, individual subject psychophysical
data sets had to pass two quality filters: (a) There had to Lesions and group composition
be a minimum of 200 total lever presses in the session,
and (b) the average suppression ratio during nontest The ablation target and electrode approach are
periods (i.e., during background (BBN)) had to be at shown in Figure 1. Micrographs of representative
least 0.4. Descriptive and inferential statistical analyses bilateral and unilateral lesions are shown in Figure 2.
60 BROZOSKI ET AL.: DCN Lesions Prevent Tinnitus

FIG. 2. Representative accurate and

sufficient DCN lesions. Forty-micrometer
frozen sections were made through the
entire cochlear nucleus. Sections were
stained with fast H&E as described.
Serially reconstructed lesions are shown
at 120–200 μM intervals, organized from
anterior (A) to posterior (P) position. A
Bilaterally sufficient lesions. Discern-
able tissue destruction was evident
within the encircled range of sections.
Most tissue destruction in this animal
was evident in rostral to mid-caudal
locations. B An ipsilaterally sufficient
lesion. The small contralateral anterior
lesion in this animal did not meet
sufficiency criteria. C A contralaterally
su fficient lesion, evident in the
encircled range of section, with most
tissue destruction in the caudal DCN.

In general, lesion sites were easy to recognize. periods sounded different to exposed animals,
Although the shape, volume, and location of the compared to unexposed. Exposed animals should
lesions varied, their perimeter had a characteristic hear their tinnitus during speaker-off periods; they
fulminate appearance that was very different than that would then be expected to suppress lever pressing
of other voids, such as those characteristic of ven- when tested with stimuli resembling their tinnitus.
tricles and blood vessels. The lesions were photo- Between-group statistical comparisons are summar-
graphed and quantified in all brain sections in which ized in each panel of Figure 3 (mixed ANOVA, for
they appeared. Final group composition, summarized stimulus levels above “speaker off”).
in Table 1, was determined by the histological criteria
previously described. Psychophysical data from the Tinnitus protection: bilateral lesions
inaccurate and insufficient lesion group were com-
bined with data from the sham-lesioned group, since If, as hypothesized, the DCN serves as a necessary
they did not significantly differ. trigger zone, rats with sufficient pre-exposure DCN
lesions should not develop tinnitus, while those with
Tinnitus: sham and inaccurate lesions intact DCNs should. This result was obtained with
criterion-level bilateral DCN lesions. Exposed rats with
In previous research, using similar sound exposure bilateral lesions did not display a tinnitus downshift
parameters, tinnitus was found to occur between (Fig. 4, square data points) and were significantly
16 and 24 kHz, with the greatest effect at 20 kHz different than exposed DCN-intact rats (circular data
(Bauer et al. 1999; Bauer and Brozoski 2001; points) for all test conditions (mixed ANOVA
Brozoski and Bauer 2005). These results were between-group statistics summarized each panel of
replicated in the present study, where significant Fig. 4). In contrast, exposed bilateral lesioned animals
evidence of tinnitus appeared at 20 kHz in the were not significantly different than unexposed bilat-
exposed DCN-intact animals. The exposed animals eral lesioned animals (Fig. 4, triangular data points;
showed a frequency-specific downshift in their F1, 64 =0.13 to 3.42; p=0.720 to 0.069). The two-way
discrimination functions, compared to unexposed comparison between exposed bilateral lesioned ani-
controls (Fig. 3D). The downshift occurred because mals, unexposed bilateral lesion animals, and exposed
the animals were conditioned to suppress lever DCN-intact animals indicates that bilateral lesioned
pressing during speaker-off periods, and speaker-off animals were not psychophysically affected by the
BROZOSKI ET AL.: DCN Lesions Prevent Tinnitus 61

FIG. 3. A–D Evidence of tinnitus in DCN-intact rats. The discrimination functions of exposed and unexposed sham-lesioned (DCN
intact) groups are compared across all test conditions. Group composition is summarized in Table 1. The statistical summary in each
panel compares group performance across stimulus levels above speaker-off (mixed ANOVA with stimulus level as the repeated
measure). The significant downshift (excess suppression) of the exposed group at 20 kHz (D) indicates the presence of tinnitus. Error bars
show the standard error of the mean.

high-level sound exposure and did not show evidence ear (Fig. 6, top panel, right). Unexposed ear thresh-
of tinnitus. olds for exposed animals were equivalent and within
normal range (Fig. 6, top panel, left). At the
Tinnitus: unilateral lesions conclusion of psychophysical testing, exposed ear
thresholds were equivalently elevated by approxi-
Unilateral lesion results differed from bilateral lesion mately 40 dB in all groups (Fig. 6, center panel, right;
results. Neither ipsilateral nor contralateral lesions p=0.763 to 0.225), while unexposed ear thresholds
significantly protected the rats from unilateral sound- were within normal range (Fig. 6, center panel, left; p=
induced chronic tinnitus. Post-lesion psychophysical 0.763 to 0.449). Hearing thresholds for unexposed rats
performance of both unilateral groups is compared to remained normal and were similar for all groups,
that of exposed DCN-intact rats in Figure 5. Unequal lesioned as well as sham-lesioned (Fig. 6, bottom panel;
group numbers prevented ANOVA analysis, but multi- p=0.986 to 0.392). To summarize, immediately after
ple t test comparisons showed no significant difference exposure, all groups displayed equivalent exposed ear
between the performance of exposed DCN-intact rats threshold elevations and had persistent 40-dB elevations
with tinnitus, and either of the exposed unilaterally throughout testing. Unexposed animals, and the unex-
lesioned groups (p=0.719 to 0.894). All three groups posed ears of exposed animals, displayed normal
had similar performance, including the function down- thresholds throughout.
shift at 20 kHz (Fig. 5D) indicative of tinnitus.

Hearing thresholds DISCUSSION

Immediately after high-level sound exposure, ABR Bilateral pre-exposure DCN lesions, unlike post-expo-
thresholds were elevated 30 to 50 dB in the exposed sure lesions (Brozoski and Bauer 2005), prevented
62 BROZOSKI ET AL.: DCN Lesions Prevent Tinnitus

FIG. 4. A–D The protective effect of bilateral DCN lesions. Discrimination functions of the exposed bilaterally lesioned, unexposed
bilaterally lesioned, and exposed sham-lesioned groups. Group composition is summarized in Table 1. The statistical comparison in each
panel is between the exposed lesioned and exposed sham-lesion (DCN-intact) group, at stimulus levels above speaker-off (mixed ANOVA
with stimulus level as the repeated measure). The exposed bilaterally lesioned group was significantly different than the exposed-intact
group in all test conditions, but was not statistically different than the unexposed bilaterally lesioned group (see text for statistics). Error
bars show the standard error of the mean.

acoustic trauma-induced chronic tinnitus in rats. In level exposure (Chung et al. 2007; Kim et al. 2005).
contrast, unilateral pre-exposure lesions did not The permanent ipsilateral threshold elevation in the
prevent the development of tinnitus. present study remains to be explained. However, both
lesioned and nonlesioned (exposed) rats had similar
Hearing loss and tinnitus threshold elevations (Fig. 6, top panel, right ear),
while DCN lesions alone did not affect thresholds
The persistent unilateral threshold elevations, (Fig. 6, top panel).
obtained in the present study, stand in contrast to Could the unilateral hearing loss have been respon-
previous studies using similar exposures. In those sible for effects interpreted as tinnitus? Previous
studies, the rats typically showed negligible to small research has shown that unilateral threshold elevation,
(10 dB) permanent threshold shifts (Brozoski and such as that produced by an ear plug, did not affect
Bauer 2005, 2007b). The approximate 40-dB elevation performance (Bauer and Brozoski 2001). Since psycho-
in the present study may have been the result of the physical testing was done in a free sound field,
isoflurane anesthesia used during exposure. Previous information from both ears guides performance and
studies used a ketamine–xylazine mixture. Anesthetic unilateral threshold elevation does not significantly
used during acoustic exposure has been shown to impact performance. In the present results, it is also
modulate the level of post-exposure pathology. Iso- clear that there was no systematic difference between
flurane has complex central effects, inhibiting both exposed and unexposed performance (Fig. 4), as would
excitatory glutamatergic and inhibitory GABAergic be expected if there was an impact of hearing loss.
systems (Franks 2008). Most studies report reduced
amplitude of evoked activity (Ferber-Viart et al. 1998; DCN lesions and high-level sound exposure
Heneghan et al. 1987; Santarelli et al. 2003), reduced
steady-state-driven activity (Cheung et al. 2001; Could the tinnitus protective effect of bilateral
Plourde et al. 1998), and otoprotection from high- DCN lesions be explained by a loss of ipsilateral
BROZOSKI ET AL.: DCN Lesions Prevent Tinnitus 63

FIG. 5. A–D Unilateral DCN lesions did not confer a tinnitus protective effect. Compared are the discrimination functions of the
exposed ipsilaterally lesioned, exposed contralaterally lesioned, and exposed sham-lesioned. D Includes the discrimination function of
sham-lesioned traumatic sound-unexposed (i.e., no tinnitus) rats for comparison. Group composition is summarized in Table 1. All of the
exposed groups showed significant evidence of tinnitus at 20 kHz and were not statistically different from one another. Error bars show
the standard error of the mean.

sensitivity, i.e., the lesion attenuated exposure ample evidence that abnormally elevated activity
sound loudness? If decreased stimulus drive during appears in the cochlear nucleus following sound
exposure was the tinnitus protective mechanism, trauma. Most evidence points to the DCN (Kaltenbach
then ipsilateral DCN lesions should have afforded 2006), although other areas of the cochlear nucleus may
as much protection as bilateral lesions. That was be involved (Shore and Zhou 2006). The compensatory
not the case. Furthermore, immediate post-expo- mechanism may be a downregulation of GABA
sure ABR threshold elevations for ipsilateral and (Brozoski et al. 2007a, b) and glycine (Wang et al.
bilateral lesions were not significantly different 2009) or an upregulation of excitation (Bledsoe et
from one another or from DCN-intact rats (ipsi- al. 2009). An equally plausible compensatory mech-
lateral lesioned, exposed ear average 70.5 dB, SPL anism may be the upregulation, and/or reorgan-
vs. sham-lesioned, exposed ear average 73.9 dB, p= ization of excitatory input to the cochlear nucleus
0.608; vs. bilaterally lesioned exposed ear average from nonauditory sources (Shore et al. 2008; Zeng
72.1 dB, p=0.702). Since ipsilateral ABR thresholds et al. 2009). These mechanisms are not mutually
were equivalently elevated in all exposed groups, exclusive, and in the DCN, the net effect would be
but tinnitus was only absent from the bilaterally manifested as inappropriately elevated spontaneous
lesioned group, protection from tinnitus would activity (Brozoski et al. 2002; Kaltenbach and
appear to derive from something other than McCaslin 1996; Kaltenbach and Heffner 1999).
afferent impairment during exposure. The elevated activity may persist because the DCN
contains plastic circuits that facilitate adaptation to
Potential mechanisms of ablation protection acoustic environments (Nelken and Young 1996;
Tzounopoulos 2008; Young and Sachs 2008). The
The primary hypothesis was that chronic tinnitus question posed in the present research was
emerges as an overcompensation for long-term whether altered DCN output serves as a chronic
altered input produced by acoustic trauma. There is tinnitus source, or alternatively, does it serve as a
64 BROZOSKI ET AL.: DCN Lesions Prevent Tinnitus

trigger for alterations elsewhere in the system that

then serve as the chronic source? The results
suggest that the DCN serves more as a necessary
trigger, than a necessary chronic generator. Lesions
were made to disrupt the rostral output of the
DCN before acoustic trauma. Some lesions were
also extensive enough to disrupt intrinsic DCN
activity, i.e., signal processing and connections to
the ventral cochlear nucleus (Cant and Benson
2003). Whereas a previous study showed that
bilateral (or unilateral) lesions months after expo-
sure failed to reduce tinnitus (Brozoski and Bauer
2005), in the present experiment, bilateral lesions,
prior to exposure, prevented the emergence of
tinnitus. The present results therefore support the
hypothesis that the necessary role of the DCN in
chronic tinnitus is to trigger changes in other areas
that then serve as the chronic tinnitus signal
source. How long DCN output must remain
elevated, in order to effectively trigger tinnitus,
remains to be answered.

Alternatives to the DCN trigger hypothesis

It is possible that the DCN does not serve as a

direct trigger for tinnitus, or that the trigger
mechanism is unrelated to increased DCN sponta-
neous activity. During high-level sound exposure,
acutely driven activity in the DCN, as opposed to
increased spontaneous activity, could be responsi-
ble for triggering critical downstream changes that
serve as tinnitus generators. Recently, it has been
shown that spontaneous auditory nerve activity may
be necessary for increased spontaneous activity in
the inferior colliculus following acoustic trauma
(Mulders and Robertson 2009). It was hypothesized
that auditory nerve activity may enable the
expression of abnormal activity in a traumatized
brainstem when intrinsic inhibition has been com-
promised. Evidence to the contrary would be that,
at least in some individuals, tinnitus persists and
may be exacerbated after total eighth nerve trans-
ection (Berliner et al. 1992).

Bilateral DCN lesions and discrimination function upshift

FIG. 6. Acoustic brainstem response (ABR) hearing thresholds. Top Unexpectedly, bilateral DCN lesions produced an
panel: Immediately before and after unilateral noise exposure. Both
upshift in discrimination functions in all stimulus
ablated and sham-lesioned traumatic sound-exposed groups showed a
40–50-dB threshold elevation in their exposed ears, but no elevation in conditions (Fig. 4). The upshift may be interpreted
their unexposed ears. Center panel: ABR thresholds at the conclusion of as a nonspecific gain in supra-threshold loudness.
psychophysical testing for all exposed animals. An approximate 40-dB Note that hearing threshold was not affected by
permanent threshold elevation was evident in their exposed ears and bilateral DCN lesions (Fig. 6, top panel, unfilled
normal thresholds in their unexposed ears. There were no significant
square data points). Several lines of evidence suggest
differences between animals with and without DCN lesions. Bottom
panel: ABR thresholds at the conclusion of psychophysical testing for all that the cerebellar-like circuitry of the DCN facilitates
unexposed animals. Thresholds were normal with no significant differ- adaptive signal processing in dynamic acoustic envi-
ences between animals with and without DCN lesions. ronments (Oertel and Young 2004). One such process
BROZOSKI ET AL.: DCN Lesions Prevent Tinnitus 65

may be the output of a “negative image” of excitatory ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

input. A negative image could serve an automatic gain
control function, attenuating the influence of already This study was supported by the National Institute on Deafness
detected signals (Bell et al. 2008). Bilateral DCN and Other Communication Disorders, #1R01DC009669-01.
lesions would be expected to affect more than one We thank Lauren Ely and Kelsey Haines for their technical
aspect of DCN output. The upshifted discrimination support.
functions of bilaterally lesioned DCN animals suggest
an enhanced loudness growth function, perhaps the
Open Access
result of decreased feedforward inhibition. Another
possibility is that loss of the tuberculoventral tract to
This article is distributed under the terms of the
the VCN releases that structure from feedback
Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial
inhibition. Although this appears to be at odds with
License which permits any noncommercial use, dis-
tinnitus protection, hyperacusis and tinnitus are
tribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided
different phenomena. It may be that elevated post-
the original author(s) and source are credited.
exposure spontaneous activity (i.e., system noise) in
the DCN was attenuated by lesions, while at the same
time stimulus-driven output (i.e., signal), perhaps
mediated by an intact ventral cochlear nucleus, was
enhanced. These dual effects will have to be eluci- BABALIAN AL, RYUGO DK, VISCHER MW, ROUILLER EM (1999)
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