BTX in Charcoal
BTX in Charcoal
BTX in Charcoal
Abstract— Activated carbon was produced from (CNSL) is extracted from the waste cashew nut shells.
Anacardium occidentale (Cashew nut) shell waste by After extracting the cashew oil from the cashew nut
chemical impregnation and later the material was shells, the waste shells after extracting oil are burnt in
carbonized using microwave irradiation at incinerators, which causes many environmental
optimized carbonization conditions. Activated problems by emission of particulate and gaseous waste.
carbon obtained by carbonizing at 500 ºC for 90 The study is carried out to prepare activated carbon from
minutes showed better pore development which was these shells and use the prepared activated carbon to
confirmed by SEM(Scanning Electron Microscope) adsorb the BTX vapors at artificially generated gaseous
image, iodine number and methylene blue number. source.
The proximate and ultimate analysis was carried out
for quantitative analysis of components in activated Conventional methods of carbonization which made
carbon. Freundlich isotherm was found to agree use of furnaces do not ensure a uniform temperature for
with the equilibrium data in the removal of BTX different shapes and sizes of chars because of surface
(Benzene, Toluene, Xylene) vapors and the fit was heating from the hearth wall. This generates a thermal
best suited for absorption of benzene. The effect of gradient from the hot surface of the char particle to its
change in bed height, particle size of adsorbent, interior and impedes the effective removal of gaseous
molecular size of adsorbate and the inlet products to the ambient, thereby resulting in a
concentration of the gas stream on the removal of detrimental effect on the quality of the activated carbons
BTX vapors were studied by plotting breakthrough prepared. Microwave-induced chemical reactions can be
curves. used to solve the above problems associated with
conventional surface heating because microwave
Keywords- Activated Carbon, Adsorption, Cashew Nut heating is both internal and volumetric heating.
Shell, H3PO4 Impregnation, Microwave Irradiation, Therefore, the tremendous thermal gradient from the
BTX. interior of the char particle to its cool surface allows the
microwave-induced reaction to proceed more quickly
I. INTRODUCTION and effectively at a lower bulk temperature, resulting in
energy savings and shortening the processing time [2].
BTX vapors which are categorized as Volatile
organic compounds are critical toxic gases which have The objectives of present study is to produce and
significant effects on the eyes, nose and long-term characterize the activated carbon prepared from cashew
exposure may even cause cancer. Some of the BTXs are nut shell waste and to optimize the operating conditions
toxic, potentially carcinogenic and mutagenic at high like carbonization temperature and time. The pellets are
concentration levels, found in urban environment. formed with the prepared activated carbon which are
Environment authorities are particular concerned about used to adsorb BTX vapors. Finally characteristics of
BTX vapors emissions because of their potential to breakthrough curve for the adsorption BTX vapors are
contribute to the formation of ground level ozone and to analyzed in packed bed by varying the parameters like
global warming due to its photochemical reactivity. bed height, particle size of adsorbent, molecular size of
adsorbate and the inlet concentration of the gas stream.
At a low-concentration level, adsorption of BTX
vapors on active carbon is the most employed method Cashew nut shell waste used in the present study
for the removal of BTX vapors [1]. Cashew nut is was obtained from ACHAL INDUSTRIES,
abundantly grown in Western Ghats of India. The nuts Baikampady Industrial Estate, Mangalore. Cashew nut
are separated from the shell and cashew nut shell liquid
shell liquid was extracted from the shells in Soxhlet 3) Methylene blue number
apparatus using acetone as an extraction solvent.
II. EXPERIMENTAL Methylene blue (MB) adsorption tests were conducted
by mixing 0.3 g of the prepared activated carbon with
A. Preparation of activated carbon 100 mL of 1000 mg/L MB solution. After agitation for
24 h, the suspension was filtered and the MB residual
The cashew nut shells are washed with distilled concentration was measured at 660 nm, using Hitachi
water and dried. The dried material was impregnated at UV/Vis spectrophotometer.
room temperature in 2:1 H3PO4 for 24 hours. The
sample was washed and dried at 110 ºC in hot air oven. C. Experimental set-up
Later it was subjected to carbonization to form activated
carbon under inert gas environment. The carbonization The experimental set up consists of a vapor
temperature is varied from 500oC to 700oC and holding generation unit and a fixed bed column for adsorption.
time is varied from 60 min to 120 min to optimize the Adsorption experiments were conducted at room
conditions to obtain the activated carbon with well temperature. A synthetic gas stream containing BTX ,
developed pores. Nitrogen gas was used as inert gas at vapors are produced by passing air from compressor
flow rate of 150 ml/min. The carbonized product was through air pre-heater. The hot air was then passed to an
powdered and activated carbon pellets of 5mm and 9mm aspirator bottle containing BTX liquid. The flow rate of
diameter are formed using hot bitumen as a binding the stream was controlled by an air rotameter. The
agent. synthetic gas effluent thus produced was fed at the
bottom (inlet) of the column
B. Characterization of the produced activated carbon
The packed bed was filled with activated carbon
pellets. Sampling ports were provided at the inlet and
1) Proximate and Ultimate analysis outlet of each bed for drawing the gaseous samples at
regular intervals of time.
The proximate analysis for activated carbon
was carried out according to ASTM D 3172-3175 Adsorption experiments were carried out for
standards and the results were expressed in terms of different particle size of the adsorbent, different inlet
moisture, volatile matter, ash and fixed carbon contents. concentrations of inlet gas stream in continuous mode
The ultimate analysis was calculated theoretically using with a single stage and multistage adsorption for three
empirical formulae [3] as given below: different BTX vapor streams.
Hydrogen, % = 0.036FC + 0.086 (VM- ).1A) – 0.0035M2 (1- 0.02M) Analysis of gas samples was carried out in Shimadzu
Gas Chromatography using flame ionization detector.
Nitrogen, % = 2.10 – 0.020VM
GC was operated in split mode with split flow of 30
Oxygen, % = 100 – (C+ H+ N+ ash)
ml/min. The injector and detector temperatures were
maintained at 200 and 250 ºC respectively. The
where FC = fixed carbon content, VM = volatile matter content, A = temperature of the oven was gradually increased from
ash content, M = moisture content. 40 ºC at 2 ºC/ min. to 350 ºC for 20 min. Nitrogen gas at
2 mL/min. was used as a carrier gas.
2) Iodine number
The iodine was carried out according to ASTM D 4607- III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
94. Iodine number is a indicator of porosity in activated
carbon. It is used as an approximation for surface area of A. Analysis of pore structure using SEM
activated carbon. Iodine number is defined as the
amount of iodine adsorbed (mg) from aqueous phase by The Pores of various sizes could be observed on the
1 g of activated carbon. Higher iodine number indicates surface, indicating homogeneous and to some extent of
the higher adsorption capacity of iodine molecules by heterogeneous nature of the activated carbon. Figure 1
the AC prepared. shows the SEM image of prepared activated carbon
indicating development of the pores on the surface of
the AC.
Sample AC Sample Iodine number MB number Figure 2 shows effect of bed height on adsorption
no. specification (mg/g) (mg/g) process. The residence time of the gaseous effluent
1 500o C, 60 min. 756.81 178.5 increases with increase in the amount of adsorbent in the
2 500o C, 90 min. 736.91 178.1
bed. Thus, increasing the contact time between the
3 500o C , 120 min. 705.55 190.0
4 600o C, 60 min. 893.70 191.0 benzene molecules and adsorbent, and increase in the
5 600o C, 90 min. 909.38 191.0 availability of active sites for adsorption has favored the
6 600o C, 120 min. 705.55 189.5 adsorption process.
7 700o C, 60 min. 689.87 189.0
8 700o C, 90 min. 1003.45 193.5
9 700o C, 120 min. 799.63 182.5
10 800o C, 60 min. 705.55 183.0
11 800o C, 90 min. 674.20 188.5
12 800o C, 120 min. 564.44 178.5
13 500o C, 60 min. 736.91 178.0
F. Effect of particle size of adsorbate on breakthrough Figure 4: Breakthrough curves for the adsorption of benzene vapors on
curve adsorbent of different pellet sizes and bed height of 5 cm.
Figure 3 shows that the adsorption is stronger when H. Effect of inlet concentration of Benzene vapors on
smaller molecules of adsorbate are involved, that means breakthrough curve
when pores are just large enough to permit the adsorbate
molecules to enter into them. In addition smaller Figure 5 shows that higher the concentration of
molecules move at greater velocity and diffuse much adsorbate, faster is the breakthrough time. Also, the
faster into pores than the larger molecules. Benzene slope of the breakthrough curve was gradually
vapor being smallest among the three BTXs considered increased. As the inlet concentration of benzene vapor
here has least saturation time and xylene vapor has was increased from 181.29 ppm to 637.88 ppm, the
highest saturation time. saturation time was decreased from 10 hours to 5 hours.
This is explained by the fact that allowable adsorbate
molecules are increased as inlet concentration was
increased. Also, adsorption is faster when there is
increase in diffusion velocity and adsorption velocity
into pores of activated carbon. At any given inlet
concentration the outlet concentration increases with
increase in time after breakpoint is reached. Therefore,
the saturation of the adsorbent bed is delayed and occurs
in relatively longer time.
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