Dll-g10 Novemebr 4-8, 2019 g12 Pe
Dll-g10 Novemebr 4-8, 2019 g12 Pe
Dll-g10 Novemebr 4-8, 2019 g12 Pe
B. Performance Standards The learner leads dance events with proficiency and confidence resulting in independent pursuit and in influencing others positively
II. CONTENT Modern and Modern and Contemporary Modern and Contemporary Modern and Contemporary Modern and Contemporary
Contemporary Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance
research of Video Lesson or pictures research of Video Lesson or pictures ( Note: research of Video Lesson or pictures ( Note:
B. Other Learning Resources ( Note: Please specify the URL of the Please specify the URL of the website/s and Please specify the URL of the website/s and
research of Video Lesson or research of Video Lesson
website/s and acknowledge the author/s) acknowledge the author/s) acknowledge the author/s) pictures ( Note: Please or pictures ( Note: Please
specify the URL of the specify the URL of the
website/s and acknowledge website/s and acknowledge
the author/s) .html the author/s)
A. Reviewing previous Activity 1: Play & Stop Activity 1: Play & Stop Activity 1: Play & Stop Activity 1: Play & Stop Pick Activity 1: Play & Stop Pick
lessons or presenting the new Pick & Dance Pick & Dance Pick & Dance & Dance & Dance
The teacher will prepare The teacher will prepare a The teacher will prepare a The teacher will prepare a The teacher will prepare a
a strips written the strips written the modern strips written the modern strips written the modern strips written the modern
modern songs that is songs that is known songs that is known songs that is known songs that is known
known because of its because of its dance step because of its dance step because of its dance step to because of its dance step
dance step to be put to be put inside the box to be put inside the box be put inside the box and to be put inside the box and
inside the box and this and this box will be pass and this box will be pass this box will be pass around this box will be pass around
box will be pass around around the class as a around the class as a the class as a music is the class as a music is
the class as a music is music is playing when the music is playing when the playing when the music playing when the music
playing when the music music stop the one who music stop the one who stop the one who holds stop the one who holds
stop the one who holds holds holds the box will be going to pick the box will be going to pick
the box will be going to the box will be going to the box will be going to a strip of paper and he will a strip of paper and he will
pick a strip of paper and pick a strip of paper and pick a strip of paper and be going to do the dance be going to do the dance
he will be going to do he will be going to do the he will be going to do the step of that song. step of that song.
the dance step of that dance step of that song. dance step of that song. Bthe box will be going to Bthe box will be going to
song. Bthe box will be going to Bthe box will be going to pick a strip of paper and he pick a strip of paper and he
Bthe box will be going to pick a strip of paper and pick a strip of paper and will be going to do the will be going to do the
pick a strip of paper and he will be going to do the he will be going to do the dance step of that song. dance step of that song.
he will be going to do dance step of that song. dance step of that song.
the dance step of that
B. Establishing a purpose for Guide Question/s: Guide Question/s: Guide Question/s: Guide Question/s: Guide Question/s:
the lesson
Base from our activity, Base from our activity, Base from our activity, Base from our activity, what Base from our activity, what
what do you think is our what do you think is our what do you think is our do you think is our topic for do you think is our topic for
topic for today? topic for today? topic for today? today? today?
(Note: The teacher is (Note: The teacher is (Note: The teacher is (Note: The teacher is (Note: The teacher is
expected to deliver the expected to deliver the expected to deliver the expected to deliver the expected to deliver the
process questions and process questions and process questions and process questions and process questions and
leaner/s reponses to leaner/s reponses to leaner/s reponses to leaner/s reponses to leaner/s reponses to
deepen learning based deepen learning based on deepen learning based on deepen learning based on deepen learning based on
on the activity/or the activity/or motivation) the activity/or motivation) the activity/or motivation) the activity/or motivation)
C. Presenting examples/ Activity 2: Move On Activity 2: Move On Move Activity 2: Move On Move Activity 2: Move On Move Activity 2: Move On Move
instances of the new lesson Move On! Mechanics: On! Mechanics: The On! Mechanics: The On! Mechanics: The group On! Mechanics: The group
The group will be group will be divided into group will be divided into will be divided into 4 groups will be divided into 4 groups
divided into 4 groups 4 groups each group will 4 groups each group will each group will be going to each group will be going to
each group will be going be going to create a 2 be going to create a 2 create a 2 minute dance create a 2 minute dance
to create a 2 minute minute dance minute dance presentation in 5 minutes presentation in 5 minutes
dance presentation in 5 presentation in 5 minutes presentation in 5 minutes showing the daily showing the daily
minutes showing the showing the daily showing the daily household chores. household chores.
daily household chores. household chores. household chores. (Let the students perform (Let the students perform
(Let the students perform (Let the students perform the basic steps in the basic steps in
(Let the students the basic steps in the basic steps in modern/contemporary from modern/contemporary from
perform the basic steps modern/contemporary modern/contemporary the Activity 1.) the Activity 1.)
in modern/contemporary from the Activity 1.) from the Activity 1.)
from the Activity 1.)
D. Discussing new concepts Presentation of K-W-H-L Perform Activity 1 in LM Perform the suggested Perform Modified Activity: Perform Activity 4 in LM p.
and practicing new skills #1 chart. page 230 Activity in TG page 170 “Major Endocrine Glands 242-243 (Guide Questions)
(Connect the Dots) and Their Hormones”
E. Discussing new concepts Guided Question: What is Guided Question: What is Guided Question: What is Guided Question: What is the Guided Question: What is the
and practicing new skills #2 the essence of optimizing the essence of optimizing the essence of optimizing essence of optimizing your essence of optimizing your
your energy in improving your energy in improving your energy in improving energy in improving your energy in improving your
your performance your performance your performance performance performance
F. Developing mastery Activity 3: BACK TO Activity 3: BACK TO Activity 3: BACK TO Activity 3: BACK TO Activity 3: BACK TO
(Leads to Formative BASICS! Mechanics: a. BASICS! Mechanics: a. BASICS! Mechanics: a. BASICS! Mechanics: a. BASICS! Mechanics: a.
Assessment 3) Each group will be given Each group will be given Each group will be given Each group will be given Each group will be given
assigned concept to
assigned concept to focus assigned concept to focus assigned concept to focus assigned concept to focus
focus on. Group 1:
fueling for performance on. Group 1: fueling for on. Group 1: fueling for on. Group 1: fueling for on. Group 1: fueling for
Group 2: emotional performance Group 2: performance Group 2: performance Group 2: performance Group 2:
eating, Group 3: social emotional eating, Group emotional eating, Group emotional eating, Group 3: emotional eating, Group 3:
eating, Group 4: eating 3: social eating, Group 4: 3: social eating, Group 4: social eating, Group 4: social eating, Group 4:
while watching tv or eating while watching tv eating while watching tv or eating while watching tv or eating while watching tv or
dance events b. With or dance events b. With dance events b. With the dance events b. With the dance events b. With the
the assigned concept,
the assigned concept, assigned concept, each assigned concept, each assigned concept, each
each group will come up
with 2-3 minute each group will come up group will come up with 2- group will come up with 2-3 group will come up with 2-3
Contemporary Dance with 2-3 minute 3 minute Contemporary minute Contemporary minute Contemporary
Drama Contemporary Dance Dance Drama Dance Drama Dance Drama
c. Present it to the class. Drama
c. Present it to the class. c. Present it to the class. c. Present it to the class.
c. Present it to the class.
G. Finding practical Guided Question/s: 1. Guided Question/s: 1. How Guided Question/s: 1. How Guided Question/s: 1. How do Guided Question/s: 1. How
applications of concepts and How do you feel after do you feel after dancing? 2. do you feel after dancing? 2. you feel after dancing? 2. do you feel after dancing? 2.
skills in daily living
dancing? 2. What is the What is the importance of What is the importance of What is the importance of What is the importance of
importance of dancing in dancing in managing stress dancing in managing stress dancing in managing stress dancing in managing stress
managing stress
H. Making generalizations and The students will write The students will write their The students will write their The students will write their The students will write their
abstractions about the lesson their reflections about reflections about reflections about reflections about understaning reflections about
understaning on how to understaning on how to understaning on how to on how to relates health understaning on how to
relates health behaviors relates health behaviors relates health behaviors behaviors (eating habits, sleep relates health behaviors
(eating habits, sleep and (eating habits, sleep and (eating habits, sleep and and stress management) to (eating habits, sleep and
stress management) to stress management) to stress management) to health risks factors and stress management) to health
health risks factors and health risks factors and health risks factors and physical activity assessment risks factors and physical
physical activity physical activity assessment physical activity assessment performance in your daily life? activity assessment
assessment performance performance in your daily performance in your daily performance in your daily
in your daily life? life? life? life?
AND DO IT! will be AND DO IT! will be AND DO IT! will be DO IT! will be graded DO IT! will be graded
graded according to graded according to graded according to according to following according to following
following criteria: 4 pts- following criteria: 4 pts- following criteria: 4 pts- criteria: 4 pts-participation 4 criteria: 4 pts-participation 4
participation 4 pts – participation 4 pts – participation 4 pts – pts – gracefullness 4 pts- pts – gracefullness 4 pts-
gracefullness 4 pts- gracefullness 4 pts-proper gracefullness 4 pts-proper proper etiqutte/safety 4 pts- proper etiqutte/safety 4 pts-
proper etiqutte/safety 4 etiqutte/safety 4 pts- etiqutte/safety 4 pts- proper uniform proper uniform
pts- proper uniform proper uniform proper uniform
J. Additional activities for Ask the students to Ask the students to make Ask the students to make Ask the students to make a Ask the students to make a
application or remediation make a documentation a documentation of their a documentation of their documentation of their documentation of their
of their eating habit by eating habit by taking eating habit by taking eating habit by taking eating habit by taking
taking selfies every time selfies every time they eat selfies every time they eat selfies every time they eat selfies every time they eat
they eat and upload it in and upload it in an album and upload it in an album and upload it in an album and upload it in an album
an album on FB account on FB account which is on FB account which is on FB account which is pre- on FB account which is pre-
which is pre- created by pre- created by teacher pre- created by teacher created by teacher for this created by teacher for this
teacher for this given for this given content for this given content given content given content
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the Evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lesson
works? No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why did
these works?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovations or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other