Worldcom - Executive Summary Company Background
Worldcom - Executive Summary Company Background
Worldcom - Executive Summary Company Background
WorldCom Scandal
In 1999, WorldCom’s revenue growth slowed and stock price began to fall. WorldCom’s
expenses increased as its earnings growth rate dropped. This meant WorldCom’s
earnings might not meet Wall Street analyst’s expectations. In order to increase revenue,
the company reduced the amount of money it held in reserve by $2.8 billion to cover
liabilities for the acquired companies and moved this money into the revenue line of its
financial statements. In 2000, Ebbers began to classify operating expenses as long-term
capital investments for $3.85 billion. With the alliance of WorldCom’s Chief Financial
Officer, Accounting Department Director, Management Reporting Department Director,
Controller and Legal Entity Accounting Director, Ebbers made entries to falsify financial
reports with no documentation or justification. These changes turned WorldCom’s losses
into profits and made WorldCom’s assets appear more valuable.
WorldCom manipulated their profits using the infamous ‘cookie jar’ accounting technique
where the company build up reserves of expenses in one period and take advantage of
them in another period. The company created excess revenues for future expenses.
WorldCom falsely portrayed itself as a profitable business when it was not, and concealed
large losses suffered by improperly released certain reserves held against operating
expenses. The company also improperly classify operating expenses as capital
expenditures. WorldCom transferred the amounts in order to keep earnings in line with
the analyst’s projected earnings. This fraudulent accounting practices materially
understated the company’s expenses and materially overstated its earnings.
We think that Arthur Anderson, external auditor for WorldCom had lost its independence
when conducting audit. Both Sullivan (CFO) and Myers (Controller) had worked for
Anderson before joining WorldCom. Also, Andersen’s close relationship with Ebbers,
resulted in lack of professional scepticism. They had conflict of interest whereby they felt
more responsible for their client rather than upholding their fiduciary responsibility.
Moreover, maybe Arthur wanted to maintain WorldCom as their client because of
WorldCom’s high reputation.
Q3 - How should WorldCom’s board of directors have prevented the manipulations that
management used?
Good managers make bad ethical choices because of the rationalization that the
manipulation is for company’s best interest and will never be found out. WorldCom’ board
of directors should have prevented the manipulations that management used by
establishing standard code of ethics. This could have been done by reviewing and
comparing the financial statements carefully and demanded for actions to be taken if there
were mistakes. Board members should question management when needed which
results in failure to protect the interest of shareholders of the company. Moreover, the
board of directors should have implemented better internal control procedure to prevent
Q5 - Why would board of directors approve giving its Chair and CEO loans of over $408
The board of directors approved giving its Chair and CEO loans of over $408 million
clearly because they felt the money was used for buying shares back into the company.
Also, it was described in company’s records as helping Ebbers to meet margin calls on
personal loans secured by his own WorldCom’s stock holdings. The mix of the Board and
close ties to Ebbers led to the Board’s lack of awareness on WorldCom’s issues. The
Board was inactive and met only about four times a year which was not enough for a
growing company at that time.
Q6 - How can a board ensure that whistleblowers will come forward to tell them about
questionable activities?
The board can ensure that whistleblowers will come forward to tell them about
questionable activities in order to help the company prevent financial losses caused by
fraud by creating ethical atmosphere. Board can encourage whistle blowers to come
forward by informing them that doing so will not hurt their employment or allow them to
be victimized. Board must ensure that whistle blower will be protected from revenge as a
result of good efforts to expose unethical activities. Moreover, they can be offered some
sort of incentives for whistle blowing in a company.
Discussion case
Tyco International Corporate Scandal 2002
Case Issue
The case of Tyco corporate scandal of 2002 was due to unethical business practices of
a number of its top-ranking officers, especially CEO Kozlowski. Kozlowski was involved
in numerous financial transactions that were not included in the financial reports of the
company. Kozlowski was also involved in unethical transactions with other Tyco officers
and lower ranking employees to cover up for his’s illegal financial transactions. He even
got outsiders involved in the problem when his second wife received money diverted from
the firm. Court proceedings proved that Kozlowski stole millions of dollars from Tyco, and
that his illegal financial transactions were extensive. Kozlowski and other officers from
Tyco were imprisoned. Tyco declined as investors lost confidence in the company. The
following are the issues that involved with conflict of interest that were in the discussion:
As a conclusion, both WorldCom and Tyco scandal was due to unethical practices. The
manipulation of accounts occurs because of lack in internal control and to show good
financial statement for the investors. A good way to avoid management oversights is to
have an environment where controls matter and business performed in accordance with
law and ethical practices. It is up to top management to send a pragmatic message to all
employees that good ethics is foundation of good business. Board of directors and
auditors need to have healthy level of scepticism to keep the controls working efficiently.