emulate the mechanics of TSR era D&D but allow for game settings
outside of the fantasy genre.
What is the OSR?
The Old School Renaissance focuses on systems, modules and
gameplay based around the early TSR era editions of Dungeons
• Stars Without Number
& Dragons, namely OD&D (LBB or 0e), D&D Basic/Expert
• Machinations of the Space Princess
(B/X), the Rules Cyclopedia (RC) and AD&D (1e and 2e).
From Wikipedia: “The general ethic of OSR-style play
• Silent Legions
emphasizes spontaneous rulings from the referee, or Game
• Dark Places & Demogorgons
Master, over set rules found in a book. The idea is for the players
to engage with the fantasy as much as possible, and have the
referee arbitrate the outcomes of their specific actions in real
• Mutant Future
• Other Dust
The idea of game balance is also de-emphasized in favor of a
• Ruinations
system which tests players skill and ingenuity in often strange or
unfair situations. The players should expect to lose if they merely
Feudal Japan:
pit their numbers against the monsters, and should instead
• Ruins and Ronins
attempt to outwit or outmaneuver challenges placed in their way.
Keeping maps comes highly recommended.”
Stone Age:
• Wolfpacks & Winter Snow
OSR games emphasize dungeon and wilderness exploration, with
resource management (in the form of rations, light sources and
spells) and time-keeping being vital to proper gameplay.
• Engines & Empires
• Hideouts & Hoodlums
• Mystery Men
• Boot Hill
• Trove #1
• Trove #2
• OSR Sandbox
• OSR Tools and Resources
• OSR Blogs