Sun-Seeking Eternal Flight Solar-Powered Airplane For Venus Exploration
Sun-Seeking Eternal Flight Solar-Powered Airplane For Venus Exploration
Sun-Seeking Eternal Flight Solar-Powered Airplane For Venus Exploration
Venus Exploration
Zhu Xiongfeng 1; Guo Zheng 2; and Hou Zhongxi 3
Abstract: A novel sun-seeking eternal flight solar-powered airplane (SESPA) for Venus exploration is proposed with consideration of the
high atmospheric density and long rotation period of Venus. The flight track is in accordance with the latitude circle of Venus. The flight speed
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equals the resultant velocity of the zonal wind speed and the rotation speed of Venus, and the flight direction is opposite to the resultant
velocity. The SESPA can fly consistently at daytime under the local midday, thus increasing the utilization ratio of solar cells and eliminating
the need for a battery. This feature reduces the system complexity and mission costs of the SESPA. This paper introduces the atmospheric
characteristics of Venus and analyzes the feasibility of a SESPA for Venus exploration. A set of constraints of realizing sun-seeking
eternal flight is derived. The designed SESPA is feasible for the atmospheric flight only when all constraints have been satisfied. Finally,
the favorable flight condition for the SESPA is analyzed. The result shows the feasible flight altitude of the SESPA ranges from 71.5–75 km.
DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)AS.1943-5525.0000465. © 2014 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: Venus; Solar-powered airplane; Sun-seeking eternal flight; High-altitude long endurance; Planetary probe.
Introduction which are difficult to carry out long-duration mission due to the
extremely high temperature and pressure on the surface of Venus.
Venus is the second planet from the Sun. The radius of Venus is Recently, a number of studies on Venus exploration probes have
6,052 km, which is slightly less than the radius of Earth been conducted. Gilmorea et al. (2005) studied balloon experi-
(i.e., 6,371 km). The gravitational acceleration of Venus is 8.87 m=s2 , ments for Venus and the Venus flyer robot. Klaasena and Greeley
which is comparable to the 9.8 m=s2 of Earth. Venus also has a (2003) studied the Venus exploration of volcanoes and atmosphere,
thick atmosphere. However, the atmosphere of Venus is approxi- which is also based on balloon vehicles. Other researchers (Moroz
mately composed of 96.4% CO2 and has a runaway greenhouse 1981; Smith and West 1983; Landis 2001, 2006; Landis et al. 2002,
effect (Landis et al. 2003). The temperature of the surface is nearly 2003, 2005; Colozza 2004a, b; Colozza and Landis 2005) sug-
500°C, which decreases to −100°C at the 100-km altitude of the gested the use of solar-powered airplanes for Venus exploration.
outer atmosphere (Smith and West 1983; Landis et al. 2003). These scientists have also initiated a preliminary design process
The atmosphere of Venus contains small amounts of O2 but high on the size constraint of the Pioneer Venus aeroshell. This design
amounts of H2 SO4 , free sulfur, and trace contaminants. The envi- channels a new approach for Venus exploration.
ronment of Venus has attracted the attention of scientists (Landis This paper focuses on the development of a solar-powered air-
et al. 2003). The scientific exploration of terrestrial planets, such as plane for Venus exploration. Venus has the slowest rotation among
Venus and Mars, aims to reveal the evolution of the solar system, the planets in the solar system. The day period of Venus is 243 Earth
the origin of life, and the feasibility of immigration to outer space. days, and the sidereal year period is 224 Earth days. Only 1 Venus
Different kinds of exploration vehicles have been sent to Venus, day and 1 Venus night occur during 1 Venus year. The rotation speed
such as Venera and Vega from the Soviet Union, and Pioneer Venus of Venus is considerably slow in that the linear velocity in the equator
and Magellan missions from the United States (Landis et al. 2005). is only 3.7 m=s (13.4 km=h; Landis et al. 2003), which is less than
Some of these vehicles use the gravity of Venus to gather informa- most level flight speeds of terrestrial prototype solar-powered air-
tion while descending toward the surface or use manufactured bal- planes, such as Helios (Noll et al. 2004), Qinetiq (2012), and
loons to sail along the wind of Venus. These techniques result in Sky-Sailor (Noth et al. 2006). However, the feasibility of a solar-
limited coverage area and poor vehicular control. Some vehicles powered airplane that can fly a track while continuously seeking
are orbiting spacecraft however with the disadvantage of low res- the sun remains in question. Thus, a novel sun-seeking eternal flight
olution. Some other vehicles such as Venera are lander vehicles, solar-powered airplane (SESPA) is proposed in this paper (Zhu et al.
2013). The SESPA requires that the level flight speed should not be
Ph.D. Candidate, College of Aerospace Sciences and Engineering, less than the resultant velocity of the zonal wind speed and the
National Univ. of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, China rotation speed of Venus. The slow rotation speed of Venus is favor-
(corresponding author). E-mail: [email protected]; zhuxiongfeng@ able for SESPA compared with other planets or planetary satellites, such as Mars, Titan, and Earth. Compared with conventional solar-
Professor, College of Aerospace Sciences and Engineering, National powered airplanes, SESPA can cruise continuously at daytime
Univ. of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, China. under local midday, thus allowing the solar cell to work constantly
Professor, College of Aerospace Sciences and Engineering, National
at a state of ultimate utilization. Onboard batteries are not needed
Univ. of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, China.
Note. This manuscript was submitted on May 8, 2014; approved on
because SESPA does not have to work at night. The SESPA has
August 27, 2014; published online on October 9, 2014. Discussion period abundant power that can decrease the dimensions of the vehicle,
open until March 9, 2015; separate discussions must be submitted for in- thus enhancing system reliability and economic efficiency.
dividual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Aerospace Engineer- The feasibility of realizing SESPA for Venus exploration is
ing, © ASCE, ISSN 0893-1321/04014127(7)/$25.00. discussed in this paper. The appropriate flight altitude is further
Altitude [km]
Altitude [km]
T I/I0
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T [k]
present SESPA (Fig. 3), the parasitic drag coefficient CDp is as-
signed as 0.005]; and CDi is the induced drag coefficient, which
is computed as a function of the aspect ratio AR and Oswald’s fac-
tor e. The induced drag coefficient is expressed as (Romeo and
Frulla 2002; Romeo et al. 2004; Noth 2008)
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CDi ¼ ð9Þ
R¼ ð10Þ
where L = mean aerodynamic chord, which is estimated by the
geometry chord (for this paper, the chord is 0.4 m); and μ =
dynamic viscosity, which is related to the nature of the gas and
Altitude [km]
cient are substituted into Eq. (8) to produce the total drag coeffi-
cient, which should be less than the maximum drag coefficient
according to Eq. (7). Combining Eqs. (7) and (8), researchers
can achieve the boundary of the induced drag coefficient
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0.4 Re=200,000 The wing loading versus flight altitude is plotted (Fig. 9). Fig. 9
0.2 Re=400,000
shows the wing loading of the SESPA is decreasing with the incre-
ment of flight altitude. The wing loading interval is from
0 70 to 160 N=m2 , which is compared greater than that of Zephyr
7 [approximately 25 N=m2 per Qinetiq (2012)] and Helios
−0.2 [approximately 39 N=m2 per Noll et al. (2004)]. Larger wing load-
ing is favorable for solar-powered airplane since the structure can
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 be made much strengthened and the airplane can carry much more
D payload. Considering the gravitational acceleration of Venus is
8.87 m=s2 , the total mass of the SESPA is approximately from
Fig. 7. Polars of AG 27 for different Reynolds numbers
7.89 to 18.04 kg, in view of different designed flight altitude.