Himachal Pradesh University NAAC Accredited 'A' Grade University Grade Card
Himachal Pradesh University NAAC Accredited 'A' Grade University Grade Card
Himachal Pradesh University NAAC Accredited 'A' Grade University Grade Card
Paper Detail
S.No. Paper Code Paper Name Category Marks Obtained / Max Credits Grade Point Credit Grade
Marks Point
1 BA/BSC/BCOM/0 Environmental Studies Compulsory - - - 3 - - **
- 100 100
2 BCA0201 Mathematics-II Major 18 36 54 4 5.5 22.0 B
30 70 100
3 BCA0202 Communicative English Major 14 20 - 4 0.0 - F
30 70 100
4 BCA0203 Digital Electronics Major 23 18 - 4 0.0 - F
30 70 100
5 BCA0204 Data Structures Major 20 13 - 4 0.0 - F
30 70 100
6 BCA0204(P) Data Structures Lab-III Major Lab 7 27 34 3 7.0 21.0 A+
15 35 50
7 BCA0205 Data Base Management Major 15 22 - 4 0.0 - F
30 70 100
8 BCA0205(P) Data Base Management Major Lab 11 30 41 3 8.5 25.5 O+
System Lab-IV
15 35 50
Total - - - 29 - - -
- - 700
SemesterGrade Point Average (SGPA) : - Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA): - Semester Garde: -
Candidate has to obtain 40% marks each in ESE,CCA and Practical and 40% marks in aggregate to pass in a subject
Percent Marks Grade Letter Percent Marks Grade Letter Percent Marks Grade Letter
Point Grade Point Grade Point Grade
95% and above 10.0 S+ 70 to less than 75% Marks 7.5 A++ 40 to less than 50% Marks 5.0 C
90 to less than 95% Marks 9.5 S 65 to less than 70% Marks 7.0 A+ less than 40% Marks 0.0 F
85 to less than 90% Marks 9.0 O++ 60 to less than 65% Marks 6.5 A Audit Pass P
80 to less than 85% Marks 8.5 O+ 55 to less than 60% Marks 6.0 B+ Audit Fail X
75 to less than 80% Marks 8.0 O 50 to less than 55% Marks 5.5 B
* - CCA for the subject not entered *** - Both ESE and CCA not entered A,Abs - Absent
** - ESE for the subject not entered UMC - Unfair Means Case
In case of any discrepancy in grades, SGPA,CGPA the Cummulative Grade Card (CMC) provided at completion of Course by the University
will be considered final.