Ac Unit 1 2marks
Ac Unit 1 2marks
Ac Unit 1 2marks
1. What is modulation?
Modulation is the process of changing any one parameter (amplitude, frequency or phase) of a
relatively high frequency carrier signal in proportion with the instantaneous value of the
modulating signal or message signal.
7. Give the expression for modulation index in terms of Vmax and Vmin.
m = Vmax – Vmin / Vmax + Vmin
11. What are the disadvantages of conventional (or) double side band full carrier
system? Course Material (Question Bank)
In conventional AM, carrier power constitutes two thirds or more of the total transmitted
power. This is a major drawback because the carrier contains no information; the sidebands
contain the information. Second, conventional AM systems utilize twice as much bandwidth as
needed with single sideband systems.
12. Define Single sideband suppressed carrier AM.
AM Single sideband suppressed carrier is a form of amplitude modulation in which the carrier is
totally suppressed and one of the sidebands removed. Course Material (Question Bank)
25. What are the advantages of angle modulation and also list its disadvantages.
i. Noise reduction.
ii. Improved system fidelity.
iii. More efficient use of power.
27. Give the expression for bandwidth of angle-modulated wave in terms of Bessel’s
CS6304- Analog & Digital Communication Page 3 Course Material (Question Bank)
B= 2(n*fm)
n=no. of significant sidebands for m found using Bessel’s table.
28. Define deviation sensitivity for FM and PM and give its units.
30. What is the basic difference between an AM signal and a narrowband FM signal?
In the case of sinusoidal modulation, the basic difference between an AM signal and a
narrowband FM signal is that the algebraic sign of the lower side frequency in the narrow band
FM is reversed.
PART–B Course Material (Question Bank)