Environmental Engg Syllabi
Environmental Engg Syllabi
Environmental Engg Syllabi
We, the Saint Louis College of the City of San 1. True Christian Living Relevant We, the College of Engineering and
Fernando, La Union, a collaborative missionary 2. Academic Excellence Architecture of Saint Louis College of the
community, commit to the integral human formation 3. Responsible Professional Leadership City of San Fernando, La Union envision
of the Youth to become Christ-centered and 4. Active Social Involvement God-fearing, value driven, technically
competent leaders responsive to the needs of competent, and globally competitive
Church and society by providing quality and CORE VALUES engineers and architects by offering
transformative instruction, animating campus 1. Christ-centeredness transformative, innovative and
ministry, engaging in relevant researches and 2. Excellence environmentally supportive Engineering and
sustainable extension programs, forging ties with 3. Missionary Architecture education, responsive to the
partner agencies, and fostering justice, peace, and emerging and diverse needs of society,
integrity of creation. through strategic alliances with government
and industry.
No. Specific Course Content & Teaching & Learning Episodes Instructional Assessment
of Objectives Specific Topics Teacher Student Materials
16 1. To expose 1. Point out the 1. Should be able to Hand-outs, Quizzes, Major
the basic components identify the photocopies of Exam, Case
Primer: Philippines the
students to of ecological components of his cases and news Choreography,
the footprint. own ecological clips, video Assignments,
primary Introduction to footprint. documentaries of Reaction
contributor Environmental 2. Explain how 2. Should be able to environmental Papers,
s of the Engineering resource identify personal problems, Projects,
world’s 1. Sustainable depletion and sustainable Powerpoint fieldtrip report
greatest Development environmental practices. presentations,
problem 2. Ecological Footprint degradation movies and videos
today, 3. Physical Systems of affect human related to
environme Planet Earth well-being. environment and
ntal 4. Hydrologic Cycle environmental
decapitatio 5. Biogeochemical 3. Edify and guide problems and
n. Cycle students in fieldtrips.
6. Population and identifying
Carrying Capacity possible solutions
7. Energy Growth to these
2 8. Environmental environmental
Disturbances degradation.
-Climate Change
Prelim Quizzes
16 1. To introduce Water and Air Resources 1. Explain and edify 1. Should be able to Hand-outs, Quizzes, Major
the ill-effects 1. Water how the identify violations photocopies of Exam, Case
of Resources/Supply hydrologic cycle to the Clean cases and news Choreography,
environment 2. Water contributes to the Water Act and clips, video Assignments,
al problems Pollution/Clean potential for Clean Air Act. documentaries of Reaction
most Water Act conflict over environmental Papers,
especially to 3. Air Pollution /Clean water. problems, Projects,
man. Air Act 2. Should be able to Powerpoint fieldtrip report
2. Recognize effects relate current presentations,
2 of water and air economic and movies and videos
Midterm Quizzes pollution to environmental related to
economic problems to environment and
development. overdrafts on environmental
water and air problems and
supply. fieldtrips.
16 1. To expose 4. Solid Wastes .1Explain how rates 1. Should be able to Hand-outs, Quizzes, Major
the students (Manufacturing) of non- enumerate photocopies of Exam, Case
to new 5. Hazardous spontaneous flows examples of non- cases and news Choreography,
trends in Wastes(Manufacturi and residence spontaneous clips, video Assignments,
controlling ng) times of flows and documentaries of Reaction
pollution fro environmental pollutants with environmental Papers,
source Environment, pollutants affect very long problems, Projects,
through Government, Industry and the environment. residence times. Powerpoint Fieldtrip report
collection, the Society presentations,
treatment 1. Philippine .2Explain how the 2. Identify activities movies and videos
and reuse. Environment Code government acts which should and related to
2. TO 2. Environmental through policies should not be environment and
emphasize to Management for industries and sustained at a environmental
students the 3. Environmental the society to personal and problems and
value of Ethics mitigate these community level fieldtrips.
environment environmental to help in the
al ethics concerns. effort to rebound
2 which is a from
necessity environmental
nowadays. Finals Quizzes problems.
3. To put into Final Project: Participation
practice the in a Nationally Scheduled
topics Environmental Activity