Weaving 5 TH
Weaving 5 TH
Weaving 5 TH
Daily Objectives:
-Given PowerPoint Presentation on history and contemporary practice of tapestry,
students will be able to successfully create a personally relevant narrative in a sketch that
they can transfer to paper using markers.
Assessment Criteria: Notes: 1) Link criteria to objectives, 2) Include rubrics, etc. as attachments.
-Students choose a personally relevant narrative along the prompts of (favorite story of
yours from popular culture, personally significant story, or a made-up story of your
-Students are able to create a clean and complete final image using paper and markers
that demonstrates proper and clean use of the materials
Teaching Resources Needed to Support the Lesson: Note: All background materials, research
documents, and handouts should be listed below and included as attachments.
Weaving PowerPoint, Computer, Projector
Teacher Example & Explain Narrative Choices Students will be released to gather
1.Narrative from popular culture materials and select loom size and start
2.Narrative from personal experience brainstorming for their weaving.
3.Narrative of your creation
Explain size choices of looms and explain
time commitment (if you choose small you
might get to make 2 depending on progress)
Students will clean up materials and return
their narratives (if completed) to class box)
2.5 Name: Georgi Beck
Lesson Title: Mixed Media Narrative Tapestries Grade Level: 5th – 6th
Daily Objectives:
-Prepare looms with warp thread, tape, and scissors
-Watch and then begin tapestry using techniques taught in demonstration
-Complete paper narrative
Assessment Criteria: Notes: 1) Link criteria to objectives, 2) Include rubrics, etc. as attachments.
-Students will prepare their loom warp correctly with proper tautness and tape
-Students will be able to correctly use techniques in their weaving including tabby
weave, rya know, and pile weave. Students will be able to use techniques of their choice
but will mainly focus on using complementary or similar colors present in their paper
-Students will skillfully use markers to complete their paper narrative with
Teaching Resources Needed to Support the Lesson: Note: All background materials, research
documents, and handouts should be listed below and included as attachments.
Printed handouts of weaving techniques, PowerPoint of techniques,
Students will gather round and watch
demonstration on how to warp loom using Students will gather round and watch
warp thread, scissors, and tape. These looms the warping demo
are premade cardboard looms, so all
students have to do is warp the thread.
Students will then be released to gather Students will be released to finish paper
materials and take turns by table to get warp narrative and warp loom
thread. While students are waiting, they will
work on paper narrative.
Once students start to finish paper narrative, Students will watch demonstration
teacher will ask students to put materials to videos
the side and look up to the screen. Teacher
will project video of the three techniques
(tabby weave, rya knot, and pile weave).
Teacher will also discuss how to start and
end thread.
Teacher will orient students to:
1.Yarn and needle location
2.Proper use and care of materials (don’t
leave piles, take enough thread but not too
3.Color and technique choice to emphasize
or extend their narrative
Students will clean up and put away
3.5 Name: Georgi Beck
Lesson Title: Mixed Media Narrative Tapestries Grade Level: 5th – 6th
Daily Objectives:
-Begin or continue weaving fibers and completed paper narrative onto finished loom
Assessment Criteria: Notes: 1) Link criteria to objectives, 2) Include rubrics, etc. as attachments.
-Students will skillfully use techniques of tabby weave, rya knot, and pile weave to create
a unified and well-crafted tapestry
-Students incorporated fibers and paper narrative with textures and colors that match or
advance the narrative
-Students take care of materials and use them properly
Teaching Resources Needed to Support the Lesson: Note: All background materials, research
documents, and handouts should be listed below and included as attachments.
Weaving technique handouts (2 per table)
Conclusion: (5 minutes)
Students will clean up materials
4.5 Name: Georgi Beck
Lesson Title: Mixed Media Narrative Tapestries Grade Level: 5th – 6th
Daily Objectives:
-Begin or continue weaving fibers and completed paper narrative onto finished loom
Assessment Criteria: Notes: 1) Link criteria to objectives, 2) Include rubrics, etc. as attachments.
-Students will skillfully use techniques of tabby weave, rya knot, and pile weave to create
a unified and well-crafted tapestry
-Students incorporated fibers and paper narrative with textures and colors that match or
advance the narrative
-Students take care of materials and use them properly
Teaching Resources Needed to Support the Lesson: Note: All background materials, research
documents, and handouts should be listed below and included as attachments.
Weaving technique handouts (2 per table)
Conclusion: (5 minutes)
Students will clean up materials
5.5 Name: Georgi Beck
Lesson Title: Mixed Media Narrative Tapestries Grade Level: 5th – 6th
Daily Objectives:
-Begin or continue weaving fibers and completed paper narrative onto finished loom
Assessment Criteria: Notes: 1) Link criteria to objectives, 2) Include rubrics, etc. as attachments.
-Students will skillfully use techniques of tabby weave, rya knot, and pile weave to create
a unified and well-crafted tapestry
-Students incorporated fibers and paper narrative with textures and colors that match or
advance the narrative
-Students take care of materials and use them properly
Teaching Resources Needed to Support the Lesson: Note: All background materials, research
documents, and handouts should be listed below and included as attachments.
Weaving technique handouts (2 per table)
Students will be released to gather materials
and get to work.
Students will clean up materials