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UNIT I--Fundamentals of Analog Communication

1. What is modulation?
Modulation is the process of changing any one parameter (amplitude, frequency or phase) of a
relatively high frequency carrier signal in proportion with the instantaneous value of the
modulating signal or message signal.

2. Define amplitude Modulation.

Amplitude Modulation is the process of changing the amplitude of a relatively high
frequency carrier signal in proportion with the instantaneous value of the modulating signal.

3. Give the expression for AM modulated wave.

4. Define Modulation index and percent modulation for an AM wave.

Modulation index is a term used to describe the amount of amplitude change present in an
AM waveform .It is also called as coefficient of modulation.
Mathematically modulation index is
m = Em/ Ec
Where m = Modulation coefficient
Em = Peak change in the amplitude of the output waveform voltage. Ec = Peak amplitude
of the unmodulated carrier voltage.
Percent modulation gives the percentage change in the amplitude of the output wave when the
carrier is acted on by a modulating signal.

5. Give the bandwidth of AM?

Bandwidth (B) of AM DSBFC is the difference between highest upper frequency and lowest
lower side frequency.
fm(max) – maximum modulating signal frequency.

6. Draw the spectrum of AM signal.

7. Give the expression for modulation index in terms of Vmax and Vmin.
m = Vmax – Vmin / Vmax + Vmin

8. Give the formula for AM power distribution.

9. Give the expression for total current.

10. Give the types of AM Modulation.

DSBSC-Double sideband suppressed carrier. SSBSC- Single sideband suppressed carrier.
DSBFC- Double sideband full carrier
VSBSC-Vestigial sideband suppressed carrier.

11. What are the disadvantages of conventional (or) double side band full carrier

CS6304- Analog & Digital Communication Page 1 Course Material (Question Bank)

In conventional AM, carrier power constitutes two thirds or more of the total transmitted
power. This is a major drawback because the carrier contains no information; the sidebands
contain the information. Second, conventional AM systems utilize twice as much bandwidth as
needed with single sideband systems.
12. Define Single sideband suppressed carrier AM.
AM Single sideband suppressed carrier is a form of amplitude modulation in which the carrier is
totally suppressed and one of the sidebands removed.

13. Define AM Vestigial sideband.

AM vestigial sideband is a form of amplitude modulation in which the carrier and one complete
sideband are transmitted, but only part of the second sideband is transmitted.

14. What are the advantages of single sideband transmission?

The advantages of SSBSC are
1. Power conservation
2. Bandwidth conservation
3. Noise reduction

15. What are the disadvantages of single side band transmission?

(i) C o m p l e x receiver’s (ii) Tuning Difficulties

16. What is the advantage of low-level modulation?

An advantage of low-level modulation is that less modulating signal power is required to achieve
a high percentage of modulation.

17. Define Low-level Modulation.

In low-level m odul at ion , m o du l a t i o n t a k es pl a c e pri or t o t he out put element
of the final stage of the transmitter. For low level AM modulator class A amplifier is used. It
r e q u i r e s l ess power to achieve a high percentage of modulation.

18. Define High-level Modulation.

In high-level modulators, the modulation takes place in the final element of the final stage
where the carrier signal is at its maximum amplitude. For high level modulator class C amplifier
is used. It requires a much higher amplitude modulating signal to achieve a reasonable percent

19. What is the advantage of low-level modulation?

An advantage of low-level modulation is that less modulating signal power is required to
achieve a high percentage of modulation.

20. Define Heterodyning.

Heterodyne means to mix two frequencies together in a nonlinear device or to translate one
frequency to another, using nonlinear mixing.

21. Define frequency deviation.

Frequency deviation is the change in frequency that occurs in the carrier when it is acted on
CS6304- Analog & Digital Communication Page 2 Course Material (Question Bank)

by a modulating signal frequency. Frequency deviation is typically given as a peak

frequency shift in Hertz (Δf). The peak-to-peak frequency deviation (2 Δf) is sometimes
called carrier swing. The peak frequency deviation is simply the product of the deviation
sensitivity and the peak modulating signal voltage and is expressed mathematically as Δf
=K1Vm Hz.

22. State Carson rule.

Carson rule states that the bandwidth required to transmit an angle modulated wave
as twice the sum of the peak frequency deviation and the highest modulating signal
frequency. Mathematically Carson’s rule is B=2(Δf +fm) Hz.

23. Write down the comparison of frequency and amplitude modulation.

Amplitude modulation Frequency modulation

1. Noise interference is more Noise interference is less
2. Amplitude Modulation is the process of Frequency Modulation is the process of
changing the amplitude of a relatively high changing the frequency of a relatively high
frequency carrier signal in proportion with the frequency carrier signal in proportion with
instantaneous value of the modulating signal. the instantaneous value of the modulating
3. The depth of modulation has But in FM the depth of modulation can be
limitation in AM. increased to any value by increasing the
4. Simple circuits used in transmitter and Uses more complex circuits in
receiver. transmitter and receiver.
5. Power varies in AM depending on depth of The amplitude of FM is constant. Hence
modulation. transmitter power remains constant in

24. Define Phase modulation.

Phase of a constant amplitude carrier is varied directly proportional to the amplitude of the
modulating signal at a rate equal to the frequency of the modulating signal.

25. What are the advantages of angle modulation and also list its disadvantages.
i. Noise reduction.
ii. Improved system fidelity.
iii. More efficient use of power.

26. What is Phase deviation?

The relative angular displacement (shift) of the carrier phase (rad) in respect to reference
phase is called phase deviation(ΔӨ)

27. Give the expression for bandwidth of angle-modulated wave in terms of Bessel’s
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B= 2(n*fm)
n=no. of significant sidebands for m found using Bessel’s table.

28. Define deviation sensitivity for FM and PM and give its units.

29. Define super heterodyne principle.

It can be defined as the process of operation of modulated waves to obtain similarly modulated
waves of different frequency. This process uses a locally generated carrier wave, which
determines the change of frequency.

30. What is the basic difference between an AM signal and a narrowband FM signal?

In the case of sinusoidal modulation, the basic difference between an AM signal and a
narrowband FM signal is that the algebraic sign of the lower side frequency in the narrow band
FM is reversed.

31. What are the two methods of producing an FM wave?

Basically there are two methods of producing an FM wave. They are,
i) Direct method
In this method the transmitter originates a wave whose frequency varies as function of the
modulating source. It is used for the generation of NBFM
ii) Indirect method
In this method the transmitter originates a wave whose phase is a function of the
modulation. Normally it is used for the generation of WBFM where WBFM is generated from


1. Discuss the Communication Process in detail.

2. Derive the expression for AM wave
3. Derive the expression for power distribution in AM wave
4. Discuss the difference between high level and low level modulator.
5. Discuss the frequency analysis of Angle modulated wave
6. Define phase and frequency modulation and derive the expression for AM and PM wave.
7. Explain AM modulator circuits in detail?
1.Low level AM modulator
Diagram, Explanation
2.Medium power modulator
Diagram, Explanation
8. Explain AM transmitters in detail?
1.Low level transmitters AM modulator
Diagram, Explanation
2. High level transmitters AM modulator
Diagram, Explanation

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9. .Explain the various receiver parameters?

3.Dynamic range
4.Insertion loss
5.Noise temperature
10. Explain the circuit of TRF receiver?
Diagram, Explanation
11. Explain the operation of Super heterodyne receiver?
Diagram, Explanation
12. Explain various types of noise in a communication system.
13. Explain in detail about the SSB modulation techniques.
14. Explain about DSB modulation and Demodulation.
15. Differentiate AM, FM, PM

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