Design Failure Modes and Effects Analysis of An Electric Kart
Design Failure Modes and Effects Analysis of An Electric Kart
Design Failure Modes and Effects Analysis of An Electric Kart
Ecokart is an all India level competition organised by (Viridescent Educational Services) in which an electric-kart is designed and
fabricated by undergraduate engineering students. An electric kart is a small, four wheeled, open vehicle but unlike a go-kart
which is powered by an internal combustion engine, electric kart is run by a motor which is powered by battery. Right from design
considerations, the fabrication is to be done by modifying and assembling various components. DFMEA (Design Failure Mode
and Effects Analysis) is branch of FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis) which is a quality management tool that identifies
the critical components of a product followed by investigating different failure modes and their subsequent effects on the whole
product. This paper implements DFMEA technique on an electric-kart by identifying various failure modes and their effects on the
kart.RPN (Risk Priority Technique) is a famous sub tool of it which is used in this paper in order to find the components that are
more susceptible to the failure and demands more attention. Preventive measures to reduce the chances of failure are also given
in the paper.
Keywords: Risk Priority Number (RPN), Severity Ranking, Ecokart, Likelihood of Detection, Likelihood of
2. FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS component and the vehicle as a whole. The severity rank,
likelihood of occurrence rank and detection rank are given
(FMEA) to each failure mode (1-10) based on certain criteria that are
American society of quality says that “Failure modes and given in Table 1, Table 2 & Table 3. The product of these
effects analysis” is a step-by-step approach for identifying three ranks will give risk priority number for the failure. It is
all possible failures in a design, a manufacturing or a numeric assessment of risk assigned to a failure mode.
assembly process, or a product or service [5].Failure modes
mean the ways or modes in which something might fail. RPN=severity ranking*likelihood of occurrence*likelihood
Effect analysis is the analysis of consequences of failures. of detection.
Failures are given priority on the basis of risk of their
consequences. Therefore FMEA ensures a systematic Then, a graph of risk priority number for each point is
approach and gives aid in evaluating, tracking and updating plotted starting from highest RPN to lowest one in
the product or the system [6]. descending order. This graph helps to identify the part on
which we have to focus more while designing.
This technique was used by contractors for the U.S. National
Aeronautics and space administration (NASA) in programs 2.2 Severity Ranking, Likelihood of Detection,
Likelihood of occurrence
SKYLAB [1]. FMEA has the following types-(a)Functional-
which is based on a functional breakdown of a system and Severity shows the consequences a failure method. It
potential failure modes are found out & general mitigations considers the worst potential consequence of a failure of the
are proposed to limit the consequence of failures.(b)Design- kart. It is rated between 1 i.e., no effect to 10 i.e. extreme
analysis of products prior to production are to be done& hazardous. Severity ranking with its description and effect is
(c)Process-analysis of manufacturing assembly process are analysed in Table 1.
to be covered[1].
Likelihood of detection shows how likely the control will
2.1 Design Failure Modes and Effects Analysis detect the failure mode. Similarly, it is rated from 1 i.e.
almost certain to 10 i.e. absolute uncertainty. The likelihood
(DFMEA) & Risk Priority Number (RPN) of detection along with its description and rating is analysed
DFMEA is a disciplined analysis of the part design with in table 3.
intent to correct or prevent the design based failure modes
prior to first production [7]. First of all, all the components Likelihood of occurrence shows the chances of various
of the electric-karts are identified and its relation with other failures occurring in the components of the kart. The rating
components. After that, all possible potential failure modes is done from 1 i.e. failure is unlikely to 10 i.e. persistent
of the components were found out. It is followed by failures. Likelihood of occurrence along with its rank and
identifying their effect on the component & its relative possible failure rates are analysed in Table 2.
2 Hazardous (with Failure mode hinders safe vehicle operation and/or involves non-compliance 9
warning) with government regulation with warning. Kart is inoperable and driver’s
safety is at stake. Instant repairing not possible.
3 Very high Kart is inoperable with loss of primary functions. Faults are detected easily 8
but instant repairing not possible.
4 high Kart is operable but performance level of the kart is extremely low. Major 7
and necessary modifications are needed to enhance performance.
Volume: 06 Issue: 07 | Jul-2017, Available @ 47
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
7 Very low Concerned failure mode affects very little to the overall performance of the 4
kart. Some modifications & repairance are needed.
10 None No effect. 1
Table 2: likelihood of occurrence of the failure mode with its ranking and rating
Table 3: likelihood of detection of failure mode with its definition and ranking
1 Absolutely uncertainty Design control can’t detect the major cause of 10
failure mode.
2 Very remote Very remote chances to find the cause of failure 9
3 Remote Remote chance that controls will detect the 8
potential cause & then the subsequent failure
4 Very low Controls have very low chance to detect the 7
potential cause/mechanism & subsequent failure
5 Low Poor chance of detecting failure by controls. 6
6 Moderate Moderate chance of detecting failure by controls. 5
7 Moderately high Moderately high chance of detecting failure by 4
8 High Controls will detect the failure mode with little 3
9 Very high Controls will detect the failure mode with almost 2
10 Certain Detection of failure mode is certain. 1
Volume: 06 Issue: 07 | Jul-2017, Available @ 48
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
Table 4: DFMEA implementation on critical components(S*=severity rank, O*=occurrence rank, Detection rank)
o. T *D
cuplike depression leakage in tube patch, driver’s safety the tire type based
on one side of loose steering is on road
trade. linkage, foreign compromised, conditions.
debris. and tire life is
5 Rim Brittle or ductile Impact loads, foreign Abnormal 6 2 1 120 Use standard
fracture, rim-out. transverse excessive response to 0 rims, never put
load. steering, unnecessary
damage to the transverse loads
axles and the on the wheel,
frame, driver’s check and repair
safety the flanges in case
compromised of rim-out.
6 Knuckl Bending of the Fatigue load and Poor response 7 2 6 84 Mount the
e steering arm, impact load, cyclic to steering knuckle carefully;
structural cracks. load, improper reducing choose a standard
mounting [9]. operability of knuckle & if
kart, required
malfunctionin fabrication then
g disc brake select the material
callipers. of high FOS.
Rivet properly
with modified a-
arms, proper
lubrication in
7 Transm Noise between the Insufficient Abnormal 8 5 5 200 Mount all the
ission link pins of chain lubrication of gears behaviour of necessary parts
and sprocket, and chain-sprocket kart, carefully &
breakage in chain, drive and drive operability is rigidly with
mechanical failure shafts, improper reduced, primary members,
in differential mounting, excess decrease in chain drive
(bevel) gears. torsion in drive shaft. speed, sudden arrangement
shocks due to should not be
worn gear horizontal/vertical
teeth, sagging, completely.
reduction in
driver’s safety.
8 Support Disengagement Welding fracture at Instability of 7 2 1 140 Select the
s from roll-cage the ends of the roll-cage 0 material of high
members. support, bending. members. factor of safety
and weld
9 Bumper Structural failure. External impact load With failing 5 2 5 50 Choose a material
/Shock exceeds the yielding bumper further of high factor of
Absorb limit of the material. impact load safety,
er can damage clamp/rivet
FLC [4] and properly with
the kart as a FLC.
10 Body Dents or breakage. While fabrication Loss in 4 3 6 72 Be careful while
Panels inappropriate mixing aesthetics. mixing the resin
proportion of resin with hardener.
and hardener, Always use 3-5
insufficient number glass for
of fibreglass sheets to lamination for a
be laminated for a panel.
Volume: 06 Issue: 07 | Jul-2017, Available @ 50
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
Volume: 06 Issue: 07 | Jul-2017, Available @ 51
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
Priority chart for components is prepared based on their risk [8]. Bell Crank Steering
priority number (Fig. 2). The components/assemblies that System.
have higher RPN such as frame, braking system, steering dID=TLR231027
assembly, tires, brackets and transmission assembly should [9]. Fatigue and Impact Analysis of Automotive Steering
be given more priority and attention while designing and Knuckle under Operating Load Cases
fabrication as they are more suspected to failure. Possible
preventive measures for different components regarding presentations/RNL-04-Fatigue-and-Impact-Analysis-of-
their failure modes are also listed out in the DFMEA Automotive_Dr-Mahalingam.pdf
implementation table to control the risks up to a certain [10]. FMEA-Electrical Motor.
DFMEA is successfully applied to various components of an
electric kart listing out all their possible failure modes and Manish Kumar Kar is a student of
their causes. Based on the likelihood of occurrence, College of Engineering And
likelihood of detection and severity effects of the failure Technology, Bhubaneswar, Odisha
modes Risk Priority Number for the components was pursuing Bachelor in Technology in
computed followed by a priority graph in which components Mechanical Engineering. He is a
are prioritized according to their risk priority number. member of Society Of Automotive
Engineers, India.He has participated in BAJA India 2016.
REFERENCES He has participated and served as head of steering
department in Ecokart 2016
[1]. Failure mode and effects analysis.
[2]. About Ecokart.
[3]. Go-kart.
[4]. Baja saeindia 2016 rulebook.
dia%20Rulebook.pdf, pp. 21-26
[5]. Failure Mode Effects Analysis (FMEA) -
[6]. Xfmea Report Sample – Design pp. 2-3
[7]. Design FMEA (DFMEA) Tutorial.
Volume: 06 Issue: 07 | Jul-2017, Available @ 52