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PC Notebook Diagnostic Card: User's Guide

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User’s Guide

PC Notebook
Diagnostic Card
User’s Guide

User’s Guide


Notebook Diagnostic Card is a powerful diagnostic tool for technicians and administrators to
troubleshoot various problems of notebook PC PII/III/ P4 by using Mini PCI Bus. It is easy to
install, yet extremely powerful to use. With this card in hand, you no longer have to go through
tedious and time consuming process of trying to figure out what is wrong with your hardware.
Notebook Diagnostic Card will indicate exactly what is wrong with your notebook in just seconds.
It saves your time and money.

Our new and improved design of Diagnostic Card diagnostic card can work with almost all popular
types of CPUs, Motherboards, and BIOSes..

System Requirements
The Notebook Diagnostic Card itself only requires an empty Printer LPT port. It is not necessary to
install memory chips to perform analysis. “POST Codes” can be displayed through the
hexadecimal display panel.

Notebook Diagnostic Card INDICATORS

‘Indicators’ are any light emitting diodes(LED) or hexadecimal display panel is mounted on main
board. This section discusses the following indicators that appear on the Notebook Diagnostic
z Notebook Printer LPT port Card
z USB power cord

POST Code Display

The POST Code Display is made up of a dual, dot matrix hexadecimal read-out that displays Power
On Self Test (POST) status codes.

User’s Guide
Power On Self-Test (POST) Codes
This card can test the AMI/AWARD/PHOENIX BIOS, while it can be used in widely model of
notebook. During system booting up, this card displays can show the post codes. Refer to Appendix
A, it shows almost POST codes provided by BIOS manufacturers.

INSTALLING Notebook Diagnostic Card

Installation Procedure

TO INSTALL A Diagnostic Card:

1) Install the Notebook Diagnostic Card in printer (LPT) port.
2) Connect the USB power cord with USB port to the card
3) Power on the machine.

User’s Guide
POST Codes
When the machine is turned on, the hexadecimal display should show the various POST codes
(Post 80H + 84H) as the system executes (unless it has a rare BIOS that does not display POST

If the machine does not boot, system POST has detected a fatal fault and stopped. The number
showing in the hexadecimal display on the Notebook Diagnostic Card is the number of the test in
which POST failed. Refer to Appendix A for a listing of POST codes.

Troubleshooting During POST

After initial power up, Power-On Self-Test (POST) codes begin displaying on the Notebook
Diagnostic Card’s hexadecimal displays (for most machines).

NOTE: A few machines use the min-pci port to display POST codes instead of the Diagnostic


The ROM built onto the motherboard of the computer rums its built-in POST (Power-On Self-Test)
when you switch power on to the computer, press the reset button on the computer, or press
Ctrl-Alt-Del (warm boot). POST performs a tightly interwoven initialization and testing process for
each of these methods, but it typically does not test or initialize memory above 64K for warm boot.
You can get an even better idea of the detailed process by studying the POST code listings in
Appendix A.

Appendix A

Error Code Award (Edition: ELITEBIOS 4.51PG)

C0 Turn Off Chipset Cache
01 Processor Test 1
02 Processor Test 2
03 Initialize Chips
04 Test Memory Refresh Toggle
05 Blank video,Initialize keyboard
06 Reserved
07 Test CMOS Interface and Battery Status
BE Chipset Default Initialization
C1 Memory Presence test
C5 Early Shadow
C6 Cache Presence test
08 Setup low memory
09 Early Cache Initialization
0A Setup Interrupt Vector Table
0B Test CMOS RAM Checksum
0C Initialize Keyboard
0D Initialize Video Interface
0E Test Video Memory
0F Test DMA Controller 0
10 Test DMA Controller 1
11 Test DMA Page Registers
12~13 Reserved
14 Test Timer Counter 2
15 Test 8259-1 Mask Bits
16 Test 8259-2 Mask Bits
17 Test Stuck 8259’s interrupt bits
18 Test 8259 Interrupt Functionality
19 Test stuck NMI Bits Parity/IO check
1A Display CPU Clock
1B-1E Reserved
1F Set EISA Mode
20 Enable Slot 0
21-2F Enable Slots 1-15
30 Size Base and Extended Memory
31 Test Base and Extended Memory
32 Test EISA Extended Memory
33-3B Reserved
3C Setup Enabled

Appendix A
3D Initialize &Install Mouse
3E Setup Cache Controller
3F Reserved
BF Chipset Initialization
40 Display virus protect disable or enable
41 Initialize Floppy Drive & Controller
42 Initialize Hard Drive &Controller
43 Detect & Initialize Serial/Parallel Ports
44 Reserved
45 Detect & Initialize Math Coprocessor
46 Reserved
47 Reserved
48-4D Reserved
4E Manufacturing POST loop or display message
4F Security Check
50 Write CMOS
51 Pre-boot Enable
52 Initialize Option ROMs
53 Initialize Time Value
60 Setup Virus Protect
61 Set Boot Speed
62 Setup Numlock
63 Boot Attempt
BO Spurious
B1 Unclaimed NMI
E1-EF Bios Setup Page

Error Code AMIBIOS Edition ( 071596)

D0 NMI is Disabled.CPU ID saved. Init code Checksum verification starting
D1 To do DMA init ,Keyboard controller BAT test ,start memory refresh and going
to 4GB flat mode
D3 To start Memory sizing
D4 To comeback to real mode . Execute OEM patch. Set stack
D5 E000 ROM enabled . Init code is copied to segment 0 and control to be transferred
to segment 0.
D6 Control point is in segment 0.To check <CTRL><HOME> key and verify main
Checksum. If either<CTRL><HOME>is pressed or main BIOS checksum is bad
Go to check point E0 else goto check point D7
D7 To pass control point to Interface Module.
D8 Main BIOS runtime code is to be decompressed.
D9 Control to be passed to main BIOS in shadow RAM

Appendix A
E0 On Board Floppy Controller (if any)is initialized. To start base 512K memory test
E1 To initialize interrupt vector table
E2 To initialize DMA and interrupt controllers
E6 To enable floppy and timer IRQ,enable internal cache
ED Initialize floppy drive.
EE Start looking for a diskette in drive A: and read 1st sector of the diskette
EF Floppy read error
F0 Start searching ‘MIBOOT.ROM’ file in root directory
F1 ‘AMIBOOT.ROM’ file not present in root directory.
F2 Start reading FAT table and analyze FAT to find the clusters occupied by
F3 Start reading ‘MIBOOT.ROM’file cluster by cluster.
F4 AMIBOOT.ROM’ file not of proper size
F5 Disable internal cache
FB Detect Flash type present.
FC Erase Flash
FD Program Flash
FF Flash program successful.BIOS is going to restart
In F000 Memory Address for a real time code
03 NMI is Disabled . To check soft reset /power-on
05 BIOS stack set . Going to disable Cache if any.
06 POST code to be uncompressed.
07 CPU init and CPU data area init to be done.
08 CMOS checksum calculation to be done next.
0B Any initialization before keyboard BAT to be done next
0C KB controller I/B free. To issue the BAT command to keyboard controller.
0E Any initialization after KB controller BAT to be done next.
0F Key board command byte to be written.
10 Going to issue Pin-23,24 blocking/unblocking command.
11 Going to check pressing of <INS>,<END> key during power-on
12 To init CMOS if “Init CMOS in every boot ” is set or <END> key is pressed.
Going to disable DMA and Interrupt controllers
13 Video display is disabled port-B is initialized. Chipset init about to begin
14 8254 timer test about to start
19 About to start memory refresh test
1A Memory Refresh line is toggling .Going to check 15us ON/OFF time
23 To read 8042 input and disable Megakey Green PC feature .Make BIOS segment
able to write
24 To do any setup before Int vector init

Appendix A
25 Interrupt vector initialization about to begin. To clear password if necessary
27 Any initialization before setting video mode to be done .
28 Going for monochrome mode and color mode setting.
2A Different BUSes init (system,static,output devices)to start if present.(please see
appendix for details of defferent BUSes).
2B To give control for any setup required before optional video ROM check.
2C To look for optional video ROM and give control.
2D To give control to do any processing after video ROM returns control
2E IF ega/vga not found then do display memory R/W test.
2F Ega/vga not found .Display memory R/W test about to begin.
30 Display memory R/W test passed. About to look for the retrace checking.
31 Display memory R/W test or retrace checking failed. To do alternate Display
memory R/W test.
32 Alternate Display memory R/W test passed. To look for the alternate display
retrace checking
34 Video display checking over .Display mode to be set next.
37 Display mode set . Going to display the power on message.
38 Different BUSes init (input,IPL,general devices) to start if present.(please see
Appendix for details of different BUSes)
39 Display different BUSes initialization error messages.(Please see appendix for
details of different BUSes).
3A New cursor position read and saved. To display the Hit <DEL> message.
40 To prepare the descriptor tables
42 To enter in virtual mode for memory test.
43 To enable interrupts for diagnostics mode.
44 To initialize data to check memory wrap around at 0:0
45 Data initialized. Going to check for memory wrap around at 0:0 and finding the
total system memory size.
46 Memory wrap around test done. Memory size calculation over. About to go for
writing patterns to test memory
47 Pattern to be tested written in extended memory. Going to write patterns in base
640K memory
48 Pattern written in base memory .Going to findout amount of memory below 1M
49 Amount of memory below 1M found and verified.Going to findout amount of
memory above 1M memory
4B Amount of memory above 1M found and verified. Check for soft reset and
going to clear memory below 1M for soft reset.(if power on,go to check
4C Memory below 1M cleared. (SOFT RESET) Going to clear memory above 1M
4D Memory above 1M cleared.(SOFT RESET)Going to save the memory size.(goto
check point #52h).
4E Memory size display started. (NOT SOFT RESET)About to display the first 64k
memory size.
4F Memory size display started. This will be updated during memory test. Going for
sequential and random memory test.
50 Memory testing /initialization below 1M complete. Going to adjust displayed
memory size for relocation/shadow.
51 Memory size display adjusted due to relocation/shadow. Memory test above 1M to
52 Memory testing/initialization above 1M complete. Going to save memory size
53 Memory size information is saved. CPU registers are saved. Going to enter in real

Appendix A
54 Shutdown successful, CPU in real mode. Going to disable gate A20 line and
disable parity /NMI.
57 A20 address line ,parity/NMI disable successful. Going to adjust memory size
depending on relocation/shadow.
58 Memory size adjusted for relocation/shadow. Going to clear Hit<DEL> message.
59 Hit<DEL> message cleared. <WAIT…> message displayed. About to start DMA
and interrupt controller test
60 DMA page register test passed. To do DMA# 1 base register test
62 DMA# 1 base register test passed. To do DMA#2 base register test.
65 DMA#2 base register test passed. To program DMA unit 1 and 2
66 DMA unit 1 and 2 programming over. To initialize 8259 interrupt controller.
7F Extended NMI sources enabling is in progress.
80 Keyboard test started . clearing output buffer,checking for stuck key ,to issue
keyboard reset command.
81 Keyboard reset error/stuck key found. To issue keyboard controller interface test
82 Keyboard controller interface test over. To write command byte and init circular
83 Command byte written , Global data init done . To check for lock-key.
84 Lock-key checking over. To check for memory size mismatch with CMOS
85 Memory size check done. To display soft error and check for password or bypass
86 Password checked. About to do programming before setup.
87 Programming before setup complete . To uncompress SETUP code and execute
CMOS setup.
88 Returned from CMOS setup program and screen is cleared.About to do
programming after setup
89 Programming after setup complete . Going to display power on screen message.
8B First screen message displayed. <WAIT…> message displayed . PS/2 Mouse
check and extended BIOS data area allocation to be done.
8C Setup options programming after CMOS setup about to start .
8D Going for hard disk controller reset.
8F Hard disk controller reset done. Floppy setup to be done next.
91 Floppy setup complete . Hard disk setup to be done next.
95 Init of different BUSes optional ROMs from C800 to start.(please see Appendix-I
for details fo different BUSes).
96 Going to do any init before C800 optional ROM control
97 Any init before C800 optional ROM control is over. Optional ROM check and
control will be done next.
98 Optional ROM control is done. About to give control to do any required
processing after optional ROM returns control and enable external cache
99 Any initialization required after optional ROM test over. Going to setup timer data
area and printer base address.
9A Return after setting timer and printer base address.Going to set the RS-232 base
9B Returned after RS-232 base address . Going to do any initialization before
Coprocessor test
9C Required initialized. Before Coprocessor is over. Going to initialize the
coprocessor next.
9D Coprocessor initialized. Going to do any initialization after Coprocessor test.
9E Initialization after coprocessor test is complete . Going to check extd keyboard,
keyboard ID and num-lock
9F Keyboard ID command to be issued.
A2 Going to display any soft errors.

Appendix A
A3 Software error display complete. Going to set keyboard typemate rate.
A4 Keyboard typematic rate set . To program memory wait states.
A5 Going to enable parity/NMI
A7 NMI and parity enabled. Going to do any initialization required before giving
control to optional ROM at E000.
A8 Initialization before E000 ROM control over. E000 ROM to get control next
A9 Returned form E000 ROM control. Going to do any initialization required after
E000 optional ROM control
AA Initialization after E000 optional ROM control is over. Going to display the
system configuration.
AB To build MP table if needed.
AC To uncompress DMI data and execute DMI post init.
B0 System configuration is displayed
B1 Going to copy any code to specific area.
00 Copying of code to specific area done Going to give control to INT-19 boot loader
Testing Point
2A Different BUSes init (system,static,output devices)to start if present.
38 Different BUSes init(Input ,IPL,general devices) to start if present.
39 Display different BUSes initialization error messages.
Error Code PhoenixBios 4.0 release 6.0

1-1-1-3 02 Verify Real Mode

1-1-2-1 04 Get CPU type
1-1-2-3 06 Initialize system hardware
1-1-3-1 08 Initalize chipset registers with initial POST values

1-1-3-2 09 Set in Post flag

1-1-3-3 0A Initialize CPU registers
1-1-4-1 0C Initialize cache to initial POST values
1-1-4-3 0E Initialize I/O
1-2-1-1 10 Initialize Power Management
1-2-1-2 11 Load alternate registers with initial POST values
1-2-1-3 12 Jump to UserPatch0
1-2-2-1 14 Initialize keyboard controller
1-2-2-3 16 BIOS ROM checksum
1-2-3-1 18 8254 timer initialization
1-2-3-3 1A 8237 DMA controller initialization
1-2-4-1 1C Reset Programmable Interrupt Controller

Appendix A

1-3-1-1 20 Test DRAM refresh

1-3-1-3 22 Test 8742 Keyboard controller
1-3-2-1 24 Set ES segment to register to 4GB
1-3-3-1 28 Autosize DRAM
1-3-4-1 2C Test 512 base address lines
1-3-4-3 2E Test 512K base memory
1-4-1-3 32 Test CPU bus-clock frequency
1-4-2-1 34 CMOS RAM read/write failure (this commonly
indicates a problem on the ISA bus such as a card not
seated correctly)
1-4-2-4 37 Reinitialize the chipset
1-4-3-1 38 Shadow system BIOS ROM
1-4-3-2 39 Reinitialize the cache
1-4-3-3 3A Autosize cache
1-4-4-1 3C Configure advanced chipset registers
3D Load alternate registers with CMOS values
42 Initialize interrupt vectors
45 POST device initialization
2-1-2-3 46 Check ROM copyright notice
48 Check Video configuration against COMS
49 Initialize PCI bus and devices
4A Initialize all Video adapters in system

4B QuietBoot start (optional)

4C Shadow video BIOS ROM
4E Display Bios copyritht notice
50 Display CPU type and speed
51 Initialize EISA board
52 Test keyboard
54 Set key click if enabled
2-2-3-1 58 Test for unexpected interrupts
59 Initialize POST display service

Appendix A

5A Display prompt press F2 to enter Setup?

5B Disable cpu cache
5C Test RAM between 512 and 640KB
60 Test extended memory
62 Test extend memory address lines
64 Jump to Userpath 1
66 Configure advanced cache registers
67 Initialize Multi Processor APIC
68 Enable external and CPU caches
69 Setup System Management Mode (SMM) area
6A Display external L2 cache size
6B Load custom defaults (optional)
6C Display shadow-area message
6E Display possible high address for UMB recovery
70 Display error messages
72 Check for configuration errors
76 Check for keyboard errors
7C Set up hardware interrupt vectors

7E Initialize coprocessor if present

80 Disable onboard super I/O ports and IRQs
81 Late Post device initialization
82 Detect and install external RS232 ports
83 Configure non-MCD IDE controllers
84 Detect and install external parallel ports
85 Initialize PC-compatible PnP ISA devices
86 Re-initialize onboard I/O ports
87 Configure Motheboard Configurable
88 Initialize BIOS Data Area
89 Enable Non-Maskable interrupts (NMIs)

Appendix A

8A Initialize BIOS Data Area

8B Test and initialize PS/2 mouse
8C Initialize floppy controller
8F Determine number of ATA drives (optional)
90 Initialize hard-disk controllers
91 Initialize local-bus hard-disk controllers
92 Jump userpath2
93 Build MPTABLE multi-processor boards
95 Install CD ROM for boot
96 Clear huge ES segment register

97 Fixup Multi Processor table

98 Search for option ROMs.one long,two short beeps on
checksum failure
99 Check for SMART Drive (optional)
9A Shadow option ROMs
9C Set up Power Management
9D Initialize security engine (optional)
9E Enable hardware interrupts

9F Determine number of ATA and SCSI drives

A0 Set time of day

A2 Check key lock

A4 Initialize typematic rate

A8 Erase F2 prompt

AA Scan for F2 key stroke

AE Clear boot flag

B0 Check for errors

B2 POST done-prepare to boot operating system
B4 1 one short beep before boot

B5 Terminate QuiteBoot(optional)

Appendix A

B6 Check password(optional)
B9 Prepare Boot
BA Initialize DMI parameters
BB Initialize Pnp Option ROMs
BC Clear parity checkers
BD Display Multiboot menu
BE Clear screen (optional)
BF Check virus and backup reminders
C0 Try to boot with INT 19
C1 Initialize POST Error Manager(PEM)
C2 Initialize error logging
C3 Initialize error display function
C4 Initialize system error handler
C5 PnPnd dual CMOS (optional)
C6 Initialize notebook docking(optional)
C7 Initialize notebook docking late
C8 Force check (optional)
C9 Extended checksum(optional)
D2 Unknown interrupt
E0 Initialize the chipset
E1 Initialize the bridge
E2 Initialize the CPU
E3 Initialize system timer

E4 Initialize system I/O

E5 Check force recovery boot
E6 Checksum BIOS ROM
E7 Go to BIOS
E8 Set Huge Segment
E9 Initialize Multi Precessor
EA Initialize OEM special code

EB Initialize PIC and DMA

EC Initialize memory type

ED Initialize memory size

EE Shadow boot block

F0 System memory test

Appendix A

F1 Initialize Run Time Clock

F2 Initialize Video

F3 Initialize system management modes

F4 Output one beep before boot
F5 Boot to mini dos
F6 Clear Huge Segment
F7 Boot to full dos

Not finding your codes? You can contact your motherboard’s manufacturer or searching the
internet, (E.G. http://www.bioscentral.com )


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