MMJ Bulletin 11-21-10
MMJ Bulletin 11-21-10
MMJ Bulletin 11-21-10
Saturday, November 20 HUMAN LIFE
4:00 pm Mass - Danny Eason +
First Sunday of Advent
Sunday, November 21 Evening Prayer, Rosary and
8:00 am Mass - Mat Lohman +
5:30 pm Mass - For the People
November 27, 2010 at 5:30 pm
Monday, November 22
No Mass Pope Benedict XVI will celebrate a “Vigil
Tuesday, November 23 for all Nascent (Unborn) Human Life” No-
7:00 am Mass - Valorie Clayton + vember 27 to coincide with first vespers of
the First Sunday of Advent. The Holy Fa-
Wednesday, November 24 ther requests that this vigil be observed in all dioceses and par-
7:00 am Mass - Elsie Marcon ishes. We will join the Holy Father in prayer that evening at
No CCD classes 5:30 pm in the church with Evening Prayer, the Rosary and
Thursday, November 25 Benediction. All are invited and encouraged to attend.
7:00 am Mass - Walter J. Deptula, Jr.
7:00 am Mass - Murriel Jones +
Office Hours will be
Saturday, November 27 Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
4:00 pm - Kathleen Gremillion + 8:00 am to noon
5:30 pm - Evening Prayer, Rosary and
Sunday, November 28
Friday, December 11
8:00 am Mass - Valorie Clayton +
6:00 pm
5:30 pm Mass - For the People
Cumella Hall
Please sign up in the vestibule.
Indicate number attending and whether you will provide a
salad, a vegetable dish, or a dessert.
Sanctuary Candle
burns in memory of SHEPHERD CENTER HIGH TEA
Col. Goldie Ladner
The Shepherd Center High Tea
will be held at the home of Dr. and
Mrs. Chad Norton in the Lake
THANK YOU … District on Thursday, December 2. There
will be three seatings: 10:30 am, 1:30 pm
to Carl and Deborah Bess, and 4:00 pm. Make reservations by calling
Clif and Diane Fuqua, and the Shepherd Center at 448-3752 between
Bob and Billie Jeansonne 8:00 am and noon. Tickets are $40. We are
for the wonderful breakfast only able to help those in need with your
last Sunday. help. - The Shepherd Center
The Diocese of Alexandria will offer a
Average Weekly Expenses Last Qtr $2,846.00 Catholic Classics Advent Series in each
Last Weekend’s Collection $3,162.00 deanery. Each deanery’s series will be
Building Fund (gifts since 7/1/10) $20,177.20 held once a week and cover a different
Retired Priests $162.00 faith topic.
Thank you for your generosity!
The series in the Central Deanery will
be at 5:30 pm at St. Joseph Catholic Center in Al-
exandria on Tuesdays, November 30, and Decem-
ber 7, 14, and 21. The series will be presented by Fa-
Worldwide Marriage Encounter is spon- ther Luke Melcher.
soring a Longest Married Couple Pro-
ject for all married couples in the U.S. RED RIVER CHORALE CONCERT
Winners will receive special gifts on
Feb. 14, 2011, presented in person by the U.S. Ecclesi- Red River Chorale will present a Christ-
astical Team for WWME. Individual state winners will mas concert entitled Christmas Through
receive a special certificate. To nominate someone, the Ages on Tuesday, December 14 at
contact Dick and Diane Baumbach, 1430 Scorpious 7:30 pm at St. Francis Xavier Cathe-
Court, Merritt, FL 32953; call 321-453-2475; or email dral. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5
[email protected] by Jan. 10, 2011. for students. For more information, call
SICK OR RECOVERING: Pat Boudreaux, Andre WEEKEND MASSES: Saturday 4:00 pm. Sunday 8:00 am & 5:30 pm
Busch, Anna M. Busch, Barbara Busch, Joseph T. A. WEEKDAY MASSES: 7:00 am Tuesday thru Friday.
HOLY DAY MASSES: as announced.
Busch, Juanita Busch, Kevin Busch, Thomas Busch, FIRST SATURDAY MASS: 9 am in Honor of the Blessed Mother.
Linda Butler, Ed Carroll, George Coker, Betty Daigle, BAPTISM PREPARATION: e-mail or call pastor to schedule.
Kenneth Desoto, Butch Doiron, Andre Dupre, Patsy MARRIAGE PREPARATION: e-mail or call pastor to schedule first
Fremin, Linder Holland, Brenda Holloway, Richard appointment at least six (6) months in advance.
FUNERAL SERVICES: only the funeral home may schedule. When
Kelly, Sean Lemoine, Audrey Lowe, Boo Maddox, making arrangements, have director call pastor personally.
Merlyn Maillian, Sr. Regis Maillian, Clementine CONFESSION: 30 mins before weekend Masses; any time on request
Matherne, Michael McGuire, Michelle McGuire, ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Upon request.
Yessica McGuire, Phillip Morris, LaVern Moser, Gayle HOSPITALIZATION: e-mail or call pastor at any time, give pa-
tient’s name, hospital and room number.
Odum, James Odum, Dana Parker, Mary Reed, Karen SERIOUS ILLNESS, DEATH, DYING: call pastor at any time.
Rambo Roberts, Francis Snoddy, Timmy Wise.
HOMEBOUND: Susan Brouillette, Anita Guillot,
Jane and Michael Juneau. Brad Gadel, Priscilla Gadel, Runnie Hunter, Rodney Lamkin,
Bobbie Long, Grant Ogaard
(Use a pew envelope to add or remove names or call
Laura at 487-9894.) FINANCE COUNCIL: Ed Carroll; Chuck Reich, Trustee;
Pat Brister; Gary Delaney, Trustee