Low-Fidelity Aerostructural Optimization of Aircraft Wings With A Simplified Wingbox Model Using Openaerostruct
Low-Fidelity Aerostructural Optimization of Aircraft Wings With A Simplified Wingbox Model Using Openaerostruct
Low-Fidelity Aerostructural Optimization of Aircraft Wings With A Simplified Wingbox Model Using Openaerostruct
Shamsheer S. Chauhan( )
and Joaquim R. R. A. Martins
1 Introduction
Due to their low cost, vortex lattice method (VLM) codes and simple finite
element method (FEM) models remain popular and useful for preliminary air-
craft wing design, despite the availability of higher-fidelity tools. Drela [1] used
multiple tools including a VLM code and an aircraft design framework with sim-
plified analytical structural models for the development of the D8 configuration,
an unconventional transport aircraft configuration. Elham and van Tooren [2]
2 Formulation
Typically, transport aircraft wings are designed with structures called wingboxes.
The upper and lower wing skins primarily support the bending loads on the
wing, and the two spars primarily support the shear loads. The skins and spars
together also provide a closed loop for the torsional shear flow, allowing them
to support torsional loads efficiently. This section describes how we model such
a structure using beam elements.
As with the standard OAS, we use the same user-provided VLM meshes for
both the VLM and the FEM. The FEM uses the spanwise spacing of the VLM
mesh for the beam elements. Figure 1 illustrates an FEM mesh superimposed
on a user-provided VLM mesh. The shaded boxes illustrate the segments of the
https://github.com/shamsheersc19/OpenAeroStruct/tree/mpt wingbox
wingbox structure that are represented by these FEM elements. For the FEM,
section properties of these segments, for cross-sections normal to the elements,
are required.
FEM elements
VLM mesh
Fig. 1: A planform view of a wing mesh showing the VLM mesh and the FEM
mesh with representative wingbox segments
Ae tspar
For each finite element that the wing structure is discretized into, the area
moments of inertia about two axes, the torsion constant, and the cross-sectional
area are required. We estimate these using user-specified wingbox coordinates,
which are coordinates of the portion of the airfoil that the wingbox occupies
(e.g., airfoil coordinates of the 15%- to 65%-chord portion of an airfoil). Fig-
ure 2 illustrates how the cross-section of each element is modeled using these
The moments of inertia and area contributions of the skins are estimated
using parallelograms formed by extruding the lines connecting the coordinates
in the element’s local y-direction by the skin thickness. The moments of inertia
and area contributions of the spars are estimated using rectangles as shown in
Fig. 2. For each wingbox segment, we use the same skin thickness, tskin , for
both the upper and lower skins, and the same spar thickness, tspar , for both the
forward and rear spars. Also, we compute the chord length for each segment by
taking the mean of the chord lengths at its nodes.
Here, Ae is the enclosed area of the cross-section defined by the wall midlines,
ds is the length of a differential element along the wall midlines, and t is the
corresponding wall thickness.
We compute the enclosed area, Ae , for each cross-section by summing areas
of trapezoids that together Hform the blue shaded region outlined by dashed lines
in Fig. 2. We estimate the ds t term in Eq. (1) by computing the lengths of the
dashed line segments shown in Fig. 2 divided by their corresponding thicknesses.
For transferring loads from the VLM to the FEM, we require the location
of the shear center along the chord for each wingbox segment. If the wingbox
cross-section has two axes of symmetry, then the shear center coincides with
the centroid of the cross-section. However, in general, wingbox cross-sections are
not symmetric, and finding the exact shear center of closed asymmetric cross-
sections is an involved task [13]. To maintain simplicity, we estimate the location
of the shear center along the chord as the average location of the outer edges
of the spars, weighted by their areas. While there will be some error associated
with this estimate, we expect this to be small, especially for typical wingbox
cross-sections which are close to doubly symmetric.
yi+1 − yi yi+1 − yi + tskin
a= , b= , and c = zi+1 − zi . (3)
zi+1 − zi 2
We also compute the area moment of inertia of each parallelogram on the lower
skin about their centroids using Eq. (2). However, the following modified formu-
las for a and b are required:
yi+1 − yi −yi+1 + yi + tskin
a(lower) = − and b(lower) = . (4)
zi+1 − zi 2
Here, zi , yi , zi+1 , and yi+1 are consecutive user-specified wingbox coordinates as
shown in Fig. 3. Then we use the parallel-axis theorem to adjust the moments
of inertia calculated using the above formulas to moments of inertia about the
neutral axis. For the contribution of the spars, we use the standard formulas for
rectangular cross-sections.
Computing the area moment of inertia about the neutral axis parallel to
the local y-axis is less involved and is carried out using the area moment of
inertia formulas for a rectangle. Using the area moment of inertia formulas for a
rectangle is also valid here for the parallelograms representing the skins because
these parallelograms are simply rectangles sheared in the y-direction.
3 Loads
OAS transfers aerodynamic forces computed using the VLM to the FEM struc-
ture in a consistent and work-conservative manner [5]. For our modified version,
we add additional loads for the weight of the wing structure and the weight of
the fuel to these aerodynamic loads. For simplicity, we assume that the weight
of the fuel is distributed across the entire wing and that the fraction of the to-
tal fuel that each wingbox segment (corresponding to each finite element) holds
is equal to the ratio of its enclosed volume to the total enclosed volume of all
the wingbox segments. We also assume that the fuel weight for each segment is
distributed uniformly across each segment and coincides with the elastic axis.
(zi , yi )
(zi+1 , yi+1 )
We apply these distributed loads as point loads to the nodes of the elements by
computing the work-equivalent nodal forces and moments.
In a similar manner, we assume that the loads corresponding to the weight
of each wingbox segment (computed using the length, cross-sectional area, and
material density) are distributed uniformly along the elastic axis of each segment
and apply them to the element nodes by computing the work-equivalent nodal
forces and moments.
4 Stress Analysis
After OAS converges the aerostructural system, the displacements from the
FEM are used to compute von Mises stresses. For each wingbox segment, mul-
tiple combinations of stresses need to be taken into consideration. In level flight
and positive-g maneuver cases, the upper skin will be subjected to compressive
stresses due to bending, and shear stresses due to torsion. The lower skin will
be subjected to tensile stresses due to bending, and shear stresses due to tor-
sion. The spars will primarily support shear stresses due to both torsion and
shear loads, and some axial stresses due to bending. Figure 4 shows the stress
combinations that we are interested in.
Compressive bending stress due to lift
Tensile bending stress due to drag + compressive bending stress due to drag
+ shear stress due to lift + shear stress due to torsional loads
+ shear stress due to torsional loads
Tensile bending stress due to lift Compressive bending stress due to drag
+ tensile bending stress due to drag + shear stress due to lift
+ shear stress due to torsional loads + shear stress due to torsional loads
To simplify the stress analysis, we focus on the four stress combinations shown
in Fig. 4 to represent the worst loading combinations. To compute the maximum
(in magnitude) bending stresses for the upper and lower surfaces, we need the
distances of the points that are the farthest away from the neutral axis. Since
this requires using a maximum function, which is problematic for gradient-based
optimization, we use the Kreisselmeier–Steinhauser (KS) function [14]. To reduce
numerical difficulties we use the alternative formulation described by Lambe
et al. [15]. The bending stresses computed using these distances are combined
with the maximum bending stresses in the spars, and the torsional shear stress
to obtain a conservative estimate of the maximum von Mises stresses for the
combinations corresponding to the corners in Fig. 4. Since we assume that the
spars stay parallel to the local y-axis, computing their distances from the neutral
axis is straightforward and does not require using a KS function. For the spars, we
combine the maximum transverse shear stresses, the maximum bending stresses
(due to loads in the local z-direction), and the torsional shear stress. After the
von Mises stresses are computed, we aggregate them using the KS function for
a single stress constraint. Note that Fig. 4 is used for illustrative purposes and,
in general, the lift and drag forces will not line up with the element local z- and
5 Optimization Problem
One of the goals of this paper is to compare optimization results from OAS
and our wingbox model to results from a framework that uses high-fidelity CFD
and FEA. Brooks et al. [16] present optimization results for the aspect-ratio-
9 undeflected common research model (uCRM-9) wing, which is an undeflected
version of the CRM wing [4], a transport aircraft wing similar in size to a Boeing
777 wing. They use RANS CFD for the aerodynamics and an FEM model with
shell elements for the wing structure [16, 17]. The objective of their optimization
problem is to minimize fuel burn by varying aerodynamic shape and structural
sizing variables. For a robust aerodynamic design, they compute their objective
function by averaging the fuel burn for five cruise conditions (Mach numbers
ranging from 0.84 to 0.86 and lift coefficients ranging from 0.475 to 0.525). In
addition, they have two flight points for buffet constraints. For structural sizing,
they use a 2.5 g maneuver case, a −1 g maneuver case, and a 1 g cruise gust case.
Their design variables include angle of attack, tail trim angle, wing twist,
airfoil shape variables, and structural sizing variables. They model stiffeners for
the wingbox using a smeared stiffness approach [18] and also include buckling
constraints. They obtained an optimized wing structural mass of 23,840 kg and
an average fuel burn of 94,037 kg.
We try to replicate their optimization problem closely for comparison. Table 1
lists the specifications and parameters used by Brooks et al. [16] that we also
use for this work. We use a wing mesh, based on the uCRM-9 [17], with seven
streamwise nodes and 26 spanwise nodes for the semispan (mesh shown in Fig. 5).
Since we do not model a fuselage, the wings extend to the aircraft centerline.
Table 2 summarizes our optimization problem. We use a multipoint opti-
mization with a cruise flight point and a 2.5 g maneuver flight point. Minimizing
the fuel burn at cruise is the objective and we use a single point at the nominal
cruise CL , altitude, and Mach number listed in Table 1 to compute it. We use the
gradient-based optimizer SNOPT [19] to solve the optimization problem, with
optimality and feasibility tolerances set to 5 × 10−6 and 10−8 , respectively.
For structural sizing, we use a 2.5 g maneuver case with the lift constrained to
equal the weight. We use B-splines with six control points each to vary the wing
twist, streamwise thickness-to-chord ratio, spar thickness, and skin thickness.
We use the same thickness distribution for both the upper and lower skins, and
the same thickness distribution for both the forward and rear spars. The bounds
for the wing twist, thickness-to-chord ratio, and thickness design variables are
−15◦ and 15◦ , 0.07 and 0.2, and 0.003 m and 0.1 m, respectively.
Since we do not model the fuselage or tail surfaces, we estimate the unac-
counted coefficient of drag for the fuselage and horizontal tail to be 0.0043. We
used turbulent skin friction and form-factor formulas from Raymer [20], and the
dimensions of the Boeing 777-200 for this. We further add a coefficient of drag of
0.0035 to this for the vertical tail, nacelles, and pylons (estimate used by Brooks
et al. [16]). For the wingbox model used by Brooks et al. [16], at the root, the
forward spar is located at the 10% chord location and the rear spar is located
at the 60% chord location. At the wingtip, their forward spar is located at the
35% chord location and the rear spar is located at the 60% chord location. For
simplicity, we set the forward spar to be at the 10% chord location and the rear
spar to be at the 60% chord location for the entire wing. We use airfoil coordi-
nates of the 10% to 60% portion of the NASA SC2-0612 supercritical airfoil for
the wingbox cross-section shape. The thickness-to-chord ratio design variables
scale these coordinates. Like Brooks et al. [16], for this optimization problem, we
compute the weight of the wing structure by multiplying the weight computed
from the FEM model by 1.25 to account for the weight of fasteners, overlaps,
and other unaccounted components in the wing structure.
6 Results
Figure 5 shows our first set of optimization results. The lift distribution for the
2.5 g maneuver case is more triangular than the cruise case. This is expected
because moving the lift further inboard for the 2.5 g case, which determines the
structural sizing, is beneficial for reducing stresses and weight. We also observe
a lower twist at the wingtip compared to the midspan and the root. This is
expected as it helps obtain the optimal lift distributions. However, due to the
different fidelities being used, there are differences in the shapes of the distribu-
tions in Fig. 5 and the optimized distributions obtained by Brooks et al. [16, 17].
For example, the thickness-to-chord ratios obtained by Brooks et al. [16] (for the
uCRM-9) first decrease and then increase when moving from the root to the tip.
2 2.5 g
normalized lift 1 elliptical
twist [deg] 8
thickness to chord 0.125
thickness [m] 0.02 skin
0.01 spar
The optimized thickness-to-chord ratios are relatively large for this case,
between 0.12 and 0.16, in the midsection of each semispan. OAS computes in-
duced drag from the VLM, and parasitic drag using skin friction and form-factor
formulas found in Raymer [20]. However, wave drag, which is an important con-
sideration for the design of transonic aircraft, is not included. This explains why
we obtain these relatively large thickness-to-chord ratios. The optimized spar
thicknesses range between 3 and 5 mm, and the optimized skin thicknesses range
between 3 and 16 mm. Brooks et al. [16] obtained spar thicknesses between 5
and 16 mm, skin thicknesses between 3 and 22 mm, and thickness-to-chord ra-
tios between 0.07 and 0.11. Our optimized wing structural mass for this case is
14,830 kg. This is 38% lower than the optimized wing structural mass reported
by Brooks et al. [16]. The large differences between our results can be explained
by the larger thickness-to-chord ratios that the lack of wave drag allows.
Next, we add a wave-drag computation to OAS. We use the following rela-
tions [21] for the drag based on the Korn equation:
κ t/c CL 0.1
Mcrit = − − − (5)
cos Λ cos2 Λ 10 cos3 Λ 80
CD,wave = 20(M − Mcrit )4 . (6)
Here, M is the flight Mach number, Mcrit is the critical Mach number, κ is an
airfoil-technology factor (set to 0.95 for NASA supercritical airfoils), t/c is the
streamwise thickness-to-chord ratio, CL is the wing coefficient of lift, and Λ is
the sweep angle. We compute cos Λ, by averaging the cosines of the quarter-
chord sweep angles for each spanwise segment of the VLM mesh, weighted by
their areas. Similarly, we compute the average thickness-to-chord ratio, t/c, by
averaging the thickness-to-chord ratios corresponding to each spanwise segment,
weighted by their areas.
Figure 6 shows our optimization results including the wave drag computa-
tion. We notice similar results for the lift and twist distributions as the previous
case. However, now we obtain a thinner wing (thickness-to-chord ratios between
0.07 and 0.12) with thicker spars (between 3 and 10 mm) and thicker skins (be-
tween 3 and 25 mm). These thickness ranges are closer to the ranges obtained by
Brooks et al. [16] (spar thicknesses between 5 and 16 mm, and skin thicknesses
between 3 and 22 mm). This also translates to a larger wing mass than before
of 21,468 kg, which is 10% less than the wing mass of 23,840 kg obtained by
Brooks et al. [16]. Note that these wing mass values are the masses computed
from the wingbox structural models (combined total for both semispans) and do
not include the 1.25 factor mentioned earlier. Since Brooks et al. [16] also con-
sider buckling constraints and model ribs, which we do not, our lower wing mass
is not surprising. These numbers are also comparable to the mass of 22,988 kg
obtained by Klimmek [22] for the CRM using a doublet lattice method (DLM)
code and a detailed FEM model. Our optimized fuel burn value is 96,239 kg,
which is 2% greater than the fuel burn value of 94,037 kg obtained by Brooks et
al. [16]. Table 3 summarizes the optimized fuel burn and structural mass values.
Although these final values show good agreement, there are differences in the
shapes of our optimized distributions and the results of Brooks et al. [16]. This
2 2.5 g
normalized lift 1 elliptical
twist [deg] 8
thickness to chord 0.125
thickness [m] 0.02
Fig. 6: Optimization results for the case with wave drag estimates
Table 3: Optimized fuel burn and wing structural mass values (percentage dif-
ferences relative to Brooks et al. [16] are shown in parentheses)
OAS + wingbox Brooks et al. [16]
without wave drag with wave drag
Wing structural mass [kg] 14,830.13 (−38.8%) 21,467.66 (−10.0%) 23,840
Fuel burn [kg] 93,196.07 (−0.9%) 96,239.07 (+2.3%) 94,037
is expected due to the differences in the fidelities of our models, and requires
side-by-side comparison and further investigation to explain the details.
7 Conclusion
We developed a simplified wingbox model and implemented it for use with Ope-
nAeroStruct. This modified version of OpenAeroStruct is open-source and pub-
licly available. We optimized a wing based on the CRM wing and compared the
results to results from Brooks et al. [16], who use high-fidelity models. Our op-
timized wing mass value is 10% lower and our optimized fuel burn value is 2%
higher than their results. As expected due to the differences in the fidelities of
our models, there are differences in the optimized twist, thickness-to-chord ra-
tio, and structural thickness distributions. In contrast to 48 h on 1000 processors
required by Brooks et al. [16], these optimizations with OpenAeroStruct require
Acknowledgements. We would like to thank John Jasa for his support with
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