Balance Sheet (Topic 210) : No. 2013-01 January 2013

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January 2013

Balance Sheet (Topic 210)

Clarifying the Scope of Disclosures about Offsetting

Assets and Liabilities

An Amendment of the FASB Accounting Standards Codification®

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Standards Codification is being amended. It also provides other information to
help a user of GAAP understand how and why GAAP is changing and when the
changes will be effective.

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Accounting Standards Update

No. 2013-01
January 2013

Balance Sheet (Topic 210)

Clarifying the Scope of Disclosures about Offsetting

Assets and Liabilities

An Amendment of the FASB Accounting Standards Codification®

Financial Accounting Standards Board

of the Financial Accounting Foundation
Accounting Standards Update 2013-01

Balance Sheet (Topic 210)

Clarifying the Scope of Disclosures about Offsetting Assets

and Liabilities

January 2013


Summary ...........................................................................................................1–2
Amendments to the FASB Accounting Standards Codification® .....................3–16
Background Information and Basis for Conclusions ......................................17–21
Amendments to the XBRL Taxonomy .................................................................22
Why Is the FASB Issuing This Accounting Standards
Update (Update)?
The main objective in developing this Update is to address implementation
issues about the scope of Accounting Standards Update No. 2011-11, Balance
Sheet (Topic 210): Disclosures about Offsetting Assets and Liabilities.
Stakeholders have told the Board that because the scope in Update 2011-11 is
unclear, diversity in practice may result. Recent feedback from stakeholders is
that standard commercial provisions of many contracts would equate to a master
netting arrangement. Stakeholders questioned whether it was the Board’s intent
to require disclosures for such a broad scope, which would significantly increase
the cost of compliance. The objective of this Update is to clarify the scope of the
offsetting disclosures and address any unintended consequences.

What Are the Main Provisions?

The amendments clarify that the scope of Update 2011-11 applies to derivatives
accounted for in accordance with Topic 815, Derivatives and Hedging, including
bifurcated embedded derivatives, repurchase agreements and reverse
repurchase agreements, and securities borrowing and securities lending
transactions that are either offset in accordance with Section 210-20-45 or
Section 815-10-45 or subject to an enforceable master netting arrangement or
similar agreement.

Who Is Affected by the Amendments in This Update?

The amendments in this Update affect entities that have derivatives accounted
for in accordance with Topic 815, including bifurcated embedded derivatives,
repurchase agreements and reverse repurchase agreements, and securities
borrowing and securities lending transactions that are either offset in accordance
with Section 210-20-45 or Section 815-10-45 or subject to an enforceable master
netting arrangement or similar agreement. Entities with other types of financial
assets and financial liabilities subject to a master netting arrangement or similar
agreement also are affected because these amendments make them no longer
subject to the disclosure requirements in Update 2011-11.

How Do the Main Provisions Differ from Current U.S.
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and
Why Would They Be an Improvement?
The amendments clarify the intended scope of the disclosures required by
Section 210-20-50. The Board concluded that the clarified scope will reduce
significantly the operability concerns expressed by preparers while still providing
decision-useful information about certain transactions involving master netting
arrangements. The amendments provide a user of financial statements with
comparable information as it relates to certain reconciling differences between
financial statements prepared in accordance with U.S. GAAP and those financial
statements prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting
Standards (IFRS).

When Will the Amendments Be Effective?

An entity is required to apply the amendments for fiscal years beginning on or
after January 1, 2013, and interim periods within those annual periods. An entity
should provide the required disclosures retrospectively for all comparative
periods presented. The effective date is the same as the effective date of Update

How Do the Provisions Compare with International

Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)?
The disclosures required by the amendments in Update 2011-11 are the result of
a joint project between the FASB and the International Accounting Standards
Board (IASB), which was intended to provide comparable information about
balance sheet offsetting between those entities that prepare their financial
statements on the basis of U.S. GAAP and those entities that prepare their
financial statements on the basis of IFRS. The amendments in this Update clarify
that the scope of the disclosures under U.S. GAAP is limited to include
derivatives accounted for in accordance with Topic 815, including bifurcated
embedded derivatives, repurchase agreements and reverse repurchase
agreements, and securities borrowing and securities lending transactions that are
either offset in accordance with Section 210-20-45 or Section 815-10-45 or
subject to an enforceable master netting arrangement or similar agreement.

Amendments to the
FASB Accounting Standards Codification®
1. The Accounting Standards Codification is amended as described in
paragraphs 2–13. In some cases, to put the change in context, not only are the
amended paragraphs shown but also the preceding and following paragraphs.
Terms from the Master Glossary are in bold type. Added text is underlined, and
deleted text is struck out.

Amendments to Subtopic 210-20

2. Amend paragraphs 210-20-50-1 through 50-2 and their related heading,
with a link to transition paragraph 210-20-65-2, as follows:

Balance Sheet—Offsetting


> Offsetting of Derivatives, Financial Assets, Repurchase Agreements, and

Financial LiabilitiesSecurities Lending Transactions

210-20-50-1 The disclosure requirements in paragraphs 210-20-50-2 through

50-5 apply to both of the following:
a. Subparagraph superseded by Accounting Standards Update 2013-01.
Recognized financial instruments and derivative instruments that are
offset in accordance with either Section 210-20-45 or Section 815-10-45
b. Subparagraph superseded by Accounting Standards Update 2013-01.
Recognized financial instruments and derivative instruments that are
subject to an enforceable master netting arrangement or similar
agreement, irrespective of whether they are offset in accordance with
either Section 210-20-45 or Section 815-10-45.
c. Recognized derivative instruments accounted for in accordance with
Topic 815, including bifurcated embedded derivatives, {add glossary
link to 2nd definition} repurchase agreements {add glossary link to
2nd definition} and reverse repurchase agreements, and securities
borrowing and securities lending transactions that are offset in
accordance with either Section 210-20-45 or Section 815-10-45

d. Recognized derivative instruments accounted for in accordance with
Topic 815, including bifurcated embedded derivatives, repurchase
agreements and reverse repurchase agreements, and securities
borrowing and securities lending transactions that are subject to an
enforceable master netting arrangement or similar agreement,
irrespective of whether they are offset in accordance with either Section
210-20-45 or Section 815-10-45.
210-20-50-2 An entity shall disclose information to enable users of its financial
statements to evaluate the effect or potential effect of netting arrangements on its
financial position.position for recognized assets and liabilities within the scope of
the preceding paragraph. This includes the effect or potential effect of rights of
setoff associated with an entity’s recognized assets and recognized liabilities
that are in the scope of the preceding paragraph.
210-20-50-3 To meet the objective in the preceding paragraph, an entity shall
disclose at the end of the reporting period the following quantitative information
separately for assets and liabilities that are within the scope of paragraph 210-
a. The gross amounts of those recognized assets and those recognized
b. The amounts offset in accordance with the guidance in Sections 210-
20-45 and 815-10-45 to determine the net amounts presented in the
statement of financial position
c. The net amounts presented in the statement of financial position
d. The amounts subject to an enforceable master netting arrangement or
similar agreement not otherwise included in (b):
1. The amounts related to recognized financial instruments and other
derivative instruments that either:
i. Management makes an accounting policy election not to offset.
ii. Do not meet some or all of the guidance in either Section 210-
20-45 or Section 815-10-45.
2. The amounts related to financial collateral (including cash
e. The net amount after deducting the amounts in (d) from the amounts in
210-20-50-4 The information required by the preceding paragraph shall be
presented in a tabular format, separately for assets and liabilities, unless another
format is more appropriate. The total amount disclosed in accordance with
paragraph 210-20-50-3(d) for an instrument shall not exceed the amount
disclosed in accordance with paragraph 210-20-50-3(c) for that instrument.
210-20-50-5 An entity shall provide a description of the rights of setoff associated
with an entity’s recognized assets and recognized liabilities subject to an
enforceable master netting arrangement or similar agreement disclosed in
accordance with paragraph 210-20-50-3(d), including the nature of those rights.

210-20-50-6 If the information required by paragraphs 210-20-50-1 through 50-5
is disclosed in more than a single note to the financial statements, an entity shall
cross-reference between those notes.
3. Supersede paragraphs 210-20-55-2 through 55-5 and their related heading,
with a link to transition paragraph 210-20-65-2, as follows:

Implementation Guidance and Illustrations

> Implementation Guidance

> > Scope

210-20-55-2 Paragraph superseded by Accounting Standards Update 2013-01.

The disclosures in paragraphs 210-20-50-2 through 50-6 are required for all
recognized financial instruments and derivative instruments that are subject to
offsetting in accordance with either Section 210-20-45 or Section 815-10-45. In
addition, derivative instruments and other financial instruments and transactions
are within the scope if they are subject to an enforceable master netting
arrangement or similar agreement that covers similar financial instruments and
transactions, irrespective of whether they are offset in accordance with either
Section 210-20-45 or Section 815-10-45.
210-20-55-3 Paragraph superseded by Accounting Standards Update 2013-01.
Similar agreements include the following agreements and any related rights to
financial collateral:
a. Derivative clearing agreements
b. Global master repurchase agreements
c. Global master securities lending agreements.
210-20-55-4 Paragraph superseded by Accounting Standards Update 2013-01.
Similar financial instruments and transactions as referred to in paragraph 210-20-
55-2 include the following:
a. Derivatives
b. Sale and repurchase agreements and reverse sale and repurchase
c. Securities borrowing and securities lending agreements.
210-20-55-5 Paragraph superseded by Accounting Standards Update 2013-01.
Examples of financial instruments that are not within the scope of the disclosure
requirements in paragraphs 210-20-50-2 through 50-6 include the following:
a. Loans and customer deposits at the same institution (unless they are
offset in the statement of financial position)
b. Financial instruments that are only subject to a collateral agreement.

4. Amend paragraph 210-20-55-7, with a link to transition paragraph 210-20-
65-2, as follows:

> > Disclosure of the Gross Amounts of Recognized Assets and Liabilities

210-20-55-7 The disclosures required by paragraph 210-20-50-3(a) relate solely

to recognized financial instruments and derivative instruments that are offset in
accordance with either Section 210-20-45 or Section 815-10-45, or to recognized
financial instruments or derivative instruments that are subject to an enforceable
master netting arrangement or similar agreement irrespective of whether they
meet the offsetting guidance.recognized assets and liabilities within the scope of
paragraph 210-20-50-1. However, the disclosures required by paragraph 210-20-
50-3(a) do not relate to any amounts recognized as a result of collateral
agreements that do not meet the offsetting guidance in either Section 210-20-45
or Section 815-10-45. Instead, such amounts should be disclosed in accordance
with paragraph 210-20-50-3(d).
5. Add paragraph 210-20-55-10A, with a link to transition paragraph 210-20-
65-2, as follows:
210-20-55-10A An entity also may elect to include all recognized derivatives
accounted for in accordance with Topic 815, including bifurcated embedded
derivatives, repurchase agreements and reverse repurchase agreements, and
securities borrowing and securities lending transactions in the scope of
paragraph 210-20-50-1 to reconcile to the individual line-item amount(s)
presented in the statement of financial position. For instruments not subject to an
enforceable master netting arrangement or similar agreement, the amounts
disclosed in accordance with paragraph 210-20-50-3(a) would equal the amounts
disclosed for those instruments in accordance with both paragraph 210-20-50-
3(c) and paragraph 210-20-50-3(e).
6. Amend the tables to paragraphs 210-20-55-20 through 55-22, with a link to
transition paragraph 210-20-65-2, as follows:
> > Example 1: Disclosure by Type of Financial Instrument
210-20-55-20 In this Example, the reporting entity has entered into transactions
subject to an enforceable master netting arrangement or other similar agreement
with the following counterparties. The reporting entity has the following
recognized financial assets and financial liabilities resulting from those
transactions that meet the scope of the disclosure requirements in paragraph
210-20-50-1. This Example has the following assumptions.
[The remainder of this paragraph is not included because it is unchanged.]

Application of Paragraph 210-20-50-3(a)–(e)
Offsetting of Financial Assets and Derivative Assets

$ million
As of December 31, 20XX  (i) (ii) (iii) = (i) – (ii) (iv) (v) = (iii) – (iv)

Gross Amounts Not Offset in the

Statement of Financial Position
Net Amounts
of Assets
Presented in
Gross Gross Amounts the
Amounts of Offset in the Statement of
Recognized Statement of Financial Financial Cash Collateral
Assets Financial Position Position Instruments Received Net Amount
Derivatives $ 100 $ (90) $ 10 – $ – $ 10
Reverse repurchase,
securities borrowing, and
similar arrangements 90 – 90 (90) – –
Other financial instruments – – – – – –
Total  $ 190 $ (90) $ 100 $ (90) $ – $ 10

Offsetting of Financial Liabilities and Derivative Liabilities

$ million
As of December 31, 20XX  (i) (ii) (iii) = (i) – (ii) (iv) (v) = (iii) – (iv)
Gross Amounts Not Offset in the
Statement of Financial Position
Amounts of
Gross Gross Amounts in the
Amounts of Offset in the Statement
Recognized Statement of of Financial Financial Cash Collateral
Liabilities Financial Position Position Instruments Pledged Net Amount
Derivatives $ 80 $ (80) $ – $ – $ – $ -
Repurchase, securities
lending, and similar
arrangements 80 – 80 (80) – –
Other financial instruments – – – – – –
Total  $ 160 $ (80) $ 80 $ (80) $ – $ -

> > Example 2: Disclosure by Type of Financial Instrument and Type of

210-20-55-21 The following table illustrates how an entity might provide the
quantitative disclosure requirements in paragraph 210-20-50-3(a) through (c) by
type of instrument and the information required in paragraph 210-20-50-3(c)
through (e) by counterparty.

Application of Paragraph 210-20-50-3(a)–(c) by Instrument and Paragraph 210-20-50-3(c)–(e) by Counterparty
Offsetting of Financial Assets and Derivative Assets

$ million
As of December 31, 20XX (i) (ii) (iii) = (i) – (ii)

Gross Gross Amounts Net Amounts of Assets

Amounts of Offset in the Presented in the
Recognized Statement of Statement of Financial
Assets Financial Position Position
Derivatives $ 100 $ (90) $ 10
Reverse repurchase, securities borrowing, and
similar arrangements 90 – 90
Other financial instruments – – –
Total $ 190 $ (90) $ 100

Financial Assets, Derivative Assets, and Collateral Held by Counterparty

$ million
As of December 31, 20XX (iii) (iv) (v) = (iii) – (iv)

Gross Amounts Not Offset in the

Statement of Financial Position

Net Amount of
Assets in the
Statement of
Financial Financial Cash Collateral
Position Instruments Received Net Amount
Counterparty A $ 10 $ – $ – $ 10
Counterparty B 90 (90) – –
Total $ 100 $ (90) $ – $ 10

Application of Paragraph 210-20-50-3(a)–(c) by Instrument and Paragraph 210-20-50-3(c)–(e) by Counterparty
Offsetting of Financial Liabilities and Derivative Liabilities

$ million
As of December 31, 20XX (i) (ii) (iii) = (i) – (ii)
Net Amounts of
Gross Gross Amounts Liabilities
Amounts of Offset in the Presented in the
Recognized Statement of Statement of
Liabilities Financial Position Financial Position
Derivatives $ 80 $ (80) $ –
Repurchase, securities lending, and similar
arrangements 80 – 80
Other financial instruments — — —
Total $ 160 $ (80) $ 80

Financial Liabilities, Derivative Liabilities, and Collateral Pledged by Counterparty

$ million
As of December 31, 20XX (iii) (iv) (v) = (iii) – (iv)

Gross Amounts Not Offset in the

Statement of Financial Position
Net Amounts
of Liabilities
Presented in
the Statement
of Financial Financial Cash Collateral
Position Instruments Pledged Net Amount
Counterparty A $ – $ – $ – $ –
Counterparty B 80 (80) – –
Total $ 80 $ (80) $ – $ –

> > Example 3: Sophisticated Entity Disclosure by Type of Financial

Instrument and Type of Counterparty
210-20-55-22 The following table illustrates how a sophisticated entity that
engages in significant derivative activity might provide the quantitative disclosure
requirements in paragraph 210-20-50-3(a) through (c) by type of instrument and
paragraph 210-20-50-3(c) through (e) by type of counterparty. In this Example,
the entity further disaggregates the derivative line item into underlying risk as
discussed in paragraph 815-10-50-4D, with further disaggregation based on how
the derivative is transacted.

Application of Paragraph 210-20-50-3(a)–(c) by Instrument and Paragraph 210-20-50-3(c)–(e) by Counterparty
Offsetting of Financial Assets and Derivative Assets

$ million
As of December 31, 20XX (i) (ii) (iii) = (i) – (ii)
Gross Net Amounts of Assets
Amounts of Gross Amounts Offset Presented in the
Recognized in the Statement of Statement of Financial
Assets Financial Position Position
Interest rate contracts
Over the counter $XX,XXX $XX,XXX $XX,XXX
Exchange traded XX,XXX XX,XXX XX,XXX
Exchange cleared XX,XXX XX,XXX XX,XXX
Foreign exchange contracts
Over the counter XX,XXX XX,XXX XX,XXX
Exchange traded XX,XXX XX,XXX XX,XXX
Exchange cleared XX,XXX XX,XXX XX,XXX
Equity contracts
Over the counter XX,XXX XX,XXX XX,XXX
Exchange traded XX,XXX XX,XXX XX,XXX
Exchange cleared XX,XXX XX,XXX XX,XXX
Commodity contracts
Over the counter XX,XXX XX,XXX XX,XXX
Exchange traded XX,XXX XX,XXX XX,XXX
Exchange cleared XX,XXX XX,XXX XX,XXX
Credit contracts
Over the counter XX,XXX XX,XXX XX,XXX
Exchange traded XX,XXX XX,XXX XX,XXX
Exchange cleared XX,XXX XX,XXX XX,XXX
Other contracts
Over the counter XX,XXX XX,XXX XX,XXX
Exchange traded XX,XXX XX,XXX XX,XXX
Exchange cleared XX,XXX XX,XXX XX,XXX

Total derivatives, subject to a master

netting arrangement or similar
arrangement XX,XXX XX,XXX XX,XXX

Total derivatives, not subject to a master

netting arrangement or similar
arrangement XX,XXX XX,XXX XX,XXX
Total derivatives XX,XXX XX,XXX XX,XXX
Reverse repurchase, securities borrowing,
and similar arrangements XX,XXX XX,XXX XX,XXX
Other financial instruments XX,XXX XX,XXX XX,XXX

Financial Assets, Derivative Assets, and Collateral Held by Counterparty

$ million
As of December 31, 20XX (iii) (iv) (v) = (iii) – (iv)
Gross Amounts Not Offset in the
Statement of Financial Position
Net Amount of
Assets in the
Statement of
Financial Financial Cash Collateral
Position Instruments Received Net Amount
Counterparty A $XX,XXX $XX,XXX $XX,XXX $XX,XXX

Application of Paragraph 210-20-50-3(a)–(c) by Instrument and Paragraph 210-20-50-3(c)–(e) by Counterparty

Offsetting of Financial Liabilities and Derivative Liabilities

$ million
As of December 31, 20XX (i) (ii) (iii) = (i) – (ii)
Gross Net Amounts of
Amounts of Gross Amounts Offset Liabilities Presented
Recognized in the Statement of in the Statement of
Liabilities Financial Position Financial Position
Interest rate contracts
Over the counter $XX,XXX $XX,XXX $XX,XXX
Exchange traded XX,XXX XX,XXX XX,XXX
Exchange cleared XX,XXX XX,XXX XX,XXX
Foreign exchange contracts
Over the counter XX,XXX XX,XXX XX,XXX
Exchange traded XX,XXX XX,XXX XX,XXX
Exchange cleared XX,XXX XX,XXX XX,XXX
Equity contracts
Over the counter XX,XXX XX,XXX XX,XXX
Exchange traded XX,XXX XX,XXX XX,XXX
Exchange cleared XX,XXX XX,XXX XX,XXX
Commodity contracts
Over the counter XX,XXX XX,XXX XX,XXX
Exchange traded XX,XXX XX,XXX XX,XXX
Exchange cleared XX,XXX XX,XXX XX,XXX
Credit contracts
Over the counter XX,XXX XX,XXX XX,XXX
Exchange traded XX,XXX XX,XXX XX,XXX
Exchange cleared XX,XXX XX,XXX XX,XXX
Other contracts
Over the counter XX,XXX XX,XXX XX,XXX
Exchange traded XX,XXX XX,XXX XX,XXX
Exchange cleared XX,XXX XX,XXX XX,XXX

Total derivatives, subject to a master

netting arrangement or similar
arrangement XX,XXX XX,XXX XX,XXX

Total derivatives, not subject to a

master netting arrangement or similar
arrangement XX,XXX XX,XXX XX,XXX
Total derivatives XX,XXX XX,XXX XX,XXX
Reverse repurchase, securities borrowing,
and similar arrangements XX,XXX XX,XXX XX,XXX
Other financial instruments XX,XXX XX,XXX XX,XXX

Financial Liabilities, Derivative Liabilities, and Collateral Held by Counterparty

$ million
As of December 31, 20XX (iii) (iv) (v) = (iii) – (iv)
Gross Amounts Not Offset in the
Statement of Financial Position

Net Amount of
Liabilities in
the Statement
of Financial Financial Cash Collateral
Position Instruments Pledged Net Amount
Counterparty A $XX,XXX $XX,XXX $XX,XXX $XX,XXX

7. Amend paragraph 210-20-65-1 as follows:

> Transition Related to Accounting Standards Update No. 2011-11, Balance
Sheet (Topic 210): Disclosures about Offsetting Assets and Liabilities
210-20-65-1 The following represents the transition and effective date
information related to Accounting Standards Update No. 2011-11, Balance Sheet
(Topic 210): Disclosures about Offsetting Assets and Liabilities:
a. The pending content that links to this paragraph, except for paragraphs
210-20-55-2 through 55-5, which are superseded as of the issuance of
Accounting Standards Update 2013-01, shall be effective for fiscal years
beginning on or after January 1, 2013, and interim periods within those
annual periods.
b. The pending content that links to this paragraph shall be applied
retrospectively for any period presented that begins before the date of
initial application of the guidance.
8. Add paragraph 210-20-65-2 and its related heading as follows:
> Transition Related to Accounting Standards Update No. 2013-01, Balance
Sheet (Topic 210): Clarifying the Scope of Disclosures about Offsetting
Assets and Liabilities
210-20-65-2 The following represents the transition and effective date
information related to Accounting Standards Update No. 2013-01, Balance Sheet
(Topic 210): Clarifying the Scope of Disclosures about Offsetting Assets and

a. The pending content that links to this paragraph shall be effective for
fiscal years beginning on or after January 1, 2013, and interim periods
within those annual periods.
b. The pending content that links to this paragraph shall be applied
retrospectively for any period presented that begins before the date of
initial application of the guidance.
9. Amend paragraph 210-20-00-1, by adding the following items to the table,
as follows:
210-20-00-1 The following table identifies the changes made to this Subtopic.

Paragraph Standards
Number Action Update Date
210-20-50-1 Amended 2013-01 1/31/13
210-20-50-2 Amended 2013-01 1/31/13
210-20-55-2 Superseded 2013-01 1/31/13
through 55-5
210-20-55-7 Amended 2013-01 1/31/13
210-20-55-10A Added 2013-01 1/31/13
210-20-55-20 Amended 2013-01 1/31/13
through 55-22
210-20-65-1 Amended 2013-01 1/31/13
210-20-65-2 Added 2013-01 1/31/13

Amendments to Subtopic 815-10

10. Add paragraph 815-10-50-7A, with a link to transition paragraph 210-20-
65-2, as follows:

Derivatives and Hedging—Overall


> Balance Sheet Offsetting

815-10-50-7 A reporting entity’s accounting policy to offset or not offset in

accordance with paragraph 815-10-45-6 shall be disclosed.
815-10-50-7A A reporting entity also shall disclose the information required by
paragraphs 210-20-50-1 through 50-6 for all recognized derivative instruments
accounted for in accordance with Topic 815, including bifurcated embedded
derivatives, which are either:

a. Offset in accordance with either Section 210-20-45 or Section 815-10-
b. Subject to an enforceable master netting arrangement or similar
11. Amend paragraph 815-10-00-1, by adding the following item to the table, as
815-10-00-1 The following table identifies the changes made to this Subtopic.

Paragraph Standards
Number Action Update Date
815-10-50-7A Added 2013-01 1/31/13

Amendments to Subtopic 860-30

12. Add paragraph 860-30-50-6 and its related heading, with a link to transition
paragraph 210-20-65-2, as follows:

Transfers and Servicing—Secured Borrowing and Collateral


> Disclosures for Repurchase Agreements and Securities Lending


860-30-50-6 A reporting entity also shall disclose the information required by

paragraphs 210-20-50-1 through 50-6 for both of the following that are either
offset in accordance with Section 210-20-45 or subject to an enforceable master
netting arrangement or similar agreement:
a. Recognized repurchase agreements and reverse sale and repurchase
b. Recognized securities borrowing and securities lending transactions.
13. Amend paragraph 860-30-00-1, by adding the following item to the table, as
860-30-00-1 The following table identifies the changes made to this Subtopic.

Paragraph Standards
Number Action Update Date
860-30-50-6 Added 2013-01 1/31/13

The amendments in this Update were adopted by the unanimous vote of the
seven members of the Financial Accounting Standards Board:
Leslie F. Seidman, Chairman
Daryl E. Buck
Russell G. Golden
Thomas J. Linsmeier
R. Harold Schroeder
Marc A. Siegel
Lawrence W. Smith

Background Information and
Basis for Conclusions
BC1. The following summarizes the Board’s considerations in reaching the
conclusions in this Update. It includes reasons for accepting certain approaches
and rejecting others. Individual Board members gave greater weight to some
factors than to others.
BC2. The amendments in this Update clarify the scope of the disclosures
required by Section 210-20-50. The scope includes:
a. Recognized derivative instruments accounted for in accordance with
Topic 815, including bifurcated embedded derivatives, repurchase
agreements and reverse repurchase agreements, and securities
borrowing and securities lending transactions that are offset in
accordance with either Section 210-20-45 or Section 815-10-45
b. Recognized derivative instruments accounted for in accordance with
Topic 815, including bifurcated embedded derivatives, repurchase
agreements and reverse repurchase agreements, and securities
borrowing and securities lending transactions that are subject to an
enforceable master netting arrangement or similar agreement,
irrespective of whether they are offset in accordance with either Section
210-20-45 or Section 815-10-45.
BC3. The amendments do not affect the effective date of the disclosures
required by Section 210-20-50.

Background Information
BC4. In December 2011, the Board issued Update 2011-11 as a result of a joint
project with the IASB on the disclosures about offsetting assets and liabilities.
Update 2011-11 required an entity to provide disclosures about offsetting assets
and liabilities for both of the following:
a. Recognized financial instruments and derivative instruments that are
offset in accordance with either Section 210-20-45 or Section 815-10-45
b. Recognized financial instruments and derivative instruments that are
subject to an enforceable master netting arrangement or similar
agreement, irrespective of whether they are offset in accordance with
either Section 210-20-45 or Section 815-10-45.

BC5. Once preparers of financial statements began preparing for that Update’s
implementation, they raised questions about the intended scope of the
requirements, noting that many contracts include standard commercial provisions
allowing either party to net in the event of default, which would be similar to an
enforceable master netting arrangement. They noted that implementing that
broad scope would require a comprehensive review of all contracts to determine
whether each contract contained those provisions and, therefore, was within the
scope of the disclosures.
BC6. Additionally, broker-dealer preparers questioned whether receivables and
payables from unsettled regular-way trades would be in the scope of Update
2011-11. The Board received feedback in drafting Update 2011-11 that unsettled
regular-way trades would not be in that Update’s scope because they were not
subject to a master netting arrangement or similar agreement. Upon further
review, broker-dealer preparers noted that the contracts had evolved and that
they now believe that the contracts were equivalent to a master netting
arrangement or similar agreement.
BC7. In November 2012, the Board published a proposed Accounting
Standards Update, Balance Sheet (Topic 210): Clarifying the Scope of
Disclosures about Offsetting Assets and Liabilities. The Board received 28
comment letters on the proposed Update. All respondents supported the Board’s
effort to clarify the scope of Update 2011-11, noting that the proposed
clarification cured significant operability and auditing concerns that were inherent
in the scope of Update 2011-11.

BC8. In light of feedback, the Board reviewed the initial scope of Update 2011-
11 considering many factors, including the objective of Update 2011-11,
operability, analysis of costs versus benefits, and usefulness of information about
transactions containing enforceable master netting arrangements. The Board
wanted to provide users of financial statements with comparable information as it
relates to reconciling differences for the in-scope instruments between financial
statements prepared in accordance with U.S. GAAP and those prepared in
accordance with IFRS. Users of financial statements consistently communicated
the need to reconcile offsetting differences between U.S. GAAP and IFRS about
three products, specifically, derivatives, repurchase agreements, and securities
lending transactions.
BC9. Stakeholders also noted that the FASB and the IASB specifically excluded
from Update 2011-11 both (a) loans and customer deposits at the same
institution (unless they are offset in the statement of financial position) and (b)
financial instruments that are only subject to a collateral agreement, citing
concerns about operability. In the basis for conclusions of Update 2011-11, the
Boards noted that these rights of offset are primarily a credit enhancement and

not a primary source of credit mitigation. These same factors could be
analogized to both trade payables and trade receivables and unsettled regular-
way trades.
BC10. Preparers of financial statements also noted that the cost of preparing
the disclosures would be significant and the benefits would be minimal. The
broad scope requires an entity to analyze comprehensively all contracts to
determine whether any contract for a financial instrument or derivative instrument
is a master netting arrangement or similar agreement. Preparers noted that
including a clause that allows all receivables and payables with a particular
counterparty to be net in an event of default is a standard commercial provision
of many contracts today. As discussed earlier, this clause is seen as a credit
enhancement and not a primary source of credit mitigation. In order to offset
trade receivables and trade payables in financial statements, an entity would
need to meet all criteria for a right of setoff, including the intent to net settle in the
ordinary course of business. Generally trade receivables and trade payables that
the entity has the intent to settle on a net basis in the ordinary course of business
would be presented similarly on a net basis in both financial statements prepared
in accordance with U.S. GAAP and financial statements prepared in accordance
with IFRS. Additionally, preparers of financial statements also noted that
deliberations leading up to the issuance of Update 2011-11 and most of the
communication from auditors and others related to the impact on derivatives,
repurchase agreements, and securities lending transactions.
BC11. As it relates to trade date receivables and payables related to unsettled
regular-way trades, there is a longstanding industry practice in the United States
to present on a net basis the short-term receivables and payables that arise
before settlement. While developing Update 2011-11, stakeholders told the
Board that these instruments were not subject to a master netting arrangement
and therefore were not in the Update’s scope. However, upon closer review, the
stakeholders told the Board that the contracts governing these arrangements
would be considered a master netting arrangement. Also, there is an option
under IFRS to record these instruments on a trade-date basis or a settlement-
date basis. Therefore, disclosing the gross amounts of these transactions would
not necessarily facilitate comparing the amounts recorded under U.S. GAAP with
those recorded under IFRS.
BC12. Given the uncertainty about the intended scope, the Board proposed in
the proposed Update to limit the scope of the disclosures required by Section
210-20-50 to derivatives, repurchase agreements and reverse repurchase
agreements, and securities borrowing and securities lending transactions that are
either offset in accordance with Section 210-20-45 or Section 815-10-45 or
subject to an enforceable master netting arrangement or similar agreement. In
this Update, the scope of the derivative instruments subject to the disclosures
required by Section 210-20-50 is limited to derivative instruments accounted for
in accordance with Topic 815, including bifurcated embedded derivatives.

BC13. The term derivative instrument included in the scope paragraph of the
proposed Update linked to the definition in the Master Glossary of the
Codification. Respondents noted that the disclosures are most relevant to
derivative instruments accounted for in accordance with Topic 815. Derivative
instruments that are not included in the scope of Topic 815 have separate
accounting and disclosure requirements that would be relevant based on the
specifics of the instruments. Additionally, including derivative instruments not
included in the scope of Topic 815 would require significant additional costs. As
such, the Board limited the scope of disclosures about derivatives to those
accounted for in accordance with Topic 815. Additionally, the Board considered
feedback on clarifying the Board’s intent related to bifurcated embedded
derivatives. The Board decided that bifurcated embedded derivatives should be
included in the scope of the disclosures. The Board concluded that including
bifurcated embedded derivatives would provide a more complete disclosure of
the derivatives portfolio and is consistent with the disclosure requirements of
Subtopic 815-10.

Effective Date and Transition

BC14. The Board decided that the amendments in this Update should be
effective for fiscal years beginning on or after January 1, 2013, and interim
periods within those annual periods. An entity should provide the disclosures
required retrospectively for all comparative periods presented. The Board
concluded that the scope clarification alleviates issues that have arisen in
implementing Update 2011-11, while providing users of financial statements with
the needed comparable information. The Board also concluded that the
considerations are similar for nonpublic entities; that is, because the scope was
clearly communicated in Update 2011-11, there is no need to provide a deferral
for nonpublic entities.

Benefits and Costs

BC15. The objective of financial reporting is to provide information that is useful
to present and potential investors, creditors, donors, and other capital market
participants in making rational investment, credit, and similar resource allocation
decisions. However, the benefits of providing information for that purpose should
justify the related costs. Present and potential investors, creditors, donors, and
other users of financial information benefit from improvements in financial
reporting, while the costs to implement new guidance are borne primarily by
present investors. The Board’s assessment of the costs and benefits of issuing
new guidance is unavoidably more qualitative than quantitative because there is
no method to objectively measure the costs to implement new guidance or to
quantify the value of improved information in financial statements.

BC16. Preparers of financial statements have said that many entities would
incur significant costs in applying the scope of Update 2011-11 if it were applied
broadly. The Board concluded that the scope clarification contained in this
Update will reduce the costs associated with implementing the disclosures, while
still providing users of financial statements with the requested comparable
information for those instruments within the scope of paragraph 210-20-50-1.

Amendments to the XBRL Taxonomy
There are no proposed amendments to the XBRL taxonomy as a result of the
amendments in this Update.


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