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Applied Cryptography: Faculty Development Programme (FDP) ON

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Applied Cryptography
(27th April 2018 – 02nd May 2018)
Organized by
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
GIT, GITAM (Deemed to be University)
Gandhi Nagar, Rushikonda, Visakhapatnam, AP
Association with
National Institute of Technology (NIT-W), Warangal
Under the Scheme of Electronics & ICT Academy
(Sponsored by Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY), GOI)


"Electronics & ICT Academy" was set up at NIT Warangal in 2015 Accommodation:
with financial assistance from MeitY, GoI. The jurisdiction of this academy
is Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Goa, Puducherry and Accommodation will be provided to the selected outside participants
Andaman & Nicobar Islands. This academy role is to offer faculty on prior request. No TA/DA will be paid for the participants. Working
development programmes in standardized courses and emerging areas of Lunch, Tea & Snacks would be provided during the Training in the
Computer Science, Electronics, Information Communication Technologies, campus.
training & consultancy services for Industry, Curriculum development for
Industry, CEP for working professionals, Advice and support for technical How to apply:
incubation and entrepreneurial activities.
As part of this initiative, a Faculty Development Programme A filled-in form of application in the prescribed format duly signed and
(FDP) on Applied Cryptography is being conducted at Dept, of sponsored by appropriate authorities (along with demand draft)
Computer Science and Engineering, GITAM Institute of Technology, should reach the host institute coordinator by speed-post. It is also
GITAM (Deemed to be University), Visakhapatnam, A.P. The whole mandatory to send scanned application form and demand draft
course is handled by academicians and industry experts. through email lakshmeeswari.gondi@gitam.edu as selection will be
intimated only through mail. Programme duration is 6 (six) days.
Major Course Contents:
 Security Protocols and mechanisms Selection Criteria:
 Cryptography algorithms
 Programming using multi precision library (GMP) Selection will be done based on first-come-first-serve basis to a
 Other Related Tools SAGE and NTL maximum number of 50 (fifty). Additionally 10 participants from
 Introduction to Network security industry are allowed to participate. The list of selected participants will
 Network security tools (Wireshark, Metasploit, NMAP, be intimated through e-mail. In case a candidate is not selected, the
SNORT) DD will be sent back. Candidates will be issued certificates on
 Digital signatures, Digital certificates, certificates successful completion of the course. Reservations are followed for
authorities, PKI selecting candidates as per GOI norms.
 SSL, IPsec and Kerberos
 Hands on to design and implementation of secure Important dates:
protocols using python libraries
Eligibility: Last date (Application &DD) 22 April 2018
Selection List by E- mail 24 April 2018
The programme is open to the faculty of Engineering Colleges, th
MCA Colleges and other allied disciplines in Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, 27 April 2018
Karnataka, Goa, Puducherry, Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Research Duration to
Scholars and Industry working professionals in the concerned /allied 2 May 2018
discipline can also attend.
About NITW:
Registration Fee Particulars:
National Institute of Technology, Warangal is the first among 17
RECs setup as joint venture of the Government of India and the state
government. Over the years the college has established itself as a
Faculty and Research Rs. 2500/-
premier Institute imparting technical education of a very high standard
Scholars from above
leading to the B.Tech degrees in various branches of engineering,
mentioned states
M.Tech. and Ph.D. programs in various specializations. All B. Tech
Faculty of SC/ST Category and M. Tech programmes of NIT Warangal are NBA accredited.
from above mentioned Rs.1250/-(SC/ST participants
states: should submit the copy of their About GITAM:
caste certificate to claim the
concession along with application Gandhi Institute of Technology and Management (GITAM) was
form) founded in the year 1980 by eminent Intellectuals and Industrialists of
Industry Participants Rs. 7500/- Andhra Pradesh led by Dr. M. V. V. S. Murthy a popular
Participants from other Rs. 8500/- Philanthropist and has been accredited with A+ by NAAC. The
states department of Computer Science and Engineering was established in
the year 1986. The department is committed to impart quality
*SC/ST concession is only for faculty of mentioned states. education and producing highly skilled graduates who are in demand
Research Scholars are not eligible for SC/ST concession. in the industry. The department currently offers B. Tech (Computer
Science and Engineering), M.Tech. (Software Engineering), M. Tech
The participants need to send a crossed demand draft (DD) (Computer Science and Technology), M. Tech (Cyber Forensic and
drawn in favor of “Director, NIT Warangal” and payable at SBH, Information Security) and Ph. D. programmes.
NIT Warangal branch or transfer online to the account
“Electronics & ICT Academy, NITW”, Account No:62423775910
with IFSC Code: SBIN0020149 and mail the transaction details.


(27 April 2018 – 02nd May 2018)

The Department of Computer Science & Engineering
GIT, GITAM Deemed to be University
Gandhi Nagar, Rushikonda, Visakhapatnam, AP
in association with
National Institute of Technology, Warangal

1. Name :
2. Designation : Dr./Mr./Mrs./Ms …………………………………... is an
employee of our Institute/Organization and is hereby
3. Institution : sponsored to participate in the FDP on “Applied
4. Email : Cryptography”, sponsored by Electronics & ICT
Academy during 27th April – 02 May 2018 at Dept.
5. DD No: Bank: Date:
of CSE, GITAM Institute of Technology,

6. Address for Correspondence:

Signature of Head of Institution

7. Educational Qualification:
(with seal)
8. Subjects taught so far:

9. No. of refresher courses/workshops attended:

10. Experience (in years): Address for correspondence
Teaching: Research: Industry: Post your application form with DD to
Dr.G. Lakshmeeswari
Coordinator for FDP on ”Applied Cryptography”, Asst. Prof,
11. Accommodation required: YES / NO Department of CSE , GITAM Institute of Technology, GITAM
(Deemed to be University), Visakhapatnam-530045
12. Do you belong to SC/ST : YES / NO
(If Yes, please specify and attach a copy of caste E-mail the scanned copies of filled-in and duly
certificate to claim the concession) signed application form along with DD to

Declaration For more details about Electronics & ICT

The information provided is true to the best of my Academy, NIT, Warangal, please visit:
knowledge. If selected, I agree to abide by the rules and http://www.nitw.ac.in/eict/acgitam1.php
regulations of the FDP and shall attend the course for the
entire duration. I also undertake the responsibility to inform
the Coordinator in case, I am unable to attend the course. For more enquiries please contact:
Mobile: 9640811714
E-mail: lakshmeeswari.gondi@gitam.edu
Signature of the Applicant

Dr. R. Padmavathy Dr. G. Lakshmeeswari
Asst. Prof, Dept of CSE Asst. Professor
National Institute of Technology Dept of CSE, GIT
WARANGAL–506004 Visakhapatnam–530045

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