Activity 2.1: Counting Fidgets: Teaching The Complexity of Naturalistic Observation

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Counting Fidgets: Teaching the Complexity
of Naturalistic Observation

Bernard C. Beins, PhD

Ithaca College

The research tradition in psychology typically involves controlled laboratory set-

tings. Nonetheless, naturalistic observation can generate important information.
Unfortunately, most research methods textbooks devote only a single chapter
to all of the descriptive techniques. This 5-min activity uses classroom observ-
ers to record fidgeting behavior and outlines a simple classroom technique that
successfully conveys to students some of the complexities of naturalistic ob-
servation. [Author note: This activity can also be used to illustrate importance of
operational definitions.]

Naturalistic observation can play a significant role in the study of social behav-
iors. However, students may not appreciate the complexities of this approach. In
the activity, students count the number of fidgets they observe in classmates and
discuss reasons why different observers in the same situation report different
numbers of fidgets. Students then decide how, as researchers, they would solve
the problems they identify. BACK TO
The only implements required for this activity are an ordinary watch, a class-
room clock with a second hand or other timing device, and a sheet for tallying
the fidgets in each of five 1-minute segments.


Solicit two student volunteers to participate in an as-yet undefined task. They

need to have either digital watches or watches with a second hand, or they can
borrow these items for the demonstration. It is helpful to know the volunteers
because you can then select people who are likely to respond quite differently in
the task; such variation enhances the pedagogical effectiveness of the activity.

Selecting one student who is energetic and another student who is calmer
often leads to very different reports from the observers, which is the point
of the exercise.

After choosing the two students, take them into the hallway briefly so you
can explain their roles as student observers (see Activity 2.1 Appendix).
Even though the directions are simple, the observers may have questions.
Try to avoid answering questions about definitions of fidgets because that
is part of the later discussion. In fact, I have found it is best not to let the
observers ask any questions at all. Now return to the classroom.

Table 1. Student Activity and Purpose for the 1-Minute Demonstration


Minute Activity During the 1-Minute Purpose

1 I talk about a topic unrelated to This generates a baseline
systematic observation. period for number of fidgets.
2 I tell students I want them to This prepares them for the
close their eyes and imagine period in which the number
that insects are crawling on of fidgets is likely to in-
their skin. crease.
3 Students close their eyes and Students can concentrate
imagine the insects are present. on the insects without dis-
traction. It helps generate
4 We begin a discussion in which This creases a cool-down
students speculate on the rea- minute in which fidgets begin
son for the activity and the role to decrease in number.
the student observers played.
5 The discussion continues. This provides another
post-insect baseline.


The students in the class still do not know what is going on. They follow
the directions as indicated in Table 1. The observation period consists of
five 1-minute segments. During the observation time, the two observers
are really the source of data to be discussed later. In general, the two ob-
servers will record very different numbers of fidgets within each 1-minute
period across the entire time span. I have never failed to achieve notable
differences between observers’ counts. Often one student will record two
or three times as many fidgets as the other. The discrepancy between


observers illustrates the difficulty associated with monitoring a behavior
as simple as fidgets. Trying to document more complicated psychological
phenomena is enormously more difficult.

Students are often not aware of the difficulties associated with naturalistic
or systematic observation. During the discussion following the demonstra-
tion, ask them what could be done to improve data collection in observa-
tion studies.

I typically identify the following problems with the present methodology

specifically and with observation techniques broadly; if the students do
not generate these possibilities, note them and ask students to solve the

1. The concept of a fidget, although intuitively clear, does not have a clear
operational definition. Observations would be more reliable with a set

• Even though an operational definition would help, such a construct

leads to missing some fidgets, whereas some movements that intui-
tively do not seem like fidgets would be recorded simply because of
the definition used.

• Training people until they are consistent would raise the low interrat-
er reliability.

• Creating a video of the scene to be recorded would allow observ-

ers to discuss their criteria so that all observers are recorded in
similar ways.

2. The method of recording data might differ across observers. For ex-
ample, some students log a fidget with every occurrence, taking their
eyes off the class, whereas other students tally the movements in
their heads and only enter them onto the data sheet when the 1-min-
ute segment ends. Students in the latter group are less likely to miss
movements while recording data.

3. The student observers may be sitting on different sides of the room, so

their vantage points are not the same. As a result, they may not real-
ly be recording the same scene because of the possibility of partially
blocked viewing conditions or differing perspectives.

4. S
 tudents in the class know they are being observed, even if they do
not know the purpose. As a result, they may try to figure out the pur-
pose and change their behaviors either to be helpful or to resist intru-

sive observation of their behaviors. Depending on the student’s conclu-
sion, that individual’s behavior may not resemble that of the person in
the next seat.

This activity is well received by students and generates meaningful

discussion. Afterward, they are better able to recognize the pitfalls that
arise during even simple observational techniques and appreciate the
difficulties inherent in this approach.

Writing Component
Prior to the discussion of problems associated with observational re-
search, students can generate their own list of pitfalls and the means to
solve them. As a rule, any single student can produce a few of the prob-
lems, but the class discussion extends the listing greatly. As a final writing
exercise, students can try to identify some of the strengths of observation-
al research compared to experimental research. To complete the picture,
they can also identify some of the limitations of the controlled experimental

Suggested Reading
Babbie, E. (1995). The practice of social research (7th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.

Goodwin, C. J. (1995). Research in psychology: Methods and design. New York, NY:

Judd, C. M., Smith, E. R., & Kidder, L. H. (1991). Research methods in social relations
(6th ed.). Fort Worth, TX: Holt, Rinehart, & Winston.

Copyright © 1999 by the American Psychological Association. The official

citation used in referencing this material is:

Beins, B. C. (1999). Counting fidgets: Teaching the complexity of naturalistic observation.

In L. T. Benjamin Jr. (Ed.), Activities handbook for the teaching of psychology (Vol. 4,
pp. 53–56). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

No further reproduction or distribution is permitted without written permis-

sion from the American Psychological Association.


Activity 2.1 Appendix

Directions to Student Volunteers

I would like you to record the number of fidgets that the students in the
class emit for a 5-minute period. Break the 5-minute period into separate
1-minute segments and keep a count of the number of fidgets in each
segment. Keep a written record of the number of fidgets in each segment.
You will need to scan the entire class, so sit at the front, facing the class.

When we go back to the classroom, take your observation seats and

when I say “begin,” start recording the number of fidgets. For the first
minute, I will be talking, for the second minute, I will explain that I want
the students to sit with their eyes closed and imagine that insects are
crawling on their skins. During the third minute, they will actually sit there
with their eyes closed, imagining insects. During the fourth minute, they
will begin a discussion of what they think is going on. The discussion will
continue into the fifth minute.

Make sure you keep track of the time as accurately as you can and re-
cord the fidgets separately for each minute.


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